GRAYS HARBOR COLLEGE Aberdeen, Washington Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees

Aberdeen, Washington
Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees
March 18, 2014
Members Present:
Mr. Art Blauvelt, Ms. Rebecca Chaffee, Ms. Denise Portmann, Mr. Randy Rust
Members Absent:
Ms. Fawn Sharp
Others Present:
Ms. Kristy Anderson, Dr. Ed Brewster, Ms. Laurie Clary, Ms. Skyla Fisher,
Mr. Justin Kjolseth, Ms. Sam Luvisi, Ms. Barbara McCullough,
Ms. Amanda Swartz, Dr. Arlene Torgerson, Ms. Kseniia Vasileva,
Ms. Gail Winkelman, Ms. Sandy Zelasko
1. Call to Order
Chair Mr. Blauvelt called the meeting to order.
2. Agenda Changes
It was moved and seconded to delete the accreditation conference call, the second executive session
and action items as a result of that executive session, and to move the ASGHC report to the front of
the agenda. Motion carried.
3. Approval of Minutes
It was moved and seconded to approve the minutes from the February 18, 2014 meeting.
Motion carried.
4. Public Comments
5. Awards and Recognition
Dr. Brewster introduced GHC’s All-Washington Academic team members, Ms. Amanda Swarts and
Ms. Kseniia Vasileva. They will be honored at a ceremony in Olympia on March 27. College
presidents, trustees, legislators and other dignitaries are expected to attend.
10. College Reports
b. ASGHC President’s Report (Ms. Skyla Fisher)
Ms. Fisher reported student government has decided to create a new position that will focus on
community and legislative activities. The public relations officer position will be eliminated.
6. Faculty Rehire and Tenure Decisions
7. Executive Session
The Board entered into executive session at 1:15 p.m. for approximately thirty minutes for the purpose of
receiving and evaluating complaints against or reviewing the qualifications of an applicant for public
employment or reviewing the performance of a public employee; consultation with legal counsel regarding
agency enforcement actions, or actual or potential agency litigation; considering the sale or acquisition of
real estate; and/or reviewing professional negotiations.
The meeting was reconvened at 2:05 p.m.
8. Action Items as a Result of Executive Session
It was moved and seconded to grant tenure to Mr. William Dyer, Ms. Julie Miller and Mr. Farshid Mirzaei
based on recommendations provided and review of tenure materials. Motion carried.
It was moved and seconded to grant rehire to Ms. Monica Baze, Ms. Amy Montoure, and
Mr. Richard Kautz based on recommendation provided and materials reviewed. Motion carried.
9. Board Development
Program Review – Financial Resources (Ms. Barbara McCullough)
Ms. McCullough reviewed all areas of administrative services. They include:
 Business Office – Responsible for accounting, accounts payable, grants, accounts
receivable, cash management, cashiering, financial aid disbursements, and short term and
student loans.
 Purchasing – Responsible for procurements including purchase order and purchase cards,
personal service contracts, RFPs, and liaison with State Department of Enterprise
 Campus Operations – Maintenance, custodial and grounds.
 Auxiliary Services – Includes the bookstore, foodservice, motor pool and parking.
 Safety and Security – Responsible for safety and security of students and staff.
 Capital Projects - Oversees planning, designing, and building capital projects.
Ms. McCullough reviewed the following capital projects:
Remodel of 800 Building which will begin this summer.
Construction of the Schermer Instructional Building which is expected to be completed in
April, 2015.
HUB replacement building, which at the earliest could be funded in the
2015-17 biennium. It was noted that students voted to assess themselves a fee to help
with the costs.
Update on OATS Process (Ms. Kristy Anderson)
The Optimization Plan Objectives, Report Out of the Optimization Action Teams and the
Optimization Action Team Membership was included in backup materials received prior to
the Board meeting.
Ms. Anderson distributed the Optimization Action Plan’s 2013-14 Summary of Objectives
and the Planning Process Overview. She reviewed outcomes and indicators for the four core
themes which are transfer, workforce, basic skills and service to community.
She noted there are five focus areas that have developed objectives and measures of success.
They are communication, entry services, instruction, technology and institutional structure.
Dr. Brewster said he considers the Optimization Plan to be the college’s strategic plan and
will be an integral part of budget development.
10. College Input (Reports)
Board of Trustees
All-Washington Academic Team Ceremony March 27, 2014 – Dr. Brewster
reminded the Board of the All-Washington Academic Team ceremony on March 27
at noon at South Puget Sound Community College.
TACTC Spring Conference - This year’s TACTC Spring Conference will be May 15
and 16 in Yakima.
School Visits - The following meetings have been scheduled with local area high
school board meetings:
March 24 – Ms. Chaffee, Dr. Brewster and Mr. Potts at Willapa Valley
March 25 – Mr. Rust, Dr. Brewster and Mr. Potts at Octosta
May 22 – Mr. Blauvelt, Dr. Brewster and Mr. Potts at Montesano
ASGHC President’s Report (Ms. Skyla Fisher)
Ms. Fisher reported earlier in the meeting.
Classified Staff (Ms. Gail Winkelman)
Ms. Winkelman said participating in OATS teams has been a good opportunity for classified
staff to mingle with faculty and other staff.
Ms. Winkelman said there are concerns that memorials on campus may be destroyed during
construction of the new building and demolition of the 200 and 300 Buildings. Ms. McCullough
responded that Mr. Penner will meet with interested staff to identify where the memorials are
located and how best to preserve them.
Faculty (Ms. Lynne Lerych)
President (Dr. Ed Brewster)
1) WACTC Report – Highlights from the recent presidents’ meeting were included in
backup materials received prior to the Board meeting.
2) Items of Interest
Dr. Brewster reported the Legislative session is over and there are no major changes for
the community college system. They did impose an additional $10M cut for lean
efficiencies. Our system will be assessed $3M of the $10M.
Two board members spoke with accreditation evaluators from the NW Commission on
Colleges and Universities as part of our accreditation visit. It is expected we will receive
the evaluators’ report in May.
Dr. Brewster will participate in the Workforce Development Council national meeting in
Washington D.C. The focus of the meeting will be the Workforce Investment Act.
Vice President for Instruction (Ms. Laurie Clary)
1) Exceptional Faculty Proposals – Prior to today’s meeting, Board members received
faculty proposals for faculty excellence awards and recommendations from the
Exceptional Faculty Committee. After discussion, it was moved and seconded to accept
the committee’s recommendations. Motion carried.
Vice President for Student Services (Dr. Arlene Torgerson)
1) Proposed Revisions to OP 407, Student Conduct – Dr. Torgerson presented proposed revisions
to Operational Policy 407, Student Rights and Responsibilities. She said the Student Services
Commission has been working with the Attorney General’s Office for several months in an
effort for consistency among all the community colleges regarding student rights and
responsibilities. A large portion of the revisions include replacing current language with legal
wording. Changes include:
• Replacing wording regarding sanctions.
• Appeal process has been changed considerably.
• Changes due to federal requirements.
It was moved and seconded to approve revisions to Operational Policy 407, Student
rights and Responsibilities. Motion carried.
2) Enrollment - Dr. Torgerson reported enrollment is up approximately 4% from this time
last year. We do not yet have enrollment numbers for Spring Quarter.
Vice President for Administrative Services (Ms. Barbara McCullough)
1) Quarterly Budget Analysis as of December 31, 2013 - Ms. McCullough reviewed the
following accounts:
• State General Fund by Program
• State General Fund by Object of Expenditure
• Multi-year Comparison of Tuition Collected
• Cash Position Analysis
11. Executive Session
Under RCS 42.30.110, an executive session may be held for the purpose of receiving and evaluating
complaints against or reviewing the qualifications of an applicant for public employment or reviewing the
performance of a public employee; consultation with legal counsel regarding agency enforcement actions,
or actual or potential agency litigation; considering the sale or acquisition of real estate; and/or reviewing
professional negotiations.
12. Action Items as a Result of Executive Session
13. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 3:48 p.m.
Edward J. Brewster, Secretary
Art Blauvelt, Chair