Pathfinder Actions and Decisions from the Project Board

Pathfinder Actions and Decisions from the Project Board
Meeting of 15 November 2010
Key actions, decisions, issues and risks discussed at Project Board
concerning the Pathfinder Programme.
Circulate BK Development Options Appraisal to Karen Sly
and Jill Fisher.
Development Options Appraisal is confidential as it contains
figures which could be potentially be used to negotiate for
land purchases. However a précis with extracts will be
written to circulate to the Parish Council, Liaison Group and
Reference Group.
Consider Development Options Appraisal at December
board meeting when more information is available with
regard to the likely number of EN12 opportunities acquired.
Finalise all enforcement actions which could be taken
forward on any unlawful uses on the cliff top at Happisburgh
and consider at the end of week beginning 22 November for
a joined up approach to resolving the issues through
discussions with landowners/occupiers. Sandra Bush to
arrange the meeting on the 22.
Amend letter to Manor Caravan Park to reflect that further
discussion would be required should land be purchased
with the grant offered.
Discuss the marketing toolkit with Blue Sail regarding the
project board decision (see decision 7 below)
Resolve further business support capital/revenue issue and
VAT issue on grants (see issues 2 & 3 below).
Develop grants package for delivery
Develop Business Circles
Write loan specification and cabinet report for consideration
at the next board meeting.
Board to agree distribution of Budget for further business
support ant December meeting.
Rob Young
Rob Young &
Steve Blatch
Steve Blatch /
Rob Young
/Peter Frew
Sandra Bush
Rob Goodliffe
Jose Socao
Jose Socao, Rob
Goodliffe, Karen
Jose Socao
Jose Socao
Jose Socao &
Robin Smith
Team & Peter
Tourism Round
Press release in the new year about current successes and
achievements of Pathfinder and next steps. We need to do
our best to prevent any reference to ‘compensation’ in
future media articles if possible.
Tourism Round Table to develop the proposal for the NNBF
tourism spring event for Board to assess whether elements
of the Pathfinder programme can be incorporated.
That the board accept the minor risk of potential litigation following the removal
of beach debris at Happisburgh. The risk will be minimised by publication of
the erosion assessment and contact with those at increased risk with a record of
the overriding community benefits.
Noted that:
There has been continued public engagement throughout this
project with a feeling that the project should go ahead.
The assessment shows little change in erosion rates for the
current time.
The assessment should not be used by the public to assess
investments or risk to properties.
That the beach debris removal will start following contact with the relevant
property owners and the end of the offer period for properties on Beach Road
Happisburgh, irrespective of whether offers have been accepted.
Happisburgh Parish Council wish and will be encouraged to manage the
Happisburgh car park and facilities and will develop a business plan with
NWES. Should the land purchases for the car park be less than £50,000 the
purchase will be taken to the Asset Management Board for approval, if above
this value it will be agreed by Cabinet. Final land costs will be circulated to the
Board in a round robin once finalised.
The board approved that the land behind the Beach Road houses in the 20 year
zone owned by Mr Hayward and trustees could be acquired for the cliff top
enhancement scheme if required. There should not be a transfer of money
between the parties as it is a diminishing asset, however landscaping such as
fencing could be included in an agreement.
Further business support package :
• Agreement of the grants package, following consideration of the
capital/revenue requirements of the budget and finalising what
will and will not be eligible. Note that as part of the contact the
business will need to agree to be a case study for reporting of
• Agreement of Skill Development element with preference for
delivery mechanism (d) – direct sourcing and purchase of
training/development by the business, NNDC providing a flexible
grant to cover full costs – add to grants package. Continue with
development of (e) Business circles as discusses in October.
• Develop specification and report for Cabinet regarding
Revolving Loan Fund. This can not be managed in house and
the expertise will need to be procured.
• Grants will be considered by a grants review panel.
• Any businesses receiving a grant must not owe any business
The business advice will be open for new entrants until the end of February
2011 and all diagnostics will be completed by March 2011. The vouchers and
business advice provided by NWES and any remaining further business support
will be available until 31 March 2012 (unless fully subscribed or otherwise
arranged). Should the number of businesses be above the original 80
proposed, a fee for their co-ordination will be arranged with NNBF (to be signed
off by S. Blatch) and the terms to businesses amended to reflect the limited
availability of the vouchers and advice.
The board wish to see the marketing toolkit before it commits to any workshops
to be delivered for its launch.
The board agree that NNDC will host a Pathfinder conference in Feb/March
2011 to enable dissemination of Pathfinder lessons learned and that the
Pathfinder Team can go ahead and plan the event. A further community
event/s will be held later in 2011 to receive feedback from the communities and
celebrate the successes.
The remaining budget of 2010-11 will be rolled forward into 2011-12 to enable
wrapping up of projects and continuity of longer term projects.
Following an introduction into the proposed arts project at Happisburgh which
was presented to the Happisburgh Liaison Group, the board supported the
group’s view that this is currently not a priority for the Pathfinder.
That should Manor Caravan Park confirm that they wish to use the grant offered
for land purchase, further discussions will need to take place around the grant
contract and conditions.
Reported that there was an expectation by Happisburgh Parish Council that the
EN12 rollback would be used for affordable housing. Noted, however it is
hoped that the EN12 rollback will be used alongside a housing exceptions
scheme which would deliver the affordable housing. The EN12 policy would
enable the rollback of market housing and this is what offers to owners on
Beach Road have been based upon.
The further business support has a capital budget. The grants all fall below the
capital de minimus of £10,000; therefore they will be accounted as revenue.
Some of the activities expected under the support will be revenue. It will be
necessary to transfer some budget to revenue and further investigation needs to
take place.
If NNDC pays for services/goods on behalf of a business through a grant
mechanism, the Council is unable to recover the VAT.
The board noted the update concerning the loss of staff.
Date of next meeting: tbc (December)