GRAYS HARBOR COLLEGE Aberdeen, Washington Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees

Aberdeen, Washington
Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees
January 18, 2011
Members Present:
Ms. Rebecca Chaffee, Mr. Dennis Colwell, Mr. Randy Rust,
Ms. Carol Warfield
Members Absent:
Ms. Fawn Sharp
Others Present:
Ms. Pam Aho, Dr. Ed Brewster, Ms. Laurie Clary, Ms. Brenda Dell,
Ms. Gloria Fenton, Mr. Keith Foster, Mr. Miles Jackson,
Ms. Sandy Lloyd, Mr. Dierk Meierbachtol Ms. Trish McIntosh,
Mr. Terry Ryan, Mr. Tony Simone, Ms. Kristy Simpson,
Ms. Diane Smith, Mr. Gregory Taylor, Dr. Arlene Torgerson,
Ms. Bette Worth, Ms. Sandy Zelasko
1. Call to Order
Chair, Ms. Chaffee called the meeting to order.
2. Community Linkages
Ms. Bette Worth, GHC Foundation President, invited the Board to become a sponsor of the
Foundation’s fund-raising activity, Mystery Get-Away Weekend February 24th. Proceeds will
benefit the World Class Scholars’ program. She explained the program began in 1993 to assist
students who might not have an opportunity to attend college. Students make a commitment to
the college, complete a portfolio, and graduate from a Grays Harbor or Pacific County High
School. They receive up to $1,500.00 towards their education at GHC. It was moved and
seconded the Board would be a $1,000.00 sponsor. Motion carried.
3. Agenda Changes
4. Approval of Minutes
It was moved and seconded the minutes from the November 18, 2010 Board meeting be
approved. Motion carried.
5. Public Comments
Ms. Clary introduced Mr. Miles Jackson, Dean for Social Sciences and Fine Arts from Clark
College. He is participating in a state-wide leadership program and she is his mentor.
6. Awards and Recognition
a. National Conference Presenter – Dr. Arlene Torgerson introduced Ms. Diane Smith, Director
for Student Services, who has been selected to be a keynote speaker at the Academic
Impressions national meeting in Atlanta in February. Her presentation will focus on early
alert systems for at risk students. Ms. Chaffee asked Ms. Smith to report back to the Board
after her presentation.
b. Award Recipient– Dr. Brewster reported Mr. Duffy, GHC theater/communications instructor
received the Exemplary Status Award from the Washington Community College Humanities
c. Emergency Responders – Dr. Brewster acknowledged GHC employees Ms. Brenda Dell and
Mr. Tony Simone, and GHC student Ms. Kristy Simpson for their life-saving efforts when
they resuscitated a student who collapsed in the Bookstore. Dr. Brewster noted he was
contacted by the Aberdeen Fire Chief who stated the performance of these people is a model
in terms of preparation in an emergency. They will be recognized at an Aberdeen City
Council meeting.
Exceptional Faculty Development Awards – Ms. Clary introduced Ms. Pam Aho and
Ms. Tricia McIntosh who were recipients of exceptional faculty development awards last year
and asked them to share their experiences.
Ms. McIntosh who is the coordinator for our I-Best program and an instructor in that area
attended a welding class last summer. She showed pictures of the projects she worked on.
She emphasized that one of the subjects she integrates into the welding program is math
which is a necessity for a welder.
Ms. Aho attended the World Fitness IDEA Conference in Los Angeles. There were
approximately 6,000 participants and 300 course offerings over a five day period. The US
Surgeon General was a keynote speaker.
One of the sessions she attended focused on the correlation between sitting and mortality.
Most people sit 70% of the time which affects longevity. She encouraged people not to sit
for more than thirty minutes without standing up. Dr. Brewster noted that the college
Wellness Committee has initiated a walking competition. Twenty-two three member teams
are participating in the competition by wearing a pedometer and counting their steps on a
daily basis.
7. Board Development (Mr. Dierk Meierbachtol)
Mr. Meierbachtol, assistant attorney general who represents Grays Harbor College was asked to
present a review of Board responsibilities. Highlights of his presentation included:
The college is an agency of the state of Washington and the governing entity is the Board of
State agencies have limited authority. The authority they do have is delegated to them by the
Board authority is stated under RCW28B.50.
The State Board has limited authority.
There is a difference between mandatory and discretionary law. When the Legislature
mandates something an agency has to do it. A discretionary duty is when the Legislature says
an agency may do something.
The Board has the responsibility of hiring the college president, faculty and other
The Board delegates responsibilities to the president to operate the college. They can reserve
authority for certain items for themselves, i.e., tenure, collective bargaining.
There are federal laws to comply with.
The Board’s function is to govern the institution and approve policies.
It is not typical for the Board to be directly involved in the operation of the college.
Dr. Brewster asked Mr. Meierbachtol to explain the Board members’ liabilities. He responded
that as long as they are acting in good faith within the scope of the law they are not liable and can
be represented by the Attorney General’s Office.
It was agreed at a future Board meeting to review college’s policies that pertain to Board
responsibilities and areas they delegate to the president.
8. College Input (Reports)
a. Trustees’ Report
1) 2011 TACTC Winter Legislative Conference – Ms. Chaffee, Mr. Rust, Ms. Warfield and
Dr. Brewster will attend the TACTC Legislative Conference January 23 and 24. In
2) Board Retreat Date – Dr. Brewster asked the Board to set a date for a retreat to review
data related to the college’s overall effectiveness. After discussion it was decided Ms.
Zelasko would poll Board members for their availability and forward possible dates for
b. ASGHC Report (Mr. Gregory Taylor)
Mr. Taylor, ASGHC Vice President of Communications represented student government. He
reported the following:
1) ASGHC Winter fund-raising event will be an art auction and gala March 11th in the
Library foyer.
2) February 1st is the grand opening of the new student area in the HUB.
3) The NW Leadership Conference is February 18, 19, and 20 in Portland, Oregon.
Twenty-five GHC students are planning to attend.
4) There is an effort to increase attendance at GHC basketball games.
5) Work is being completed on a design for an updated Charlie Choker.
6) Human Services program is sponsoring a “Biggest Loser” contest.
7) Students will attend a student rally at the capital on February 27th.
8) There is some student concern regarding the new advising system.
c. Classified Staff Report (Ms. Gloria Fenton)
d. Faculty Report (Ms. Diane Carter)
e. President’s Report (Dr. Ed Brewster)
1) Legislative Update – An update on the current Legislative session was included in
backup materials received by the Board prior to the meeting. It focused on the
Governor’s new proposed Department of Education which has all facets of education –
early learning, K-12, community and technical colleges, and universities reporting to a
Secretary of Education appointed by the Governor. Highlights of the Governor’s budget
that pertain to the community and technical college system include:
 Tuition increases of 10% per year each year of the biennium.
 Ten percent across the board cuts to the community and technical college system.
 Elimination of supplemental funds for Worker Retraining.
 Three percent across the board salary reductions for all staff, excluding faculty
 Increased financial aid to offset tuition increases.
2) WACTC Report – Dr. Brewster’s report from the last Presidents’ meeting was included
in backup materials. He reported the main focus of the meeting was major issues the
system is facing and needs to be addressed including tuition, fees, waivers,
contracts/regulations, efficiencies, technology, messaging/rapid response teams.
3) Other Items of Interest
Both Montesano and Elma School Boards and administrators are interested in meeting
with our Board to discuss common interests. The Montesano Board holds a study session
the first Thursday of every month in the evening. It has been suggested our Board meet
with them during one of those meetings. After discussion it was decided to join them at
either their April or May study session. Dr. Brewster will contact the Montesano
superintendent to finalize arrangements.
A college marketing committee is being formed. There is concern that high school
graduating classes are declining and efforts are being made to attract a higher percentage
of recent graduates. Mr. Rust suggested having information available that shows the cost
difference of attending GHC and a four-year institution.
Vice President for Instruction (Ms. Laurie Clary)
1) Accreditation Report – Ms. Clary reported the final draft of the self-study is available for
review. The schedule for the accreditation visit was included in Board packets. She
requested Board members attend the welcome visit April 27th and the exit interview
April 29th.
g. Vice President for Student Services (Dr. Arlene Torgerson)
1) Enrollment – Dr. Torgerson reported Winter Quarter FTE is slightly ahead of this time
last year. Headcount is down.
h. Vice President for Administrative Services (Mr. Keith Foster)
1) Budget Update – Mr. Foster’s budget report was included in the Board packet. He noted
that he and Dr. Brewster have kept the college community informed regarding the
potential impact of budget cuts.
9. Discussion/Action
10. Executive Session
Under RCW 42.30.110, an executive session may be held for the purpose of receiving and
evaluating complaints against or reviewing the qualifications of an applicant for public
employment or reviewing the performance of a public employee; consultation with legal counsel
regarding agency enforcement actions, or actual or potential agency litigation; considering the
sale or acquisition of real estate; and/or reviewing professional negotiations.
11. Action as a Result of the Executive Session
12. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 4:00 p.m.
Edward J. Brewster, Secretary
Rebecca Chaffee, Chair
Aberdeen, Washington
Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees
May 17, 2011
Members Present:
Ms. Rebecca Chaffee, Mr. Dennis Colwell, Ms. Denise Portmann,
Mr. Randy Rust, Ms. Fawn Sharp
Members Absent:
Others Present:
Dr. Ed Brewster, Ms. Laurie Clary, Mr. Keith Foster, Mr. Greg Taylor, Ms. Sandy Lloyd,
Mr. Dierk Meierbachtol, Ms. Debbie Reynvaan, Ms. Diane Smith, Mr. JEB Thornton,
Dr. Arlene Torgerson, Ms. Alejandra Torre, Ms. Sandy Zelasko
1. Call to Order
Chair Chaffee called the meeting to order.
2. Community Linkages
3. Agenda changes
4. Approval of Minutes
It was moved and seconded the minutes from the April 19, 2011 Board meeting be approved.
Motion carried.
5. Public Comments
6. Awards and Recognition
Dr. Torgerson introduced Mr. JEB Thornton, director of the TRIO program, and GHC student
Ms. Alejandra Torre. Mr. Thornton has been very successful assisting students in the scholarship
application process. Ms. Torre is a pre-nursing student and the recipient of two national
scholarships and will be studying in Spain this summer.
7. Board Development
a) Student Success Programs – Ms. Diane Smith presented information about the following
student success programs offered at GHC:
Academic Early Alert Program
First Year Experience Program
Orientation Programs
Online Class Workshops
Peer Mentoring Program
Complete and Compete Program
Prepared to Succeed Program
Detailed information about each program was included in the Board packet received prior to the
b) Governance Institute for Student Success (GISS) – Governance Institute for Student Success
(GISS) – Ms. Reynvaan presented data that will be used in the GISS training June 26 – 28 that
Board members and Dr. Brewster will attend. She stated that GISS is a national initiative being
conducted in Washington state. The Institute provides an opportunity for Board members and
presidents from the state’s community and technical colleges to review their college’s data to
determine policy changes that could improve student success, especially for sub-groups of
students that are not achieving success at the same rate as other students. Ms. Reynvaan’s
presentation covered the following topics:
Definition of the cohorts used in the data for all three mission areas – transfer,
workforce education and basic skills. She noted that long term success is based on a
cohort of new students that enrolled for the first time in Fall 2006. Intermediate
progress is based on the 2006, 2007, 2008 cohorts combined.
Long term success for Transfer cohort: In 4 years, earned degree and transferred;
transferred without earning degree; still enrolled in college in year 4; or earned at
least one achievement point in Student Achievement Initiative.
Intermediate progress for Transfer cohort: In 2 years, earned college
math/quantitative reasoning point (presented by entering math level).
Long term success for Workforce cohort: In 4 years, earned degree or certificate of
at least 1 year; earned short-term certificate; still enrolled in college in year 4; or
earned at least one achievement point in Student Achievement Initiative.
Intermediate progress for Workforce cohort: In 2 years, earned at least 30 college
level credits. Data for the transfer and workforce cohorts is also disaggregated by
Success for Basic Skills students(ABE/GED and ESL): In 4 years, students
transitioned from low level to high level ABE or from high level ABE to college
level; earned GED or high school completion; or advanced one basic skills level..
Ms. Reynvaan also presented Grays Harbor College’s student profile that will be included in the
notebooks used for the Institute.
Dr. Brewster distributed the preliminary agenda for the meeting and shared the general questions
that were provided as a guide for discussion of the data. In preparation for the conference there
will be further discussion at the June Board meeting.
8. College Input (Reports)
a. Trustees’ Report
1) Review of May 5 meeting with East County School Boards – Dr. Brewster and the Board
reviewed highlights from their recent meeting with the Montesano and Elma School Boards
and superintendents. Ms. Chaffee stated she would like staff from local school districts to
meet with GHC staff, noting that it is critical for curriculum articulation to match up. Dr.
Brewster suggested the possibility of surveying high school faculty and asking them to
review our requirements to see if they align with their offerings.
2) End of the Year Calendar – Board members reviewed the college’s end of the year calendar
and agreed to participate in the following events:
June 9 – 7:30 a.m. - Graduation Breakfast, HUB – Ms. Portmann and Mr. Rust
June 11 – 2 p.m. - Nurses’ Pinning, Bishop Center – Ms. Chaffee, Mr. Rust and Ms. Sharp
June 16 – 1 p.m. - Ilwaco Graduation – Ms. Chaffee
June 16 – 7 p.m. - GED Ceremony, Bishop Center – Mr. Colwell, Mr. Rust, Ms. Sharp
June 17 – 7 p.m. – Graduation, Bishop Center – Ms. Chaffee, Mr. Colwell, Ms. Portmann,
Mr. Rust, Ms. Sharp
b. ASGHC Report (Mr. Greg Taylor)
Mr. Taylor reported Mayhem will be May 26th. Student elections will be May 24th.
c. Classified Staff (Ms. Gail Winkelman)
d. Faculty (Ms. Diane Carter)
e. President (Dr. Ed Brewster)
1) WACTC Report – Highlights from the April WACTC meeting were included in the Board
packet. It does not appear the special session of the Legislature is likely to be finished by
June 30. The Governor is threatening to close down government July 1 if the session is not
2) Other Items of Interest
 Dr. Brewster distributed an invitation to the Leadership Development Program
Graduation June 1 at South Puget Sound Community College. He explained
employees from GHC, South Puget Sound, and Centralia Colleges participated in a
leadership program which has been a positive experience for participants.
The GHC Foundation approved funding requests from the college totaling $130,000.
Dr. Brewster distributed an exempt staff organizational chart.
Vice President for Instruction (Ms. Laurie Clary)
1) Accreditation – Ms. Clary reported the college has received the draft report from the
accreditation evaluation team. We are invited to review the draft and report any errors of
fact. At this point the report is confidential. When the report becomes a public document it
will be forwarded to the Board. The team Chair will forward the final report, along with
confidential recommendations regarding accreditation status to the NW Commission on
Colleges and Universities. Ms. Clary and Dr. Brewster will attend the Commissioners
meeting July 11 – 13, 2011 to answer any questions about our self-study report. We will
receive written notification regarding our accreditation status sometime in late July or early
g. Vice President for Student Services (Dr. Arlene Torgerson)
1) Enrollment – Dr. Torgerson’s report that was included in the Board packet stated we are
down 133 FTE this quarter from last year’s Spring Quarter. Since the time of the report,
that number has decreased. E-team will be looking at state wide numbers to assess why our
enrollment is down. Dr. Brewster said if the House budget passes without additional
worker retraining dollars we will lose sixty FTE.
h. Vice President for Administrative Services (Mr. Keith Foster)
1) Quarterly Budget Status for March 31, 2011 – Mr. Foster reviewed the following budgets:
State General Fund by Program
State General Fund by Object
Grants Analysis
Multi-year Comparison of tuition Collected
Cash Position Analysis
2) Budget Update, Fees Approval for FY 2011-12
Budget Update - Mr. Foster reported because we budget conservatively we are in a better
fiscal position than many of the other colleges in the state.
Drawings of the proposed SMART Building were reviewed. It was decided to invite the
architect to a future Board meeting to present a virtual view of the building.
Fees - Mr. Foster stated rather than increasing all fees across the board some fees have been
adjusted to account for cost increases, some were rounded up, and some were eliminated.
He noted that some are pass-through changes mandated by the State Board. After
discussion, Mr. Rust moved the Board approve the proposed revised fee schedule.
Ms. Portmann seconded the motion. Motion carried.
9. Monitoring Reports
10. Discussion/Action
11. Executive Session
The Board entered into executive session at 4:00 p.m. for approximately fifteen minutes for the
purpose of receiving and evaluating complaints against or reviewing the qualifications of an
applicant for public employment or reviewing the performance of a public employee; consultation
with legal counsel regarding agency enforcement actions, or actual or potential agency litigation;
considering the sale or acquisition of real estate; and/or reviewing professional negotiations.
The regular meeting was reconvened at 4:10 p.m.
12. Action Items as a Result of Executive Session
13. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 4:20 p.m.
Edward J. Brewster, Secretary
Rebecca Chaffee, Chair
Aberdeen, Washington
Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees
June 21, 2011
Members Present:
Ms. Rebecca Chaffee, Mr. Dennis Colwell, Mr. Randy Rust
Members Absent:
Ms. Denise Portmann, Ms. Fawn Sharp
Others Present:
Dr. Ed Brewster, Ms. Laurie Clary, Mr. Keith Foster, Mr. Greg Taylor,
Mr. Barney Mansavage, Ms. Barbara McCullough, Mr. Dierk Meierbachtol,
Ms. Debbie Reynvaan, Dr. Arlene Torgerson, Ms. Gail Winkelman, Ms. Sandy Zelasko
1. Call to Order
Chair Chaffee called the meeting to order.
2. Community Linkages
3. Agenda changes
The agenda was revised to move action items to the front of the agenda to accommodate
Mr. Colwell who participated via telephone.
9 a. Board of Trustees
1. Board Elections
It was moved and seconded Mr. Rust be elected Board Chair and Ms. Portmann be elected
Vice Chair for the upcoming year. Motion carried.
It was moved and seconded Mr. Rust continue as the liaison to the GHC Foundation. Motion
It was moved and seconded Ms. Chaffee continue as the representative to the TACTC
Legislative Action Committee and Ms. Portmann be the secondary representative. Motion
9 g. Vice President for Administrative Services (Mr. Keith Foster)
1) Continuing Budget Resolution – Mr. Rust moved the Board authorize the use of College
resources to maintain operations for the months of July – September, 2011, or until a FY2011
budget is approved (whichever comes first). Mr. Colwell seconded the motion. Motion
4. Approval of Minutes
Approval of the May 17, 2011 minutes was postponed until the July board meeting.
5. Public Comments
6. Awards and Recognition
7. President ASGHC (Mr. Greg Taylor)
Mr. Taylor reported the following:
ASGHC elections were held. There are three openings that will be filled Fall Quarter.
Holding graduation outside was well received by students.
There is interest in appointing students to be voting members on the Board of Trustees.
Comments included:
 This is the third time this has been proposed to the Legislature. The proposal would allow
a student to be a member of the board but not participate in executive sessions.
 Some colleges do not include a student report on their agenda so feel they don’t have an
opportunity for input to the Board.
 A representative from student government is included on our Board agenda and is welcome
and encouraged to join discussions.
 The Board represents the community. If students are on the Board, other factions should
also be represented, i.e., faculty, classified staff.
 Being a Board member requires a large time commitment.
 It takes a long time to understand the system.
 Students have a strong voice serving on tenure committees but it is difficult to get them to
Mr. Taylor stated that student government is sponsoring a “welcome back BBQ” in the Fall and
encouraged Board members to attend.
8. Board Development
a. Preview of Proposed SMART Building – Mr. Barney Mansavage, representing SRG Architects,
presented an overview of the proposed SMART Building. It will replace the 300 and 800
Buildings. Buildings 400 and 450 will be demolished to accommodate the new building. It
will be 70,000 square feet in size which is slightly smaller than the 2000 Building.
Construction is tentatively scheduled to begin in 2013. By November, 2011 a complete set of
plans and specs will be available for review.
9. College Input (Reports)
a. Board of Trustees (continued)
2) GISS Meeting – Ms. Reynvaan distributed copies of the questions that will frame the
discussion at the upcoming GISS meeting. The document also included possible talking
points for the first three questions which the Board reviewed and discussed.
What significant achievement gaps did you observe between groups of students?
What institutional factors may be contributing to any observed achievement gaps?
What issues do the data suggest that the institution might want to further explore?
How would these types of data impact institutional priorities at your
What additional data could be collected or displayed to help bring more clarity?
What might be possible policy implications based upon these types of data?
How do you plan to enhance board engagement around data and student
success and equity issues?
Discussion comments included:
The Board’s major concern is what is the general direction of the college in terms of
student success? How are we doing now and what do we need to do differently?
The Board’s role is to look at the data to determine what policy level changes might
improve the success of students.
Data will be brought back to the Board to monitor changes that are implemented.
The Board will work with administration to set the overall college goals but were in
agreement that the Core Indicators, Achieving the Dream goals, and the Strategic
Plan should be in alignment.
Fall Kick-Off will focus on data and data analysis as we begin our planning year for
Achieving the Dream.
Regarding student success, Ms. Winkelman added that when students withdraw from
classes they are asked to fill out a form stating why they are leaving and what could have
the college done to retain them as students. The majority of responses state they are
leaving for medical reasons or employment opportunities and not some fault of the
3) Summer Board Retreat – The summer Board retreat will be set at the July Board meeting.
b. Classified Staff (Ms. Gail Winkelman)
Ms. Winkelman reported the following:
The quarterly classified staff award will be presented at their next meeting.
Thirteen staff members will attend the STAACC conference at Green River Community
College. We will host next year’s conference.
c. Faculty (Ms. Diane Carter)
d. President (Dr. Ed Brewster)
1) WACTC Report – Highlights from the recent presidents’ meeting were included in the
Board packet.
2) Other Items of Interest
e. Vice President for Instruction (Ms. Laurie Clary)
Vice President for Student Services (Dr. Arlene Torgerson)
g. Vice President for Administrative Services (Mr. Keith Foster)
1) Budget Update and Continuing Budget Resolution – Mr. Foster reported the draft initial
allocation for the upcoming fiscal year has been received. Our cut is $109M less than
anticipated. At this point we believe we can address this year’s cuts without impacting
more positions or imposing furloughs. Dr. Brewster added that the September revenue
forecast is expected to be worse than expected which could mean further cuts.
Efforts are being made to increase enrollment. It was noted the area where we have lost the
most enrollment is in the eighteen to twenty year old student category. Dr. Brewster added
our capture rate of this group of students has not decreased, but the numbers of recent high
school graduates is declining. Mr. Rust suggested hearing a report from the marketing
Mr. Rust asked about the efficiencies legislation. Dr. Brewster responded the Legislature
passed as part of the reductions $7.5M in efficiency reductions that had to come from
consolidation of colleges, elimination of presidents and human resources offices. The
Governor vetoed that part of the language. A report from the system is due to the
presidents on July 15. They will present strategies for the next year in the biennium to the
10. Monitoring Reports
11. Discussion/Action
12. Executive Session
The Board entered into executive session at 4:36 p.m. for approximately twenty-five minutes for
the purpose of receiving and evaluating complaints against or reviewing the qualifications of an
applicant for public employment or reviewing the performance of a public employee; consultation
with legal counsel regarding agency enforcement actions, or actual or potential agency litigation;
considering the sale or acquisition of real estate; and/or reviewing professional negotiations.
The regular meeting was reconvened at 5:11 p.m.
13. Action Items as a Result of Executive Session
14. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 5:13 p.m.
Edward J. Brewster, Secretary
Rebecca Chaffee, Chair
Aberdeen, Washington
Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees
July 19, 2011
Members Present:
Ms. Rebecca Chaffee, Mr. Dennis Colwell, Ms. Denise Portmann,
Mr. Randy Rust
Members Absent:
Ms. Fawn Sharp
Others Present:
Dr. Ed Brewster, Ms. Laurie Clary, Mr. Keith Foster, Mr. Dave Halverstadt,
Ms. Sandy Lloyd, Ms. Barbara McCullough, Mr. Dierk Meierbachtol,
Dr. Arlene Torgerson, Ms. Gail Winkelman, Ms. Sandy Zelasko
1. Call to Order
Chair Rust called the meeting to order.
2. Agenda Changes
3. Approval of Minutes
It was moved and seconded to approve the minutes from the May 17, 2011 and June 21, 2011
Board meetings. Motion carried.
4. Public Comments
5. College Input (Reports)
a. Board of Trustees
Ms. Chaffee asked if there were plans for further discussion of materials presented at the GISS meeting.
Dr. Brewster responded data reports will be included in each Board meeting.
b. Student Government Report (Mr. Greg Taylor)
Mr. Taylor was not in attendance. His report had been forwarded to the Board prior to the meeting.
His report included the following:
1) Student Council revised their bylaws and constitution. The number of council members and
Their duties were modified.
2) Several ASGHC positions are open. They will be filled Fall Quarter.
3) ASGHC is hosting a barbeque at the beginning of Fall Quarter.
c. Classified Staff (Ms. Gail Winkelman)
Ms. Winkelman reported the following:
1) Ms. Diana Berry received the classified staff quarterly award.
2) Ms. Vickie Jenkins received the STTACC Regional Award.
3) At the quarterly meeting Ms. James Sorenson presented training on Roberts Rules of Order.
4) Next week nine classified staff are going to Centralia College to job shadow their counterparts.
d. Faculty (Ms. Diane Carter)
e. President (Dr. Ed Brewster)
Ms. Chaffee asked if the college had been approached regarding training for displaced Grays
Harbor Paper employees. Dr. Brewster responded we have made application through the
Workforce Development Council to the Department of Labor for funding to assist these people by
offering classes in basic skills, computer courses, and developmental classes.
Vice President for Instruction (Ms. Laurie Clary)
Ms. Clary reported she and Dr. Brewster attended the Northwest Commission on Colleges and
Universities meeting and responded to questions from the commissioners regarding our accreditation status.
It is expected we will receive full accreditation. The official report should be forwarded in the near future.
g. Vice President for Student Services (Dr. Arlene Torgerson)
Dr. Torgerson reported Fall Quarter enrollment is down slightly from this time last year. Summer
enrollment is down thirty FTE.
h. Vice President for Administrative Services (Mr. Keith Foster)
2011-12 Operating budget – Mr. Foster reported we have gone from being 75% state support to 65% state
support, making it necessary to seek other sources of revenue. In spite of budget cuts, the college is
in excellent fiscal condition. Mr. Foster reviewed the 2010-2011 financial budgets which included:
Operating Budget
2011-12 revenue estimates
2011-12 expenditure estimates
Strategic Planning
Detail line item budgets
Grants and contracts
Student activities funds
Tuition and fee schedule
Facilities use charges
Salary schedules
Non-permanent hourly (1050 employees)
It was moved and seconded to approve the budget as presented. Motion carried.
6. Monitoring Reports
7. Discussion/Action
8. Executive Session
There was not an executive session.
9. Action Items as a Result of Executive Session
10. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 2:25 p.m.
Edward J. Brewster, Secretary
Randy Rust, Chair
Aberdeen, Washington
Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees
September 20, 2011
Members Present:
Ms. Rebecca Chaffee, Mr. Dennis Colwell, Ms. Denise Portmann,
Mr. Randy Rust
Members Absent:
Ms. Fawn Sharp
Others Present:
Mr. Keyton Bradley, Dr. Ed Brewster, Ms. Laurie Clary, Mr. Greg Taylor,
Ms. Barbara McCullough, Mr. Dierk Meierbachtol, Dr. Arlene Torgerson,
Ms. Gail Winkelman, Ms. Sandy Zelasko
1. Call to Order
Chair Rust called the meeting to order.
2. Community Linkages
3. Agenda changes
4. Approval of Minutes
It was moved and seconded to adopt the minutes from the July 19, 2011 Board Retreat and the July
19, 2011 Board meeting. Motion carried.
5. Public Comments
6. Awards and Recognition
7. College Input (Reports)
a. Board of Trustees
1) New Trustee Orientation – Dr. Brewster and Ms. Portmann will attend the New Trustee
Orientation September 22, 2011 at the State Board Office.
2) Fall TACTC Conference – Mr. Blauvelt, Dr. Brewster, Ms. Chaffee, Ms. Portmann and
Mr. Rust will attend the TACTC Fall Conference October 18, 2011 in Seattle.
3) October Board Meeting – The October Board of Trustees’ meeting is scheduled for October
18 which is the same day as the TACTC Fall Conference. After discussion, it was decided
to coordinate the meeting with the TACTC conference and schedule the meeting from 1:00
p.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the conference hotel.
b. President ASGHC (Mr. Greg Taylor)
Mr. Taylor introduced ASGHC Vice President Mr. Keyton Bradley. Mr. Taylor reported
ASGHC is working together with seventeen other student governments in the state to get
legislation passed that would provide a dedicated funding source for community and technical
colleges similar to the K-12 system. Dr. Brewster added that he would like to combine efforts
with student government to invite our Coastal Caucus legislators to campus prior to the next
legislative session.
c. Classified Staff (Ms. Gail Winkelman)
Ms. Winkelman reported WPEA is ratifying their last contract offer.
d. Faculty (Dr. Gary Murrell)
e. President (Dr. Edward Brewster)
1) WACTC Meeting – Dr. Brewster’s report from the last presidents’ meeting was included in
the Board packet. He noted the following highlights from the meeting:
The Governor has asked all state agencies to plan for five and ten percent reductions.
For GHC five percent would be $350,000 and ten percent would be $750,000.
There is concern the budget cut may be between 10% and 30%.
The Governor could order across the board cuts.
The revenue shortfall is projected to be $1.4B.
It is likely the Legislature will be called back into session before January.
We are not in crisis mode for this year or next year but cannot use fund balances to
fund our operating budget on a continuing basis.
2) Items of Interest
Kick-Off-Week - One of the sessions during kick-off-week focused on Achieving the
Dream. Faculty and staff formed groups and reviewed initial data and suggested what
kinds of data they would like to look at further to enhance student success. Our two ATD
coaches joined the session. During winter Quarter, strategies will be developed for
improving three to five issues that need improving. Ms. Clary stated that Division chairs
are polling their colleagues to determine what data they would like to use to measure their
effectiveness with students.
Mr. Rust asked how we find out what happens to students when they leave GHC.
Dr. Brewster responded it is easier to track our vocational students than those in transfer
programs. We do have data on basic skills students who progress from basic skills to
regular classes.
Vice President for Instruction (Ms. Laurie Clary)
g. Vice President for Student Services (Dr. Arlene Torgerson)
1) Running Start – Dr. Torgerson reported the legislature made significant changes to the
Running Start program. It limits the total number of credits the state will pay for a student.
The high school and the college now share 1.2 FTE. Each student needs to complete a
Verification Form signed by their high school counselor that states how many weekly
minutes they are taking at their high school. Depending how many college credits they
take, it may result in them owing tuition. If they enroll for more credits than they are
authorized for we are supposed to charge them for those extra credits. Dr. Torgerson noted
that approximately ten students have dropped out of classes because they cannot afford the
extra tuition. Mr. Meierbachtol stated some colleges have chosen not to charge the extra
tuition. Dr. Brewster responded it is not our decision to grant waivers. That is a policy
decision made at the state level. The college’s Running Start counselor has offered
information sessions for Running Start students and parents.
2) Enrollment – Enrollment information was included in the Board packet. Dr. Torgerson
reported enrollment is down but we expect to meet our target.
h. Vice President for Administrative Services (Ms. Barbara McCullough)
1) Year-End Financial Reports – Ms. McCullough reviewed the following budgets:
State General Fund by Program
State General Fund by Object of Expenditure
Associated Students Fund
Grants Analysis
Multi-year Comparison of tuition Collected
Dr. Brewster noted that we are being funded for the same enrollment as three years ago.
Our target needs to be adjusted down which will have a negative effect. Worker re-training
FTE has been adjusted which has reduced our overall FTE for the year by 44 FTE.
2) Capital Update - Ms. McCullough reported on the following projects completed this
summer. She noted the majority of work was completed by college staff.
The Old Child Care Center was demolished and is now a parking lot for students.
Lighting has been improved in that area.
Renovations to the 300 building.
Improvements to the 800 building.
Replacement of walkways at main entrance to campus.
Ms. McCullough reported the architects for the SMART building are providing updated
cost information for us to forward to the State Board for the supplemental capital request.
Mr. Rust expressed concern regarding the cost of the proposed building and expressed an
interest in controlling costs by eliminating some features that could be perceived as
extravagant. Ms. Chaffee agreed.
8. Executive Session
9. Action Items as a Result of Executive Session
10. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 3:00 p.m.
Edward J. Brewster, Secretary
Randy Rust, Chair
October 18, 2011 – 1:00 p.m.
DoubleTree by Hilton Seattle Airport Hotel
Members Present:
Mr. Art Blauvelt, Ms. Rebecca Chaffee, Mr. Randy Rust
Members Absent:
Ms. Denise Portmann, Ms. Fawn Sharp
Others Present:
Dr. Ed Brewster, Mr. Dierk Meierbachtol
1. Call to Order
Mr. Rust called the meeting to order.
2. Approval of Minutes
It was noted that the minutes from the July 19, 2011 meeting did not include the passing of
the budget. The revised minutes showing that the budget was approved will be presented for
approval at the November meeting. It was moved and seconded to approve the September
20, 2011 minutes. Motion carried.
3. College Input (Reports)
a. Board of Trustees
1) The Board of Trustees will hold a social gathering on the evening of December 20th
at Dr. Brewster’s home. A Board meeting may be scheduled earlier that day for the
purpose of learning more about the budget.
2) Mr. Blauvelt reported he has a conflict on the third Tuesday of the month which is
the Boards’ usual meeting time. He would be available on the first or fourth Tuesday
or another day. Mr. Rust has a conflict on the third Wednesday of the month.
Ms. Zelasko will poll Board members to find a more convenient meeting time for all
b. President (Dr. Ed Brewster)
1) Exceptional Faculty Funds - There was discussion about the Exceptional Faculty
Awards and the account balance. It was moved and seconded to commit 4% of the
Exceptional Faculty Fund for distribution to faculty for 2012. Motion carried.
2) Items of Interest
Ilwaco Center - Dr. Brewster discussed concerns about the Ilwaco Center. He
has met with the local school superintendent, the president of Clatsop
Community College, and a community group, to discuss ideas for increasing
enrollment at the Center.
Budget - Dr. Brewster discussed the projected budget shortfall and the steps the
college is taking to plan for cuts. Criteria for evaluation of budget reduction
ideas will be presented at the next Trustee meeting.
Grays Harbor, Inc. Board - Dr. Brewster discussed the need for the Board to
appoint a representative from Grays Harbor College to the new Greater Grays
Harbor, Inc. Board. After discussion, it was moved and seconded to appoint
Dr. Brewster to the Greater Grays Harbor, Inc. Board. Motion carried.
4. Executive Session
5. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 1:40 p.m.
Edward J. Brewster, Secretary
Randy Rust, Chair
Aberdeen, Washington
Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees
November 15, 2011
Members Present:
Ms. Rebecca Chaffee, Ms. Denise Portmann, Mr. Randy Rust, Ms. Fawn Sharp
Members Absent:
Mr. Art Blauvelt
Mr. Greg Taylor, Ms. Barbara McCullough, Mr. Dierk Meierbachtol,
Dr. Arlene Torgerson, Ms. Gail Winkelman, Ms. Sandy Zelasko
1. Call to Order
Chair Rust called the meeting to order.
Dr. Brewster introduced the following new employees who had been invited to join the Board for
lunch prior to the meeting:
Mr. Jason Davison
Mr. Bill Dyer
Ms. Angela Fenn
Ms. Diane Forson
Mr. Roland Jones
Mr. Farhis Mizael
Ms. Rose Pendegast
Ms. Cathy Rector
2. Agenda changes
Ms. Chaffee asked for an opportunity to report on the recent TACTC Legislative Action committee
meeting she attended. Her request was approved.
3. Approval of Minutes
It was moved and seconded to adopt the revised minutes from the July 19, 2011 Board meeting and
the October 18, 2001 meeting. Motion carried.
4. Public Comments
5. Board Development
1) Exceptional Faculty Development Awards
Ms. Clary introduced three faculty members, Ms. Brenda Rolfe-Maloney (psychology
instructor), Mr. Brian Shook (Counselor), and Ms. Laura Ratcliff (Learning Center
Coordinator), who were recipients of last year’s exceptional faculty awards. They reported on
their experiences.
Ms. Maloney attended two conferences that were specific to psychology instructors. She had
the opportunity to meet well known authors of psychology textbooks and top researchers in the
psychology field. Two highlights of the conference have enhanced here teaching style.
She learned the value of tying the history of psychology to current themes.
She learned to “not hold information hostage.” For example, she now makes study guides
available before beginning teaching the material rather than later in the quarter.
Mr. Shook attended a Four-Day Intensive Training led by David Burns, MD entitled
Advanced Applications in Cognitive Therapy. He learned many techniques that have been
helpful in his work with students. He said the following two things he learned have been
particularly useful:
The Five Secrets of Effective Communication – He learned that cognitive therapy is very
effective for a wide variety of problems that students face, but isn’t the best tool for
relationship difficulties. David Burns believes that improving communications skills is
the fastest way to improve relationship difficulties. His book, “The Five Secrets of
Effective Communication” has been useful.
Cost Benefit Analysis – Making a change is hard, even if it is a change for the positive.
Counselors and students often dive into therapeutic techniques before students are ready
and/or committed to make a change, and this can lead to frustration and wasted time.
Before using cognitive therapy techniques, Mr. Shook is now doing a cost benefit
analysis with students about the advantages and disadvantages of making a change. He
said he has found it very effective to only use cognitive therapy after the student has
made a clear decision that the advantages of the change are far greater than the
advantages of not changing.
Ms. Ratcliff reported 300 students are using the same textbook for math 70, 95 and 98. She
developed a web site where students can easily access links to supplementary resources
organized by textbook section. Students have found it very helpful because they do not have to
search the internet to find material covering the same concept at the same level as their text.
Ms. Clary said other recipients of last year’s award will report at future board meetings.
6. College Input (Reports)
a. Board of Trustees
1) Meeting Date – There was a need to change the Board’s regular meeting date. After
discussion it was decided to meet on the third Monday of the month at 1:00 p.m. with the
exception of January and February. Those meetings will be held on the third Tuesday at
5:00 p.m. All meetings will be held in the Boardroom.
2) Fall TACTC Conference – Mr. Blauvelt, Dr. Brewster, Ms. Chaffee and Mr. Rust attended
the Fall TACTC conference. They reported on highlights of the conference.
3) Transforming Lives Awards – Dr. Brewster reported TACTC is recognizing students from
each community and technical college who has had their life transformed by attending a
community or technical college. Each college can select one student. Board members
were asked to review our applicants and select one. After discussion, they selected
Mr. Jamis Roose.
TACTC Legislative Committee – Ms. Chaffee reported the TACTC legislative committee
met recently. Two gubernatorial candidates addressed the group. They both said they were
committed to education. It was noted that in a state-wide poll the public was also very
supportive of education. Ms. Chaffee said she learned the FTE reimbursement rate for
rural colleges was higher than urban colleges. Dr. Brewster stated he has met with most of
our Coastal Caucus legislators in an effort to inform them of the impact of budget cuts to
higher education. The Governor’s budget includes a 15% cut in the second year of the
biennium. Ms. Chaffee said trustees were encouraged to challenge people to contact their
legislators and encourage them to support the community and technical college system.
b. President ASGHC (Mr. Greg Taylor)
Mr. Taylor reported students held a teach-in for the purpose of discussing the impact of
impending budget cuts on students. Representatives from social services, city government and
other state agencies presented information about how cuts in their programs would affect
students. Ms. Clary reported she informed faculty that if they want to participate in the teach-in
between classes or in their free time or as an alternative to their normal class assignment she
would support that decision. If a faculty member chooses to hold their classes as scheduled that
decision will also be supported.
GHC students volunteered to install holiday lights in downtown Aberdeen.
c. Classified Staff (Ms. Gail Winkelman)
c. Faculty (Dr. Gary Murrell)
d. President (Dr. Edward Brewster)
1) Financial Emergency Resolution – Dr. Brewster reported the State Board declared a
financial emergency for the system. He asked the Board to consider adopting a similar
resolution for GHC declaring a financial emergency for the 2011-13 biennium beginning
July 1, 2011 and ending June 30, 2013. This resolution acknowledges that the college does
have a financial emergency but does not mean that a faculty RIF is being initiated. If a RIF
is deemed necessary, the RIF process as outlined in the faculty contract will be followed.
After discussion, it was moved and seconded to adopt Resolution No. 5-11, declaring a
financial emergency for the 2011-13 biennium. Motion carried.
2) WACTC Meeting – A report from the last presidents’ meeting was included in backup
materials received prior to the meeting.
3) Items of Interest
Community forums will be held in Aberdeen, Raymond and Ilwaco for the purpose of
representatives from state agencies, including social services, K-12 and higher education,
having an opportunity to inform community members of the impact of impending budget
Vice President for Instruction (Ms. Laurie Clary)
g. Vice President for Student Services (Dr. Arlene Torgerson)
1) Enrollment – Dr. Torgerson reported we are down 95 FTE from this time last year. Many
students withdrew because their financial aid was not available at the beginning of Fall
Quarter. She noted that there will be a special registration day for Winter Quarter
enrollment for those students.
Specific enrollment history and Fall, 2011 demographics data was included in backup
Ms. Chaffee asked if discontinuing the second class in welding had an impact on decreased
enrollment. Dr. Brewster responded that it is a quality program and teaching two shifts of welding
was very difficult for the instructor. Also, equipment is very expensive. He said a second shift
could be offered on a part-time basis, but it would take students longer to complete the program.
2) College Placement Testing Fee - Dr. Torgerson reported twenty-six of the thirty-two
community and technical colleges in the state charge students a fee for taking the college
placement test. She recommended a testing/assessment fee of $10.00. The fee would go into
effect for testing for Spring Quarter, 2012. It is hoped the fee will offset costs to the college of
approximately $13,500 a year. It was moved and seconded to approve the $10.00 testing fee
as presented. Motion carried.
3) Achieving the Dream Update – Dr. Torgerson reported we are in the data analysis sorting
process for Achieving the Dream. ATD coaches will be on campus November 17 and 18.
They will lead focus group training, review our data, and set a time line for the remainder
of the year.
Ms. Chaffee asked about the student achievement initiative program. Dr. Brewster responded it
is very confusing how institutions earn points. He has been appointed to a WACTC task force
that will review the program.
h. Vice President for Administrative Services (Ms. Barbara McCullough)
1) First Quarter Budget Status and Budget Reduction Update – Ms. McCullough reviewed the
following accounts:
• State General Fund by Program
• State General Fund by Object of Expenditure
• Multi-year Comparison of Tuition Collected
• Cash Position Analysis
Ms. McCullough announced that approximately $1.2M in endowed funds will be transferred from
the college to the GHC Foundation. Dr. Brewster added that in addition to funding scholarships,
the Foundation provides funding for other college needs, i.e., equipment, GED testing, child care,
etc. He reported that the Foundation just purchased a grant data base that provides information
about all of the foundations and corporations in the U.S. that have funds available for specific
purposes. An example of a grant request our foundation will pursue is for the college’s World
Class Scholars program. Their goal is to create a $1M endowment for the program.
Approximately half of that amount has already been raised. Through this data base hopefully a
funding source will be identified that would supplement the remainder.
7. Executive Session
8. Action Items as a Result of Executive Session
9. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 4:28 p.m.
Edward J. Brewster, Secretary
Randy Rust, Chair