~ . . . Forget Everything You've Heard . · Conclusive .Proof: JFK CommiHea Suicide SGA President Mistaken For Father Of Illegitimate Child ·· · ·S chuette Voted 'Mr. ·lrresistable • . Dowd.- Discloses Shocking Info . February 4, 1977 ,Pecome lmform~ Letter• mind high light show TaU.. P U._, l for -amothadedbylt.~ ftiU liPU: tile .. frledl1foltl'' a1 UAB -UIIJCiDtlle.U..y.-.u.pid roadftrtile-u.-ttlf*IIOI"d b7U~; . UA.BbrtallnW.,noe~Pt~~t~toUU. e~mpuawblcbal'l alill&n.l and m~ Tbe)' C'CiftDett wltb lbe uti Mdtbl.aplbata,..~ttotbl ~~=!t~ -----17- la !be olf<ampU~ But tNt electric . . . with srilll«<lt.trwalv••n:IUI!f•lltt«ttll OOUDteriO-I')'tblfte:UABibladd~ fofMdllfM:IImlJeotaa-.,ybt.._..,IOdltyl!lllldec:UDL&adl frtvokaa ablw'dlliel --ae lbe . l)'ftlbttkpeop!IIU.eol!el•dtft• ::!t~~==~ 116111Updal_nreHbo.. UAB are- tlwol dM 11iF taere.a •....._at UAB OD ewall ~ ...SriiMbM:lJ . DW!W~I :=:,u:=:tb=~:-~!.~ OIJDpa.But'Jibf*-UAB ..veto =:~';!'~.?:~~ ::,~btt,:•~;:w. Alllalll.llf•UABIOe:urdM"'pod ~ uder next tim8 TeU.P...._, You'. . . . . ll . . ln! Lall......-n JOUbldulftldemtt.~­ fartbcMa~--­ ~cn.lllfl'.la.W..,....Iftnt illul, )'auipiabldabrWilrtk:Mon Series 9. Vol. 20 No. 15 INew•-1UWSP Energy situation 'grim' Drier uid bl wauJd lite to eoc:ounae aD atudeab DDt to lene wio- dows ud doon opea aDd to obeerve au tbwaKatat tettil!p. O:*er added tbat tbe therma.tata are CODtroUed Futurologists are not pollyannas ::=,"=.:=:=t= aontloaa and tecbnolollul breatthrouabt tbat will occur LD tbe tutitre. ButwblteYerwWbetto..t.&e ftiiU!t wW atem from knowJectce and tbculbt wbk:b mcua lbat IOdety :::'~~ :::~:. ~':: peulmiaUc: tbey IU)' be, " all «<I tbdrUYeS." Tbey allo .ugat tbat, tbouCb ;:n~~::::n:: work il IUideqoiaf; rapd d:laap. 1bere are moft tban 40,000 dift'B'mt job&lbtedlDa~oe­ cus-Uonllbaaclbol*udiiWI)'!onDI , ol Umibood DDt tbouCbt abcuc today wUl be followed ID Ow c.- tal yean. ::~~~~t..!t:r': 10 before re.ddDc lb poUJati.ll, ~ ... =a,-=.:mt.=:~ Will.;.. u.e wonied about oftr.. """""'""'""""""' ............ triedto~U.tU.probllm :::.-~7rC: tiMI'IYudotber~. Presidential search committee not talking OJairpenoc:m Entmaa aaJd tbe eommlttee bad bepa the &low proceu ol aelerlioa. Any membes' aa the committee il free to ut for recontklrtrationolac:andkllte, Without thlt ncon~lderaUon poJky the U.t would be cut ID bllf, ahe ukt. She allo uld the committee hu JOlt a numb« ol ita top candidates to Mr. Carter's admlnistn Uoa. 1be committee il a:petted to ~»I'TDW the rldd dowD to 1eu than fi&ht flllllliltl by the md o1 February. TheliatolthecholcecandldlteswiU be sent to a Bolrd of Resent. panel wbo will select the new Prftldent. Eagon to run for Unit•' Council President Enrollment stats a.~ve~':---~t ! cordlni to Allodate Reaistnr ~\id Edholm. TndilkiMIUy there i1 • drop In the =.~::m~u.!ld~ much am~~ller U.n uau.l this year because of • ..lift' than expetted number ol pe:t'I(Q, ..kina courses oll campus.. Years qo It wu ~on lor the drop to be to per ~t. Last yeu it was•6outlper~t•nd thilyearitis downtol ~ pereml The tnro~lrnea~ tasUal!wul,SU. If the 1,000 enrollment dot~ mateNUt.e, It would only be the aecond Ume ln the IChool 'a history thai It pUled lhlt number. In tht spring oC tm, theN~ were 8,341 whkh wu down from 11, 154 the previous semester. What's beyond Masculinity ? THE ARTS & CRARS CENTER PRESENTS The first In a aeries of mlnl..c9urHS. Sessions begin the week of Feb. 14th. Regis· traUon opens Feb . .7th: All classes will run for 4 weeks. Information on the classes can be obtallned by stopping In or ~calling the Arts & Crafts Center at 346-4479. Reglstr~~tlon for classes will be handled at the Arts & Crafts Center, located In the lower level of the University Center. All claSses open to the public - register now, class sizes are limited! Pottery 1uk adl * NM W11 _, ..... nni pilc:11. ~~• .,. JliCIIItl ltd glalJag. WtL 7-1,.... SUO r.. Clla ...-15 . . . - . •- leftlrt Fabrication F~ tectlniqun tl I Jtwtlry ••tal · 7.-P.M. .CIS! dtplldtt l 11 ....,. · .-a _..... _,,,._. Needlepoint h•strucllan RtHit,tiftt In 100 slllchu, llllcldng llolslled Ttts . 7·1 P.M. plt<e. COlt depmdelt on mfteNis ..... Silk Screen Basic techniques at slk screen operation . Cost dependent on mlttfiab: used. Daulllit-11,.,.... Coming up soon: Mini-courses In Batik, Darkroom T8chnlques , Wheelthrown p • tery, ~crame, Crafts Potpourri, Soapmaklng , Weaving . ot ~ P•.l~~ . ~~ 4.1177 Co-op m·aves - to new -location By tbil time you miJit bne bellrd that tbeSten!al Poiat.V. Food eo. ............. But teUiDt about tbe Co-op's new camel' ol Seeond f.ftd b::atbl •t tbe ~~·t-~tbew!u~­ ~ ~~:;.'"1':...'U::rui: - tbe lome room. The Co-op plaM to fcrma!IJ' opm Its doan lD two to three A "0Peo trsb bUery illdledultd to :r~~=up~a!MIIlcowtGary Streblow, ooe ol tbe two paid empklyeet ol tbe Co-op Wd. the IJ'OUP fett~~~tOolftr~jult a:l:;:f;:=..~t budy rec:opiu..,, DOW that itl walll are lifted wltb jan, and tbe =:c_~ln~ counters Akllclrmcnoa~hadt.obeclone, =-on.~~:::=~ ~ rHIJided •nd' r.vamiahed . . lla&tcltbeftUtbldtobeplutered ==-=u:~tx!,.:: =~~~t;;: walk-UH:ooler ..... project that took volunteen fnm lllkkummer to JUIUU)' to complete. Ia fad the only ~that wasn't perlCII'l'lled by rr. labor. bmltved teebaicaJ akW mc:b .. del::tr'ical .orll; and plum- ...... However, uquirint the new =~~~!:! dalbind. AbuiktiJ:Ietund.uundert.lkea at ooe point. and m.o wu ra.iMd by ~inC members In reque~t ol doftalklnl. cMe Involved member J&ld tbe Coop could have more Items and that the invent«y ...an't u blab u they would have lilr.ed, but tbe laclr. of money =~ted tbe lf'CIUP from buylnc THURSDAY·FRIDAY..SATURDAY $1 0 NOW JEAN SALE Regular Bel ... '16.00 Big Bel ...... •11.00 Straight Leg • • . '16.00 · . 8 ·NOW 118. . Saddlemans· .•• '15.50 PRE-WASHED JEANS · ~EGuLAR 14.50 1 TO 1 30.00 88 _ . WAISTS 29" -40" LENGT.I:tS t O 38" · · $ · WAISTS 29"·38" LENGTHS TO 38" HOP r..._,•, tm Papl P..._ News Notes In the cosh ~.(!)'ll. ~ GIIAT • GAB • OCAT CMI" • \Ia' • .... Arl anonymoua donor hu Sivm a $5,000 lnvstmeot to ilJe political ~ dtpartment at UWSP whldl will aenen.te an anaual tcholarshlp oiGIOfaruoutataodlDcatudenl 'Jbe dGior df!llpated that recipient& ~~t!'=: ..Each year," be DOttd, "we bdp to prepare and toaNisltOor Uatuck:nta In tnterin& law tchoob,aome ollhem amqlhel'lltloa'abelll" LUI year, for example, aome of the ~rtmetlt'a &nduals wen~ ad· mined to the Un!venlty ol Mldllgan, Northwstem University, University ol Wilconlin·MadisoD and other "qualHy"lawiChools, he announced. Heidi benefit Block Sears tram lbe cleputmeot fKUity will acf. mlnilter tbe fund and select the win- "'· Prdeuor Riclwd Ouiatofrenon., chairman ol the dtpartmeot, aakl. " We bave juat un6er 200 polllkal tdence majora, among them aeveral very outatandi!ll atudeota. Slnalina: ouiODewW bedUficult, indeed; butat least we DOW will be able to atvesome ' tuclble reward aloni.with lnta.ngible reotiiJUikln to a atudent who ta .. repraeatatiYeol our very bell" 1be tUDd il tbe fiBl f!ltabliabed ill tbe departmeatfor a atudeotscholar· ~r~~~~e:-s:~~rc: other aource. to we ill asualing and boaorinaadditioaal~ LRC relents ................... Energy conservation stressed abort.ll~ in workshops or aurplus of dlber =~~~r; ~~u:e~-v:.<a"thedemaftd Tbe dedlkd: made bowevfll', m~~y tbe enriroomeatal iJD.. C&UM - I. I I I I I I I I I I P. . 'f ...... 1 Cold blooded dinosaur: myth destroyed t::w~J:e.m~~at milundentood Why bu tbll blppeaed! How is It tbaiDlOitolourDOCiolll(udbef'elt ID\IIt be atr.led that Ollr rden to both ldeatilt ud laypenao alike) . have been Wl"'GC'\JI)OI:I iavt~~Up.Uoa'! 1be anner ilu'fuci.DaliD& u 10me of tbe more recmt reHil'Cb condueled on the lmpncUc.ality ol ectotbermle: or e:Ofd:l:ilooaed cllnou.u,JS.Itlnvatveltberealization lhatp&)eootolocY,uarelativelynew ldenee, bad mmt olltl foundatioaa laid ln the lut oentury aDd wu tbeftforel\lb,)ecttotbeprevailing biuc!soltbeday. Tbll seemtobeol FEBRUARY 5 & 6 (SAT. & SUN.) PROGRAM BANQUET ROOM · 7 &·9:15P.M. ADMISSION 51.00 OR SEMESTER PASS ......._ Npl 1m . dmey iD ldelllifk drdel to que~Uon the va.lktity ol tbe Biblic&J amJUnt ol creation. 'lhll when the qe fouU remains o1 the dlnc:uu.n were fint uneartbeclandspec:ulati<l:labowlded. both fadlons-lbq&e aeeklna to praerve the imqes In GeneiiJ and thole seardlina f« a more pnctk.ll appro.dl-were quick to try and ~ vert what IHtle lnl'orm~lion was mown for tbdr own oeeds and aubsequenUy ~pored cir O'Vtmnphulud certaltlupectsoltheearlydr.ta, In addltiM, lheR existed •mona some ol the more prominent pale-on-. JOio«<stsoltbetime (notablyOthniel MArsh aDd Edward Cope) ., aa~te sense ol pro(euionll rivalry. This, more olten than , wtule •purr\n& Eco Briefs Bike route Summer employment load control A U.S. Court d Appaail bu directed tbe fedrenl EDfln:lllmeotal Protection ApDey lo U.t )Md .. • major polluta.nl Ooee listed. tbe EPA IDUit illue, within GDe year, ambMat air studardl for tbe pollutant'a eootrol. After tbe le\teb: have ·beeo eAablilbed.air,.._ will hive four yean in wbleb t& meet U... stu- -~packing Over Spring Break (March. 11-20). AT ·GREAT St«lKF( MOUNTAIN ONLY NATIONAL: PARK sgo SIGN IP IN S1UilOO ACTIVITIES (Jfl(l, 2ND Fl.(D (IJC) . . FEIIRUARY 1-11 AN OUTDOOR SYMPOSIUM '1AKE NOTHING BUT PICTliES, LEAVE NOTHING BUT FOOlPRINTS" 0 MAR0t5- 8 A.M.-6:30P.M. COST sa;oo Workshops Include: Rockclimbing, survival training,, orienteering, win ter camping, backpacking, ou1doo photography, canoeing, and cross counby skiing. Guest Speakers: Peter Simer and Derek Pritchard . . Fellftary4. 1m • • • • ...._ Effects of nuclear power debated or local and alate otndaJI did the ==ev!:.~W:,~ltC:~r: wayautolllne". The aubject ol nahl.n& wu Dr. Huver's nut poilll. Mrim claimed, contndktiD& Dr. Huver'a rsurch that " r.sb. are being uua,bt at the KewaUDM Plant", and " the DNR wiD :':J:.~,lt'l the best place iD theatllte tt il tnletberearepkotyolfisbto be round near nucle.r power plants. According to 2 atudlel provided by Or. Gec:qe lkder al the CotJeae ol Natw'alRf::IOW"Cf!!, "Electric Power aDd lt't lniJueoce on Grat l..ake.Filh" oml, by1bomiJ A.. Edsall and '"nne Impact ol Great GenenUon Lalte. Power Geoeratln& Plants on Flab Populltioal", Ut731 by Howard o. Tall, a~ au fisb In the Great Llks paulhrou&h the beleb zone and ute it "du.rit!& the ~lder portJons ~~-:.:o~·~~ thrir)'Gilftl" . ACCGidirlltotbeTiitReport.tbele fish are attncted to the' warmth ol the wutewater discbar&e by DUdear JIO'ftt' pWatl, wbkb hive "a tbemW d'fidtaeythat llorl!y50ptteentol tbltoltbefouilfuelplants" . • BoOI otlhete ttudiM dte the "new ===-.:~~w:; implrcement on intake ICrftDI o1 theA plants; at tbe lDdlu PoiDt pow&' plaut on lbe Hudloa River In :;.~~m:~=~= Many ol these wen wblte perdl and striped bau. In one day In tm, 110,000 emtrald ahinen were ki.Ued In a plant at Erie, Ptnnsylvanla. UNIVERSITY FILM SOCIETY PRESENTS ca.&ar IE CIL\PLIN'S CLASSIC COMEDY MODERN TIMES willt~Goddord Wli:trr\ciected .rd scoed b.- Ch.les~ STARRING: CHARLIE CHAPLIN & PAULETTE GODDARD fiB. 8 PROG. BAmT RM. 1 & 9:15P.M. fiB. 9 WISCONSIN RM. 7 & 9:IS P.M. 00 OR SEMESTER PASS Monday, ~ ~---.- ~ University Store 346-3431 ATIONAL .I NCINERATOR JFK's =-.. . Droae'• prevloua aua•lnatloa . tbat Hubert Humpbny --~~~- Eagon denies affair How long do you have to live? Dowd tells all Fint of aU, auume that you will Uve to be tOS. Tha~'s right , 105. ~· t::'~.t~~=: aotbioua.h this Lite Expectancy Test, ~~~ndto ::;~'~r,:d'ro"'u!: ~li=- ~:~ bpec~~ ~~. or your LEQ tprOnounced UJt ). If your LEQ il smaller than your preent aae. pleue send us • poaturdtotbateffect.sothat v.'e~an remove your name from our sub- ~ ac:rlptlon 1111, thereby u ving you r pievin& lovll!d ones the added misery o1 IJu&e stadtl ol news~ pen buiklinJ uponthe'POf'Ch. PART ONE: ENVIRONMENT. t . lfyouhaveanenvtroruneat,add environment c:onsists ol an RCA TV shipping ente, subtract r~.lf '!OW tnvircnmen t b a dorm, subtracUN. 4. U your environmtnt is the world's only dilldffn 's l»'olhel, add u you are still hi the womb, add five. PART IIEALTII TWO : PERSONAL • 6. SUbtllct two for eYft'Y Slim Jim you 'veevft'eaten. · 1. U you can count your ribs, subtnt't three. If you can play clear, sharpmuskalnotnonlhem by hit· tina: them with a l"ttbber malkl, subtnct2S. 1. SUbtract two if you 've ever fa llen olf a high building. Subtract &a if you sublequently hit lhe ground. l . lf)'OU canbrutheunderwater, « papesa &i.Jls, add 15. 10. Subtract one fot uch ol the followlna you' ve eaten in your lifetime: library pule, wu lips, Ink, small lqulliC.Inlmlll, u fety riZOnl, 1 m~treu, foreign currency, M bat· ........U your 11 . ..... am~Bin& DOle Is ahlpt'd like ID t.my1rd 1nim1l, subtract . 12. Do you ever aee double? SUbtnctlhree. 11. Do you ever see double? Subtnctthrft. . 13. Subtnct three If you've ever lnlel'tedlforei&nobj«:tlnto yourear wltboul 1 doctor'& supenilkln. SUbtnct451flheobj«:twul hlndgun. 14. 11 you've ever utea 1 bruth mint, 1t1btrlct oae. tr It wu like hro... t.o .•. two mlntlln oae, IUbtnct ..._ ' PART ntREE= LIFESTYLE AND HABITS. , ' tl. What do you do wbea really k: ~=::}~~; :t::aa~: ten. (8 ) Try to talk it over with the ~- tr your • U5. novels written by W1 terpte conspirators. Ui. Your pers«~~l Ntina hlbitl ue: tAl DOrmal, three 1QUU'eS a dly· subtract two. (8 ) llltpl in 32 statn ; add five. <C> .tour pinal, a can ol bean dip, half 1 bu ollinl;er ll'llpl, a&anclwkh,aDda cue of Pabst; 1ddone. 17. SUbtnc.t two If you 've aver bad an operation. 8\lbtnc.t thrM U It was on your heart.. Su~tnc.t five If you performed It yOW"RRf. . 1$: Add five If you rtnd yourself becoming nlu&eated by best-s.e!Una ~;subtract14.1ClPunc.h hil­ berfabeout; addtigbt.. . • tt. SUbtnct three U you UM aey ol ~~~~C:.ln~~~~ =~en~:~~~bJ~~~ holy toledo, lrtal~lllolflre. 20. Uyouread thtpepen regularly, subtract four. Uyouradjustlhefunoles. addfour. t. Add threeifyoucan'tremembetthe last time you wore ma tching ..... 21. u you talk to Yf!Jr plants, add ~:fw~.~~-tfive. U 23. 11 you uy thlnp in public like, "Pardon me, would you mind ~~;nJ-=t·~~~d= you,"subtrlct40. • 24. Yourperaoaa.ipbllolopbyollile is : tAl Uve and let Uve; add oae. 18 ) Kill the butards ; add two. IC) I believe that for every drop oll"lin that falla, JOmeWbere, aomtthin& very amaU 1et1 wet; add five. 25. Look up. U YOII'IM wltu.res drcl\ng,subtrac.t iOI. PART FOUR : 0111ER8TUFF 21(1. U you've aver awaued 1 big C:~tr:r=-u;.a=~: wayandt. tthebell~olyou. %1. Uyauhlturooathlatcstalong timt iiO,IUbtnclten. 2:1. If you ' ve ever rel::ei ved literature from Billy Graham, subtractthree. Uitcametoyouinafluh ol fire aad amoke wblle you were entertaining )"CCW"Rll" in the ~lbroom. aubtractseven. 2!1. What wouk1 you do U 1 IIlii out oltuoe, w1:IWd )'OU at&Dd up ud olk outoame'!Subtnctflve. 30. Subtract 10 II you've enr bten conned into maJdnC • dowtl ,.yment Ol'lllentpool. Making the newa happen _ .......... local boy fl•ls wron11 number Friday,Fdml.ary4 '""- Womm Basketball, O.htosll. 6:30pm CH I UAB FUm : THE NEW LAND, 6:30 & 9:30pm (Program Banq. n:~.~tre: THE BOYS FROM SYRACUSE,l pm (Jenkins 'l'heltre,FABI Sllu'day,Febnlaryt Wreatling, UWSPOoubleDual CHl Buketb.IU, Stout IT) ~=-~~:o:-:ei'~-.Jt;·i-TbER LILY?, 769: 15 ~:;~: :-.:'~5 ~bM SYRACUSE, '! pm (Jenkins Theatre, FABl,.._ &uwla:t, Febnlaryl Univ. FUm Soc. Movie: WHAT'S UP TIGER LILY?, 7&9: 15 pm (Pn;llram Banq. Rm.., UCI Senior Honor Soddy L&st Lec:I~Serlet , 7 pm (12:5 A B, UC I Unlv. Theatre: THE BOYS F'ROM SYRACUSE, 8 pm (Jmkins Tbeatre, FAB I Mo.da:tFdrul')'l RHCF\lm : THE LASTPICIVRESHOW,~p'!' ( DeBotCmterl Basketball, Oabkcah. 8 om (H I Arta AI Lecture~ : THE ROMEROS (Spanish Guitaristal I pm CM1cl!eJseaHaU,FAB I ~'t!J:~~~~:::.~:<=F~~~:30 pm The AslassinltionSymposlum3 . B,:P.R. Cilamp at~rn'n:':r~~:r~~::=~er:t~ semester are carry-oven from last fall. This leave. them wllh DOthing to do but walt fordtclslons from b.f&ber up. 'l"'leMa:t.Febnaary8 Student Presidents Association Dinner, 8 pm (Formll Dining n:~.U~ Soc. Movie: MODERN TIMES, h~~~~U~h.nm. Rm., UCI l & 9:15 ,pm RHC Film : THE LASTPICIVRESHOW, 8pm (Allen Center) UAB Coune1 6 Seminars: WARREN FARRELL. buman b'~4:a~~==~~· ~Q~~~CUSE, 8 pm (Jmkinl 'll.:~f~: BARRY DRAKE, i-11 pm Colfeehoule, g;~~ TV, ebarl. 3: 7-7: 30 pm ~dvanc:M Banjo 3, 7:30-1 pm Tbe Weather, H :30pm TbeDick Bennett Basltt~~- WeU8dl:t, Fdlnaary t ~~-~La~'!:e: MODERN TIMES, 7 AI u::~r:~~-:::~~10pm ( l25A 8, UCI 9:15 pm Univ. Theatre : THE BOYS FROM SYRAC\l'SE, 8 pm (Jmkinl -=~~: BARRY DRAKE, 9-11 pm (Coffeeboule, UC> C:ableTV, ebarl. 3: 7·7:30 pmCommunlrjSpedal IStevtnl Polnt ==pldoRevl<w,... pmWint«KW 'nlu141:t.Fdlnaryll . UAB Film: ' FUNNY LADY, 7 & 9: 30pm <Program Banq. Rm., ~~~- Tbeatre: THE BOYS FROM SYRACUSE, 8 pm CJenklnl ll:;~~: BARRY DRAKE, i-11 pm (Cdfeehoule, UC J f'\rltmtbe~ahtnanlgans,theCHplaltDiuplDthe ~=uae~~tw!~~~~=:~~~OO~ :s•.;: '=J ~~ ~obthl~~~~~~le::!f!i e~ptdllly since ltpl precec1toce for audl operation~ bu alrelldy beta atablilhed elsfthtre In the system. AI I~eell, tbeM.IdMob'adtciaklll theCHpdoel not qualUy u an tducllional bonul, which Ia a matter ol IA- that =~~~~:n:':;-the'~:·:_~unti;."; uy It «JUUd be an educlliona.l plua 11 uWiud and manaaed properly. Right DOW the wbole ball ol WU: Ia tittln& iD the Umbo Com· mltlteawaltinc !urtbtr avoidance. .. s::~=~~::=:~:er;a ~~i:e: . money ::.'!:%=:1:1~~~'it:~S::~~~!,.y~, ';: men 'undlna the operaUon abould hippy, the ttrwn be ~:=~~-.=~w::ta·-~e.~; and 1 think we wW all be able to~ lf'elliy from the facllitieawltbout foWI.n&theenvironment to much. . UxlklDs for ways to uve money? Well look no more for our =:a=.=~=~y~~'w~t:'::~~~~~ ~me~tf~la~3!:!;.cr~~~:~u;.~ . olapproval. 'fl.tM let to strioua for a moment and talk about a matler ol grave t'ODC'tnl . Setma ever since the •IJ1CII1er ol the student senate and.tbe auembly there hu betrl aome «WU~ion u to ~~~!~w~~<:-~;.~~t!'~ . a solution that .Mil•aii'IJahtea1out ~· The Vip bu ~~~~=~~u::~~~-:i; • · sayandiathemoatollkilkourJdinl!' "'ol'"lf ·•· ., .. , •I An aquaintanceol mine, who-11 a member of theiUtmbly and ::.~'!!=~n=~~· =~:t.~P-followen • t• I,,, · • ' I'" • ""• 'lt The SGA mett1na thlt waa schiedaled tor January 30 wu called Dfr btcluae hardly anyone showed up. In Ol'dtz' to hokfa meetin& tbtre hla to be a quorum, A quorum Is mertJy a rujority Df tbe members, in thia ea.. 21, but with twelve empty =~~c:=~==::~ec:o~~to but tinct It wu the 11nt lltberinl ol the temeller tbey ~ what the hell and had a meettnc anyway. Scunda like y~'1:.'k lldtotlDtere~ttome. OhwdJ. 'Ullnulllme ... [Sport.-! Superquiz a whiz By IWMI1 Mnelud,.. s.w... 1. Wbo wu tbe Rnl American cn:~a OYer to tbe National ~ the I"HHW'y t.equer to :::r, ... rsult b: ::lt~ ~':e~::r~~\:~ ...,, 7. What player hit Into a triple play on his lut lime up In the majors'! -· a.Moc.eSkOWTOn b. Ron Santo a. BWWaltoa c. JoePI&natano b. Wilt Chambedaln (famOUI taU . d. Wa1tWUmot e. Ron Bornha~~~er c. HarthomeWln&o ""'d. ClaltPilua" c. GeoeT. .ce a. e.SikkWatts d.W•Covialtco LWayoeGarlud ft \n.o pU,yed iD the mo~t ~fortbe~tUoa&? pmes a. Nate ADen b. Fred CUT c. Fred McNeW d. Warren Wells e. Mkk!)' stmmor. Ac:eordinllo the Lite Beer «Wn· merc::1a1. what buebaU card could 5. you cet ,....,., a. Ed.Zyble: b. Dick LeBeau f« a Marv 'l"broaeberry e. Which one a. OM Gil HOd&el c. JoeSdlmktt ~-Kanu of the MII\DMOta TwiDI ~~~~lnooepme? b. Forty-fourWoodyWoodwardt c. one Hector Cruz d.WQ111Walker Ouw.cl•a Ray Guy has had one · =:~bloctedlntheNFL.~ ~: ~~:v!ck e. one Duke Snider d.Lany!IWo e. DoD Mindler S. Wbo ctid c:l~Uiie Finley tnde for - ~~· b. JoeRudl c. DoD Baylor d.£11ja- ~""""- - &. WhoKOred Baltimore's only touchdown In Super Bowl III? a.JenyHW b. ToroMatte c. Broob Robinson 1. Who pve up Henry Aaroa'a llnt D\lj« 1eape bome n.an! a . EruieBJ'Cilio ...,.,.,. .,_b. JobnnyPodrel d. JollnMadl:ey e. GeorJe S.uer d. Vk Rueb! e. Franll Tanana Winter Carnival at lola This Weekend BJGeert;N..U Fed up wltb waiter'! Got calM fewrl You aeed IOIDe IteM air aftd actiflty to atimldate '1fNr body aod IOOtbeYfN7:troubledmbxl? lolaill bavlnl their tltb ADma! Winter Cl.r· nivalltdl'weetead, February 5th and 6th. to remedy the winter brrn. For the more active, cet up early to ~atiO"'am.Sablrdayfortbe Nordic: Ski rae.. 'n. rae. start at 1:00 Pill aDd &nl ~to all qs and Noneman1 HW, DOrth on Hwy. 4t of lola, with sdmisalm ol II.CIO In advance and 11.25 at tbe pte. Admiaakln pts you a Hi ~Ia' aDd ynu only pay once. Shake olf yourwinterbrrn and Uve aUWe. Waxyourskis,stopMtinalor nnw and warm up the ear. 'nlere II more to wint.tr than the pid. See you · atthestartinlllnel XC Forever:. toalllevelsofexpertlse. Uyouenjoy ~ll)'lkiin&.tl'}'itwllha bundre:t people, or j111t have full watdlin&tbemasastartoftberaoe. For the nonClen the next step In your lhenpy is FOOD. Tbe Nor· weglaDs have planned their kiea ol an afternoon snack, the Tonke Mktda&. Tbe NGr"Weeian supper 1oes from 3 to 9pmat tbe lola HigbScbooland lriU Include: Lut.efast, frelb cod, meatt.lk, LeUe and those good Nor· Quiz Rec games tourney Answers 'SLit 'a1lnlnvuoawnaa.nn~m)l pa[JIU UMIUJ. Ulif .,Nllflb{fW-q 'I mopCJ1 ='~·~~~:J~~~ IIGO~IIJf~·. ~ft-3'1 810. ~~~:.a:nr~~: .~ta_:=~~.aa:~ ......... ..., ~Dot • uo puoo~lllH .t~ar -• ·• 'omm.IIBO'.:I / no.(~p(noa~~ ·~ '.,clUia'll• tNJOll83.aciK,asmu.<ruoarnMR ~Jn!PacpQJO.IJ~P~~ -· -~aaUki~..,J~L~ .aiiU'Iw JXIei1IO 'Pl'PUJ ~ ·c ' .WdUOrJOOI:U!PQ.Cifd ~·M ao:<~~!n~ pGWAli(}QJ0.1JlUM~~3 ' 1 F._,.4, 1m PapJI P~ 'lbe Pointers tied tbeaeore at47 aU and bid tbe biU .ttb abc lt'C'Oftdt left wben they calk!d • timeout to set up • pl.ly. Pointer ruard JobMy 8aDdow ioc* a :ao foot abot from tbe budlne wltb oo time rem.~iJlln&. Tbe biU wmt halfway t.brou&h tbe butet, but then popped 01.1t, tmdiDI tbe pme ln- 1 0 -. Stout took the kad ill tbe u:tra period, but the Pointen eontinued to hang in. Down !16-64 with 11 I«''OIdd )eft, Sandow wu fouled and •leW*~ totbe hft: throw line for tbe boaul opportunity. Once ap.iD hd ltowDed upoa b1m u the &bot rUled olf tbe rim. Stout eontrolledt.be~llldiC'Cir't!d aDCither buket. A bucket by ste¥e Menzel at lbe buzzer aat tbe flnll m8fllntoooepolnt. ACADEMIC CREDIT available for majors or minors in History, Soc, or Political Science. . SIGN UP NOW in Student Activities Office, 2nd floor. UC. Ski team oH to good s~art despite IIHie prac:flc:e Crob:Fal.ll, wu tbirdtocom~the ::::.~~~·~=-~~ ~ aad leMa State lut 1ft fourth place. In the women's competiUon. UWSP reiped iUpf'eiDe apiD .. tbey. - over Iowa State. •• Thea lut Noaday nJcht at Nordic Mountain iD Mouat Morris, Wlsc., UWSP, bel.t~.atamthrltbu bl.d C'Orlliderably mare pradiee thaD tbe Pdnten tbll ysr. 1.t1 team standlap, PoUlt pmered first with 45 polnta.-OUWI&b ... leeODd witb S3 points, tbe Pointer 1'8 " team wu Wrestling complilbed dispi.te the at.eoce of three tou&b wratlen: Pe.aw:k wu ldtat bome witb eye problema, Ket· ter wu out wll.b a rl.b injury, and bea'l)'"ftl&bt Mike Steaail bad a broke~~ band. Sevtnl •trona: 3rd pl.lce fin1lbet were turned in by Jdf Henic:tl (121), Rick lAuten <UI), Cal 'hdtes . OS4l, and tnnlfer ltudent Kevin Rinke (1$0)'• • Tbe Pointers faced UW·Eiiu Claire on the I'Oid WedDmday, and return home this Saturdlly for a double duaJ meet against Northland and St. Thoma~ ~sol MlnDesota at 1:00 p.m. lnBerJGym. Mu.nson II optimiltk about his team's cbaoces in the toftf~ meet at LICroue in two weeks. He noted that the beallhof hialqUIId il lhefoealpointolthelrsueeesaor demise. ~.three~ hive topped the tam tbus far: Slwet's ts..t record top& the WSUC, Peatoct iJ t3-5,andTacteslstU. niDe polatl. .Oihta&b wu second with one point. Jamie with Don Edberg, eo.ch oi: tbe UWSP lkj taam, plM!ed fint wltb a total timeoi 48.0157. Dave B«p oi()abtc.h wu secood at 48.~. wbile Scott Kelley came out oi DOWbere to take third for the Pointer " B" t.mwith a 41. 1~ total Ume.Miiyek, Moen and Berry rounded ~~ tbe Point et!ort, placlna: fourtb, fifth aDd ninth repel:· tiydy. ~ 11le UWSP womea'a team toe* fint --· Grandllch was fint for tbe Pointer p.b, wllile tea:mm.ate Ricky Erway M~:~~~:~.:.~ four for tbe Point.en. Tbe winner will be determined by totalj)Ointl. Slid Edber'J, "Oil*Oih bu a!alrly decent team. Tbey get uked to aU oi the invltallonal meetl in the area, andlt'a alwaysrd~tobeattbem. " The ski team il idle unW Feb. U, W~h VUlage when they tnvel to Mu.nsonackkdthatthisyear's tam bu lhown c:rut improvemeat in comparison to last season. Wby the big turnaround'! ''Lui year we bid two men that we De. f t could C'OWil an," said Munson. ''1bil yar we've got n~ and we'll 1till hive an o1 tboM peop&e blct next year." The staUstic:l show the vast lm~t,ulhePolatenhavegooe from a 20-10 record In Individual matcbellastseason to102-56thlsysr. 1be team bu awdled from 11 mem· ben last H:UOn to35thll year, and lbe bead mentor eagedy expects 4s ~:: -=~ ~t!lut c!u;':r away from bein& aood recrultmg cB JeU(m cam~. and a ~m during lbe would be " j\M:t wbat lbe doctGrOI"da'ed." • MEN'S LIBERATION · AN EVENING WIIH II. WARRfN FARRRl cP Hie progrem consists of lecture, ·question end answer, exerclaea In role reversal, forming of consck)usneu ralalng groups, and a men's beauty ccinteat. FEB. 8, WISCONSIN ROOM (U.C.) PROGRAM BEGINS AT 7:00 P.M.' ISDaY -· IWIIW DEe HORCER •• Art• • Caltare Faculty poets . . to recite ByK~H.OW.. Poetry, f« maey ol Ul is not .amttbin& we do in our spare time. For UWSP profeuon Tom Mcll:eown. '\\ntony Oldknow, and R1cli; Behm, wrttln& and l"fdlin& poetry II :U'Z1!~~nd fulfillin& ,quest for On the evenl.qol Feb. t, Mcl<eown. Oldknow ud 8ehm wiD &tveumplel ol thftT individual worts. TheM poetk:a]l'tlldinp.nUbebeldlntbe Univenlty Center, room 125. at I pm. Students, faculty, and nmnben ol the Stevms Point community are urged to attend. No admiuion will be charged for lhls Unlv~lty Wrlten "till. Tom McXeown wu born In Evanston. IUinob. He bepn writin& poetry, u well u tk:Uon. in 11151. McKeowrm has never had any formal trainin& in poetry writin&, but lnltsd learned what he knows about poetry totally on hil own. He did study creative writfng while a student at the University ol Mchlpn with an emphasis em Octklrl. McKeown II widely published not only in the United States, but in England aDd South America u well. K1l wu1l; has betn publi&bed In the. New Yorller, Allaatk, Harpn-'1, Tbe NaUoa, com-weal, and Lbe NltW von: n mn. Several ol his books lndude: '111e LumlnCM~I Re_vol:ve r, Drivllllf To S.nta Fe, and H- e ol Walfl', Tom MeKeown write~ poetry whkh Is highly imllgillk, usiag wordl which create pictures. He is interested In creating a poem whkb ''w«U" in other words, conveys an image to DOt only tbe reader, but tbe poet as well. When a poem ''Worts'', it produces a kind ol magic, even thou&b tbe poem lbelf may DOt be one =~~=tic:~ol Over the past few years, ~~d~sl~~~~~:. 'he now strives to combine them with =~::!::t::W~1~~u::::! rather than merely ol reality studyin& everydlly a rt. 'Ibis t)'Jie'ol creative writing enablel the poet to delve lnto the epistemokllk&J realm, therefore gainin& an inll&.ht wbkh goes beyond "booze" or ''Ia". Ac· confing to McKeown, "It becomes an adventure, and, you (the poet) an! able to see where the words lead you." The words ol poetry rarely lead a poet tD fame or fortune. A poet writes STARRING: MAX VON SYDOW LIVULLMANN FEBRUARY 4 6:30 & 9:30P.M. PROGRAM BANQUET ROOM ADMISSION $1.00 COMING NEXT WEEK ''Funny Lady" ,........ P:aieiJ F._,i; Jm OWJ'I . wo_rks and Bellm offu Interested In· dlvldua)l an opportunity to cune to the rsllzalion lhat poetry II mueb more thi n "juvenile e:xpreuloas of ,.)heart sidtness". Chaplin's art : an unrivaled gift to the world . . ~ degree of name-dn:lppinc Qlaplln ftl:l• ~~~~~~~ an emiDeat r~. 1 feU this W'lfalr criticiam, eqledaUy iC one were to uo· derstand Its motivation, which doubt· Italy stemmed fnxn tbe Mturt: of In ne UWt ftUow.Pet.er Cote&· and Tbelma Nlklalll write, ''1be Cha pli n hallma rk is put upon tbeman'searlyliCe. Chaplin wu born lrl poverty, the of thinf.ratestrollina: pla)'S'I, a 100 = low and prec:arioua protea\oa of·tbe-ftntury Eo&Jand. in bolt the inhuman mecha.'lizatiori of m. dultry, by failln& to Ughten a on tbe endleu conveyor_ beiL.Tbe small failure In routine upset. the wbole MnpUcated process untu Qlarlie II c:aUCht In tbe nnachlnery~ to clemonltnte that if copbedure Jarae enou&h. one may u fely 1troU amouna tbem, • ludlclous a nd brilliant climax.'' tunJ. Hil father !i~~s:tb·:r:ei~ penury. His motbu suffered a Der· ,..,.. lna.tdowo and Charlie, by thea a child of tbe London streets wlxl had tofend foraUving,wusent toa workhouse orpha.DIIae ror destitute survival and t:riumpbl Tbia wUI be lbolm by the Unlvenlty Film Society on Tuesday and Wednelday eveningl =inw.:-:tc!"::t..~=-..~ mime and child performer to suppcrt __a l 7:00 and 11:15, Februlry I In the Program Banquet Rocxn, and Feb. t himself. Charlie s urVived his childhood; but the mart of It oever intbeWfae. Room. left him. nu, It is undentandable when, many decades later he mentions In his memoirs the ma ny ~ti:ic:".~:h?.~:a!~ ~-:-.:-~~= urdtin within that he hu come so far follolnd by one of wocten combla up In this •orld. Tbe n:ptrimcea and backgraund ol hiaearlyyearsalsolert tbeirmartoa bla fll.ms--for the little tramp is vay out of a 1Ubw8y; and by tbe ltlqleo· deus satire ol tbe factory decor, lnbuma.n, endlealy Working at produclna nothina . shlnl.n&. sterile, :=w:!:.:Zec~~~:!:. -~~~r:~~~U: r~ the spirit to COOQUet' adverse clr· toryHand.ButCiw'Ueeanneverbea c:umslances. It is especil.lly rdlected in Modem nmn, a film he made in ..... UWSP ARTS & LECTURES PRESENTS PUCCINI'S ....,...,..._...;-... _ :,:::- ~ H+:!!!!llr-14+-H :_-:a - -- -~-- - ...... AaTS. LICI\MIS ,..,..,. ,._., n - 1:00 P.Jil. _:. QUANDT RllDHOUS< UWSP STUDENT 11.00 2.00 3.50 ~ 14.50 YOUTH 1 ADULTS 1 factory worker. He detnorlstratel his incapacity, and incidentally satlrizel It II my brelleflhltCbapllD s landl alonelnfilmblstory . ~ .. reno " modem day Cblpllim," no rivail, no c:blllenpn to till accomplishment. i:te! ~. :tr:~·t ~;: ~ a;veo us. U I could Choo.ea Jepcy to leave to this world, it would not be ~=··:~:··.~a::t~: Generation~ bef::'e ours have lauabed and cried at this man's art, our own 1Ull doel, and there is no doubt in m y m ind thll 10 will a~ation upon geoeraUon to come. Boys promises warm laughter on cold nights ByC-yWIUe On fo'ebruafj 4th the theatre Huon • will reopen wit h the Richard fWd&en-Lormz Hart musk.al 8oyl FTGm Synu::IIH. This Is a knlvtlh tale ol twiD brothers and twin servants who have been separated for ldeviskxl. night club!, reviews and lndusUUb, 8oy5 '""' Syncue wUI be no problan. Brion: joinlni the theatre arts faculty he was lhe ar· listie director ol lhe Royal Sweclish and are now in the ume town Amcriean BaUct theatre In New Yorlt City. The SCftiCt)' ol CClWR has changed, the stage is far from &ftdcn. but the music a nd the movements are the ume. Music ~an ~v! c~ea~.:t:11e~ !:iicr0:~ 1 unbeknownst to eatb otbtr. II thilm•iu.J eaper sounds ramUiar, Yfl the tille doesn 't tin&. a bdl, Perb&PI 'I'H Comedy ol ElTon by Wllli.Jm Shakespeare will spa rk your memory. And what UHd to be the C'OW1yard In nne Arts has now been transformed into the Square ol Ephesus, w~ this cocky quartet meetsa ndtheconluslonbqins. Rod&en and Hart's rendition ol 'ftle Comedy of Emn II .guaty, l"ttllaln&ablgpartolJamesMoore's life. II this cold .ftather in Stevens Point hu rroun anyone's sense ol humor, perhaPI the ·anclent Roman setting located In the courtyard ol Fine Artl w\U th4,.w It out. The natunl ll&ht. open s pace, and the " Roman " loolt of thepJace is perfectfor . thisplay. · ~s!~l=·:=!~~~~:..~ Ideal setunl(. Wea rlnl oerlod eo~tums wttb tODI(Ue-and-d)cdr: accents, and spewing forth s ueh up-todate dialogue u " Home Ui where the chariot is being fixed", the cast ol Boys from Syracue evaltes wann laughteronlhesecoktdays. Chris Knutsen and Dicit Gtatln are lhe Antipholua twins who were separated at birth. Ne.a\Brenard and Bart Sc;hllawskl are lheir twi n set·· Uz 1npel wiU asalat Jamea Moore sometimes bawdy, ~~ all the time fUMy . H moves. it lings. it a m~. and at tbesame timebrin&s oHaa extremely dilf!allt feat by making • . Shllkespurean plot especblly nsy ~~:~::~~~~~r': ~ c!onductor and The oripal production ol The Beys From Syracue played in tt3W9 on Bn:llldway. It reopened in 11113, Polly Sauer Ia scene cti.rtoetor and as technkal director Ia II Soo Shin. Other members ol the director staff are Steve Crick as li&htin& designer, Michael McGrath as c01tume deaignb. ~~~~=:c::=-= " Fallin& 1r1 Love With Love" are u now as they were forty yean ago. ADd the Shakespearean romantk: rttylhml and imagery are a special source of enchantmen t ~n any musical. ~~sf~;:r:c~ : nth a nd curtain time is 1 p.m. UWSP students may purchase ticltets at Sl with aetlvltlea card arxllD. 'Jklteta for the play a re available at the Theater Arts 8o:J. office in the F\neArtaBulldlng. Music has been a bi4 part ol James Moore's llfe. In addition to directJna 8Dy5, he is doing the cborqraphy u well. But for a man who hat choreographed for vocal director for the VWSical comedy ll. WilUam Madsen, lbe play Ui also backed by an orcheltr• made up of eigbt instrumentalists. . tofoUow . Broadway , STUDENTS.-Why Settle For Less? UVE AT THE VIllAGE ..• THE ULTIMATE IN APARTMEtH tiVING . 301 l'j. MICHI~AN - STEVENS POINT, WIS. EACH APARTMENT HAS <r 2 IIBJIIOOMS AND TWO Rill BATHS WITH YANIIIS . <r IIIIYIIUAL HEAT CONTROl. <r CDI.Ilft COOftlllfATEO RANGE AND IIEFIIGERAlllR, IJISit. WASHER AND OISI'GSAL <r TELEPHOIIE OUTLET II <r P~NELJIG II UYIIG ROOM EACH ROOM <r LAUNDRY FAct.ITEI <r SEJI.iRrvATE EIITliAIICll <r COIIPI.ETELY -~ II IIEOITERRANEAN OEOII <r CARPETIIG AIIO ORAPU <r EACH sluOfJIT II RE· SI'ONIIII.E FOR ONLY Ia SHARE OF TIE RENT. <r Ail~ <r CAIItfT.Y. IIOOI(-11' 9 MONTH ACADEMIC YEAR INCLUDING VACATIONS FOR INFORMATlON AND APPLICATION CONTACT: !~~J!£~ff.~~E. CALL341-2120 BETwEEN9 A.M. & 5 P.M. ·----- -... , Gallery unveils avanf-garde .art· ~ ~~~~:e~ but mo.t are )cu revet.lilll cl tbeir story linm. In ' 'Tell death · thiJI&, =~· r: :!::~~W..': ~;:b: viously a . m~, but up: lltUe =~~e:~ ~u:;etbearecJ:. Then the title telJ.s us that the whole Ulln& ls a lelt. "Ctlbweb Piece" _ _ . mullet to tel.l-lb' ltory with some beauWul black aru.s ln a door and on the walls ola room In which a Womln b sitting, Ther-e are abo some very nlce cobweb llDes. covered with white unW It II reduced Jh.lt thele ~pbs are all IOIDebow atqed. The tujority 0( ::~ttC=~~~ ::~==~~~~ like ablpes crute In the whltesurfaceolapiece. Tbef&miliarityolleaf Krime'lwork HeiDI tobemadeupcl • JI"'UP ol puts wbole rela~ to e.ch other are not IAI.U)' !mown, and which BenerallY seem to be set up only for tbe4Ueol tbepbolop"apb. pt.ttemson tablecloths&DdwallPipel' !:~r:r:r~:etJ!'!.ect o1 the It's bard to flDd dementi that nm through all o1 La Krime'a WGI"k. Somewhere . a mons the S4 pbotographl in the lbow, there are eueptioastojustaboutanyrule. Tbe aaly similarities that I caWd ftDd are the brownish tint and the probliblllty U.A.B. COFFEEHOUSE PRESENTS . Singer, Songwriter, · Guitarist BARRY DRAKE In The U.C. Coffeehouse TUESDAY THRU THURSDAY ~FEBRUARY 8, 9, 10 9·11 P.M. Forloltuee,lnapieeecalled''Self Opention Fiction," a man II aittina: in a chlllr calmly openlfDI on a Ide he hal cut iD hil atomacb. Tbe picture tdil a atory litfi a Ira-me frorn a movie or a piclure from an old Lila Mquine ~ eaay. Somebody·~ =. . :.,:;:'~'!.~~t; toaclUevehllga.J. Lei Krime is an U&Odate prafcuor of art at the State UDivenity ol New York at Buffalo. Hi1 it ln- won temallma.Uy known aDd exiblted. Gal)' Hqen bu been on the UWSP facultyllncelllM. Heteacbeldell&n, drawing, painting. Hll worir: bas been lelected for about 7$ ~. state, and national e:dbl.tionl. He ls thedireetoroftheCarlltenGallery. am No Defense·_Ever Rests In another section ol his boo&, Bailey recalls the trials or the four sus pt"CI.s accused In the Great Plymouth Mail Robbery ol 1962. '" When one or lhe s us pee: II admitted · that he had been informing on the other s uspecll to Ptllt Office in· 111e0dtDJI!NeverR« ts F . LN Ballt.J wllb Ha rvey Al'o!~MIIl NewYorll. lt1% • $US Review~ by Patrick Spahn In my opinion, The Ddecue Ne,·rr Rests , wrilten by f'. Lee Bailey, the highly praised c:rimlnallawyer, is one o{ the best books written pertaining to the subject of "criminal injustices." In his boot, Bailey nc.alls with fucinaUna dttaU the episodes aDd the !rials ol his lhl:ee mc&t renowned cues: Or. Samuel H. Sheppard's retrial and aqultt&l; the trial or Geor'Jt Edgerly in Lhe "Torso Murder" case : a Dd Dr. carl Coppolono's New Jersey aquittal and his F)orida conviction for murdet'. He also recalls thelrialsollbefOUTic:cused.SUSpecls In lhe $1 ,SSI.m Gnat Plymouth Mail Robbery o( 1962 and tht lrial ol Albert DeSalvo, the man who confessed to ha\'e been the ''Bolton Stranslft'. •· Bailey's concern with the injustices done to people by lhe presetll~y court 1)'5tems ied him to write this boolt about the injustices done to his clients. At the age ol twenty-seven, Bailey was eqaged to bdpan ddez'ly Bolton lawyer ill the much p.~bticiud ''TonoMI.Itda'" case. Aceultd ol tilling his wife aDd then thro win& the body i nto the Merrimack River, was George Ecf&erly, a dependable lliqcl skilled auto mechanic. " I did DOl kill my wife,·· wu Ed&erly 'a plea u be failed his liedttector test. BaUey, a o expert nn lhe lie detectnn originally brought in on the case to crus exa m ine the " pro se cutors polygrapher. But when lhe defense attorney .John Tob\n,colla pe.ed rrom a hea rt a uaclt , Bailey readily took. over and won a n a quilt.llby di5pNving lhe polygraph testror GeorgeEdguly. · :r;~~~v=O:.,~::= to help support the allegation that the inspectors had violated the righ t of privilqed communication between lawyer and client ." !Current Biography. li671 In November 191S7, Bailey s ecured a not gui\1)' verdict from a rederaJ Judie. ror one of the robberysuspecii,JohnJ. Kelley. ln 1965, Bailt:Y deJenclecl 1 d lent named George Nasser on a charge ol ~~lit::': a~=iu~~?org~he~~ sane. While a t the instituUon, Nasser : Again u a lie-detector s pedali5t iot981 , F . Lee Bailey was ca lled in on w case or Or . Samuel H. SMppard. an Ohio 01t~ lh. Sheppard had been c:oovicted 10 191$4 or the murder ol his wife and he had been in prison • ror almost &eVen yura before Bailey wa.uonp.ged hisaltomey. S~rd~~':tec:!:::!lf; ~~~': =::~~U:Ia':~U:: JudgeJame~Finley~JollbeOhi(l Sta te Suprtme Court had upheld DT. Sheppard's conviction In 1956. It wu Judge Bell's judicial opinion that m ystery and munkr, s ociety, sex and s uspense were combined in this c:asein s uc:hamannerutointr igue and captivate the public rancy to perhaps a degree unparnleUed in recent a nna ls. Throuahoul the pre- . NEW HOURS . TEXT SERVICES . for As a further service to our customers , the Text Services Department of the . University Store has expanded Its hours of operation. The new hours are: 8 am~9 pm ·Mon.-Thurs. We welcome your comments on this· change. Hours may be .further modified at a later date, depending on customer needs; Text Services Dept. University Store 346-3431 =~~~~~k~~t::anJ~~~e!f:; week trial. circulation c:oasc::ious editors catered to the Insatiable lnterestoltheAmeric:an public In the biurre. Special sealing racili ties ror ~raandc:olumnistsrepres.tn­ tinl the local papen a nd a ll niaj« news services were Instilled In the courtroom. !;pec-ial rooms in the Criminal Courtl building were equipped ror broadcasters and telec:asters. In lhiJ atmospMr-e ol a· 'Roman Holiday ' ror the news media, Sam Sheppard stood trial ror h is life. Therefore, Bailey rnusht Dr. Shep- rJ!::.:nr:~l= t~n~ ~:~ had a roon1mate named Albert DeSalvo. It was through Nus~r that Bailey met the man who had conressecttohavek llled thirteen women without leav ing a due, the noted Albert DeSalvo. DeSalvo, u you may we ll remember,ls the man thought to bethe"Boston Strangler." · It is a book im buedwlth thewil atid t he knowledge of its autho r 's everlasting c:ooc:ern ror his ac:aaed d ienll. His kDnwledse or the law and his genermlty olspiri t are evident th:rou&hout his book . It II one of the ::'J:::T~!~tnt!f~ .:S~i 1 have ever entOW\tered. AtTIM'ding toEttwa rdLinn'sartlcle ~~~~~~m~f~~~~~~~~si' stitu tiona \ rlghii.Balley·s complaints Included that Sheppard bad ~n arraigned wit hout his attorney puaen t ; autbocities had refused to delay the arraignment unt il counsel c:ould a rrive ; a nd the Cleveland PTess had delibera tely a nd with malic:eprinted arlk)ea and editorials in the weeks followiiiJ the murdu that implicated She ppard and c:ritkiud law enforcement officials ror failing to make an an-est. cannol evugoonthe streelagaln. l woukiliketogosom-heretoagood institution instead or this rat-trap so that some doc: totS will look at me and tell me why I did it." Lack.lngevlden· c:-e, the state could not proaecute DeSalvo nn charges ol munter, but could prOHCUte on other charge~. Bailey all{U6d that DeSalvo wu Insane and that he had acted under a n in-esistable lmpulle. Bailey won the June 1966 U.S. · Supreme Court reversal ol Shep: pard's conviction on the groundl that the s tate trial judge had not protected Sam In lt$4 rrom prejudicial publicity lhat may have lnOuenc:ed at leastS<HneolthejUronwhohadbeen permitted to go bot(le at night. Alter servingaten-yearprlsonaentenc:efor a crime that he nevu commit ted , · Dr.Sheppa.N1wa lkedoutollhec:ourt· room in November 1966 as a rree Partly in h is de.parate drort to help DeSalvo i e t proper med ial treatment. Bailey preaaed for a speedy trial on charges or burglary, 'assault and sexua l orrenaes. He fought ror aqultt.ll by reason or In· sanity. In January ol ' t967 , Bailey's clie nt was convicted on th ese charges, decla red ltg.a llyllnellnd sentenced to a ten-year- plus'life term. In recoontina the racta and his han· dlingorthese' cases, Bailey reveals a good deal abou t himself u w~ll as his views on the law a nd Its short· c:omlnga. He is very critical ol the grand jury sys tem. Incompetent trill juries, and pJea bargaining; road· bloclts that make es.sentlal evidence inatteaible to defense attorneys. He is abo a c ri lk prisons that are "c:ollege.olcrime"ralherthan " ln· stitutklnsorrdiabillt&Uon." ~0~-~~~~vf:rJ:::: bued ·'The Fugitive" soc:iety'sinjustic:eto h.lm. teriea on Followio& the Dr. Sheppard case, Bailey &chteved one ol his most suc:c:euea In the DT. C.rl A. ~notable .~=:~~~~~:~~or'! ol Lieutenant Colonel William F a rber, was a quilled In Ne'W Jeney in 1966. Bailey won tbe aquiUIII on the grounds that Mrs. Fa !'beT had been in Jove wttb Coppolino a nd had committed the murder herseU. Then In =i~~~~ ~:r:r'~~f~ga~: on the charge or murdering his ~~~r!e~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ traceablepoison. ButdespiteBailey"s vigorot11 defense,CGp901inn was c:c~n­ vkted ol second-degree murder and ~en tented to ure imprisonment. . -~ M1 ,, "' 1 M1 "' ~ ·~ ...'"' lim il's toi 1 by dol :::'" bn ..""' ..''""' YO ...'"" Gn tail: ·~ '"';, '" "' .... I ant< lradi ...... v. .. ""' " Unt .... ' 'Tt>j. or ~ =~~~==~~ !~!v~~: "'cri minaiiUipeclltopleadnot·gu llty berore a low-cost ly trial while a ttempting to demonstrate the ir in· noc:enc:e" ; advoc:a tlngbetter trai ninB of c rimina l lawyers as we ll as per· milling the attused to take a " Lit detector" test to prove their in· noc:ence. To le t tbe America n people ~:i:wol~~~~~~:~~~ ~;: Bailey wrote this book, T11e Dc-fenscSt\'trRtllts. Th Point of View Trower Troubled ............ '-J:MittyDa)'l ~ 1\ntkwBJScoUst.pt-. Red effect that he C&!l do weU-when be tries. Studio el!ectl on Dew.r'1 vocals Ia " Hold Me," hlc:ked by bur- :!f: ~':enn:".:!t~C:~~ OYerly almple lyrks. Th.IIIOI\8 Is the only one 5bolrinc: any Hendm: In~- a t lyle that Trower abrodows wdl and bu S.d to- mo~t o1 his popularity. " S.Uin&" and "Lor!& Mbty O.ys" ~~~~t=-=:10~~ Kil earUn- albums hokl •tunnlnl eumplel oC this noaUna atyle of mualc wllh a qu111ty that rlvall the worb Ollhe muten La thil fteld. In lhete I OnJI, Tr-er III H hll Slratocuter !or a tea rluJ , Wlllli:c ef!ed that sell lhe mood ror Dewar's latric.lte¥oe.alsinlway thatrec~~lll their dl)'l oiiOftlllike "For Earth Below" 1nd " I C.n'l Walt Much Loricer." ANNOUNCEMENTS ANY STUDENt' ENROLL.ED IN A UW Olin W.rt ID *'- wltb l4lt Ne¥Mia biDd!Qp, Euelleni Clladi.U.. hOO. Nordia Altrol s-t. (f'llo), lib - J7S, Cai)JU-31011,.SWSpn. B 7TH AIIHUAL INTERNATIONAL DINNER Satu AND ENTERTAINMENT rday, Feb. tl 6 P.M.-9:30 P.M. Allen Center Admission •s• ""'" .-. . 90 .. 1M Wortd Hunger ~utioftl lk:kets Awetlable At: U.C . tnfonnatlon DeN Ala., I Debot Student Man-uert City Newt Stand Foretgn Studenta Office (014 N~son H1ll) 8cm1111nstla, Solocoabtnclnlt. Hoc:t.a.ad 8acU lUI , PactqldMI 175. caDM&rtlat )tl . . .. ~forNk.III. Cant.:tNuey.t :MWnf, l'1ll. Gil..el'tll ~ NclniimAJplaast!BooQ {fW') M.Call '*II.D. . WANTH> PHVSIC.U. EDUCATION ClASS FOR SECOND EIGHT WEEKS; Pleue OIW!IId ININtNctor olthlc:ourN IIDmedi.MelyloftrifJU..t)'OU'Willbe ll...... lbed.l.a. itmaq be alenqtime 0 L!~!Y'S Cocktail Hour Specials Fridays: 2 for the price of 1 drinks (Bar brands only) Wednesdays: All night . cocktail hours Hors d'oeuvers 3 P.M.·B- P.M, Cocktail Hours Daily 3 P.M.- 8 P.M. 40% off on all bar brands - w:i(!];r;;JPJ DELICIOUS SUPER HOT ROAST BEEf · , , • AHD YOU MAY ADO YOUR OWN 1 ' - . o l AT OUR N£W ftOAIT II&F WORKIIAA • -ONLY AT-. HARDEE'S 817 DIVISION STREET Presents mE FEBRUARY -EXTRAVAGANZA SALE - Jebruary 7-12 Super savings on closeouts, demos, and brand new name brands like Yamaha, Pioneer, and Harmon/Kardon. Listen for DoCtor Audio on WSPT Stereo 98 for details.