Pathfinder Actions and Decisions from the Project Board

Pathfinder Actions and Decisions from the Project Board
Meeting of 19 October 2010
Key actions, decisions, lessons learnt and risks discussed/raised at Project
Board concerning the Pathfinder Programme.
Options and appraisal paper to be completed and presented to
board regarding the use of the purchased EN12 opportunities.
Blatch/Peter Frew
Minor amendments to Manor Caravan Park offer letter.
Rob Goodliffe
VAT issues will need to be considered when assessing and
Rob Young
planning the future management of the Car Park etc. at
A meeting needs to be arranged once all the information is
Rob Young
available to enable Happisburgh Parish Council to decide if they
wish to take on the future management of the facilities at
Happisburgh and what form this will take. There will also need to
be a decision as to whether the NRCC is to be engaged.
As the Happisburgh beach debris project progresses it will be
Brian Farrow
important to ensure that the benefits and the potential effects are
publicised locally.
Inquire as to the encouragement/assistance businesses are
Jose Socao
receiving for taking up business advice vouchers.
Clive Stockton to meet with Ian Doughty and NNBF banking
Clive Stockton/
member to discuss the lending issues in the coastal zone.
Ian Doughty
Develop business circles model, procurement and funding.
Jose Socao
Further Business Support paper to be circulated with questions
Jose Socao
for 2 weeks to the board and NNBF contacts for feedback and
suggestions for final proposals for agreement.
More detailed projections of salary costs need to be used to
Rob Goodliffe
ensure accurate forecasting. Issues around how the salaries are
coded need to be resolved.
Develop and plan the Pathfinder conference to be held in
Coastal Team
February in North Norfolk (expect 20-30 delegates).
Amend attendees list on Reference group minutes to include
Rob Goodliffe
Peter Battrick.
VAT and capital/revenue allocation issues were tabled and the
Coastal Team
need to maintain continued evaluation.
A budget should be allocated for the first quarter of the next
Rob Goodliffe
financial year to allow for completing/wrapping projects up and
reporting back to Defra.
The Council will purchase whichever properties at Beach Road come forward with an
agreed a price, irrespective of how many householders take advantage of the
Any funds generated through the sale/use of the EN12 assets will be directed to a
separate Coastal Management Fund for further property purchases.
Trimingham funding contract to have in the conditions that the funds and assets
bought will be reviewed after 3 years and potentially claimed back after 5 years if not
used for the proposed purpose. A further condition will be required that the Pilgrims
Shelter is found a suitable alternative use.
Karen Sly and Steve Blatch were given the authority from the board to agree the final
contract with Trimingham Parish Council for the Village Hall Fund
Land could be bought outright or an option purchased. The final decision ion this will
be with the Parish Council.
Increase the area eligible for business advice to those Parishes on the seaward side
of the A149 between Overstrand and Horsey, excluding N.Walsham, but including
Agreed to go forward with business circles as part of the further business support /
Amendments to the capital and revenue elements of the budget were agreed. The
budget does have fluidity at present as a key project (Beach Road Houses) is
implemented. The funds are in place for this but uptake will affect how it is funded
through other budgets (the contingency and the buy to lease).
Trimingham Village Hall budget should be increase by a small amount to enable the
contract to supply the full £200,000 to the Parish Council.
Agreement that NWES’s role can be amended to include general business
assistance/advice as well and business planning. This will need to be put in writing.
Skills development should be implemented as part of the business package – look to
the aftercare and further business support to provide a delivery mechanism.
Support for grants to be available on a community level – Local Area
Partnerships/Parish Councils/business groups to deliver small scale improvements to
benefit the local economy. To be provided through the Further Business Support
Project grants programme.
Lesson Learnt
Encouraging and enabling rural businesses to come together to discuss issues and
solutions is very beneficial and needs to be encouraged.
It has been stated by some members of the public that if the Pathfinder does not solve
the Beach Road houses issue it will have failed. However the project is recording all
the concerns and sensitive issues and will ensure that these are reported
appropriately to Defra at the end of the project. The programme will not fail if the
objectives of the Council are met.
The risks were discussed, notably perceived conflicts of interest, and the importance
of maintaining community support and managing community expectations to prevent
perceived project failure.
Date of Next Meeting: Monday 15 November – 2pm