NOVEMBER 30TH-DECEMBER 4TH SUNSHINE SHARES “Bring What You Got and Put it in the Pot!” Making Stone Soup Themes of the Week: ! Nutcracker/12 Days of Christmas/ Shapes and Symmetry/ First Grade Show Rehearsals CHECK OUT THE LEARNING RADIATING FROM THE SUNSHINE ROOM THIS WEEK! Technology Pixie Project to Retell Folktales The SUNSHINES shared and collaborated to make STONE SOUP! After reading this wonderful folktale of working together, the kids each contributed for this special treat in our class! WRITING WORKSHOP UNDERSTANDING LEARNING GOALS VISIBLE LEARNING GOALS Social Studies/Science/Health READING * We began rehearsals for our traditions and culture show based on our interests! Each child will be “assigned” a role in our show to show a unique trait that is in one of our songs. * WE BEGAN READING THE FIRST VERSION THE NUTCRACKER. WE ARE EXCITED TO EXPLORE MANY VERSIONS AND COMPARE AND CONTRAST THE STORIES. TECHNOLOGY * WE CONTINUE TO FOCUS ON INDIVIDUAL READING AND CLASS READING GOALS. HAVE YOUR SUNSHINE TALK TO YOU ABOUT WHAT THEY ARE LEARNING, WHY THEY ARE LEARNING IT, AND HOW THEY KNOW THEY ARE SUCCESSFUL. WE HAVE REALLY BEEN WORKING ON USING THIS LANGUAGE TO HELP SCAFFOLD THEIR THINKING AND CREATE PURPOSE FOR THEIR LEARNING. * We continue to write narratives and transfer them onto Pixie. * We used the Smart Board to learn about the past and the present. * Continue to check out the learning links on my webpage for extra support and practice at Independent home. Practice Time ! ! ! ! WORD FAMILIES OF THE WEEK: EST/ELL SUNSHINE WORDS OF THE WEEK: KNOW, EXTRA, QUICK WRITING ! The Arts * AFTER READING SEVERAL VERSIONS OF “THE 12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS,” THE SUNSHINES BRAINSTORMED A LIST OF IDEAS TO CREATE THEIR OWN! THEY COLLABORATED WITH THEIR PEERS TO CREATE A PAGE ON PIXIE TO GO INTO A CLASS BOOK. * After starting THE NUTCRACKER, we invited our BIG BUDDIES to come to our room to help us build our very own! Check out next week’s newsletter for these amazing pictures! Social Development * We continue to work on using patience by being mindful in the classroom. * WE CONTINUE TO WORK ON ADDING DETAILS AND ADJECTIVES TO OUR WORK TO STRENGTHEN OUR WRITINGS. Reminders and Upcoming Events * Progress Reports went home on Friday, November 20th. Please take the items in the envelope out (they are yours to keep), sign the front of the envelope, and return the white envelope to school. * Don’t forget that our First Grade Show is NEXT THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10th at 7:00 p.m. We can’t wait to show you are learning through music, art, and movement! * Please continue to check Progress Book for updated information about your SHUNSHINE’S learning throughout this Trimester. * My teacher webpage continues to be updated with pictures of our learning, upcoming events, and practice links for the kids. The site is lindsaysimons.aspx Sharing Our Writings * THE SUNSHINES HAD MULTIPLE OPPORTUNITIES TO SHARE IN DIFFERENT WAYS. ! ! ! ! ! Math Games M AT H * IN MATH, THE SUNSHINES WORKED A LOT WITH SHAPES THROUGHOUT THIS WEEK. THE WEEK STARTED OFF WITH THE STUDENTS BUILDING DIFFERENT SHAPE PUZZLES AND COLLECTING DATA ABOUT THEIR PICTURES. * NEXT, THEY USED SHAPES TO CREATE A SNOWFLAKE PATTERN. * AFTER EXPLORING TANGRAMS,, THE SUNSHINES USED THESE SPECIFIC SHAPES TO CREATE HOLIDAY ART. * WE TALKED A LOT ABOUT SYMMETRY AND ALSO CREATED MORE HOLIDAY ART.