April 29, 1977 - Off-campus 15' Letter• I TotlwPollller, · Jn ~ant, to your artkle, "Point Pot Ordinance Pc.tponed," !April IS) This put school year however has e:xceeded my expectations u fu u general acupc.nce on campus and pursuit of col~e I would llllelo thanlt thefollowin« people for their consideralion ud coopenlion. Chris Kraft, Bubblel, Solp5Udl, Stevm Foster. 'the Mad Do£ and The Butcher, Woody, Con· eerUna RJch, Bolt UprlJht, R.ollle COIIster , GontonTrtlor, LSD, DMT, Mary Janes, Ray and Gertle and last but not least, the un!OtJettabJe Ufo F'ifo. Tbanlt you OI1C'e apln. Bnlc:eflanly my a dearee. flrpublkolMarpe one comment: Pleaw Worm you r reportu, Jim Tenul.l, that he made a ata ring mis take in his article. I refer to the sUitement. "In spi te of UM;:Attorney Genenl's oplnkln. Madison and the town d Middletowft hive already decrimiMiiudpot." FilstotaU.tbe littletpotonthemap ji.lsttluft mik!s west ol Madison Is Middleton, NOT MiddleTOWN, aDd fUr!Mrmore, It Is. not a town at a ll, but a c:ity, and hu bem10foratleasttheput ten years. Tell Tenuta that a good nporter gets his inforrn1tlon stnight be!~ thepapergoestopreu. Na•tyK. WIJif'ft"•U 12.%1 N. PoUlt Dr., Stnn1 PoUt Tothe Poblter. In wrilinc this letter I've been trylna to dedde what 1 could write lhat would convince you, the student body, of the importan« of studen t aovmunent. On May %, reglstnUon day,electim~willbe bdd for Student Govemment Preskteat a.nd Vke ~~~~nee~ """""- ToLMPolnln, In your last issue, Scott Slmptins hid contributed an article about the :lea~~di~~~ ~·!.~ :::C~~:-thth~"ftUe~:~~w~ ~ sl&nillcantlyalfectyourlllefor thet months ol the next academic year. <You have a respooslblllty to yoursdf t l lwillnotuylhat l amtbourou&hly familiar or acquainted with all the other candktates runnina for SCA PRES.·YICE·PRES. But I will uy, =~eU::'.!a~ev~~;':1~':'C the best choice in terms ol who I feel ~~~:'a n~=~ ~~t~:~~~~n:!'~ 1 have m.n.aged to JerOUit up aJOU&h money from Studftlt Govt"nnmee\1 to .C'IIDlirlue u a squad na:t ya r. It's c:holce Is Sw.anne Moore and Jef ~f Kealina. I've found them to ball season nezt fall . Also, Scott fa iled to mention one very important u pect of lhla unl venlly'a student body and our needs. Thus, I suuest that you seriously consider MOO«-Keating for SCA Pres. and Vice-Pres. on May2. cheerleaders: nterea,.,men,aswell u wom@fl, that.aet out there and yell &Del jump around. M e.I ol the crowd Domlnlq11eFitl PsydlologyCIIIbp resldtllt ::,:~.~~!'a:.c.:rr,~'~r~:: ~~~~i=~~u~ltii:'~ ~~~ r:~~ J:f=. and •e more than double our "ydl powe-'' with male cbeerleaden. H<N'eYft', u It at.andl now, we do not have enough men lo complete the squad for nat year. We need four more IU)'I, and I would like lo ult c~~~h~i~ornw':::n':';l~ dispoublecansorplasticcups? l am inclined to beHe\·e this, for plastk cups, ~~o·rappen, bollo·ls. and pacbaes litterthelablesandfillthetrashcans in the Grid every sln&le day. I am really slcltentd by the phcnomenol wu te ol our resources u demon· 5lrattdbythisbehavlor. ls therea ny NOt~Well,it'soot ... convenic:nt. Conveniently, convenience strikes again. We who will~taduate in May havereceivtdinstruc:tions forthe r:=r':'a:;:O:u'n~ot=ta= at the University Store....The cmt ol thebacheklr's mortarboanlandgown is$UO:theseareretainable for you tok~. My lnterpretatianofthls statement : the clfll and aowns are conveniently dispcAble after · the ceremony. What In hell am I to do with a graclultiOI\Igovm? I imagine a large majority ol students will lhnlw them out after aslting themselves · that sa me question. Such practices con· stltute an outrageous wute ol val~~able resour«:J. Why do we con· tinuesuchpractkes? ...convenlence l guess. Apin, convtnit'nce wins out over the environment. I woukl rather putmysa.50toaacnrm,..hk:hcanbe worn anolher thousand times. Are lhtreothers wi th simila r sentiment? Because we have no choice but to wear the aowns If we want to par· tklpatelnthe ceremony, lmake this ptea t.o graduatlngseniors : l' lene passyourso...·n on loJomeone ~~-ho ..mhave•seforlllalhtfiJiure,and ~~rn, :~:;:m:flr~~~~ supposed to be there, was not. 1 despera tely nMded this a rtlcle and afternumeroustripatothelibrary, 1 found out it unquestlonably wu ripped ~f! I fec;l a wnse of personal lou s ince I contribu ted to the coat oC that magaz.ine. Those periodicals a re publlcmaterla l andare for everyone to use and I feel IOI'"ry for the im· mature person that stole that magalinefromeveryoneelse. Cyath lal..G ratf Rondymania Tothe PcMnter, John Rondy 's article about the 90FM "SUparena" was excellent. How come we've seen so UtUe ol Mr. Rondy in this year'l Pointer! Does be suffer from writer's c:ramp? Is he In love? Wherehaveyoubeen,John? The Pointer need& more &ood writers lllteyou. KaNDSteffeUaJfll Editor'• aota: 1be answer ll Yes lo all of your questions. tha nks ogoin TothePOU.ter, With this letter I wish to thank the following Univenlty organlt.atlons fcrhel ping ua mate 1m Stevens Point Area Huna;er Hlltea~UCUSS : UWSP lntematlonal Club UnlversilyChritU.nMinlstry C.mpusPollce TKEFnternUy I very much appredlte your cooperation. Stncerc:ly, ArltcaeMeyertaoCe r C..arditlator ~ on~rag~~tmem;r,.~t r:;; shariDJ our &owns with our SI.IC· cessors not been considered by the Unlversl ty? ... lt was not convenient I guess. . I apoiQiile If you llave been utu rattd with the word "e1>n· venlenl' '. but for my purposes it Wllls ... convenlent . . O.arles i.A.Ithln stra ighten th ings~ out ~h'i~'tter To_;::: ol Mr. Dusza and Mr. SlymanskiiO the Stevens Point ~=r:,~t!~!i:nld=~~~c:~ m1ke one remaril;. It one writes an open letter abou t a n even t attended by over a hundred people (some well ltnown to the: community I, one should be a\ least attw"ate. Tber'e were many who will attest to the rudeness ol theirbt:l\avlor. Mrs. Ol~ka Sorob ttMJorclanLaae Series 9, Vol. 20, No. 25 - feeling ot home d isposable philosophies T•IMPolatff, ~~ ~nc:,=a~" .:i~i: Strive for ConvenlerJH. If a new idea or~lgimmidtiscon. April 2 t, ll"'1 served In conveniently dispo611ble ripped ' off :!j~~tu:n~=~ ~~~~": Pa&e1: Ourcampusi5 noexttp~ion. Is the q~~ality ol our lh·es really enhanced vohen our ~mburgers are help well appreciated member of the UWSP cbeerieadft's to cootad me at Lbe addreu and pbooe number below. I've been a chetrleader for two years now, and lfs a Jot of fUll, not too Ume CIDDIllmial, and not au that dllrkV!t to lin lbe wcmm. u you are interested, pk:aselfvemeacall ; we need you. Thanltyou. _., S&epllaM4118.JiltHaD Pointer culturedespiteanyconsequef~C'ftthe enVfalnment may s11ffer as a result. ~frh~~~~ \he~~c~~ ~e~.~:; upcom ing eJections Whatever candidate you cboole to Sl.lppol't and vote for could and w!U easy pickups \'tnlent it ll unquest ionably in· COfl)Of'a'ttd Into the fiber of our Grading system goes to re{erendum Tbe plus • mlD.II p-adlDc system, which II~ to be lnlplanented oe:xt fall, ..w be put to a referendum MJ:t Mandl,. wben ballots are cut tor •tuclent Government Aaodation (SGA). Rid!: Tank. SGA vice president, =ilr~:!'!:i:n~~r~ )'e*t's SGA migbt feel eompel)ed to ask lbe Bolrd o1 Repntl ror.a delly in the lmpiementiUon. The mallet' wouJd m01t ute.ly be studied further, with alternatives ol fi.ndi.n& a more equitable system or ali.)'U!c with the ,......, ..... n: =:.~::r.a-~ phiRS and minuMs wbicb «<iDddes ~lh U3; C, 2.00; D pb,, 1.17 and D would recdvea numericaiYalueolt.OO. 1t1e toeven.ion otlbe letter cnde bact into a numbertc:rcomputiJ!& the GPAwould~beeallbn.ted ( aothat a 8 plus ina thr¥aedltcounewould be3zU3. _ Tbe main reuoa for puaage last would receive a more precise eva.Jua,tkln with more grade levell ... Il ls also believed that the new system would ran wu that the atudent decreue''Aeldernk~tkln.'' At UW • Milwaukee, where the Plus · The minul &radinl S)'ltem was pr'OpOied by Jim EIJ«t. SGA ~t, and pused by the SGA an( : .= -lgDecla numerkal value ol3.S7; B 'Piul, :U3 ; B. 3.00; lh 2.17 ; C phis, a &raduated four point rmDerical acale. UDder the new system an A would be worth four points, u It i1 now; A· woWd be same gradlnl l )'ltem was lm- clear advanta&es and disadvantages. lt II tbou&ht that the new system would tend to favor the border line student who wu tryin& to squeeze an Aoutol18. Uthel.nstruct.orwere rehactant to &ive the· hl&her gnde, tbere would It lent be something hi&berthluB. ~~~~~=~Gt;A~W~ ~===~-:~u:=:..e~: ~:~SC::~~:Cr:.between Tom Mc:CIIJ, In eduutlon proleuor, wu Cha.lrmln ol the Aeldemk Aff1ln committee last ~~~~-;r:~ ~~'::~,.'~~-w~e·!:fr~ tlha..egooeclolm. Tbeoverallgrade point •venae at uw ·Milwaukee has =tyi)'IS::t::::i~w~f!eus; droppedto3.0. more 1ccunte 1ppralul ol &tuclent 111'01"1l, which il the m1ln objec:tive ol Whether or not thll II; an advanta1e Is debiltlble. But there are some ltrueton pre~eaUy Jl"lde Piper& 1nd test. with the pl111 mlnlll &)'l tem 1nd ~JCGedown..2Cial4 .00acaJe. On the averqe then, aU CPA would have any gndlng &)'Item. Mott ln- Dispute arises over Ruby Laser tlln 1 Wlilorm 1nd nondl.Krlmlnltory policy tow•rd rellliOUS orpniutlona 1nd events conslstent with the letter 1nd &ptrit o1 our federal 1 nd 1t1te COI'IItitutlons.'' But Dreyfua ltill lnsilts on more advi~. a.nd he uld Friclly thlt, ' 'The Fltully Senate resolution which is Intended to 1dvile me does not lmmedlltely &ive 1ny particullr Inli ghts about ~ork<ctinf thole oc:euion~l 1nd U.OUSUI I c:~ta~mstliK'es in whkh my permluion ought to be &iven. Thertfore, I will request C:OI)I ullltion with appr-opril te faculty leaderhllp to help me better un- :::;-:::or~t!'!':~~~~ r:.:::/~ Aprllzt lt71 Pace :s PoUkr LAND endorses Carter's energy proposal LAND tthe League Against Nuclear Dangen l endoned Pre5icknt Ca rter·~ energy propos.als . alling for conservation of ~.. b~ resource~, devt!lopm.ent ol solar f!IM'f'JY and rftorms ol utitity rates to eliminate higher ~Is for those who usc less, at a mtc!ting April 21 . " We hope lhe President's plan to 'rewud those who conserve and pm&liu lbo5e wbo waste' ilsupp)rt.ed by Collgress." said Naomi JatobHft, Co-Dir«lor ol LAND. ' ' llis plans can not only minimize but totally eliminate the need for more nudear planta which Carter •nrned should be used only as a 'las trt:IOrt' to be buill only away from populltioa cet~ltrl ." . l.Al'\'DalsomdorsotdthestatewkSe pttition campli&n laWK'bed by the Coalition foe- Economic Alternatives tCEAI to stop the aerial sprayingol the chemiell ddol ~nts 2,4,S.T and 1.•-D in public fora;ts in Wisc:oNin. The petition s tates that "tuch spraylnc is b.urdoustothehttlth ancl,·ell-brincollbepeoplewhoiiSe lhtforesi, UYtf!IIUto\loildlife. It also deprives people of worit by replacing Nmd labor ~~o·ith d!e!nictll The slale nuclear leglslalion is defollantes. Wefeelthatpub1icagen· des which spend public money should use our money to hire people. not a~ thored by Rep. David Cla renbach iiKi Rep. Gervase Hephner. "The legislative proposals lndkate a response to the fact lhat Nuclear SaffiU&rdl and Solar lnc:mtivts w~ klenlified u the top priority Issue by 13 1tate organiuU001 11 Wiscons in's first EnvironiJlenta l Educalion Conference a t Poynetle last Oclober u well u a bc!tler un dentandlna: by the publk: <>'the risks ol nuclear ledlnolOSY," commented Gertrude Dixon, Research Di.ttll!!or lor LAND. poisona.todo~ry jobl. '' In other action, LAND endor5ed Assembly Bill 2$3, a " Nuclear Evaluation BiU," whic h ,.·ould im· pose:a5-yearmoratoriumonn~K:Iear plant conslrucllon In WIKOnSinand wou.ldcrutea9-mt'fTlberstudyt'Om· mittee, appointedbylheGoYernor,to ~sses~ saftty, tnYironrnental, and health imp~cts ol nuc1Nr po~~o·er gmtniMI. A ddqaUon from LAND will attend hearings by the Assembly E nvironmental Pro teellon Com mitt ee on the bill in the State Clpitol on April 29. Clliuns may contact LAND for trall5portation. t in Por-:fi..:n:.~ ~151 ; In Wood Co. WWSP looking for fund raisers ina area businesses to help defray WWSP·FM is look lor applican... to head up a fund railing program u the mull o1 a major constituUonal change Vl' ithin the orpnization last wet:k. The s tation is stek lng someone to lake charge o! the contribution solicltation progra mandtomalntaln attUrate rrcordsoftbeprogreu the lund dri\"t makts. The salaried position would cu~y the! title " Business MINier" and would begin with the fa ll term. • Through the prDtram, the s tation setlu financial t'On tributions from A dt"'«alion will also appea r in support ol lOUT Assembly bills on May II: AB 396. a "Nudear Waste Moratorium Bill" to halt plant t'On· structlon u nti l a nfe and ec-onomk-aUy feasible radioactive •.-aste disposal l«hnoooCY is in openlkxl: AB 171, a " Radio.active Wasle Trall5"port Bill" . mruiring notincallonoftheWiscoollnDt'parl- COlts. Contribullon sollcltallon II one ol the lew methodJ educational non. commercial s tatklns can use to get money lqally. To make room lor the new poeilion, the statlon'1 executive sta ff dropped the poaitlon of pn:xtuctlon dlrte tor. Dutles requlredoflha t poeitlonlnthe pa.stwill nowbedivided upamongthc rstolthestall. Penons inteNsted in the newly Cffa ted job ca n pkk up applica tions at the station, located In the Communicatlona Building. Dinosaurs are no longer o o o w ith us with a Hallmark card and gift! " Ifs a n uncanny canny display ."' quips Prot'tSSOrCha rles Long about a traveling ex hibit that will be at UWSP forthenextflvewet:k5. There are colteand beer cans, fla t· tened and worn by Manhall.tn tra lllc. costumed 11 Napoleon, Qu«n Elizabeth I, a Japanese noblevo·oman and 20othucharPct!!r. fromhistory. • Professor Long auanged to ha1·e the exh ibit at the UWSP Museum of Natural HistOI")', which he dir«ts. because it is a unique encouragemtnt lorrtorycllng. "This really shows what an ex· ceptlonal man can do with garbage to create&Omet hlngbeaut lful- todump cans all over town and in the parks does not c reate aomethlng beautiful," Professor Long mused. Sponsored by the American Can Company, the exhibit is the ...-ort ol Joseph Sedacc:a, manager olthe New York CitY Museum of Natu r11l His tory'sg.ra phk!divlslon. lie col.lectl wha t olhen wou ld call lrasb-ftpedally cana from ' the l treets. AI home, he says he picks UP a can and doel a R.orscbach test "Somtlimelil tab:l days. I hoSd tht can like Greeks tdd worry beads. 1ben the Image comes to me," he Mother's Day is Sunday, May 8! our" Country Store" at the: University Store 346-3431 ~---· THIS-IS--THE END OF THE LINE TRIVIA 77 ( THE WORLD 'S LARGEST TRIVIA COtiTEST) IS OYER . AND WE, THE STAFF OF WWSP 90FH WOULD LIKE TO ~~~~~S~H~~~T W~~ =~~~~~ HA KE THI S YEARS CONTEST THE l~~~~Rl~o~;o~~ :;o T:~t~:~~~~~D THEIR SERY ICES, EITHER ~~:;~~N~~ ~~:y ~~~T;~~U~~:~E=~O H~~~;~gN ~~~£ 7 5 TRJY lA THANKS TO THE WISCONSIN TEL EP!-!ONE CO. FOR ENDURING ;~~Rp~~o ~ggN~~ OII £ CALLS , SOMETIMES AT THE RATE OF 5 ~=~y ~: ~~~R!~o s;~~ ~:~ N~~~~K~El~, Y~~Q . TH~o:L~~ERS TRULY ElEHPLIFIED A TYPE OF KNO WL£DGE COULD EYER IMAGINE. . . -------YOU THAT LINE HAS JUST BEGUN Once Sedacea bu lhe naure in m1Dd, he coven the froat surface with white acry lic pt.inl, then defines thefaceandclothine inbrJah tcolon. The fmiabf.d wort., a low rtlld, bu • luml nou a qua lity al m ilar to mameliq. Sedacea'a tlaura are atyliud and olter~kaveatwlstolbwnOt. The)'all a ppe.artobe lnmotion. The display at UWSP is open to the pubJk daily at .the entrance to the OF GREATERUT~:~E ~:iv~:o~:' T~S ":~ iNG o~;~~S~ lg~E:o~HD W~E~~~~ ~~ARWNARD . ,.. TO museum, until 10 pm on SUndays through Thundays and in the mor· nlnp a nd afternoons o1 Frida )'land S.turdays. After the exhibi t cioles at Stt"'fllf Point, it will be at the LeiJh Ya,.·key Woodson Art Museum in wa uuu lor flvewet:kl . Drought ·aid proposals outli-!'ed power to suspend norma l water diversion permit procedures during. emergenciu. Tbe task force also recommended stUfec- penalties tor Crop IOIIS(rom the 1971 drougbt hiVi! beet~ t'OIIIerYIItivdy estimated atM23millionlnWiscoa:sinalone. During the droug,bt lut IWil!Der' the bigest IWlft oi akl came from the ft'dtnl govmunent, wbich atOM had the rtiOUr'C'tS to combat Lbe droqbt probk:rn. WISCOQSin government did take some ftlm'leftC)' railro~dinducedflres . Tbetaskforceurged stateaaeneifs ,to begin a procram informlna the people oi Wisconsin about lid available to them iq use of another drought. Tbe Department ol Local ~~~t::erannen~ ~c!:t~;Dd~;el:;:::i~~:t~~ harvest hay aloog state hl&bway rlgbt-ol·ways, and sdected DNR· land. The State also eased tbe' requiremmtsforag:ricultural water diversion permits. Last summa-'s drought taught us a. good bird kssoo by revealit13 our' lack ol·prefllration f« coping with suc:h a problem. Allhou3h much commissions to get information to drought affected areas. This servke would familiarize cltlzeal with assistance programs and help com· muniUes file appUaUoas for state or federal aid. w~m~=~~~ OW~r:f: 1 future drou&ht conditions. -Las{ mon': th the Lqislature approved iln emersency request for funding to ulll!"ade the State'• fire figbtin& . ~:,er~~~~:r ,~ The 19'77 budget propoul lnc:ludes addilionaldollarsforf~fightingequip­ metlt. Last aummn-'s frustntion wu exemplified by Governor Lucey when he was questioned by a ~porter about mounting fltopubiica.n criticilm ol ~ reacUon to the drought. The Governor responded with," Maybe ~~~blicanscan make it rain,~~ lncru&ed pnp;~ration and coo· Unued government commitmenta will undoubtedly reduce frustra tion iC we're faced with another drought. ATTENTION! ALL GRADUATING STUDENTS- SHIPPY SHOES SHARE-DE rmE -WRHus ON WEEKEti)S, HOLD\YS, ANYTit£ 'Nhen You want 10 take a break, why fly? GreyhcJun(fll save you ITIOI1t. No lie. So say hello to a good buy. Go Greyhound. You can leave when you .like. Traveh:omfortably with fJiencly people. And arrive refreshed. and on time. Best of all. )'OU'U save a good buck. So next time, say hello to a good bUy. Go Greyhound GREYHOUND SERVICE C1HE- R(IIUM)- 'ICUCAN 'ICUCAN Wilt TRIP l£WE AAFIIV£ ........ ....... t .e& 7.«1 11..35 1•.00 ~1U02&.30 3:20 PJII. 1:20AM. :S:20 P.M. 7:11P.M. IO:.te.u.l. 8:4aP.M. ...:1....., ... - =~~~- If you are a registered voter In Stevens Point and are moving after graduation, please cancel your ·registration by calling 346-3252. . .• If you are not registered In Stevens Point and would like to be, call your Student Government Office, 346-3721 for details.· April-19, 1977 Applications for three paid positions in Student . Government are- now open. Contact Louisa Haroldson in the ·Student Government. For application forms for the following pc~siti~ns . • • . L Communication Director ••.. l Executive Director •••. I. Budget Director •••• Application Period Closes SINIIUOTOAGOODBtr6 GO GREYHOtJtl). May 3, 1977 AprlU.tltTI Pap$ P ...&er Women abuse: a legitir:nate social concern AstminaronabuHdw~willbe hddat U\liSPonMi ytand7. The two days at ~ms are cosponsort'd by the Mental Health Aslodatlon at Pertl&e County, the North Central Wisconsin Brandl at ~or:!:!'~n!t ~~~':'fonot ol~~~ tended Servlcs at UWSP. Sponsors ha\·e plannedthepresentatlontogive 10 ~:;;:,~:li a~t ~ns a':! abuud wo men and pnc:tiul that c:a n be Implement«! in c:ommunitles. Program pllnnenuld the seminar • ·ill ra ise awareMU ol the "many women who fa ll victim to physkal and sexual abuse and help them rrahze that their problems are a legltlmatelocil lconc:ern." A total of II men a nd v.·omen who arein\'Oiv«<prof5tlonallywlththe lu!H! • Ill prrsent programs at the Rminar A p.~~nel dilc:uulon by abused Vt'omen will be inc:lu4ed during the II afternoon HSSions to be olfered. The aeminar will open with a keynote address on Friday In the University Center titled, " In· pn~~rams troduttiontothetssues," present«< by Cheryl Beardl~ and Pat Mllr'phy at Women'a Advoc:ata, 1 cooperative iD St. Paul, MiM. The two have operatedthecrilis&helter fora~ women tMn since It'll. 1bey also wlllpn:~entoneolthe-ionlon : : = n a hol.llina alternatives for Nov. Clite, the c:oordinat« ola task force on battered women iD Milwavkee will lMn spealt oa the needs and task.l ol a statewide orp nlutlon. During the afternoon, seminar par· tklpants will attend alternate session offeringsoaa•·Mieran,eofc:<IM'I!ITd. Seuion topic:s lnc:tude emotionaiiiJP' port syslm\1, about sexualasault. Iundin& resou.rc:es, c:GUMC'Iing the violent famOy,leg\slalion on how to start a task force. and a.koholand vk»enc:e,amongothtrs. Saturday's procram will begin vdth a panel disc:usslon, " Resources for Abused Women·Reality YS. Needs." modrrated by Julie BurJe.ll, c:hairperson for the committee on disadvantaged womtn of the Governor's Commission on the Status ol Womm. Burgess also serves 11 state coor· dinatorforeduc:ationalprqp-11mming on battfn'd women for the Wisc:onsin Federation of Busi ness and Prol'fdional Women'• Club and is em ployed as coordinator for Treat· ment flllt~r 1\ome Educ:ation at the Milwaukee Depa rtment of Public: Welfare. The panel dlsc:ussion will be rot~·ed by. ta lk conc:emlna the " Realistic: · Ac:tlon Toward Com· bating Family Vi91enc:e" by Mil wa ukee attorney L.Mandy Stell man and Samuel Stellman, ~easoranddlreoc:toroltbec:rimina l JUSike instil\lle of the University of WlsCGnsin. Dr. ckvdoped t.he S tellman, d l, Inc:.: Eileen Keb., c:oordinator· .JMe rrill ; Jane Sh.urelte, R.N., Emer&ency Room, St. Mkhad 's cra·ner, Penonal De\~lopmeDI Coun· H01pit.alln Stevens Point ; Re\'ft"ftld ril, Marshfield . Eileen Johnlon. Tom Saffold, First But.i'lt f:hurth. R.N , Patient Eduntor. Mal'lhftdd: Stnens Point: and Betty WrbftSusm.,Knnp. admiDISI.rator, Compeer ('OUI'IH:Ior, Pfl'sonllt·nev~ munlly 1\ome ServK'ft. lohl•·avkee: ment Council, M.,.'lhrlekt. Nanc:y Pattenen, A.C.S.W.. Wood For further inrOfmlltlon 'tN. t Is County Otpartfll('nt of Social Ser· available contad.. the orr~ee ot E•· \'ic:e.l, Bob Pfotenll:luer, A.CS.W.. teodedSe!'viceut UWSP .. NorthCflltral ll ealthCare~·ac:ilities, Day care summer hours UWSP Child !Aamlnf and Care Center 'wlll operate durmg s ummer MUk>n, Juna tl to August 5, for c:hildren o1 ltudents, raculty and ll.afC. Children between the aaes of% and 7wlllbeservedfromfac:llitiellnthe lower level of the Main Building on ~~o'ffltdays fromapprolimately1a m to 4 pm. Regis tra tion for Call and summer will be Friday, April a in the Wisc:onlin Room of the University Centerfromlamtolpm. Children of students a re given first priority. In addltion~lstra\lonwillbehelda ll day on May 2 In Quandt Gym lobby and from I am t.o l pm in the University Center. Jo'aculty and staff may rqister their c:hildrt'n for any wbo pruea~ State Re presentatives Sheeha n !Jonochue, 3$tb Assembly District, Merrill; Stever. Point Police DdecUves Fred Engebretson and Audrey Reoeves: Dick Fenis, c:ounselor, Wood County Akohola nd Drug Coun· dllld ph.. U reglltn tlon fee ec.tror c:hildren olfac:ul ty and stafi 11 St per hour or 135 per wedt for oneclWd plus S4 regbtraUon ree. Eac:.h additional dtikl II ~har&ed a t half the rtgU!ar rate. Studen ta ~lied ror the fall art digi ble to register thdr c:hlldren ror the s um mer, even though they v.-IU :!,:!:~)'ina on cam put during the Dally ac: Uv\Uet inc:.lude art, musir, play, large musde ac:· a a m H, Wood·WOrkinl u nd a nd water play, and outdoorac:Urilk!l. dramall~ li v\1\eS, c:cddna. Pinery resurfaces rnt course in the na tkla to deal with men who batter ~~~~~=-·te Other seminar indude: re~~!~~:'.~::e~~~~60 centl pH hour or $20per wedt f«one The Plllff}', whidl bas not been for sewral yun. bas reappurtd u a newsletter o1 the Portage County Historic:aiSoriety. Several hundred c:opiel tu.ve been pb«d for free distribution at City Ntw1, f'int f'inanc:ial Savinp and Loan, ClwrlH M. White Memorial p.~bUsbed Public Ubn ry a nd nea r the Unl\'eJsilyCmteriDforma tiondelk. WiUiam Pa ul , a hiiCGI"yprofeuGf and ardlivilt a t UWSP II the new ~!:~~:r!ct~~~~~: severa l rea wre a rtlc:.les about people and plac:nlnthlla rea . Graduation · Announcements! Universit!-) Store 34 6 _3431 A UWSP MAY-DAY SPECIAL PREMIER: "CHILDREN OF LABOR" •••• ~o~=.~~::~;~:ot~~m on Finnish Immigrants and the Cooperative -~ ..,. ..... .,..T_ • QlofM • ,.._,. · · · """'-·~ ......... • Shortt • PoMf'tol ~ ,.., ,.., ,.., ,.., orlglnelly censored by the Finni sh American Bicentennial Commlll ee *FREE, SUNDAY, MAY 1, 8:00P .M. WISCONSIN ROOM , UNIVERSITY CENTER -Sponsored by UAB, UWSP Students for Coops , UWSP Progressive Or 8 • zetion of Innovative Nomadic Tenant Students (POINTS) end AI Ged~c~! producer , of the Madison Community Action for Latin Am erica (CALA). ' P M•t« P•ge l April I t It'll HOSTEL SHOPPE LTD. Workshop unveils. the ·world of nature By.S&neScbdder 1be UWSP AI- XI Chlpte:r ol XI Si&ma Pi cODclucted a Nature Worbhop foe adults in lhe Stevt:lll Point ~munlty Oft ApriJ 23. XI Si&ma Pi Is a N1tural Resources Hooor Sodely for studrntl here on campus. There wen! 4$ people from lhe Stever. Point area who attended the workshop whkh wu htkl at the Centra.! Wlsc:onain Environ menta l :~~o(::::n:'\!~ librarians, dftltists, tu chen, nurses, aiMS housewives. ~~~:;'!f~u~bya~ri:':; Dr. Earl proCessor \ S~D&tnbftl, In the CoUe&e who Is a of Natunl vironment. It also included the iden· tilk:ation of thesesm~U orpnilms. The.final aec:tion, llidden World, h · pJO«dtheminla tureworldofnature overlooked many limes by the hu man eye and dilc:oveftd Ill excilinl ~U:~'~:S ~t~n~:~n\~'::e ~~ layer of the forest. ln addi tlontotheoutdoor actlvit\es, a workbook was prepared in advance for introductory readlfliS explalnlnc &entral concepti and Ierma, sample study questions vtere JI(Rd, JoUow-up actlviUes wen augested and furthtr cludiniMUklnl o1Wik1lile, Ptlnll, Wiler lile, 1od the Hidden World ol The ultimate goal ol the worbhop wutoopentheeyesofthepar- ::::.:=s:::~::.w: readina:sow-cawerelilted. lklpanll to the natural environment The Wildlife sealon looked for the c;u::!tv~~~or::~~ the lmp~ct ol m.n'a activities on animal populationl. 'The outdoor actlvlliet lnchxied kienltncatlon o( animal tracks aa wen u the animall Environmental Aesthetics· Clau aod field wort In the Water Involved chemlcaJ testa seuion :=:rf :ani.~~,r,.:~we: Resou.rees. Tbe purpose ol the procram wu to meet a desire and a need in the community foradu.IMev~ n.lunJ l"eeiUl'Cft education. 1be dly'l ac:liviUes were led by the ....... Students "'Ptured by natu..,. beauty ~~~~co~!:rr:~~it! klentirlcatlon ol plantl from the unden!OfYtotrftlolthecanopy. themselves. In the Plant aec:tlon, the 11entlficatlon of mljor pllnll in the are• which ailtJ arwnd them. II wu • boped that thb pt'OII'IIm would only be a bqlnnin& In their awareness of the natural community. . ~~ the end ol the day, the part•c•pantl felt that the aoall of the workshop had been met a nd everyone had learned a lot. The only complaintl ol the day were tore backa a nd tired feet . course to be offered Workshop In Envlronrrrtntal Aesthetics I Phlksophy 3115.X I will be olftml apln this 5Wnmet' thtou&h Extended Strvka lll7A Main, :M6- - ~ :7~iJ:~~~~id:~r:~~~c:: tra l Wisconsin Environmental Stalioo. 00 sw-t Lake. Dilcusakln will dtal with the writinp ol Leopold. McHara and otben on the traditional discipline olacstbttic:s as related to the appreci&Uoa ol the environment. Two sessionl will be olfered. May 16' Jurte 2. Mondaly tbtou&b Thursday afternoons and Junt 14-Junt 30, Mon- day through Thursday mominp. Thilwillbeoff~edu3creditsol Philolophy. WIW·~· ~ GIUI' • 0.. · OCICF CMf . . . . . . . SUNDAY SPECIAL: GREEK SHISHKEBAB ApriiUltn PIJtf P~ Students react to_Carter's"plan 8yS.ndra81ba Lui Wednesday, Ap r il 20, Pusident Car ter presented his ''Comprtbenslve Na tional E~ Plan" before a joint session of """"""· Calling energy )"the &realest domestic challenge lhat our nation will face in our lifetime," he outlined ~ andequlty. ~~~=~~.=!;~=: ...... In col15ol!rvation hil first propoul was fOC' a graduated excise tax on "new gas guu.len" that do not meet government standards. The money collected would be rebated on those can that more than meet gover-nment standards. Student reaction to this proposa l wasgenerally favorable. Onestudent five cents~ gallon each year we fail tomeeta s pecifiedannualtargetof p.sUsage. This t.axwouldbetakenoff If we got back on tatget. Money collected would be returned to the genua I public. Student reaction was mixed. Most everyone ;usumed the tax would indeed be imp(lfied; in other words that 1M American public ~~o·ouldn't be able tomeettMKttargets. One student commented that "we're getting by cheap" and that"if youwanttouseityoushou ldhaveto ~l~~~~:~: :.trn;;'i:'tu;~::es,~~~ A third student thought the gas tax ~~o·ouidbeunfairtosome. Somepeople wouiii--(Mke an effort to conserve, othen wouldn' t, but both would be taxedequally. Sheft'IUoniesortofindividua l l~li\'e, if \I could be devised,~~o·ouldbebetter. Shewasop­ carteralsopropol«ianlncreaseln poudtorationing. Carter 's plan for phasing out lO\l·eredratesfOf'latge\·otumeusers a ndestabllshingpeakloadrateswas gt'flerall~supportcd. In 1M production a rea Carter emphasiled that he did not s upport the deregulationolnaturalgasandoil. lle proposedthatthe"priceofnewly disc:overedoU will be allowed to rise over athreeyearperiodtothei9T1 wor ld market price." He also pr::fh':ed that we "phase in a' :kt~1ou~!J~ "tax for biB can to $2.00 pei=" p.llon. He felt the gasoline tax should have been higher with money eol.lected being returned to lower Income groups and put into resea rch. Another commented " It's not going One of 1M more controver-sial of his proposals wassslllndby tu on gas of to~~~e:~.=;~~rr~·~ng if between the present control priteof oiland!Mworldprice." necessa ry. ~~:,:r= :a=f=b~l wherever possible. d:~~~ ~r ~nu:,x~i~:e s;:rrre~~~ 1 ?~~ Allboughstudentsgenerallyagreed with this ther-e wu some COI1C'ef'1l about pollution. They did feel that conversion was neees.sary, however-, because gas and oil are ne-eded f« otberproduc-tstsynthetks,plastics, medicine, ferWizerl . SYMBOLS OF LOVE ~~ ~ nuclear power which one student didn't like and another felt wu okay as an lnle:rim measure mainsourceofenergy. but not as a In lhe development •~• Carter proposed a gradually decreasing lax credi tforthelnstallallonofsolar beating. All the studnela asked were in favorol this. Some felt UM! crtdit wastooklw as solar beating devices areverycosUy. Carter's equity area was In· corporated for the m01t part.lnto his other areas. He mentioned his proposed Departmmt of Ener&Y. Students genenl ruction to the plan was thal lillhou&h It was strict lbey expected It tobeatrider. The question that now remains b how mucll olltwillg~pulC~. Tips on birdwatching By G.J. Ka.ue., C\lef Natu nti~L DNR When! Dw-ln8Aprilandearly May, wbea bird mlg:raUen is In full swing. Early AM and lale PM b beat, but all day long pr-oduces goodresult.s. Where! In your state plirks and stateforests;onprivatepropertiesof your relatives, friends , acquain· tances, or other landownen, ~~o· lth perml11ioa! ExacUy where'! Along forest-field borden : where manhea m~t forest edges ; a lo n1 de naely-woodcd ~treams and lakeshOre:l; on forested south slopes, especially on cold, but SllllliY days. On windy days rind areas protected from the wind. Ha.w! Wea r d rab-colored alld or green colored clothing, and carry blnoculan and a 1ood rield guide on birds. Walk slowly, and quietly and takeadvantageofanycoverbetween youandblrdsseenOf'hellrdahead of you1 At varyilll intervals stand 1till fOf'afrwminutes,orsitonlogs, s tum· Perfect Symbol of Love. ~mO:, t!:=~ ~t!,~:'a~i~ abundant bird life. Learn to ll!llke high - pi tched , frantic -sounding ~queaka, in rapid suc:ceaion, ~~o·ith your lips alone, or with your lips pressed tilhUy apln~t the back of your hand, u this oftt'fl brinp inquisitive blrdl and small mamma ls closer to you. "Squeak" every fe"#o' hic~h::'a ~--~---- -----, How lo Pl~ n Your Eng.Jgemenl .Jnd Wedding 1 ~,:;:.~:.:t:~~rdi~::.~.r~.:"!f~":'t'~: 1 l ~-=~=-vo;::::f==~~'t:!: · : I •I~ c-.., I ~~... lo~ I II I L!=~~~~~=;~;;~~;:~J _ ._.. ........ ~· ___ m:::..-::YOiii liAMOHO &·GFT CENTER llAMOHD RIIGS IY liiiiiiBA IWEliRS paddle canoe, slowly and quletly, or drift with the Wind. along densely-wooded shorelines. or ou t some distance from open mud llata and u ndy s hores. "Squ~k " bt'retool 1 di:ri,·! a nd It :== ~n~~~~!,!~i~:: &~ves you modera te eKerdae In fresh air a od sunshine. U you really study thebirds you wlll ltt'thateach spedes baa cetUln behavior patterns ~:~: ~:::S~~c:= many species a re buiUy reedllll on ln-- N!Cta, and convince you that the m.JIUonaofbinklnWisconllneathundredsolmWlon~ol\nMCtadaiiY I YOU • UJ 10011 r.lb.e tbat birds a re tremendoully nluable In IN«t con· trol, and are performlna this taP everydayotlheU'Uvsl . · Bikeway questionnaire a!"!iree":"!~:tsev~ ·~ 1. Wbatlr.indolbicye:leclo youown~ What ls your age~ - -- Sponsored by Portace County Prn er- """aUCM:IProjtcts, t~c . - - - - - -- - - Withlhis lncreaseolroadusage is u iDcruse in accidents btc:a~.~~e roads wen! and stW are beiDi built soldy ~=~:rle ~~= Z. What ~~'hi&hwaysdcl you usertgllla rly~ ---,-- - - - -- - - -- - - have j111t u much ri&ht on streets and roads as motor vehk:les, but mliltrislr.morebtc:• uselheye:hnolea cleaner and more Jocie:al urban tran· sportatlon... Fill out this questionnaire and be heard. Turntbis in a tlhe : En· vironmenla l Council offiCe«' Pointer 3. Whkh o,... these are most clangcrousroryou? _ __ _ __ __ _ __ _ _ Offi<e. t Bik~•Y 11 a aenerattnm covmnc: bite rv.&es· routes on slrftts and roads, indicated by stgns: and bike biMS·' desisnlled lines along streets ~.~·~~~:J!~~~) The challenge. 1bur~-1IO~Ihll"'....,..,..aintlenen1101M~ n.­ ~lnhlbo•.. '*'-1bdaW.JOU- btndbo••KMp~r~..,_NoncfJ-Minoc llll lniiM_.._,.~u~~~glelt•ln.chofll'le wordiiiAidlnlhll~l'*>lr .......... n.aynllloobl When there's a challenge, qUality~ the difference. ·we hope you have some 'tun·with the challp:nge. Ther~~ a;ao~=~;~~!'::;:: we'd like to otter you, too. We welcome the chance to prove the quality ol our beer. We challenge you to taste and compare Pabst Blue Ribbon to any other premium beer. Vou'ii like Pabst better. Blue Ribbon quality means the best • tasting beer you can get . Since 1844 it always has. ,_._ _-.- - -.- ~ r ·-.- P.ABSt Since 1844.The quality has always come through. _,. ..... .... .. . ..... .__ """' . .· A.pril"!t trn Pace 1 Polatn People· Place• J ByGr~Ora..-.tt In Iicht cf lhe numerous cun-ent ~k: dile:mma1 now fad111 this world, many •piritu.lly minded individuals believe thlt •'e are livin& out lhe last days ol this planet's existenee. The Amaltledon, u litis fuW upheaval Is rdert.d to in saip~~i,! sakt to be dawftina ro.- .lh::r:: ~c:~~~::',~en~~=~ answer. In their fnlnlk &earcll ror Truth, they 1re joinin& lhe ranks ol fadilh rellaN tull·, led by seU- =::~O:ia!!;~to::1~ troubled101.1ll. . , TbeJollowU.Intertiewswerebeld wilh a ..amber ol active members fromleftnl ollbese orpniultiona at local spiritu.l ctn~. We bel~ it End of the world is unly oemocratic to present our reacltn: with some o1 the optioos, before one cbooHI which Pltb he or sbewUiwaOI:IoGod·realLution. Flnt to be be intervlN·ed was Morris Duppe,Jocal director of the MortlfkaUora Church, headed by South Korean entrep«neur Revermd Sbooi: WunMoon. G: " Morrls,doyou feelthe chaotlc events ol today's W«ld signify that ~~,.::!:y~"f~r=!~anklnd hu always been able to read\ his ead. Tbil wu one ol our ancestoral primate's r~nt a«ompllshmenta •f· ~~~ing to move In a n erect G: " Morris, I'm 1fraklyoudoft' t unden:tand the question. I mean, ean · you fore:M~e theendollbeworldas comin& soon b«ause ol M.an'l sitWilion!" · M: "Oh, yes! I belirve tbe seven· budedbeutlsoowuponust" projection. CUlt lsdenhlp wu recently givtn :~W!~~G~~~~=-~~ of~~;Mtr~~~=~ retirin& avat.r, wbo dalms to have ref« to thlsaeven-headed beast!' celebraled h11U74tbblrthday«'Cen- tly, now U)'l he would like to live in M:.·:~i~:==i~~ secluskm ID the Bruu: and complete ~:~es~:~ua~n~~~"fn ':he ::.%~ ~:f, ~e~',a:t..Oft:~e!us~~•lled, lie says a fierceblttleaplnst the forces ol materialism must DOW be foughtilwe aretocrushouraeventop competitoa. Our Index on street corner Ales ol candy and mas. murla&e ses manuals of m ust unitllllofthe quadruple by the fiscal end 1'171." G: "Do you bold any opllmisllc: bopesfortheeventu.al FamilyolW.n!" M : " I believe It Is inevitable. Rev.Mooo hu finally come onto this planet to unite Ma nkind. Flnl conm"~lnltinaon theUnltedSlltea, be will be 1ble to attract a ll blnkrupt homeownen to his right alcle. By guldln&themundet'"theshelte~;olhis non-prolit organization and gn1nling them tu exempt st.atus, he will lead them• not Into lnttaUon, but deliver them from evil and then, lo his left side, be will eventually gather the leadersol•llrevolutlonaryriltions. To their JUerilla forus, he will batow WUJXIDI from his South ~~~ ~=r::~cr!,nrr;,~ ~i~ dustrlal-milltary CGmplu and rebuikfina: thefoundalions'ol•c:rwn· Duppe points the way to solvation seyen sacred alnlll cavities and even. tually Ssve the body thn:lu&h 1101lral G: "Seymour. whit are your fetllnp about Armaqedon?" S: " Well. I don't care much for Italian food. I've become a strkt waetarian ainre rea.IWn& the ICK ~~~~wi~.;t!.~u unless G: "Seymour, I'm rdtnin& lo tbe end ol the tJOrid, lbe IIAal Juctcement ~~~~l))oyoubelieveil is S: " Oh, I die- Hell, you caft be bothef'ed about tblt II you lilte. The T:r!!!~~~:~~~u~ century, our plalld will be visited by Venullans who will lead .. from our pHght. JnstrucUna Ulln the true ways oC no~tral projection, we will be taU&ht bow to leave this mundane plane oC o.Wenc:e and travel to w~~~~~~ auala this ~-er youspeakol?" S: " No, I'm afra id Barbra Stmuodwon' tmakeltl" Laat to be !Ateniewecl wu Mahatma Poloctanu d d the Divine Sight bllngworldeconomy!" Mission. 'Ibe l)flXI spiritual aspirant we talked with wu Seymour Lite, local head ol the world rfliiOWned ICKAN· CAR movement. Proponenta of this cull believe that one a n 1ttaln Gulliblulcl or Cudahy, Wis.. Polockanand became lniUated u 1 liberation by concentrating on the ~-----:--------------, as it moves ever subtly up the • Former"' know n as Stanley ~~u:~~::~r:~~:::~~j= localheadquartenhere. 1be mOYement fa headed by the 13year-old Guru MUenti, th• named by his mother who notktd his un- CIMy ability to' muter spcfrtlor rallydrtvlnaattheaaeolsix. de1J:.:~t ~ :.:br;en,~~ :,=. s~~~on:,a;~',f.: guru's Malibu· estate u an auto mechailk m.lntalnln& hiJ "Holy LoWI F&eet"-the lltle rden to the of guhl'l fleet upenslveaportscars. G: " Mahatma 'JI, wblt do you :::e10~~7 when tbe world ou~;, " I hope I'm not aNIU~ to nnd G: "Serlotlsly, do you think that "Tr,thia.tHtetofOOtnbos. Beeluse Sa11thern Comfort is ~:-.t~~f'~1~~:~ eot~~bo with juices. aodu. ek. There's nolhing so delicious as They Jight campus insecurity ,_,..,.,".~ larcenies to lhe deparlment. Kursevtkl advised that studtntl take advant.t1e of the anll·theft ena:ravlng sys tem available to thtm throuah campus S«Utify. He uid that aU residena! baU directors =:wi~v:_•:or: ~~vi; from a law enforcement position. Kursevskl suagfllted that sutdenta sho\lld do lhelr be.t to keep v~ locked and try not to create any Jnvitatlons for eilbtr theft ot vandalism. us~elt~~uU:e~:Y ':~ !k~ ::Ice~ informatim wltb e~mpus about marijuana UR. He uid that Item wll.h the Stevens Point locality. =·ltlheUHofanysoltd.ru81n :J.hal~~~:~~c~·!!::~~·J:: !!,on~~~ .:_~1 :_n: ~':: ~:~~~.:J' C:.~ll~l~~~=u~e :: K~UWV~ki said tha t secUrity of. lualfy be mumed to the owner upon Riaare. nus system abo akilln the ::nen : ..::e=~;::!!f~ deaJen at lhe unJYtnity. He abo uadetaTentolc:rime. statedlbattM,.wit,lnottolentewhat he ull,e d "&hooting l•llerlts," rderirc to lhe uu and dlstributlon of a~olc:riminalludiUVel Vandllism Is a!ICither pnlblf:m On eampu1. KIIZ"'eVS&i staled lba! van- ~ m.:l ~~uen~ of Mr. Lucll.y'a !hat I'UDI herolnandotbunarcotlcs. For the m011 part howewr, Kur· == :nsou~ behind the .sevHl Remed to think that drup bualDela establiabmtnta on the eut skie of Dl\JisioQ Sl He bel.iew:l that IIWI)' of 1M YudaJs" do not «:!me '"f."~~~~~ to do IIIUIIUy only ·aect as · eseorta for dnmb:n Students and tty to Jet them b.d!: to their rooms u JeGUy as anytbln& about ::':x%~il:'t ~:'!~ •andallsm ~~~~tobeofarvlce,'' beuJd. End of world, cont. redud.D& :~~will soon see ita last dlyon M: " I think only Guru MaHn.U llrlowsforiUr'e.'' G: " Howdoyoubo...that!" rn:lta:;!e!\e! :;: .;!'~ ~ this vlslou.. I was wltb Guru M.aseratland the whole worJd star· ted tnmbllnc:. We wer-e at his beachhouse and It started •lipping lnto the Pacific'. "His Pondws and Mercedes' were rollin& Into the ocean I yelled, "God, whit's J oing on!" Guru Masentl said, "I prefer to becalledLord,God lssoaccll.alc.'' lapolo&lzedandbeforelc:oulduk him apln, be turned his eyes to the beav-. extended his arms, and called out ln a powerful YOke, " Not yet, I've just had 1 front eod allpment done on that Utile J aguar and 1'm not about toseeltbcul'lcedaround like that! " ~':'~~~feet~~~~~ sped off lnto the ll.l.-.et , lay~ IOII'It! rubbft-behlndhlm NEW LIFE CRUSADE .i ATTENTION! All STUDENTS MOVING.; you are a registered voter In Stevens Point and are changing your address, please cancel your present registration and re-register by calling 346· 3252. H you are not registered In Stevens. Point and would like to be, call your Student Government Office, 348-3721 for details. WILLIAM SCISCOE WIT H THE MAIN-WAY~ SINGERS Ia ON£ AFT[RN OO N ONLY IN STEHNS POINT APRtL 30, 1977 1 P.M. FRANKLIN AUOITOII IUM BENJAMIN JUNIOR 2000 · FR££ HIGH POL! SCHOOL STRHT NO AD MISSION CHARGE lntro please ... SGA Presidentia I [ T" .... '"' ,'""" ... ,.., ""' [ ..,,. ..., :;:: ,.,, "" -"''... indi "~ v.. """ Coo ""' • Un '"' '"" "" -"'' ~ ·~ ""' Av iL ,.,, """' .... ...... "" "'"" """ .... ""• ""'" ""' Roady to clean up SGA :=:e~::~!t'!~:w'!t::u:'~.~.~ •tudeDt need;';. eoncemt ..-...""',.,,, WIU "" ""' "" ·w here do t~ey stand? M-Kealla(. Malle the community ""\ more aware of minority orpniu.Uons through the minority activities and ask them to att~ minority programs. Ask the minorities to hold some pr<~~rams In the communltyandutWleWSPTanclthe~munltynewspapec-. ~Dowel . There Is no maalcal or Instantaneous solution to this problem, however, minority speakers at orleat.aUon and reQIIired minority c:ounes in the Edtx:ation curriculum may bdp tbe situation somewhat ~pol=<:~ :cipation in minority Pf'OIT'IImml~ would be Doy•MvoaolefartMrPABCOfndbiB! Avlla-N""'-. Yea, we do. Tad..o.cbrt. Ya,ltl fact I reprele!nted tbe Unlvenlty at the City Council medial tut week In .-hlcb the qusUoa wu presented whether or not the dty tboWd Mve a but system at all. The m~yor wu oppoM!d to a bus system but fortunl!teJy the Aldermeu dld side with 1.11 oo the laue. We ~:u.~.J!:::~!=~ttt:l.n:=~!.~mu. lraDIIti)'Stem In tbil community and will wort: tolnaurelll continuai'ICL ~ Yea, PASCO II a widely used senjce a nd a step toward mua tn..ll It snes fuel, rec1uce1 parktna: problem~ and rnaka off· campua boulin& more.p"actical. Our fundina II te~Uy a amall price in view ~theownJJpk:ture. ..-..r-- ment must know bow to 1et thlngs 'clone quickly and with responsibilitr. and hopefully I can belp bere in aome way." Stu.l'lllhiJHTVedintheSGA. assemblyandaenate. Dn·e tloh enfeldl. ''Tbetearea nwn· btr of things which distress me now, namely the mandator y dor m requlremeat. Ifee:lltahouJdbeone year at tbe VfSY mo~t. Tbe other lhl.ng Ia the Disdpl:lnary procedure. I've only gotten my !eft wet this year lnSGA. Next year, I hopetogetmore Involved, •pedfically workiDg on a comprehensive review rl. dormitory =~:~~~~:=ty, Paltk.ll Spah11. "I feel lritb my knowledge rl. policies 1 can bro.den ~~on~tt;,n:ms;::~~ SGA needs more r1. a pu1h to set it golDs. Attlmes,lllftiDStobeata staDdsWJ." Splihntufinttimecandidlte forSmltor . Htilcun'eltly Prsldent ol Ndlon Hill aDd 1 nominee for Prelidetlt ol !bll eoun. dl. Htal:lo~er~esupreslden t rl.the &udfl:l'll ~\dent Auoci.ltlon. P liMft' P1&el4 April zt,tm · Pa~ker Report boss talks on PR ByJ.iu.RoMy A wtdt ago, Wednesday, John · Echternac.hl, maaagl..ftl edi tor of he gets two letttrt a <A'eek complimenting P t c:ker Report on ........ Qulueo. • Paclter Report tailed to I>u Houlihln'a puh1ic relation dass. He came t4 speak at lbe rtQUeSI ot the SUper Picken, Rudy W~el and He commented on the t'Onllantly . c:hanalna task o1 puUina out Packer Report. "OUT procluc:t chln&es from . U:~r:'~:~~~w~= ~~w~~i.e~~=:~ Report ," &a id Ec:hlernac:tit . "However, on a national level their ~UtteU on a consi.sttt~t basil rmWns to be aeen.l think they do a tremmdaus for our ptprr." !They doagrutjob(orourptperalso.l ECternacht felt that Muhammed AU II the beM PR derice alive. Houli h an wu Ia camp lete qreemeat. " A wiJmlnl sltultlon ud a dynamle athlete il the belt PR," Aid Ecblf:mKhl 1D a e:ICMI¥e loterv!ew lf'ant.td at . ~y·s Lampoon, tbe manallna: editor. U.llled OCI prolessiOM I ap«ts and public rdaUons. 'nMSullivan. Packer ~ is a apedalized mqu1oe pared to the fa.o. Of all tbe pro football ran maguines, it b probably tbe mott tueuuful. Echternac:ht u ld that Packer Report ba& . hi&ber circulation than MlnDMOta, Bolloa., New Orleans, -:!~:=:.~ prr~G~~youare~ald.linajob. Our ~per il a-PR~a:ten&ion ot the Packer&. We are writiz!c Packer Report mare for tbe faa lblln tbe critic." "Slnee tbe adwat o1 Plycholocy· Today, tberehu been a boom 1ft [-....,.e.•l Ec.hternac:hl bad these th lnp to Jay concerning the Pacbn : ~':{ a~ ~ ~:~./~~~ him u a s U.rt« In lhe -~cku system. Jt..ody Johnson wiD be a 1ooc:1 back up qu~.rttn.ck.. " " I think Bart SU.rr i1 a lood cmcb, but the talent il wapect. On the wrface, he CilmfS off u a very controlled penon. But uncSerne.ath, 1 think he Is dlmn tou&h- He comea from the Lombalrrll school of . , " I tblM aport1 wiU become leu thou&ht." blood and lUll and more en" Jt..y Nlllchke keep~ in touch with tertaiDment to the pubtic. The public the tMm lhrqb PK:kft" Repilrt. He specialized mq.uiba:. We are a special lateral mapziot wbicb is sml out aU over the eowltry. We are • PR n:te.ioa for tbe Plldcen. We have re.den lD ev«y at.te and fourteen ford1n countries. 11le ~~-~*cf:J _b:':J:~~o= ~~Ina.~ 3::-public wants_their money s wot· d= ~~~ou:: =· ~t!~l:iv~· is a way for him to Meet Joe D~ffy, horse racing fanatic all-time Clmp.11 Lelpe bi&b pme. Bob didn' t let t.l!'f' pace drop off loo much. bowewr, u becsmet.dr with a mpmeandthensu.rtedoutthe third pme with sb: stnicbt strikes. He finished thlt pJ6e with a 2$7 c:ount a nd a 774Mriel. The 174 series earned tzlm another sward from the ABC for the n~~Uonal bonot C'OWit ol 1 700 pi• series and bnlte the camp.~~ and dl)' leape f«<r'dsfora 3-pmeseriel. lbelalt r ecord rewrittto was tbe fiftal s verq:ethltBobMd.210Ul. . The Champloa of Champfonl' =~~~":u~J:J:. place teams from the Moodily, We6oesday, and Ttalrsday leques. ..5er· dfs SWpln woo the match play at PointBowl u tbeyautdueledKe&linl Trio IM.Itl's team f~ Moodly) lD tlJe final aame . Se r cb 's Clodl beinJ, well, they didn't s lwsys Sleepers team members were Dave bowl u teniricslly u they would MUiatd., Jt..ftdi Clrpeater, and Mille hive liked t.ol who improved 25.$.2 Serc:ben.Maklshotanothernatlonll booorc:ountlnthematcbplayuhe bita717aerles. 1be teams lfnoolved In lhlt 1111tch -=~~s=:.'!a,~~"bb~1~1. ~;:itt·. ~~~~ Zlerte of Monday's lelpe with 1 580 series and a 2%4 pme, and to P1t Sp~hn who shot 161 pirw over his a ven ae In thetamp.lltow-n&ment to and Bob MaiLI I, Serth'l 51«-ptn llke lhehlahaeriellrq:lby. I'I'Uesday chams-1. Wednesday's firFor moll csmp.11 tfl)erl, the , Jt piKe tea&n J57 MaiDua··, IGrq: suson II just hislory a nd lond Jotlnson, Gary Shllflpill , • Jq,f nitmoriel. Althouih noltboob alld Qu.ftdtl, and 1'1usday'1 top team , textbooks will replace bowllna bills : ~"' Sluefl R1 iden 8 18 111 1nd shoes for now 1nd sftffnoonl wi ll Ya...cbeck, P1t Sdlnekler, and Cll be spent at the library ll'dtead ol 11 Kra~~~el. The Jt.. lders 8 became the Point Bowl, quite 1 !ew bowlers es n ftnt Sl.udl bowlln& tea m to take lookltthetrophiel:onlhelrfirtplsce bcmeateamtropby lt. Jallr:uehiltoey. Otber-nota.bleaw•rcls wenttoProf. Dic:k Face of Mondly's Clio's Clodl IOio bei1!C tbe Creek &od of bimry, 1111ntd l lollet liDII covtt? J and rmiember thdr tt7S-n bowline ac· compllshmeats. The · Campus l..equelwW be t.ck oat fall Alrilzt.lm Pap tJ P......,. Pointers regain share of_ first place Tbe UWSP baseball women beat six team o ByOan~h:Glnnlly field team an- nihilated the Platteville Pion«n, 252 u d 2'7-12 a nd also s plit a doubleheadf:r with Oshk osh to rTga in share of first place In the Southern di vision s tandings. 1be Pointe rs Scohd their S2 runs aga inst the Pioneers on o&6 hi ts, in- cludin& 12 doubles, two triples, and . seveni\Omeruns. The Pointers were aided In their quest f~W lhe div is ion crown by UWWhitewater, who managed to knock olr the Titans of Oshkosh twlceSa tur- da y, 2-landll-l . Nick B<tndowdrove in 11 runs in the two games, h ighlighte~f by a grand s lamhomn- inthe opener. Rrid .Ndson hit a pair of 3-run homers ln the first ga me a nd a z.run shotinlhese<'Ondgame. Jim Sa nkey picked up his fourth victory aga iRSI no lOGeS in the opener, cruising in on a 7-hitltf'. Don Solin was lhe winning pitcher in the second aa me, running his recordto2-l. The Pointers overcame a ~ run deficitagainsttheTitansFriday, and a t.,.,•o-runhomerin the bottom of the lith inning by shor tstop J erry Walters gave the Pointers a 7-5 vic- tory. a nd a s plit of the doubleheader. The Poi nte rs lost the first game s-t , and things looked pretty blea k In the S«ond game as F'red Eddy of Oshkosh capped orr a $ run Slh inning with athree- runhomn . The P oi nters rountered with a big inni ng of their ov.n, thou&h , a nd st'Of'ed thr~ru ns ; a solo blas t by Johnny8andowanda2-run·homerby Reid Nelson. The Pointers KOred one more run in tbe6th , but werellill trailin&.s-4 with two outs in the seventh inning. Reki Nelsonthenwent torlrstb.ue on a walk, and advanced to third base after two wild pitches. Nlclt Sandow slammed a single up the mkklle of the inf'lekl to drive in the tying run, and send the ga mel nto extra innings. Pat Pavelskl picked up the victory , pitching a good game. after giving up UieJ-runhomertoEddy. Head Coach J im Clark commented ·on tbe former SPASII st.ar, "It was a rea l gutsy performance by Pat. He's a real batHer and made lheni hit the ball on the ground. When he IPaU get.saheadoftbehitters,he's rea lly .......... The Pointers lay it on the line this weekend, when they invade Oshkosh F'rlday, and return home Saturday to take on the unpredictable Whitewatu team. Eiiliiil!!!5ililll~..,..-=- When do you say Budw.,isar.? 0 Now. 0 Later. 0 All of the above! Five fints a nd alx se-conds helped power the UWSP women 'a track and fidd team .to a first pia~ finish In Saturday'salx school meet at Stevens Poin t. Point finished with 155 poi nts, followed by River Falls with Ill. Whitewater took third with 89, followed by O.hkoah, Mllwauk~ and Stout. Stevens Point's strength continues to be the field eo.:.ent.s. Uecky Seevera threw the javelin 134'7", good enou&h for first place and a berth in the post seuon naUona l compelitlon. Teammate Dee Simon took second in the )avdin. Sophomore au ndout Anne Okonet took first in the s hot. She added third pia~ points In the discus, finishing behind Seevers. SUsan HouleU added a third in the s hot fOT the Pointers. Two other top finishe:n In field even!$ ror Poi nt were Pam Houle in the hi&h jump·and C!heryl Zocher in the long jump. Bothtoolt~teonds . u!~k:ew:Sa~ e~~iJivi~~~J~~ take a first for the Polnten. She fi nished the 8110 yard run In 2:22.3. Teammate Jenny Kupez.ak notched a sec:oodintbeeve nt . Other top point-getters In the individual e vents were Kris Sutton, Sheila Shoulders and Rhonda Doeye. Sutton look a second In the 220 and Shoulders a third In the tOO ya rd dash. Doeye took a third In the il:ruelin& two mllerun. The two m ile relay team of Kupcz.ak, La rkee, Mary Peterson a nd Patricia Glerac h notched a time of 9;SG.S ror anothe.rPolnteTfinl. The 440 yard relay team ol Sutton, Shoulders, lloule and Belay Bowe n took a first a bo, finishing In 51.2 """""· Coach Linda Mol ey felt her team s hOwed good progress. " OUr 44 point winning margin indicates that our running events a re ge tting s tronger , adding to our atrength in the field events,'"sheu id . The Pointers will be home aga in Saturdoly, April30, hosting La Oshkosh, Pa rkside, P la tteville and Superior.. Thla will be the lui home meetoftheaeason. crosse. Pointers land stud Phil Rodr l1 uez, Green Bay's " Metro Playu ol the Year" in baslletbaD, hu enrolled at UWSP where he plan~ to CGnUnue his athlelkureer. Rodriguez, a senior at Bay Port Hi&h School, Is a 6'6" and !!!().pound forward who has aet six school records in basketball . He also Is a n honor st udent,inlhetopthlrd orhlsclass. Dick Bennett, coach of the UWSP ~~~~ s;r:· :h~Is::':.~~~: celllng on~enaelntheman-to-man system and allo u a tea m playu." 1be numerous honors earned by the YOWl£ athlete lnctude selection 1o the · all-eonl"effnee and -all-metro teams du:t'LbyisJ:;t;1~:n=~tDta 1 fl l,188 potnta and 690 rebounds in his prep ClrHT, He has a 21·polnt per g.ame avhage. In his conference he is the firs t penon to lead in both rebounds and DOtnta. Rodriguez, wh ile here, will major in physkal education and minor lncoach!_ns. Poln~ Pace II April %1. tt71 WRITTEN BY 11lE USUAL GANG OFLUNAnCS 1. Whlc:bscboolwontbetm~e · w::~~Cal B. Texu 5:~State The Superquiz C. A member of the platypus family ~tiunA new car manufactured by E .. Afmlalechlnclillla E. EutemM!ddpa :t · Whrlt" female JYmnut also reteiVedfllperft!d:scareattbeMon. trMI OlYmpics alorlg with Nadia Comaoecl? · A. OlgaKcdlutt B. Ludmila Turi&bcbeva C. JanA.oclersoft D. NeW Kim E. candy Barr S. WboisthePum.oRic:an RollsRoyce? . ~ A. Omar IIOftnO ~~~~~a:·~ Univenityo1Artansas1 A. Vit.o &:: tbeSalutaUODI B. RhondaWeiu&tbeRbondettes · C. CeciiProllt&::tbeBuffaloe& D. BeeBumble&::tbeStinaen E. Smlotot Evemt Dirksen It-the Port Barrels e. Wbo snu.. holds the Milwaukee County Stadium single game rtec:rd. for mc.t bntwunt eaten with hot sauce? A. Stevie Nkks B. BokiForbs B. Reggie "TheCrusher"Lilowlki C. HedorLope:z D. Cbiqu:lta Banana C. Bob " Ma"Pescll D: Rhoda Morganstern E. MayorFei&JesGn E. Ma.nnyF'erDI.odez. 4. Whrltlu Wowdie! . A. A cbee-~ for the Tampa Bayft.owdies B. A faaatkal ~ cu.lt wbidl Nta nothinC but seafood from the :·::..... 7. Whidl Pbiladelphia Pbillle bas been known to shine his sboet In the on-d!dtcircle! A Tony Taylor B Swapa D. RubmAmaro E. Van l..ingle Mungo What is the nktr.name ~Centralia (Illinois I High School's Gil'l'a bultett.U team which ~Uy finished fourth lo the state tournament! · A. Bulls B. DlUo C. Womblta D. K«*en E. Orphan Annlet I . Wbo bn:*e Jimmy Connors' Las Veps winning s trulr. early In Mar· "'' A. Chris Evert B. FatsDomillo C. Bjorn Bora D. ManueJCh-.ntes B. JoeRotb MOVING?? Because you landed that job or got that promo,ion . Call Ryder! We' ll beat any of our competitions one way rates-that means SAVINGS. Call: Ryder, Wausau, District Locat ion 359-4291 Or Our Student Representative Jim Pehrlnger 341-4169 ~\VlaJ asf1nN am· a ·e A\UUVUIIICiJ0 · 3 'I auO'lstltfOr-<•r·:> 't AluaiJilP Ill pciOlRO!JA 11\1 l!Jit¥ ~ pu1 ' 11.61 UJ a!\18 ~" ttutdW' at• tpAd •w · :> ., Plti'IQ :IJni'!:IJJacrl lfJ!h\ 109-~W ~ ~ JOJ s.naq:~ atp.tloOM. V • V ~ ·· . andChrisGoodwick , who vaulted 14'1". " If Z.ab CRk:k Zaborskel and EMark (Marlt Johnson ) could both double in the six-mile aad the lhnemile at the confeftnee meet, we'd be ~ Ua.\18 lilA AliJilS JUOWtaQ pu1 ,(qJaa ,(~ua)l 1/.61 = ~~ot~u~ort~~~e U!y" ~~tick!':' ~~O~anr~ in~~'!'"C.~ 1 eventa. The thlnclads had little time to savor thrir victory. Tuesday they head«! for the Whitewa ter lnvltaUonal, a meet which coach Amiot clelc:ribed u "lhe first &ood com· petlik>n"theteamhad durlngtheout· ~aeuon. .JBL-loudspeakers BIC-turn .tables Sanyo-car players · Jensen-car speakers Hannan Kardon Advent Teac Hetzer's Schwinn Sales and Service ~ Parts and Repairs tor All Bicycles 2154 Church St. PhJne: 344-5145 ·c because ol their other races,ao we llftdhdpfromanothersiJ::-miler." Amiot alsou.kt the hurtllen are sU II wealr., but poueq. the capability WE CARRY Meriton ·• ".Jall!IJlplll .AUIAOUr.lrlfDlJaf\dl!t(JO ' Mn~ aWIUJPIU ~~~::~~~ ~nca~~w~CX:~~~~e;; 4: 12. In doing so, he broke the old record of 4 13 1 held by his brother 1111 1»1Ptd liSSil atf1 Sli':IPttMS,'IUOlJJV·'J 'I =:.-~~~~:o..~:n: led~a~:~~~::.d~~ fromthef~eldtowingolnaawayin ~M. aqJJO.AoUtr!A~'IIaqJO.JPIOS · & c . Jimmy Fisher' D. Rldtl..eacll E. Matt C.vanr.uah Doa, who Is out ol action with a foot lnjurythisseuon. Buntmao c:ame blid: later In the meet, and once aaatn he cruised home uocha!Jen&ed. RtlinC • record oll :54.8i.athellll0. Allo turning In outstandlna per· NAIA AII·Americ:an bf'ote the school recordinbothevml.s. to the mile, Bunlman pulled away U!JA~Ifl!~<~anndnoaJJuan~ :n~~~=:J~Til E. llieNutase 10. Wbo wu the AU·Americ.an quar· terbaclt who died ol c:ance" • this February! A. VlnceFernpmo '" We had more ckplllln mc.t ol the events,andlhislswhatweneed&oing Into the conference meet," saki Arniot. UWSP "slammed" three ewnts, fanishingflnt..secondand third in the dlsatS , mileandiiiO-yardruns. · moretbanenouahtowintheml!d. But the rant place fulishes ..~ blieked up by more depth than the teambadmlllte:redupinthepastfew meets, and this is what pleased coach Don Amiot the moA o.Jd·IJVUI ~pt'I'IIXIaqaJOpq.<u.a~ tnOlfRSRCI)'RJJ S, IfW01Jir.) · B '01 Buntrli'ari paces ·track win Tbe UW.Stnens Point tnd: team showed signs or improvement last Saturday, as they t.unbled UW· Whitewater IQ5.48 In a dua l ml!d at Colenu Field. • Tbe Pointers, wlilo made lhe:ir last homeappearanceoltheMUOD,had Quiz · Answers a. Epicure We're Located Downtown Stevens Point Across From Sentry Insurance We're putting it ~ on the line for MOORE/KEATING ~J . "'~ ·~~_,(.~ ~ aJ~ ~"~1,!~~ 1 ~8-.-j ~/ ~ fs'r'C..HOL.c:lC(Cw~ . ~-~ dA-r..> /~ 11~~ 7rj~ lid~ ,._ ~­ r~· ~ 13~ ~ -~~/.~ ?..L.-4>U. ~~~ ~~~ SUE MOORE-Iowa State Residence Hall Rep. and Budget Committee member, SPBAC (Budget Committee), SGA Budget Director, PPBAC member. JEFF KEAliNG-President of RHC, year.book copy editor, Sunrise reporter, student manager at Debot Center. Students for MOORE/KEATING SGA President/Vice President P~ Plltll April:tt: l m I Arta • Calture ·I Entertainers succumb to backstag,e blues pl.aywnght would use to e:rea1e a "drama.tk p1use" • bd'ore apNklng inalm01t impouibly low tones. " Naw •.. I lot some friends comin'. 11datl'Ujustwaltbere." " Suit yourself." Lou replies, waDdna over to his brie!eue. Jerry Hensley Is readin& the stmdlecl mftUJel on the waU, d'fortleuly fWIIlin& thfou&h ''Clauleal Gu". Somewhere in the brid&e he mluet a ..... ~~~~--" Onewoman. ovtr'COIIIeby thewhok situation, breaD Into hystmcal t~~ins~dt~~~~tl.'kd chorus ol " Bladt MountAin ~I" tum· ln&hllheadtowardthedoor, ''Shit. Woman! " he mumbla, ""CGntroi)'GUI'Iell!" . .n.:~~~u':at:.ls, " Bftn ptayln ' Lou meatklnl the Oklahoma tow', alatedfortbe(IIStwedl in May. He bu ~veda ~ ff'Dftl the YkeprelideDlolalaboruniaadowntbtre wbo clliiml to be I dale friend of ************** Dinner II over and the Cult-CarttT entouraae II wanderina around the dreulaC room. Mn. Adeodt-a frail, silver brolred woman that «JUkt bave euUy beeD pl.lytd by tnne Ryan - Is bdpinl JGbnnJ eM nee cJotbes for tbe Dl!l[l abow. Jobnny • c:b.a.DClac ~=~a:t:brm~=~ -my,ilcUflllnltoo,but :"nct~ ·=r.m~= to the name. Anolhtr" hehu to dolt Leu repe~ t cbmatkanl!f. "Ob yub, 1 met bl m before" ..•paUM•• .Pilf.....Le'me think aboul:itforawblle,abf!" ~La,?" Herb F'raDk. promoter by hlnilelf. To compmute for lhil 1Kk ~ •tteaUon be ~ It up, r:::c~~ ::~= , . bo:urabortl. hJa bead lD Clutllde, tbe crowd • ltill ~lnl ln.· A atnnp crowd thil time · • outlide In tbe Z:u." Cub .,,., out UW. the baU when an old army buddy aalt.. teued bllr, wued mualKba. too mueh ~p. too-lilbl pt.nt., for lorlf.lbt'a at.o.r, 5lkU ~~u,;.~~~CeOij~ bumanlpdtosllpin 17rdadva;tn. tothe~ot••lnl«•hohu become - - - h it ol • pibud to blm. J obMy tlDitl iato an euy " jlalt folb" JliA•nd speak~: without "illbly curioulmb:ture~polyater~ Mc~• liberal daleoiAqUa·Veln . The crowd thll lime •round II ma.Wy " townie" . n.tre are no br<*en bot· Uti, 'oo hlctdm pipes, no mob scme1 bythedoor, .odwnt.ol " raiDIUC':b'' Cont. on pg. 20 Apriluam Plllelt r•&« Johnny Cosh - bockstoge ... cont. from pg. 19 · or "get rowdy." • none of the tar· marks of the intellectw'al elite, the college culturati of the ManhaU TUcker tchool ol I!'OnC'ft1 crv.to"ds. Just people who' ve beftl wort.in& bl the same town they,.._ up In; ~ yearokts•·hostUI ha~aeneaDd Cfor runy ol them ) are com.inc to a con~ for tbe flnt time. And mo&t ol them ba\·e the same klot ill their eyes as they come throu&h thole doors · an odd smile ol gratft'u! ttYuanr:e, an a•·e at suddenly comin& Into the ny what we lake for granted." Tom· my likes to talt about all the f\1111\Y-" what-we-take-for·granted·lhin&s In life. "Actually they're made by a woman. By band! Now the woman wbodid this did aaoodjob. I saw a lptcialoaTVwbere... " • Hde:nlsstillstari.D&lntbemlrror. " \\'ben Ah was out tbere 011 stage mah bracOeta; Up!: ramn• dowD and Ah just ceuldn't play the " WUdwood f'1owel'' ' and Ah sa)'l •June, Ah just a n't plly tbe "Wildwood Flowen".' 71LL THE JOHNNY CASH SHOW JUST TWO bJkir1a guitar player eomes in and ~~-~~8-·i~~·tMlNUTES ~~~..~LKS! Andr\ghtDOW ' 'God"lsllylngona lode"' mom bend! with a shirt his head, trying to Ignore the whole backstage <:Ommotlon long enough to get a litllelleep. " Hell ,lhesedoubl~ show nights a re rough! An<l tomorrow nlghlln Eau Claire will be 0\'"' ~~~e·JX.a.!J~::!tiunmer, Is talking to Marlhall Grant, another member o1 the Tenneuee Three. FlubhasbeenplayingwlthCUh for eigb~ years. Today 1s his blr· ~::!~~~aos:::a~OUI· lilllnthecorner. Onthelapelof hls =~~~=;~~ou~.~~= doeln' t ta lk muc:h. Mainly he sill In tbe comer and thinks a nd smiles. Right DOW he's thinking about a book he'd like to write entitled AUanUs : Fad , Fk Uoa aDd Mytll. Tommy kloU over a t him a nd smiletbroldly. . " Wayne, atmme a clprette or I'll bustyourbead and yourbralns' llrun clowrl\ntotbettaclt o'yerau." ba:rhlmm:~~~~e ag: =:!·.1;,:-,a~~~~~lc!i';; :'!=~=~~ bomanadech.lli. JohnnybltsupatblsbrotherTommy. ·•vou lose any rtlinNtooet wbea Y~~:.~~t.o~a~?" cut the time of their actaoJohMy caa playatleastanbaureachabow. Asa result, lbese twil spend a )ot ol time backstage tosether where Tommy talbaod Waynelistens. ADdsmilel. ;~h~~:O:tbese;'~ .,:rthe~~P~ 1brft 10 out to start the &how. He1ea carter waoden in and loots hopl!leulyint.olhemirror. "Just hdt at mah hair. It's aU un- :!Ah-r:-~ -~~et~r:::. -: wort so hard ... An' Ah haven't felt well since we left...Ah just get 10 skk ... Muhbackhurllaoand ... " :n:: ~= ~ r:,t f!:ted ~=;i; atumblinloverlfguitarliet., trylacto put tosetber • . , . arrana:emmt o1 "Cotta Travel On". ' Wbat wu It Johnay said! Wbenever you aet studt just stop aad listen to the people around you.' Tommy listens. Not ~:E:::=:~a¢c~U:!i!: :;:c;:. ::~~~ ~the~ ~=e_nanct Waynelssmllingin "You know," he uys, addreuing theaecurltyauard whohastopretend he's interested, " I a lways thougHt these were made by machines. FUn- And J ohnny has found lhe locker he's looking for. Num ber 951. He quleUy sllpe a $10 bW through the mesh door, into the battered Pro- UNIVERSITY RLM SOCIETY PRESENTS: A CARTOON FESTIVAL! Bugs Bunny, 8eHy Boop, The Three LiHie Pigs, etc. Come and relax before the final crunch. Wednesday and Thursday -May4&5 333 Communication Bid~;~. 7 & 9 P.M. 51.00 AdmiSSIOn Kedlinslde. · Tommy's girlfriend enten and the two retire to the back ol the room. JohM)' leaves to get ready for his eo· trance and the aec:urily auard "J..ockatlhls." heAya. He bands ~er:,rdhb~ :~~oi~~~J:.."":: tlootcamp. " He's a heUuvaguy t" he continues. al~ t in tears. The guard Is r=~be~a:cJi~e!t =~f=~a::::~~ Man in Black. He lakM the army ~~~t~ebia~= ::li~a:~~:"~~.to an in- Johnny tsunchel In to " Rinc ol Fil-e" and the (TOW(Iaoes nutl. Clsh comman<b the stagelill:e a tent show evanaelist, filling the mom with an electric country Kanna that ~ thecrowdintoafrenQO. **********'*'*'* The cash-Carter troupe il winding up. the show. Bac:tstase the room ill e:ftY except f~the ~ rity guard :U Joh:J.~:rti~e~~:,":a~~ ca~theend of the pe:rl~mance. buddy back to Locker 161. •• t jus! wanna Invite him Oftf.'' The anny buddy A)'l "U my UtUe dl\l&htercouldjul t seehlm: .. " Shewwldn't&et lhecha~. OUtside the buses are puUin& up to the back doors. The last note of the encorelsatlll lnlhealrutheCubcarter show files thn:Jugh the open bus door. F luke Holland palMI the driver who starts whlsUin& ','Happy Birthday.'' In the baclt leal, JohMy Cash • the legend, the Man In Black • is se!Uina Into sleep u the bus turns towa rdthfl llollday lnn. · Art show displays !lerigraphs Re~tlewed by Ca rl LIICMIVf:'l · The art show whkh opened on April ~a=r:~~~~tl~r~= Hunt and selectlons from the University per manent collection. Tom Hunt's prints a~ called seriJraphs. Serigraphy Is a Jlf"(lftSI whkh Involves the use ol a silk JCI"ft!l and llmdb. Hunt's serigrapbl deal mainly with light and cob". His prints consist ol either a si.n&Je nat landscape or a kind ol U>krlu! empty space. There is often a light source made up of neon tubes somewhere wllbin the picture. Thele tubel a ffec:t the color ol the world around them. fnsomeeasesthe rela tionshipe between the tubes and the world around them is leu dear. ln a ll cs~e~ thecolonhavea n n r· ~i~~~~ :~ !~~~~i~~~h nJ:.~"r; :rorl~~:t:l~t:: ~h~~~ t! grow in it. In two of these pri!lta, ,:Women in Wute" and " I'm a dark TimeneithtT here or There'' f!IUfel Oolt wllhou t in 5pa("t. One print " inaM; Concoune Number Two" Is aho.n In a number of stage~. Each stage is the settinc up ol another stmcil and the additionolanotherllyerolcolor ptJfJ)OSel ~:t::::~&:'cc..~au ol work from the Ulliversity's per· manent collection. tbere are 10me this aide ol the room too. So one can get an Idea ol some ol the othe r poul bllities for this medium. "Untilled Number One" by Scot t J . Davis a.Dd " Matins" by Armando Vlllansenor a~ good examples. There a~ also some 11ery good exam ples of other types ol prin t maklfli. Fay Passow, Ron Ruble and Warr\ngtonColeseottget nlc:e results serl&raphs on ~:nue~r~ 81ilt=;~. ':I:~~ K~lke comhines lithogra phy wi th sU k screentec:hnlquea. U.A.B. COFFEEHOUSE PRESENTS: ' WHEATSTONE BRIDGE'' A four piece band playing country, rock and blue grass April 29 & May I FRIDAY AND Sunday IN THE UC COFFEEHOUSE 9 P.M. - 11 P.M. ./~ See You W.A.a. There! Dance, Dance, Dance, premiers in Jenkins IJyA.U•I ' within 1 framework ol extreme aetf- DANCE, DANCE, DANCE, a preseol.ltim ol both faculty and studtnt cborqnphk CGmpalitions, opens this evening in the Jenkins T11uU.. The procram is K'beduled to run for seveh nl&hts: from April 21 toMayl,witbtbee:x«pllooolat.y2. BeciLR tbe pieces are different in natun, the concert proeram contains a wkk! variety of lDteDUons. ltyte, andlmqination. u: ~~.:or:i::~ ce~ described u beina abstnct In ;<;:t==~: responsib&eforl~~ pby . Althou&h the da~~ee tone appears to ~:!eyY~UC::t ~:~'1~'~ :::~~tbeC:r:S·~~: . composed in 19116, accompanies tbe chortosraphy. Tbe ~tal Is a n abstraction olpedestriant walking down tbe slrftt. The daDCe lncorporat.esatremendol.sf'!Abolac· tirity Whk:b coataU. few safe areas but whidl also bas frequent changes o1 mood and direction. Rk:h textural overlays occur becau.se of a =plicity ol events that happen at Tbe da!X'ftS, cl.Jd in Ill lrTa)' ol briUiant coJon;. occupy a apace free . olasetdesip. · Susan Huabn dncrlbes her oriBinal c.bonro&raphy u bein& "em· phe:meral in nature, it's lill.e the human penoD~~lity. " Althou&b It was not directly stated. one can alllKdt guess at whose human penonality this dllnceisa rdlectlonol. The vivid and enioUon.al worU of Viftcftlt Van Gocb · imJired daDCe faculty memb« SU:un Hunt to crute the dramatic-narrative ol A •·allen Rai11INI-A PCIII'Valt ol Vlacent Van Ge~~h . The dance, u abatracted and devdoped by the cbortographer, Rr- \'tSU ivividlllustralionoltheartb t Van Gocb. The disintqration ol the man provides a drama whk:h evolves aroundchar:act.en and eventswhkh Van Go&h ~imsdlllad exprrienc:ed. The movement ranges from the !)Tical to tbe abstract, depmdina upon the mood and t.he char:acten Involved. J.>eriod COIIumee deeianed by Frieda Eattes Brida:eman o1 the Tbeetre AN Faculty, geaUy enhance~ lbe lime, JeUiDC, and the mood. This modern claoee piece Is ac- compan~ by ori&lftal modem music :nc-sn.:J.erz:e=~··~ COinpc:Mr at biznaeU tbe talk ol cre.W,.a mUikalK!Ift.midlcoiDcicle.w:itblbe~butwbic.b mu&t a1ao be 1tn1a1 enouah to atand by ltMif ~ltW beappredatecl. -· lDterwovea. lal.o lbe atnactw"e ollbe aHdes ol Van GoP's pain· piece are A Yah......._. ,....mts I r-roltbcJulbtODtbepartot&aan H11nt ll'ld It alf... tbe a\MUence I uadentaDdiac of the 1ile ol ViDieeaf:VanColh- ridler lt.evival 11: ~ IDOderD daore won chorqnpbed by Jana Devine Castle. Jtc:anbethaulhtolubelnJa vlabM!relpOIIIetotbeworldthltdan,- :!w!,f:artu!:,::~e:'~ exchanceldeuaodkleak.. tha-r:ce:=~=··~ today"s soddy conduc:t themlelvee ~h~::'=t f:C,~l£~. Inspired ReviYII «presents I form ol traditionalism bec:aU5e it deala primarily with tbe lnsUtulion ol rei!Jion. The ability ol the croup to supporttheindiridualeX'pftlendnga prescribed path toward s piritual awareness II demonstratecl lhrouah ll;lemovement. Revlnt for Jana Devine Castle ~~•nJndn>=e·,:~ and . - thal li b a completed wort. sbe caa move onward to new ex- ""'"""· The tane and quality projectecl II oneol !ear bon:kriniUpotl the supernatural. The understanding of the dance, it 5houk:l be noted, is open eadusivelytolhelnlet'prelllionolee.ch inWvidual audience member. The medium does oot contain an established meuase- The viewer Is asked to develop the meanina from lhe reJOUTCeS ol inc:Jjvidual ex- om-. Cont. on pg. 22 Why stay out. in the heat? THIS ·SUMMER BE COOL! Live at The Village Comfort-Convenience-Luxury . Enjoy air cooditioninCJ and the refreshing pool ·SUPER SUMMER RATES NOW ACCEPTING CONTRACTS FOR SUMMER AND FALL ' 4 ./!: The Village ·. 301 Michigan Av.e. Stevens Point~ 341·2120 Film Society International thriller conc!udes ·semester flicks "ltr.I«Uoas o1 drama, ba.mor and suspense. 1befiJrnpt'OYf!ltobeanenta-t.ln.lr~~ and artbtk ~~ In film hiltory. As film &Ociety'a final movie draws loan end. the orpniutk:ln would lite to es:press thelr to the studeats for their contin!JOUS support and ded icat ion. The IJOn· proflt organization would also lite to ex· press its appreciation lo the Polalf,r Oa 'JWosdly MayS, Unlveraity Film ~)' will pr-esent it'a fiAal movie apPredatioa preHata tioaolthe&priiiCKmfSler. kat n~ Devil, the lt54,Joha Huston production, lneludn auc h Ia· ternational stars •• Humphrey Bota rt , Peter Lorre . Gina Lollobrialda and Jmniftr J ones. Written by 'l'nlman Clpol.e and ~'!.,~~:!lstbe~ce;~ ~!·:::::!e~:;~~= column. Film 10elety would also like to In· vile any lntere.ted students to join this organization. The sole Intent of with sex. 1nd international ad· ventu~. As the drama unwlndl,lt in- troduces tome extremely humorous characters and spouts tome lively and literate d~locue. Based on the novel by James llelvklr., kat Ttlt lkvll portrays an American con-man I BoprU bound for British East Alrka with hlli Italian wife tl..ol.lobri&ldl l. They are allo accompanied by four so-called businc!U assoc:lats. 1bese slz In· dlvkiuals suppoRdly are olf to swlna abiguraniumawindleinArabla, Tbe dubious group becomes s lran· drd at a minute Italian port where lhelr stu mer Nkes repa1rs. The sill: fall Into company with an English gentleman l Ed Uodetdownl and his ~~=le~~.!sto r=~ ~~:: classic, cultura l and rorelgn movies. All j)roducUons are respected fOf" their individual artb tl~ achievemm. ~. wife !J ennifer Jones ) who ls a vir· tuo.o a nd spends most ollhe pk:ture ln ula teofcandenza. What has to be felt to be believed in all this is the Mie seose,pl' double meaning, wbk:b baunts ~ ~OD the oae band, But T\e De•ll contalnl aU the elements ol a n int.emational -thriller; the beautiful ol UDCft'lain back~, women the But Tbe De.-U proves to be a remarkable, unforgettable rum whieb contains continuous In· Anyone intemted In lbe art of film , working on publicity, or just having flm, &houJd take the lnlti~~Uve to come and meet us. For more Information contact RORer Bullis or Tobv GoJdberi ol tbe Communications Dept., or Film Society President Kenoeth Hobbins (:MI-40%4). See you next fall. Dance concert •.•cont. from pg. 21 - ------- ·- -------------------------------------------------Pf'e roc:k 'n roll era ar e breaking OPUS J AZZ ila &i&nifkant wort. of "Robbins la an innovator. 1be New v.n Ell port 0p.q Ju•. origin~~ l cbcfto&raphy by the famed ~~~!e~~~=~ JaM:!'"'!!i a membu o1 the apartfruneachothef'illsodaldance. Robbins· aDd It symbol.ius a treod ~~~':anthe~=~r!f::'~~ ;'.i~~n.':;'!:~ga.!tw;a:re!~i.,': ~~= ~t 1 ::00.:::;:I~~!~dway West Side Story. The tone, mood, and ~~~0t in both :wort.& is much asked II OPUS J.UZ li still a viable work, Moore ra~ponded that J a mesMooredec:ldedtoreviVelhis movement Is eart h y In :~f!f~·~~=~U:,P.'rulve., Jt Is Ma~y~-::~ta~~r ~~~=::!P;'e':i'ic~~~h~ g~~i~&~~elopedfrwnan do:C::er!n~~~~~~el~tha~~c':id a~·~~~·~~~~··ot"'~~~ topremierO PUSJA ZZ. earlier Broadway wort ol Robbins, well and because the musk: is The dance prtmarUy takes pla« in a land where a generation hwlde ol a ci~ ell:· :f:a.t :m";:~on"tfy~ :::!::= 1 missed. r- Rick Tank d a" Deb Duckart For Student Government Association President and Vice-President A RETURN TO ACTIVISM The SeUing Up of A Student Run Check Cashing Service A Referendum To Once and For All Decide The Fate of The Plus/Minus Grading Proposal Changes In The Emergency Loan Program To Meet The Higher Cost of u·ving SGA Support of Women's Escort Service A Listing of Paperback Text Prices Per Course, To Btl Included In Semester Time Table A Budget Committee Aimed At Helping Student Groups, Not Restricting Them . Marijuana Decriminalization Quality Athletics, Including Funding For National Competition When N:: e-'-ed:-=e-=:d:----=-=-,-:..---Elimination of "W's" From The · Permanent Transcripts of _Students Opposition To Nuclear Develop: m::-e:. . n.:. .t-=:St:.::at:-=-e--:-:::-:-----Support For Highway 66 Widening . And Proposed Bike Trails Support For Food and Bus Co-ops ln~St:::e.:...ve:.:.:n.:;.s. :. Po:: in: -:t_ _ _ __ The Rental of A Automotive Garage In The City For Student Use He;--.aH::-:h-:s=-e-rv7ic-e-=sc-:·ta-:::ff:-:-ln_c_re_a-se_s_ OTE-ON MAY 2nd HURRAY! ANOTHER SEMESTER IS ENDING! The Hours For Textbook Return: Fri., May 6-8 A.M. to 4:15P.M. Mon., May 9~8 A.M. to 4:15P.M. Tues., May 10-8 A.M. to 4:15P.M. Wed., May 11-8 A.M. to 9 P.M. Thurs., May 12-8 A.M. to 9 P.M. Fri., May·13-8 A.M. I!! 9 P.M. will A 53.00 late fee be charged for any boOks turned in after May 13! The Texf Services Dept. (University Store) 346-3431 MAKE YOUR CHOICE S.G.A. ELECTIONS MAY 2, 1977 QUANDT GYM VOTING PROCEDURES -As you leave registration there will be polls set up & all you will need is your pink "permit to register" card. CMU ,,_,. IHtufh: t1 311kc. SOHC,~-*-!IWWI.....,.... (T__..Io-_ • .,....~~ (araq-~(Ciolold u~ ........_.,uniq!A~~~.,._.,Iof....ooiiWriclit.. eom. In tod•y tal• lUI Tide •t .. Point Motor Sports -You will be asked what district you reside in (on or off campus). You shpuld vote in • the district you will reside in next year. Each student can vote for 3 senators & 1 Pres./V.P. ticket. Write In votes are encouraged. 1133 3rd Street Stevens Point, WI •Jf YOU DON'T PLAN TO BE AT REGISTRATION, BRING YOUR PINK CARD I 1.0. TO THE S.d.A. OFFICE IN THE UNIVERSITY CENTER TObA Y BETWEEN 1:00 I 4:30 P.M. AND YOU CAN CAST YOUR BALLOT· AT THAT Phone : 344-0175 TIME. Hours: 9 a.m.-8 p:m. Weekdays 9 a.m.·S p.m. Saturdays S.G.A. IS YOUR VOICE - USE IT