WEG S.A. CNPJ/MF: nº 84.429.695/0001-11 NIRE nº 42.300.012.203 A Publicly Listed Company Avenida Prefeito Waldemar Grubba, 3300 – Jaraguá do Sul Material Fact Disclosure WEG S.A. (BOVESPA: WEGE3), in accordance to the terms of CVM instruction 358/02, as modified, and with its own Material Fact Disclosure and Securities’ Trading Policy, announces to shareholders and general public, that is negotiating with the State and Local Government of Espírito Santo to install a new plant in the city of Linhares. Once negotiations are completed new information will be provided. Jaraguá do Sul, August 13th, 2009 WEG S.A. Alidor Lueders Investor Relations Officer