This week, the SUNSHINES explored different types of writing. We generated a list of various genres of writing that included: narrative, informational, opinion, “how to,” song books, math, magazines, fairy tales, and more! We continue to share the BEST OF THE BEST.
Brain Lab to
Regulate Feeling s
After solving a rich problem to create
100 sprinkles of a cupcake using 7 different colors, the Sunshines wrote about how they persevered, collaborated, communicated, created, and respected each other throughout the process.
Building a Community of Learners
Through Peer Encouragement
Responding to books through the
6 Habits of
Check out the learning that is radiating from the SUNSHINE room this week!
Themes of the
Different Genres of
Word Wall
* Reading Goals: how to use postits to mark learning, what to do when you get stuck on a word
(flexible word solvers), accountability partner shares.
* Shapes on the
Words of the Week: care, winter, interest should, will, get, quiet, split, here, what
* This week, we started our unit on how 3D shaped move. After creating a ramp and reviewing the properties of 3D shapes, the Sunshines experimented with rolling the various shapes down the ramp. We recorded our notices, observations, predictions, and discoveries.
Mystery Readers!
* We continue to review reading strategies to help us become more fluent and engaged, along with comprehending the texts.
* Using our Word Wall Words, we made a connections chart to help us think about how these words can help us spell other words.
* * * We focused on blends and digraphs.
* Throughout this week in math, the Sunshines participated in many activities that surrounded 100. In preparation for the 100th day of school, they used their 100 day collections to show/prove that they had 100, subtilize different amounts, weigh to discover heavy and light, and participate in a partner game. It was a fun time! Thank you for
* This week in writing, the Sunshines had many choices based on their interests in writing. They had the opportunities to choose their genre of writing and create pieces. We had so many wonderful writings that included: informational, helping with gathering these items at home to opinion, magazine, narrative, and more! send in to school.
* We took our word study assessment op, ock, and ot. Please continue to look on Progress Book for
* The students used the computers to publish different parts of their writings.
updating information on your Sunshine’s learning.
Responding to Texts
* Don’t forget to send in your pictures for our special INTEREST project by tomorrow, Friday, February
* Conference requests have come home. If you would like a conference, please let me know. I will be sending home a conference packet to all families (even if we do not meet face-to-face). Please continue to check Progress Book for updated information on your child’s learning.
* Our Valentines Day Party will be on Friday, February 12th at 10:15 a.m. You are welcome to send in
Valentines for the class on this day.
* The annual Eli Pinney Dance-A-Thon will be held on February 19th. We will be doing a “white out” at school. Please have your child wear white for fun on this day!