FINANCE, BUDGET & PLANNING COMMITTEE Meeting Date: March 2, 2016 Location: Board Room – 12:00 p.m. AGENDA Faculty Odell Moon Henry Young 1. 2. ASC ASC CSEA Frederick Board Justin Gatewood Tim Isbell Renny Thoms ASC Management Hamid Eydgahi Steve Garcia Karen Hardy Robert Sewell Call to Order Approve Meeting Minutes of February 17, 2016 Deedee Orta - ASC Student(s) Abigail Ledesma ASC Maria Soto H. Young All UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 3. 4. 5. Campus-wide New Hires Start Dates Report Budget Augmentation Sub-Committee (Rubric Changes) Enrollment Management Group H. Young H. Young NEW BUSINESS: 6. Pledge of Allegiance H. Young STANDARD TOPICS: 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. College Council Info Budget Update Other Next Scheduled Meeting – March 16, 2016 Adjournment All D. Orta All Charge: 1. Review, evaluate and recommend short and long term budget strategies to the Superintendent/ President to ensure alignment of college financial goals and resource allocation. 2. The Finance, Budget and Planning Committee will review, rate, and discuss division level prioritized requests both Instructional Program Review (IPR) and Non-Instructional Program Review (NIPR) requests following a Tier II budget rubric, to assess alignment of planning and budget requests with strategic priorities from the most recent Educational Master Plan. 3. Monitor development and implementation of formal college plans for financial sustainability. Make recommendations, as needed regarding unrestricted general fund resource planning and allocations. 4. All recommendations from the Finance, Budget and Planning Committee will be forwarded to the Superintendent/President in support of the college initiatives. Committee Ground Rules: 1. Gavel will be used to declare the meeting in order, maintain speakers recognized if necessary and to adjourn meetings. 2. Cell phones must be in vibrate mode during meetings 3. Member shall be recognized by the Chair before speaking. 4. Absenteeism: Miss 2 in a row or 40% in a semester, Chair will investigate if member wants to remain on committee. Chair will report that conclusion to the committee. Chair will request replacement of member when applicable. 5. Attend meeting whenever possible to effectively utilize quorums for decision make. Quorum is defined as a minimum of 5 members. 6. Maintain professional courtesy at all times.