Notice to the Market WEG S.A. A Publicly Listed Company NIRE nº 42.300.012.203 CNPJ/MF: nº 84.429.695/0001-11 FIRE AT WEG’S STARDUR PLANT WEG S.A. announces that a fire broke out in the early evening of October 16 at our Stardur coatings manufacturing plant, located in Indaiatuba, São Paulo. There were no casualties, only material damage, for which the WEG has insurance coverage. Production at the Indaiatuba plant has been interrupted and is being transferred to the Guaramirin (SC) and Mauá (SP) plants. WEG expects that contingency measures implemented should minimize impacts to its market presence. Jaraguá do Sul (SC), October 17th, 2012 Laurence Beltrão Gomes Finance and Investor Relations Officer Page 1 of 1