Primary Language Learning Stage Planner: Primary 1 Context Greetings Skills Based Learning Intention Number Success Criteria Listen actively to the sounds of the target language. Respond simply to greeting/ question asked. Use target language in some everyday routines. Listen actively to the sounds of a target language. Count using numbers of target language. Calendar Listen actively to the sounds of a target language. Say the days of the week in order using target language. South Lanarkshire PLL Framework Primary 1 IDL Learning covered Use hello and goodbye in the target language. Reply, with some information to question asked using target language – Hello/ Goodbye/ ‘How are you?’ Repeat and respond through gesture and/or counting number vocabulary correctly. Begin to recall numbers up to 10. Begin to identify numbers up to 10 in the target language. Participate in simple number games with support. Repeat vocabulary for days of the week. Begin to respond in target language when asked, What day is it today? by saying e.g. It is Monday / Tuesday etc. Use learned vocabulary as part of the date in daily routines. 1 Weather Listen actively to the sounds of a target language. Describe weather in target language in real and imaginary situations e.g. using flashcards. Classroom objects Colours Listen actively to the sounds of a target language. Describe objects in target language. Listen actively to the sounds of a target language. Identify colours correctly in target language. Food Listen actively to the sounds of the target language. Use target language in everyday routines. South Lanarkshire PLL Framework Primary 1 Recall learned vocabulary for given types of weather e.g. it is nice/ not nice. Begin to respond in target language when asked, What is the weather like?, by repeating new vocabulary e.g. it is warm/cold Use learned vocabulary as part of daily routines. Recall known objects (door, window, seat, table) Repeat new vocabulary correctly: pencil, rubber Participate in simple games involving known classroom objects. Repeat colour vocabulary correctly: Primary colours - red, yellow and blue. Participate in simple colour games (corners etc) Begin to identify colours of objects – a red house, a blue car. Begin to respond in target language to simple lunch time options using gestures and yes/no. Repeat snack options. 2 Body Listen actively to the sounds of the target language. Build on links between words heard and parts of own body. Listen to and interpret instructions involving parts of the body. Say some parts of the body in the target language. Clothes Personal Information Listen actively to the sounds of the target language. Respond to instructions involving clothes as part of normal class routine. Identify the names of some clothes. Listen actively to the sounds of the target language. Respond appropriately to question asked. South Lanarkshire PLL Framework Primary 1 Recall known vocabulary (hands and feet) Repeat new vocabulary (arms, thumbs e.g. thumbs up, thumbs down). Begin to respond to instructions involving parts of the body during games and daily routines. e.g.” Clap your hands.” “Cross your arms.” With support, participate in playing games involving remembering and saying parts of the body. Repeat some vocabulary using sounds heard. (Coat – shoes – gym shoes) Begin to respond to instructions involving clothes as part of classroom routines e.g. “Hang up your coat” “Change your shoes” etc Imitate pronunciation of sounds. Repeat vocabulary for “I am... years old” and how I feel. Reply to the question “What age are you?” and “How are you?” Use actions appropriately to convey meaning. Identify correct question and answer connection. 3