GRAYS HARBOR COLLEGE Aberdeen, Washington Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees

Aberdeen, Washington
Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees
January 22, 2013
Members Present:
Mr. Art Blauvelt, Ms. Rebecca Chaffee, Ms. Denise Portmann, Mr. Randy Rust
Members Absent:
Ms. Fawn Sharp
Others Present:
Ms. Anne Birch, Dr. Ed Brewster, Ms. Laurie Clary, Mr. Michael Cooper,
Ms. Sandy Lloyd, Ms. Barbara McCullough, Mr. Dierk Meierbachtol,
Ms. Carol O’Neal, Dr. Arlene Torgerson, Ms. Gail Winkelman, Ms. Sandy Zelasko
1. Call to Order
Chair Ms. Portmann called the meeting to order.
2. Agenda Changes
Dr. Torgerson asked to add an agenda item to her report. Her request was approved.
3. Approval of Minutes
It was moved and seconded to approve the minutes from the November 19, 2012 meeting. Motion
4. Awards and Recognition
GHC Transforming Lives Nomine, Ms. Miki Cabell, was on the agenda to be recognized by the
Board but was unable to attend the meeting.
5. Public Comments
6. Board Development
Exceptional Faculty Development Award recipient, Ms. Carol O’Neal showed a DVD that was
developed by her and Ms. Anne Birch. It demonstrated twenty-two essential skills competencies that
CNA students need to receive their license.
7. Student Success
a. GISS Video – At Ms. Chaffee’s request, the Board viewed two videos – EPIC 2020 which is a
futuristic presentation about what colleges and universities will be like in the year 2020, and the
second video showed interviews with first-year students discussing what services they received at
their college that were helpful for them to succeed.
Dr. Torgerson reviewed Fall, 2012 Achieving the Dream intervention results. The information
showed retention and success rates for mandatory extended orientation, coaching for success, and
math/dev ed cohorts. Mr. Cooper stated how helpful TRIO services have been for him and
suggested second-year TRIO students could be mentors for students.
8. College Input (Reports)
a. Board of Trustees
1) TACTC Winter Conference – Mr. Blauvelt, Ms. Chaffee, Ms. Portmann, Mr. Rust and
Dr. Brewster will attend the TACTC Winter Conference January 29 and 30 in Olympia.
2) Legislative Update – Dr. Brewster reported the State Board has developed the 2013 legislative
agenda for the community and technical college system. He said GHC’s priorities are:
• Supporting capital projects, which includes construction of our proposed STEM Building.
• Minimizing tuition increases.
• Increasing access to affordable customized job training for businesses.
3) Board Retreat – The Board will hold a retreat at 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, February 19 with the
Board meeting to follow at 1:00 p.m. Dr. Brewster said he would like to develop a plan for
what data will be presented to the Board during the year, i.e., progress on ATD results on a
quarterly basis, SAI results on an annual basis, etc. He suggested setting aside one meeting a
year that would focus on an area that is not covered in the accreditation process or part of our
college success plan but has to be evaluated on an annual basis, i.e. human resources.
Comments included:
Mr. Blauvelt – I do not want to get too rigid about when data is presented.
Ms. Chaffee – I would like to see how we compare state-wide.
Mr. Blauvelt – I would like to see what kind of outreach we offer to the high schools.
4) Board Meeting Schedule – After discussion, it was moved and seconded to hold Board
meetings on the third Tuesday of the month except in August and December. Motion carried.
President ASGHC (Mr. Michael Cooper)
Mr. Cooper reported students held a round table discussion for the purpose of considering the
option of adding a student as a voting member of the Board. The response was
overwhelmingly positive. Students attending the meeting wanted more input from other
students. They will set up a table in the HUB for three days - February 5th through the 8th to
poll more students before making a decision about whether or not to proceed with a request to
have a student be a voting member of the Board.
College students from throughout the state will hold a rally at the capital on February 1st.
Twelve students from GHC will attend.
Plans are underway to hold a community forum with representatives from local, state and
federal agencies to address the implications of cuts to higher education.
Classified Staff (Ms. Gail Winkelman)
Ms. Winkelman reported the college’s Relay for Life team is planning several fund-raising
Faculty (Mr. Tom Kuester)
President (Dr. Ed Brewster)
1) WACTC Report – Highlights from the recent presidents’ meeting were included in the
Board packet received prior to the meeting. Since the meeting, it has been announced that
a vendor has been selected for the CTC link project which is the software that will be
used for the entire system.
2) Other Items of Interest
Dr. John Delaney, professor of oceanography at the UW, will be on campus January 24.
He will meet with grade school students in the morning, hold an open forum at noon for
staff and the community, meet with GHC students and faculty in the afternoon, and make
a presentation at the Bishop Center at 7:00 p.m. He is part of a team who are recipients
of a National Science Grant. They are lying fiber optic cable on the ocean floor that will
measure and track earth movement.
Dr. Brewster stated there is concern about our transfer enrollment and various ways are
being explored to strengthen BA opportunities for our students. After meeting with
several staff members, the consensus was to explore the option of offering our own BA
Dr. Brewster reminded the Board that in the past they have supported the GHC
Foundation’s Get Away fund-raiser event that supports the college’s World Class
Scholars program. After discussion, it was moved and seconded to contribute $1,000.00
on behalf of the Board for a sponsorship for the Get Away event. Motion carried.
Vice President for Instruction (Ms. Laurie Clary)
Vice President for Student Services (Dr. Arlene Torgerson)
1) Enrollment – Dr. Torgerson reported enrollment is down between 12 and 13% which puts
us at about 60% of our annual target. Dr. Brewster noted that the State Board projected
that based on our demographics we would fall below our allocation this year.
Vice President for Administrative Services (Ms. Barbara McCullough)
1) Budget and Capital Update – Ms. McCullough reported she met with representatives
from the Department of Enterprise Services architects, SRG architects and GHC staff to
develop the timeline for the new STEM building. Dr. Brewster stated the first thing that
will happen is the demolition of the 400 Building. Included in the project will be the
remodel of the restrooms and shower facilities in the gym and the hallway between the
400 Building and gym. If construction of the STEM Building is on schedule, it should be
completed by March, 2015.
2) Fee Change – Energy Tech Program - The energy technology fee for the 2012-13
academic year should be $70.00 per quarter but was listed as $70.00 per course.
Mr. Mike Kelly, Dean for Workforce Education, requested the correction. It was moved
and seconded to change the energy tech fee from $70.00 per course to $70.00 per quarter.
Motion carried.
8. Executive Session
The Board entered into executive session at 3:58 p.m. for approximately thirty minutes for the purpose of
receiving and evaluating complaints against or reviewing the qualifications of an applicant for public
employment or reviewing the performance of a public employee; consultation with legal counsel regarding
agency enforcement actions, or actual or potential agency litigation; considering the sale or acquisition of
real estate; and/or reviewing professional negotiations.
The meeting was reconvened at 4:30 p.m.
9. Action Items as a Result of Executive Session
10. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 4:41 p.m.
Edward J. Brewster, Secretary
Denise Portmann, Chair