A Simple Analysis of Service Oriented Architecture for Mobile Cloud Computing Y.Padma

International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 11 Number 1 - May 2014
A Simple Analysis of Service Oriented Architecture
for Mobile Cloud Computing
Y.Padma 1 , K.Pavan Kumar 2, A.Durgabhavani 3
Assistant Professor, Prasad V. Potluri Siddhartha Institute of Technology, Vijayawada, AP, India
Assistant Professor, Usharama College of Enggineering &Technology, Vijayawada, AP, India
Abstract— Cloud-based Mobile Augmentation (CMA) is thestate-of-the-art augmentation model that leverages proximate
and distant clouds to increase, enhance, and optimize computing
capabilities of mobile devices aiming at execution of RMAs,
which breeds Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC). This study
analyzes impacts of mobile-cloud distance and number of
intermediate hops as influential factors on CMA performance
which are not yet investigated. The results indicate the
correlation between distance and intermediate hops on overall
execution costs (time and energy) of RMAs. Exploitation of cloud
computing by mobile handhelds breeds a new research domain
called Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC), which is the state-ofthe-art computing paradigm comprised of three heterogeneous
domains of mobile computing, cloud computing, and networking.
Such non-uniformity stems several challenges such as portability,
interoperability, and fragmentation that are deemed to be
alleviated leveraging SOA as a promising design philosophy
embraced by mobile computing and cloud computing
communities to stimulate portable, complex application using
prefabricated building blocks called Services. Services are
prefabricated codes that are developed in languages like Java,
.Net, and PHP and are often publicized in a publicly accessible
repository to be discovered and invoked by clients to provide
specific functionality.
Keywords— cloud, Computing, mobile, devices, architecture,
service, analysis.
Recent consumer electronic technologies have created
momentous ground for smart phones in various domains,
particularly healthcare and education. However, smart
phones' miniature nature imposes intrinsic limitations on
computational capabilities and battery lifetime that encumber
performing Resource-intensive Mobile Applications (RMAs).
The vision of augmenting computing capabilities of
mobile devices, especially smart phones with least cost is
likely transforming to reality leveraging cloud computing.
Cloud exploitation by mobile devices breeds a new research
domain called Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC). However,
issues like portability and interoperability should be
addressed for mobile augmentation which is a non-trivial task
using component based approaches. Service Oriented
Architecture (SOA) is a promising design philosophy
embraced by mobile computing and cloud computing
communities to stimulate portable, complex application using
prefabricated building blocks called Services.
ISSN: 2231-5381
Utilizing distant cloud resources to host and run
Services is hampered by long WAN latency. Exploiting mobile
devices in vicinity alleviates long WAN latency, while creates
new set of issues like Service publishing and discovery as well
as client server security, reliability, and Service availability.
In this paper, we propose a market-oriented architecture
based on SOA to stimulate publishing, discovering, and
hosting Services on nearby mobiles, which reduces long WAN
latency and creates a business opportunity that encourages
mobile owners to embrace Service hosting. Group of mobile
phones simulate a nearby cloud computing platform. We
create new role of Service host by enabling unskilled mobile
owners/users to host Services developed by skilled developers.
Evidently, Service availability, reliability, and Serviceoriented mobile application portability will increase towards
green ubiquitous computing in our mobile cloud
The paid Service hosting and execution is deemed to
be embraced by mobile owners if issues such as Service
publishing and discovery as well as client-server security,
reliability, and Service availability are addressed. Services
can be hosted on a hosting toolkit like which is a lightweight
hosting toolkit for resource-poor mobile devices. In this paper,
we propose an approach to publish, discover, and host
Services on nearby mobiles, which not only alleviates
aforementioned issues, but also creates a business opportunity
that encourages mobile owners to embrace Service hosting
and execution. We create new role of Service host to enable
unskilled mobile client to host Services developed by skilled
developers. A proper billing system can divide the income
according to a negotiated agreement between engaging
parties. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first proposal
that aims to utilize nearby mobile devices under supervision of
a supervisory body to host and run services based on an
Several sequential or parallel Services are bind together to
build a new complex functionality. SOA has been utilized in
computing domains such as grid computing or was
cornerstone for technologies such as cloud computing to
alleviate several fundamental challenges such as portability,
interoperability, and integration of applications and software
systems. This is due to the fact that Services are autonomous
and platform-neutral meaning that different Services running
on heterogeneous platforms can still collaborate toward
fulfilling a complex task. Service is providing higher-level
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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 11 Number 1 - May 2014
abstraction compared with components which makes them
suitable technology for large scale computing domains such as
Time analysis:
The overall execution time in mobile-cloud applications is
the total values of mobile computation time, round-trip delay,
and cloud computation time represented in (1). The mobile
computation is the time to perform native computations. The
round-trip latency is the delay of sending request to the cloud
and receiving the response. The cloud computation delay is
the time that request is processed in server side and results are
produced. It is feasible to shrink the volume of native
computations and demand rich computing resources in the
cloud, but decreasing the round-trip delay sounds non-trivial
due to very large number of influential factors which are
briefly discusses as follows. The overall execution time is
represented by Ttotal as
T Total = T Mobile + T RT + T Cloud
The mobile host is a mobile device like smart phone or
Tablet which is able and desired to host the implemented
Service code and execute it for Service requester on demand.
The host activity is a trade-off between resource and money.
In order to host a Service, a mobile device must communicate
with the Service Governor to find the appropriate Services
according to its computing abilities and benefits. In this
architecture, Service hosting is a paid Service, hence, Service
governor should negotiate with developer (if wishes to
provide paid Services), requester, and host to agree on a
certain revenue percentage. In generic SOA, Service provider
implements or purchase Service implementation, supply its
description, and provide technical and business maintenance.
However, due to lack of mobile owners/users’ technical
competency, we argue that majority of technical and business
maintenance of the Services should be accomplished by the
Service provider. Every functional and non-functional failure
should be reported to the Service provider for escalation.
Where Tmobile is the time to perform native computation
that is negligible in this model, TRT is the round-trip delay,
and Tcloud is the computing latency of the cloud.
Computation latency depends on the computational
capabilities (CPU clock speed, RAM volume, I/O
performance, and environmental context like temperature) of
the computing server, whereas round-trip delay comprises of
four delays, including transmission, propagations, processing,
and queuing delay. Thus, roundtrip latency is:
TRT = 2 x ( T prog + T tran + T proc + T Q)
An alternative approach to utilize SOA in MCC is to
deploy Services on nearby mobile devices to be invoked with
reduced latency (utilizing alternative communication
technologies such as cellular networks and Wi-Fi can enhance
performance) without accessing the risky channel of Internet.
Nevertheless, there is no publicly acceptable incentive and
motivation neither for Service developer nor mobile hosts
(except volunteers who are willing to collaborate freely).
Developers are required to build publicly available, reusable
Services to be utilized by other programmers in creating
complex systems and applications, while mobile owners are
needed to lease their computational resources such as CPU,
memory, and most importantly battery to host and run the
Services. In order to encourage the public and realize the
vision of utilizing resources of nearby mobile devices (such as
smart phones and Tablets), we propose a market-oriented
architecture in which Service developers, brokers, and hosts
can earn for their public Services whereas Service consumers
should pay as they use (similar to the concept of Cloud
computing and utility).
ISSN: 2231-5381
Figure 1: Major Building Blocks of an Exemplary CMA
TABLE 1: Initial Features of Mobile Empowerment
In this Section, we present a definition on mobile computing
augmentation based on the available definitions on the elevant
concepts, particularly remote execution and cyber foraging.
Additionally, the motivation for performing mobile
computation augmentation is described and taxonomy of
mobile Indeed, empowering computation capabilities of
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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 11 Number 1 - May 2014
mobile devices is not a new concept and there have been
different approaches to achieve this goal, including load
sharing, remote execution, cyber foraging, and computation
off loading that are described as follows. We have analyzed
them and summarized the analysis results in Table II. Results
in this Table are extracted from the early efforts in each
category, which are already deviated from their original
characteristics due to the research achievements.
Beside finacial benefits of hosting a Service, mobile device
will become voulnerable to attack and privacy violation. To
avoid such threats, certain mechanisms such as Sandboxing
and Service signing (signing Service code by the service
governor) can be deployed.
Service profiler monitors the overall functionality and
performance of various Services. Service provider is
responsible to maintain the Service in case of any
malfunction. However, to enhance the quality of the Services,
their overall functionality, availability, and vulnerability is 10
monitored by Service profiler to substitute low quality
services with more efficient ones if required.
Listing 1: Service requirement specification in a sample
SOAP message
<? xml v e r s i on =” 1 . 0 ” encoding =”UTF−8” ?>
<Hos tRequi rment s>
<P l a t f o rm>
<MinVer s ion>3 . 2</ MinVer s ion>
</ P l a t f o rm>
<MinRequi r edRe sour c e s>
<S t o r a g e>5</ S t o r a g e>
<Energy>500</ Energy>
</ MinRequi r edRe sour c e s>
</ Hos tRequi rment s>
Figure 2: The Block Diagram of MOMCC
ISSN: 2231-5381
Figure 3: Layered Architecture of MOMCC
Mobile device is any non-stationary, battery-operating
computing entity able to interact with end-user and execute
transactions, store data, and communicate with the
environment using wireless technologies and varied sensors.
Smartphone, tablet, handheld/wearable computing devices,
and vehicle mount computers are mobile device instances.
Approaches that can augment mobile devices include
hardware and software. Hardware approach involves
manufacturing high-end physical components, particularly
CPU, memory, storage, and battery. Software approaches can
be —but are not limited to —computation offloading, remote
data storage, wireless communication, resource-aware
computing, fidelity adaptation, and remote service request
(e.g., context acquisition). Augmentation approaches can
increase computing capabilities of mobile devices and
conserve energy. They can be leveraged in three main
categories of applications, namely (i) computing-intensive
software such as speech recognition and natural language
processing, (ii) data-intensive programs such as enterprise
applications, and (iii) communication-intensive applications
such as online video streaming applications. The augmented
mobile device performs complex tasks that would not be done,
otherwise. Hence, the mobile application developers do not
take into account resource shortcomings of mobile devices in
developing mobile applications and users will not consider
their devices weaknesses in utilizing varied complex
Moreover, cloud infrastructures are available to end-users via
Virtual Machine (VM)9 to increase resource utilization ratio
and enhance overall security and privacy. Virtualization
technology aims to enable resource sharing in an isolated
environment called VM. It realizes execution of multiple
operating systems on a single machine and enables sharing of
large resources among multiple end-users. Users can only
access to infrastructures allocated to their VMs and cannot
access prohibited resources and contents. Table II summarizes
the comparison results of traditional and cloud-based
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resources and advocates differentiations between the
conventional servers and clouds. High computing power,
elasticity, mobility support, low utilization overhead, and
security are some of the significant advantages of cloud
resources compare to the surrogates that advocate the latest
paradigm shift in mobile augmentation.
TABLE II: Initial Features of Mobile Empowerment
The goal is to realize the vision of unrestricted
functionality, storage, and mobility regardless of underlying
constraints. Based on Service governor responsibilities we
argue that mobile network operators are likely the best
candidate to serve as the Service governor, because they are
centralized, well-established, and reputed organizations that
have been serving mobile users since long and could establish
high degree of trust with users. Successful mobile Service
hosting architecture can be utilized in various domains such as
supply chain management in which various organizations (e.g.
billing and transport) can collaborate to perform a business
activity. A Service hosted on a driver’s mobile can notify
customer orders and update delivery scheduling to the
recipient. In this paper, impacts of exploiting geographically
distributed cloud resources on performance of RMAs running
on resource-constraint smart phone are mathematically and
experimentally analyzed. Mathematical analysis of overall
execution time and energy consumption unveils that number
of intermediary hops and. data transmission volume have
significant impacts on RMA’s performance. Findings are
validated using series of experiments in real environment.
Benchmarking results advocate that exploiting distant cloud to
augment computational capabilities of resource-constraint
mobile devices is a time- and energy-intensive approach that
degrades the performance of augmented mobile applications
in MCC. Also, increase in distance, significantly degrades
predictability of RMAs time and energy.
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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 11 Number 1 - May 2014
Author’s Profile
Assistant Professor,
K.Pavan kumar,
Assistant Professor,
Usharama College Of
Engg. & Tech.
Assistant Professor,
Y.Padma is Assistant Professor
in department of Information
Technology, PVPSIT, Kanuru,
and Vijayawada, India. She
holds M.Tech and B.Tech in
2006 and 2002 respectively. She
has 11 years of teaching
Language Processing.
K.Pavan kumar received the
M Tech degree from ANU in
2010. Currently he is working
as Assistant Professor in
Andhra Pradesh, India.He has
seven years of teaching
experience .His research
compiler design.
A.DurgaBhavani received the M
Tech degree from JNTUH in
2008. Currently she is working
as Assistant Professor in
Engineering & Technology,
Telaprolu, Andhra Pradesh,
India. She has seven years of
research interests are networks,
Network security and compiler
Usharama College Of
Engg. & Tech.
ISSN: 2231-5381
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