AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT June 13, 2011 SUBJECT: Ratification: Construction Change Orders REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION ACTION ENCLOSURE(S) ITEM NUMBER Page 1 of 2 A.3 BACKGROUND: In accordance with Board Policy 4155, the attached change orders over $25,000 and less than 10% of the original contract value are submitted for Governing Board ratification. Continued on page 2 FISCAL IMPACT: $16,555 from the project contingency fund. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Governing Board ratify the construction change orders provided as an attachment. Administrator Initiating Item: Joe Nugent Victoria Lewis Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition Accepted Ratification: Construction Change Orders: cont. Project Green Tech Center Change order # PCO# 015 PCO# 017 PCO# 013 PCO# 004 Green Technology Center Contractor Dilbeck Amount Description PG&E is bringing 21KV service to our new building and moving our existing buildings over to this new service. This is for additional trenching and conduit runs to the new service start point. 2673 This is to add an additional expansion joint not shown on the plans. Additional steel drawing updates to incorporate requested changes to the original plans. 1279 Two additional days of labor for lime treating the site to beat forecasted rain. (this has really help us keep on schedule if we had not done it we would have lost three weeks) 11716 487 16,155 Total Change Order Note: These change orders are reflected in the Facilities Master Plan (FMP) Status Report.