GSA Executive Meeting January 14, 2015 Attendance General Notes phone!

GSA Executive Meeting January 14, 2015
Attendance: Leigh Ann Parrish, Thom, Adam, Sabrina, Elizabeth, Brian, Tonya via
General Notes: Elizabeth is going to get the Coffee Break service with Roxanne set up
for all our member meetings. We need to get the logo also. They are in the emails! Use the logo on everything! It needs to go on the website if it’s not there already.
Chancellor Update: Chancellor is not available any of the dates/times we proposed. We will look at alternate dates. April 8-Provost, Jan 28th- Mimi & Elizabeth, Feb. 18 &
March 18 have conflicts for the Chancellor. Perhaps we should invite him in the fall
instead and
rotate the Provost and Chancellor alternating years. Need to go ahead and set dates
for fall so we can schedule ahead.
Alumni Speaker Series: Dates for each month, Feb. 27th 3-4 Robert Hooper, April 23
1-2 Derek Roland, and 2 others have confirmed they WANT to speak, but they are
picking dates. Clifton Lambreth and Jacob Buchanan are getting back to us. Flyer is
ready to go and looks great! Thom will send the list and poster to us.We should post
the flyer to the website so we can provide a link via email. We will also need to get it on
the main calendar as well. At the Graduate Education Summit we could pitch the series
dates to that crowd. These events will be in the UC Catamount Room. The rooms are
reserved for multiple days for a 4 hour window to help with scheduling. As the times are
confirmed Thom is freeing up those times. Thanks to Thom and Jamie for all this hard
work! We are planning for 3 events, and we need $400 for food for these events. This
will leave us $1600 left over.
Budget Update from Tonya: Total $6456.85, $3206.20 travel, $3250.65 events, need
to allocate $1200 for the symposium.
Our budget proposal for the symposium was rejected by Roxanne. We budgeted
$1500, but our proposal was for 75 people, and now they say we need to budget for 150
people. Lots of discussion. We will give $1200 to the graduate school for the
symposium and let them choose the food. Tonya will assist if Roxanne needs help.
Meeting for Mimi and Elizabeth:
Quick updates, open discussion, set boundaries, create an email to all grad students
asking for questions and participation in this meeting. Financial support, grad
assistantships, grad questions, etc. Maybe ask Mimi to present a power point she
showed at a previous Graduate Council meeting Elizabeth and Brian attended. It would
be a good jumping off point to answer some questions about the budget and politics
involved in the decisions. Residential versus online program concerns may be
discussed. We are going to focus the discussion on assistantships and fellowships,
financial issues, and summer internships. We need to order coffee and desserts for all
our meetings (not exec!)- Elizabeth will contact Roxanne about this.
Community Service Updates: Leigh Ann will ask Roxanne if we can donate to Relay
for Life. We could give a $500 sponsorship and perhaps receive some advertising if we
donate at a certain level. Adam will bring updates on the day of service next meeting.
Strategic Plan and Constitution: Next meeting we can choose which sections of the
Strategic Plan we want to share with the members at our February meeting. Email the
Plan and the Constitution to everyone and next meeting we will go through it.
Elections: We need to have elections in February. Nominations will open at our
January meeting and via email. Need to remind folks that we STILL need
representatives from each department! Remind folks about GOTOmeeting! Announce
we will have food! Maybe contacting other organizations (like the MBA club) to ask for a
representative from
their group to please participate in our meetings.
Committee Updates: Just a reminder that we need to keep up with the committees. We will get updates on these soon as the semester goes along.
Leadership Academy: Starting in the Fall. Meetings will happen this spring to firm up
the details of these events. Education Summit in February. Professional development
for graduate students- Feb. 12 11-2:30. This event is for graduate students and
program directors.
Next meeting please come prepared to revise/discuss the Strategic Plan and select
discussion points we want to present to the members. Also please bring question ideas
for the Mimi/Elizabeth meeting, and any updates from your area or committee.
See you at our Executive Meeting Wednesday, January 21 at 11 am in the grad school.
Please remind other grads the general meeting is Jan 28th at 11am in Hunter Library!