.APril 1) 19n OffJ.compus 15' c:rowGioa- rows aod rowl'oi restless bodiet unlined In tQidber. No one couldaeeathincbrecaustofaUthe beads blocking the flew. Besides~ there wa-e many seats so far away from theac:n!en, that the people sittina: tbtTe lhoukl have brvught ~ lower than o worm TollaeP~tn, , A week ago lut Mooday 10me " lower than a worm" slob atole my wallet, ~aodbe.n.k.booal from a locker In the Ptly-Ed bulldlna. N~~f~~~~.ls· to remind aU ol you •bout klt..klnc your nluables wbftl you lave lbem. It's euy t.o lave tbern jult for a second u I dicl. U yw think lhil Ia alotolbull, t.Ueoutyourwallet•nd count the various JD'• and Ucenset that you'd have t.o replace, and Including a new walle t, shoul d. yours be stolen. I hive little bope f/1 rux!iftl RIY stu!fsolblvet.ocoaboUt~ my "lder!Uty." As fot llob wbo cleaned me out, rd like to tbuk )'GU Jor realflrmlDC my bowJed&e tbat "-Jan. To eom.PCIW'd OW' ml:say, the sbow whkb was KbeduJed to beiin at 1:00 did DOl start unW 1:30. 1be spe:U.en weren't workloa, ~ projector 1Jas out of wh.adl, the tedmidiiDS w«e nustft'«<. Yet, we were not given any explanaUonoraoo~o~&lorthedelay. We just ut and sat lD the darbess, wuun.&iway a Friday night. The film , Marder .. t.be Oriettt Exprep, would have beeo good ~ wile. I only wish I could have undenlood tbe mullled sound& of tbe nnt lwmty minutes. Good &oWl. UAB. Karl Meyer 1 for one would like tosie tbe P.E. ~~~~~.~islft~~g btm\lnlly it w•ld teem lblt, tbey miJhtusetheir~. lnal.eadol teaching a few college studeats they ~l~t ~:v~the~ c:!'e;·~·~re::: progr1m1 for c:oQ'Imu~les 1 nd school dl!trids. "Ah," they say, "weJr.e tUching tOllfle s tudent& t.o INch our y~th. " Good, 1 uy. Then give us a Umeuble wheft your s tudtflts will teach all youth .nd not just tbe prlvilfaed fn who go to colle&e Under 11JCh a ; s)'Siem ao Ullt by the Ume youth reachelcoi.Jegetheselkllbwillhave already been devek!ped. pll= ~tbe..=t*= r= tbe seem that someone aboukl be •~* to timetable. F'w'- - , WELL PUT! May there be a &ml awakeoln& 10011 10 that REAL SOCIALISM .aa ur&ed by tbt SOCIAL IST develop IUCb • lhermore, Student Government abould DEMAND such a timetable. bokfina tbe P.E. Deplrtment mponlibiefortheprol'euedjustilleltlonol tbtiralst.aDce.. P. .IScett ~~/~J== aroundtolouseupmyllle. T-ACH 1"f'rednidt ......... LABOR becomela~IJ. PARTY NATHAN PR.EISMA.'i announce c:ondidocy T•Ute~. We, &.. Moore and Jefi Kutlac. a rea l good time •re •nnaundn& OW' candidacy far"' Praldent and Vk:e-Prsldent ol tbt Studelt Government Asloclatlon. pressing for chonge 'I'hrGUgh our lnvoivUMnt on um· ~"r!'n~~~=~J'~~A~~ lltlle attempt at IOUclting input from the student body •t large. Thil II 10melhln« we hope to chan1e. APPLICATIONS ARE NOW BEING ACCEPTED FOR POINTER -EDITOR Candidates ·must be UWSP student in good Standing, with an interest in . coordinating the University's student publication. Job· begins May 1, 197711nd runs ·thru 'Ma~ 1 , 1978 $28QO annual salary. Send complete resume with overall GPA, journalism experience, a sample Of writing and other per:tlnant Info to: Dan Houlihan UWSP Publications lloard · Rm. 311, Communications Center APPLICATION DEADLINE - APRIL !_ "Ever since I wu • little child my plrents have tried very hard t.o 1mpres& upoa me how cruel lbi c:spltalilt system Is and tblt it abouJd beabolished.. Butltwunot however unW these lalt few yu;.. lhlt i reallud how cruel It •ctually is. The curnnt ' reeeulon', workers kloklng for 1ob-. people atarvlna with an abundant s upply In the natlon'a llorehcuse&, peopie&olna cruy•nd 1 commlnina~Uicide-yea , they're au partoll\,buttltisisnotwbltlwtshto -.... We reei lhlt . lt Ia essent~l for Student Government u • rtptrsmtatl~ body to eJert aod Inform 1M student ol thcR matters dirtdly affeclina: lhem, More lmporUntly, •"f feel thllt the•tudentssbould beuktd •nd encout'aJed to voice thrlr oplnlono. Elections will b e held oa retistratlon dey, May 2. Pk remember to briJ1C your I.D. VIM support will be voiced through )'U' ..... 8oeM_. Je«Ke.u.a _ Series 9, Vol. 20, No. 22 Lawyer-8$Sists-Coop in membership dispute Who will have guns: crooks or public? Judg~:~~~~ =l~ce~ ._, ~n"c~b·~~!~:'t:a~~ S::ties~ar:ltaf~b;':t~: =t~UI~ ~n:~;e :U,:~: In dcsing. Mr. Stokes saki lbere is realstraUOnlllllndat.ory. Tth wqrd $Ought by Mancheski, Lewandowski WANTE.D!! Escort Seryices Di{ector Applications are now available to fill the vacancy of, ESCORT SERVICES DIRECTOR. Why stay out in the heat? THIS SUMMER BE COOL! Live at The Village Comfort-Convenience-Luxury mjoy ail roncfitionino and ile refrailg pool SUPER.SUMMER RATES Persons interested should contact Student Government at 346-3721 or drop by the Student Government Office. NOW ACCEPTING CONTRACTS , FOR SUMMER AND FALL \' ~ The Village' .;.:;, 301 Michigan Ave. Stevens ~;~_::;, 341-2120 ~/ survives The Pointer is lookinQ for Advertising Assistants Apply in Painter Ollce,_c.niinllllcallonsCenter, by Wednllday,.Apll 6. - Business Manager Wanted · Buslnef!S or Economics Major. Apply: Pointer Office eommun le~~tion l Center SHARE-111E RIDE WITH .US THIS WEEKEND ANDGETON TO-AGOO.DTHING. c; · Us ITIHf'll Greyhound. and a lot of Y9U1' fellow allldanu wno-irl arrudy on to I good thil'lg. 'you luw when you lib, T,....l oomfort8bly. AtrM rafrnhed ai'ICI on time. ~ Yoy'U N¥'1 money, too, over the Increased air 1..... Shara the ride with ut on weekends. Holldayt. Mvtifnl. Go Greyhound. GREY_ HOUND SERviCE Ia!CIIIN - ......,. OIINroallli •0 1111- "OUIIID- YOU CAN ' YOU WAY-. TftW' LUvt AIINYI. 1.8$ ll.a& :k201'.W. ' 7:151'M. e.to '1111 3:26 P.M. ' IUO,..W, 7.40 • t•.oo 7:20 AM. 10:45 AJL 5;40~ 5.00 UO I :&O P.M. 3:201'JIII. /oppllelll '' Aik'I'OUI' .,.nt ~ldditloMI----8ndmumll'lpl • .,_.........,. orne< AUBI C8fTUI ,..3A7 ................... &0 _ GREYHOUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , 1m Community Watch Begins new sewage treatment plant and the increasing traffic problem. S!atlon manager Tom Chapman said that the procram was designed to help the city .. become aware of 'the developments being made in the city;•, and the difficulties that arise as they are related to theciUzensol "Community Watch," a c:Gm· munity Interest Df'Oitl'Am began last week at WWSP 90 FM, the campus radio station. "Community Watch" Is a series of investigative reports CM«rnlng the cityol Stevens Point. This Included growth, and the problems that go hand In hand with growth and prosress. · So far the areas of ln,•estigation St~~=~~;a~. heard in five sqments every weekday is an ex· perlment in increasing students: responsibilities in the community. havelncl.uded• fr lmeand~llfting, c:ityservJCt'landthepossibJhtrora Invite the b\.tnch . Mix a _greet. big bucket full of Open House Puueh! s~e& 32 .. . t•&t6s lib • supttr cocktei/1 Gra1cs1 drink n-cr iiiOotilled! Mi" • bald! in a!MIO...:, addlc:eand7UPallhcW!mitlut.: ••. .-cno:lhccroootd r!PI out olthe bud:tt l $rnocMh '11 dcJicMius. Wow ! tto--- . .. ....,. ........ juice o...e_ .... ,_.,_iuoco o...a- .... -r:::...~:·.~·:::.:::;~ ~~"--~~ -~(.,.,..,,........., rallapprovedthe subsidluUonofstudentmembenhlplnlheStey~Po_int Food Coop. The olily thing ne«ssa;ry from that point was adm!niStrahvt 1 1 :=v~t~~~!~fr~'!p~~~~~=::t~onUU:tie~~mTa~ and Chancellor Dreyfus ; then was sent to Madison fiX' their .stamp of ap. proval. Up until that point, things lookf!dgood for lheS.G.A. proposal. Then strange things happened. After nearly a month ol walllng for a decision to be made by Central Administration, a call was put toC.A. asking what the status of the proposal wu. Their response waa that they would reach a decision in a few days. A few daya paued, a call was again made to C.A. inquiring an answer. The answer received was that we would need to seDddownanothtrPf'OPOUI, they had lost their copy. FinAlly, on Dettmber 29, 1976 a dtc;isian was received from Central in· dicating that any useol seg~ated fees !the typeol money Student Gove-n- ~~~::.~~ ~'::d~~w~ ~:li.ot~m:: educaUOftal experience olstudents. !This polnt was strm&IY dis~ted by Student Government, ~ncellor Dreyfus and olhen, and la ter Withdrawn ~:~=~=~~~~t~c':!,~~:~P~C~~~ O...liiiP•,.,._..c-fott l_...,u, = ~YA1::;.~~~ndlnvolveddebates,theStudentGovemmentA5SoclaUonlast ..... I.,.IIJ', Addo<e.O<.,P#, Ioo,..,. •lo<eo. LHh-lu le•II'UI/ by a state agency u being non·profit and not a "private endeavor" thus, in Student Government's mind, solving that pr11bleml. 3-Tbe policies ol the . State do not allow forthepurchaseola private membership for Individuals. (The question hef-e is why then did the admlnlstraUon.allow for theStudtnt ~~~=~~~':!:Z:,t!~~~:~~:!rC:,~PoincArtoasusecilp! ope~~"!~:::=~c::~oe:=:::n~~~~~p= Bus Coop, while simlliar Coopa in Green Bay, Madlaoo arl!f Platteville may be~=ta=~~~~~i:n~ =tuf:'"c0opi, aDd the United 1 Council of Student Governments are working to appea l Central's decisioo to You kf'IOW ir·s got to 0. ~ .. wh#n tt•s tMde with Southern Comfort• - ~~ov~m!ns~~ ~~~-srt!!e!Ji!~,':~~~e;~·,:~~~= Government ofrice to be circulated and algned. We want the regeniS to know students S\lpport the use of their money to be determined by students, not by arbitrary decisions made by admlnlstraUve figures. If you support the use of student monies for the Coop, and more im· portantly,supportlheconcept ol studfonts (not administrators) spending ~tudent money, then sign and circulate a pe~Uoa now! DECRIMINALIZE MARIJUANA? ? A hearing will be held in Madison, Tuesday, April 5, concerning the DECRIMINALIZATION OF MARIJUANA. Student Govetnmenf17is in favor of this measure and is planning· a delegation to go to Madison April 5 in a· show of S)lpport. Any student; facuHy or administration member interested in joining. this delegation is asked to contact Rick Tank in the Student. Government Office or call 34&-3721. · IScleac•·· •••lroia ..~at -j . ' . Food-population. symposium scheduled Monday R.iver standards under attack by paper mills By Gnu Orkn.,.lll ' 1be EPA m.J)' DOW be the laflelol =·~~:::.~~c~:c:; towardltheDNR. Donakt Lui, uw E::ltftlsioa Soil • Water Coftl.enoaUon Specialilt and member ol Lbe- Ara-W"Kte Plaa- niD& TedWcaJ Adrisor}' Committee ITACJ, beUeves this clwnp to have oecutTed u a rsult ol the committee's meetiDC lut Friday in Wauuu. 1be TAC, ooe of the advisory bocUes aulstln& a special DNR talk force aimed at maklna the Wlscoalln Rivu- " nshable and swim· mabk" by July 1, 1913, bu been meetiiiC ~ery l.hree weeki since its • nntseulononAUCU~t2, 1976. Lut N.ld lhat fOf' tbe fll'll time in tbe committee's hillor)', Lbe ]'.PA bad a representative iD altend.nce lu( Friday. The DNR. which bal dralted a timetable for aystema.Uc reductioaold'lhlaltdilcharJe:flDto tbe riva' t.o meet the tta aoall, bu =tl~~:::r~= ~':.!'==~~ il oa!y folkrlrinl arden rrom tbe EPA. U the paper lDdultriel ate to blame &II)' organlutlon for beln& too lnfiuible a nd inlenlitive to lhe1r needs, L.ut saki it sbouJd probably be lbeEPA. TAC membeR, tbe ranks ol wllicb Include wtivtnity proleuon, uWity CGmPID)' qineen, and · paper U.. du$try ~ ... wa"e nominated by the North Cetlttal Regjonal Pian- :~~= ::~::::r~ • Spancenber&. proleuor i.a IOU cesatUWSP, sakttbe purpoae wu to last force wltb data .. u a conaullinl body tbetulr. force -bid to ,._. tbe CUrrently, T AC II wt:iidlll on a computer.- model to view bow propoHd chances in effluent dilc:ba.rJe leftk from " point .ource" IDdu:slrill aftd mu.nklpal fad.lltles alone Lbe Upper w~ River .w affectlbeamounl ol diaolvaiCIIK)'Ien 10 .0 .1 pretee~l lD tbe water. The tedmique brine uaed to projed.lhele cbana:s 11 UDder lbe · attadl. ol lncbtry olrlclatabowe\oer. Paperirdatry repraeatathwuy tbe mode:l doel; not dearly reflect how propoeed ~ lD ef~t diK.hargesatlndust.rlals.ILeSwiUaf· feet tbe D.O. level. Tbe model a p~renUy does oot take into c:ritkal eon&lderation poUutiCfl from wbat 11 called " non-point sout'ftla.'' Thla re!m:topollutioolnttodueedlntotbe river ln:lm apieultun.l proeeuea, p1IWid water fWHIII, or other forms ol pollution AOt eataine the water at OlleaxM:eOtratedpoint. There 11 also some controvft'ly over~exteattowbkblbeexiltin& aed.lmerita on Lbe river bottom, whkb have beftl accwnulalbl& for years, affect lberlvu'a D.O. Jevda. To complk.ate,matten even more, memben ol tbe DNR tuk force thatevet~ lithe lndustrls dlro.lnated all tbelr ertluentproject ~rc:a~~~~b:; never radl a dilaolved oxypa kvel ol S pa.rta per miWoa IPPMI lbrou&bauttbeentire,.e~r. s ppm bu been tbe ro.ln1mum ind lllat llala authoriU.wouldlitetoseelittalned lntheriverataUtimel, lldlltry olfldata qusdoa bow oew ltandardl can be tet If lhele matten i:oJ::u.~ec:'tv::!t-::T. fluent treatment system can be Judged on the buii ol wbethet- or not ltpUHS~tainportlont ol theriver to fall below S ppm D.O. clurlq the low now in aummei. Concentrations of pollutants n.aturally lncreate clwinc tbe IWillnK monlhl when the OVft'..ll voiUIJH! o1 the river's water decreases. Revised water qullty s taodards are brinl set to malte in-dustris construct the neceuary treatment systems to bdp maintain tbe S ppm level aU year round. Despite tbe unsettled c on· . trovft'lin, the DNR must lOOn lsaue permit• t o all poi nt souru dischargen to rtmaln in dfect over the next five years. The permltl will cllctate tbe•da\ly amount ol realdual wqtes that eadl polluter wUI be allowed to dump into the river. Eadl year, the illocated amount must be deqeued so that by 1983, each polluter will be emp~in& the belt available tecbnolou to meet EPA 10111. " We'reaotna tobavetopay for it =~':i:· be'U::e. ~·:fU'b:~·~ d.oM between more upenalve toUet paper or tbe c:ontitlued death ol the rlv«beforetooklq. Franklin St. )VIall, to begin construction· project arouncb-drculatlon lmproyementa totalled $2,JI8,1'00. Of lhll lmOWit, Oftly $551,200 wu approved. SteYms Point will n«lve 122.000 oltbese fUDds for feodnc and beWtope; for the Intramural Held. CurTenUy .,,000 per year 11 budpted for the planlinl o( tnea and ahrut. in aeademk: areu. H~MIPI and the thTee Centers bolb bave toepatate- biJd&etl for laadscap&na, tbouCb fac:ililiesman~~&ement~Uper· 'lila the w«k and JrOUnda malnteaa.ooecara f« It ooce planted. A total landlcape plan ·for aU Ulree area. II beinc worbd on. A !"wk « der for 510,000-fiS,OOO worth ol ue. and abrubl; for the entire campus will beJatntoutsoon.. If you bave any quaU.O.. about or. sua:esliona for tbe laodlcaplq oo our campus, fac:UJU. mau.a:ement 11 IDtereltcd in your lDpul. ...._.,.._liAfrllt,tm Bv Barb Pldtlltl Findilll a beginninl In tt!'Uing this s tory is not easy. Don it start with the first man to aane a ""«<land lbe: cleire to t!'fld~te caU.in forms ol vegetation'! Or doH it begin with the ~~1-.f~:nz'A~~~ ~'it~~ ...;hC'n people begin noticing Ill effects aftt!'fasprayonthciranlmalt,olher plants , andeveninthemtelvcos? 1-' or Harold and Nettle FrH<ilund who own a farm nu.r Pittsv\Ue, Wisconsin, an hour w'tilt ol Stevem Point. the stor)' bt!'&ins Augu~t 21, 1971 . That day a btlllcopter eame over the nei~in& 40 and s prayed clouds ol mist (« 2 and one-half hours. With the wind and the tur· bulence cnetetby the belkopt.er, lhe m istdriftedtorettoo theFreedlund land. It smdled like the htrbkldes • USC'df«weedconttol a Jonathehl&b- .. .._ Mrs. Freedlund callt!'d tbe•kal r~~~&er wbo told ber be one wu 1tupid l':fiOUCh towu sure ao spray that , especially on .uc:b a windy dly. Soon after the conversation tbla man ::~~n~~::~ their sym,.lhb.en in pvsument jeD seemed to retire •rty or be tnn- sfei'Tedoutoltbearea. It was 111 buble:lde lpray·, ==~~tbec!:~.~C':'~ to land owned by Freedlund'a c:oulln. ~~·~::~~ ~ oltheJU:J:ll!:f«applkJ,Uonwere not foUowecl. 'Such .. minimal wind veJocity and dlstaoca ftom human habitaUon. • wl~~="~o.:n·~= -~~;ou!-::e~:.!:c'r:J; aflef' eating sweet com from· lbelr riC'Id. At fint Mn. Freedhmd at· tributed k to lbe flu outbreak lbe gowmment wu predktinc.. Aa abe said, ' ' I believed the pC'I'IIIIM!Ol for .a~~'o::o-~ their County Aplll wbo tc*l tbem DOt to be ablurcl ~~ the q:ny'1 ft. Tbe wooc1 County however, wu at the beliJ!nlnc vf!r)' sympathetic: to thdt probaems 1 but lalft", be too dxM to J&DOre rects. acent. u-. ::~~~~::~ sent bldl no aniWa'S c.-lolt the aam· p&es, and lDipeetiDI: olfidals refuaed to::e..:a:.~';:r:t.~~Ud death a re commonplace, but IOmething Is amiss when all your abort a t the ume time. .• lhe piglets that survh·e a re deJormed. ..)'QUf coWs aet. sick every time you feed them 1il11e fr«n your ...-.. field ...and the milk is iuch that the blby, the cats, lbe: dop and evc.n the' pi gsrdusetotllUCh it . lOWS .~"abo~~~ fa~~ege~ 11s~f!·· ·Y~~ year ... you rhusbandca nbarelystay onhlstractor ...andyourbabyhasun· c:ontrollablesuta mln&fi ~. • · ,tJso this: .the loves on the trees curl t.ome, under the sli'!lulus grow twof~tJon&) ... che:rriC'snpenonthe tnes bC'c:aUSC' the birds .,.on·t eat tbem ... you rind dead racoons and bir· dll in )-our rlelds, dead (awns in your wood:s ...calvesayin nve years ~go haven't decom yet tthe camon eatersareall dorelseknowbet· ter ). Bdorethespray,tbeF'TC'C'dlun· ell bad 100 bealthy pip and as an auction aNIOUIIC8fttnt proclaims ol their c:owa, "this is ODC' ol the highest produdng herdl ol cattle In the ~ things Were gett.inc bad ln. 1m, Dr. Geof1e B«ker oC UWSP eametotheJ'"e:ICUe. Hewasableto Jd the R.fsponleTeam come out and look at the damages. Tbe ,RespoaseTum•asdesipedtocape with the tncnulq number ol ~ plainla rtlated to spray damage. The three-man team was compcaed ol a man from the Department or Agriculture, one fnxn the Depart· ment o1 Natural Relour<.'C's a nd 1 unlvenlty student to belp lr.eep tabl on thlnp. They wanted to do what they could help the Fretdlunds, but unfortunately their asslplmentl did to to S:..ta:;~~==:!=~ visitor eame out to the farm and uw ODC' ipC'cllcularly burnt lree and ..~~~~!t~:':~=~e.; just make other pla,nl.s, animals and people sk:k. Blllee Shoecraft, wbo; ln tbe ' 11180'1 had ber person and -~-!=-::~~= bC'r -.-ay damage called Soe UN: Buta'*. Ill aU in"els olgovernment . =r~~::: ::,~~-~k: met with the Freedhlnds and pve them a u Uie support lhe could. Wberelsabtltoday? Sbe'sdNd. Sbe lfied January I, lJTi' , of cancer. Lab tats pro¥C'd &be wu run o1 the c:bemica1s2.4.$--Taodz.•D. Tbe Freedlundl a nd other farm famlliC'slnthearuwC'I"C'~tly Pip bon to Ulope Upclled &a tM: 1.4,1-T ud l.4-D Mlfer driotm hlel rsn&bll from extraloH and CIU"Iy ean to Ute allaftote el auJ openU.palld KXOf11.D!1. e:uminedlntheMarshlle~Cilnk:by 1 IJ"OUP of doc:tOn from the £D. ~~~~== ol the City UniVC'tlity New York. AI· ter blood tests, fat IC'Stl, even neurokJgk:a l uanu, and much talk, one ol the doctors Informed the ramllylhat theyhadsurvivedoneol the deadliest polsonl ki"IO'fD to man andhewuamatedthattheywereaU st\Ualive. f'inallysomeone Is listening to the rteedlunds' ilory after more than five yean. Until this time, Harold Freedlund ~ayl, "the wont thin« a boutltwa1nobodycared." Today the herblddC'S contlnUI:I to show up In lhedeformii\C's In the pip, aborted calvcos and thrH year i»d =~eightU~~c:;:! comandoatslbisyearlnthefidd originallyhitlhehlrdi!:II,"UinC'JI·. periment." seems optlmlstk a nd both Freedlunds a re glad to have someooe wWin&tolisten tothelr story. 'l1ley plan to keep up with their letter writing camp~ign to make sure this 10ft of thin& gets enou&h publldty { IC'e the letter ln the FC'bnlary z:i Pointer). Dr. SC'Iikolf ol the £D. vlronmental Sdei"ICC'I Laboratory, whom they recently met, is highly lnterested inw«klngwiththem . ~ The Freedlundl' biggest rear now l.s that plans will go through for the s pra yi ng ol two nationa l (orals In northernWisronllnthisspring. They worry about lbe: weUare of the wltdlife,touynolhin&ollhethousan-ds of s ummer tourists who will be a f. rected in the name of eradicatlna " brushy growth" In coni(er plan· tat ions. tUrok! The fea r communlcatel when you rea d a letter (rom PauJ A. Vander :~!ien~:~~;!nS:J:er: ~ whlchtg.norancepleadliNIOt'C'fiOe· " Dear Mr. Freedlund ... We ate unaware of any inltai"ICC'I or any rtseardl which would lubltantiate that the symptom~ cyou delctibe) ~.!~~~-~~1.~~ ~t ol Agriculture supPOrta lbe continued tae of 2,•0 and U,5-T. Tbest!' two Afdl, lm • • n hC'fbiddes "have been University strivin!iJ· for water conservation Parks and recr~ation . organizatio~ · s~arting on cam_eusi _ a,,._...._, teMII.b"Ce mana&anmt title. . 1'be WPRA can be ollll'lportaoce to aU ol theM: II'Udellt.l. By par- -~:0 ~::-a.t. W"IICOIIIiD Pub aDd Rec:rN.Uaa ASIOdaU.. an atnliaUoa ol tbe NalkiDal PRA. It il tbl oldelt orpnbaUao ol ib k1Dd In lbe couatry. Its membera Include ~ ....._..,L ===~ Uolpatlrcasa frahmanoraopftmore you could evaluate Ji1Ur &•II ud m~~ybe plaD ahead Ior your future. Support par ks and rec:reallon m.a:uaemeat by acUvdy iDvoMDI younelf iD •tartinl tbe Ste\'mt POUlt student'steetionollbeWPRA. L9ot • In lbe Pointer for news ol lbe i:f:niuiUonal m.tial· For further Pn~~~.~-Tom Prelny, = -::1 : , : n.ltlidmtc:blpteroltbl~ $ID Pub aDd Ra::relltiaa .u.od&Uaa wW~aV'III'}'Y~I'IMIIU'al Country-side Sojourns Lectures On: "THE PEOPLE'S REPUB~IC OF CHINA £ ... s,--1 .... flood Educational Reform Monday, April 4 6:30P.M. Room 125 A"& B, U.C. The China Experience Tuesday,-Aprll5 10:00 A.M. B~A~H~ EAJJER Comm Rm. , U.C. MAIN LECTURE: China: Who arrd What After Mao? VOl;& for moOREEATING. r..- byiha Tuesday, April 5 8:00 .P.M. Allen Centor Uppor spon- by: PolltlcaiSclenco .Uoo.• M- -r-tr,Caoopeljn- Atg - 6 Lactur• , & U.A.B. - - - - - -- - - - - - - - Now you see fiim-, now you don't By kotl ShDpkiu . overcome becltlers with an im· promptu witty cornmenl. U this fa Us, Amidst a table clullu'ed with rubbtrC"tt'MM1t,babypowder,andpi«es he tries to appetr disappointed or ol"ma&ic" rope. a mptley &athftin& hurt lsomdbinghecandowryltle.ll l ol curioua onklolten and a!Nteur thus playing on tM heckler's ma&lclans waited as mas ter emotions. Fellows also uld Uwt his llltllillrllst Bob Fellows ·~a~rried useolemotimcanhavealugeeff«t about, makina: last minute checks In blndlin& y~er udiencs like the birthday parties be ocaslonally before he wu "On." Qnly he wasn't performing In front ol a crowd-at puformsfor. . teut not one apecU.,. a show. Fellows clescribed bis start In . RatherhewiS prepafin& to conduct. a magk IS the buUdiDc oil, structured free magic wortshop as an In· . • na~tioe !ollowinl the pl:llolophy ol structional seulon before his ma.glc moat professional magicians by usin& show st:beduled later l.bl!t evenlnl oa theD'IOI"esimpleractslnblsshow. He Mardl14 Ia the WIKGnsi.tl Room ol abouktthatsomemagkiansareac· tuall~ professional clowns o r theUniversltyCenter-:st-men but fedt that beln& a good L , ~ Sponsored by the UWSP Actlvltiel =fd=y~~·a,a~:r: ~ be min&)ed about, perlormlnl a few pre- worklbop tricks as crowd· pthering appetizers. Bob Fellows hiS appeared on lelevlsloo In sevenl cillea and hu given performaDCtSall ~~lt~~~u«:t~ea; previously lrliined ual5tants for cornmef'ciallhows. Even though he lmpr&se~ IUs ::Cu~ !:!f!n:~e:!!:~ ~ ~ntraUn~(oneye focus,keeptna: the audience preoccupied on somMhlng other Uwn the rea l triclt, _ and rdying more on Mterulnment · Uwn puakment are aome ol the major points In putUna on a aood ...... Bob Fellows con really tum o trick · ' Heuystlwtitywa~to believe In any trick It's Uwt much eas1ertoma.t.e)'Uifa~belleve !.a ll. _ FeJ&Ded dumsineu or inc:ompderft plsya an Important part in Fellow's magic sbows_ espec:iaUy when be performs for dllldren. He ~ • . . • aud~withiUsyoutbfulfeature~. heilno~nndtothea rtol\Uuslora. He ata rttd on the magic na~te In the ume ma nner IS Johnny canon and • Dick Cavett by Jiving five-dollar magic shows wben be-was only l2 feels that dllldrer~ enjoy an act In ra:!!.~:r.~~r~:r:r&i~r:Jh" bu~~~:~~a~trfthen~Ll~h the years has added many new twists lO his act. Fellows, in addition lO perfo rm ing his " Maalul Fantasy Shawl,'' teachels month lone course at Hamps hire Coll eae In Muaach~~~etts and has a Malter'• di!Fo!~ei~Or an added nou rish s ince they get a !alae ~ ol the maalclan's failure toex~tethelricll . Since It is commoo for maJiciansto avoid teaclililg evfh the most minor tricks to the public, it wu surprising acd~tal .~J:'!c"f:.:!!~d:f!t~~ any disa-epandea 1ft his act. he II also a hl&hJy lc:fllmplilbed fu l·tal.t.er. Beina: able to talk fut Fellowa feeia, may uve your act whm.toinethlac doesn't ao rlaht orlf a bec:kler stan. lO Jive you prob~. Whee asked about h«.t.krr, Felbn •ld lbat be hu no set ccmebadt but UIUIDy can almoll. two houri, Fellowl demonstrated the slmp&er tricks and the basks ol moat ma&k routines lOa U· tremdy curioul aucUence. F~llowa a11o tried lO help form matenal for lbe few amatmr malklans In the worbhop.i.oduidlbatfllrtbertrkks • can-be takm from boob. but etcb in- They know all about you 91 REGIST~ATION Activity planner hidden in Busch Revenge of the Gonzo Godfather -~~~ A Set Scram : For fulnor penaltin DOt de8erviDg a penalty kick, 1 set aerum Is awarded to the oppoa;ltlon In which the nrat ro. of each tr.a mblnds &hoUiclft'S with the other and the Nil il ~~into the alley between them. RUGBY.· Rugby is a r~latively new word to most peopJe ln Stevens Point. The Point n~&byteamlstJyingtointroduc:e thllaporttotheareaandlettv~ODt - CSoncy exemplifies rugby spirit know tfler'e Is an alternative to the c:ompeUUve rat race of our lradi" American sports, baseball, footblll, butetballa~bc¥tey. In rugby, there are oo IUbltltutel, therefore a penoa Is not d~monliud by hlvina:toait on the siddloes waitin& for a cluloce to play. Anyonewbo has been mthat situation knows the fetllnland u-can lead to disillusiortment with the team and a lou of Rlf conf'ldeoce. The acticri In rugby is ru t and Contiououl. The pl.ay.-s stop only •·lim there !san obvious rule infraction, when theNU ~outol bounds. orwbal · aomeone srons. AU laws or the pme are del to fadlitatt si!IO«tt movement and to mate the pme proceed witb 'ttle lntenuption. An JCI. va ntage rule was added to make It possible for a rule to be brokrn by ODt team and if the other team pinl an advtatap by that infringement, tbe rtftfft will allow the game to coatimle unabated. This rdlec:ts 1 ncHimle po~~~:!'!'~t'~,':nrortbelr•portamanllkeattitudtlonsndctf the. fidel. They are also known for their rather boilter-ous gooilgame. . .,. ~rtie5 arta- J ~~~~i~~n:r:a~~~B~~= :!:~/!~r!: player positions. rule ~ririgementlandaU otber;thl!lp related tolheplllt are used. In genm~ l , the fUiby lfam is a IOd.al OI"J&A(zation intmsud il playtna an active contact aport. For examp&e, It ll,customary to buy lheCIP" posln& team a few been alter the game thus JeavlDgany bad feelings on !be playtngfitld. ' · The game mnn. • Dllllllbw ~Giber rules, but most peopko manage to getby quiteweU cm tbe balicl thefpk:t upinonepnctk:tsesaion. Tbecon\"mioa from rooct.D tonlilbY b simple. Ywean't throw the baU forward or run iilterfcnoee (• tlie ballcarrier. ln tbispme.,you arel"'lnlli.n&• lot lt'M fllll, tirinc, lad JOOCl sport ! ':o~L005f~ltt) ~~:: :,LfH~:!:~ 3--ll(-TOI<~ II U W/HC, - 'I{, !A<K I:I.Lf. <ENT R. j(, SAO ~)_ LO<K FORWA~05 5;J .. :J FLA~k 8 F<>ltWARP> FORWAIII;~ BRTUnTRE~IIAcl< I~ RT Wl.u ~ M<~ 15 FULL 8AC.!<. ~ -- ---- .-- - _ ........., History Dept, Open House, MPM CGranctm.'s Kllcben ) \ Arts & Lectures : LUIGI'S DANCE ~IDENCY, 8 PM (Jenkins UABFilm: SCARECROW,IPM CAllenCt'nterl Hansen Hall Square oanc:e; 8-U PM CDeBot Center) UABCGocert: MARSHAU.nJCKER,IPM CQuandtGyml UABCH : DAVE PARKER, •11PM ICoCfeebOulel April! UABCH: DAVEPAR.KER, t- ll PMCCol!eehoulel A.prill DtlullHIU Easter Bnmdl, 11 AM·t.PM (Graodma's KUcbenl SelliorHooorSoeletyLutl«CW"eStties,7PMUZ5A·Bl , UAB VideoBeamSbowfd& ''WOMENS'ISSUES",IPM CComm. Rml April4 ' Pol. Sd. AAoe. Lecture: GERALDTANNEBAUM, 1:31).1PM CIZ5 A·Bl UABCounes&Serninars : HYPNOSIS,HPM<GreenRm. ) RHCFilm : EASYRIDER.IPM (AllenCenter) AprilS UABCreaUve Arts Photography Oilplly, IAM~PM CConcaunel Pol. Sd. Alloc. Lwlcheon, tlAM-2PM <Formal DlniDg Room) 6 Lecture: GERALD TANNEBAUM, toAM-11 :30AK CComm. Rm.,) UAB C«nes & Seminars: TYING SMALLER TROIJI' FLIES, 7-9 PM fNicoletRm.l UABMovie: FREEBlE&THEBEAN; 769; 15PM CWII. Rm ,) Univ. Film Soc. Movie: JUDGEMENt' AT NUREMBURG, 7 & 9: U f'M ll2S CC) RHC Movie: EASY RIDER, I PM IDeBotCentel'l Arts .. Lectw'el: JOSEPHKAUCHSTElN, IPM CMlehdsen!Wl) UABAVf'rolnm : ROBERTKLEIN, I:lOPM (Comm. Rm. l UAB CH: " Open Mite", 9-11 PM CCofreehousel AprUI UAB Courses •Seminan : TRAVEL, 1 :»7:30PM CRedRm.) UAB Coursei&Semlnan : BASICSOP'STEREOEQUlPMENT, ?-1:30PM (Comm. Rm.) . UABMovie : FREEBtE6:THEBEAN, 76:9:15PM (Wis. Rm.> Unlv. Film Soc. Movie: JUDGEMENT AT NUREMBURG, 7 6:9: 15 PM 1125 CC) ~~buuve Att.l~pbyDisplay:aAM-3-PM <Cooc:Gunel DaneeActlooBdly DaDcineCliss , ~7 PM (3ZtCC) RHCCH: DAWN OLSEN 6: FRtENDS, 9-11 PM<DebolCenter) AprUI · .r- NOCLASSES ' ' · . ( The :superquiz Quiz By R.a•cl.y Wk,·d sltd T1ra S.W••• 1. Wbkb one ol tbe fol.lowin& major leaiuen rd'UMS to play bueb&U oa f'riday nlibta andSaturdaya'! • · Gorman Thomu b. AIHrabo&ky c. JOMCardenal d, DapTbomaJ dal ..... ic.~=·ol-~e~~ lbe Natioul Basketball Aslodltion'! Which ooe ol lhele players wu fmed 1100 for tommittiq manslaucbtet" in a fcnip COWitr)' , nd tllftl wu fmed SIOOO for una&hinl a major leap team's watercooler'! a . MsrviDBarnel b. CaarCedeoo c. Ernie Holmes d. AloJobnsoa S. O Answers e. Dne.Forbes a. BWRuuell b. DoaNdson c. BWSbarman d. TomHeimoNI 3. Wbo II tbe manli« ol baseball's SlLouisCardinals! a. Jim Clark b. RedScboeodimst . c. VeruMorpn d. Doa CoryeU 6. WbodidLGuGebriirepisceatflnt buefor tbe IIZS'Yankets'! a. WallyOeave.r b.J&eKochinakl c, WallyPipp d. WWleWbite e. Cb'deKlutb: e. VeruRapp 4. Wbo )eel tbe Kar:us City Royals In bomei'Unllutyu.r'! s . OtisAmOI b. 'JohnMayben')' c . Am010tls d. OtisC.mpbeU e. Geor&eBrett Monte Cha r les, who returned winUnuaUon. I.Diurance policy bad been appt"OVed ncently, and his lm· Uldayhellretirinafromcoachlng medi.ltepjansaretortiocateina bec.tUHolbulthproblemt. warmer climate somewbtr'e in tbe Cbsrks, f7 , has beea coach ol tbe • Ot.arb ol Sauthern Miascmi or Nor· UWSPIJf'klsqusdslncethefalloll!m thernAtb.nsu.. aDd before that wu It UW-Superior Charles, who popularl&ed the nina football to UWSP, &nnOUDCed ~:~-==-~nd UW- Plltteville CharMs bas bem under lreoltment for lymphatic leukemia since February ottm, and while bis col):"ditioa has remained quite stable be said preuuns Ill tbe jW'CI(euloa docl 't " bodewdlforthelongtllul." The University intends to ume 1 succ:euor lOOft, •ccordina to Alblretic Dlrector, PaulHartm&D. Cha rles nid his request for beoeflts UDder bll IDcome coo- =~rt:.!~C:: :p: ter's "aerial circul," rolled up a 20-2CI win-1oM record at St.eYem; Poi.Dt. Lutfallbiscbarf;esmcweduptoaN mark, tbe bl&belt 'win-.ku pel'· centaae ola UWSP gridiroft team slnce llll,andlbebeltovenllmarkslncelM7. Tbe team bas been a leader for several HISODI in lhe NAJA atltiltkal depu'tmmt for Ita pusiDC behind ~ st«Nl& arm ol ita uUOCI.Illy·ranked quarterback. Reed Gl«dana ol Kaukauna, wbo will be a smioroe:xtyear. At SUperior, his team produced II , victoriesand !ivelouesinconfereoce f•asectlndpllcefinlsbinbothlf70 and 1971 . lD the si.l. years bdore he went there, the Ydlowjsc~et.l had scored.Oillynvewinl. At PlatteYUle fn:m 196e through . lMll, the Piooeen had 17 wins, • ::-.:~~~=~~ the conference champloa&hlp and Cbarles wu Wilcoftlln State Unlvet· slty Confereoce Colcb ol lbe Year a.od runner up for similar bonorl In NAL\District14. Cbarks Is a n1Uve ol Mkhlpn and boldl cSeg:refs from'H.illldale CoUeae ind the University ol Mlch.I&an. He coached and wu atbleUc director In Saulh!idcl Hllh Sdwlol in Dttroit, Micbiptl from 111154 to 11114; ~ co.cb at Northern lllliwlll Uni.en.lty from 11115o-1tll and tllftl moved to Wisconsin. In h1l tenure at Steven~ Polllt, Qwlel wucreditedwlthrevlvine 1ilter.t in foott.U u well u improyinftbes:ncrazn. At.bleUcDirector Hartman ukt be e~J*Ia.Uy regrets the fact " that Moate bu to =~CIM~~u::= ~andrf&btuptotbedoont.epol ~Otln:!'~~~!f:;. Utllvenityudwe~hlmwel!. '' History repeats as thine/ads take 2nd to ·LaCrosse Wsuc ByJsyScbwelkl As has beef! the tnditic.~ln ~t yean, the UWSP track team went into lut wmend's State Ut1lftnity Conference Meet with int.enUonl ol beiJll the spoiler. Tbe Pointers' aim wu to delhrcme UW·LICroue, the JiantoltheWSUC. History repeated itHlf, however, and UWSP feU 1bort in their IJ!ant· kitlingl&lk. TbePointerstallled 111 points • 31 more than their Marat foe; yet the UW-lndil.- ran a.a,. with tbe titk, p.mering 111 points. Poinlet' CC*h Dcm Amiot bad mixed emoUons about bis team's lbowln&. "I wasn' t utlafied with the team bees~ae we had sub-par effort& &et " hungrier".:. for • title, and 1 greater penonaJ ncrtllce by escb membtrlsneedeclforlhll. UW·L chalked up 120 points· m 12 ts oa Frids7 nJ&ht, but we only scortd 12." Amiot added that tbe two mile and &bot putdida't pick uptbe points be thou&htwencrucial. Tbe bead mentor wu bappy with aewralareaa, bowrnr. " l uld we'd b1Yetoqualit'Jl7tollpeop¥forthe fiDall, ud we wen. suooeut'ul in dljaCIO." Hellidthltbilte:emm•t ....... inseYeralevents. J~ted22piM:. ~~c::~u:::m.-:: their points. Tbe Pointers · only bad two lndlridual dwnpioal who plcUd up 20 polrtll. tbus the se«tnc ked wu more wkiesprud througbout the teamtbenltwatforUW·L. Some quick cakulaUon. il'ldicates that, omlttlft& the flnl place flnilbs, tbe 1C0re was UWSPM, Laeroue~l . Wbat a diffeHDCe tbOie winnin& ef. fortamalte l FoUowin& the lndiarw and Pointers were: Wbilewat.er-14, Eau 0.~76. OlhkOib-eO, Pllunl&.s:J,· Stoui·U, and RiYft' Falllllld Superior 1rilh 4 Many ol the ellorts far JUtpUHd the WSUC recorda because ol tll'lt.t&ic radn& and nmnen enteriq lft'ft'll eventa. •mona othel' reuons. Tbe bldivictual cblmpklns from UWSP wa-e both repeaLers fJUtl.lut ,..r, AD Americsn Dan 8uDtmatl Walt Wilmot - SuperStar ·f rom the past have been s lrlving for the puftc:t :W~) r: ~~ ~~ !!'.~..~~ wu niceolGdslutoaupporttbe cowhidl' stand, In as much as Gdsler is tbe president olthe company thlt developtd the new ba II. The tom· pany, by tbe .,y, b A. G. Spaklin& Bros., named naturally after A.G.Spaldini. the White Stoeltlnp owner who gave Walt Wilmot s ur:h a lucra tlveplayingmntract. 'nle Sflottb•l New• w'mt on to say lhlt the bkktrina over the cowhide ::~r~~:!f'',-: 'r~~~~~ causal by \Jie Introduction ol the cowhide baeball in the 1194 Nallonal Lta&ueopmtr In Louisville. in~m~~~·orw:l~ :~h:'O:.~r~: 1 occasion. c:'hlcaao Manager Clp Anson new Into a rage after ..everal ba lls split open and bounced wildly. Anson accused Loulnllle Mal\l&er Bill Bamle of storlna the balls lm· ......ly. Despite a Chicaao rictory, Anson wu ttiU steamlnc after the pme. However, Walt Wnmotandthereatol the Cbka&o playen tbau&bt the I& cicSeftt was rather bumc:lnlul. 1D fad. they enjoyed the eowblde m.ll 10 mud! tbat lbey -.eat a f ake tekC;ram to An1ca. The -.lre uJd. "ToA.C. · Alison, Cbicqo Baseball Club, LouilvWe . HCUI, l..ouilvUJe, Kentudr;J: Om't play wtth Barnle'J br!lll." Tbty tlped . It JANES A.HART, pnsident of the c:::bicaCO dub. Tbe oe:at day, Ansoa thiDkloclbe teJein,m wu rut, arrived at tht ~~r:.:~r::.~ i!t~~-~~~re=:to:! ::· =~":::~.:~a~':;:! field, lhiDidJ:C he had lhe CbbJO pnskient'a Ncltlna. The $4250 controct that Walt signed wos phenomenal, os ij made 'Walt tho high"' pold player In the Notional l.eogue Tbe ~ coat Chicato a forf'£F.: I.Od SIOOO fine. ADI«< ud Hart bothlftlhinloverlhetncldent,bUt.o thlad.ly, ADioo WUneYertokt wbolt wu U..t aeat lhe r.u te~c~nm. ~::U~~~l~ from QUeqoio t•tobecomemauaerol ~ea:U~:;:d :-ouJ:t and bll bitU"' aM 11ekti~ helped win the pennant. One or hil remarlr.abte feats wu hlttlaC One homeTUIII Ln me pme for the Millers, something that ... rely ha~ pmed blck In thole dlya. Wilmot played for lhe New von: Giuta io 1897 and 1•. alter which he wem bKk to Minneapolis In IIIII u player-manaaer and loll 1M Cham, =~ria. ~~~~,;~~~: again !rom 1901 to 1903 aDd then bougbt the Butte, Moatana dub In the :!,~=:~~~~f:Bu~~·= finally min-ed to co Into the promotion of automobile shows. Wilmot died in Chieaso a lter aJona illneal oa February I, ltz9. lie now llealnthePkwerCemetuy. Alter all theM yean u a vlrtuaUy unknown ballplayer ill thta area, lhe Pk>Yer IUpn'ltar il flniUy &Inn a Jona ova-due ulute. The Stnma Point Softt.U AalodaUOfl hal omtiDued to IWlle a aol\b..tl *Palterbim lobllbooor. bel"' ~PapiAfi'IJ , Im Simon closes out cage career at UWSP Dee Simon ol Dftl"br1ldc. has bl~ded thefrultsofdetermlnation, praclice and uperience: into a potefll mlxtW'l' for UWSP womms' bu.kt1ball team. Since join1nc the team four years ago. Dee bas twice ltd the team in rebounding u well u urnln& the ~Player Award u a Del!bestcombinelherskilliUJM!t,r the oll'ensin boards. She lttiPI for the rebound~ , often receverlng the The Ka'd to getting the~. a~na to Dee, Point.'' sbeex~IDed. · Despite her mttr"at, abe never aot to play volleyball. lnltead 1he hu e~r~~ey~::Un!'rn: thilherthlfdyearoltnck. FouryearsaaoOee'a$'9"made be( one ol the tallest basketball players. As Interest In the sport grew, however, It seema the women did too. " Now I' m the height ol moat guards,''Oeeoblerved. ThoUgh lhe loll beT hdaht advantage, &be led the team In reboun· ball for an easy Inside lhot She seta enough o1 them to fnake her the team's second kadina: ICGm' and most~ottU:"ateabool.er. At 21 , Dee is the "old-timer" ol tbe team, being the only senior. B«ause their high ld*ll t Anlf&o> dld not have a &iris' team, Ott could only pLay in some pick-up pmes aDd apinst her brother. Whefl she graduated in 1973, she wu sure she hllve virtua lly the sa me rebound totals this yea r . 'Jbou&h s.he had alrelldy been accepted by four other OW ca m puses, Dee visited Stevtnl Point during her" ~ar. "lrullylikedtbepeopie lhat I met so I applied and came to • dingbft'aophornoreandjunloryears. Slnce the start ollut seuon she hu wanted to partldpate in women's in- played next to two llJ&hly regardet' tercolleiiate aU\IeUcs, especially lix footera. SUeBrvpardofFrtmonl volleyball. · ~Becky 5eeYen or Arpin. All three The 1 lr~ ...... otplwltl_._...,_.., •-un.....,•ll*tJot-.--.JGO!'M IM~Inlhe-dl*ow. No--.- -.liM~! achalle~ quality makes the diffeience. ' When ttJere's • We hope you have some tun w1lh the challenge There's another challenge we'd like to offer you, too, The Pabst challenge We welcome the chance to prove the quality ol our beer We challenge you to taste and compare Pabst Blue R1bbon to any other premium beer You'll like Pabst better Blue A1bbon quahty means the best tasting beer .vou can get Since 1844 It always has. PABS'I Since 1844-The quality has always come throUgh. j~.::~-=;:;~,:;;:;.~;;.~~~:-~ ' Airill , tm P ... T ........ "antlclp~~te "become more aware II! where other pl.ayenare." " I've ~left~ active in sports because ' I like the satisfaction of perlormln& well. I hope that when I graduate I find a eoaching po~ition 10 I t.an give wbat I've learned to othen," Dee said. Dee is majoring in physica l educalioo and miooring in health and math. • She planl to graduate Ia l><wn""- challenge. 11our~lflotorno .. -r.-tsol towot-. ...*- .. JOVunbyuaJnoonly Is to =t ~~~tf!~"~ the bold it." One bendlt o1 ht'r nperimce Is that she kno\1.'1 where the belt po~itlon Is a nd bow to get theft. Another, Dee said, Is that she has : A~• ·Culture J Festival draws Wisconsin artists to Roint Art observed ... ~ l:JWSP Theater presents , ~ Shakespeare's comedy a- oa from thtH, as her fury moun- tl - unWbetumtberillteacooin& FIRST TIME ON A ·STEVENS POINT STAGE ~EPH. · .• Ka1tc. •.:>tetn}'IANisr ~t. at Jeut, hi the way the Sbakespeare text reads, but It! nw~y present.tions o1 ni«kr"D u~. auctienct:~ bave bem left with the un- the= · preaiccl thlt Ka~~ D'lllyonlybepre · ted submluKJDan onlertowinberow:n t«ybyotbef mealll than open war. Included in the cut II Cbuti Hammoodl u Kathllrine'a !atMr, ber alstft' 818nca played by Darice Clewell ber suit.on Gremio, lkrtensio, 1.,un(oetJo played by Mike JanCIIria.k,ColeMcClaryandSpencer Prokop respeeUvely. The ~ber­ duber portrayed by Tbornu Pieten lnd otbe'r chaiacten played by Paul VoceJuna. Tom wl.l.ll.ams, Sandi .nd SCein. nm Zimmerman. Key~­ Jobn Jorde., Mike Scott. Kdtb '!f1cer"lrit, and Calvin Smltl roun(l OUII'ff'f'Jt.=~bDeniiA. G~Tec:bnlcaJ diredor, U Soo cc:.twnet bave been desigDedbyF'riedr.Brid&eman. Tktetl for ' 'The Tamlnc ol ~ Sbrew" are avalllble from tbe Unfwnlty 'Jhe:ltre'a box otnee weet Shin. Sea and =:mu:.c::.~~~~ LD. a.Qd Adivi.ty Cud, Public tkbtl area..a:l. Studeatlareadtiledto .....,......,..... mate reMrTaUonl now u tk:tetl are By: UWSP ARTS & LECTURES Tuesdayr.l~c~.'! ~.;-,!;oo P.M. . UWSP etudents: $1 .00 Plus 1.0 •• Adutta:: 14.00 Youth : 12.00 I~ c.l:~ Quandt: barnyard or concert hall ?· By TbomasJollle ..., Quandt Fiddhouse makes a f1ne lt~~~::~~~~~h.~ ooe becins to htar nastf c:om.ments from artist and audieoce alike. " It's 1 barn" is one aueh rtmatt and perha~ the moil frf!ql.lml criticism. Quandt and B«a ~ are aRtolpte. toaec:Uonodareq tbul allowinl pl~ty of locl:u spa~ during an Arts and Lecture~ event. Anotbet' Idea Involve~ hiring a IOUnd engineer to tst Quandt's acoustics and lnslaU an acoustietl shell tR direct sound. But that doesn't IOI'+'e the seatln& prtlblem 'IK'Ir the 1ft up. The onl1 • real auwer It an auditorium, used for everything iiniJinabll, from operas to Indian pow-wow's to presldenUal speedlel. UWSP II devokl of a lara• concfl'Hecture h&lJ, aatlnc miDor p-oblens for some and major btlldacbel for otben, sudl u UWSP's AttsADd ~..ecturs-:-- = ol~a~::.'=~r>e.n aitk:al ol tbe relia.xe oa tbe F\tklhouse. " People are forud to u.e tbe fadlit)' ....e hive oo cboice exotpt to 10 (baoe, " She, atreaed tbe ftct that UWSP Medlalarp ball o1 aome kind, not jult tor AJ1I aod Leetlll'el but for- all departments tblt woWd MC!d its kiDd oltJ*e. Quondr.s celling .. .so u~ of bod occoustk:s ' O¥edooted by carol Hopper and ber atudmt ccmmltt.ee, eapeda1ly thll the DOIHe&tbede dirDew.lonl ol Quaadt tellll Jo be (1M: faetor ~tiDI tomWJer audleaee-tum out.- )'tim' U :=~~u!~S:: compk:xcmtbenortblideclC.mpu~ . ~..r=:=~:e~ try." Sbe . . ., Olll to .ap&ai.D tblt tbwe would be lUll) problems tblt WOIIIdud~betoiYedtoac:tuaUt UMSeotr)'. Ope reuoa Stevml Point DeYer m.jorCCII'IOerta II the fact tblt 1ee1 ~here's no place In tGoA1I. to~e~.t 4,000 people. A ltat•b...ed COMft't The kiM d an altemiU~ performaoce area has not been U.A.B. Coffeehouse Presents.: DAVE@ PARKER Friday and.Satur'day April l ·.and 2 · 9:00 · 11:00 P.M. in .the U.C. Coffe~house FREE! -·I •f ' __ _ Puma ,' ~·- Convene ·-·Jax ...." SHIPPY SHOES ...... Notic.e : Applications are n~w ~lng tal(en for W9f'klng In the Legal 'ServiCes Office For · more lnfonnatloll i!lid ipplca· tlons come to the Legal Services Office-~d floor U.C. University 'Film Society ---r Film Recalls Trials at Nuremberg AI the cue COfttiauel, Mr. Kramer ~ hll write!' rely oa arguments to ignitetheexpbiveldeu. Tbeybave ~l~~lo~~~~ oalbeorderolooeoltbejudpson ==oe~•cr.r= drama come'"Wive and make thlnp for Judie Dan Haywood, pllyed superllly by Spencer Tracy, moll lry!n&, .~=~!:mco::=:u: America.D Judge.' e!iileavot1 to WJ.. derstand the German people. · OODtamlnalion'' lrithanekterlyJew. Throu&h Marlene Dietrich, a widow of a German General, we get the Mr!JorCGnflic:tsarile~tbe arlstoc:ratic antl·Nui perspective. From cafe and bees' haD visits beget. :,~~n~~~~CW:~ ' the feeling ol the okt timeGmnan at the cbarac:ter o1 tbe meG .(In trial and ~r de!mse attorney, masterIn the end the accumut.Uon of fully Played by Maximilian Scbdl. drama collides with the 1ssue when 'Mlese t:oniNilltatlons make the Burt Laneuter, who pllys the main ""'""- ddendent, Weakens and admits hil sull L Tbeo_the tmsloo Is drawn to Applic~tions for Student Activities Student Manager NoW available till April 6 at the information desk. - For more infonnation see Mark at the Student Activity Office: resolution lD a questioa of !XIntprc~n;~lle for llili aake of not olfendlni ~~·~ people. needed In the , Wlthln the rum there are exctilent perf~ by the cut. Tbereare questions of moral respons.lbWty ol =' ~~ ~ J!•erre ~ and a terrllylng look at concel&:fon 11 :!~!'but~~ ~i!:.e~o tJ! uld. The rtJm 1 w brilliantly ~ - DirectorStanley done by Kramer, who hu also done such nlma u The DeOanl Oaa, Sblp ot Fooll, It's • , MM. M•d, MN, Mad, Wodd and Glial Wbo'1 C01ala1 To DlaHr, u we.Uuotherfilms. s c A R E c R 0 ... W _r.-. ~~~~~n ·l'lollol!l iii11:T w !Jo( •.¥1,11 • ~IYlilr'rSDoi!II(IC~~ ~ ~ ~- .. •-.r. o ·-~eo-. TONIGHT, APRIL 1 AUen &enter Upper 8:00 P.M. Quartet induces euphoiia ~ Whatlnl.knce'! BEHIND 11-US l..!XKill cxx:R gne carmot t.oudl 1Umce. IN A DINGY GREY ROOM SitS THE GREAT AND KNOWLEDGEABLE OZ. HE S.ITS THERE, ALON£, AND WIL L NOT COM E OliT UNTIL HE HAS FIN'IS HED • ' COMPILJNG 530 QUESTIONS ••• TRIVIA QUESTIONS . ·TRtvJA, A 54 HOUR EXTRAVAGANZA. TRIVIA, A CONTEST ••• AN EXPERIENCE. j 'J I - J- ' , P;'ARE ... IT'S COMI~G _. 1~ _ stevens What are the eye~? atoneathatweftonce ralllng•tan THr ~ L.AJ<t;EST v'l~ BEG;N TO wb.taretheblndl'! ancient dance~ m.~deolll&n liiiiJUIBe, Wbltlstbebi:art'! ~beart,arootplanledlDtbeearth." What&J'edreaml! dart coc0ont growtnc &.~w:.Uy wlnp. What II winter'! IDOW falllnl oa iz'een JTUI. WboaretbeU..! fbeyar.lheiW'Yivcnwboholduptbellty. CoreyWWe University Film Society _Prese11ts: A study of the Nu~mberg Trials "JUDGEMENT A-T NUREMBERG"· Dlr-.:tod by Slatlloy Kramer Starring: Spencer Tracy, Richerd Wldmark, Maxmllllan Scholl, Martone Dietrich, Montgom_y Cliff, Judy Garland "A 1tlrrlng Indictment of reapon1lblllty, •l)d lnhumenlty eow~putonfllm . " Tuesday & Wednesday Apr it _5 and 6 _ 125 Collins Classroom Center 7:00 Only Admission •1.00 · UWSP Lit~ary CLASSIFIEDS Fpr Sole ~DuM. tdl Good('Oallitlco. tor'- ttaD t.lf .tciMJ pne.. JM.,.,C.~. IJ10 T·Bi[d. ww C.U AM·Pll ttena, I traek, a:~=-~~~ '-IbM t,loo--. ...... NMI..,.. c-.,._wr. 1m Yamaha RDtOO 111 n:cdellt ~ ..uo,....,.,~ ~ .U.itllum dilc tnta r~ Yil:t'looillau..aeo.cau,.....,.. J.M~qcle. 175tt,twla ~L-~~~ Qll)41-571t.or Malt-kt~ ""ati-.....UC.Jl u.H-.droa.w. GoodCOCIIIitiOit. """'-c....tae TEAC 461 mo. Deel: Plli1Us- GA· tJJ~IIlEECIII'Iridlt: Kl..H C8lt ...,.a.n: a-all,.. tape _ . _; ..... ...XI"'IC!!hW. CaiiJ4f. ~i~YartiiJ tl..,..cl. Ex· .... . cdleatco.~t~Ga-. CaiiJt+.mltHa'S l<>Ot and Found .~v= ~=~lf~~ ......... -.all =-~cr'~.!i!?. lliatdly! ..... D. Quarterly.Debuts· H You ' re Not GeJtlng The Moat Your Tape Recording Equipment, MAYBE·IT'S THE TAPE YOU'RE BEFORE YOU BUY A_. YAMAHA, PIONEER OR ANY OTHER RECEIVER CHECK SUPER BUYS BELOW: . . ·PPR*" · - "f'!le most Important reason to own a Technics Receiver. IL ~el . Now only 1145.00 SA-51., RECORD RIOT! !· ! An . • · •a:ag· Rog~lor .se.98 Albums,·• S7.98 Al~uma, • - 54.89 8 TRACK TAPE RIOT! ! .! • _ - All $7.118 8 Tr. Tapes, . - 5 5.50 oYer 20,000 Albums arid Tapes to Chocise From ONLY AT . : ' BOB'-S MUSICAL ISLE 202 3rd St. Downtown Wausau N )'OU drfottl up On at , Phone 842-4322 eM off .t W•uaau· Abbottfofd extt - go right lo DowntoMI. r · Store Hours: Dally 10 A.M.-9 P.M. Sat. 10 A.M.-5 P.M.