BALANCED TO CHANC OFC P-1 REPORT Redwoods Community College District Budget Planning Committee (BPC) PRELIMINARY DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION ONLY The BPC budget shows a net deficit and a projected fund equity reserve of less than 5.00%. The District must increase revenues and reduce expenditures on a temporary and permanent basis to close the budget gap, to remain fiscally solvent, and to meet Accreditation standard IIID, The level of financial resources provides a reasonable expectation of both short-term and long-term fiscal solvency. Unrestricted General Fund Bgt Forecast 2011-12 Ending Bgt BPC Estimates Student FTES* CO Available CO Funded Resident (Actual) 2012-13 Budget 2013-14 Low FTES BOT 6-2012 4,811 4,811 P-1 4,811 4,535 4,535 4,364 4,535 4,364 4,364 Percent Change -3.8% 0.0% 2013-14 High FTES 4,500 3.1% 2014-15 Estimate 4,545 1.0% 2015-16 Estimate 4,590 1.0% Non-Resident Subtotal for Credit Non-Credit Grand Total FTES* 198 4,733 7 4,740 198 4,562 7 4,569 198 4,562 7 4,569 218 4,718 30 4,748 220 4,765 33 4,798 222 4,813 36 4,849 Funding Per FTES Credit (net of deficit factor in 2011-12) 4,434 4,565 4,638 4,638 4,712 4,787 Percent Change 3.0% Non-Credit CDCP (71% of Credit) Non-Credit (60%) 1.6% 1.6% 1.6% 1.6% 3,232 2,745 3,232 2,745 3,284 2,789 3,284 2,789 3,284 2,789 158,705 158,705 158,705 158,705 158,705 4,705,522 4,705,522 10,829,371 10,389,142 (410,000) ??? 15,124,893 15,094,664 577,304 577,304 4,780,810 11,085,414 ??? 15,866,224 577,304 4,857,303 11,639,750 ??? 16,497,054 583,077 4,935,020 12,209,206 ??? 17,144,226 588,908 CDCP: Career Development and College Prep Revenue Federal Sources (Timber/forest) State Sources Basic Allocation (District, rural, 2 centers) FTES Funding (deficit factor in 2011-12) FTES funding (deficit factor, etc.) Subtotal SB 361 State Support CA State Lottery Other Revenue (PT faculty & BOG fee waiver allocations, etc) Subtotal State Sources Local Sources SB 361 Enrollment Fees SB 361 Property Taxes Non-Resident Tuition Other Revenue (Other fees, commissions, rentals) Subtotal Local Sources Grand Total Revenue Percent Change MEMO: Total SB 361 (AKA Apportionment) 3/15/2013 12:05 PM 158,705 4,705,522 11,508,159 16,213,681 587,089 449,357 270,184 270,184 270,184 272,886 275,615 17,250,127 15,972,381 15,942,152 16,713,712 17,353,017 18,008,749 1,191,818 8,629,234 793,206 1,233,360 8,635,295 798,707 1,233,360 8,635,295 798,707 1,233,360 8,635,295 878,578 1,233,360 8,635,295 887,363 1,233,360 8,635,295 896,237 443,915 475,000 475,000 475,000 479,750 484,548 11,058,173 28,467,005 11,142,362 27,273,448 11,142,362 27,243,219 11,222,233 28,094,650 11,235,768 28,747,490 11,249,440 29,416,893 26,034,733 -4.2% 24,993,548 1 -0.1% 24,963,319 3.0% 25,734,879 2.3% 26,365,709 2.3% 27,012,881 2013-14 CR Bgt Forecast4 @ Revised P-1.xlsx Budget Summary BALANCED TO CHANC OFC P-1 REPORT Redwoods Community College District Budget Planning Committee (BPC) PRELIMINARY DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION ONLY The BPC budget shows a net deficit and a projected fund equity reserve of less than 5.00%. The District must increase revenues and reduce expenditures on a temporary and permanent basis to close the budget gap, to remain fiscally solvent, and to meet Accreditation standard IIID, The level of financial resources provides a reasonable expectation of both short-term and long-term fiscal solvency. Unrestricted General Fund Bgt Forecast 2011-12 Ending Bgt BPC Estimates Expenditures Academic Salaries (Faculty and admin) Other Staff Salaries (Staff, mgr & confidential) Employee Benefits (All employees) Subtotal Payroll Base Steps, COLAs, Other Cost Increases Academic Salaries - Step Academic Salaries - 1.5% COLA Academic Salaries - FTES Growth Other Staff Salaries Employee Benefits Additional permanent round 1 reorg svgs Add back one-time furlough svgs Subtotal Payroll Increases Subtotal Payroll 12,438,269 6,113,957 6,496,624 25,048,850 25,048,850 2012-13 Budget 2013-14 Low FTES 2013-14 High FTES 2014-15 Estimate 2015-16 Estimate 11,707,447 5,822,821 6,367,882 23,898,150 11,707,447 5,822,821 6,367,882 23,898,150 11,707,447 5,822,821 6,367,882 23,898,150 12,336,515 5,954,821 6,537,608 24,828,944 12,723,874 6,086,821 6,802,608 25,613,304 273,000 273,000 273,000 273,000 356,068 114,359 132,000 132,000 132,000 265,000 265,000 265,000 (1,139,552) (1,139,552) 1,044,278 1,044,278 574,726 930,794 784,359 24,472,876 24,828,944 25,613,304 118,490 132,000 265,000 23,898,150 Percent Change -4.6% Note: Salary and benefits may be negotiable items, not within BPC's purview All Services and Supplies Base Increase - Inflation Subtotal All Services and Supplies Total Expenditures 3,763,995 4,198,914 3,763,995 28,812,845 4,198,914 28,097,064 Percent Change Other Financing Sources(Uses) Transfers In (Auxiliary support) Transfers Out (Empl Ben Fund, Debt Svc, CDC & Shively Farm, Special Trustee, etc) -2.5% (443,507) (103,024) (546,531) 29,359,376 3/15/2013 12:05 PM (892,371) 2.3% 4,282,892 85,658 4,368,550 29,197,494 3.9% 3.2% 4,368,550 87,371 4,455,921 30,069,225 3.0% 3.1% 4,455,921 89,118 4,545,040 30,946,833 2.9% 156,959 156,959 6,959 6,959 (624,000) (624,000) (624,000) (624,000) (624,000) (100,000) (100,000) (100,000) (25,000) (20,000) (612,041) (25,000) (20,000) (612,041) (50,000) (20,000) (787,041) (75,000) (20,000) (712,041) 29,809,535 30,856,266 31,658,874 (20,000) (337,041) (914,053) 27,520,052 29,367,809 Percent Change Net Revenue(Loss) 4,198,914 83,978 4,282,892 28,755,768 3.9% 306,959 Increase Special Trustee, Recovery, Negotiations Increase Transfer to Empl benefit Trust Student Fin Aid (HS concurrent enrollment) Other Sources(Uses) Total Sources(Uses) Additional concession/round 1 reorg svgs Grand Total Expenditures & Other 2.4% 788,490 26,401,793 -6.3% 6.7% 8.3% 3.5% 2.6% (246,604) (2,124,591) (1,714,885) (2,108,776) (2,241,981) 2 2013-14 CR Bgt Forecast4 @ Revised P-1.xlsx Budget Summary BALANCED TO CHANC OFC P-1 REPORT Redwoods Community College District Budget Planning Committee (BPC) PRELIMINARY DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION ONLY The BPC budget shows a net deficit and a projected fund equity reserve of less than 5.00%. The District must increase revenues and reduce expenditures on a temporary and permanent basis to close the budget gap, to remain fiscally solvent, and to meet Accreditation standard IIID, The level of financial resources provides a reasonable expectation of both short-term and long-term fiscal solvency. Unrestricted General Fund Bgt Forecast 2011-12 Ending Bgt BPC Estimates 2012-13 Budget 2013-14 Low FTES Fund Equity Reserves Beginning Fund Equity Net Revenue(Loss) Ending Fund Balance Fund Balance Percent 2,389,219 (892,371) 1,496,848 5.10% 1,362,897 (246,604) 1,116,293 4.01% 1,116,293 (2,124,591) (1,008,298) -3.42% 28,879 (259,710) (2,476,688) Fund Balance Shortfall to 5.0% 2013-14 High FTES 2014-15 Estimate 2015-16 Estimate 1,116,293 (1,714,885) (598,592) -2.00% 1,490,477 (2,108,776) (618,299) -2.00% 1,542,813 (2,241,981) (699,167) -2.21% (2,089,069) (2,161,112) (2,282,111) * CO Available: This is the maximum number of funded FTES available to CR, but CR must actually enroll up to this level to receive this funding. CO Funded: This is the number of FTES that CR is guaranteed funding for the year, whether or not actual enrollments reach this level. For 2012-13, CR is forecasting 4364 resident FTES, but the CO guarantees CR 4535 FTES worth of stability funding on the P-1. If CR's enrollment forecast holds, then the CO will lower CR's guaranteed stability FTES to 4364 for 2013-14. 2012-13 FTES funding on this spreadsheet is based on the CO's 4535 guaranteed stability funding. 3/15/2013 12:05 PM 3 2013-14 CR Bgt Forecast4 @ Revised P-1.xlsx Budget Summary