REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Meeting of the Enrollment Management Committee (EMC)

Meeting of the Enrollment Management Committee (EMC)
New Boardroom, February 11, 2013; 1:10-2:40 pm
Summary Notes
EMC Mission
To interpret enrollment trends, patterns and projections, student achievement/success data, basic skills student achievement
data, and to inform all institutional divisions and units in meeting CR’s enrollment goals within a framework of
collaboration continued growth and community alignment. The Enrollment Management Committee (EMC) also
formulates enrollment goals consistent with the College’s mission and program review data, develops FTES budget
projections, implements, monitors, and periodically revises the process of student enrollment and retention.
1. Meeting called to Order at 1:14pm. Present: Keith Snow-Flamer, Utpal Goswami, Bruce Wagner,
Melissa Ruiz-phone, Michelle Blucher-phone, Danny Walker, Barry Tucker, Tiffany Schmitcke,
Sheila Hall, Anita Janis-phone, Paul DeMark, Angelina Hill, Jeff Cummings, Pam Kessler, Crislyn
2. Review of Summary Notes from January 28, 2013: No changes.
3. Action Items
4. Discussion Items
4.1 Draft EMC to BPC FTES/TLU Information (supporting document): Annually, in February,
the EMC sends a rough draft FTES target to the BPC for budget consideration. Based on this
draft, the committee discussed and agreed it is in the college’s best interests to strive to grow
at a modest, sustainable rate of 2%, and that the college should marshal resources toward
recruitment, persistence and retention strategies that position us to maximize FTES
generation. Per agreement, a revised recommendation will be sent to the BPC. The revised
FTES projection assumes a resident FTES target of 4,554 in 1213-14 (2% growth above
current budgeted FTES), no growth in fulltime instructional faculty and 2.64 FTES per
4.2 Review of TLU allocation model (supporting document): Based on the prepared document,
discussion of what works and what is needed to move forward (allocations do not include
summer offerings). Original allocations were based on specific course designations, although
were not always handled by that department, (Athletics, for example). Adjustments were made
through SLSS; for some GE transfer there is a recommendation we allocate TLUs at a finer
level. Manual adjustments are made for areas, such as KT, which was over in TLUs, but
included grant funded classes. 2013/14 TLUs will be based on shared percentages, using a
2.64 factor. Summer 2013 FTES will be used for this academic year; 2014 summer FTES need
to be held back. Online courses will be tracked by discipline. A recalculation draft will be
prepared for the next meeting
4.3 April 6 Planning Summit 9-1pm AT 103/104: Requested committee members to hold April 6
for the third annual planning summit, 9am to 1pm, in AT 103/104. IEC will look at the revised
survey and maybe we can look at how committees are linked to the integrated planning
process. Summit is open to all, but planning committee members should provide input.
4.4 Integrated Planning Committee Planning Process and Committee Self-Assessment Survey:
The draft survey will be reviewed by IEC on February 27, and will allow ten days for
implement. Bruce and Keith will provide a summary for planning chairs by March 31. A
recommendation is to shift committee review to how planning is working for the committees,
rather than how committees fit into planning. New committee members should talk with Keith
and Bruce to see how everything worked in the past.
4.5 MDC recommendations to the EMC (handout): The EMC discussed the MDC’s
recommendation (handout) to protect specific courses, that might affect underrepresented
students and faculty, from cancellation. The committee acknowledges the courses mentioned
promotes student and faculty diversity and agreed to put a student equity concern into the
course cancellation framework by deans.
4.6 Strategies to improve Student Success: The EMC will start talking about strategies for student
success CR needs to employ, practices to make a difference on how the college operates, how
to keep students, and how to move the college in a new direction. The EMC would like to offer
concrete suggestions at the planning summit and annual planning, especially the SEP process
and First Year Experience FYE. Discussions have occurred for an advising summary, first year
experience focus is on math and placement, support for admissions to revise language to be
the same for all communication, putting the SEP online, providing a guide or manual for AOS.
A new student orientation guide just needs updating. We are looking for strategies for student
success at a macro level.
5. Reports
6. Future Agenda items: March 18: Discuss summary of survey results
7. Announcements: FTEs Update -Angelina handing out current Headcount/FTEs; 320 rerun more
accurate will be forthcoming. Estimate is 1990 Resident for year plus projected summer; 200
8. Adjournment