GRADUATE COUNCIL MEETING Minutes for November 16, 2012

Minutes for November 16, 2012
325 Graff Main Hall at 10:00 a.m.
Members Present: Anton Sanderfoot, Carol Angell, Jorg Vianden, Melissa Bingham, ,
Mary Love, David Reineke, Rachel Beauchene (grad stu), Annalise Doyle (grad stu)
Members Excused: Gary Willhite, Gary Gilmore, Rob Dixon, John Greany
Members Absent:
Consultants Present: Steve Simpson (DGS), Glenn Knowles (CBA), Raymond Abhold
(SAH), Christine Bakkum (Registrar), Charles Martin-Stanley (CLS)
1. Approval of minutes from Nov 9, 2012 Meeting – M/S/P
2. Proposal for expedited review of Graduate Faculty Status Applications –
Applications will be provided in D2L for those applications that the Graduate Studies
office wishes to approve via the consent agenda. Approval of this expedited review will
require some changes in wording to the instructions to applicants on how applications
will be reviewed. – M/S/P with the change of working for chairing a thesis committee by
replacing “tenure track or IAS status within a department” to “tenure track or equivalent
full-time staff within a department.”
3. Report on status of “Hooding Ceremonies” for Fall Graduation – Only 3 programs
have indicated interest in using the ballroom.
4. Request for input on potential RSEL Merit Evaluation Standards – The rubric could
assess how well the students can follow the guidelines that are already in place and
provided in the instructions (such as having all the necessary components, well-written,
conveying the importance of the research project). We could provide a list of criteria
and instead of assigning points for each category we could rank the proposals from first
to last according to how well they met the criteria overall. A document will be put
together for possible approval in the spring semester.
Meeting adjourned at 10:40 am