

Minutes of the Meeting of the Curriculum Committee

Eureka: 7351 Tompkins Hill Road, SSA 202

Del Norte: 883 W. Washington Boulevard, Office E7

January 22, 2016

Members Present: Marla Gleave (Ex-Officio), George Potamianos, Michelle Haggerty, Sean Herrera-Thomas,

Barbara Jaffari, Erik Kramer, Harry Pyke, Ruth Rhodes, Gary Sokolow.

Members Absent: Erik Kramer was absent for the first five action items.


Call to Order: Curriculum Committee Chair, George Potamianos, called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m.


Introductions and Public Comment: Gary needs to check the CIDs.


Approval of the Minutes: Franz Rulofson moved to approve the minutes of the December 11, 2015 meeting, seconded by Gary Sokolow. There being no objections, the minutes were approved as written.


Action Items


IT-260 Design and Production of a Solid Body Electric Guitar – Steve Brown

Franz Rulofson [M], Gary Sokolow [2 nd ]. Following discussion, the motion to approve was passed by the following roll call vote:

Haggerty Herrera-Thomas Kramer y y -

Pyke y

Rhodes Rulofson Sokolow y

With the following revisions:


Page 3 of 8: "instructor" misspelling needs to be corrected. y y


Inactivation: DRAMA-34 Musical Theatre Production – Leira Satlof

Gary Sokolow [M], Franz Rulofson [2 nd ]. Following discussion, the motion to approve all three courses inactivated (4.2, 4.3, and 4.4) was passed by the following roll call vote:

Haggerty Herrera-Thomas Kramer y y -

Pyke y

Rhodes Rulofson Sokolow y y y


Inactivation: DRAMA-40 Independent Study: Drama – Leira Satlof

Haggerty Herrera-Thomas Kramer y y -

Pyke y

Rhodes Rulofson Sokolow y y y


Inactivation: ENGL-52 English Lab Practicum – Sean Herrera-Thomas

Haggerty Herrera-Thomas Kramer Pyke Rhodes Rulofson Sokolow y y - y y y y



Action Items 4.2, 4.3, 4.4 were lumped together for the vote.


New Degree: Associate in Arts in Philosophy for Transfer – John Johnston

Franz Rulofson [M], Gary Sokolow [2 nd ]. Following discussion, the motion to approve was passed by the following roll call vote:

Haggerty Herrera-Thomas Kramer Pyke Rhodes Rulofson Sokolow



Removed from agenda; courses which are part of the degree need prior CID approval.


KINS-64 Concepts of Strength Training – Bob Brown

Franz Rulofson [M], Gary Sokolow [2 nd ]. Following discussion, the motion to approve was passed by the following roll call vote:

Haggerty Herrera-Thomas Kramer Pyke Rhodes Rulofson Sokolow y y y y y y y

With the following revisions:


Page 1 of 8: Check the inactivation "Yes" box and add the Inactivation Date of 06/01/2016 . Add PE-64 as title of course to be inactivated.


Page 5 of 8: CB05 transferability status should be "A Transferable to both CSU and UC."



Bob Brown stated that in the past changing PE courses to KINS courses had been an update not a new course. The PE courses then have had to be inactivated at a later date.


Joanna Tindle advised the committee to consider the ramifications for ADT's when choosing to update a course as opposed to creating a new course. CR can issue degrees using the old versions of the courses, but a CSU or UC may deem those old versions unacceptable and the student would then be required to take an additional course at the CSU/UC to meet the ADT requirements.


Bob Brown remarked that even though this course is not part of a CR ADT, it may be part of a degree at a CSU. Changing the title to KINS-64 can be advantageous to students who are pursuing other types of degrees that require Kinesiology courses.


Franz Rulofson suggested the since the "Revised" box is checked on the curriculum proposal, the

"Inactivated" box should also be checked with the appropriate date in order to inactivate PE-64.


Michelle Haggerty wondered how articulation will work since this is replacing another course.


Marla Gleave stated that students could potentially be harmed when they received an ADT with us, but then the transfer institution does not accept a course in the ADT. Also, there is an Exercise Science ADT that is in the que; this course may be part of that degree.


Bob Brown stated that he feels comfortable that this course can remain an updated course as opposed to proposing a new course.


HO-15 Concepts of Strength Training

Franz Rulofson [M], Gary Sokolow [2 nd ]. Following discussion, the motion to approve was passed by the following roll call vote:

Haggerty Herrera-Thomas Kramer y y y

Pyke y

Rhodes Rulofson Sokolow y y y

With the following revisions:


Page 1 of 8: "Requirements" is misspelled in the catalog description.


Page 4 of 8: Under "Representative Learning Activities" #6 needs a period.


Page 4 of 8: "Required Assessments" the list needs periods.


Page 4 of 8: The 3 rd "Representative Assessment" has extra space before period.


Noncredit: Workplace Performance Training, Certificate of Competency – Elizabeth Carlyle

Franz Rulofson [M], Erik Kramer [2 nd ]. Following discussion, the motion to approve was passed by the following roll call vote:

Haggerty Herrera-Thomas Kramer y y y

Pyke y

Rhodes Rulofson Sokolow y y y



Elizabeth Carlyle stated that this certificate was previously tabled. Noncredit then worked with Business faculty to review the certificate. The main change is in the name; "Training" was added to the title of this certificate. The title now reflects a more accurate description of the certificate.


Noncredit: Workplace Leadership Training, Certificate of Competency – Elizabeth Carlyle

Franz Rulofson [M], Gary Sokolow [2 nd ]. Following discussion, the motion to approve was passed by the following roll call vote:

Haggerty Herrera-Thomas Kramer Pyke Rhodes Rulofson Sokolow y y y y y y y

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Elizabeth Carlyle stated that "Training" was added to the title. The title now reflects a more accurate description of the certificate.


GUID-215 Student Education Plan Development – Elizabeth Carlyle

Franz Rulofson [M], Erik Kramer [2 nd ]. Following discussion, the motion to approve was passed by the following roll call vote:

Haggerty Herrera-Thomas Kramer Pyke Rhodes Rulofson Sokolow



Elizabeth Carlyle asked to pull this from the agenda.


Franz Rulofson asked for verification that if a student only came for one hour of the course they would receive an "S" grade. Elizabeth confirmed that is how the course is currently written.


AJ-103 Radar Operator – Ron Waters

Franz Rulofson [M], Erik Kramer [2 nd ]. Following discussion, the motion to approve was passed by the following roll call vote:

Haggerty Herrera-Thomas Kramer Pyke Rhodes Rulofson Sokolow y y y y y



Ron Waters stated that he had removed the prerequisites. y y


AJ-106 Field Training Officer Update – Ron Waters

Franz Rulofson [M], Gary Sokolow [2 nd ]. Following discussion, the motion to approve was passed by the following roll call vote:

Haggerty Herrera-Thomas Kramer Pyke Rhodes Rulofson Sokolow y y y y y y y


Distance Education: AJ-81 Basic Law Enforcement Academy Module III – Ron Waters

Franz Rulofson [M], Erik Kramer [2 nd ]. Following discussion, the motion to approve was passed by the following roll call vote:

Haggerty Herrera-Thomas Kramer Pyke Rhodes Rulofson Sokolow y y y y y y y



Mike Butler has indicated that this course meets CR’s DE, Chancellor’s Office, and accreditation requirements.


Distance Education: AJ-82 Basic Law Enforcement Academy Module II – Ron Waters

Franz Rulofson [M], Erik Kramer [2 nd ]. Following discussion, the motion to approve was passed by the following roll call vote:

Haggerty Herrera-Thomas Kramer Pyke Rhodes Rulofson Sokolow y y y y y y y



Ron Waters confirmed that there are approximates 45 instructors in this course.



5.1 George found these articles in professional journals. He thought it would be good to discuss the articles as its part of a larger transformation that is occurring within higher education.

Gary: Is there was a way to do quality control while the courses are being taught.

Marla: CR faculty visit the high school class rooms and fill out an assessment form.

Franz: There is a higher pass rate at high schools because students are allowed to retake exams in high schools.

Michelle: We need to look at normal developmental processes. These decisions cannot be only based on economics.

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Franz: At the high schools, they may push the students who are not above average or academically ready into these classes just to get the numbers up.

Marla: High schools are insuring that students who are taking the courses are college ready. These courses are probably not taking students away from CR.

Franz: What happens three years down the road when a CR course has half the enrollment it used to?

Marla: One of the rules in AB 288 is that classes which are oversubscribed cannot be dual enrollment courses.

Classes which are waitlisted cannot be offered as dual enrollment. The students taking the courses are probably going on to four year schools. After three years, a tracking report will be sent to the Chancellor's Office.

Franz: After three years can faculty choose to stop offering dual enrollment, if their college courses aren't filling up?

Marla: The data would be looked across the institution to determine whether the course would continue.

Sean: Research indicates that students who are not performing at college/AP level in the humanities disciplines will benefit more than other students in dual enrollment courses. Students who are less successful sometimes benefit greatly from dual enrollment. Does the mandate/AB require that this program not harm the jobs of people at the college institutions who are serving that school district?

Marla: The AB wording states that you can't take away work from a high school instructor. Colleges can't limit sections on their own campuses because of offerings at high schools. The classes at the high schools are closed campus. Closed campus classes help protect the CR sections. We need to figure out how to track a dual enrolled student and see what courses they aren't taking once they get to college. We can't offer a course as dual enrollment that's maxed in all sections at Census Date.

Ruthie: CR is doing things right. We require the HS teachers to be MQed. Dual enrollment is opening up communication with high school teachers. Also, it is training students to do college level work/critical thinking.

The fact that this decreases cost is a benefit. It lets students experience college who may not otherwise.

George: It's a collision of the two ideas that everybody needs a college degree and everybody needs to finish college as fast as possible. Higher education is moving away from a time-consuming, thoughtful, intellectually engaging experience. The merging two ideas are antithetical to a millennium of thinking regarding higher education.

Gary: The emerging higher education model is business vs. service.

Ruthie: There is another way to look at it. Everyone should have access to a college degree, if they want. Critical thinking and college level thinking should be occurring earlier than college.

Marla: Comments from Arcata High are "You mean I can get away from teaching to a test?" The teaching staff are excited that they can teach to a higher level and have more a freedom that college instructors have. High School administration is being careful to pick high quality/more progressive teachers.

George: Why not change the existing K-12 curriculum instead of pushing critical thinking through the dual enrollment courses?

Ruthie: In my circle of influence, what I can do is support this initiative.

Michelle: Common Core is introducing these critical thinking skills. If you make college free for all, can we not offer it after high school instead of during high school? Just because a student is bright doesn't mean they should be taking college courses.

George: Are other disciplines discussing dual enrollment? It would be interesting to hear from the other disciplines.

Marla: Basic skills can be taught at the high schools. Most local schools will only offer three-nine dual enrollment courses.

5 Announcements and Open Forum

If you want to be part of the task force oversite committee, email Marla.

Thank you to Michelle for being the chair last semester.

6 Adjournment: On motion by, Gary Sokolow seconded by Franz Rulofson , the meeting was adjourned at


Next Meeting: February 26, 2016

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