Montana Board of Regents C P F

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Montana Board of Regents
1. Overview
The School of Journalism proposes to merge our two departments, Radio-TV and Print/Photo, and create
a single journalism degree program with no departments. As part of this reorganization, we proposed to
collapse our two degrees, Journalism and R-TV, into one single Journalism degree program. We believe
this change will improve efficiency and have little impact for most of our students.
2. Provide a one paragraph description of the proposed program. Be specific about what degree, major, minor or
option is sought.
The proposed program is merely a consolidation of our current Journalism degree. As such, it will
broaden the skills of all majors in our school, including those who previously would have focused on
Radio/TV skills.
3. Need
A. To what specific need is the institution responding in developing the proposed program?
Increasingly, all of our students are facing a need to be as well-rounded as possible in their skill sets.
Requiring all students to exit with a Journalism BA will enhance their job prospects, and improve their
ability to function in digital newsrooms. The internet revolution has forced all news organizations to
produce news in all formats. For example, curriculum material such as The Missouri Group’s “News
Reporting & Writing” discusses this trend.
B. How will students and any other affected constituencies be served by the proposed program?
The proposed program will serve the needs of all students by allowing them to focus on radio-TV
skills, while also obtaining a general journalism degree. We do not anticipate any negative
consequences for any students. On the contrary, this move will help our school be more efficient, and
will improve the employment prospects of our graduates.
C. What is the anticipated demand for the program? How was this determined?
This year our school had 295 students. We anticipate a similar number in coming years and do not
anticipate that this change will affect enrollment.
4. Institutional and System Fit
A. What is the connection between the proposed program and existing programs at the institution?
Our program already works closely with many other programs on campus, and the change in major
will not have any impact on those relationships.
B. Will approval of the proposed program require changes to any existing programs at the institution? If so,
please describe.
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Montana Board of Regents
Approval will not require any changes to existing programs at UM.
C. Describe what differentiates this program from other, closely related programs at the institution (if
Ours is the only journalism program in the state. As such, there are no closely related programs
anywhere in the MUS system. The School of Journalism is a professional program that prepares
students for jobs in the communications field, specifically for work as reporters, producers, editors,
photographers and web site developers.
D. How does the proposed program serve to advance the strategic goals of the institution?
The Journalism Program already serves the strategic goals of MUS in many ways. We are a studentfocused school that delivers intense personal attention as part of our commitment to Partnering for
Student Success. We contribute to Education for the Global Century by teaching students about
global affairs, and by hosting overseas travel opportunities. We add Discovery and Creativity to serve
Montana and the World by interacting with Montana communities all over the state, and by fostering
communication between UM researchers and their constituencies.
E. Describe the relationship between the proposed program and any similar programs within the Montana
University System. In cases of substantial duplication, explain the need for the proposed program at an
additional institution. Describe any efforts that were made to collaborate with these similar programs; and if
no efforts were made, explain why. If articulation or transfer agreements have been developed for the
substantially duplicated programs, please include the agreement(s) as part of the documentation.
Our program is unique and has no direct parallel in any other MUS program. We collaborate with a
number of science and conservation programs, but that collaboration will not be affected in any way
by our proposed change.
5. Program Details
A. Provide a detailed description of the proposed curriculum. Where possible, present the information in the
form intended to appear in the catalog or other publications. NOTE: In the case of two-year degree programs
and certificates of applied science, the curriculum should include enough detail to determine if the
characteristics set out in Regents’ Policy 301.12 have been met.
This change also continues an effort begun in 2010 when we eliminated options and revised our
B. Describe the planned implementation of the proposed program, including estimates of numbers of students at
each stage.
As of fall semester 2014, our enrollment for undergraduates was 295. We are constantly recruiting in
an effort to draw more students.
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Montana Board of Regents
6. Resources
A. Will additional faculty resources be required to implement this program? If yes, please describe the need and
indicate the plan for meeting this need.
No additional faculty resources will be needed.
B. Are other, additional resources required to ensure the success of the proposed program? If yes, please
describe the need and indicate the plan for meeting this need.
No other resources will be required.
7. Assessment
How will the success of the program be measured?
These changes conform to the School’s existing strategic plan and unit standards.
8. Process Leading to Submission
Describe the process of developing and approving the proposed program. Indicate, where appropriate,
involvement by faculty, students, community members, potential employers, accrediting agencies, etc.
This change will require no additional approvals and will not require any special recognition from our