WEG S.A. COMPANHIA ABERTA CNPJ Nº 84.429.695/0001-11 NIRE 42.300.012.203 NOTICE In accordance to paragraph 4 of article 157 of Law 6,404/76 as well as the terms of Instruction CVM 358, issued in January 3, 2002, in reference to the Material Fact issued in March 15, 2007, regarding the decision of WEG’s Board of Directors to call Shareholders Meetings to deliberate on the conversion of the totality of the preferred shares issued by the company into ordinary (voting) shares, in the proportion of one preferred share to one ordinary share, we would like to clarify that: (I) In the case the conversion is approved, it will be secured the right to dissent to the holders of preferred shares at the record date of March 15, 2007, inclusive, rectifying the date previously informed in the afore mentioned Material Fact, in accordance to the article 137 of Law 6.404/76; (II) The value per share to exercise the right to dissent is equivalent to the book value per share, based on the financial statements as of December 31, 2006, of R$ 2.51 per share. Jaraguá do Sul (SC), March 16, 2007 Alidor Lueders Investor Relations Officer