Notice to the Market New Investor Relations Officer WEG S.A.

Notice to the Market
A Publicly Listed Company
NIRE nº 42.300.012.203
CNPJ/MF: nº 84.429.695/0001-11
New Investor Relations Officer
WEG S.A. ("WEG") (BM&FBOVESPA: WEGE3 / OTC: WEGZY), in accordance to CVM Instruction number 358,
is hereby informing its shareholders and the general market that on September 26th, 2013, Mr. Laurence Beltrão
Gomes has resigned from the position of Finance and Investor Relation Officer, and is leaving the Company.
From September 26th, 2013 onwards, Mr. Sérgio Luiz Silva Schwartz becomes WEG’s Investor Relation Officer
in addition to Vice President.
The Company thanks Mr. Laurence Beltrão Gomes for his relevant services and wishes him success on his
next professional challenges.
Jaraguá do Sul (SC), September 26, 2013
Sérgio Luiz Silva Schwartz
Investor Relations Officer
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A Publicly Listed Company
NIRE nº 42.300.012.203
CNPJ/MF: nº 84.429.695/0001-11
Avenida Prefeito Waldemar Grubba, 3300 – CEP 89256-900 – Jaraguá do Sul – SC – Brasil