GRAYS HARBOR COLLEGE Aberdeen, Washington Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees

Aberdeen, Washington
Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees
October 28, 2014
Members Present:
Mr. Art Blauvelt, Ms. Rebecca Chaffee, Ms. Denise Portmann, Mr. Randy Rust
Members Absent:
Ms. Fawn Sharp
Others Present:
Ms. Kristy Anderson, Dr. Ed Brewster, Dr. Darby Cavin, Ms. Laurie Clary,
Mr. Bill Dyer, Mr. Forrest Gonzalez, Mr. Jason Hoseney, Mr. Darin Jones,
Mr. Justin Kjolseth, Ms. Sandy Lloyd, Ms. Barbara McCullough, Mr. Farshid Mizaei,
Mr. Aaron Tuttle, Ms. Gail Winkelman, Ms. Sandy Zelasko,
1. Call to Order
Chair Ms. Chaffee called the meeting to order.
2. Agenda Changes
It was moved and seconded to accept the agenda as presented. Motion carried.
3. Approval of Minutes
It was moved and seconded to approve the minutes from the September 16, 2014 meeting.
Motion carried.
4. Public Comments
5. Awards and Recognition
a. Exceptional Faculty Development Awards
Two faculty members who received faculty development awards last year were asked to report
on their experiences.
1) Mr. Bill Dyer, GHC Music Instructor, used his funds to defray costs of obtaining his doctoral
degree. His dissertation is entitled “Development and Maintenance of Identity in Aging
Recreational Music Participants.” His dissertation will address the following:
How does participatory music contribute to the development and maintenance of identity in
older adult recreational musicians? His research will focus on four community music
ensembles in the Pacific Northwest.
2) Mr. Farshid Mirzaei, Technical Design instructor at Stafford Creek Correctional Center,
explained how he has created an intranet for his students (since they cannot access the
internet) which includes tutorials, syllabi and lessons for both Technical Design and CNC
Machine Technology. He received Exceptional Faculty funds to help offset the cost of
learning a software program for technical design. He described how students who have
both technical design and CNC training are getting jobs once they leave the correctional
system. Getting the required training to teach both Technical Design and CNC is
expensive and he thanked the college for helping offset the cost.
6. Board Development (Mr. Darin Jones)
a. Human Resources Annual Report
The Human Resources annual unit report was included in the Board packet received prior to the
meeting. Mr. Jones reviewed the information that included the following:
• Unit functions and services
• Unit goals and accomplishments
• Unit staffing and budget
• Interaction with other units
Public Records and Open Public Meetings Training (Mr. Justin Kjolseth)
Mr. Kjolseth presented an overview of government responsibilities that included the following:
• Sunshine Laws
• Open Government Trainings Act
• Purpose of the Open Government Act
• Open Public Meetings Legislative Declaration of Purpose
• Explanation of what is a Governing Body
• What constitutes a meeting?
• Travel and Gathering
• Giving Notice
• Public Attendance
• Executive Sessions
• Penalties for Violating the Open Public Meetings Act
• Public Records
• Disclosure
• Records Retention
• Transitory Records
• Electronic Records
Mr. Kjolseth stated Board members are required to participate in the training within ninety days
of appointment and every four years after that time.
7. College Input (Reports)
a. Board of Trustees
1) TACTC Legislative Conference November 13, 14, 2014.
Mr. Blauvelt will attend the November 13 Legislative Action Retreat meeting and
Ms. Chaffee will attend the November 14 Fall Conference.
2) Board Holiday Event
This year’s Board holiday even will be December 16 at Dr. Brewster’s home.
ASGHC President’s Report (Mr. Forrest Gonzalez)
An overview of recent student activities was included in the Board packet. Highlights included:
Water bottle refill stations will be installed in the 2000, 1500, 500 and 100 Buildings.
Activities Board is sponsoring several events including speed friending, dodge ball, video
games, blood drive, breast cancer awareness, Native American month, Halloween dance,
entertainment in the HUB, tickets to Trail Blazer game, and efforts to become a more “green”
Classified Staff (Ms. Gail Winkelman)
Ms. Winkelman reported the classified staff union contract has been ratified. She noted that
health benefits are negotiated separately.
Faculty (Dr. Darby Cavin)
Dr. Cavin reported that faculty are working on the following:
• Revision of the GHC Federation of Teachers constitution.
• Revision of the GHCFT by-laws.
• Clarification of benefits from the state and the national AFT.
• Working on the dues structure and long-term sustainability and fairness between full-time
and part-time faculty as far as the union is concerned.
President (Dr. Ed Brewster)
1) WACTC Report – Highlights from the recent presidents’ meeting were included in
backup materials received prior to the Board meeting.
2) Trustee Account – Dr. Brewster said the Trustee fund account is currently in Keybank
and they are charging us a fee for each check we write. He suggested changing to a
different account at Keybank or exploring other options. He said he discovered that one
of the signatories on the account is no longer employed at the college and asked that
Ms. McCullough be added as the second signatory. He is the first signatory. After
discussion, it was moved and seconded that Dr. Brewster and staff find the most efficient
bank account and grant Dr. Brewster the authority to move account #50331405 and add
Ms. McCullough as the second signatory. Motion carried.
3) Other Items of Interest
Dr. Brewster has invited Mr. Peter Williams, dean at Clark College, to the November 18
Board meeting. He is a participant in the WELA program and Dr. Brewster is his
Grays Harbor County superintendents and Board members have been invited to join our
Board after the November 18 Board meeting. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss
how the college can work with the school districts to help educate students.
Vice President for Instruction (Ms. Laurie Clary)
1) Accreditation – Ms. Clary reviewed the Ad Hoc Report that was required from the
Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities. It addressed their recommendation
that we develop and publish a policy regarding hazardous waste disposal.
2) Basic Education for Adults State Plan Innovation Grant – Ms. Clary reported the
college’s basic skills program received a $60,000 innovation grant to address technology
gaps, improve computer-based testing outcomes, increase computer literacy and improve
student understanding and use of Canvas which is our on-line course management
Vice President for Student Services (Mr. Jason Hoseney)
1) Enrollment – Mr. Hoseney reviewed the enrollment report included in the Board packet.
It remains almost identical to last year at this time. He noted that the system as a whole is
experiencing a decline in enrollment.
Four or five students who have exceptional stories will be recognized each month as
“Chokers who Rock.”
The Eugene Ballet’s performance of Cinderella was a huge success.
Ms. Chaffee said she would like future Board meetings to include reports, other than
enrollment, regarding students.
Vice President for Administrative Services (Ms. Barbara McCullough)
1) Faculty Excellence Funds – Ms. McCullough reported the Faculty Excellence fund
balance as of September 30, 2014 is $279,374.00. In the past the Board has approved 4%
of the total fund balance be expended for Faculty Excellence awards. This would amount
to approximately $11,175.00. After discussion, it was moved and seconded to disburse
4% of the fund which amounts to $11,175.00 for faculty excellence awards. Motion
8. Executive Session
9. Action Items as a Result of Executive Session
10. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 3:17 p.m.
Edward J. Brewster, Secretary
Rebecca Chaffee, Chair