'Mildred Wild' ,-[p~~® . .,... _.._ March 4,_1977 :Technicians steal · the limelight · Thurber brought back to life Arts- Pointer Podium: Energy Conservation News Nor~ campus up for funilirig ~~ir2-nm~t ..,._., AmerieaD 1.41oa 0111ted Jimmy carter from their cwpftlullon after be ~:'~~~~ try duriDI u emeraency anc1 Jbould ~=ra'::r:.-K~~: receatly stood lndlelment for threl.teftlq to kill carter and ealled the Drill Pnsldelt aa SOB after be lard the DeWI'Of the pardon. M for the generab: and brau ~the Pent.laoa. many of whom bdd commandaiDVietllam,tbeytooarea.ngry witb Cartet for not eoMUJUna them =:et~&v~m~:! early 70's are aUU prominent ln both ~r::unent and ~ smenl m~e!:~~.r ~ai':hiJ: questlona that were debated prot'usely in the put dec.llde. For U:%:,~'U,:~~:~u:;.~ older br«hen hid to delll with. Many students here were too youna th! m~elvestobedraftecloraotowar . And yet, for many ttudenls at UWSP, tholewboareteVeraJye.anolder, the military, the boiWily In the &reeD ju.nCiel oi"Vietnam, deld bleb IChool cbums and war buddiet are vht\d In thou&htl and memoria. 'nldr · lt.Orielare appe.lllnC, awesome. Hoidi V.y Succus Letter• Apathy 's patholic :::.~-:=.=-~o.:;:. No~. s--. .............. :..==:-~~~..:.=.=~':::~,: Organi.i.atioris denied Buogetary increase ROTC comman er arrested in Shoot Out . At a~m~tely I pm Harris walked out tbe back ol the boule and, ....Ulinl repated rtqUNtl to drop the CUD. aot into the aquad and al.l r· ted It up. As be put It il'l&ar and at· tempted to drive away be wu find ;~~~~'i:.~-u,e +Aiter the buntl be btqht the ear to a halt and walked outlkle, for the lint time thlt evtftina, without tbe ......... . . •a.terttated : tak: t!'ro:n~~-·~~:. II SL Mlchrlel'a H01pital for a c!Wocated ann he aulfef'ed in a ICUIRewlth depuU•. He hu been ebar&ed with en- da.ncerin& &afety by rcckleu coonduct evlndn& a drpnved mind and feJonlou&ly eausJna crlmlul dama&e to property . Harril taa. alnce btotn rdeased on bill Ed..Noca: 'nle P~plalllanln· dtpth arUde on this lnddent at a !alter time. Pleue look lot it In a futureluue. The ~an~s dr~:~ decli ning among vets ""*"********"'**-'""****""*** Vietnam: .a story ofyouth, war (cont. from pog e 1) l.a _ the ~te mou.ataU. ol Ariz.ana the father of a dead Vietnam aok!ierhubu.iltacbapelua maoumenl to the Vlel.aam War veterl.nl, beca~R, u be aakl, be wan teet· II to be a reml.ader ' ol =:..mcd:e W : e ~r~et.a reaUutklaforlboleoluswboaretoo )'OW!Itok..aow • .t.Adperbliplforallol ua It will be a remembennce for the future. Althouih the ~nr hu been over lor severalyearsthef\nalcbapt.erolthls ..... hu .DOt beea lived. 1be llory ol the pardon. and the 1nr aoes beyond thole wbo ned for ca.aada. 1be cba racten in"thil ehlpter are thole who served, !ought lri the war and then clelerted. 1bse meD were .aot ~en~. on~;:r-U: know, at teaat ln part, the lotee~ that worked on their mind. 1bse then pnrvlde&DU.Ighttotheactoldele-· lion. It Is this knowledge tballfvea rile to the bittirneu evoked by the Jllrdora. . ot the vets meeting The- Vets S50 club, a n inc:redlbly outn.aeoua and lrreverant lfOUp, hokk its meeting~ at the American ~-~~li~~~ At one ol these bl.tthunlllfln ptherinal on a recent n.unday, . the pretideot ol this dub was conduct a meetlna !rom behlndabarwhkbwuonlhenorth ......._ lbuiRina INic:k. and forth to p11b tbem. Fueled by the hopa, the ftll were lbouting in a ribl.ld vernacular that bclunttd and fiebo«< from wan to to be friendly .. but. it wasn'bl They !the Viet Coocl hid over taken the JrUntl, or aomeahlt, and they 1tarted thelollowfncatoeywut.ald.. mountain. But ~ were aU ahot, theyweren' ttilled111thehelieopler crash. But they were aU ahot," he repeatecl ataringdown at the table. " I 1ut1S I don 't know .. .l don 't remember.'' 1 =i~~~:: :! ~~':!~~~1neatfwt~~ themount.lln." "Wuanyonekilled!" 1 !'l?::::!iia't= r,~~ " Yeah. A rew didn't come otr thllt Muakle, a vetwhoaervedat Fort Beojlman Hl.rriJ durl.na the war, wu talkl.ac abcut £be deserters. " Maay ol tbem hid been to Vietnam !~n: :eC:C ~ ~ur:a; · yur or two. They would aet letter-a from their wives at borne and learn they were knotted up or their girlfriends were &ettlng married Lo =::tbar~.acJ::~ to them. Then Hcer wouldtl't lilten ~~Y rr;tol~ershl~~ =~ why theM iUYI dnerted. They thau,ght tbey were chkten lhlt.'' -SiWncnex.ttoM\U.iewuanotber vet wbo had· served 1D Vlet.aam and the two atarfed taltl.n&. The aubj«:l cbanaed !rom the deaerten to the pardon. " lt'a not fair;" uld the Viet· nam vet. ''Tbe service wasn't that hid. twuonJythereloralittlewhlle u a communkaUon apecialilt and I hid it a kit better than sorneol the IJ'Uftll (mari.aes)." " Wun't your helicopter downed whenyouwereover~re!" lr)'inc to ~n llolthellr&eb.allowsoundl.ng IJTM&Siwn. " lt'tnotfalrtothevetathltserved elthef," becontinuedabcutthe'par· don as he raised b1s head. "Tbere werealotolpeoplewho&otbldconducl dlschlra:ea. They didn't lllte it any more than anybody else, but ~y wmtlntotheservice. Ooceyou're111 youcatl'taetout." " Did you think the war was wrona!" "Every wa r is wrong. lllbe:rea rlghtwa r! . . "We aave the Vietnamese the urne ~i~=~~WU:~e~ manpowet", money and IJUII*; they just didn 't lllle advanta&e olit. They uywe loatthewa r ; we didn't loose anylhlnJ. It wun't our war to loose. We helped them as much u we could a.ad when we uw they didn 't want Lo win we ~aid we betlft" leave. 11lat'1 bulc:aUy what we saw during the American Revolution. " Did you feel the civilians eared onewayoranotherl!wewonorlhe YCWOII? " "l lelh~t~~ !:=\~ &:tom. They didn't want Com· munism. I don't know if they were brainwashed or what. It wu just a bad situation aU the way around. I don't know If they are better off now." Pozorio ond Muskrat The acene changta now fivpn the Vets S50 meelinc to the more mundandeturround.inpof the Gridiron. Pau.ario, :n, whole major 11 undecided, Ia slowly eatin& lunch. Muskrat, 28, who ll majoring In BiolocY,Iaaitlingnexttohim,hlnds lockedtocelheronthetable infrontol him and twkidlinc hillhu.mt.. --~... ... t:7:30t!Jf.· .. . . WIIERE:-Cen11rCIIIpet ,. , . a.a... a mi~Monary t..ck ~ Welt · • · Atrka, thows Ma ftlm and t.IU of ~ ~ in twem LMIM (West Affic:a). How life un be 10 much mo.. "'""' ktgful and fulfll*i by ghtng tt to o"*- - '"It II In gh1ng that we NC:ei"" (SL FrMCta) - CMatiM how do you larw from thk angle? nnd out. It may gfftl you ~ new meaning to your llle and pemap'a r~t Itt. FR. CLAUDE LUPPI, eom. WE DARE YOU. STUDE~TS~Why -setfl~ For·_Less? UVE AT THE VI.LAGE •• -. -THE IJt,.TittATFIN APARTMENT UVING 301 N. MICHIGAN · STEVENS POINT, WiS. EACH~ARTMM HAS <t i!11WDW- HEAl <tZ--lWIAU _ IA'IM WIIII.WAIIIU • · ... . I:.IR ~ . .....-- ~.uno· EADI- . I.;;.~ ' Mudl .. lmP-.e 5P.._ "What are you doing to conserve energy?" C.Wampkr . As winter dissolves Into the coming s prina. thoughts ol CGn> ~~j~~':';:i~ In January, people became more conscious about s.avin& fud. TIPI on tnn:IY c:on- -.1 lft'Vation were heard from a fireside chat a ll t.he way down to local utility commWionen . UWSP switched from natural psto COilJoftJanuary %8th. A«<f'din& toGualdOrierolGmeral Ser· =· =:r-m:~'~=~':X=PJ=~~~h hlJber' compt.ted tops, a tubltanWII amount ol tbe liquid fud was preserved. In t.he claurooms, therm01tats have been ~~~~\!ntn~=.·::,eri:ed~a=setat 6l. An EneriY Awareness Week in Pottage County began last Monday, February 2Ith and will clo5e F'riday evenllll March 4th. 1be live everUna ltctuttS cancentrated on a ainJie merv saving IMme for eadl niJhl. Headlinln& the ~e~~lons vtere s!Jdl tQpic:s u " Wood Energy and Agflc:ulture," "Ene:r&Y Inside t.he Home and Public Ttanaportli t\on," and '11M! !lome as allier· ma l Envelope." An additiona l program was held Thursday mor· ning at lheSPASH Auditorium. Ktn JohnsOn and Tom Sznders ol t.he U.S. Fedes'a l Enft"')' Adminiltnllon s poke on " Ener&Y Conservation in Institutional Facilities." The othtr meetlnas were bekt ln the CoiJeae ol Natural Resource~ building, and Wm! addrsaed by various Jpedalilll. In nat wed!J POINTER, the activities ol Energy Awarfflell Week will be discus.sed In more detaU in the Envlronmtn!Jil ~Uon. ~~~-~~ed students what they u _individua ls were Hwy 10 .route5-discussed Attention Stevens Point YOU HAVE PROBLEMS With. Pollution, houtlng, tranaportetlon, the dowritown Nnowatlon prog,.m, pfua rising con· c.m. about the eldefty, recreatl9fl, crime, and a~hoUam . - AND WE WANT TO 00 SOIIETHII6 ABOUT IT QOFM News "C00mun_lt~ Presents: WQtch" 80FM N... reporters lnweatlg8ta the growing problem• of the cHy, unlike any o'lher rlldlo ••• Uon In the aru. " Community Watch" lddrnHI the luuei, the fttetl surrounding lhoH l1auea, and whet Ilea undamaath. " Community Watch", to be h•ard twice eMily atartlng M8rch 7th. PLUS= Monil~ n5ght, March 7th, et 10:00 p.m. Two Way Radto'l Questa will be: All»rmen. Mike lotbec:ll and Bill Nudl cl.cua.ang "THE PO~NOO~HY PAOI;ILEM." An Ofdlnance dnlgnecl to kMp the "Porn" . _....., out of the cltyofS....,._Polnt. That's AI From 90FM News ..Newt that rneket a difference" .I i I i i McDonald'.. • Cui price~~ 5till tmifltally rnsonable. And you. anal.ll act terrik thinp to eat for under a dollar. So,wbyncKntatMcDon.ald'uoon! The cha:nae wilhlo you JOOd. -~ONE ILOCK NORTH OF CAMPUS' ON HWY. ONE FREE SOFT DRINK WITH Financial aid cuts termed improbable G«qf, said that in round ngum;, By Gall C. Gauon Financial Aid Cuts Termed lm,..,..,~ Phil George. of UWSP's Financial not rea lly Aid Office, said he's worried about C&rter 'a budget cuts for higher educalion a:otna: through and so he doesn't want to sound any alarms yet. Altbough C.rttf" hasn't rrwde any defini te statement concuning the education bucl&.el. tb«e hive been 5trong unolfldat reports that carter may rtcOmmend maulve s tudelt aid cutsforlhefiscal ye.rtm-71. Thb means no rlN' money for National Direct Student Loins <NI). SL J, 54 percent tess for SUpplemental Educational Opportuiilty Grants this would reduce NDSL from $500,000 to $165,000, SEOG from ~~~r:..$~S~:ld :~erU:t~ about $28S,OOO. 11le total amount of money 1011 would be 1810,000. The group that would be hurt the mOlt by auch Cuts would be wort study people. George said that state ~~oum!fn'\:nC::~~orbu~~ would benooe for wort study. ''lhavm'thrldadl.ancetoseriously consider what we'd do II tbe5e cuts went throu&h." Geoc-ge stated. " I suppo~e our ataff would debate bow the money- alloca ted should be distributed." tSEOG J , and.64~ tleuforthe wort study prosnm than Is allotted forlheCUJ"Tentyear • Puzarlo: '"'ba'e are an awful lot ot'peoplethatdluentedwhentheylot In the atructure and they blve t.o pay lorltlberestot'theiTGocla.mntife. J don' t think by pwUahlng these people and keeping them out of the country is 10ing to mde this country'whole. Thele people are pa.rt or the country and makln& them aUiy on the other aide ot' the tp-der and away from their famlliei ... Whlll the hell, Nixon wupardooedW~beevenweat to =:rr·~·Jn~..!w~~~~~Ast..~a:~o.e~thing~ rilbt or wrooa. AU lluleo!r wu 1 wu blm u !bey did to ~sus Ouist., only l iving at home with my pa.renll aDd IMd blueupike.. my mother uya ' kd at this • • .. ~rJ·~~ ~~t:. - <;hoirman ~in ted Exam registration Vets express concern for deserters (cont. from page 5) Pauario ukl, " If this country was acttWiy thrul.med, the ume ones that· went toCanlldll or Sweden, !bey wouldprotec:ttbeir.:.. " Yeah aure," Muakratlnterrupted sounding mad. " If their br.ctyard wuinvadedlbeywoulddo10111ethlngabou t ll ·· " Yeah, bu t Vietnam wun' t rigbl~ V~t.n.m wu a joke," Paaa.rio pleaded. • " But I didn' t know," Mlllkratuid Are&:lstrationol~whowill be takinl comprehen alve e:uminationJ this apring for the muter ol sdence-ln leaching degree, wiUbec:onductedhereunlllAprilt . · The test will be admhlistered from 1:30am to 12:30 pm Saturday, April %1, in Room 330 of lhe Prolesaloril l Studies Building. ~tratlon. for the examinations ahould be made in the UWSP Ad· vising Cenm-. Room .m Professional St!Miies Building byphone. (346-44001 or in penon. Dr. Marll SeiJer hu bee! rt-appol.nted cbair"mu ol the fcnlgn lanauaae and c::oms-rauve Uteratu.rt deputmeet for a three-year ttrm "'"""""""''aU. He lwlJ Uiuabt Genn.n In the d~ parl,mtnt all;x:e IV$~' and was elevated to actina c:halmuin In 1974 and chai r· ~y~T~~~~· dean olletten and ICk.!rlce who con: CWTed with reeonuDendatlons"ollhe forel&n lan&uaJe·comparallvt literature: faculty. C' J March 8, 9, 10 in the U.C. Coffeehouse from 9-11 P.M. Also University Food Services Special: ._ , · Build· your own ·sand.wich by the uunee.. Hot soft pretzels with mutnan1. EJ Assorted chips and dips. _j Scleace • E'a•lroa•eat J Shady Characters Come to Town By aan_hkltd 'l'reel in Stevens Point have a friend. .He is City Fore.ter Midl Simmont. Wben be starud lii"'l'tiilc m ttn.heb«:ametbenntfuUUmecity forater Stevens Point ev« bl!d. A &ndur!te ol UWSP bdore llie wb&n . fortstry atudy wu ·olfered Che bu alncoetatentheC'OW"'eeolferedl,SimmDftl II a (II"'Oreelive when It comes lofuturepla•forthedty trfts. Au.dytrM:plantioebbrrcinn1octo b:C'ftld tree removal Ript now the CUy Fore~try Oer-rtmeat il ol!'ftizlc to plant trees in the bouleYanll tbetwetn street and ~·~::~,r:~:'l b city-owned., the penca rtqueltina: the tree doel.o't bave to be the ownet oltheadja;cmlpc"Cpe11.y,. butaa be a neater. Tbe pr"'lllnm tries to acc:omodl.te the ladiridual'a prd'~, but there are limltaUON to ·the tpeciel that can be pic:ted such u bardinea fortbbc.l.lmate,andwbetherltwWfit in with the trees alrady on the l lrftl. 1bue are ailo acme places where a lrt!e can' t be planted at all, due to ' :w:.-: ~:::,:-= that mtaht .:.use mu t t.~a l in· ltrfennte. Tbe new lr'eel belnc planl*i include varieties ol maple&. &lb. Undm. boDe)' locwt, and red le.Ced cherris. - ~~~~~~:~tu you'dllll:atol«*intoJettin&alftoein front ol your boule, eaU the C1ty Forster,,......_, The more Slmmona Jets Into the Stivem Potnt !reesltuatioll, the more he dilco'las to be done. More moDe)' would mean belle!' lftoe maintenanct -llll:etrimmln&andfertlliziaa, butoot pestC'OI'Itrol. Thecitybasn'tdontany aprayin&forseytn.lreas.ca : put.ly because or l.be ecolotical eon- ftllmatnon lyasPercent loudueto vandalism andu turalta~GS. _ U you've w~ abowt !bole ltUbby·JooilnJ lrft:l with lhooQ ~~~~~~:tr!r.~~,;~ ~~ company. TtMse tnt:s, Instead ot hllvtnglbeir growth di«<:ted out and aroundpowtrllrMS , arebeingleveled periodically to keep them from In· """""'· There tiU betn clilauioo about beautifying downtown Stevens Point · a l lut count only three trees c«~ld be found. 'nle Downtown 81111neumen·, Au.odatioo hal been talltina: about ~-:~~::~~ret!!~·,'.:·!:: narrow by mo.t 1tandards. It hu betn Allelled tbat a few parkinj: spots be eliminated for plan~ already tinp,butlhal's beenobjectedto. Simmoftl would like to ~ee a m~oll somedly aDd as be A)'S, " a lot more cwld be done 1/wecouldgttat It" CNR ·Plans Rendezvous LAWCON: the funds behind north campus - ---- - -.---...., Who's tur!'1ing off. the lights? ByGrqaOrie'lnkt U.veyou.everwalkedlntoorp.ata room on campus lately and notked that althouib It was unoccupied, the IJ&h'-wereon! Aile!' po5inC this que&lioa to JeYen.l 1tudeoti at rw.ndom lut week, tell alllr'miltive re.poaiM ...ere IJivaa. Of tbe same leo students poUed, baU aaid tbat they wroukl 001"""" maDy turn al1 tbe Ji&htl if pre~ented wilhluchaaltuatloa. t.~w':s=~~~~ uS«~'"'to o1~~~~t!i:~:n.~ the Ugbtin& fixture' must be ''Ther'e miiJ!I be a dau coming in.,"aaidC.tbyEIJenMlller, afmhmaa art ttudent, to a:pllln her ..... bmit.atioaforswitt:hnlppinaonc.am· repta«d more onen if the ll&ht II con· ttnually turned olf and oo. ""wa~tusb l"eCCO!mendl thatllghll be &but olf ooly at the end of the ~-=:e-:_~~ wbo are habitual ll&bt dimmers. He academic. dly. U a faculty member moWs thltllil dau ..W be the lui of that dly be lboWd tum olf the ligbll wbenllilover. roombdoretbelilbtsareahutolf. A Although Wal.tush feds there are no nujor problemJ with wasted d«- Lea Walbllh, malnteaance IUpel'· _ recommuded that one should exam.lncttbefimnbelncusedlna =t~:=tly~'i::~= ol;~~~·=·=~=-t::::k =~~=:! resktence bills. Ed Tdlowsll, malnbe addin& more to the unlvm.lty's billa at home are 10 hiP.'' uJd Judy Md)ooftll,asenioriDearly~ """"""'· ...... ll&btia& cmtl than II be ldt thole teaance aupervtsor for lhe halb, claiml that tbtf'e 1re a few areu iD whleh a UtUe more effort could be usedtouvedec:tricity. Eco briefs Aun: C4mpers Campen are remiDded that ad· vance amptlte r...erntlons at Wilcoaain State Pub will DOl be IC• otpted earlier tbu twa moatbs in ad· va.nceoltbefirltdlyolthecamping period. A.ctva!a ~lklns mAY be madef«tbeperiod~May l5 and Labor Dey. Relervatklns miiSt be made on campalte Cornu which willben•llabJe•IIZW»lparil: proptr· Ues, DNR Di1trkt olri«s •nd the Madison olfke by Mar. 1. One could say that KemaD pve a pleu.aDt, undenltandflble lecture that : : · even non-fishermen. could challenge. lNIII•..,....,• .... Of~ ......... INV...,. ...... Ior "A:; .... 'T ior"C;' .nd!M " L" b'T'Itll.r~ll;lo ....... lt-. --. ...... otiN.,__IWci'!O'_._ ................... ,...~ .... - - 'ACAr ln•CI'Y'I*>Cir8mii'IIOhlbe "QTOL." ~Oflt.-CfYIIIICi9'8'll ..... .nd~lla Nddwl,_. · When there's a challenge; quality makes the difference. We hOpe you have some tun with the Challenge. There's another challenge we'd Jlke to offer you, too. ... The Pabst challenge: • We welcome the cMnce to prove the quality ol our beer. We challenge you to taste andcomQare Pabst Blue Ribbon to any other premium beer. You'll ·like Pabst better. Blue Ribbon quality means the belt tasting beer yOil'can get. Since 184411 always hal. PABSt Since 1844.Ttle quality come through. Mardl •,lmP.,.JI P. . _ Technicans -- the UNSEEN stars ted." BttinnlDI tonight, Jeny will take over where 11 Soo Shin ltft oH. Tbe set of '"'l'he Secret Affain'Ot Mildred Wild" was designed by ~rles Hammonds. • Worktn& with Sheldon Faulkner, tbe diredor of ,..~Uidred " ,abaslc~wasrirst dtcldrd upon, then a let of plaps weft desi&Md. 't11e Yrr/ finl lhin& I set desl&nefdoelildrawtoiC&Jeafloor planolthe1t11e. Afterthlsilapproved by the dlrtrdor, a painter's devatlOftisdrawn. Thillslnactual plintilll ollhe ld u II II seen from lhehoule CaOOiencel. A palnttt'l elevation enables the aetcltl~toaetatotalplcturt:of · the fum1ture, doorways, and props, iherd01'1! fllmimtln& any unwanted blodlage ol u.ll1. In addition to a knOwledge of colOr, cootrasl, size aDd ·The Secret Affairs c ·onstage/ E tbeatreilldl. TbistoeaiUow)edae il, Dr. Shin believes, the 111011 valua ble attribute for a dra~q moj«. The skiD of the tecbnkiarl 11 · ow-erloobd., alten times fqottm completely· They are DOt the ones wboaeetbeirnamaklprint,orplctures in the piper. When tbey marcb ~to receive tbftr ••ani&, we,lD turu.&etowwlvesaben',oraotothe t.throom, yet .-ithout their ski..IJ and =~rn-,Ma'!Jida"':ould Phooos by Robert Vodal Joys of Spring \ BySeettShapklas About tbf; lime ol the JUT, ~JOSCI'U)'Oftrtbe ~~·~which! A tJi&b-pllcbed, obviow.ly feminifte tcream pierced the M rly momiac air and I stumbled over to the window to • see wblt was soma on. The lhoc:k ol =-~~=~~~in bk:l eye. Into spuma ol undilatJna, ""'""' Outside and dirtdJy beoeatb my window were no leu than • cloun ~e~~nlily clad Jirlsand an equal num- • M ~~~m~r~~ at puaina Freshmen. Evft')'tlme ooe ol the guys hit IOmfl tid, the airb wwld 5hriek wi tb de:ll&bt, priminC ===-~=~= lahouted, "Hey, tnoct lhatallitoffl '' only to be answered by a meteorite ahowft' of (dl.. lud roekl. AI the doctor put tbe Jut ol the stitchs into my arm, be assured me lhrlt tblll sort ol thine is quite common when JpriDg 's=,.~=e-~foronly one buk: putpOM-to make as much mud as possible. To uy that the =~~::;~~~ ~:=n~u;~ been known to sink onto oblivion. Another partner In c:rlme witb ~rm~"': ~~F:i.~ ~ tver)'thin& expkldes into muses of putrid g.reea.. Wby a;reea! lt'l luc:b. pulley color. Then everybody aoeaout and buys green friabeel. Even the menUoa of a frisbee makes me cringe :;::..~~~:m~~= frlabee utc.hinl form only to m11caleuJateandCIItchltriJbt in the """"- . trt:' =.n~~ ~~ down bini~ that so kindly wmt IIOUth • fortbewinlft'onlytoreturntopl.ague 111 once again. n.. who eqerly awaitlhearrivalollhe"aprt.oabirdl" otmously Diver have bad to tulpe IUn h8rdened blrd dun& olf ol their windshields or have never ben! hit "on the win&" by one ol our m1acbievoul feathered frieDdt. · \ 'lbe " bbulllul" lfll'lnl weatbn' PI!Wer Pate 14 Mardl4, lt7T / ~~ventures of Hydro-Tomato ..-------------.. ·-LUCKY'S. et connected to the big cable PRESENTS . COCKTAIL HOUR 3-8 DAILY 40% OFF I* All BAR LIOOOR FRIDAYS 2 FOR r BUY A CQClcrAIL HOUR DRINK AT REGULM PRICE - ·GET ONE OF THE SAME FREE WEDNESDAYS HORS D'OEUVRES 3-8 ALL NIGHT COCKTAli. SPECALS ,, ·... ~ :-: .-. :··.· {fj; "" ~ ~. ; · M~ben ol the Food Service Comm.IUee IFSCl taun!d the faciHtles ol UW-Eau Clair, UW·River Falls, UW.Staul, and St. Thomu Univ. in Minneapolildurina the put•·eekend. The pur· po&e ol this trip was to evaluate other campu1 food opentionl 1 and compare them to oun here at Point. The group pined mucb insight which 1riU be help(uJ In the future FSC dedsk:lna. Interested Individuals lNIY obtain a~ ol the tri p lbz'ou&h any FSCmember. Represmllth-es ol the committee include: J oan Za~riu. ==~~:w~~i!et~;~'=e.~:z ; K~~ Smith: Roach ; Marti; Brvnnl'l", Schmeekle: Bob Wuwic:k, Mike Bartol, Tbomp100; Jeanette Kebbtt,Watsoo; Molly M.adtln. Tom Eaaon , Off-ampul; Joanne Gannan and Frank Poolrell. RHC. There are ncirep~ from BUI1'UIIhl, Dehell, or HI!Dioeft at this time. Due to lime Jimlla, and the flnancla l inal.lbility ot auclJ a pn~ject, a fUU·fltdged CGUpon bl.aed food a tore wW not be opened lhla .emester. Bln", sl.lrUn& righ t a fter sprin& btuk, the Grid will be otferlng a wider variety ol l.lk~e food products available for coupon purchue, Student l'fllponse toW. will help dtt.ermine the policy towards aucb a •tore tor ue:tt temester. I pleased ANTS .,lth When the Pointer came out lut Friday, and I round our column, wu surpris.ed and to see that very aggr_euive and detennloed Insect moving along llrlderne.lh it. 11w:n ltslruclc me that I wasn't sw-e ~OUT banner meant. This Indicated that some resun:h wu necessary and lhls 11 what 1 found In "Ya You Can" the ·(ANT'Sl DOIHJ'adltkml st~~s~·~nN':~~::~~C:ta~onn. ol the groop il to meet the needs of older Jtudmts. to out dllfiCUlties that non-tradiUonal students may have when purpo~e tron !':r!':-~~ and to ~ke the ijnlversity community The booklet " Yes You Can"-can be found In room 105 Collin~ Cbltroom Center or In 104 Studt:nt Servkea Buikllng. ANI'S Is IOOM:Jy organized, since non-tradltlonil students have a hard time filling one more activity Into alnady very bu.y ldledults. If you are lntere~te<t In partkil*tina In an ~~u:th~~::e>:J:!~~::b~rn theevenlo&. · Justa reminder, March 251a the lut day you Candrvp a clua! U you are having diff!allly ln any ol )'CW' classes umember to getyOUT money'• wotthandsedl out your lnst.ructor for hel p. ~:m~~"ei.:Jr~:;:.'Jfmth~ ~~: J,~~~= Center (ext.2320. ~ G(OO[il@!R 00 0 • ' ••~IDEJ0W<D0 (S) By Marie lloki!MM As veta were informed lut week, the Gl paymeota wW arrive at the tnd ol tbe st.rtln& June flrst ratber then at the bellnnlnl ol the mooth. nu. eouJd caUM fmarx:lal problema witb summer scbool paymenta. 'lbull have a Ust ollohl that moath could help alleviate the prob&em. p~tbeff~~.J~~~~~~~:; . Kbool reoord and tbe studeot must carry no leu thla \; time ::~~~~:mw:!'u:::~::c~~~~ =~~~~=r:nrn::~'!~~~~:~~JChool. The WLSCONSIN.STUDENT LOAN PROGRAM lend~ up to Sl,.500 a ye~~ r for • seven per cent lnterst rate. Tbere alJo II a Pola&er Paae It Mardl4.tm FOLLOW THE- NEW ROCK LEADERS. GET BEHIND PIPER!. . · :Piper . Plpa's Jot the powuJo hypnotlu, lo ~.io gb ptxft. Piper's gol .a put ludu'ln Billy Squier -.and. .a gu.IW.. band sound .all its oWn. Piper knows whf:re rock is h~ '·' ~~~en~ to the UWSP'a women 's. movet bulletballteam. Becky effectively 1.11e1 a hanging buellne lhol and aome power movs UDder the buket whlcb usuaUv are not JHn In womeo'a · pmes. Sbe learned them Ia h1&h ~at Aubur· Baseball team and Ndlco w~a Diltric:t 14 M&ecUoa lutyear. 8Med oa 1ut year'a perf~. a.n aped~ ettber lllke Gram or Jeffftetletobestartialatrnt bue, ~~ten~·~-=·t = and Dan Hauser at atdler to rouod outtbeinfield.Reele,y.'alters,Solla, and HaUMI' are lftlon, 8aDdow and Gramarejunion. " One outrideS p:~~ltioo il open and we are lookinc fot a second eatct.er and a utility man." Clark a.akl Retur:ninC plt.dlen Include Fn.nt Slodn•, a sophmlore, Brad Ryan, a PoblkrPaJeiiMat'dl4, tm Buntman gains All-American status Two Great ,.;.Seasoo sPeam 1n1m gllane · ill llllfliVABI£ SaYings! "":' ~ - - -,;._ UNIVERSITl FilM ·SOCIETY PRESENTS 1. 4M.CURIOUS. . :YELLOW I . Saturday & Sund~y . r.Jarch 5 & 6 7:00 & 9:15 Program Banquet Room Admission $1.00 ALSO PRO KED$, PUMA ·, SHIPE'-¥ ·SHOES CONVE~SE • SPEC1Al iZIED SHOE& FOA EVERY MAJOR SPORT. MAli AT WATER I Art• ·Culture I ., ··.• · • · • ~ ..... .. ~ ~ - • •'l·rt ,, ...,.,., ..:• Windom bijngs ·Thurber back to life By-BobUam Theeveningbepnln~cllrk,with the sound of dandna: music, ·aod Lhe ominous "ta-pocketa-pocketa-pocllet· a"olananc:ienttypewrller. Asing.le ~~:=u':!m~ &Jarinl;ata typinaerroruilitaklne responsible for all the sulfering In the world. Wu thll not James Thurber! It looked like-him. He said his name was Willlam Windom, but w- he could have easily been putllilg.us on. Oh well, I suppc:!Md we'd better take his word ll. Ahem: ror Cladinalingularlyumpec:tacular costwne, pundUIIted at one end by a &rftfl visor, aDd it the otber by a bright red pair-of "Dreyfus IOCD," William Windom bftlu&,bt his eoctsiderable talents to Mldlelsen Coocut Hall last Tuesday. With tbem, the Em.my·winllialstar ol the 1-70 NBC·TV series, My WwW: ..AM Wdc..e T• u. broo&bt to life ·a whole dmet·full ol cbancten ffom theworboiJame~'J'burbes'. , -used steel .-~ 1~ size .··f ·· . ·~: fill ·drawers:·. ;_.~ , -ss'oo ·. . --CIId-· . . 1*«- _..,.-..........,.. . EMMONS ~:t=:I-"J . ·601 north~ phone 344·4911 Blades sharpen awareness . • bedrooin scene Is provided' and the cha r1eten proceed to make ll&ht ol lha' cut that ll 10 often abused, ne&Jected or feared by bios :omlng YOW1I human betnp . As the play opens aU five performers have pitces ol ~rpened steel ready to sever the dastk vesKis that tatTY life-sJvlng nulds thrOYJIIOUI the body. Flora, I naturally neurotic 1ooting woman with IUB&edy·AM red hair, deliven the opening monologul! that sets the pa« for the entire product.loo. " lam," she says, " thirty-two years IMd." " l ama moderately sensitive Coffeehouse books Jon lms destroyed by the French police and soonhefoundhimselfonanigtitback . totheUnitedSt.ates. . Realizing the need for a change iD ure atyle, Jon locked himlelf away In a remote corner ol the woods aDd ~ntoputhisexperitoee~inlo soag. With a history u exciting u his, Jon tnded up wri~ many 1ood sonpandwusoon playing as asok> artist in tbe local clubs and publ. lrl tm be bepn tourinl with the Nad-al Ceff~o.ite Clrcllk and a1zt. ce thm he bas deli&hted many an 1udimee with his r.any wit, his taU · tales, and his poipntsonp. ··auor Blades" comments on human fraililiesand fears and l)esins wi1h life's bi&l)'-<leatb. At the cloae ol the producUon tbe prlndplelare no klo&erC1>Citemplatinctheuseoltheir blades for destruction but are =I~: J:~ f=~~~~ endl•lthtbeflvellsUessJywhlshln& ~~~"'~~~~:~~-~ tempt to aet the masses to pu.rt:hase mbreolhilprodue:t. ''H IS" CHRISTIAN BOOkS AND GIFTS 1125 2nd STREET - ON.THE SQUARE . STOP IN FOR OUR GRAND OPENING MARCH 7-t2 RE(;IST-ER FOR ORA WING Film Society offers afraid to move her body beeause--." Tbe oc:cupants would tbm hurry ~ By JUI Uavl'rust oltbedentorJli&bUy s wtened from" the first lor)' detail, but prttenclirll -Take two lovers ~ nottobear . . - MiJ: wdlwithoneodd fellow To rind out bow people would react - Blend lD one rainy nlgbt with a knj(~ toatran&eiOdal behavior, Hltchcodt -season wtlh a ghost houae and rented an eldet'ly llldy from a caslinl agency at tl7.50 for an eveninr;'a wort: and ~eated her at the held ola --<>nequiverinscu.lpdl -Alida witles&-,witneu loa& table at a party bewuJiving. She wu lbft'e alodt wbeo the rnt -Add one scbmrln& director and guest arrived. the plot BOlLS! "Toovlok-nt youuy~ WeUconslder Aller baYing a drink with RitcbJ ack and Jill -:- all they went for wu ~OJJ"r.~~~:!ento ~ a pail ol water," aays 5'9" , 300 ' 1b derln& myself," Hlkheoell replied. muter ol suspense and cdebnted Otber pe~ll que~tioMd lhil woman's dir«tor, AUred Hitcbcoct. Althouab ..,..,.. ... ~tefr~~~C:O. ~ cbc«k hu otber wrjs ol keeplzl& you Cll the ed&e ol your se~~t. He ex- perimmta with hilldeas. In order to set first band experience ol people's reacUonl to a mUZ"de' iD lheir midst. Hltcbcodl: plays pr•ctical jokes. He onee entered a poah botd eleva tor tl'embli.o&. eyes poppinl:, aputterina, " I dldD't think one lhot would cause 10 mud! blood. It wu a U over the place. I wu on the spot. If I atayed to fix thlnp up, the poUce would catch me. I wu pruenee a4JCUed ber, It ew:nin8 .u Hltchc:oc:k their uneulneu with •un't unW well into tbe ooe ol the guall reallz.ed lbeybadaUbetrlh.ld. es~~J:- :ls~~,:~yiD~ vDIVtd with a film , . be Is usually ~~n:-~f~!!; time or place. Hil iovoivemei\t abo ==~ev aa ~f::':c:!: a small HI~ tries to rid hlnuelf from all cinema eonvealiona. H1a villains 1be. story is about the Newlool, a decent, duU, mlddJo.da.u lamUy llvin& ln Santa RoN, C&lUornla. Not!ibl& mucb bu ever haiii)eoid to them, byrJ&bta, ooUUoa out oltbe ordlnary ever aboWd h.lve. When aomethift& doel, It II bown Gilly to their daughter, Youna Clulrlle CThereu W.rllbU after Uncle 0\arlle (J'oileph Coaoa> .for whom abe wu umed, arrivet for a visit withtwoddeeUv• onhiatrall. . lnateadolualacastudiovenionof • typkal American dty, Hltcbcodt executed a clrlenuitlc rtrat, by lakin& his crew to Santa Rou.' lbe small town atm01phere addl to the melodramatic Lmpad ol thil on&a&ded IMl ol ~tll_!~t aploit the =~~~~ c:bed.lhetowo~forthe ..... rtlbt boule, blink or c.bureh to be A lt38 review ol the fUm U)'l, ~~u!~~=-~~ emotion movie director Alfred Hiteheoek..triel to capture by IU&Iflltln& =~=:i~~~ taken at your door may be part of • widespread plot, the Obi time you crou Lbe atreet, aomebody may push you lD front ola truck. Hit· chcodt threatens your ws7 ~ible world with the Lmpot~lbie 10 often ln thllmovie,th.ltattheend., iaaddlllon to the emotion meatk:med, you are not sureolan)'thi.DI.' " ctl'lltp: A BOULDER DIVIDED IS A DEFlATED TEPEE 'Ibereiaastoneplanta.Uon on a clam bay road ·l nowl)'inl fallow unde:!'•lakeofblaclt.,-ediUIIJ'II - ,·l are carved from pa.nne sndmariacled tolbet.oUeJ1DCboulden thatareOiltop · :i. oftbepu~bladepbu\aclls- lndlanaprdeoODUpebblel - ~=;ullmoGftl ~~ . , and buffa»beed medldDe man =~= ft -uMflll!ioa bJUolprilort-brelklleyi anywaytbechtllht piDIIIIOWblll m.....,lum and lbecardbol.rd bison stampede ·• -~ncltrampletJtia_yeersplaritaliOCI the Indiana"'smoke the sw.ao peiai, grist-milled by aiUe ol t.oov. and lndiaDI ~ smokerinp Into empty mail boxel " bell they aln) human" reekom thepeufrnere mailman andjolla ws)'MdcMIJOtaltet· on alelalimenta.J ICeM udJa........-ucbuitaae -- " "tbeOalylf!Odi~iaa~lDdian" brdonU.~Uon ZARDOZ . LAST DAYS OF MAN ON A BOY _AND HIS ·DOG ADM15SIO~ $1 .50 FREE POPCORN I I lndua~J)Ofltbin - toppletbii • ~ol.,... . --·- udseiada~ toupeetotbe,.....,.._ clambtlyroad .,............... juJyt,lm ......._.PaaeuNardit,lm .. ~ Art Show expresses contemporary t hemes CLASSIFIEDS ........ ...... ..... .e.- ..................,.....,.. £a&iedn<4p61a-.ct,..S,.., . . . . .. .---.~-NIII. a..dfb' V"rrilar rat..te:ar...-~.u...-­ _ _ _........,.. . . - - . . -calata4111, ..... TWoOafr&.....-..ua,....,. . ... . . tiii.Aitillll _ _ .._ . . ....Cd tel, llnd.,..--.a..~~~ .... ,..,~ ~ :..~~~............ ~-=-........... tile Art. ad cratt. Ci!tll« - - cilia --- ~ Campa 5er'ftl:s OrpllillaiMD • APO • I"'WNiile•,...._ . ... c::az.,-.AJI ~w.ldi;IUI:-ilrri&ed'- .a-~~----·-· MardiU.7pm.Red~UC. liltlelal~.w.:I&U.IIIeltiiiC. ...... ae.ro 1. ~ Hoed~. ., 5l. ' lticiiMI"I~,w\P.,.M•'"'nw P'llbn. ~ RILA12J , Sc-..eBidl-.7,._ University Flm Society Presents ALFRED HITCHCOCK'S Shadow of _a-Doubf Starring: ·Joseph CQtton Teresa Wright · Tuesday, March 87&&:1sP.M. PrQgram Banquet Room Aclmlnlon $1.110 . FIGHT BACK! COME AND SEE YOURC~S NEW J!OME - CORNER Of 2ND & 41H 4 BLOCKS WEST OF CAMPUS H you're looting for a store with Good food and friendly people, in· stead of unnutricious schlock, chocked full of chemical additives, or are fed up with the monopoly food corporations and their slick r.v. pa!:kag!!d gimmicks, you'll like the Co-op. For those of you who aren't about to give up junk food, pizzas, and smokey links, you'.re not out ~f luck. You can still "eat your heart out" at the Coiip, ·and put a crinkle _in the. profit system in one feU . swoop. · · FOOD & DRINK Milk, bread , V-8, beer, unfiltered elder, canned soups, bikery, cheese, datry products, yogurt, fresh veget.blea, grains, flours, herbs, t~as and spices, cold cuts, welners, ·and ESPECIALLY BULK FOODS. . OTHER CO·OP VENTURES Book -exchange, garden seeds, pottery, candles, bee oqulpnfent-RECYCLINGjars, bags, ne)IWspaperS·, paperbacke, ma~azlnn . ·PHILOSOPHY The Co-op Is .. member owned, com· munlty orlerited , ~ non~ protlt, public service lnltttutlon, dedicated tO building an alternative democr.cx. controlled economic system. • Renovation of over 20,000 square teet of ..torefront, complete wtth .bakery, walk-In cooler, and reading area Ia 80% complete. • IN CONCERT ·• -8 P.M. TO COi>D· 1-1 MIDNIGtiT ~~4. .BENEF:"JJ . SATURDAY, MARCH 5tN THE WRIGHT LOUNGE, UPSTAIRS IN THE U.C. s2.00 DONATIOI')I . ' tor the C.Op, soon to open, "on Ideo whose time flu come" BEER , POPCORN AND NON-ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES AVAILABLE