COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES COLLEGE ADVISORY COUNCIL Arts Committee MINUTES 24 January 2013, 15:30, Room 219, Pray Harrold Present: Perry (AAS), Sacksteder (ART), Hammill (CMTA), Woodland (ECON), Dionne (ENGL), Dieterle (HIST/PHIL), Singh (PLSC), Ensor (SAC), Vosteen (WL Chair), Higgins (WGST) Ex Officio: Mehuron (CAS Dean’s Office) I. Call to Order: 15:35 II. Minutes of the Meeting of 6 December 6 2012: Approved Unanimously III. Old Business: none IV. New Business: A. College of Arts and Sciences ART Request for Course Revision ARTH467 Art of East Asia (title, description, pre-/corequisite) Approved Unanimously CMTA The following CMTA two course revision, new course, and program revision proposals were Approved as a Package: 8 for, 0 against, 1 abstention. 1. Requests for Course Revisions CTAC124 Fundamentals of Speech (title, description) CTAC407 Directing the Secondary Communication and Theatre Co-curriculum (hours) 2. Request for New Course CTAR 365 Costume Draping 3. Proposal to Revise Program Major/Minor in Secondary Education in Communication, Media and Theatre Arts CTOA—CTAT IESS Program Proposal to Revise Program IESS, Interdisciplinary Environmental Science and Society Approved Unanimously B. College of Health and Human Services School of Health Promotion and Human Performance 1. Requests for New Courses The following School of Health Promotion and Human Performance new course proposals were Passed as a Package Unanimously. HLED242 Theoretical Foundations of Health Behavior HLED345 Community Health Education Methods and Materials HLED371 Injury and Violence Protection School of Nursing Request for New Course NURS369 Essentials of Poster, Podium and Paper Presentations Tabled Unanimously: the presentation of the course suggests that 3 credits are too many, the content of presentations is evaluated without instruction on content (e.g., research methods), there is no course bibliography, and no explanation for the lack of prerequisites. School of Health Sciences Proposal for New Degree Program Public Health—Bachelor of Science Tabled Unanimously for discussion with AAS (regarding potential inclusion of AAS350 The Social Context of African American Health), PHIL (regarding the potential inclusion of PHIL223 Medical Ethics), and SAC (regarding potential impacts from including two of its courses, particularly SOCL345 Ethnographic Methods). C. College of Technology School of Technology Studies 1. Request for Course Deletion BMMT364 Methods of Teaching General Business Subjects Passed Unanimously 2. Proposal to Revise Program Industrial Distribution (ID) Passed Unanimously V. Chair’s Remarks: none VI. Adjournment: 16:10 Respectfully Submitted, Bradley Ensor, recording secretary