Contents LSD Gubernatoriql Independent? b y Patricio Ann M~ther 4 Dreyfus's keynote oddress at Republican Convention Minorities take to the screen by Soe Molzahn 7 From alcoholism to race relations w/Roge r. Bullis Brio~ Way Workshop by Sharon Molmstone 8&9 British thespian conduds therapeutic a cting classes by Randy WI eve/ Oddball Homeruns Portage Review p: 14 J3 The next best things to UFO's V"._ ._ m E POlHTER II a ~ eta.. ,.WkaU. lnltft uoHr 1RHrk1 tk ...,..efRetnueltllcU.....~kyeiWIKMI ... U IIwriU.n ... f<llte4.,tllc• ...n· Ia ef tH UaiYentlyef • . _.. SleYeu P... t .... taey 1~ JloltlyrH,..IIIIIa lw Its ~ ...., .... -letlt. POINTER STAFF Editoria.l 2 Stream of Unconsciousness 10 • ::~~~~=-:-::.::=.~~=r. Gn. .ks Ul&er- lfartr. u.--. ...... Ul&er- ........ ~. ,.,..._. c. a- _....~ 1JnC C11ua Wrtkn- l Gl,_, Catbtri:De GalieMe, Am Gllmkl, ~urielAw Sbatealta---,SUeltalll.ha,Pittyltalbe!',BWMwat,A.IScbuetu, Correspondence 3 Classifieds 15 BarbScoU.RanctrW..-,ei. P .... KIJM.AIIDOIIMkl MY....·Ou Houllball ~ Wrtun .--IIIIIM II tw "?rial e1 •U ••lertll prani.H .. niE POIN· TER. ~ •• ~-. ns C•••nk•U..• aw,., Stun• ,..._~.,WI Te~nm,.._~ emcees Tbunday, June) &, UWSP stat&plld hdd an lnlormalional ~.S.::':f:'u!.~= &bey can't oo a two percent ......... u~ ~Y . ';n'k:.!n~l=ter ilr~!!D!J ..s~~ ~~&!::-rr!t~'~t!,~ w9R,cUtna:tbeirlunchbou.r,and.Cwort. But rew or none miNed d.lyaoCworil.'l'beycan'taffordto. ter lDcludedlDt.beWSEU(~ State~ ::t:'.,.,.ret'ud~-::::1 UldoaJ from this . , . . ttypiltl lillrariaDII, and ~- NotlDcludedare faeully members, aod canfkieaU.l and ............... _.. ' Tbe lUte'• propaMid u1aty lncreue ~m::-;:r:~u: ~"' . . Depl.rtmtDt ol Ad- · ~· belarl ar-ter the total el IDOM)' aome WS£U membcn .... peid lD. wbole year. Tbe ~ ol Labor bu dlftDedtbeUDIUlil ol$17,:t111UbeiDI . .. ~buta.dequa&a''laftlol ..u~~~!~~·m Cartoon 6 Poetry 6 11 They allo malatalD our hl&hw•ys. prisons and parb, Inspect our food, watet-, re&tauranta, nunln& homes . and patrol our highways. 1'lw: state needs these people . The WSEU Is currently In ne&otlalklnl wilb the state and the sltuaUon varies from day today. Tbe WSEU clalmstba.tfortoomanyyean th e members have accepted Inadequate pay adjUitmeflta because ol lhe argument lbat the fln1ncial condition oiW'IIoCOOilD could notlllow more equitable pay lDcrealeJ. Meanwhilethestatebuaraued that WSEU employes Mm the urne or more as otbere«nparablewcd.p'sin Wlacoasln. Now, however, I IW'VtY by the Departroeat al AdmlnillrsUon supporta the arprneat that state em· ployH:iare underpP I. It appears that tbe atate may be ~u;'~tJ:::·::~u! --· dcaG'tadv&Dee lbal far aad tba.tcootr acta u n be worked out io =..11!:. :=•.:ar,:,~· aDdubtbat ~ peosMewnte ~toi!M:IeiiiJature • COR RESPONDENCE ... Three Cheers For Joe College TotbePolntff Have 1 wuted four years? AlthoGgh others may disagree, 1 do not think so. I am more conlklentand able and I ean honestly uy thllt mo.t ol lbe time I am happy. 1 blve changed a grut dea l aince I wu a frshman. M a freshman, I never thought vtry mud! about tbe future. If I had, I am SUR I wouJd have done things clifferently. ButnottoodilftrenUy. mixed up person. Respect your prols. Moat ol them are Vtr/ lnttJli&ent. Colleae can be great and honib)e at lbe Mme ti me, but when you graduate, you will 1t0t have wasted fouryurs. Open to anyone, so get a team together and play for fun. t::nt!.~~t"~r~ ~~=~:.w!~=~~~the,. do not meuaU that muc.b In your ~~=-!!n~~au~ .::;:~~·&!m~ tor sua:eatecl eoUege ~""~DOt be for me; abe wu wronl."t;Jt yeu 1 redeTed tuchelt boaon (1rilb aevateea credits). u tbat il not suited to ODIJep, tbm tbe I'IWllber d peop&e =:,~berelhouldbeeoa- ··=...~t.~.~= · your own cbokea. You tDOW younelf ;DUCb better than they eYer wiD. Do notttyto ' 'f'JDdyoundf''becaufelf SOFTBALL su.DKonanki I bid a grut cleaJ ol fun bere, and to lbe ,_class I wish the' same. At timel you may be drunk and rowdy , but that too, no matter what your arenolntforcollege. Informal CO-ED t.euer.P.aey 1. Letl.ers &houkl not exc-eed a 300 . :tf!!ed~~::n~~~:. letlen 2. AU letteruubmltted to the Pointer m ... t be siped.. Narftes wW be ' wttbbdd upoa rtquelt but all leUen mUll be alpeil Games: Tuesday at 4:00 starting June 28 at the playing field next to the gym. ·Sign-up still going tHI June 24 in the Student Activities Office 3. Dadllne-~Mondaf. """'"~'..,.;.""""'""'".... tbe Grid, COPS, or CCC. Address maU COI'T'elpondence to Poi.Dter, 113 CommWlicatim BuJidlng UWSP Sign up as a team.or.individual but- Q N'T MJSS THE FUN! · """':';'!"""""'"''""" ...... ..-__ ....._..... __ • --·_ ... · ......D ._ _ _ _..;...._ _ _ _ _·_. N LSD Gubernatorial Independent? By Patrida AH MilMI' ffomnow." L&eyfus has been UWSP Cbantdlor ~~.!:i;~=th~~e:~ univenJty campus a:Jst~tnl Point at larae. He feell his developmmt of lhe northun u mpu~ area and OJ-ey!WI Lake has been one ol hil IMit u tislyina ach~tmtllta as chancf:Uorbere. In an efrort to pJI PoiDt " on lhe map," Dreyt'UI has tnveled and Plf· ticipiled in educatklnrol akt for foreign countries. · He has Ion& held Student Government Association lobbies at State Capital lbe)' are not ukinl f« a atuderlt vote lntbebarpininl proeeu. " We juat want to uaure that the ltUdmt perapective II kDown at the blrp lnlnl table," beNid, ~hrouJh tuition , a qui.II · CIIl\lractua.l rdiUoaahip e:xilts"bet ween faaalty and .wdentl, Rob Ste¥em:, a UC ata!f member, tn.. cleated. ''We lbould bave a IiCht to ~am~laputco tbis basis," be u id. Mike Barry, EJ;eartlve Dlrtdor ol tbiSGA,uldlbe~unarewar­ mirll to lbe idel ol c:oDett!Ye ~~~::=~~~ ..... burt rd.l"'- lrilb TAUWF," he Barry .US be feelllt WGUJd be better to wort; with TAUWF and hopelully acqu.ire an acwptabh student ro&e ua the bllrptruna SS:::i landlord-tenlnt billa have ... .,. been lDtroduced tbll NUion. n. Jecilllilon . . . to be rt~Cf!J't~'f'e toabUitllatwouldMt~aCII:ID­ tractut.l rdlu.:-tlip to protect both EL.-e: Oo1'burldlly, Juoe 11,tne House Health and Soc'-! Service~ Committee voted 1 to 4 to recommend the puaqe of A.Membly BW S25 with amendment. oo. 1 aceepted 11 to o. The am.dment Ww...& tbe amount ..ol marljuau whlc:b could be In a per· IIXI'a ~without wamnlln& ~r::Tt~.!o":..:t f::'.!o!t: _. hubaDowalilelrom'iitot4IJ'Uftl· .~overu..amouatlarecoo·. aldered to be owned with intent t.o ldl alld..W~Wepl. Ttaillatbefa.rtbelt • decrimiulluUoa bW bu .... ia ... WilcoaltDaodaow.-tocbefloOrol Chileda bids adieu to UWSP campus := ~ar:o'~~~~ By Cat.bfti.e Gea&nse health lacllltles; reaMrch and ChUeda LDsUtute for Educalioaal Devdopmmt bu been &D intecnl ptlrt ol tbe Stevens Point Community for four years, and DOW ChUeda 11 d:.~~~V:!:.~usln&plcn-t leaving. One ol the main reaAons for Qlileda's leavin&Stevens Point is the lnabllltyolthelnstltutetoaffordthe rent the University must charge . ·On June 7, 1m, the: administration d ChUedr! lnsUtute held a preu conl'trenceaDd anncltlOCM, ''We have diKovtn!d lD La Crosse a series o1 spotiiOn to bdp Ul CI"Ute the ChUeda tblt the Multi-bandic:apped child delervea. ... WewWmovetoL.aCroue ==~::u~~~~c::~~i reucn for the move it the Improved .....,.m sltualkll S.lnt FnDds =-~=~= =rc~~~~'::.~to=~Uona' the new bousel will be completed In the apcin&ol1971.'' 1be interim housing foe- the 51 d!.ild.rftl is OM floor ol Holy Crou limlinary. n.e permant:r~t The admlnlstntion hl&hly praised ~U.:~edthed~~forthelhe~ period of transition . the admlniltratlon and staff wish to thank the people ol Stevens Point for boultna 1rill be adjate~t to Salrlt Fnnds o1 ~. ":~·~:.~:ts; -~ chiJdrm, with si.J.~t therapy auiltants and one fUll lime therapill. MW facility also incNdea a centralclinkbuiktin&The coDCept of Chileda wu devftopedintbelatetiiO'a, butitwu not uotil I9'7S that CbiJe:la was rormaUy ntabUshtd. The name Qaileda, a Cbt'rotee Indian word meanin& "Onward and Upward," wu claeD because It m01t aptly =~w!i~orcfoin& fl&ht of the 1be new ==~::=~=~clti~ ~~tL~:u=they Cbil«<listbeonly lnltltutkln in lhe midwest and as far uil known in the country that serve the nHds ol the mulU·handieapped dlikl. A multi· handicapped child II one who has any combination of. cliJorclen. sud! as bliDdDeu and~! palsy. 1be program 11 hi&ht1 medical youngslft the 8J'Ulell opportunity foe rehabilltatloa. The children enrolled at Chlltdllive In allarus ol the alate and a ' nwnbn' of,childrftl arelromoutol state. CblJeda oilers lllliq\MI terVkts and facilities to the multi-handicapped " Chlleda leaves Steveas Point with mixed emotions. Tbe friend:shiPI and and professional rtlat1onahiJII will Sl.ll'ely be missed. The adventure ol crealina aa eveft more Effective program rorchildrenwUI be both a pleasure and, no doubt. an from five to ei&ht years o1 aae who cannot be serviced In the public school systeqa. Other aervlces In· setting and .til tnnsltlon. ana :~~e:~2 each child Ia 1ive:n 24 hour professional obunatlon and treatment. Chlleda offers a one-to- one raUo olstafr to dilld, &lvlnB the •aonizina ~~beC::tf:Yr!i~ be enhanced by this United Council .compromises on collective bargaining to initiate Items on the aaenda. and the meetma o1 both parties bd'Of'tl the s igning of a written contnct. and even 101M downri&ht argulni;, but United Coun· Other tbaa th e c:ollecllve d l members and TAUWF <The • barpini.Da: issue, UC J'el!eived an a~ Aaaodation ol Urrlverslty of WiKon· pearance by UW's Prelldent Elect lin Faculty) representatives rached EdwiftYIJIJnl. an agreement concemln(l a student tole In UW<Ollective barplmn._ Youna.spoteatthebeginn1ngollhe At the mfttlng, held S.turday, meetlna and dalmecl June 11, on the Stevens Point campus ,~ that he wasa't coin& to live a speech. He then went on to antiOUIK'e that other 11aues were pushed aside or ~ ,.lbt S)'llaD'S in prdty ,.lood abape enpbaslud in order that UC memaod doesa ' t nee<! aay drastic: · bers could let TAUWF to rt!CCIJllu cbanae.·· the Med for student input into co11e1> vounaalsostatedthathe:wuaoin& tivebatp..ini..D&. It took sill: houri ol quesllonin(l, hualin&. debatlna Collectiv e bara:a.llitna Ia the Mgotlation about waa:es, houri and olher workln(l conditions between workers ora:aniled u a group and the:lremployer <s ). UC felt It was lmportant that allowed to voke tbetr to& at barplninl aeuionl aiace maay ol lbt tenna eould affect Jtudents be Aller TAUWF tore apart the UC prvpoN.l the rest ol tbe Ume .... sptl)ttr)'lnatopi«e ltt:.dr.topthft' agala. UC gave in on nearly an ol TAUWF's points, but did manaae to retainthef'l&btforltudentrepresentatlves to attend and make an oral presentationatbargalnln8seuklnl. RepresenUaJ TAUWF was Prelldomt Bob Barueb, who ita mem· b« ol Steveas Point's Tbeater Arta faculty, and Euc:uliTe Sec:mary Ed ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~.the ~:~cu.!:~~ tbousanddollaJ:I w~of dd:IU. @ U.A~B. PRESENTS: to by UC join the Natk)nal Siuda!! Aaaodatkln. This will live UC an opportunity to have more Input Into luuesonlhenatlonallevel. MolheT lnteresllna aspect of the meeting was a ahowlna made by Eau Claire; the only school not represen· ted In United Council. Goin& on two yean aao, Eau Cla ire withdrew from UC due to personal c:onfllcls. However, the)' are to.)olnagaln and had two rrpresentat1ves preser~l at S.turday's meetln&- coma The next United Col.mdl meetin& will be hdd ln'Midison onAIJIUSt 13. BRUCE LEE IN ttrn1 ttudentaUalrs. to to push for more pants students and leu INns beeause the tupayers shou.ldpldtuptbeseblllsralherlhan havlna a Youn& person~ out of conese and start life with a touple ''ENTER THE DRAGON" Tonight, June 23 7:00P.M. In the Program Banq.u et Room :n= L..-----------------..;;...,._, PLUS: A coffeehouse following the movie. ______..1 lnfact-flDdinlpr-oeedures, lbtri&ht 'nleP...Ia'P... J J -D. I ~ ? ~ IJ'.'{~-p!!S • v¢5-~ <1 'l ? () PI\CKc:r5 0 j2) ~;> HOW? ( ,.sl'\left ? ? ()\~ ? "WN.' · CJ\E<P""'? ? • ( '?) Jue%1-U Sip up for UAB coed soltbl.ll in Sludenl Activities office. Tllul"'daf,'Jue%3 Movie " Enter the Onlgon" .7pm Program Banquet Room coat .50 cents. ... Colfeehoule slaiTif'IIJOiephf.llpmFREE. Friday, JUDeU - ' . Fridty,Ja11e:U _ Solp()peraDay II :OOam· lpmFREE. YourfavoriteiOIPI intheU.C, Cof• ......... WlldnKdty, Junezt Noon bour bingo FREE uam-lpm In the U.C. Colfeftlouse. 111uJ"'day,J.iae:ll Movie "Camelot"7pm Protram Banquet Room coat .50«nts CoHethouseStarriqBermudaTrianglet-ttpmFREE poetry poetry poetry Untitled TilE JIARMONY fiOOKE,R y.., . thecompletepredatorybitch, thequemolthr:lbrmony atopsbar stoolthrone .............. TopoltbeMWStoai&ht Huao A., n, ~t':an:,: ........ . •lltiftlyourC'OftlideraUons. """thlteveathlziCII Balladeer,llocc:urstome thoucbt l 'dburied with thinS wife Role Effie, • . pummdinc by hll YOW\I bride's ane. DeUllnU. kmg eoou&b ago tDbesafdydeep euUvreaurt'ace wbmooelllteyou employs tbe proper pkk. DarietlotM_adltan ~,.. fromf'ViMolyourone-nightstandl. tftheymanaaetoavo&dthatlfUp ,.. don'tlootatme, ... mayaetmetlu'Gu&hlhenl&ht yaulootlitepoortran~portatioll. Kar iG11n011 Jonyt.oo youaredrc:l.l..nconemore time dM!JckinCoultbeltri p forlandlna: and airport control eannotdedde how to •I&MI th1l Umearound Thilterminalll sometimes au too busy with no apace; for ::,~:~:!m duetolndementwe.tbtt' bomb scare~ andhowam l tobow bow buly tbe all• will be bytheUme l brtncyoudown'! ~~u~~ UAB PRESENTS THE ACCLAIMED MOVIE "CAMELOT" Starring Richard Harris·Vanessa Redgrave·Frani:o Nero THURSitA Y, JUNE 7:00p.m. ,. 31t-5oc Program Banquet Room If necesuey you may parachute or if compeUtd crashllnd. DarlefteMachlan Minorities take to the screen Patrons honnonlze 1ut rUcbt at the Humony JW'(ICilllato&odowDirlhillorYU&n ..w~tural act. Accordinl to Jeftll!:n, 'Jbi ~u:m-= ~· :t·~ plaJtai.Oft!r250J*IP&eCUntinto tbe bU ullll DOW-wben Ill emptied. bl)foiPoiftllltllbletoendup ~bltbere. "We'relf:II!Mbe tbec:a..-etila )otol miuedwort on 'l'bur"'day," Jemenpredk:tecl. Wberl uted a~t the fate ol his man)'~ custcmen, Jentoen ukl thlt Bemle'l, Con&:rs~; and the Yacht Club would proba~y be letting incT'eued bullneu. Contrary to rumor, the Harmony .til not be ~~whldlhouleltheiOOtlto be defunct HJ.Qr~GG)' bu an lnte'tstinl hilory. U'a dated llt4, and wu built by the Lanan'1bc!Tp, who Olfned • local brickworks. The ramlly Uved m the upstain sectioR. wbkb now~ the l'llociM Ttmple. Tbe dowNLaUS sectioa. now the Harmony. wu an ~rt shop tbetl a lfOCft'Y· bdort rlDdirl& ill nkbe u a tavern. And wbat'l the Wlimate late ol the HarmooY!' ~~:'n~~t~ ruddy panpbrut Jofti Mltc.bdl. tbey~U put up a parkiD& lot. Ha'mof)y iq~GY Bob and I found two empty bantooll in the Kumony, ut down. and atar- ~=~~Bob c:rdered a round, turned to me. and uld, " You can call me Gom.o if you ~b';!r::!~~-wewereinablm. The mood wu black and white. So wer-ethemo~». Vilionsoltheputfew ~~~:n~d~= doth. Tbere was the Ferrarri crashing into the Ces$Da at the SteYm~Pointairport. 'nlerewuthe mapletreeinit.fullfaUplumage. " I lost all my JOCks the other day,'~ Bobwusaytng."ltbinkit'saamdic problem. My parents used to put their re~. His parUdpantl l!l!Pt'rifnct this In the worbbop, team from It and-then pnctlce ltonthtthlldrtn theyteadt. During his aeulons, Mr. Way Initiated activities whkh 'A'oukl htlp .., his par tidpantl to develop seven im· portant detaill-concentratkln, tnt 115e rl one's smses to lmprove th:at con· - • centntion, lma&inallon, lntu\11\'e tx· per le nci, practice in lpe«h, recognition . ol e:moUona l leelmp and cOnfidence. NoW let lhc!se: ele:menta form a cit· cle around a pre-school child. Wh1le the child playa, he mall.ersall thtse atlribut ea without anyone t\'er te.adliD& him. The flnt RYtn ye;rsol life bestow more know}edge on him ata fasterratelhan (UI\II'e: ye;rse:mwUI. This fact rormt the buis lor Brian Way'a lheory lhat aU chik.tml ~ m~:r":d~ a:::;:y~ somewhat wi th their aiticism and ~T~'::evtd'ent In one o1 his ~~=~itwaaapllyw~ lht acton were hellrd rather than setn . Tbe sta&e: was made by them from junk material lhat bad beef! provided ina help in tbemiddJeollheroom. ln ~ minutes they Wft'e: to crate a model whkb ~taloed land ud water, IOme:thiDC old and aomethift& .utriththeCft11dr'en, theadulwatworkshop ....ere en- tendin8 the ~~~~~vol~ thrif' beart, mind, body, aDd soul to expreu themldva. nus facilitated aproper balant"eolweUbeiJl& and ~~~~ thi.D&theEn&J.ishactordid was test the concentntkln ol his pa.rtidpants.·They were lnstruced to_eon~tn te on a sUII pbotccnpb mat«<llrilh s,uaaz:. nus fft'V\d canCftltralion bn:lkenpidly. Wbt'nltdid, Mr. Way c:ontlnued with lhe next part. whk:h wu an effort to ~e each penon aware ol his own Glltan· ceiJsin& their sense ol hearlna. si&bt, and touch. the U'OUP examined the lines and c:okn in their own hindi. lbrou&h lhll eumln.IUon other p&t· ttml were found snd thinp that were never seen before were dilcovertd. Next they touched their dOlhlrc and . lamed the e:uct te-xture ol whit ~r~m~.!i::~1~U: timetheirlf!rllelwerealert.~. listening, touchln&, until the.r imagi.nalionlallo became involved. The rhythmk tappina ola fam iliar !ben became the qeat Uled to . tbdr i.l:nqinaUonl. Eac:h In· began their practlce spealr.lng and searchiJll for words to express thetr feelings. By this time Brian Way had hla particip&nts bi&hfy at.orbed in thrir activities. 1brough his own eo- =orhecri~i:!~~byJ:; toot, be allowed their emotkms to comeforth. ') "It's beautiful to see people who've never even met· each other before .worlc so well together." The nat time tbe musk: played, lheywtt"ealonedrawin&wlthvarious :f'~~n';,'ylearnwhatbecon - :s~~lk ~~f~t ...,,~ He draws them Into It by obtalnlna their trust and maklnc them believe in him. As soon u they do lhll they become crutive. The projeell they dordlect their 0'$'1\ indivkluaUty. The tbeif'lndjvkfuar~ol~ throuart. • Soft tones, brl&htcolon, let'IUecurves, and sharp &JII)es \11et'e then combined u each m~ ol tbe group p.~t forth lhrir interpretaUon to be combined In a coUage with the othen. Each group hun& their coUec:tion on tbe wa ll competln, to out-do the others in the creaUve arra ngement they formed. "Now it II an art gallery," uid one peraon examining the designs arnng-d ln circles and pynmidl, oves-lappina, swirtling, and toppling. ''Look hDw attractlve ours Uika,'!. commented another, wbo hid been eomp&rina. 11le room was nlled with a dtemm t aDd anxious chatter. ''The wbole thin& wu jult beauUful,'' ex· claslmed another student as =~~ntoleave foraabort ltseemecljultlbortolmlraculoul thatBrianWaycouklestablisbsuc:ba . dole relaUonshlp and ndlate such great excUtemeot In 10 abort Ume. Hit method o1 n.preuin& himself was 10 rntbullutk lblt tboR ai'OUDd bl.m caucht It and then kilt them - ,.,_ It Memed )Uit s.bort ol miraculous thatBrianWay~atablil.hsucba dole rdatkw.hlp atld ndiate' sucb p-at adtement Into s.bort time. Hll melbod ol n.preuln& hlmaelf wu 10 eol.buliulic: lblt tho5e arvund him c:aucht It and then kill tbtmstlva in . :O~IasmlheyPiD~ · " It's beautiful," Bria n Way ~:,~~·=:=~=-·;::: wdlto«etber." With eacb sepante ~taUon the audience changed as one group after aDOlber peerformed their 5toriel featwina the Sbangri-La Disaster or exdtemmt a t the Aka trar Prison, or the soap opera in· lrigue of "As &llphur Springs Tur· ns". The immense creativity and dif· ferenc:a: that made each act Individual wu thrilling. It you wondes- "hat Brian Way was thinking and the ma ny different methods of response he hid received to hi.J J:jec:t.Asmlle stretchedacf'OII his W:,.~'!n,~%~ hf!":'t~mB~~ :J: did not bother himself by trying to pkkouttbebestortbemOitt.alent«< people. It II unnecesu.ry, he feels, beciluse all people are creative. And ead! penm'1 unique way ol ex· presalngthilcreatlvltyllhlghly lm· ........ 'Ibis Is wby he gives worbbopl for :-~~~~=':"~ treated, they can experience Ill p:~~itive effect and use h1l methodl on tbeiryoungstudenll. This II 10 Important because c:biktrenare10!mportant. Mr. Way hu rfiCOIJllud the amount of in· teUigtMe and fanwlic: creativity they pnuess. He bu tcnorec1. the fftquenUy overbearing tendency to streu intelligence, and Instead has devdoped a method to release what II alreadyinlldeachlkt. He teaches their lnltructon by !Jnjllng their lma,lnallon through 1 fresh reallr.aUon of lheir ltnSel. :rrhe::~=. ~~~= to pretend to be crary, to act like a monster, togrow,tofight,or to t.akea journe-y. He told them toactoutaaUII ~~~=~o.:.r:•:n cloneabnutlt. Brian Way beJJeva h.ll program =u~~~n:X~= ~~: ~~= thereat on the drawin&, m~k: and drama hll group tbeeodoltheM~Mioa : walla, the arnncemrnta of cnlorlul c:halt and the lon& portra\11 o1 moods reflected in different ~In­ lings : in the comen. the mnainl ol the rnodek -.bleb had been c:om· =~~~J:'uon~~ fanalu:preuloneacbpenon felt. "People uk me what lt'sall about, to put a ll that I do Into a nuc.aheU. If I must do that it would be this ... " Brian Way dluct.led and stroked hll beard for effect and continued on, hb British Inflectio n llrm," ... lhat ~e!~e=i!es~l~'l! sd!oola, each human beln& his been given the opportunity to emerge with l,ht' confidmt feelin& they 've been born to be, without mvy ol Olben and without arropnt'e about othft-1...«, happy c:onlidenc:e llrith the penon they've been born to be. And on the ~~~...~Jihe~i:; ol tbe other people by puttlnc lhoeloltheolherpeop&e.'' 011 the Fixing Your Carbs the mb::es, stick towates- or dietaoda. Survlvlng _amea l onfast· .. foodalley is moredUncuJt, butpouible. The'ilext step Is deciding to lngest held responsible if you iRnore the . forty to sixty grams of carbohydrates following advice. ADVICE : Before a day. That's the g011pel beeause It beginning any diet, consult your works ilnd Jets you eat aomethlq physlda n {doc:tor for freshmen ), and By Kari Gai"IOft_ ~~'er~~:~e.!:t~ ca"r:~t! toliowhisor~ advice. tJaiC'Oiiclouaneu 'Mktre's deOnalt!ly something unusual about me. I have an uncanny talent ~:~m~:_~'!,l:~~~~.u:!.~w'!Yp~~ guitars out on the grus-I'm in Bio-la b. dlgiq: organs out ola frog. It was :,:~~~\~ ;.'~b!!;~er~ p~,;f:! f~ r!!:: au usdul memberohociety. l dolousyatstufflikelhlt ; I'm DOl Vf!rYiood with my hands. I can't put things baclt totttber, and! tend to l.hrow up a lot. ~;~=~~\:::.'~t~~~~~=;~!~c!:em!1tt!';~ Connen, Bjorn Borg, and llle Natase. They looked like pro~~. I looked Uke Don Knotts with a flyswatter. The other guya immediately JotnSed I wu a beginner when I offered to pitch. A minute later, when I rdumed a volley, .ra~ around the t'OUrt, and sUd into hom~ they knew they had l!'OUble. No matter where I am at any g lvmllme, I'd rathHbesomewbereelse. I'U ~~~r:~~-~~~:.~.r~:n::o=~~ ~:f:.':!~~ lhrou.lth a aood boot, and pass out. . I could be the flnt man oo ~ .... 1tanding thtre oo that alien landscape, watching f'ftie lights Ricker across the red desert... nd suddenly, I'd be lonesome for the Square. I CI.D almoltsee mysdl, sitting up tbere In my Man Lab, telelalpe trained on the Earth, tryiD(I: tofocuaon the Harmooy. l 'veolten fdtlhlt I'm ' 'not oll.bis world." I think my body wascenetki.Uy designed for a ~pktdy diffem~t planet, and lbat'a why I have 10 much ~!~ ~-! =b~t!m!~S::.,:,~~ft~~:!tr:km~.~~ Julep, 10 on a cruh diet. shed about three yean, thea live thrm bact some other way. tryou miss MCirlty,you)UStdoaomeaiHipl", wort off an hour or IO,.and there you are. People would always have Ume to make love' just the sweat they'd wort up doin& it would set thrm bact about nine houri. There would even be time for a oap and a sbowes-. TONIGHT -LIVE Thursday, June 23, 1977 How clevet" of you, having guessed thisstory isabou.tdieting. · Ther-e are varying reasons to diet. lnourculturethefavoriterason seems to be, "To feel better," which translates into, ''l'dlik.etofeelbe:ttu, klokmore a ttractive;even foxy." Another good reason to diet is Umited apace. Having trouble Otting into cloUting, doorways, and double sleepinp bap can be Wben I wu In the Navy I wu allowed to fly airplanet. (What did I know "!) 'nlere came tbe day when my afrec:tlon for food wu outwdghed by my affection for fitting comfortably ~:J:.~~~et~~ ~= U )'1)U want to feel better by fa ll, and tbisls swnmes-,ll's worthatry. Firltatep la the purchase of a book ~~f:!: t:m~~ ~=~~ ~~~~d~~eq~~ da.ody picture of a s1rim suit clad couple through the surf. I wisely ripped out the picture and ~ltaway. lwantedmydiettobe realistic. (Wbatdidlknow? l A:J you glance over the food llstinga notice how beer has one carbohydrate perounc:e{l2perc.anl, while Scotch ba.s none. The llgbt been vary from two to three earb& per can, and are a better bet for the hard e<re beer guulen. 'lbls diet survives a night on the square in relativelyeuy fuhlon , Cprobably better than you do). Watch ~ ~"m 1~ttr:;=: w;~u~dyl!! ca rbohydrate intake You will cllsab)J: its ability to keep fat around you. A detailed explanation of the procesa shoWd be In yow-diet book, If it isn't , don 't buy the book. The next step la watch~ both what you eat and yow" welght lou. Both Important, bu t need not be a pain in the routine. A little experimentation auowa you to eat well at borne and away because you will be amaud at your knowledge of wher-e the high :.~~~~~~~:~.6~ ifyouca n a ffonl24cartlll for the day, but forget the freaeh fries and subetltute colfee or diet IOda for the lha.te. See, you've just eaten at the fast food joints and atlll remained on your diet. Amul.ngt :wlth a little care, this diet and SAGA foods can alsobefrlendl. Yourwdght ION will vary from day to day. Wet&ht may ever~ inerease ooee in a while. For this reason weigh prepared fo r occasional dl.sappointmeall. A curiou:sl.ty I've noted are weight levels at which one seems to remain for a wHk or more. 'I1M!IIe are alwaya followed by a steady t:rbe~· s~C. it~iosu:e 0::: ditionlstemponr:y. fa :[ ' ; ::;t~·f~ =:~ ~~~ateb dl:t. ~Y 11 know). ': w::... ~ 10 Hurry on Down . at Mr. Lucky's Dance to the music of Cimmaron· Show Review \ Check out our PRINT SHOP. featuring: -2 skied printers lor faster service! - T-shirts and sweatshirts In adult and chldrens sizes. -We print special designs (mlnlmum-15 shirts) lettering, numerals and fraternity and sorority symbols. -10% discount on 12 or more shirts. -Free UWSP decal with each shirt pun:hased. UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE 346-3431 lverson Opens Outdoors To akS ia your appnciatioll ol the By LJiarieLoW It tw becOme can DO long« apparent that man anywtwre wltbout ol his haviDI beea 10 k;a ving • lnt'e thm. M.Iybe)'(IUcoasiderlhltsad., or ~. but It il mertiy a ract~l toourulstence .. Wben i 1WU)'OW!i, l alwa)'ltoo&a sbottcUttbrou&btheparlr;oearmy bome..Short<Utlate indilpenable lo f:~u&.H':e~~':,~~~ now that ahort<U t hu beeome a Mture trail for the bMeflt ol anyone • ilo goes to Jules Ivenon Memorial ..... i~~~~~~rlet~~~~~ t~tion tnU wu conc:tived by a p-oup of vadulte atudmtl from this :k!i:~=r~:: v.'ftn the: Part and RettuUon Depar· IIMDtand the UWSP_. 1be trail ilappnwm.attly OM mile lone. ud CW~~ist o1 11 mUms m~rUd by a numbered cedar ' pa.l. Eilcb statioll bears evideoce oliOII'Ie natural pbftlomeoom, whether It be tbt i6entifatiorl ol a ~pedes ol oak lift. or .aimal , or the formation ol tbt land auted • by · Inevitable m>lulloo. :~~·=~::sthe~y~~:) ~0~~;-,~tx.ok! e:~ available at the Clamber ol Com· merce olfke, aw-Jes M. While Memorial Ubracy reiOUr'Ce ceolft', the Univenlty center. and may be found at the begi..o..niJll ol tbe tnilat various times. The guidebook Is free•. Now, if you expect to plqe iato · virgin forest , or if you expect to fmd )'OW"Sdf Meluded by the bounty ol nature's serenity. I ((Uar antee you ~ ~ :::m~orof~ ~~: Rather, It II Intended to give people a clwx:e to learn by themselves and at their INure~ about their environment. Alsci, tbe park II 1 p.!bllc place used by many people. The path Is infor mative and pleasurable. It enhances you r awarmess ol what is around you. and apeciaUy wily it II arouod you. Whidl briDes t11 to the reuoa tbe traU II called a " natureiaterpretalioa trail." U we are to keep a ny kind ol perspective ol the value ol our mvirorunent.,wewillbafttolearabow U y btlow•ulevel lheraln ' down it ''""' splinttnpralrieit smokes hl&hway itat.ronau F'intNatlonaland """"'" """'" """" )'UI'ii.Dcli&tr P*inlintohot ..... .......... down It lhruihelfoothills intomoutbol !"Jourwal.acly of UteE"e.ta 1 Plntoaad"''\Jt.tTaii Eu haale Grertlnpon tJSo.tb ~nge thatafterw~ anct r:d:oodato~ay = Oule..e M adi\P ~lt.Uyouareflllisbedwltbtbe trail IJUideboc*, plac-e It bact In the box II the beginnlng ul the traii. They arereuub)e. If you want to chew IUJD, throw the WBI)pft"lll'ay. If you wut to clri.M beer-, whlebyou lbou.ldn't,tbrowyourcansaway. .!Je~~~!e.leave a trace, l'--~~---~-~-~~~-~~~----~~-, .] EverythlnJ hu purpo&e. - :I ! i iI BUY ONE/GET ONE . FREE (With Coupon) • ONE FREE DOUBLE CHEESEBURGER WITH THE' PURCHASE OF ONE AT REGULAR PRICE . I OFFER EXPIRES JUNE 28, 19n l CO~~~Dfg~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~NC~TE~EET I L---------------------------------- LEGAL SERVICES OFFICE SUMMER HOURS Tuesday and Thursday 1 0:00 - 4:30 ~ Located on the second floor -of the Union =':a,meetafrlmd •hoevft')'one redsiOn'}'for that it il eveeyone's re&polllibility to ~~.~ba~it~~~~ ~~i*~~:ILL£D~BBIT ~~~~~~ ..- lvenOn troll invites all Telephone 346-4282 INVITATIONS and ANNOUNCEMENTS NAPKI NS BRIDAL BOOKS ACCESSORIES fut Serrioe. Reasonably Priced! Marianne Koch 3948 Jordan Lane 341-6077 11MPola&a' P1Je lt Jue D , Im Dreyfus l.ake faces possible ecoclde By Palrlcla Au MalJiu upt.~ and educalklnal use ol ~ ~-are In the plans for the near Tbe threat to the DOrlh campus is Jooctr the burea~ts. It's anyone wbo has not ~ learned that motorcycles, cars, and 6ttftinl par· ties are riOt compatible with IJ"((Win& the lali:e, wllkb in itself isn't bad, v.'ft"eltootalloa.saodatedwiththe afomnmt.ioMd ecolo&idl distur· blmces. The main dancu of swim- A!tertheecokltk.allbodlolhavin& therimoltbelahissteepins.ome parts. isn't recovn-. Unfortunately, Ulterln&. ovtr-use by people, motor vebk:les with their oil and au lu.U ~eq~lna_. into lhewater, u well u weljhtcom· future. Tests of the water In the lalte sho\r."S It to be ol&ood quallly, but it must be allowed to return at Ill own your curiouiUy and lmpatl~. at least do not abuse the land with no ...... Tbe!WndalionatiUownsthelaDd. =-~~!:!~~~~ :u~;~~~~ ~~= ~ much the uniVft"'iiY can· do to .~ ~~~i~ty~~~ =~~~e~::,U~=-~~ .~~ 'r;:, lt~n!:~C: utiliud for rta-Ntlon purpose~ in the rft~ ;:r:e~,(~ ~=~= « paction the Iauer, tbruten the area with their abule. People have abo been awlmml~ speed without pollution beoeoming In· troduced. Trails, pitnlddng,and other recreational actlvltiel which are ' wtth the natura l . -..,..- - - - - - - =-~~~~~=ot~:'t.~: ~7:~:eu:-~r~~ sprir~~. • In the open areas I've ~ to ~~s':tf'!~~~~ l~n~~t!1.~ :onsmoreb'=!:e w~ '!: autumn brown. The cornfieldl abli the road show evidenc:e ol ITIOderate ~~':ua':r!:f· ~e :,:X ~~ ~;)~!e. w!~ ~d'vef~:e;prt:~ beC'omlnj:a u.seful and beautiful contrlbutlon to our environment once llgainllus. surely repeat his wamln&, "Never plant your garden until June tlkh." Hewurightlutyeartoo, But here the water, the cattail and g:raaes, and all the life around Ulis Summer So;ourns :{'~.=::!~~~ ~=~~~~:~~!f:e~ ByKariGano~~ The waters ollhe Utile Eau Claire now 1wiflly by lhll point. Here an uh =:nt!,.d.~r'J~~:; rock escarpment, the lnterveninl rtmainlolwhkh forma small rapids above. bn»d pond. A year 1.J0 the river wu dn:J6&htsloolred to a trid.le here, and a moalh alter that It wu poulble to hike norlheut In the rocty bed. seeiDa &mall nih In the mnatntna pools, an euy mark for the henln and ra~ ~';:r~r~u.e:t:emeolwater U.A.B. PRESE~;;-~ Soap Opera Day Friday, June 24 Free on the LARGE Video Beam your favorite soaps from 11:00- 1:00 p.m. in the U.C. Coffeehouse TlleP....... Pap ll J -U.Jt11 «~~~ euler to view because ol lhll. The redwing blacltbtrdl are an&r')', as usual. at my lntnllion. Tracltl &bow lhls to be a favorite al)d busy water sou.rce for deer and red fox . A dead . dm at ita far end rtfkcta In the pood. Ri~intheaurfacearenewcycles, remiDdenofregtnenUon. It bas rmany been a warmer day. U tonl&ht II qwet, I will bear theM ~pick from a~dllnl the a~bil'l door. We are a new moon but the whippoorwill will starll&btwilhsona:. magnify the This may be a apr\rll, wet and a trille~,butwearerlcherforlhe life It hu returned. U.A.B. PRESENTS: FREE NOON HOUR ®CD®@@ VVednesday, June 29 11:00- 1:00 p.m. in the U.C. Coffeehouse . Stop in at anytime and play prizes to the winners Kiddie Kegler Bowls Over Pros. BY Randy WleYd 6 11•\S.Wv.. · ICOUtltofthePBAtaurthelutlhree The customer at the bar order'ed a BudWelser•ftdlootedoutoverlheadpnilll bowlin& alleys. Tbe)' wtn aU )"Uf''. Helhotal:r7 ! ~ Oftbe\breoeprosBocompeted with, only Jerry Buchhol1 managed to outscore llim, 207-112.. He btitud theolberlbyftplns. Bo'a 621, with no handicap, Wll ;_rt•.~~~~or:rn!: prac!~ be wasn't mlssin& much, tbeman turned bad to his beer. But the customer was overklokJng C,c!~u~~ ).~\l~n= 1 youthwith1 &Opinbonus. This becomes evm more lll.oun · ding when conslderinl tha t the high ~~s::==~pme ot the afternoon and h11score1 wer-e proeo~C:~=!~c)!n;:ldi~Open rz tJt6.2t6.%!1'. and 1!1!1. Not bad for I teo-year old who •'d&hl70 poundland il DOt quite four ...u that he couldn't bowl with his Idol, Dick Weber. Weber couldn't make the ~Am . 1nd "all the really goodproswereontheother alde." Back at Bowlmor, So chalked up 1 feett.tU. The prodigy's name Is Bo Ceplina, lhc son o( Bob and Mlc:kle Cepllna, the owners or Bowlmor I..aneJ In WisconSin Rapkb. Boil arguably the belt in America and aJready bubiseyeonaprocareer. Nicknamed Bo by his falher beause ol a ~blance at birth to boxer carl " Bobo" otsoo, Cepllna a ~ft'ages a constanUy lmprovinc tn 111 hilwetkly leque, had rolled I 300 pme in open bowling and last t'tbfwlry upstaged the proleulonals at theprestigiousSIOO,OOOMUles'High Ufe()pft!Pro-Amln MUwaukee. F~~~~ ~::=.,:\;:; :,~J:~~::~~~~t;~ The night before he lhovo·ed he hid a little J oe Namath in him by tellina his mother he was loin& to rol.l a 600 Alld. """· unfared by the giant 72·1ane complea at the bolt Celebrity LaDet, Bo fashioned a 232, lft. and 204 for a ............... " He was lhrowing an unbelievable ball,·· stated Mickle, who doubles 11 his unorridal coach. " He was out or the poc:kd only twk:e in MUwautee , and they wer-editncult lanes." Dilflallt! Ask Eari Anthooy, the OddbaU Homeruns the United States. But 11.1\at 1bout the perfect game . lut De<:embe:r! "Some of the strike~ v.·ere kind ol ~ . but they Ill swished down ," heF~· messure, BO continued rolling strikn until his s\reak wu snapped at IS by a pesky 10 pin. The talmted younster II na turally er:.n~er:~:tir:~~=~~~ up". But lt'ssomethlna he' U have to &etA!~~. Bo wm come home (\he family II vel over the 1lleysl and roll seve. or ~ht Jines. During the WHit he'll bowl approxlm1tely SO p::'~ Uled 1 8y Kandy Wind Baseball has Had its shire of mnartablehome.nans. Remember Babe Ruth's ·''ailed shot" iD the ttl2 World Serle~! Or ' - • bout G•bby HartDett'1 " Homer in the Giol mln' " wbkh woo 1 pen· r~antforlheCUbllol131! Zany Jimmy . Pie raa ll once knocked one out lnd ru tbt bases blctwards. l.ut year 'nm Mc<::arver of the PilUs hi! a &rand slam homer that beu me 1 annd 11Im alngle when he PIIK'd I buerunner and WU calkd out. • teo-pound ball, and his right thumb is almolt twice the abe of his leri.His 1ppro1ch\s rive alepl , then he deliVffl what Mickie delcribelu "apo~ro·erfulhoot." . lndeoed, the ball he throWs is 1n ..=~~"t:e~c;;:~::::~~ 11 Bowlmor, he 's always done well on ~~~!~djust to 1ny lue, dry or ~·.~=:!!:'nOt that surprising wbeolooklnaathllfamlly. His parents •re both aceompli5hed kealera ' with numerOUI na lional honor COWits to their credit. . Bob'" recent 753 at Bowlmor is believed to be the hlfl!ell series In ~'!t =~= :r:~~e"!-~= -·· Bo'a okier sillft'l, Julie arid Lori, are•bonoslouchesootbelanes. At one point, the Cepllna famUy hdd city hl&hs i;n junior, bantam and seruorcompeuuon.. The future Ia unlimited for So, who ata.rted bowling at age three and hun'ttlredolltyet• . One of the reuona he wants to become a pro is that he wants his dad to see him oa televtlion. As for now, he' d lilte to bowl a 700, whkb, 'even for a blnta.m Is the national banor count, and then ... "I'd like to beat Dad," he joke~, tnowtna that Bob's m Is a good distance ahead. "l~~!~~':~hi~~~nlt~i ~~~~tk,bCeptinlthinkol ~~ 11 happena, I'll cut otr his r~~·~t::li=~~-bar, lbet'ewuasudderlaashlngolpins from tbeprevbllly dormant lanes. Everyooe looked up •nd notk:ed that over on 12:, Bo was at wort •nd. hadle!tasolita.rytOatandlnl. ltdoean'thlpPmolt.en. "fteP~PapUJ..eU,lm Area Writers Showc..ase Talent fwnd the narrator not quite good enough for him and insplrn POI'UJf : lt17, edited by ,\~;11 Lllham IUnlv.-nlty Wrll.-n, U .OO,IIitpJS.l Rtvlfwed bv Robfr1 Bonk I rev'tlatlon : ~~=~~~~~~e~~~b';ea~~~g~~:':v~i:~=j:e: about Poc"'aJf. Two things actually: one has been the appearance or cliquishness. that Is, of it 1\avlng been produced for one certain groupilnd no ~ Thus. 1M; ')hone. w"ich is supposed to represent comm~katioo, comes to ::~~ ~t:1;a~r!~~~!n~~~::!e~~~;:eS:!~~~l ~bil="~c~~~~~~O:rr!:,:t~r:!~tl~~R~:ec~~ whkh wu ~uy mud! reserved for members ol University Writers and at· :::: it'f~e:~~tc~e:f=~i~ ~':t1:c!~~ '-tanza thus picks up on this theme and seems to imply'that even thou~ we are living in the century which has seen the conquest of the North and South Pole, Mount Everest, and the Marlanil Trench, wea restillstnlJIIing to conquer tbe human frontier and thatdistancewh\clllles between us a ll: r.ever quite 5\n where As for my S«''ffd gripe it is somewhat related. Involved Is the same selfindulgmcearxl. pandering to "clevemeu." Good exam pin from lhis year's Portage abound: there is first oil the dedicatiOil !"Especially for nuns with ''The black lines of telephone wire between your houses elec:tr\fythehauntlngspace between your bodies colllng messages you never spoke or ha lf-expected .'' =;:!f~~~~~~:.:Sr!f!e!'.~~~§~'~ru1tnh~ ttempll_ to appear wry and or cryptic, and fmally, oo the back cover, beneath the pnce listing, tbe ·:slightly highe!' in Polonia '.' tagline. Sadly, none o1 the above poets has more than one poem apiece In Porug.- Such attempts do little toencourageserious critiCism or ~eptlon of the magazine ua whole, which II too bad: for an unprofessional venture PM· IIJt has always been tastefuUy produced u far asappearai!C'elgo, and ~~=k~~ks~ow=~~e~~~f~~~~~~~~~;::t~eore ol, if not the wort ol Cashin, McKeown oc- Rucks, then additiona l poetry by others. Andsowemoveon totherestolPortaJe. Unfortunately, space does not allow me to comment ex tensivei.Y on each ;:u~~~~~~ ~~~~~Y ~~t!elht: =~·~;..~.W:ta~r::'r~o ':i~ somewhat Immature a pproach to publishing and Jet the results stand or ';a"rJ;t~: fl:~!~'.,!i~~ryJ~ ~~~~ ~~f~ :eorern':~~fl~1dust is ~~~~r~~P=·~~~~t! :!de,~~~e:v~~.!!=:u~:.:er =':,~l!ia~~~haC:,~Ia~lh~ea~~===~= collected their laurels and considered themselves 1\aving done the area's patronoftheartsa!avor . gospel; a gooddea l ofthemarefelt ralher t.l'landr~wn abs~actly from the vinous theories ol aesthetics. Please keep this m mind 1f you feel I have slighted any one poet. =~·t~:C:~~!!!tt!J~a:!~,~?:!er!,~tl':e:~~~-er~ !~ed":,y~~~~1in~":t=~~a~U:~~:,~ol~;,~ir:;~e:re fact, ba rely trandscends the mediocre- but the overall quality, thanks largely to three outstanding poems, is high, with addlliona t reinforcement coming from a numbe!' o1 minor poems and an interesting selection of fie· poem is a lmos t chanllike in its use of rhythm and what I, wrongly perhaps, tend to lhlnlr.of as Amerindian Imagery: " He Is flame and blood-hedances·fragmentaolthesun ." Then there Is lolary JoShaney's disarming "In City Park on Sunday." Its fin t two cha rt both the poet's spiritual tethers 1"1 feel alive wilh the sweat of old loves,-old li ves.'') and an a lm01t voyeuristic cataloguing of happenings in City Park, New Orleans. Only in the last sta nza are we given to see the poet's feelings or estrang~ent, the impact or which II alm01t e&chatokl&kAI in ill " I wonder why I am here-k.nowing·how !tend-always· homeward.'' Mona Void's lhree poems are of a kind a nd in their sim ple reciting of rura l deeds and quiet a«eptance of lite strike me u derivative ol the photDgraphl in Wbnns~ Duth ~~· J::=!:r:.':EI:! lion. "Jon Garbank Takn His Pulse," by Mike Cashin, constitutes the first of lhese afOf"tmentioned better poems. It is c:oocemed not onl_y wilh tl\at unique synthesis we call creativity, but also the relationship of a musician to his jau and the Cl')'ltalline dynamics ol an a rUorm ''wanting more-tomt1t-than to be heard." C.Shin, who exhibits a cold tempend beauty ol his own. v~ effec::tlvely ~r~fGi~rba~k~~m~~~:?is~~~~:i~~.. ~cr~spanddiltant u a Norw!Jian night has happened upon your sleep. madwoma n. bjM;F"':;...,;;jiy:·:~Bdun;;;~·:o!:i'"";;,.r"';.;",~:~~~~~ It soundukyward and, sharp Rakes if snow layer upon layer in "Visitor in a Purple Coat'' and " Waiting for Rain." The ormer portrays a visit of a n Intractable Aunt and Ita forcdulr)ell of line 121 of them comprise ~=··r~'"t~!;.~~nea~~!':'I~=J•rn:;::; wltht.bemomlng intoMnd... " repeUUon ·oldetalil, a vis:onol domesticity accented by sadnea. " A tall thin woman- sits In a kitchen-Comer before a tow I," waiting for the purgina rains. Karl Garson's "On Schonlhousea" II concft'ned not 10 much ~lh nostaiJia, AU in all, wilh ita mutually-reinforcing evocation olwinter a nd Ga r· t;=~~·;u:>"~~aCuityiatbeauthoroltbenex~entry .~r!ht~~~f.~~.~~~==~,~-~t!:!n~:~: !liked very much. " lnvitationoltbe MbTora"iaa ~e!l'sllvertabyrin- "mackinaws, lunches, and~." Is auetf:AfuUy evoked. But inltMd of mourning the inatta.~ability ol Ume to a ll but memory, Garson concludes on a note ol optimism : " lleam again. -The loss ol my ~I cue-is sur- ~~O::~~~:~~~~:eachbeingonly one aentence long a~lua:J::.rect ia up by the ebbing and flowing vivable." " At Dt*usan'Yesterday you Told Me," by Don Romfmdson, concerns the compresskln ol tbe universe and how one man ' 'who wu cra:r:y-&nd didn' t care-about money" nperienceslt. Lastly then, carl Luncren and Bob Ham, with one and two poem1 respec· lively, <lifer us genuinely funny ~nd oltbeat portralll, with Jbm 'l • "'VartaUoo oo a theme by WUilam C. rlol Wllllama" espedaUy notable. even clever. As for the OcUon in POO.Je, a ll three selectiona are well-done. KW'l !:'t~t=·~~-~~~~=~u:::.. u.e are most evident and help to sbed Utumlnation c:.a tbe poem'ssubjec::t mat~irrors make travelen out olall or us., our bagace II packed wltJ:I ref!«· tiona our destinations are loll in an lnt'mity ol Urirdurntd lllht ana Jtlau, ::!~%~~;=~morn~.~w~~-~~~: even despera te. McKeown's second stanu speakaolmlrron refleetinl =·~·~~:~~~-.-~=:=~t:isaps::::J~;r=::~~~:-~ ~~:~~~lea!:t~n:=::~a::~~':~~·~: amusing, wry and bizarre, tbe sort of pleee de rnlltuu that brtnp to ininda collaboration btween Gaban Wilson and Woody Allen. 1 - ;Ara's Taylor's "Patchwork" concert~~ the beoefkmce olstranaen and how perhaps temi)OI'ary alliances are tbe only oo. that stand a cba.nce of vitatloo '' and becomes a spec::Wum-d...orts himself: ~o.:Jtc~rsU:::f"~~ngw~t ;;~~!~~~~~=~!'~re:::=.~=~bUt~~ 11 toogrt:alor too small toeverpac:k away, andtbemiJTon, iftbelrllvesare)oaa. shalls.eemecont.ainedandearried,myself becoming mlmn, &eoeln« backwards and forwardlaslightallowl ,utbeinvisible : workll1ourilbsanddiminlsbes,ltal! crown wise in Ita own mlrron. died ef(edlvely nonetheieu, wllh colon and detaU. well warted out. •• _; · l .~l~~:~p~~o:,::nw':~lnl~r-~::~~~ three stone~ It il perbaJII tbe most provocaUve in theme, but at tbe tame Ume the rm.t deprmslnt- Ita lut Hne 11 especlaJJy etfedlw: in both repr· add ou&a6de ol .... dtlna.-tbrt many .floe, ::!i'fes~:'!~C::~~~~:=~~J D.Im f=:i8:;~~~~~:~~tne!r:,ert!_~~a~~~; =;;c:n~.::~::t~~~~~~·~ao •• . . .~~~.~thehorizon." ~ .t :: •• - · LuUy thel, caroi.Rucka' "NeverSleep WithaMapWboOoean' tHave YourPbcfteNwnber,'' compktealhil trin:l'tyofnceptional poems. The IItle is m.illeadill&. It Jed thil reviewer, a nyway, to pit his teeth and rea.d on, . ~in~:~:~=;':~~~~~~· J'te......_,.,....... this 0 ''The phone is blari~ drums and trumpeta. Alarms awaken the idea he never 1\ad of asking foryourpbonenumbe!' from yourpersona l archives." # • •• photocnph. PortaJe : tmlacoiDpliment«<wUb a ndto..,-U; il.a vallable • at the University Bookstore. Fer t:z, It ia more or._ wartb )'GUI'. tima aod, .&ltendoa. ·I< udir ol the album. The 10f11 starts olf with asynthesiu:rrlourish worthy ol Waller C:arloa. Unfortunately, C.t thftlllnp : Remember the days ol the old adloolyard " lliUO" ..... (:atSttv~l 8y&o.e ii11D "Wu Ooi a Doughnu t," the S«<nd instrumenta l numbe r , Is your averase. run-ol·the-mlll junkfood · jau: number. It really doesn't so anywhere, but It's lntfl'tlti11Jihe way Cat e:mboues tNt stereophonic " WOOF" over the lle:ybollrd ~la::a~ahol~~ ') _.... bllc:tdro&». C.t pl.lys the drums too loud here, but, what the bell, he's the sdloolyard. .. After toddlinc tbrou&h m:ollec:ltd lall&hln&, ay!Ds, warm tout, and ta, C.t dribbielnostalgieaUy about star. The a lbum knoc:b orr with "Child For A Day," a maiJdlin litUe " hllfintlove: ~~~Y~J; num~:-\~~~ 1 1 You.Wft'e my sweet love, my first ~~~ 'f:~~r :i .=! !om~'b; My loYey dove, my love love)' ~.ftaettheidell,andb)'lhiltinie are wishln& t.bat C.t would IUffera minor bNd i~Qury, and fortd the daysoltheold tc:hoolyard. to him. · ba~)e;: n!k:U&a~~ w~£ money to a hard«n C.t Stevtq~ fen. But lfyou.aren'toneof tho6e:, this elbum will not lnlplre you to join the "Life" and "Killing Time' ' are merainelly better . Both are inltrume:nta.Uy, "'""'· superb, IW'in&ina from ' lell.l.po to another oa synthMizertrape:ze:s-..butapin,tbe lyrical I)'ZDnUtics are strictJvltb "ANNOUNCING THE GREAT AUDIO CLEARANCE SALE UNTIL JUNE 25 · ciCUiiflecJI For Sale Wurlitur model 200 dectrk plano, m;: ::s:=~~~~ ~ COMiONENTS COiofACTS DEMOS CLOSE-OUTS &SStaflerl:OOpm. YIKOUftt Pro 21" frame. lilY« and blue 24 U.. Allo: Gerry Vqabond Badlpaet. Call S4t..SS. LOOKING FOR HOUSING IN OSHKOSH! C.U t--t.t4-JSS.Ilt5, ..m to 7pm for apartmenta oear campus. LIST To Give Away F'anale black lab. Sbt will be c. rear oklln July. Sbe il friendly anct lm&rt andtm&ll.. We need tof~M her ::::!.~~~~no king« Wonted J:::;~~&o!'~v= ~-:=:-:ooreip l'OUD- ~-~=~:o:~ ~·lif.':i'ca.Klte su-t, .Su· FOR EXAMPLE: • ADVENT LOUDSPEAKER UTILITY CABINET • YAMAHA RECEIVERS PRICE CLOSE-OUT PRICE · $149 $129 s 95 $5110 CR-800 CR-600 CR-450 $ 390 • AUDIO ANALYST SPEAKERS A08X A100C s 19 $110 $400 $300 $250 $50 $138 s 95 $170 $250 $125 $150 • THOREHS TURNTABLES 185 180 Announcements iluten £um In EducaUoa, Ju.l)' II, -cr ALL CLOSE-OUT PRICES AT DEALER COST ~il~iJ~i.~tnUon HURRY! SUPPLIES ARE LIMITED! ~to:u,~no:~'::i UAB .. ~ a Swedilb Dance Grow tourina: the U.11lted Statet frvm ~ oa July 1 6: 7. Anyone 1& . . . . . . la~~ :::u:e:; orne.,::: tbe StaadMt ActlviUel OR 10o/o OVER! WE'RE LOCATED DOWNTOWN STEVENS POINT 1404 STRONGS AVE • 1 BLOCK OFF MAIN ST. U.A.B. PRESENTS: ' Bermuda Triangle" Thursday, ·June 30 9-11 P.M. FREE! ! FREE! in the coffeehouse. Come and see this dynamic group! c..,...,., ... Mc:n.....JJ~·wllnd ru lv•·br~J.~btaw~1.~~ "'"'DI,'I.1;>~ · .Jb!.-.... "'""* f-A. '"'-"lfllkt.Wcho:-~h-.II'Cll m~lihm.or..'Yanbur Wt•• • -~RECEIVE ONESHAKEf REE WITH AN Y PURCHASE AND THIS AD OFFER GOOD THAU JUNE 30 STUDENTS-Why Settle For Less? LIVE AT THE VILLAGE ; .. THE ULnMATE IN APARTMENT UVING 301- tf. MICHIGAN- -- srEVENS.POINT, WIS•. EACH APARTMENT HAS '• _, 2 BEDIIOOIIS AND lWD FiJLL • BATIIS wmt YAII11ES _, IHIIVWAL HEAr COHTlHJL • _, PANELIHG IN UYII& ROOM _, TUEPIIOII£ OUTLET II EACH ROOM _, LAUIIOIIY FAt1UTEI _, COLOR CDDRDIIATID RANGE AND RERISERATDR, IJISH. WASHER AND DIIPGSAL _, ~EnLY-IH IIEJJITERIAIEAN ~ _, CAIIPEM AND DRAPES _, sa.l'IWATI EIIT1WICU ·_, All_ _, EACH sTuDENT .I I RE·. SPONSIII.f FOR 011.Y HIS SKARE OF 11tE REliT. :_, CABlE T.V. HOIJI(-11' CONTACT: CALL 341 · 2120 ~EEN 9 A.M. & 5 P.M.