Redwoods Community College District Enrollment Management Committee (EMC) Monday, November 1, 2010 Boardroom MINUTES PRESENT Rachel Anderson, David Gonsalves (phone), Kathy Goodlive, Utpal Goswami, Melissa Green, Sheila Hall, Anita Janis (phone), Allen Keppner, Pam Kessler, Geisce Ly (phone), Michael Peterson, Keith Snow-Flamer(Co-Chair), Bruce Wagner (Co-Chair) MINUTES Minutes from the October 18, 2010, EMC meeting were approved with minor changes. ACTION ITEMS Task Force Satisfaction Survey and Enrollment Management Plan Task Force EMC Operating Agreement (Planning Agenda) DISCUSSION ITEMS Wait List Recommendations It was discussed that there’s a need to review the work completed over the summer on the student satisfaction and enrollment management action plans with the EMC membership. Cheryl Tucker (chair), Melissa Green, Allen Keppner, and Pam Kessler agreed to serve on the task force to review the two plans and confirm the action plan items, delete items, add items missed, simplify the plans, and assign timetables for completion. . The goal is to review and revise the action plan within 30 days. Volunteers were solicited to work on winnowing down the EMC Operating Agreement, specifically the Planning Agenda section. Keith, Bruce, Anita, and Barbara will serve on the task force. The most recent draft of the Wait List Recommendations was presented to the committee for review. There was lengthy discussion regarding revisions and clarifications. The following suggestions were made: Add verbiage regarding the definition of “impacted courses.” Consider adjusting the wait list number according to class size and format. Educate students on the use of the wait list. Populate webadvisor with more than one email address. It was decided that Lorie will incorporate the suggested changes into the Wait List Recommendation document and send it back to the committee for verification of the revisions. TLU Allocation Process There was discussion regarding the TLU planning process and it was noted that the current process is flawed and there needs to be improvement for next year. TLU allocations for next year cannot be determined until the 2011/12 preliminary budget is developed. It was stated that there is a need for district-wide discussion regarding identification of institutional priorities and where we are going as an institution. FTES Projection Keith stated that the latest update from the Chancellor’s office reports that the District can expect approximately $600,000 in state funds for the 2010/11 year. The current target number is 5201 resident FTES. In December EMC will begin working on FTES projections for next year. These projections will be forward to the Budget Planning Committee (BPC) in preparation of the development of the Preliminary Budget for next year. Tabled Discussion Items 4.3 Strategies for Summer Schedule 4.5 EM Scorecard REPORTS Tabled Reports ADJOURN SUBMITTED BY 5.1 Multiple Measures 5.2 IR Status 5.3 101 Corridor Survey . The meeting was adjourned at 2:30 p.m. lw