Finance, Budget & Planning Committee Meeting Meeting Date: February 17, 2016 Location: Board Room - 12:00 p.m. MINUTES Committee Members: X = Present, A = Absent X Odell Moon A Frederick Board X Henry Young A Justin Gatewood X Tim Isbell A Renny Thoms A X A X Hamid Eydgahi Steve Garcia Karen Hardy Robert Sewell X X Maria Soto Abigail Ledesma Non-Voting Present: Professor Ed Burg, guest; Deedee Orta, Director of Budget and Planning and Shirley SnellGonzalez, recorder. 1. Chairman Young called the meeting to order at 12:07 PM and welcomed all in attendance. He stated that he plans to recognize attendees by the raise of a hand and hopes to ensure both sides of the issues discussed are heard. Ed Burg, CIS instructor was introduced as a guest of the meeting as well as a potential new member. 2. Approval of Meeting Minutes of February 3, 2016: The minutes of the February 3rd meeting were presented. Tim Isbell moved to approve the minutes which was seconded by Maria Soto. ACTION: The motion to approve the February 3, 2016 meeting minutes passed and were approved. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 3. Campus-wide New Hires Start Dates Report: Chairman Young stated that he has not received any information from Trinda Best, Human Resources Director, regarding the report on the cost of newly hired staff. He asked Shirley Snell-Gonzalez to follow-up with Ms. Best in hopes of receiving a response prior to the next meeting. 4. Budget Augmentation Sub-Committee (Rubric Changes): An initial sub-committee meeting has been scheduled on February 22nd at 11:30 AM in the West Wing. Ms. Orta suggested that a management representative be appointed to the sub-committee as she is an informational advocate. Dean Eydgahi will be asked to join the sub-committee. Ms. Orta stated that she will serve, if Dean Eydgahi is unable. 5. Enrollment Management Group: Mr. Sewell reported that this issue is on hold for now. NEW BUSINESS 6. Review of AP 6200 Budget Development: the AP was presented for review as it relates to the upcoming process that will be used by the sub-committee for augmentation review. STANDARD TOPICS: 7. College Council Info: Ms. Orta reported that a staff travel policy was discussed at the last meeting, specifically addressing a potential per diem rate for meals. Also on the agenda was the Ellucian contract for the Information Technology Department. Finance, Budget & Planning Committee February 17, 2016 Page 1 8. Budget Update: Ms. Orta stated that the budget for next year will be rolled at the end of the month. Ms. Orta has requested an update of submitted augmentation reports from Dean Moran. This prompted discussion as to timeliness and potential delays in deadline submissions of the augmentation requests, which will delay review by this committee. Ms. Orta has met with Drs. Wagner and Maphumulo, in part to encourage compliance with established timelines. Professor Moon repeated concerns of the committee last year in these types of delays. It was suggested that invitations may be offered to the Deans to attend this meeting and possible training of the processes. Ms. Orta reminded the members that she was appointed the Liaison Coordinator by the Finance, Budget and Planning Committee (see 7.15.15 minutes) to ensure the process is followed. 9. Other: Chairman Young distributed a print out of the Chancellor’s Office definition of Equivalent Students (FTES) for informational purposes. He will be meeting with Mark Clair (Institutional Research Department) for further information and will report his findings to the committee members. Ms. Orta noted that the Chancellor’s Office will be changing the calculation. 10. Next Scheduled Meeting: The next meeting is scheduled for March 2nd. 11. Adjournment: A motion was made by Ms. Soto with a second from Professor Moon to adjourn the meeting at 12:50 PM. Finance, Budget & Planning Committee February 17, 2016 Page 2