Payroll Calculation with Innovative Methods using Cloud Nikhil Munj , Madhuchaitanya Joshi

International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 21 Number 1 – March 2015
Payroll Calculation with Innovative Methods using
Nikhil Munj1, Madhuchaitanya Joshi 2, Amol Darvade 3
Student,Department of Computer Engineering, Sinhgad Academy of Engineering, Pune,
Maharashtra, India
Abstract— This is a paper is related to overall employee
management and administration of a company at department level.
The system is completely automated. The main purpose of this
project is to lower the daily fill up work and on which organization
spent several days for management by doing all these parallel on
daily basis. The project is divided into two sides viz administration
side and employee side . Administration side contains features like
tracking all employees, employee management, job history
database, event management, appraisal management, efficiency
graph, proper communication between employee and management.
The employee side contains current payroll system, request for
leave, etc. for implementation of this project we are using different
programming language. We are using as the front end
programming language and SQL server express 2012 at back end.
We are quite confident that our system will change the way how
things happen in an organization .
Key Words: Cloud computing, clustered index, employee
The management of the financial record of
employee’s salaries and his/her wages, with bonuses, net pay,
and deductions are the basic duties of an employer, regardless
of the number of workers they employ, he must maintain all
records pertaining to payroll taxes of any sort for at least four
years after the tax becomes due or is paid, whichever is later.
Altogether, The payroll program is run at a specific time, not
only to calculate an employee’s basic monthly salary but also
any special payments like overtime payments or bonuses that
must be affected in which the amount work done plays a great
role. Payroll Management system can help you avoid penalties
for miscalculations by doing this work for you. The definition
of a payroll is the total amount of money paid by a business to
its employees over a certain amount of time. It is one of the
most important areas of finance in any business. It usually
consists of payroll accounting and payroll administration.
Payroll accounting deals with the actual calculation of an
employee's earnings, and then from that determining the
amount withheld
from the earnings for taxes and any other deductions.
In this Improved System . Human Resource is the
most vital resource for any organization. It provides various
features to calculate the organizations pay management and
employee management. It provides add employees
details,view, delete and edit employee’s details with catching
ISSN: 2231-5381
Graphical user interface design. In the pay roll management
module in helps the manager to calculate the individual’s
salary. There is no human interfere is required. Once the
manager pus the salary and any deductions the pay slip
generator automatically generates the employees pay slip by
just clicking the button. The entire application is developed by
Swings. This is one of the powerful technologies in java. This
is helpful for creating cross platform facilities. And the back
end for this project is My SQL server. This project can be run
at any platforms and doesn’t require any additional software’s.
Our task was to develop a payroll system that would
keep a record of employee data including their leaves,
allowance, status and taxes and also to be calculate the pay of
the employees taking into consideration employee data .We
deploy our project on cloud and this the biggest task for us and
it is also interesting job for us.We have been able to achieving
these task.the software we are developing calculates the
employee net pay from the deductions. The payslip can be
printed out as reciept. Most of the bugs that wa have found
and those that the clients and beta users found have been
corrected and the software will be updated .
A. Motivating Example
In this paper, we use Tribehr,Orange hrm, a fictitious multicountry outsourced payroll provider as an example.
Tribehr,Orange hrm offers a multi-tenant ―payroll on the
cloud‖ service to small and mid-size companies to handle
employee payroll and benefits. We chose this example
because payroll is a commonly outsourced service and is a
complex service to be delivered on the cloud from a provider
Multi-country payroll service is a specialized service with
several variations. Firstly, there are significant differences in
tax computation rules, especially tax rates and tax slabs for
different countries. Legal and regulatory compliance
obligations also significantly vary across different
geographies, e.g. maternity and paternity benefits in different
countries. Regulatory obligations may also vary across
industry sectors, impacting payroll. Secondly, companies can
have different employee compensation schemes and company
policies (e.g. car lease policy, personal loan policy), which
have to be supported by the outsourced payroll provider. We
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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 21 Number 1 – March 2015
consider two use-cases that highlight variations in the payroll
service offered by Tribehr,Orange hrm. UC#1: Run payroll for
a multi-national company Consider a multinational company
having employees across sales offices in New York and
Singapore and manufacturing facilities in India and China.
Tribehr,Orange hrm’s payroll service must now run employee
payroll differently for four different countries considering
variations in tax rates and slabs of these countries.
Additionally, compliance to local laws and statutory
regulations has to be ensured. Technically, apart from the
variations in the payroll calculation procedure, even the
payroll data needed by Tribehr, Orange hrm to process
employee payroll can be different across country versions.
UC#2: Direct Deposit of Employee Salary Some customers
prefer direct deposit of salary to employee bank accounts
rather than issuing pay cheques to employees. Tribehr,Orange
hrm must support such variations in the payroll process. In
case of direct deposit, the customer must additionally provide
employee bank details to Tribehr,Orange hrm. We provide a
simplified white-box view of the PAYROLLRUNSERVICE
offered by Tribehr,Orange hrm showing both the abstract
service interface and service provider implementation classes.
EmployeePayrollRunInterface with the request message data
type (MDT) PayrollRunRequestMessage.
Fig 1.b shows the service provider implementation, the
PayrollProvider class with language specific data types.
service variants using aspects, a simple join-point model
for service interface and details about aspect weaving;
section 3 deals with specifying tenant specific variations
using aspects; section 4 discusses related work; section 5
provides future work and conclusions.
II. Payroll Processing in the Cloud
The scenario includes the experience in moving a
payroll processing application to an Infrastructure (IaaS)
Cloud. This application requires an Enterprise Java Bean
(EJB) enabled application server as well as a relational
(i.e. SQL supported) data store. An infrastructure Cloud
is suitable for this type of installation since there
is flexibility to control features from the hardware
specifications and up. However, the tight requirement of being
bound to an enterprise Java environment and also a relational
data store makes this application being almost impossible
to be ported to a platform based Cloud such as Google App
engine or Microsoft Azure. This is disadvantage in a
business perspective, for example, platform Clouds offer
very competitive pricing for resources but it would not be
possible to port the code without significant upfront
Infrastructure Cloud providers have had catastrophic failures
and hence it is essential to place fail-safes in different Clouds
to improve availability. This is also not possible in this case
without significant porting effort. These considerations are
highlighted in the white paper as serious concerns in porting
the application to different Clouds.
A. Cloud based Logistics Management
In this scenario, an application was built from scratch to
automate a manual logistics control process for a medium
sized business. The center piece of this application is the
Cloud based global data store, exposed via services. Current
data store is managed in the Google Bigtable a highly scalable,
schema less, document-oriented (i.e.non relational) data store
coupled with Google Appengine Cloud. The primary
portability concern in this scenario is the dependence on the
schema-less data store of which none of the other Clouds
directly support. The service implementations depend on
queries written in Google Query Language (GQL), a
declarative language comparable to SQL, built with a different
paradigm. This dependency dictates that when the data store is
ported, the service implementations would also require
transformations to the relevant query language.
Fig 1.a: EmployeePayrollRunInterface
B.Cloud Security
Fig 1.b: PayrollProvider Implementation
The remaining of the paper is organized as follows:
section 2 describes the direction to support heavyweight
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What are the ―security‖ concerns that are preventing companies
from taking advantage of the cloud? Numerous studies, for example
IDC’s 2008 Cloud Services User Survey [29] of IT executives, cite
security as the number one challenge for cloud users.
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In this section we present a taxonomy of the ―security‖ concerns. The
Cloud Security Alliance’s initial report [39] contains a different sort
of taxonomy based on 15 different security domains and the
processes that need to be followed in an overall cloud deploying
process.We differentiate the security concerns into as:
1.Traditional security
3.Third-party data control
1.Traditional Security
These concerns involve computer and network intrusions or
attacks that will be made possible or at least easier by moving to the
cloud. Cloud providers answer to these concerns by arguing that their
security measures and processes are more mature and tested than
those of the average company. Another argument, made by the is: "It
could be easier to lock down information if it's administered by a
third party , if companies are worried about insider threats… In
addition, it may be easier to enforce security via contracts with online
services providers than via internal controls."
Concerns in this category include:
TS1. VM-level attacks. Potential vulnerabilities in the
hypervisor or VM technology used by cloud vendors are a
potential problem in multi-tenant architectures. Vulnerabilities
have appeared in VMWare , Xen , and Microsoft’s Virtual PC
and Virtual Server [47]. Vendors such as Third Brigade [46]
mitigate potential VM-level vulnerabilities through monitoring
and firewalls.
TS2. Cloud provider vulnerabilities.
These could be platform-level, such as an SQLinjection or cross-site scripting vulnerability. For instance,
there have been a couple of recent Google Docs vulnerabilities
[26] and [40]. The Google response to one of them is here:
[27].IBM has repositioned its Rational AppScan tool, which
scans for vulnerabilities in web services as a cloud security
service (see Blue Cloud Initiative [8]).
TS6. Forensics in the cloud.
This blog posting on the CLOIDIFIN [12] project
summarizes the difficulty of cloud forensic investigations:
investigators to seize equipment and perform detailed analysis
on the media and data recovered. More closely linked to a CC
environment would be businesses that own and maintain their
own multi-server type infrastructure, though this would be on
a far smaller scale in comparison. However, the scale of the
cloud and the rate at which data is overwritten is of concern.‖
These concerns center on critical applications and
data being available. Well-publicized incidents of cloud
outages include , Amazon S3 , and FlexiScale.
A1. Uptime. As with the Traditional Security concerns, cloud
providers argue that their server uptime compares well with
the availability of the cloud user’s own data centers.
Besides just services and applications being down, this
includes the concern that a third-party cloud would not scale
well enough to handle certain applications. SAP’s CEO said:
―There are certain things that you cannot run in the cloud
because the cloud would collapIts hard to believe that any
utility company is going to run its billing for 50 million
consumers in the cloud.‖ (11/24/08,
A2. Single point of failure. Cloud services are thought of as
providing more availability, but perhaps not – there are more
single points of failure and attack.
A3. Assurance of computational integrity. Can an enterprise
be assured that a cloud provider is faithfully running a hosted
application and giving valid results? For example, Stanford's
Folding@Home project gives the same task to multiple clients
to reach a consensus on the correct result.
3.Third-party data control
TS3. Phishing cloud provider.
Phishers and other social engineers have a new attack
vector, as the Salesforce phishing incident [37] shows.
TS4. Expanded network attack surface.
The cloud user must protect the infrastructure used to
connect and interact with the cloud, a task complicated by the
cloud being outside the firewall in many cases. For instance,
[38] shows an example of how the cloud might attack the
machine connecting to it.
The legal implications of data and applications being
held by a third party are complex and is difficult to
understood. There is also a potential lack of control and
transparency when a third party holds the data. Part of the
hype of cloud computing is that the cloud can be implemented
independently, but in reality regulatory compliance requires
transparency in the cloud.
All this is encouraging some companies to build private clouds
to avoid these issues and yet retain some of the advantages of
TS5. Authentication and Authorization.
The enterprise authentication and authorization framework
does not naturally extend into the cloud. How does a company
moulds its existing framework to include cloud resources?
How does an enterprise adapt to cloud security data (if even
available) with its own security metrics and policies?
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The outcomes of the review provided a compelling
case to introduce a new solution for the delivery of
transactional HR and Payroll activity; this case has been
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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 21 Number 1 – March 2015
strengthened by the knowledge that our current systems are
unable to comply with emerging legislation.
Even without taking into account anticipated
savings in staff costs over time, a modern integrated system
will cost c.£12k p.a. less in revenue than our current systems,
which are no longer fit for purpose.
Implementing a new system will bring a lots of
benefits in terms of upgrading us with full automation,
internal self-service and real-time management information,
will provide a solution to future usage.
We would like to sincerely thank Prof. L. J. Sankpal, our
guide from Sinhgad Academy of Engg. and Mr. Gangadhar.
Botla, our mentor from First Insight Pvt. Ltd. for their support
and encouragement.
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