The purpose of this message is to notify you that your grade point average is below 2.0. Subsequently, you have been placed on academic probation. Detailed description of your academic status View your grades Many students will experience academic difficulty during their college career. Some students have difficulty with only a class or two, but others will experience more long-term challenges. Being on academic probation is not the end of your college career. However, it is a time to seriously reflect on what factors contributed to your difficulties and time to make a plan for future success. There are many factors that can impact a student’s academic performance (lack of college-level study strategies, motivation difficulties, reluctance to seek help, lack of direction, poor choice of courses or course load, difficulty adjusting to college, financial challenges, over-involvement in a job or social activities, personal or medical issues, etc.) National research shows that students who take an active approach to improving their academics will achieve at greater rates than those who opt to simply “try harder” or “study more” on their own. Doing so includes using the many resources that are available including advising, tutoring, counseling, career services, disability services, and more. UWSP wants to support you in finding success. Therefore, please take the next two steps to help you succeed: 1. Meet with your advisor to discuss your courses and course load for the upcoming semester. A change may be necessary. This is also a good time to seek advice on your future plans. Your advisor is listed on your MyPoint Homepage. 2. View this presentation and visit this site to learn about various tips and resources that can help get you back on the path to success.