Web Interface using HTML5 for Interaction between Mobile Device & Cloud- Services

International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) - Volume4Issue5- May 2013
Web Interface using HTML5 for Interaction
between Mobile Device & CloudServices
Nimit S Modi ,Proff.Yask Patel
Computer Department ,PIET, Baroda.
IT Department,PIET,Baroda
Abstract—Mobile cloud computing brings new types of services
and facilities for mobile users to take full advantages of cloud
computing. Interoperability becomes an important issue when
mobile users need to interact and communicate with the cloud.
The current interface between mobile users and cloud are mostly
based on the web interfaces. However using web interfaces may
not be the best option. First, web interface is not specifically
designed for mobile devices. Therefore, web interface may have
more overhead. Hence standard protocol, signalling and
interface for interacting between mobile and cloud system is
required. HTML5 is expected as promising interface. By using
HTML5 as front end interface in thin devices, we can leverage
cloud services.
Keywords— Mobile cloud computing, HTML-5, cloud services,
Mobile devices are increasingly becoming an essential part
of human life as the most effective and convenient
communication tools not bounded by time and place. They are
becoming more and more powerful devices with full-fledged
facilities provided by various services from mobile
applications. However, the mobile devices are facing many
challenges in their resources and communications. The limited
resources significantly obstruct the improvement of service
qualities. These challenges are solved at some extent by using
cloud computing (CC). CC offers some advantages by
allowing users to use infrastructure (e.g., servers, networks,
and storages), platforms (e.g., middleware services and
operating systems), and software’s (e.g., application
programs) provided by cloud providers (e.g., Google,
Amazon) at low every platform. It ensures that application and
their data also should be available when device is offline. It
will shorten cost. With the explosion of mobile applications
and the support of CC for a variety of services for mobile
users, mobile cloud computing (MCC) is introduced as an
integration of cloud computing into the mobile environment
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The HTML5 was initially developed so as to simplify the
web content creation and to reduce the requirements of extra
plug-in for the browsers [2]. Nowadays, the HTML5
specifications open the door to a large area of application,
from multimedia distribution to business and development
Generally native component or web interface or is used in
Mobile Cloud Applications. But it would be bound to
particular platform; it does not work on other platform. So, we
require such interface for application which compatible on
update lifecycle significantly. There is no notion of
application installation.HTML5 has cross-platform capability.
HTML5 support is available in any latest mobile device’s
browser. So, application made in HTML5 can be run on any
devices. Ability to use same application and data from
different devices without tedious installations. Here
applications and data are stored on cloud and not bound to
particular devices. So, we can use it on anywhere, anytime
and on any device.HTML5 is lightweight than other
alternative like Flash, etc. It has not required extra plug-ins
because it has built in support for video, audio, canvas, etc.
HTML5 specifications open the door to a large area of
applications from multimedia distribution to business and
development applications, thus becoming the preferred
language for mobile web. HTML5 extends the previous
elements so as to deal with the interaction modes emerged
(simple/multi touch, touch scrolling, etc).
If we use WebSocket connection mechanism with
deflate compression mechanism in HTML5, network
consumption will become efficient.
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A novel HTML5-based cloud phone software platform
concept. In that, HTML5 worked as software platform for
mobile devices in which all end user functionality of
devices is downloaded and cached dynamically from web
including all applications.
The offline application capability and web storage of
HTML5 enabled mobile web browser to bring an offline
user interface to users. Web storage is a feature that is
intended to overcome the limitation of HTTP cookies.
Despite it’s mainly purpose is for state management
mechanism, cookies can be used for storing information at
client side, at limited size. Using Web storage, client side
will have enough space for storing more data. In order to
making it capable to operate while offline, Offline web
application feature is used. Offline web application allows
set of HTTP objects is able to be accessed from browser
without having to connect to Internet.
If mobile application is mainly used to display and
interact with online content or services, it is better to avoid
the native choice. However, if mobile application is mainly
used offline, a native app will offer a better user
WebGL[3] APIs have only recently become available in
major browsers. WebGL will provide support for highperformance, direct manipulation 3D graphics content that
can run without installation in major web browsers. We
believe that WebGL will allow even high-performance
gaming applications to run efficiently in a standard web
and Push. It frees the programmer from the
burden of writing code to actually perform
synchronization as it is this service which decides
synchronization management and mechanism
which is best for the current state. The moment
the data channel for any mobile application is
established, all synchronizations and push
notifications are automatically handled by
OfflineApp service.
Network: It manages the communication channel
needed to receive Push notifications from the
server. It carries the ability to establish proper
connections automatically. It is a very low-level
service and it shields any low-level connection
establishment, security protocol details by
providing a high level interfacing framework.
Database: It manages the local data storage for
the mobile applications. Depending on the
platform it uses the corresponding storage
facilities. It must support storage among the
various mobile applications and must ensure
thread safe concurrent access. Just like Network
service it is also a low-level service.
InterApp Bus: This service provides low-level
coordination/communication between the suites of
applications installed on the device. Figure 2 shows
the client cloud stack.
A. Architecture for Mobile Applications in Cloud
We will look at a open source project for mobile cloud
Platform called open mobster [4]. Its architecture is as
given in the Figure 1.
B. Typical services needed by a mobile cloud client
The most essential services include
 Sync: This service synchronizes all state changes
made to the mobile or its applications back with
the Cloud Server.
 Push: It manages any state updates being sent as
a notifications from the cloud server. This
improves the user’s experience as it does not
require the user to proactively check for new
OfflineApp: It is a service which carries the
management capabilities to create smart
coordination between low-level services like Sync
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Fig.1. The open mobster architecture for MCC
Fig. 2. Client cloud stack
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C. Typical services needed by a mobile cloud server These
are the essential services that must be provided to the mobile
apps by the server.
 Sync: Server Sync service synchronizes device side
App state changes with the backend services where
the data actually originates. It also must provides a
plug-in framework to mobilize the backend data.
 Push: Server Push service monitors data channels
(from backend) for updates. The moment updates are
detected, corresponding notifications are sent back to
the device. If the device is out of coverage or
disconnected for some reason, it waits in a queue,
and delivers the push the moment the device
connects back to the network.
 Secure Socket-Based Data Service: Depending on
the security requirements of the Apps this server side
service must provide plain socket server or a SSLbased socket server or both.
 Security:Security component provides authentication
and authorization services to make sure mobile
devices connecting to the Cloud Server are in fact
allowed to access the system. Every device must be
first securely provisioned with the system before it
can be used. After the device is registered, it is
challenged for proper credentials when the device
itself needs to be activated. Once the device is
activated, all Cloud requests are properly
authenticated/authorized going
 Management Console: Every instance of a Cloud
Server must have a Command Line application such
as the Management Console as it provides user and
device provisioning functionalities. In the future, this
same component will have more device management
features like remote data wipe, remote locking,
remote tracking, etc.
In below figure it is simple architecture of the mobile cloud
computing to provide interface between mobile devices and
cloud computing using various services like Application
(SaaS), Platform (PaaS), and Infrastructure (IaaS).
Fig 3- Architecture of Mobile Cloud Computing
A. Mobile Computing
Mobile computing is based on a collection of three major
concepts: hardware, software and communication. The
concepts of hardware can be considered as mobile devices,
such as Smartphone and laptop, or their mobile components.
Software of mobile computing is the numerous mobile
applications in the devices, such as the mobile browser, antivirus software and games. The communication issue includes
the infrastructure of mobile networks, protocols and data
delivery in their use.
B. Cloud Computing
Cloud computing is a large-scale economic and business
computing paradigm with virtualization as its core technology.
The cloud computing system is the development of parallel
processing, distributed and grid computing on the Internet,
which provides various QoS guaranteed services such as
hardware, infrastructure, platform, software and storage to
different Internet applications and users.
C. Software as a Services (SaaS)
SaaS[6] is a services which are provide software, data and
information that are probably the most popular form of cloud
computing and are easy to use. SaaS uses the Web to deliver
applications that are managed by a third-party vendor and
whose interface is accessed on the clients side. Most SaaS
applications can be run directly from a Web browser, without
any downloads or installations required.
D. Platform as a Services (PaaS)
PaaS[6] offers an advanced integrated environment for
building, testing and deploying custom applications. It
provides platform to interact the cloud services and mobile
E. Infrastructure as a Services (IaaS)
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IaaS[6] is built on top of the data centre layer. IaaS enables
the provision of storage, hardware, servers and networking
components. The client typically pays on a per-use basis.
Thus, clients can save cost as the payment is only based on
how much resource they really use. Infrastructure can be
expanded or shrunk dynamically as needed
The context of the English-Czech automatic control terms
dictionary is mainly used to display and interact with online
content, therefore we decided to use HTML5 mobile
frameworks for development. Developing web applications
and mobile version of websites for the mobile devices has its
own sets of challenges and techniques - user interface is
optimized for fingers instead of mouse cursors, fragmented
platforms, there are usually the bandwidth limitations. To help
developers rapidly deploy cross-platform mobile apps and
websites, there is a wide range of frameworks they can take
advantage of. Common characteristics of mobile web
development frameworks include [5]:
Cross-platform: Support for multiple mobile device
Platforms allows to deliver app to a wide range of
Lightweight: Due to current bandwidth limitations,
a stronger emphasis on lowering file weight is
placed into mobile web development frameworks.
Optimized for touch screen devices: Fingers as input
devices instead of mouse cursors provide an extra
set of challenges in user interface design. Mobile
web development frameworks provide standard user
interface elements and event-handling specifically
for mobile device platforms.
Uses HTML5 and CSS3 standards: Most mainstream
mobile devices have web browsers that support
HTML5 and CSS3, and so mobile web development
frameworks take advantage of new features
available in these upcoming W3C specifications for
a better user experience.
The HTML5 breakthrough is mainly represented by the
extreme simplification of the web content creation and by the
generality of browsers, alleviated from the needs of complex
These new features are ensured by completely new syntactic
elements (like <video>, <audio>, <canvas>), by hooks toward
other standards (e.g. the possibility of using Web Socket [2])
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or by extending existing elements for recent interaction modes
(e.g. from on Click to on Touch functionalities).
The <canvas>[3] element is the enabler for real-time drawing
of complex graphical content (paths, boxes, circles, characters
and images) and gives the possibility for dynamic update and
creation of the web content on the fly, by using JavaScript [2].
Beyond AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript And XML), in
order to ensure content delivery, HTML5 can use Web
Socket, a new mechanism for establishing a connection
between the server and the client.
On the one hand, AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript And
XML) is used for creating asynchronous request from the
client to the server and for receiving server side responses in
the same manner. Hence, any server request results in creating
an XMLHttpRequest. Once the server receives this request, it
parses it and sends the corresponding response to the browser
as HTTP Response. This approach of having HTTP Response
for each HTTP Request, also known as “polling method” [2],
is a huge drawback when having dynamic real-time updates
sent from the server to the client (browser), requiring a lot of
extra-traffic for each packet.
On the other hand, Web Socket API supports bidirectional,
full-duplex communication over a single socket. A Web
Socket based communication is established by sending from
the client to the server, a simple HTTP Request for upgrading
its connection type to Web Socket. If the server positively
answers with the Web Socket upgrade message, the
subsequent messages are exchanged by using the Web Socket
API. The compression mechanisms vary with the connection
type: The HTTP provides both gzip and deflate supports [2],
while in the Web Socket case, deflate is the only available
mechanism [2]. Considering the user interaction, HTML5
reconsiders and extends the previous elements so as to deal
with the interaction modes emerged in the last decade
(simple/multi touch, touch scrolling…).
Mobile cloud application developed with HTML5
framework will give better performance over web based
mobile cloud application. Mobile application will run on cross
platform efficiently means it will not have any constraint of
any proprietary system. Resource starved application which
have required more resources like memory, processing. It will
be run on mobile devices by using appropriate cloud services.
In future, it will be very useful in the application field of
mobile gaming, mobile healthcare, mobile commerce, mobile
To study how to leverage cloud service for mobile
application. Choose a model which is better for
implementation. To create a cloud computing application
which uses Software as a Service for executing application?
To create a HTML5 application using Mobile Web
Development Framework. There are many development
framework are available like Phone Gap, Sencha, etc. This
application will be connect to cloud application. To do
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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) - Volume4Issue5- May 2013
analysis of behaviour with different operating systems and
browsers. Here, network consumption is evaluated by round
trip time and uplink-downlink traffic.
It supports cross-platform, easy to implement, versatile
multimedia content representation, efficient content
transmission/compression, user friendly interaction. HTML5
used as mobile client interface for accessing cloud services. In
future, it will be very useful in the application field of mobile
gaming, mobile healthcare, mobile commerce, mobile
[1] A Survey of Mobile Cloud Computing: Architecture,
Hoang T. Dinh, Chonho Lee, Dusit Niyato, and Ping
[2] HTML5 as an application virtualization tool
Françoise PRETEUX 2012 IEEE 16th
International Symposium
[3] Towards HTML 5 and Interactive 3D Graphics
Yang Jianping, Zhang Jie 978-1-4244-8035-7/10 © 2010
[4] Cloud Computing for Mobile World
Chetan S., Gautam Kumar, K. Dinesh, Mathew K. and
Abhimanyu M.A.Department of Computer Science &
Engineering National Institute of Technology, Calicut
[5] Mobile development tools and cross-platform solutions
Pavel Smutný
978-1-4577-1868-7/12©2012 IEEE
[6] Han Qi, Abdullah Gani “Research on Mobile Cloud
Review, Trend and Perspectives”.
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