~®~®~®~ Rock climbers scale the -Coffeehouse wa/.1 as part ·· of Outdoor $ymposium - Legislatures 'fear mar~juaha bill, . ··· News .· LSD eyes the Governorship, · · . ~ - News ' ' Wievel' previews .NCAA tourname~, -_ ~- - -:-.-· Sports March 1i., 1977 Off-campus 15' •: · .. octivoting atmosphere T• lhP...I.n', ~':..:!::07~-=~ I'HCIUiil.bead•U.IIKt.ollucweeb Pola&,r, l felt•til!cellldiec«afortlllet:lll.· bern.-=- creep biUI 1117 smUt lad llnalll!l ulnmltia. ll m\11.1. "-"'been the pl\n.lft"PicbtS.ek"alld "pvta~ lntbeproflt 17tlelala- leU1woop." Mo-t aboppen daa't walk lato lbe co-op with U..t 1111' ol II&AMI"' alllliD Ia ..... elections com ing T•ta.eP iilokr. We'" J-;t pNMd tbl: mid-Una ~~~art! Ia lhil-ater. Wbttber,..al.ibitoriiOI TheiiUIIa•lrtaallll.bel......... lblll ltiloutladeslr01e~~pila.IINa,bullblltll pi'O'flclft I fll'!:e fw llldiridual !. Wlhlernenttndc: .... th<ltylal'lllllliqthe IIOnl!'"" ndthatltlsiMIIflborhoodnn· tunelmaQyptOplewortlllll lOCether. Tbe tbeendollhil-illaaiJIIt. R~IItralloft ilnot f.ra way. Withltc:omaelel::tlonl for Stu6tllt Govmunent.ll doe:ln'tlook like lherearaJoln&tobeiiJNr lh-.hatttrint .._lhilllaw!lrouadorsoltappean. !At"t r..ce It, eYn)' .,_rtmtllt.. Ia ..-trY t'oll~~ hu ita lnlublaandpitfaUa. A ICilol wblc:bareaoh-ablewltbaUttlebtlp. n.t•t Jrilurtb'l~llt.beltor.il-. duc:in 10 Mriallalenctlom. T1MiaC1l•IUn oiiJ'duiliiiCIDd._IPinl_"l food, IDd elmalalllalllatbettort',da m-tba.a .. .,.. 1 fffWcSallan, U. 11111""-"' tllo -oltbeblc~S~tGowtrllrMat ~-doHr iObow_.loodamato .... lllatitut..s..Wajlatwtilttd)'tiUIOk.- " 're intft'ftted . Student G<wtmmmt, •• lhlnkil'l lb!Juttlmall ia metoyou l AllhouJh mo-t food Mid II lbe c:o-op woukibel«med ' Niurll', thereaftlbo mmm~l. prtpac:bJed foods, beca- M k• niD•.,.-el' .,__., I Till I s.rn'" tbe~wlahalac:.atertom-.tMeda.So daa' tlllillllyou!lal••tobeara..tq IOdalb t 10 .... u-...tM c:o-op .. , .. ....,._ loiJ'rtkipetl Ia lbt!Tattp. boriloodfoodatwt. • • time to come together Ctiii CIIMU. TatHP.-~a, The rete~~lletl«totbe P~.-tli!C IIIII !be uaeeedldaBII panbl ""'"' by illeg!timote pardon P'lw.ldefttCarttrtotbeYietftlmtradnfl reallten •as• al.lp Ia the flt'e for tboM -Qolllltf..._.llld I"'II U"' Ia tiMt•ar lftiD.IP'=IIIIItoma. Tllt"'litaoltbekt· ,..tk ...r.n-. ltfiGu&btU.artk,.abautU.Pardoalll =~~~~m•A . Timltaw'}l.. l«iltobeCOIIf,TIIUIItedforuprt~~~lniiO du rl)i U opinion tlult lpPIIrmUy 1 num · ltpnlt four J'-..IIIIIU.A!r F - 111 Aftnll -~ btrolper~C~~Wbold. Bul i t ll~tomt•hyC.rtlof'IIC• '*nben IMded wltll Mmb. ud tboer cam• t.c:t -Pb'· na .._. pkturaot tloaillaterpreledillth.atway. Hebl-lf bUll !IMt I !lint. lmptliell -ethll!IOJT\Ifll.hedlstlnpithed bet· ..nm. .. a..r.. While- -llllt .. dl.ylltat-day _Jood_ durty dataaad~wu~ fw - · butl.beCIIIIItt=pl fOtrWbltw.wcn cSalniWUII'l Jlm 'tartSolap .... wbytboaa ol•wtlowwela......,llllblll f~ fedU.way . . cSa. lllatbWI: drle.t ..,.nbl"waitlMI WI"'IIIIIword....,._.,. ptia plk 'aad U.. wbo thGuCbl tblww waa ,,.., wen IIIII Jlallty . Nlua •li ~?Vnnliving in the post ~eful proteS1 -tboHwboterYedladtboMwbo "''""'·-m BothtbeP•~er lottter iDdC.rtar:sal· Utuda '-lllellt •lUI 1117 WI • dtnlllllliiiJ ollhe - I I and mnol111 o1 U.VIetaamWuera . r•-lhllrlt. lcSaaootbelleortlhataoJ' li&nlfkaot-btroltheM~·bo· oppa.ed the Wtr bllmed the JWI!I mtll wbodlda~lbednftc:.aU. l !le"lerhurd UJ'IUdlopiQiolles.,.....byl.be••rilul JTWplwiUiwbolm I met Ill~ plrt, or plallllln&a...-loaloldiN~Ioltbe Wlr In Vlellllm . On U. COIItrlt)', 1 motift lhalwasollnap!"e~Mdwulhebopeol '"""'tilclhlldl.oc._ladullad ....., bellrtecl, tlltile aDd JIO(AUeM :e..~ol-hbraftladobeclltai)'OUIII In not 1 few caM~. •=-c l.boM •llo oppowdtbtwarwfi"'IJ'ttllll,w retaU,aw fritlldlolthciM•ho_,.ed. Andllll 1J1. ~~~"•lln&tonotathataneralpuenllwho lolt-ln \llelllllllhlnoprtUed 1 ~ Serjes 9, Vol. 20, No: 20 LSD has vested in!erest-.in governorship Financial Aids frustrated by HEW law - Marllqan~ bill ·lnflm_ldates City Elections to be. held April 5 H)~~';r7~dection lor city government positions is alated for TUesday. April 5. Voters will choose seven •lderman, Comptroller-Treasurer, City (.'lerk, City Attorney, and three schoolboo rd appointmenl$. •wants .!.":.:fon\~r; ~-=~~~~= will be choKn. By definition these are wn rlb 1.3,5,7,9,11 and 13. Portioosolthe3rd, 7th and tt thWa r- dsarelocatedonthecampus. The7th Ward C'OI\tain~ Sctuneeckle •nd Baldwin Hall : t lth Ward lncludel WaiiOn, Burroughs, TbOinpaoo and _KnuiSOn !lalla. And the :Jni Ward, UIC\udln& Hansen and Neale HaU, hat acc:ording to the city clerk the lar&f:ll nu1':;~ot1 !!~:d_ll~;;::!,~b!: m1n. 1756 Cbun:':h St. and Gloria SchulU 1101 Smith St. are awn· peting.•Schultt.isontheticket forthe first time u a clly otndal ln.tbe past she •·u ac:th•e on the nowddunct Rtdev~meat Authority which appropriated aovernment funds for public procram1. The lD· cumbent, Haberman, Ia presenUy en· dinghisfioJ,tenn. HeisChainnanol the Personnel' Committee and is also a memberollbe Jo'lnanceComm . The Penonnel Comm. deals with em-, ployte salariH. beneflls a nd negoUattons. 3nl Ward nominees are Pamela H.eo.r.·ey, 20N Clark Sl. and J a mes T. Dunn, 1625 East Aile, DuM ukt he was interaled lD the .employee . &J"Oil'lh raleolSentry Insurance, on« il has moved to lhe new complex. Ue said that Sentry has not indicated exactly bbw many families the com· pany will reloca te in the Stevel'llli Point orea. And that It could result In a shortaKe ol housing .andrpl!bllc school facilities. Dunn"• opposition, Pamela Rewey , Is Chairwomen of the PIW'tage Coun ty Commission on Women, and 11 also involved with the l.eague ol Women Voters. AI a membef' of the St. Pt. Transit Advisof"y Comm. •,H.ewey ex· plllint-G &he supports a bul 1ystem which woukt entail ··,torage and mainttnant'e facilities , fourao minute routes. aDd the allowance that PAB· CO be &iven the management con· tractf~Katleastthefirstyear." The 5th Ward Us only one an- ~~-~~ri::rn::"~l1=~:!~if~ il active on the Personnel Comm.. Joint Building Comm. for Schools and the Overall Economic Development Plan Comm . Miller has almost reacbedthestatusolaseniorCouncil ~~~=r~~:i~~t~~!:~~r:~· In the 7th Ward thll alderman • po5ition Is sought by Leo Mancheskl ol609 Unkln St. and incumbant Alfred Lewandolll·ski, l60114thSt. Leo Mancheski, ' now reti red , is hopina to gain back a seat in local =~~~~~~o,;~~~:; finn . Be!on that, however he noted. hewuinvolvedincityaHalrsfor:ZO years. AI tlult time he had been on R~~eral committ«t, ~~o·hich include II years on the Parks and Playground Comm. !'tta~l .uld he had helped pbn the expansion of Bukolt and Iverson Parts. Jncumbant ,Alfred Lewandowski has been servin& as alderman !Of' e•ght years He is current!) the Clerk o1 Courts ol Porta&e County" and has held the seat fiK the past 21 years. He is also a member of .the Publk Proeection Comm; Lt-wan· dowskl .uld- there many im· port.ant luues be wanll to &ee com· l)lded in the oextterm. One problem, he &l ied, waa the parking area shoe-· tage ol the 7th Ward. LewaMowski il partly responsible. fiK the renovation of North 2nd St. which will be com· pleted this year. and Union Street, whkh iJ expected to be finished by the thorou&hwa )'l ha''e bftn com· pleted u planntCI and hopes more s treet& will follow . The llthWardisaJsounopposedb)' incumbent WilliamS. Nuck. 3209 Me· C\.illochSt. Nuckisomemberofthe Board of Public Works as ~~o•cll as !he Public Prot«tion Comm. The s prmg elcctionwillbeNutk's 5«1>ndterm.. Each alderman will serve a two ~~:~. 'i~ ~~~~n::~Jt~~ r~~wr.:d areas follovo"': lfdWard. Emerson School : s thWa rd.JdferHnSchool: 7th Ward, City F'ire Station •. 1?01 f'T'anlilln St; 9th Ward, KC Bu•ldif\1 on w Clark St.: 11th W1rd, Peach Luthfnn Center. 200 Vincent Court and 13th Ward is at the Armory buildingonJclfrrHnSI. . Tbrte School Board stall w1ll also be appointed pmdin& the April ~ elrctlon. 11wse include . two c•I Y positions and ooe outlylll& a rea position. The t~~o-o unoppoRd city chain are sought by Marvin H. In Ole 11th Ward Jack-E. Goudreau. Clark St.,ls challenging in157 cumbent John f'a blsiak. Goudreau, who haJ no pc-evlous history in a rea polit\cl, says he'• on the ticket b«ausethe9thWardhasnotbeen fully r:eprt:Sented by thelocumbc~t . Goudrea.u Is a .ules representattve fOf' the Northwf!Stem Cmmetlcs Co. t-'abi&iak now endi nf his first term is a member of the J oint Building Comm. fOf' Schools a5 well as the •t..cgl.slativeComm. . Representing the lith Ward is in· cum ben t Nick Jellch, 817 Second St . North. The unopposed Alderman will be&in his 4th term after the sprin& electkln. Jelich bas been on the Board of Public Worits for &ix yeal"' and Is also on the ' J oint Building Comm . for Scbools. Last year he was Chairman ol the Finance Comm. J dich noted that his primary aim in the Northside of town ill to extend some of the &!reels. He u.id some ol ~~~ J:::~~-. a'!:~~~~.r ~~~ Poin t and Pa tricia Ma ble, Houte 5. Hox215,Steven5 Point. Theoull}'ing sea t on the ~hool board l't'J)rt~tnta the VIllages ol Plover and Whitin&, and towns ol Buena VIsta. Grant and Stocton. • Voter registration for the sprirc el«tiQJ'I may be filed atlhe offu at cityclerkthrough!'tlarth23. oron\he dayoftheelec:tionsatthePolls. Absentee BaUollare available b}'to~~o­ tactinatheCilyCierk. The thrft council ~eats, ....-hkb str· 11e a four yea r term , ~~o·m ruo un- =e,..~&r~~lia~~~= since 1912; Pbyllis Wl:snle..-V.i.C'IIr ~~t~=yas~nce~~~- Moitp- Funding Increase •·ere '"'·w. Navarro, 300!1 Belke St. and BI'IIC't Davidson, fi l l Lindbergh. Two ca ndidates are K'Cking the UWSP hu received approvll to fill 19 new pos.IUons next fall to ac· comodate an &ntkl.pated mrollmmt ...,..... Chance:IJor Lee DreyfUI, speaklna Thut'lday ·to the UWSP Faculty Senate, announced he had recetved infonnation on W«lnesday the UW Board of Reaents' Cfll tral ad· min l& tra tlon had revi&ed the allocation ol new teaching and non- teachingpostsfromelght tolt. Last month, the univenlty was In· formed that it probably would be recelvlng$363,000\naddltlonalfun· ding because ol the enr1>Ument In· crease that was logged last fall and the continued growth expected lhb ~~~ ~na~y:~~~ =e~= Patric:t Lucey. There are sllpula tillDI on how the fwl(\s ca n be 1pent becluse new posltiOI'II are tl&}ltly rtaulated. Dreyfus .ukl the money mnainlng aller the new .ularies are bud&eted ~n:':w-~~~l~e~~ 1: 1 thelutfewyears. Tbe po5iUonsare not expected to be permanent because the enrollment isn't expected toholdthehlgh Ieveli tow bleb II cwnntly Ia headed. IEYADLY CHEAP YOU ONLY fRACTION S Of A PENNY TO LISTEN BEST IN ALB UM ORIENHO ROCIC MUSIC, 2'0 · BY SIMPLY TURNING YOUR fM A DAY TURN IT UP A BJT, SIT · ··c,o.o··c. ··:,·: : : . c~~RIH~~E y~~~t~ n!uoN, WE 'RE STR IVIN G TO BRING MOST PROfESSIONAL MUSICAL YOU'VE EYER HEARD. SO ON . THE ALBUM STATION. ON NIGHTLY TILL TWO . Additional laser equipmen t Ifill be purch.ued by the Unlvenlty FOWlclition, Inc., DreyfUI a~ fer inltallation In the laser laboratory ill the beaement ol the Science BuildirJI, New medical rflleUdJ and treatment is to be underta;ken there and dttaill are to be announetd 1000. In action by the aen~tors, sll proviaions ol the ea rl ier impo5td enrc>llment appUeaUon llm itsUons baud on h1&h achool acadrmic 1'«01" dl were lifted at the recommrndatiOII ol ~everl l commllt«t: Last month when It appeared the university would be reeeiYin& extra funding lor an lnttUM "In the 1iu of the studtll! =·p'::J'c~:tocanc:elthe "hoids nil ae:naton also made plal'll to provide Input on hurlnp to be htld In Madlson thla 1prin8 on fac:ull)' .u~rl:.e,_rnattft'I,Oreyfustoldtht &mators that he recently returned from AtiUN where he gained • formation about Natl¥e Amerirll protraml In "prepa ration ~or enlar&in& UWSP'I academic~ to the numenJUI Indian commlllllliel inthlaao:UonolthecounlrY- Strftlll Polnl'a ca.mpul cun-ently has 57 Native American &\UdMII. · Point SGA sole survivor in UW-System BJPMIOa•p Lutyar'l ltudmt ~el«~ben s t Point turned out a whop. PDc 51 pel' cent fl tbe atudent tloa. Witb tbat fiiUre, LIUoa CW'f'elltly Uftder ~ tioo iD Kldilorl eoWd make steveaa Point the ocd)' camp&~~ in the that could CGitiftue acUve . = :C:: • S..te~... clelicMd to darif)' the students' role ill tetf. ~&Dddeftoeeertaiotey tbe CJri1iDa.1 Meratr Law wbldt were felt to be amtJiluoul. Tbe bill caBid (9r "'acti" par· tenu frcm tidi:JI;tioa... IDevery~Nc•ol dedaka-matiag". Duly-elected ol· Rdall .would br.ve caotrol OYer allocaUonl ol hmdl for Wliienit)' Ktlvtde& as well as ''primary rwpaalibalty" for fCJnDaUao ol poUcy &Dd Nlel, IUbjKt to ' •pproval by the Board ol. Recent.. S.cken ol the bill, wb&eb was autbond by United CouDd! and IDb"ocUeed by Stolte Se:alltor Gary Wbent .Ued to comment on the lsaue, Chancellor Drey'fu waa .omewhlt helltant uyln& he was waitine for more lniOI'mlltloD. 'Jbe Ol&neeJJar did NY bowever thlt be would 10 •lonl w!tb a rtGJcUoa ol hit . ==~~=·~~~!! ::::~~=~~~= .,.. liD ~tare·· ~tioa aad Rena ue CommUIH. Sludeat represntaUl'n includinJ BWI Wfi&b" UC President, &lid Jim Ea&oD, Student · Government Pret.idmt bere, ledtbenpt fora ........ ltnaeer' lludeml Yoke iD kc:lsLittve A problem .,.e. wbea SPBAC Other c ommittee members ~~~:. =-=-~~~ ~~~~~~~ tblnkWeeanfundtban•tall." v~~~. •••• .OJIPOI~ r=..::.~ldJ uoo .. membentup Is Ot.bermembenwt:r~Jolfonaootbtt' ta.aprlt c:la.lmlai the oven.U ....... """'"" .- - budrlet · =~·JP~~.....!~~ ,...,........,._........, ... ~~"::;a..,,.,..,~ c:ontroveny as SPBAC memben batUed. tbe pro1 "a..! c:«<S o( fundinl a !.~~ ~~~~~=: ::;'~!.~· ......,.....,.. '"" Kalhy Robn1l poin ted out that the C~~iv::: ;:.~~o-~~ ~~ neeclecl solid Onandal dtrtoiW"Vive_. __ support -'n or- · ~ Student Lerlctby delibenlioD finiUy led to u.:UOC:.Uon ot ,... nu.,.. atoo ~~ ::rc:~u:..,=~ r:.~::-.~~·t.~tr:· ptflpOMdul&riedpamua.. • =-to-:n~~.tber SPBAC bucfeet recommeaclaUom dlutisCied with Ita allocatlon will IDUit JO before lbe ba.wac:haDCetoairallpievanc:ent Co.enmeat AalodaUoa ISGAJ for tbe SGA mee.thl&l Detailed a pprowal. Aay · oraaalutlon · ~- ol the bel.tinc datel may ,• beobtainedbyc:ontac:tiftlthalofrlc:e. S..: ,. ,::~ ~ ~-=-:- WANTED: TB.ElHON CHAIRPERSON '* · • ~:r,:,::,...~"::!: -Open to any male or female ....... -com I lon ;::.~~:;."::=; . muncat sMajor · CUlture Wee&andotheraped.al .,.... t.. Mille Bury ei.JilWMd rekal> ~;:.;.............. ;.... -Work with communHy & campus for . worthwhile project ·~:.,'::!:~~~ , -3 credits of Communications 499 ~·~.=-.!:'!, -Applications can be picked up In Budget was the last mallet o( • Comm. Office stJin&eat with tbe Cbeerleaden and Philolophy club. Tbele two Jr'OLI~ ::.'~n:t=t::SJ:~C::~ n.e Bud&et at M22S. fundi c:ovtt s.alariedStudmiGovernmeat~ 00 ~AI~ph~a-P~h~I~O:"'m>O'egoca"":"'IS. re~b""u~lld~ln"'g...on .....t~h;ii;e"~ Stevens Point campus. We are a group dedicated to the principles of Leadership, .Friendship and Service. We are a coed orgarliiation so everyone ls welcome, women and men alike. All members and those interested should attend the organiZational meeting March 23, 7:00 p.m., in the Red Room in U.C. Again all are welcome APPLY NOW'. '· ~:;;:::::;:::::::=::;:;:;;;:::=::~ t Step into sprii1Q time. ..,. . ., Clr'IIIU '"'·a SHIPPY SHOES w"i~ ~ n.tm Paces r-. Sci ence· Environment ~~The an~wer Hy&rbP'IIJdlel Ben WoUT il an intense, ~. ldt'tltiriC IOt1 wilh bom rimmed &Jasws and blu(!jeans who wants to ra lseYQ.Urconsc:i~. Hewantllto 1 tell you about &etlin& tnerJY from windmills. Jo"or a few yean DOW, Woi.U has been c:huing the ptrlect bt.it eiiiSive ~nd=~J"crw~=. ~!:~ bllcted by R. Buc£minstn- Fulla' and loeated In Mukwonago tBox m, Reutd l ne.r Milwaukee. Ouring .hb slide-illustnted talk ol Wednesday during Ene r gy Awa r enas Week, Wolrt talked knowled&eably about aerodyni.mk:s, aenenton, aoUdity r~lil» and tip sp«ds. Al-the outset of the J)f'tSen· tation,hctoldusthat ratherthantust oplainina the mechanics o1 wlnd~~JIO'o'"ft",hewantedtosbow now the windmill Ene'9Y week.... is blowing in -the Wind;.. ~~ rid us ol the ..plua·lft.tbe-waU" synd.ron:te. This is the bellft that all energy tomes fnNn thesocketlnthewaii. Healsopointed out bow m~M:ti beUtr it would be to have a deceatnliud IOUl"Ce ol ~-er-unJike Arab oil He visualius a patchwort ol sun, wind and water powered energy lhat fol lows the tco)ogk.llprindplewhichstatesthot with divrnlty comes stabilit)l. He allo hinted that the solution to our energy Pf"'b'ems m!J.ht invol ve more lhanaaubltituteiOUrt"e,butachange lnourwla yol thinkingandlivln&. WoiH demonllrated that thrOIJihout history windmills were a prudut't ol matftials II hand, mtriY needed and sophistication o1 the buUder. In the Oute:h windmills, the parts were handCrafted of wood and their design was modified over the e:enturiel by the millen who built ~kt tnem. More recently. in developing countries. wind mills a re made ol splitoildrum~mountedona tower, oil drums ~ing a common material. llereint heUnitedStateswindmills voere de\•eioped in the 1800's, first to pump water, and later, espedaUy In tht 1920'silnd:ll's, toprovkSel!'l~ lf.:~·~:~;~~!!=r:~~::~~ number olwindmilla y,·oritlng today If ~ra,~~~~~~~=t~ to=~f~t~~m:~c!:J being built in people's bae:ltyards. 'lbey are not yl!'t capable ol pnvkting all the pcrtro"tf" needed and ~altdowns ilre frequent, so Ike multitude ol designs are more or experimental benefll. There is a device callf;d 1 syn- .~- ~S!r ~,r:~:a ':~~~~-~ : dmllls at tea, on m(IU.ota ln tops al!d other windy plae:es have bftn s uuested. , Allhe moment tbe return on an in· vestment ol ·~ bomNiled windmill probably wouldn't be u good. Woll( bellevea, u in about three yun Uy that tim& a federally sponsored tOm· petition lbould product! some dl'pnl · dable, effle:ienland economical wind· milts. . Solar energy fe~sible hut imperfeCt By Greq Qrl~·skl As national priorities begin to co~':a:l, .::ua~~lf:seCX:~ = · c~e With I~ ensuing mergy cr1111, so do the hves oft'-e invoh·ed with resea~h in alternative the lndustry'a major prtlblems. Most storage unill now ~Atilite roe:lts for t-t relentiob, but their effie~· is energy ~- Tom Melay is one IUth Pft"• notoverwhdmln&. As part of the Environment.al Coun- ~~~~:~~~f ~r:v::.~.t~~e a Moalofbis40minulet.alk- •u an · e-xplanation of the bulc types ofiOlar heat • colle.=ti"' devkes. Without bog.hng the minds of his audience wl~h te.=hnlcal language, Meloy br1efly described the two 11'11»1 «~m · ~ methods ol IOlar en«gy col.lec· - met~.t):o,v~ 1 ~ .~: 1 ';5 • the sun's IleaC Into musive ~rete wa lls. In Wisconsin, M~oy said. th1a would neceuit.ate buiktinc one's home with amaU windows on the'*" th and I'I"NI sides o1 the house to redue:eheat lou. TheJOUthandeast wallswouidhaveto bemacleofaolid concrete retaiD aad radiate the IWI'I mergy. Uvina In auc:h an ene:loaed cublde would probably save to . Meloy recommended that before anyone ln"Yell In IO!ar heating device~ ror home use. that monty ahould rtnt be spent on maximum • home lnsulalkxl. He abo confeswcl that m011 sola r devices de\"tlopfd ~:~~ ~~e~IO!e": u!~=!ri~. he bas made since tutnlnc-on to solar enft-ay, cbin& I presentation last Wednesday eyening in the CNR main lecturehall. A nine year veteran of ilfh'afl me.=hanks and part-time bee keeper Meloy now woris 11 Jocai distribu tor fOf" NRG, Inc., a IOiar ::.~:" firm based near l01o1ta City, Therefore, oneahould ooly think " 1n· stallircaiOiar heating devke to supple m..,t ~ healln.JJySiem xlread)· In use. Meloy e..xpre11ed hope thllt Congreu wtu 100n pas.t ~1.1!1011 that wouJd financially aid hotnt owners In Incorporating 10lar ht'allng unlll Into thei r homes. Last )"ear a bil l wu dereated thr ough Tom Nteloy, NRG distributor have ~methodsandiscalledlhehot­ hne model. It simply cooslsll of a ga lvinited rectangular shaped box that contains a #curved piece o1 CODC:'efltrate light ra)'l. The active methtx:l is very efficie nt for aeneratln& Intense heat, but Is only oPenbie on brigbtaunny da)'l, NRG, Inc. Hils a IOia.r enert,y c:ollector whle:h combines boUi ot ltuml num sheet onto 1 centnl due:t that runs the length of the device =rrni~h~~~: =~~~::~ ~~~ ~;~ Heatgeneratedln the..ducte:an~ be ~lown into a atorage unit and ~:!~~ghout home a COO~IonaJ ~lhatltiOUkJ eoergy CCIIIJ., but ml&ht iiiCffUe one'a~ for psychia tric help. The other convenUon~~l method 11 Called the active process. This one"• home &i"Vftl owners 40 percrnl taa:crt<Jitoa thetlntJt,OOOIJ)fflton 10!ar hNUna: J)'lt.em iRitallatian CCIIII. For thoae who are JeTiously con· Jiderinj !he use of solar energy for home bellini. Meloy 'said th.at can obtain free inlormatton on g~· ling started by ealllng HUD toll free a t II00-$23-2ni. The U.S. Energy Retearcb a Development Ad· min.lJtraUon &lao U. some printed materlalavailabletotholewhorall 202-376-4464. "Energize''- your home " ' \'kiF:yHUIIn•• The topks on Thursday night of Energy Awareness' Week"' we re '" Energy Inside the. Home " a nd" Public :rranspottatkln." l""iBt Ortb.lla Doescher ol the UVt'SP Home Ec Otpt and Joa~ Leonard, ConJU mn- COnsultant o1 WlsconainPublic Se rv ice. s poke on ··uainJ Appllanccs... Wisdy." Later Mary Ann S.1rd sp;*e on " Interior Oeaip and Ener&Y Ua.e" a nd Mary n.ann..ter diKUSSed ' 'TrlnsJ)ort.arton in Stevens Poi nt. '.'-Questionl from the audleae:e , .ere ene:-out"a&ed and numerous '" = f o r enerl)' conlft"YIIIOD Mill Doelc:her showed. Jlldes to e:omplimeot her l«tuu. P•ce• Marrllu. 1m P•c.er ·-·· ~.·.· ; ... manner. She uidthattutflretcanplay a role In conaerving ftlerJ)' Ap- ~:::tt~~'=bu~~ ~~~= taltennot,!ocovertkeaiTducts Mary Thurmaler ended the evenina's program by nplaininJt tht value ol bul ridlnc. She ukl t~t a bus filled caPfldty is ewn mort energy e riic\ent.tha n car poolinlt She llltnnentk:wled that bUS rldl'rs Sll•·e twice as mudi fuel than If they · ·rrc- to dri~'l·spealter bad m!Kh to off": 011 Ike subject o1 enerl)' conaervat ton. Lel.'1 hope the public's CONCIOUS~ wu _ railed by the •·t'eii:S tha.cbUuJ pn:~~ramt. -- ·cravens- discusses ·interndtio·nal-fore-stry and "operation Ranchhand." Operation Ranchhand was the U.S. 10vemmmt'a plan to defoliate the v;e, Cq'S"Corest hideways. CraVens sbowed slides or ·the imme'"" destruction to forest and brought home the sealb.ation of the tremen· doulleqthofUmetoreplace,Jhetlm- bu. This educational and inlerati~ Ialii. was brou.gtft to a close with a truili"m which can be aoPiied to everyone-"People you meet, you "e,:ert!.~~: to Craven for a perIMI I k>ok in to what to many people Is a ves-y lmpenonal pla~. Eco briefs · A•loy Mon"'tru coming ~ulhr'opolocjst,Aih!ey Moot.lp will be amq the many well-vened speakers Popula~ at the Hum&ll Behavior aod Food Sym"polium beil'l& bdd bert on ::!J~~ine~~~ Uons available fiX' brin&inl the - ~··· areacheduledu follows: Mar-ch it in The public will have the opportunity to assist the DNR in deve)opina: ru1s 1ovemin& the use and disposal ol PCB'a. The department bas Kbeduled thrft belrinp next month to consider a propoled administrative ruli" ao•emlq t.be polychlorinate4 bipheoyll wbictr widespread eoncem becll~a~e ol the accumulation in fish. The hellrincs Milwaukee, March' 14 in La Crosse andMarchtlinAppleton. ail~;•!r:~=!t~~ DDT, 8nd are laSed . primarily u nulds· in ekctric transformers and ear-cltonbeclluseolthelrchemlcaJ alabilitY, low cooHuctlvity and ftre reslitance. Thole cbemieal propertiel · make PCB'• a hazardous environmental I?"Uutant. biecause once released into the environment they peralat for lonJ periods of time and accumulate in the tluues of an! mall. th.t Teslinl has shown high fat fish apeclea,aucllucup,lall:ettout and salmon from some waters, accumulate relatively hJ&h Ieveli of PCB'a, and the public has been 'advil-ed by the state health offiCials to limit Ita coosumptlon of these 1pecln ' toonemealperweek. ..-lion. WMkb population In line with food Sde!:ltists from acroa the nation ...WbeoohaDdtopreseot lhriTviewl and fmdinp. Mmtap's talk will cover aootber aspect ol population s tudy,lhat ol cultural evolution. Stuckntl a n earn One credit for partidpe.Unc In this aemlnar. F\1.11 lime studeots can add tbe course witbout addiUoaal char&e. Non- atudeotsmayalteodb)'retilteringat tbe Extended Servieel olrlce. .There is ass cbarae for t.beeotireday,$3 for the ewni.oa pn~~nm aklfte. ., F\utber details CXI the l)'tnpclllium or rfCbtratioo can be obtained by contactlaC Extended Serviots. " Chlol appolnlod Jolm Spinks has been named ctDef o1 the OfOee ol Endanaered Species· with the Interior Department's-u.S.· FishanciWUdlifeServlee. . M Chid ol the Endanaered Species ~~=:JI:.':t,rs~= . :;::-~~~:~~~~== opera~. and Federal ald to Slate ~~~bewuappointedasSpecial Aalslatll to tbeAIIiltaDt Secretary otlhe Interior for Fiah and W'lkllile and Parb •here be served W1l.il bein(namedtohilprsentpo&IUon.. . Quandt Fieldh'ou.se $4.50 students, $5:50 non-student, $6.50 day of show Ticket Ouilets on Campus: U•ilv•orsltv Center · i Manaaement for fi re, IDllect, Unlvers.l ty Film Society Presents: Kind Hearts and · Coronets Starring-Sir Alec Guineas, Dennis Price, Valerie Hobsot;l Tuesday, ·March 22 Program Banquet Rm. · 7 & 9:15 . - $1-. 00 . diJeue and wuthts' ~trol aod dlmaae b excluded from tbe dear· cutlinllimltlltiom ld, u are areu 111111:11.1ed for special ·~e p.tr· poiS ( prairiedlkUnbabitat, ~ tallan:uerswaaatment.etc.l. Count;., • side Soioums By Bar~ htc:lld • If &lusby Man:b Welthtt' make~ Uvin&diff.W.twitllyourhouse 01 donn mats, Mothel' Earth News Almanlc ffCOI'IU!lexls the tradltioMI Appa~lachlao l'ftlltdy Cot JrUmpY ~ .. .a lta of wUd violet flower~. . lt's thethou&btlhatcounta. ~ 11 a cwioul mlln Uon south attbil UmedlCWtbat laW but a wetk..Tbel:pedeilift~mdm· u,~t..tandiURihint anda oltbelldnlnorderto recover from ._l'lhcllm.ltellwt it winters ln. The mlgi;Uon allo aems to won as a antM~ePreuaot, Why stay ·out in the heat? THIS SUMMER BE COOLl Live at The .Village Comfort•Convenience~Lux~ry Enjoy air conditionilg arwj h refteshi1g pOol .SUPER SUMMER RATES NOW ACCEPTING CONTRACTS FOR SUMMER AND FALL The Village 301 Michigan Ave. Stevens 341·2120 ,. _.. / '•· . Plllii~ --~ People • Pta oeli· j· Spring B.realf ~-·! Whe_re...n~ man haso gonebefor~ ByW..... a.a.yjUce Aadwbrn!arey•a~orSprin& Bred, bozo! Not ce lilte ~ Daytou or Fort I.Audmla , I hope. I What .~ crashlaa bore-thoulands., bare, tanned bodies, alitherin& Findar'k!=tJ.~:r:!:t Why not do somelhlna diffefftt? Go somepla«: that'a worth wrillna home about. I've taken It upon mysel.fto'el you In on some~ travd lipl for Sprin& Break. You won 't find uy ot tbtse places In thole tacky tnvd foldea. These are really e:xdtial places. For lnlta~. wby not pto... . Wblt C'OWd be more n d tiallhan speDI6aa ywr Sprina Bruit at the bottomoltbeAtlanlic<kfto--ten full days I.D that mysterious IUb.aquaUc treDc:b between Alriea and North Amepca. Atlaatill Stuff ollefendl, rhymes of a ncient murners, ethereal, deep, a.od betrtwarmin&ly ina:pemJve. Ys, bold rata: In Atlantl a bave really aone ~witbtbebotda. The buic drtu la AtluUI Is, ol coune. SOIIPDI wet. AUutil bouts someol tbe ~~ 'adtinl water •Ports to be found ao~'a wt­ derwater cric*et, u..oderftter lawndarta. and that okt favorite, underwater &blrk,.U.IIe:k. In fact, to the ~ ~i.:=....~teti~~~~ 'packitfC your blp, service, wrlncina: calUni for room out your Master Cbatp-it's all one blaadventure. It's ralher hlrd to Itt 1 decent tan m AU.ntl&. atnee bla, bad Mr. SUn can't te~cll hil ltsy-bltay rays down there. but you ua aquire a lo~y COitol~alpe. - As you ml&ht aped, t.bere are a runber" ol really superb sea.food restauraotlln AlluUI. AD tbe loc.aJ seafood~ eat there, 10 you' re aclvlKd tostayaway. · uau&lnatioa, aDd suHtf'in&.. Forone are advised to fotJet It-here, you thine, they mix a mean cocktail :';e~.!~~;~~ir::~i': tn~on:' ~~~~::J.es).~~ 175.000 up-it'a their ftn.ion oe Dlsaeylaad, called, of 'course, ldila.lld. Tben!'s all acrt1 ollree mtertainmel'lt there, u WeU u a munopened berofW«Idfamousrides,suchutbt Whlplub, tbt Rille-Up-Ywt·Ncalmperialilt-5wlne, the Two-CarCollision, aDd the BWDp·Off·lo-T'beNi&.ht. U tbesearen 'tloyourlikina, ~hl:. ::~t=t!c~~= &lanc:tS over your ........... cutin& terrilled A lot of unkind thlnp hive been 11ldabout Upnda,-butlhe~illn ~~1;-to~~tit?b: J':t;:!:_!:fpDda... re:rillt;~ you llltfoot , . .... dollars worth or Tbeh are plen\)' of sporta acUvit)es win at any ol them. You can be sure that )'OW' tennis opponent wiU have a million dollar zoom-ann, or that your bikin& buddy's leas will be worth 6:& times lhe sugested retail va lue ol everyt.hlnayouOV!n- -City This one's for special tu~. _mon speclficaiJy, for lbole l"lth bliNY developed mecbankallicilll. AU the lnhabitantl of Bklnk City bave been planned, construc ted , and ,.ired by experts. Girl watehen Down of Time Tired of sodety'! Had It up to here Cont .... pg. 12 L~king for something spe.cial to do after fr'\ spri~g break? ~ Bermuda Triangle Sunday & Monday, March 20 & 21 A.Ja Bil J)addJ kti bmtel aD AIDericaD atudaltllo IJ*Id their . Spritll ltrMU ID Up D . p11cioully at their GWO eq~B~M. AU reporU ol bad doiDp lD UpD are U., lies, lies. ~Dy. there's much more to tbl s cou a try tbaa · torture , HI~ i. former boom-towo, In t he CoffMhouH 9:00P. M. · 11:00 P.M. now ralber- quiet.- Alta' the bil popu.Litian 0:pklliorr d AUCUII I, ltf5, It became FM eq~neertna. available, but you won't be able to FREE FROM U.A.B, ~l EVENTS I Our only limitations··are . - th . ... . . . ·~-=:'i::=tion .lhoukl be ui". : nt'\'8' Whit thlnp be withoUt ln tbe the acenery; but also ror the batt. p1eken, uooellll, and moun. !.~~ w:t.~ ~ '!vre :S~ :':'~~telnto l"tlativtly However, the double purpoae of aibliiUes to thele areu when we uae ~:;~=r~!'~~ i:e~ the chanee to rind answ~ to 5 wildemeu ai'UJ, 11)'1 Simer, mn. taU. an lmpll~lt confkt: how do ,...e prtRrVe an area In Ill Nllut'lll ltlte • while at the ume Ume us.e It ror rec:ruUonf ACC'Ofdina to Simer questions llll.e these throu&h ~'k:!: worluhops , and === c:='n~r:.::ir~ Vrry few of \IIICtually know what 'it'sllklltollve In tbewlldemeu for an attoded amOWit o1 Ume. Sltlinl tn our safe, warm, suburban SUI'MIWlding.l we view the wiklerneu elthtr with feellnp of terror and awe, or wlthaconfidellt"lcouldsurvlvei!l bad to ~ attitude: an attitude supported by boob and mOviel lite Dellv~ce. which pit man ap!nst NllUte. • peop~ In the rock climbing =• :1d~them=)·~~:z::re!m~ putatedbyJohnMulrftlthusiasta. ~aL""pra~~~~:: ~ relevant edue&lkln about what rifed bid uuae hu on the wilderneu 1s one CIUM, "-.Simer P'Jtl it, "llhiM ~~ex~u:'i:: ":: ~~~.!~'f::,.~~ k·,:! ~~:d d~':d oiSc:~i howtodolt." Theother e~useisthe lacSoldellreoranactual inabililyoa !MOBS), aDd Mr. Peter-Slmer, director of Natloaal OUtdoor Lftdenhip Scbool iN()U;), proorided tbe mc.t enjoyable parts of tbe l)'lllpoafum in ==-~~':t:a:= anJUDdtbemil. vs":a~~~. ~~ ~ ~~~- aodlntbe Thtrt II a mart;ed coatrut bet· Wf!m the two men. Simer • taU with :;ruy dWereat perspective, ia a oa ''Wllde:meu Safely". The only re~ l aalety factors we hlvt, bt MJI,aretbeplanninaandjuclgemeftl we UN both before and dwina a wilderDeu trip. lncludtcl In lhelt factors fa the elemftlt o1 1UI!uclt. Whenaotnalnto the wildmltu, RWI)' =-~u!e~=·:tt~d~~·~ =the:~~=~'('::~ some on the media that we 'III'On'l dilcuul. Pritchard, on the other hand , II ratMr ahort with dean-cut, curly dirk hair, a channing 1m.Ue, and a mined British acctnt. He also admlll to Cft'tain oplnlons and bluel, ::r!:t':t~~':,~::;:: ~:,~~~~~~~~P- in their about the plm!l dlffermces, abowtd talb a ge!DUine C'CIDCtnl llrildemesland a desire ID hdpJNiople 1eam about tbemsdva and about tbdrret.tionahlp totbeenvlroameot. In a talk oa " Ethics ol Uling the :_~"·!::u:1 da'!'\C':"~· . Leem ing off<ampus survival ~lnbelr::: :r==be": ulcle. PrtRrvallon ot the rtiiOUl"eee and va)ues of our .nkk!nea areu beMflll oot ooly the present aenerationl, but allo thole wbo will come after 111. Setttnt: uide 'I'Uder· Cometo preserves the wildness := W~&OI. folb J: ~t::nr!na: :.r: 1tay, whether It be garbige (buried w~of~~~'!r::::au~=~ Coffeehouse wall serves as cklssroom for a~allopr'O\'kklplacesfor =t~W~~OI~= mesuae for bdp1 abould you ~­ phlloloptly tNt IHml to pmne.~te our IOdety, The oppo~ite lttiludt, one ol harmony with nature and fkrwinl with the demftlll, is r«<m· mmdedbyPrttchard. 1be otber attitudes whkb ean lea( to da.nproullituaUDftl .we pr!lfOtecl. 'lbellntwutbeejolrip (MAnd bel e'a the Mountain Min, ready to tackleMl Even~lwlthonlyhilict pldl: and bll bl.re bands") ; •ndtbt .econd, lhe FearlKI Le~Mr :;::;::'u:.tt::"~J.~:_us horne nJ~:o::~dc=~ ·=J!~ aomet1met bappeo. What shau.ld J'OU dolfa.rtieillylnatntbe middlt!" thetnU wltba bn*en lejorAIIctll Peter Simer ....." ~ ,.. .0: .. .. ~ "do .. u •· "' •"! m ." .."'"' :lI ..,.." ,."'"" I ...""'' ..:;..."" .. ~ ~ . [ e _w e .place up9n oursel-v es ..., Outward lovi'MI ski Instructor demonstrofii!S the art of waxing ·• Tbr run wu equau,. mixed with thaulbt-provokinlidealintbel)'mp:Uun. ltl lilbt ol tbe JI'O'Winl: alu and dmwdl ol QW' population. tbe motto ''ule It or k'Mit" il• vital laue In wlldenleu prner.-atlon. Howen:r, we must care tnOUib about our wilda'Dell area to Ieana tollle tbemproperly,botbfortbe:lrprotee· tlona.nd cuw. OolytbencanweM)' U.t we bave tUeo IIIOChinl but pic*-- and lett aotblalbut footpinta. Just o my of the edible~ varieties ovailobJe . Students ¥1Utinlze ~lng tent .Deer killed in Jordan Park reads, " DANGER. KEEP 5 rt. AWAY , ANIMALS CHARGE FENCE." The •l&n was polled all~ park offlciallnoticedlhelnc:nuin&'' Wikl canduct'' ' ol some o1 the pen's int..bitanta. • Last September, a p~~ir ol elk were removed alter the bull bepn dlarliDa the feMe bdlbxl wbk:h t peclalon were st.a.oding. Mn. Pbyllil Grimm, Jordan Park nsident =::~=:th~ but hid to be RJIIlratld when the ume milchleYOUI bull attacked 1nd kUled a ma1e wbltetall deer. Placing a <tnce between them however, did • ' not resolve their apparent dislikes. Grimm mentioned that the bull elk would aUil lun&e at aru' Mer that got tooclosetothedividlngfenc:e. The elk h.lve, alnce been sold, but the IIIJI wamlna the public of lhe animals' rem.~lnl c:hua:iag tendencies on the fence. WbltetaU de« Captive deer deve lop strange chordcteristlcs In themc:~ure haveabobeeo known to lhrult their anUen throu&h the rmce at people wbo have 1o1.ten too dole to the pea. AppannUy the males., · wbo do the majorlty' ol the dlafllnl, become moat frenzied ~ lbeiT fall malinc period commonly knownu tbe "'rut''. Grimm related I story In .mieb I ::etaue:eone"'ran·.:.~~~ who normally was quite toknnt ol lmnant, ebarled the -.nde.- while be hiring an ef&bt foot wire fence bdwtotn you and the deer may live causetoquestlontbe ' 'wild'' aspeeto( lhe animals. Abo, knowlnc that m01t ol the anlmal5 wer-e purchased from pme farms or reared In slmllat pms, may make it hard to C'OC!vince yourself that you are tettna a wUd anima l. ~ :J!:.~::VO:r~f~~~ a sign futtned to the wbk& wulnthepeaabdpinnedbimtoa buUdinl wttb 11D anUen. Tbe man told Grimm be uw 'bil life pus belen blm' u the deer bdd him ap- =~·~e~~~= hla et and wnpptna: it from uouodthe d cltbearJ81')'dea-. U you are wondet'tna; why these anlrniD"'Ippear to• be more "wild" ~e~~=~ · Spring Break, cont'd with people! Yu m for the sim ple lire? Why not spend Spring Brule in the Dawn of nme. that lona ago en that ma.lles the Min& Dynuty 1ooll. • like yesterdl)'! Really, sing.le«Ued life forms mslce ldNI vae~Uon nel&bbors. Tbey' reJulet, unobtnlllve, and !C::uiJ:\,nny~.time aloahlna = Food il everywbere. but you hive ' -to fend for )'OUl"'df. 11M: Dawn of -=-~ ~ r:=~~or -·· pbnltton from the prime¥al oceanic: soup il CCIIDiklered euentiaJ for True, Uwe arm't many thlnp to . clo ln1beDawnclTime. You maybe able to get some fun out ol fouling up evolutioo by swatting to death any Cffttureawbolrytoleavethewater and ada pt tollfeontheland. Our mint shake will be · iiere for St. Patrlcks Day~ - . . . . . . . llllle.IIIII!"Ciod." ~ 841 DIYislon St, Pilllltm' PaJe tz Mlor d1111 , 1m SteYens Point . . . ARE you dedicated to the prln·. clples of leadership, Friendship and Service? If you are Alpha Phi Omega Is where you should be. If you.'re already In It or would like to find out miire, listen up. Alpha Phi Omega.Js rebuild· lng on th!. Stevens Point campus. Organizational meeting.. March .23, 7:00 p.m. , Red Room In U.C. Alpha Phi Omega Is coed so · everyone Is wei· ~e women and men both. ...... ~· ·--~· -:-::;.~ ~ i· - ___ 1 _;;.;;......;;;........;;;;;====~~------- 1 Pointer 9 heads south ~:m~~~:::ly~ M~:s~=~;:.~P~fetr~~ :.~:,=::m~~= e:J~thetne'-.!!t::rhl~l~ ldlyiDOI'Dln&ontbtirannualsprin& ~~ri:n~~~~ rANewRkhland,Mina. UtWD&for ~=~!::=~~~~ Blndow at ~ bue, Jfn')' LabO..rk!s, La. Wallen ol Manito.Oc: at ahortltDp Cllrt, alter a )'Ur'a lellt'e ol abo • atldOonSolinolAnli&oattbinl. sence, hu rttumtd !Of' hb: IIlli OUHaU~UoiJal*villeiltbeNo. JeUOaU«ll!c.h. LutyMt, tbePointcatcber,whlletbeoutllddbasBob ten, WKiet lnleJtni COicb Ron Wbltlltt ol Madisoa in ~~ fieJd, Nick St~. woo tbe 1011tba'D dJ.vilkln • Bandow (Jobll'a bn>tbtr) in center Utle in lbe Stille UnlYenity Cooand Rrid Ndloa also o1 New fereoce, beaUD& aut arch-rival UW· Rkhland,MiM. inriahtfldcL Ol.btoabfC,..a berthiatheNAIASlate Ndlonhad anoutst.ancUrtaseuooa ToumameaL Tbey Dt GUt iD lhf yea.rago.ubewuaeltctedtotheaDchampkmlhlp pme to ~Croue area and all-district tea.m1-11ot to :::nr:~c!. by ==~::and~~: doublebeader at McNftR SUite iD ~~. a: d1d =:o:::=w=·~~= 'who Judi an OUt· l landin& job • ye.ar ago, woa't be wortdnl with the buebiU team lhls BIDdow t.tted .Wand Nelloo .474 in Clarlt baa a •trona group of vetetaN .t.dt from last year'l dub omlaloabycoafereoeeeoacbfll. Tbe PGlntft'l'blve been hit bud by both offenatvely and defensively. bl.dforattartinlapotlntbept~ J:.,~ey tlan-ed at Pllce The UWSP Womea'1 Track Team vilaUoo.a lbeldlnl..a t"ra!seMarchS. UW- l..a Croue Won the meet with ~~~~;,u:eed~~uwC~~ Tes.u, LGulllana and Arta0111 with a 21-rnan squad, be wu ID an optomiltk: (rameofmlnd. ''Tbe JUYI have a tremendous It· CUe, a riJht bander who dedded to tnnlla-badttohllhometownschool at Winona, Minn. (Stale); 101.1thpaw Doug Meyer 11 · •chola~tlcaUy Ann Okondt took a rint for lhe Pointers in lhe shot put, putUng it 43 ~ feet, I ~ Inches. Nancy Gehler took ~!~::/.-:!:!~S:. ~~~etb~'r.:'g:=t~ :e.~r:';=t~feet,2 ~ in· ref~'i!.~~=out ~.!'~:Zs~ ~tZ; oftkially since March 1 aDd ''Unol· , Tom Hojnac:kl and lec:md baseman Bdally on~ own"•~ Jan. 17, Marlr: Cambray. C.m bray will, Clark said. " We have about 50 JUYI bowever, return as an auillan~ to out and I hope to get a good klok at a Col.clt ~rlr:. lot ol them durin& the two-week Cla r k 11 blgh on seveul • period we have open after retu.mi.nl newcomers, induding frfthman Jef. from the lrlp." thander Pat Paveilkl who may bfl Thereturnin&vetera.nthavealoc:k Uloed.bolbuapitc:herandoutfiekler. ::eo::,.~=~~~·ac:c:mfin& Pavellklwuasta~tperformerat .. · APPLICATIONS ARE NOW BEING ACCEPTED FOR . .BUIWING STUDENT MANAGERS AT ALLfN. DEBOT AND . UNIVERSITY CENTERS . .' Must have one previous semester on campus and at least two semesters left at OWSP. Qualifications : 1. Exceptlona.l kn.o wledge of campus and organizations 2. Neat and well groomed 3. Willing to accept responsibility 4. Willing to.work 15 hrs. per week and some weekends Pick up· applications at .t he U.C. ~nfo. Desk , Allen & Debot Center Student Managers OHice. Applications due March 25th at. the Information Desk lntervl-~ begin at Allen Center .,;~w:·:;:,:C.=.r.:=:: Women .thinclqds 2nd at LaCrosse ~iJ!I:::U-='~tofoolbaU :u=~J~om:~u= . ~w~~~at~.:~:.:u! =-:n~am~~:;sw~ =:a!t~pi~~~~= ontbe~ Frallk Stoctus beads the llllt ol cur sprt.na trip. OUr No. 1 C'OI'IC'em il returnln&pltdlen. TbeHOUCredl • tbat we do everythlna we caa to pt aopl;omorubaftdlf'Mlpromilelalt re.dyfortheeord'ereneeseuc:a. seasmwitbann:celleotfutballand . ''We~tonanaUUiemcntbll &oodconlnli. JeUOa, tlpedally on the. road. I'm Other veten111 loc!ude Stevena more incllned to play daM to the Will Point ae alor lefthander Ra ndy at • home wbeNt we can take ad· ~. M.ldllori junior rl&htbaoder' vat~tqe ol the power bittiftl we sr.d Ryan and QUcqo Hel&hts, W. have." )miorWthanderGaryWeber. Tbe Pointers, who have a :15-tame "We ahoukl have a:c:ellent bittlrc ftl\llaraeuon~arealllte:Ho and t.m cld'eaae," obaerved Clart.. debut at bome apiDit Wiooaa State " We't'ewtdtn&maiDJyonourpit· onAprUs. 51. m~~ fJ:: ~=~na,!rJ ~ ~quad performed better than she "an- tic:i~ted. " Becausewebavelimlted tnmlng faclll~. we really don't ex·1 ~~ to be the belt tea m In lhe con· fei-enc:eyet,"lhea:Piained, Laat year'• team ended the seuon by w!Ming the state outdoor track cbamplon1h.ip. That team"had jw.t ones.enlormember, The only lou Jut year wu in an early HUOn Indoor meet. ln. that mee t, La Croue beat the Potnte~ by • c:onvint:ina margin. Coach Moley feetll..a Croue's ex· '" c:eJient indoor fadi!Ues m•keJM*Ible thetr •trona: lndocw &bowing. "When we mtet them the next time It wiU be our outdoor season a nd I'm c:Gnlklent the mulls will be quite dif· ferent ,"sbeaald • . The women Thinc:ladli return to action lhls Saturday, March 12, In the =~d~~J.ba,;'l;DI~ confidence that her team will definitely finllh a mona the top three leatlll. i Women dealt stunning_upset by -Oshkosh ByPaai Va rlle)' The Pointer women'• basketball .· w~end'l regional play. The learn was dealt a llUMing up.et' ln Roanies a re ailo the defending tournament play last Friday night. reglonal dlamJ)I. After a relatively easy 0.52 The Potnten #nded thetr teaJ:On ~~~::!~U::': ~th ~ea~lla:1\ 1 te.~ar~:owc:::d;: Conference t WWIACl tournament, Marilyn ~waru, who il resl&nln& ~ ~ pc:n~;.~~~n:e~U:Jt:.:t :a~ ~~a::::~;ti! ;J: an.y hopes the Pointe~ had of par· ten won S4 ol the 40 Ja!JleS they ~/:~. ~~~~O:~f~. in wat ~a~e:!e~~~t~~rxe::;.·~~~~' Shocked by the defeat to a team them weie at the hanck ol the they had previously beaten 77-S3, Roonla. . ~~~~=~~u~~~ ca~lloof"::e:,~e~~~ •::!!;. Tbe mighty La Croue Roonlet cap- s lays, Dee Slmoa, who wiU graduate t~ed~rt&tb s~a iJht llalecham· in May. A.ltbouch only 5'1", Slman pronsh.ipbypoundlng0s.hkolh9CH7. wu one ol the top rebounden for the Bop! La Croue 117.0) and Olhkoah team , as well u scorer In double 112-t) will representWisconlin inthll rigures. ..... ·.SHIPPY SHOES ..... . I t Will Marquette give McQuire400th win? or~:.!~ ,:erd!~'= ::;s::r~~=~~o; · astbeylkipdau. usr , smartinl from the debllcle m ~~~~~m=~ but en11matlc: forward Jamn ''T'toubk'' Hardya«ndimes plays u lf bil bead were elsewhere lhan atop his iboulden. Pick lhe Oons..• ..and hokl )'GUr JKIIe. Tbe ottw fOUT entriel at? C:UDCII'I tk will inO!nabl. The other six"ta.IDiln the Mldwtst Clney, well· m, like MU and bala!X'td. ProrideDce tJH) Ids 81& ~ Ei&htdwnpK.a111UStl.teCZHI,._l Alb!IUS t.l.aPs with ZH Wake flftSt, 11 da~em.a AUantk Coast squad and ArW:ma 111-51 eollldel 111tbSouthernQliDolaiZHI. No ma ller .wha t bap~ u ~. lbe MarqueUe-Ciacywift. DK will be £a¥01"ed to tate the rqion.a l in Oklahoma Ot1 aod move illlotht Final Four at -Atlanta's Omfti Jbrdl!!ll. When do yOu say··au~isar.? · o When I'm ·thinking . about girls. · 0 When I'm trying· to meet girls. 0 When I'm wondering wliere In the world all the girls are. UWSP trackmen survive scare, upset Mankato situ.tlon they dec.lartd U. ByJaySdlwdlll intire cuvr~~derieil · justuvitalatUU. aca~=~~:::rr!Nu! ~~~~~=~- slim. t~m~.!ftlniD& ll ror 2milerelay,I:IM.03(2Dd); l'l&yanl ~~~~7n~,~~,:= the conManbto Stolte University wam tn ~dand thevlctorywaacllnched. 1benlwerueverallat placeeftorti -.J int. hurdle~ • Mark Botk, :21.a route to first place at the 13th Annual Head eoacb Don Amiot wu lm- for UWSP, blidled up by a Jlew of (2nd); medleyrelll~t : 57.83 (2nd); 10 ~~~- MinnesOOI Relays lui ==:~~:~~~,~·~.:: - =:~W't, wbkh arejuatulm- r:.~ (~;~p~~: Tbeni~H-nd-tucl;fl&htfortbeteam to&dher. Webewtiftertberaot~iD momin& il wu Jolni to be tiUewmtdowntothefanalnmt,the the ~i!'ie:J::::~·IN7 After a mixuP ln e:tc:banls, the Pointer relay team was disqualilled. However, the Judcet were respon. siblefor pl.lcinctherunneninthea:change 10DR ; after reviewina the Tbe followina fln1i~Wn : were ' lit place 21'6"(3rd) ; triplejump-DenniaRue, 47'5~ " C2Dd): hJch jump · Dean ::::.'!t ~~~:: ~~~..~~ ::~-~" ·=~ · ~~~<~~ rwo ·tune-uP job." . man, •4: 11.51 ; 10 yard low hutciM • meets bd'cn the WllcoDibl State AJthou&b the squad It aUU not in . Jim EkhiH, :Ul; &hot put • Toay University Conference Cham· peak canditloo for the coalt:rftlee DelFatU,51'1". pi001hl p10nMa~b2S-2I. • meet In two weeks, Amiot noted the :zndandSrdplacefmbheawerepr- · Toda7 they are at LICr<ue, ' and Importance ol tbelr unity: "Team nendby : Friday they race Ol.htc:.!L Eau Claire, Oshkosh dominate WSUC All-conference team Eau Claire landed three berthland La CrGue two on the Ali-WikGD&I.a State University "Coaftrmce butd· billl tum aeNected 1ut wftk by the league's he.d eo~~dlel. The Eau Cla ln! conting~tls led by 7-foot center Dennis Blunk of SbawaM and includs Ttm V;lentyn Ol.hto&b'a Ralph Sims ol Waulle&aD. oiKllnbe"lyandJdfLundofAnU&o. IU., PlattevUle'a John Krajewski oe COIIc.bel sd«Ud a to-mao "First MUw1ullee CDoo Bosco), River Fall1' team" that indudn t. Crtllle st&zt- Llrry Pittman ol Phllacklpbia, Pa.. douW t.rry Halvason o1 Dodgeville Superior' a Monte OeMard of lnklter, and Ed Ublenhakeol Bw-Unaton. Midi., and Whitewater's Ted Rogers this department. Dennant, 1 lanky 1-1 junior, boolted h1l ICOfinC averqe to IU with • late leMOn 1purt., while Rogers, 1 1-7 former Monona Grove pr-ep, own~ an 11.4 ICOrinc aven1e Roundlncouttheall-ctarsqu.adue ofCotta1eGrove.. WJthJOreboundaapme. Eau Claln!'s Ken Anderson and Upperclassmen dominate this ~~~=~·~?~"O:•a::~:":: ~·=~~,~~~- aenlon oltheyur. · · :=::: :=:.s;::. ;-.: : ...... """'""' ..... Slms, whohubceilleadin&thecon- Nl ..e ' Ht. WL the honor squad aJona with H1Jver- t.rry Halverson 1-7 son, Pittman and Blunk. This ma rks Ed Ublenhake u tbethlntstralghtyeaz-Halvcnonhu TedRojJen 1-7 beencholcnonthe _fu-st~m . t.rryPittman 1-1 Sima, a H juruor, Wftlt Into the John Krajewski u • fmal week ol COI!'petiUOn with 1n Tim y 1 )entyn w 205 ~-~~~ ~fi~.r.::.=:~~·nd• ~~~rd ~ Halvenon, a. ._7 semor, ~ S«<nd in conference ICO{Iha wllb 1 13.1 avcn1e. Uhlenhake, his 1-t t!" =.:n.m:-~l:.~~::e ,:;=!. =-~~~ tyn and 6-1 Lund second and lhlrd Ln U.A.B. FILMS PRESENTS MURDER ON THE ORIENT EXPRESS STARRING: ' Albert Finney & Sean Connery ..A1llllllrH'.Wr OOIIWNM UIIINTI" · -VW.Wc-.,__ ,....,_,._ ~1:~~ ~- __'M.iiinn' . . . . .. . . _ . tN 111 e.NJIDIIII" u--•-•,._. ·-.-. m--•- . .--- March 25-AIIen Center Upper 8:00P.M. - EauClall'fl ~.oc ~.oc ..... lUverFalla Platteville :: .......... Whitewater EauClaln.. EauClalre HONORABLE MENTION Oshkoah-PdeNet&betJe- ~':;:VOle-~,- Suthe-land,. AI River hu.-Tom fbnMft, Dan lerlhan10polnWapme. u auilta a ~~~with thew vaae. ID 105 110 220 115 =:YP•~.a •b)-1, S&eve Me-ld Stout-Bruce MueUer .NOW TAKING APPLICATIONS FOR SUMMER EMPLOYMENT FULLTIME OR PART nME INQUIRE AT EMMONS STATiONERY AND. OFFICE SUPPLY COMPANY EMMONS ·601 north division. mon.. thlrS. 8·5 fri. 8· 9•sat. 8-12 phone 344-4911 ' [ Art• • Culture fantasy forms Mil~red Wild's ~orld mall~ ol about th irt y ' ~ lly Sttvef:dmp Plllys un " CJ"'U-rdereoce" lbmt· ;~·~rn.·~~~~~.:,.·:~~:.:t ....... se~ln:,nt~~~":i Albee's Wll4o's AITUI ol Vlrclala W...U! Ihatpvemea poddalolln- A ~pW of 1pots looere a ~ltle OVtf'· ~in place~, I thought . The tim ing was good in the part wiK're Mildred wins the TV contest. with the TV an- sightintoP8ulZIDdel'sTM~'Af. r•lrl o1 Ml~ WlW , In h1s play, Albee bu Marthll N)' , ''Trullt and \Uuslon Georp, you don't know the diffHenet"; to wbkh her husband Gt<ofCe rep!M!t, "No, but we m1111 nou~r·a Yoice "&·oritedln v.·ellw lth the pandemonium cn.ated by Koy. Mildred. and Helen. But the rrantkneu Yo'flll on a bit too long, and C~ITYGaU Uoch "ftctid." Mildred dropped the Pttooe about one too many times.. 11w! same problem AI Jeut with Alboe'Sif'!tellectually· minded Georp It ls pouible for him lo " carryoa"llnhisc.aseuaO)Jk-se histOQ' proleuorl u if aome dis line· lion between Ctuth and iUuli«< tan- be made. For Zirldel'alllJdred Wlld, abe c:anool ewa· pretead to be able to ca me up with Mild«d and Roy 'a televisioni nttrviewarttrMildrf'dhaa .won her "Hollywood Homemaker" title. ibe inttf'Yiew turns Into 11n alrina or loag bdd raentment. bd· wHn Roy and Mildred, but comes oH too m~ as an a:tmded &houlin& contbt. But theSe werennly Ia pie~ in a n overa,ll well-paced and finely acted produc:tlon. •. • t~~rc~~'~: ftlatu;._, She moves aod often humouruuiJy, lD tbt ''fell world'' ol 1 Wbby apt.rtmeot bebiada s-1.o be lorn doWD cud)' store owoed bJ ber hanfwortirlc. ..-.afferuc-te (yd still toOmebow llkMblel bulband, Roy. AddiU..Uy, tbisftlf,]worldis King. Kong's hand - o technical feat ~~a!L.C:.a~~~~: face- tbe-facts.tld type lilter· i&-law. But is is aa IJ.Iuloey workl fed bJ film star rnap.m-, encOea movie&, and ffi&hll of fantasy u Virian Lelah· ~ lett O'Hara, Gin&er Rodgers, Shtrley Temple, and- best or all- Fay Wraylll that is Mildred Wild's truth. "I need them tthe movlesl ... tbey tell me what to do," 5hevaiolytriesl.oexplalnto),{elen. The set desl~t~ was put Loctt!wr w!uW:':a~=~~~~= While the Individual performance given by Brooks Darrah as Roy was nry well done , his re_lationshlp with Mlldreddidnoc getiet{orthasex· plicitly as di<l the Mildred-Helen one. Nevertheless. I liked his Ro)'-Hif· C'onscious a bout his impt'!ldlng bald· ness, wantina to understand Mildred but unable to. and too nervous to properly carry offanarfairwiththe landlady Bert~Gale. Muriel Bonertz' Bertha was the s trange one • ·earina her ever-present " beeper" and trying to relate to her tenants by mean~ ol devices learned in her encounter lf'OUP- She has her best moment In 1 scene where she says not 1 word-instead she just takes a vfrY styliud qlt ita a nlmsy ne&Ji&H put I distraught Roy, I secretly amlllfd nuo. ;~.PC~ Hden and Mildred, aflerMildredrmdlherout. st rmdl"' wben the ditrlcu.lt~ Involved fn c:o~turne chan&• and the the shlrla l.o mcw'dllnd raotuy would be rmllnd. Wbile the pece did &et bn*tna few tlmesbecaUMofthls, on the whelk It worked and woriltd well. When Mlknd c:han&ed from a bathrobed bousewUe to a beautiful Jady-ln·the-}unale belfll &rabbed by the hand of Kinl Kon& himself In a ~~,::~d.':!!t ~~~ The c:okn lftiDed to dtllbtrately c.lub-the bedlpread, the pillows, andtlle~.birclagecover. By lbe time this is printed Mlldr rd w:~'!!!'sM=-=~~~rvn~: espedally for ~ who wan' ! ~ ­ plctelylt'ttlefcwnawiptil'll throiJ&,h the "real world" when then just w.ald be a trip on the good ship Lollipop awalling somewhere. WISCONSIN NAFSA CONFERENcE 1977 To Be Hosted By INTERNATIONAL CLUB •On UW-SP· Campus Friday,,March 25, 1977 9 A.M.- 4 P.M. University' Center · ··Theme: " Self Help Is The Key . • . " • Open to UW-SP students , faculty and staff · WbiJe some of the roles were ob- violaly more dema.ndlna tbln othen. lbe acUna was very weU balanced, aod the entire ease .eemed to wort tctether well. Nobody was ~· Jea.vlnl" anyone etr.e-theY were aU actin& In lbe samelnpe, and oot 1 bad lap at that. Kathy· tanoey'a dratnbuie spilledoun FaithWeeks' thllllwnd e¥eatuaJJy' enid TV t.dy, Mb.s Maoley and Rey [)obeck's Intruder In lbe first fantasy scene all made e«~tributklnl u memorable u thole otlbemaincbaracter-perfortnen. • Admission FREE except 1M luncheon $3.50 • Registration In advance · required (FOt"elgn ·Student Office, 014 Nelson Hall 346·3553) . ' NW-IIalialal Auodatioa o1 mg. llldelt A11ais Mardlll,tmPaaetlP•I.n' Fil m Society ·· · Film encompasses mur~er, morals oand ·hu~or , Polson and mar_riage, provocative women and KMmel, these are sucb that satire is made ol. " Kind Hurts and Con:Ddl'', procb::ed by Michael :~a!·.:=~~dw~~n =: " Kind Hewtt and coroneu·;. will be lhowa by* Ul\lven;lty Film SodeQ a t 1 Md t :)S p10 in tbe Pragram S.acpt ~of the UDivfftity c-- "'·AkcG--.stiarspla)'Uichroi. of alPt ._dwa rdiu fiKtdy.madil rangiae , _ ""'"be Duke;• to '""Admin!,.. t.e· "Lady AptM." AI el&b{ are Dllmbtn ol a duca l clan that numc be manipulated a nd ~:::~':!~m~e~IMnwt . Dellllil Price pta.yi the young maD who cooly IMdertakes a monslt'ou. scheme or kiltins olf aU of his klnsfoll. in order to IUCceed to the family roronet. · • " Kind Hearts aDd Cot'Qrlets" is a uniquclookataspirations.~t Arl Show Invites students' contribution and morais that bt<:ome personal desires. Produced in 1950 and direc:· WfGl! JAzz· instt':!en8~~1 1nU~r.,to5 ~~~ - ~xr.tb~~i ~i:.~~ Gal)ery. E~ ~~~=-isc!~U:' t Univeralty Activities Boll rd . • All aunnUy . enrolled atudeaU ...a re diglble to Jubmlt tbeir worb. Elich artblmayaubmUuptofcu..uies. Ill~ Gary Ha1eii, director ol tbl ~IJery. atl!leiU..tU..,...,._olu.. =I;' ,:.a:.:::: ~: &o tbelrworlclnarC~n~U~tut~b)' numerous s lat~ yd~• oatloaal ahlbitkloa. 'fbow, lomP \ f lAo)lried _ ... _ k at- !:.~1 CoKPlW Wed., Thurs., &i., March ·30, ~1 & April 1st .·a:oo P.M. qua_1ity ~ • a Jiven Work tnehJded ID•tbe lbt:M wUI be selected by a .twl el two vlalllnt at· Ustl : Cha rieaCampbeU, Cbalrmanol tbe Departmtat el Art at _uw. Eau Clalre, aDd Ron. Lane- from U. ~~of Art at tba Maratbon c'enter campus, wauuu. 8otb are' · active producina artlltl, u weU u teKben of Art, wllo Mw exhibited u.UonaUyand will brillflal"iieooni&ed I upertile to thia Umpll . = Studfontl mult deliv. their wwb to the Gal)ery oa Mardi Jl trwn 10 Jenkins Theatre, Rne Arts Bid. r:,:,•an ::u 'J:. -:.a~~~ Adults: $4.00 ' UWSP Students: $1.00 Vouth: -$2.00 Ticket -tnfor:matlon: _346-4666 mltted aboWd be pr.,.,.t t. · n:blblllon . aDd aay worb ~ 1111· . proteaakla.ally preMDa.d wW be and openinc reeept1oo • ___. forMardl.27. Tbe eihlbitloa wW acCept aB two ~~-=~= ; rejected. UWSP Arts & _teciures Presents: \ · Yugloslavian film recreates ~istory downw~rd splul olt1rrenlleth c:eatury aeop)litlcl would jult haYe ~It i5 indeed a moment whkh shook the worktand Its laatrevn-berationa have not yet been heard, Ala vti'S\on ol bow this massive tnln ol tvtnla began, The Day tu.t Shook the Wwlcl IOW"'-1» OM C!Yft' t-rd oi•. .AusttoHunpry would then Invade Ser- bia ...Germany would side with" Auslria ... Ruuil would enter the war on the side of SUbl.I ... Brit.ln 1nd Fraaee would bonor tbeir alliance with "R-uu ia ... eventually America would join lhem ... five empires' would collapse... thlrty million casualtiel would ensue...and the ll worth&H:il\l. ltVflllopen ln Steve:n. Point at the campus Cinema on M• r· e:h23,tm. Ru.moured LP Out at Last RIMMn • tuDa. a altua"Uoa amplified by lbe mllllcthataurroundlher. " Second Hand News" il another Fteet...t.Mac: BykouSlmpkW " ~=:-~~~~~~ ~an ~trari"ely lft!atby walt, Fleetwood Mac's new.. •album- Rumoun, 1\11 fiully been reJeuecL Beea~ae ol the Immense ulel ol tMtr previcM album- F1ftt· refrain and .._ tt.ck&round instrum'ents to detrlct from Ute mUilcal value of lbe aong. Stevie Nitka Ia at her best tn "Dreamt," i alow moving klve aong iD which abe ainp, ' "Tbunder only happen~ when· il'a leftn ...... abc;.thefte.veralbumwuhekl t.c:t unW uJa IUblkSed enouch to Juauty doina 10. Fleetwood Mac. bu followed buk:ally the aame pat· ~= only klve you when they 're Say•••Women... tbey wUI come and lheywillao r When the rain waahea you enough orflinality to ' keep It inclean...you'UII.now/' " Never Goin& Back abd "Tbe CbaiD" i1 I wanderin& toft~ " Go Your Own Way" are prd)ably tNt re.tuns a t.etcroum b&eod o1 Llnduy Bucklnaham 'a moat aU tbdr vocal!stl ln a simpie love • valuable contribution~ to lbe album. aonaalnJinl: They are both weiJ--wrltlen and lhow "Andll some thou&bt behlftd lbe m!lllcal YauwWneverkwemtapln Ia.)'GUt, virtues that make them two ol ICI.DJUUbearyoua)'inc - lhe Jw:tter aonp oo the album. " Don't You woWdnewr break thec:blln. ' ' Stop" could be Ouistlne McVIe'• belt There II an artly pjtar solo by Undlay Buckizlcbam thatroundl this sqolf-'..1. . Cbrisliae Me.Vie'a YOC&Ja trWy about lbe lhlnp that .)'GU've mate "You Make Lorizw P\&n" u !t Uyourllfewaabadtoyou bounce~ aJoac With an 1ntertwlnlnC J111t think wbat tomorrow wUI do." blckJrO&tDd of • keyboard& and ptitan. lD '"Gold Dutt Woman," Stevie Nkb &tin up some IZIO'IID8 IOhDnn tune that baa a very final voc.all almllar to theM In "land· aura tolt. leml tsllblilbed by f'IHtwMd Mac: ln the Drnr album , with jult ......... r- I Apln" !'W::O:~.=-~c::: =not CLASSIFIEDS . CLA881FIEDADPOUCY I, A........,. NO ... ..W IIetUnovertlleplto.e. t. 'Bft--e Ia • duwp '- a&tldea&l, U ..M ps- .-e r.- CMI.etelal De....___,.....,-- w-ntwa. - 1, . '- OepadtlaU.Piilllerlllh:et..UidetlleGrN.C... erCoWg_ · -=tine~!V"Ieln~~-'e: • ~~- otr _puer f1id~... Mae EvtD thotch they a ren't the orl&inal F&eetwood Mae, they coota.tn ''Oh Daddy" ila meUow tune bu.Ut upon a amootb back&raund ot aeoultk IUltan and ayntbelben, a.n a~ wben CbriHlne McVIe'a "f'OC&k rslly lblne. ,.1Dcm't Want To K -" .. a ):IIUial lowe aoDc by lbeapark}eand vl&orollbeo&d band, u i1 Ulultrated by tbll 1lbwn, Cut· !Jna Ramovs to the bone, you'll find Dotbln&lelathanadeceotal.bwnol ...,ab loft _.,. wblcb lllouJd ~U:OJ~n.~:cton~ ~:.doa:m~ma-= to Southern Comfort: ~.(!)ID.~ GIYI' • GM • OCAI' CPJII". _.. ur tastes delicious right out of the ~'"'c""""'m'... tM(s why it /MkuMix.MJ Dtinlcstute 10 much ,. NtttKI great w;,h, ~·Bitter Lemon Tonk:-cnnge juice Squirt ... even n:'ilk You Mow lr• rot to "-I!!!!!! .. w1wt It'• mMH with So•t#al!rn Comfort: