Montana Board of Regents C P F

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Montana Board of Regents
1. Overview
2. Provide a one paragraph description of the proposed program. Be specific about what degree, major, minor or
option is sought.
The School of Journalism proposes to merge our current Journalism and R-TV degrees into one single Journalism
Degree program. Students currently in the R-TV major would receive adequate notice so they can finish their
program. No additional students would be accepted into the R-TV program. Instead, students would be advised to
develop their R-TV skills as part of the general journalism major.
3. Need
A. To what specific need is the institution responding in developing the proposed program?
This is a response to the needs of the marketplace, and the internal needs of our school. Students are
increasingly entering an industry that values a wide variety of skills. This shift in our program will enhance
students’ ability to find employment. It also recognizes the fact that our R-TV and Print/Photo faculty now
work seamlessly together across disciplines with one another, and that several of our faculty teach both video
and print/photo and related courses.
B. How will students and any other affected constituencies be served by the proposed program?
Students should notice very little difference, as they will be able to take the same courses and emerge with a
general Journalism BA, which is highly valued in the workplace.
C. What is the anticipated demand for the program? How was this determined?
Since this is not really a new program, the anticipated demand should remain the same.
4. Institutional and System Fit
A. What is the connection between the proposed program and existing programs at the institution?
The connection between the general Journalism degree and other schools will remain unchanged.
B. Will approval of the proposed program require changes to any existing programs at the institution? If so,
please describe.
The proposed program will not require any changes to existing programs at the institution.
C. Describe what differentiates this program from other, closely related programs at the institution (if
The general Journalism degree is unique, and is not similar to any other program in the MUS system.
D. How does the proposed program serve to advance the strategic goals of the institution?
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Montana Board of Regents
The Journalism program already serves the strategic goals of MUS in many ways. We are a student-focused
school that delivers intense personal attention as part of our commitment to Partnering for Student Success.
We contribute to Education for the Global Century by teaching students about global affairs, and by hosting
overseas travel opportunities. We add Discovery and Creativity to serve Montana and the World by interacting
with Montana communities all over the state, and by fostering communication between UM researchers and
their constituencies.
E. Describe the relationship between the proposed program and any similar programs within the Montana
University System. In cases of substantial duplication, explain the need for the proposed program at an
additional institution. Describe any efforts that were made to collaborate with these similar programs; and if
no efforts were made, explain why. If articulation or transfer agreements have been developed for the
substantially duplicated programs, please include the agreement(s) as part of the documentation.
Our program is unique and has no overlap with any other MUS program.
5. Program Details
A. Provide a detailed description of the proposed curriculum. Where possible, present the information in the
form intended to appear in the catalog or other publications. NOTE: In the case of two-year degree programs
and certificates of applied science, the curriculum should include enough detail to determine if the
characteristics set out in Regents’ Policy 301.12 have been met.
The curriculum for the BA in journalism will not change.
B. Describe the planned implementation of the proposed program, including estimates of numbers of students at
each stage.
As of fall semester 2014, our enrollment for undergraduates was 299. We are constantly recruiting in an effort
to draw more students.
6. Resources
A. Will additional faculty resources be required to implement this program? If yes, please describe the need and
indicate the plan for meeting this need.
No additional faculty resources are needed.
B. Are other, additional resources required to ensure the success of the proposed program? If yes, please
describe the need and indicate the plan for meeting this need.
No additional resources are needed.
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Montana Board of Regents
7. Assessment
How will the success of the program be measured?
The success of the Journalism degree program will be measured using the School’s existing strategic plan and unit
8. Process Leading to Submission
Describe the process of developing and approving the proposed program. Indicate, where appropriate,
involvement by faculty, students, community members, potential employers, accrediting agencies, etc.
This change will require no additional approvals and will not require any special recognition from our accreditors.