Courtney Campbell Scenic Highway Corridor Advocacy Group (CAG) Minutes Regular Meeting at the

Courtney Campbell Scenic Highway
Corridor Advocacy Group (CAG)
Regular Meeting at the
Board Meeting Room - URS Corporation
7650 W. Courtney Campbell Causeway
Tampa, Florida 33607-1462
December 16, 2002
1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
B. J. Bjers, Save Our Courtney Campbell Causeway
Ned Baier, Hillsborough County
Jane Burmer, Assistant VP, URS
Chris Cook, Keep Hillsborough County Beautiful
Katie Cole, Clearwater Regional Chamber of Commerce
Jim Gilman, Landscape Architect, URS
Ron Gregory, Vice President, URS
Nadine Jones, Hillsborough County Aviation Authority
The Honorable Bill Jonson, Clearwater City Commissioner
Tim Kurtz, Landscape Architect, City of Clearwater
Michael Palozzi, FDOT - PBS&J
Laurie Potier-Brown, FDOT - PBS&J
The Honorable Linda Saul-Sena, Councilmember, City of Tampa
Brian Smith, Pinellas County Planning/MPO
Joe Troph, Urban Order Inc. and Westshore Alliance
Jim Valentine, City of Tampa Parks Department
Jessica White, Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council
Bill Jonson, CAG Chair, called the meeting to order at 1:20 p.m.
Bill Jonson, CAG Chair, introduced Jessica White, Planner, as CME staff support representative
from the Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council.
The minutes of the meeting of September 13, 2002 were reviewed. They were approved with one
correction–Add Chris Cook, KHCB to “Attending” list.
Old Business:
Eligibility Document - FDOT Review
Mr. Jonson updated the group on the Eligibility Document, stating it was submitted to FDOT on
November 8th, including the recommended revision from the comments received in August.
Mike Palozzi introduced Laurie Potier-Brown, PBS&J, stating she would be assisting with the
District 7 Scenic Highway program and sitting in on meetings from time-to-time, as he will be
spending more time at the FDOT office.
Mr. Polozzi Palozzi reiterated Mr. Jonson’s update, but added that the District is currently
completing its review of the Eligibility Application. Once completed, the District will forward its
recommendation to Tallahassee for final approval. Once the Eligibility Document is approved it
will be turned over to Brian Smith and Ned Baier for their technical update that will become part of
the Corridor Management Plan.
Corridor Management Entity update
Mr. Jonson, CAG Chair, reported that at the November 4, 2002 TBRPC meeting, the Council
approved the recommendation to accept the role of CME for the Courtney Campbell Scenic
Highway project.
The Group suggested the Corridor Advocacy Group Membership List, included in the TBRPC
agenda packet, be updated to reflect all current members.
New Business:
LINKS Update
In the absence of Elaine Illes, Mike Palozzi, PBS&J, and Ron Gregory, URS, updated the group
on the LINKS project. They began by reporting that an Aesthetics Advisory Committee would be
starting up after the holidays. The Committee will serve to address aesthetic issues as part of the
design of the LINKS project. One issue concerning the residents of Dana Shores, and
management at the Hyatt, deals with noise levels coming from the elevated roadways. To help
with noise reduction, FDOT has assessing the need for noise walls. The Committee plans to
work with the citizens to help come up with an aesthetically pleasing noise reduction plan for the
neighborhood and nearby businesses.
Jane Burmer, URS, reported FDOT increased the Spruce Street landscaping budget to 1.5%. It
was reported that irrigation is to be included in the final design. Councilwoman Saul-Sena stated
she would like to see the 1.5% go only to plant material instead of irrigation. The landscape
design should be completed some time in February 2003 and may be ready to present sometime
in March.
Councilwoman Saul-Sena reported, through the cooperation of several agencies, especially the
Hillsborough County Aviation Authority, and local government, a Utility Corridor design has been
finalized that would allow an unofficial pedestrian connection.
Courtney Campbell Scenic Highway presentation
Councilwoman Saul-Sena, and Katie Cole reported they would be meeting with the staff at URS to
work out some of the details. They hope to be able to report back by the next meeting.
Technical Committee
Mr. Jonson reported that once the Eligibility Document final comments are received from the state,
they would then be forwarded to the Technical Committee for updating.
Other Items if Time permits
Letters of Support - Mr. Jonson stressed the need for additional letters of support. A letter of
support was received from the Hillsborough Aviation Authority. He promised to contact the
Shriners for possible support.
Corridor Management Plan Schedule - The current timeline shows submission of the CMP at
the end of January 2003, but this likely will be adjusted.
Next Meeting
8:30 a.m., Friday, January 24, 2003 at Clearwater Christian College, Board Room in Cathcart Hall,
3400 Gulf-to-Bay Boulevard (Courtney Campbell Causeway), Clearwater. Cathcart Hall is the first
large building on the right as one enters the campus.
Meeting adjourned 2:25 p.m.
If corrections to these minutes are noted, please e-mail Jessica White with changes: