Notice to the Market WEG S.A. A Publicly Listed Company NIRE nº 42.300.012.203 CNPJ/MF: nº 84.429.695/0001-11 WEG ANNOUNCES EFACEC ENERGY SERVICE LTDA ACQUISITION WEG S.A. (“WEG”), in accordance to CVM Instruction number 358/02, announces to shareholders and the general market the acquisition of Efacec Energy Service Ltda. (“Efacec Service”), a company that provides maintenance services for power transformers, electric motors, generators, circuit breakers and field engineering services in various energy industrial segments. Efacec Service has over 20 years of experience in providing services in transformers and mid-sized rotating machines, occupying an area of 6,500 square meters in Jaboatão dos Guararapes, Pernambuco, in the metropolitan region of Recife. With 100 employees, the company predominantly operates in the Brazilian Northeast. In 2013, Efacec Service net revenues reached approximately R$ 16 million. The transaction is subject to approval from Brazilian anti-trust authorities. The acquisition of Efacec Energy Service Ltda. will not trigger withdraw rights for this acquisition does not fit into any of the situations foreseen in Article 256 of Law 6404/76, amended by Law No. 10.303/01. The amount paid in the acquisition does not represent a relevant investment for the purchaser or does the average price of each share fits any of the hypothesis described in section II of the previously mentioned article. Jaraguá do Sul (SC), September 09, 2014 Sérgio Schwartz Investor Relations Officer Page 1 of 1