COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES COLLEGE ADVISORY COUNCIL Arts Committee MINUTES 6 December 2012, 15:30, Room 219, Pray Harrold Present: Sacksteder (ART), Hammill (CMTA), Dionne (ENGL), Ramsey (ENGL-DH), Dieterle (HIST/PHIL), Foster (MAD), Plagens (PLSC), Ensor (SAC), Higgins (WGST), Vosteen (WL, chair). Ex-Officio: Mehuron (CAS Dean’s Office) Guests: MeeAe Nam and Robert Peavler (MAD) I. Call to Order: 15:35 II. Minutes of the Meeting of 8 November 2012: Approved: 8 for, 0 against, 1 abstention III. Old Business—College of Arts and Sciences ENGL & CMTA Proposal to Revise Program Public Relations Interdisciplinary Major (PURL) Tabled Unanimously at the meeting of 10 May 2012 for discussion with CMTA Approved Unanimously MAD From the meeting of 8 November 2012: The course deletion, course revision, new course, and three program revision proposals were Unanimously Tabled as a Package. There is no rationale given for reducing the credit hours for MUSC274. There is no rationale for the 1 credit hour for the two MUSC1xx courses replacing the MUSC235 course. The three program revision proposals do not present the current and proposed programs. The MA program revision should explain why the 100 level course is relevant. The MAD guests gave an overview of the program revision and course proposals, and answered questions on the MUSC274 credit hours and the MA program’s 100–level prerequisite. With that information and the additional submitted rationales and current/proposed program information the following three program revision, course deletion, course revision, and new course proposals were Approved as a Package: 8 for, 0 against, 1 abstention. Request for Course Deletion: MUSC 235 Diction in Singing Request for Course Revision: MUSC 274 Functional Guitar (credit hours) Requests for New Courses: MUSC 1xx Vocal Diction I: English and Italian MUSC 1xx Vocal Diction II: German and French Proposals to Revise Programs: Bachelor of Music Education—Voice (MEDV) Bachelor of Music in Vocal Performance—Voice (MPRF) Master of Music in Vocal Performance—Voice (MMPRF) IV. New Business A. College of Arts and Sciences ART Requests for Course Revision: The following two ARTS course revisions were Approved as a Package Unanimously ARTS101 Introduction to Art (restriction) ARTS127 Foundations Digital Media (pre-/corequisite) CMTA Proposal to Revise Program: Arts Management Program (BA/BS) Approved Unanimously ENGL Requests for Course Revisions: The following two LITR course revisions were Approved as a Package Unanimously LITR526 Studies in African American Literature to 1945 LITR527 Studies in African American Literature since 1945 Request for New Course: ENGL 370 Peer Tutoring Approved Unanimously Proposal to Revise Program: Master of Arts in Teaching Approved Unanimously HIST/PHIL Request for New Course: HIST1xx Reacting to the World Tabled to for discussion with PHIL and with the comments that 1) a CASI designation should be considered for interdisciplinary team-taught courses and 2) although the course description includes China, the syllabus does not. The following new course and three program proposals were Approved as a Package Unanimously Request for New Course: HIST490W- Senior Seminar Request for Program Phase Out: Social Studies (SOST) Major Proposal to Revise Program: History Major (HIST) Proposal for New Degree Program: Social Studies (SOST) Minor WL The two WL course proposals were Approved Unanimously with the Strong Recommendation to change the title of SPNH111 to “Introduction Spanish Language and Spanish-Speaking Cultures” to avoid “Hispanic,” which can be offensive. Requests for New Courses: GERN111 Introduction to German Language and German-Speaking Cultures SPNH111 Introduction Spanish Language and Hispanic Cultures B. College of Technology: Technology Studies Request for Course Revision: SAG 175 Graphics for Simulation I (description) Tabled Unanimously for discussion with ART V. Chair’s Remarks: The chair made a request for Department Heads to submit different proposals in separate files to avoid difficulties in finding proposals for listing on the agenda and for committee review. VI. Adjournment: 16:25 Respectfully Submitted, Brad Ensor, recording secretary