3 PUBLIC WORKSHOP rd VRE Gainesville-Haymarket Alternatives Analysis & Feasibility Study Samuel L. Gravely Elementary School 4670 Waverly Farm Drive Haymarket, VA 20169 Agenda Open House Welcome Alternatives Analysis and Feasibility Study Findings Presentation Q&A Small Group Discussions Small Group Report Outs Close For more information contact us at 703.684.1001 gotrains@vre.org, or check the VRE web site at www.vre.org What is the Study? Ridership and Costs T he Virginia Railway Express (VRE) is conducting a Feasibility Study/Alternatives Analysis for a proposed new branch of service, approximately eleven (11) miles in length. This study is being done to evaluate the feasibility and desirability of adding this new branch of service, as well as to meet the requirements of the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) for potential project funding. This new branch would potentially run from the existing Manassas Station in the City of Manassas to the Town of Haymarket, located in Prince William County, Virginia, along Norfolk Southern’s “B” Line and would potentially include up to three new stations. The study has been focused on the Alternatives Analysis, which is a requirement of the FTA for eligibility of federal funding, and includes reviewing potential transportation strategies that fulfill the Purpose and Need of the project. No Build I-66 Bus Enhanced VRE BR service +Feeder Bus VRESplit BR/GH service VRE BR/ GH service + GH rail shuttle VRE GH + BR turnback service Baseline 1 Baseline 2 1B 1C 1D Total VRE Manassas Line Trips 9,194 7,952 12,544 11,394 17,500 12,156 Total Manassas Line Study Area Trips 5,234 3,992 6,156 6,126 9,156 6,582 Total Study Area Commuter Bus Trips 734 2,258 978 676 562 652 Capital Cost $6 M $18 M $102 M $153 M $244 M $203 M Gross O&M Cost $19 M $25 M $25 M $27 M $44 M $30 M Project Schedule The project is scheduled to run from April 2008 to May 2009. In addition to the technical studies and reviews, there will be several opportunities for your input. Phase I – May 2008 – July 2008 • • • • Data Collection Goals and Objectives Public Workshop Evaluation Criteria Phase II – July 2008 – February 2009 • Define/Evaluate Alternatives • Environmental Report • Public Workshop Phase III – February 2009 – May 2009 • Final Analysis and Report • Public Workshop • Select Locally Preferred Alternatives This table shows anticipated ridership and conceptual capital and gross operating and maintenance (O&M) costs for the No Build, Baseline Scenarios, and Build Alternatives. Alternative 1C has the greatest number of VRE riders and most frequent service from the study area, but it also has the highest capital and O&M cost estimate. Preliminary capital cost estimates for the full extension to Haymarket range from $150 million to $244 million. If an extension ending prior to Haymarket is pursued, the capital cost for the project could be reduced. VRE is currently evaluating funding options, including Small Starts or New Starts Programs through the FTA, in addition to other funding options.