Arts Committee
12 Janurary 2012
15:30, Room 219, Pray Harrold
Present: Perry (AAS), Sacksteder (ART), Hammill (CMTA), Woodlawn (ECON), Ramsey (ENGL, DH), Dieterle (HIST/PHIL),
Singh (PLSC), Ensor (SAC), Higgins (WGST), Vosteen (WL, Chair)
Ex-officio: Mehuron (CAS Dean’s Office)
Guests: Russel Olwell (HIST/PHIL), John Charles (CMTA), Jeromy Hopgood (CMTA), Melanie Schuessler (CMTA)
I. Call to Order: 15:30
II. Minutes of the Meeting of 10 November 2011: Approved: 8 for, 0 against, 1 abstention
III. Old Business:
A. College of Arts and Sciences
Proposal to Revise Program
Department of African American Studies
The proposal to revise the program was Tabled Unanimously on 10 November 2011: “so that the current program description and
statement on impacts can be included. The current program includes restricted electives from History and Literature, requiring input from
those units, and the proposal does not indicate how the current electives in ANTH, CTAR, ECON, GEOG, HIST, PLSC, and PSY will fit
into the proposed new program. A memo on the department name change should be sent to the Dean.”
Motion to remove from the table: unanimous.
Motion to table because none of the concerns from the prior tabling were addressed: Tabled Unanimously.
Request for New Course
PLSC346 International Political Economy Withdrawn by PLSC
B. College of Education
Request for New Course
SOFD 672 Advanced Study in the History of Education Approved Unanimously
Proposal to Revise Program
Master of Arts in Teaching
The proposal to revise the program was Tabled Unanimously on 10 November 2011 “to allow completion of the proposal,
which currently lacks the Current Program Description, Impact, and Budget information.” It was removed from the Table
(Unanimous) and Tabled Unanimously for remaining incomplete (no changes were made).
IV. New Business
A. College of Arts and Sciences
Request for Course Revision
ARTS250 Introduction to Graphic Design I (prereq/coreq) Approved Unanimously
1. Request for Course Revision
CTAC124 Fundamentals of Speech (title, description) Approved Unanimously
CTAC407 Directing the Secondary Communication and Theatre Co-curriculum (credit hours)
This proposal, hidden in the program revision, was added to the agenda (Unanimous) and Approved Unanimously
2. Proposal to Revise Program
Major/Minor in Secondary Education in Communication, Media and Theatre Arts (CTOA-CTAT) Approved: 8 for, 0 against, 1
3. Proposal for New Degree Program
Entertainment Design and Technology (Major and Minor)
The guests from CMTA described the needs for the program revision (the growth in the industry, academic needs, and
career preparation needs), the ways that the revision will cultivate close faculty-student interaction through faculty mentored
projects, and how the revision can help guide students toward graduate programs or career paths. A handout was provided that
summarizes the revised program. The program revision was Approved Unanimously With Comments: The program description
for the major should be corrected to indicate “38-40 HRS” (not “37-40 HRS”) and the “Course Hours Breakdown” for the
minor should indicate “9 HRS” on page 9 of the proposal.
The following MAD requests for three course revisions and four program revisions was Approved Unanimously As a Package
1. Requests for Course Revisions
• MUSC518 Music Composition I (description)
• MUSC617 Music Composition II (description)
• MUSC618 Music Composition III (description)
2. Proposals to Revise Programs
• Master of Music in Composition
• Music Major (BA/BS)
• Music Performance Major (Instrumental)—With specialization in guitar, keyboard, strings, winds or percussion
• Music Performance Major (Vocal)
1. Request for Course Revision
PHIL380W Philosophy of Science (number, subj. code) Approved Unanimously
2. Request for New Course
HIST 570 Civil War: Combat, Culture, and Place Approved Unanimously pending a correction to item B.4. (mark “no”)
3. Proposals to Revise Programs
• Secondary Education Social Studies Major (SST) Remained on Table
• Secondary Education Social Studies (SST)/Economics for Secondary Teaching Minor (ECNT) Approved Unanimously
The following WL requests for two new courses were Approved As a Package Unanimously with the comments that the course
title should be included with FLAN411 under B.6 of the FLAN421 proposal, and that a program revision should be submitted,
as suggested by the course rationales.
Requests for New Courses
• FLAN 421 Practicum in World Language Instruction—Secondary
• FLAN 422 Practicum in World Language Instruction—Elementary
V. Chair’s Remarks: none
VI. Adjournment: 17:00
Respectfully Submitted,
Bradley E. Ensor, Recording Secretary