Management Review
Version: 03
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Issue Date: 15 November 2001
Authorised by : Marjorie Dickenson
The purpose of this procedure is to ensure the periodic review of our quality management system by senior management remains relevant and effective in the control of the quality of the company’s analytical services.
Management reviews are “desktop” exercises that consider current performance (including suitability of policies and procedures, reports from managerial and supervisory staff, all audits, corrective and preventative actions, customer feedback and complaints, and quality assurance performance) and opportunities for improvement.
AS ISO/IEC 17025:1999 – General requirements for the competence of calibration and testing laboratories –
Section 4.14
Form – Management Review Agenda
Form – Corrective & Preventative Action Requests
Quality Assurance Manager
Scheduling and arranging the review
Managing Director
Chairing the review
Invited management / personnel
Addressing action points
5.1. General
Reviews will take the form of a meeting and open discussion/review held at regular intervals, approximately six (6) monthly. Additional reviews may also be held if considered necessary by the Managing Director.
5.2. Arrangements
The Quality Manager or delegate will make arrangements for the review. This will include:
Drafting an agenda using the form Management Review Agenda that is then circulated to invited participants.
Arranging the venue and all necessary facilities.
Inviting managers (and other participants -as considered necessary).
5.3. Agenda
The review will consider, but is not limited to, the following issues:
Confirmation of progress on action points from previous management review.
Review of policies & procedures (satisfying our customers needs and expectations).
Results of recent internal audits.
Results of any external accreditation / third-party audits.
Progress and status of improvement actions (Corrective & Preventative Action
Customer complaints and other customer feedback.
Performance of suppliers and sub-contractors.
Human resources & facilities.
Results of interlaboratory comparisons or proficiency tests.
Management Review
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Issue Date: 15 November 2001
Authorised by : Marjorie Dickenson
Review of changes in the volume and type of analytical requests, including resources.
Review new business prospects.
Review quality assurance performance.
Review staff training requirements.
External factors that may affect the quality system.
5.4. Conducting the review
The Managing Director will chair the review, and the Quality Assurance Manager or delegate will take minutes.
5.5. Minutes
Within 7 days of the review, the Quality Assurance Manager will circulate pertinent copies of the minutes to those taking part in the review. The Quality Assurance Manager will distribute an executive summary of outcomes that are not of a confidential or commercially sensitive nature.
The minutes will be based on the form "Management Review Agenda" and will include delegated action points with specified timeframes.
A copy is maintained in the "Quality Records" file.
5.6. Actions
All participants will complete any actions delegated to them by the date specified.
5.7. Follow-up
The Quality Assurance Manager or delegate will conduct follow-up checks on the delegated actions to verify their implementation and effectiveness. Such matters will be raised/confirmed at the subsequent management review.