r- 1 January 28, 1977 Off Campus 15' The rape of things to come -.c;NI ro•pond• Stomp tft~ nulre1 TtU..P...kr OnJI~t)' loth lhe Fedtnl Eae:tp.ad tt.Ntdl O..dopmellt A&eKJ I!RDAl IM:Iwllh lbe ~ PublkSeniee Coaualukll 1D Maa- fw 111 Ill· ronnaUou.lbriefiqMAionoatheaub)lcl of ~merct..l nudear wute clbpoMi tllel. WIKonllne.~nbeMieetedb«a~~~elt llaJtlllcletlr•bleJeolO(Ic:alrocllb,.a. ERDAJ,InlbeS!.atelolllldtntandlhrot ntnltWIKonllnoppoR!dtuclltfadlll1, ~mpt lt aadforceltl~ofMklla diiiiC~.rec&.clln~tor)'. ~ Luel7 feels the pMplt ol the Federal IJO'fetmDI!III ean -~aboulddetermlDethtir-• dleke lllltlk -.ueraDd becomeecti~IJ la•olwedlatheluue. Shade and edloel ol y•tayur: recalll111 Eatc'\ltl¥1 Vice Prelldl!nt Sol lklnlda'a tot w--.m Electric Powft' Co.l arTOpnl " forced procnm" •P"dl of' F'aU ifU·InonlefloruUUtlelloiCII .. Ytl nuc:leef'COII I bued- ea~DCX~~~7 'Pf"dllr he ealled for Peden! coatrol ol Jlalll naulatlolll tad In u.. WIKOIUi in ltpla~~.~relheutllitiel'-4-cJitStete pr"HHIIpllonollacalrrplationt. Do ,.u weal 1 nucltar power plant In tft~)e.nde.loqwlthll,,.m..~. · llalldyarnerardolltewa•tet1 You an aDd MUST became IDYOI'vecll YoulhouJdhe.,.bet'a~t.,lafO.U, II lbeDeo:. ttcb-lkll:etw-..biRapilb whta ullUU. ..-led tllell' lfN Ad· .,._. Ptu.lw -.:leu,..,.. plaa.&.. But.. fw filbt - . w- Pllbnaal')' bt, pleaN Mad your ~entl n,._.lq r~~~..:~='"~r.: ct'a:a: I W~Iallo: Dl'fltkla of S)'lkm Plln· nlna. En•ii'Ge!UIIta l Re\1ew alld Con· aumerAnalytm, PSC,HWFar:au5LIIIJOf· fll:eBI.Iilclbll, Ji"diloft.WI.,s.mz. Ttlb iJ YOUR r!Pt to a publk beJ...... t YOUdolt,dall'tdepmd..,_a-,_tt;. P• democncy to Dill, . . MUST Off· dM _. rlclltaad abitltr to .Ua ow· le!Y8 a-rd- ' - .,~ .... u- andtbaU••Dftba)'et~. '111allkY1111. SIIIC'tnl)', I Mn . ICometLIIGn~~~bdl Series 9. Vol. 20 No. 14 INew•\ The Student Co-op l!lembership plan-· thwarted ... Governmen t Aaodaticm'a (SGA ) plan to .W.klhe ltudeot membenbipa ill the Steveas Point Food CHp bu bMD declared ille&albyCftltraiAdmizlliltratiollln MadlaorL Jim £aam, SGA praidoerlt, aDd Terry Teltolin, Praideat of Studentl for have dDputed tbe dedlkJI'I and requetted I review oltbematter. ) 1be qreemeat betweeD tbe SGA and the Stevens Point Food Co-op, readied after a lore. heated debate betweeoSGA members aDd tbe CHp board of dirett«s, called for tbe SGA to pay half o1 the ISmemben.blp fee for any stude:at who joins eo-os-. ""~The «mtract was dnWD \fP last Novtmb«, approved by tbe Cbanc:tUar, aad thea sent to Mattisolt. Alter a q delay, word was finally Old Main receives National Register Status who followed, and for t.Ut reuoa. alone Dreyfus uyalt · wt:IUld be a &hame forlttobedemollabed.. He uld be beUeved tbe ofOclal ::=.,on~~~~~terC:: million abd UW Reaeotl &Dd live them enc::ouraaemen t fo r prservaUm. The NaUooal fte&llter, iD effect, uysthatpl.acelonit.liltiDc.,.. cultural~oftbeutkm deemed worthyol avia&- 'Mae are IDOllieltobelp rat«etomeoftbe !::·.='o~~~vetocf riCUity quautytnc for theM fundi u It llaata~fadUty. The National Rq:later don, however prohibit uae of ledenl doll~~ra for demoJIUon of the pllcetlt !lob. Dreyt• ereclitl State Seoator · WlWam BabUtch for hil work In aet· a atatHponlored a~ tinl cb:ted whleb raulted In favorable to preMrYatlon ol ~i.o lauded Rkbard Toler, ~Ideal of tbe UWSP A.lumll.l Alaodatkm and memben of tbl.t group for promotblC the idea ol Natiooal aepter U.Unc amq tbe WlaeoaiiD Hlstorie Preserntloa Revlewlloonl. ""' tho ....... HklorlcaiSodety played. keyCounty role In tbe liltiDc. putkularly throulb tbe inlr'iate piper work ror N•tiooal =u:a~~~ ~.:::; Neilca. wboU.ct.Enclilbhere. SGA seeks ·to abolish 'W' ___ ..., tbe new number will crate eom· pet:IUoa ror tbe J*ltka. Tank aiald It rzUcb l lllo iDa'!ae tbe (lrlltiae ol. Tam: Aid tbeM nsolutklal will be dilcuued in tbe ~en~~te wlthi.D the moalb aDd lben be !CII'WU'ded to tbe Aeademk Affaln Committee ol. tbe FKUitySeol.le. ltnletorltoatvelbadeatsearolledln tblir ~ aa iadkatkxl at p-~~de atudblllntbedaNbdoretbeeadat tbe drop period. Plana arw aJ1o betn& m~~de to redl.ace tbe m. at the MMte rrom tO toJO. Intbeput,SGAbuMdtrouble fll1i.Dc 40 MMte seata, aDd bopefully There's nothing.wrong with a little materialism. We11 admit it. One of the selling features of Army ROTC is just plain cold cub . .. nearly 12000 during your junior and aenior years of college. There's alao the opportunity for full-tuition acholanhipa. And a 110,000 a year salary u an Army officer when you graduate. But we've got other good things to offer you, too. CoUege courses which challenge you both mentally and phyaically. Management training llDd uperi· enc:e you'll find valuable in civilian 11 well as military jobe. And instant ll!adership ruponaibil· ity in your fJ.tSt job after cOllege. If any of thieint.ereStayourcheckout Army ROTC. And even if you enroll just for the money, you11 graduate with tomething worth a lot more .. . gold ban of an Army officer. ARMY _ROTC. WHAT IT TAKES TO LEAD. For more InfOrmation contact: Bob Browne 2nd floor S.S.C. Bldg. Phone: 346-3821 or Fund drive established for Heidi News Notes UWSP in Spain BEFORE YOU MAKE YOUR COMMITMENT FOR SECOND SEMESTER STOP IN AND SEE WHAT THE VILLAGE HAS TO OFFER. UWSP's vital stats Pwtace Coullt)' baa 1,3ZI olltl ptrmaDeDl raideatlatlerldq: UWSP. 'lbat fiCure II aa ol S4 from lut ,...,. and repre~e~~ta the larp&t !lUmber ol ablcieota from any ODUiltyaJpedupforduMs. u.cr..e UaW a r- ye&n qo, ennlllmeat repraeatinc Nllwautee County was number one lD alul at UWSP, but It ~~·~ta~= fortheiDc:reuialuteollbeeampu. by peopM from tbllara. MUwaukee County bu 711 atudentl at VWSP tbil y•r compt.red wttb 143 lutyur. WoodCCiuoty , wbolerepre~e~tatim in ,lbef:fti"'ilmeatCGatl..-lopow, nowbuaC'OWltolle, up"from lut year, Jlaratborl Couaty bu atudentl earolled, dowft 23. Tbe uninnity otnda1 ran 1f7l t-ckouDt oii.SU II up abcut 300 tbll year with J7 Wllt:ontbl toUIItielleft. diDC mare atu6mtl ud %7 tGUAUea bavtac fewer numben thla In the ran attm. Outllp.mie C«mty loged lbe · larplt~olltl.admtl: , .,orN more tbiJI Jut y-.r. DaDe Couaty 1eDt 3:51, aa i:acreue ol._ Waukelba CauDty . . Sl atWeDta ben, up 40; BrvwD. - · ap 37; up5f ·~· 111. up 5; W'mnet.lo,t~. : R.ldDet40, ~tO. Allo. t.a~~Pde. 133, dowll t ; • MaDitone. la, dowll 2:1; ODekia. UD, dont4; Rodl, UO, up4; LiDeoln, lll, dowllll; F~duLac, llt, dowtl to; SbeboJin , lOS, up u ; · Wauaban, ICII, up I; aDd O*uDbi.l, IOl.upl. Tbe s..... PaW c:ampul ea. w.a. to . . . atudiDD from ...., C1:1UD1y iD tbt atllte wWI Ita 1AU111R _ LOOK BEFORE YOU LEA_SE Do your present housing facilities offer you: <r A Security Lock a Intercom SJalorn <r <r <r <r <r .... _..,.. ....... faloC\IIUitiiiCIItbe..-.bardllr ...::bolwWdlllllltttn...-..IMt fall A t;otal oiT,Mfpnc~~~~atlelldb:C =W:i:la..,..."::.r~ ~c:.z=.-: ~IIIIJ1dae,_e~Moltblto&al. · 'beadeouat. ......,_._ Tbe out-of-alate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... Ia IF NOT Air CondHionlng? Ulundty Foc:IIHI•? -utHul Fumlahlngo? Oenerol Electric Appllon...? HeotodPool? * 24 Hour Malnten•nce? . LIVE AT 'THE VILLAGE' 301 MICHIGAN 341· 2120 OFFICE - GIANT MID-SEASON· ALPIN( SKI SALE !MJOu~!t;;c~~('~~nnual United~~~ LegillaUv~ Conference! ~~!·~~~:,terence is a threedayaffairwb!cb includes r:~=~~=·=::t=':::a~:; life as a student. Held February 6-8 on lhe UW-Madfson campus, the conf~ wiU toYer such areas u : women and miiiOrity concerns, student jourrllllism, la~nt rei.IUons, ~!~~:~~eu~o:~::be~~b"; some o1 the most knowJedge.able and influenlial lndivkluall In state government and hi~ education. On the final day ol the conterence. participants w!U spend their time lobbying with 1 sCOTT U SA .R> DYN4_MIC DEME'TBE ~ ~· · the spor-t shop ~=~=-e::=::·theimportanc:eof .tblscon­ ::=,":t·~ :r:kxlging ~~:~J:~~~~~~~~~~: u;:e ~ is registration fee and while in Madison; aU you provld! yourbody,thoughtsandfood . Tbe conference bas been 1\ighly pnised In the pqt and we exptoetexceUentresultstbisyea r . lfyouwishloaltendorh.lveany questions' about the conlerence illdf, please CUltact your Student Government otr.ce 134&oml) before January 31, I Mon. day!). This Is a su~ opportunity for you lo acquaint yOW"'eet' with the tota l lssues and lobby for your C'OflCffJ'II with the peopkl who make decisions. Complaining About Student Government? ~~ Do you consider your opinion on ;~ ~+' stud·ent affairs important? ia,~ Are your ideas important enough to you to ~c"'~r see them acted upon directly? ~ feGET INVOLVED IN THE STUDENT "~~ GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION!! ·. W'lth the end of Fal Semest~emment Assocla· lion has several seats now vacant. Now is your chance to have a direct voice in ~ Student Government!! Appications for seats in S.G.A. are now available in t h e D Student Government office in the University Center. W\ For more information call: 346-3721 . U . Deadline: February 4, 1977 Grumd Hoc o.y il eom1n1 up na.t week WedDMday, February 2. ~fur our EcOoOmiCS·lOl this -weeli..- II Olr fOWl••• •••Wt'rt kHWI ~ - -~L!_Q!!!.L.. O:mrM!MclbWd' t.t-&r.wa.(a'l.., iarJ(n;IOI.I • Yaulp•.,:..-dinlonin~ cr.:n'CIIIIia...tctwt.:.b:d ... ll'aldiii'O'q'c.~bvy: ~¥Jr. . . . ... ..,..••• RECEIVE ONE REGULAR SIZE SOFT DRiNK- . FREE WITH ANY PURCHASE AND THIS AD. OFFER GOOD THRU FEB. 1 ..____ ORe •ou• 71/IIT/11111( n. .......... Oryc:::Jeirw Hour Service Dally, I a.m. to 3 p.m. OpM..,..,.dwv~7e.m.- lp.M. 2.57 DMstON XC - Ski I Philosophy enjoys winter and 10 It mtaUed ludln& a field trip or wrltln& a llnaJ peper. SiDce Helhetk appredatiCII il tabatlced by a puler wxlentandiq; many atudeatloffertdlhrira:pertilel.ainterpretiftatbewtnterenviroomenl Aserielolnddtrij:aleclbystudentl Wultnted ~ ol bow nlltun! deals wltb the land, through pop-.pbkal pbeDamena (a special affinity wu felt ror the &Jadal prodi&J') aDd wildlife and forestry ecolop. A few atJ tours Ulustnted bow m.n hu been dralin& Mth the land, In a tour of a maple ~Upring wnture, and bow the university cleab withlt1land,lnatourotthenorth eampuswood!l Ma.tollbeatudeatllDthecLusnot onl.ylearnedtoltl, tbeyalloacqulft'd ~~~=~ l.mdlclpe II not blrTea and tbat the winter MJUOn doso't bave to be an ezerclae In per&ervtraoce Wltil ~.Ralher,tbtcluldet:ldedtbat environmentala•tbetie appredatioo thrau&batJtourincilthekiodola:per ieDC:e Uuit ahould be mort .vallabletoeollepatuderlts. The biQeat acoompUshmtnt by the ~olthe~wuthefedlnc:ol ::~ble~•~=\~~: and reactww the bottom still alan· ding up. it matt be aIMq ·me X/C SKI SPECIALS M i l l + lihi§!li.liJiilj4jj2JIMii¥M ASNES GLASS SKI ••• $89.95 VASQUE BOOTS ••..• $49.95 TRAK BINDitGS •••..• $6.95 EXCEL GlASS POLES • • '9.95 MOU~G .• ·..••••.. $3.00 TOTAL. •.•••.•• $159.80 SPECIAL PACKAGE PREE ••• • $114.95 noisrotrr • AND YOU MAY ADO YOUR OWN~ AT OUR NEW ROAST BE£F WORKS BAR • . o~\... ;, ~~-~ ~HARDEE'S 617 DIVISION STREET ( Trees: captives of the city ............. . Trying 10 find 0 doss .in Old Main is without snow l.o.eislalt In boat, hwt, In lno.thall DOt a m•n perform, Twocao'tmeraet.e.rta Witbfro:reopuu YoumUitmateyOu,Jovewarm." hard enough • invade Point· Tlie only brewery In the U.S. that does not use non-refumable boHies. Continued ... Crandon:· from rags don. The sua&etUon IOI.Indl like an impr ovement, but It does not dimlnale the PrOblem. T11e pl'(lblem Is merely m60ved fnxn the lm· mediate vicinity oltbe tommunity. In~ldenUoDolaUtheupectsot mvbuunental coocem In the eru. ~u.eO:,~.~~ ........ "Face It,"~ he . .kl. "We have a ~t!::O.ti:J'~~~J~~ 1 ~~! ~=-r::~~J:~lecl well u lfllllators CraiKion u tbn:Ju&bout the 1t111.e is the ovtnll :U:::.felnotu=r~= Exxoouldthala mine and millcmld crate 100 toiOOjca for 20years or Joaeer, The line amdtln& plant, if construcled. ~ employ an· additkm.l500~. · Alii'Jeinlluxoljobs.tekenilsure to occur. Newcomers will IDCreue the, need for ack!qua,te housing, educatioo, chutcbel and roacb ...$17 or $11 mllUon worth, accordtnc to one · estimate. ~~=:::.·~~.~ uld Katby Browoell, a UWSP ~~te.!":~~~·:cv'! tope,ybl&bel'tuea.." ba~~~~=~ :a~~~~'='=~ would provide the with mrenue are~~ obtlined from mining company qNntklol. 11lil: would reduce tbe klcal tu burdea IOIDeWhll PerbiPI ot ut'mo.t concerD b the morediltanlfutureolCrudoo. What to a community wbtn ut&n'a treaan dloelt II empty! Row doet a mlDe'a finite quality af· bappeai rert,tbeJW"r''UDCCiDCara? ,troversy Small contractors may benefit too '"''brr: old lodlan chle{ tells ol his land iD tbe e.r!y timel fll North America. • land plentHul with rurs, pme, blrdl, bia; tree ud rocb. He said .u· his people lived for m&ny Beften.tions with plenty tor .n. They tot* only enouah from the land to fulfill tbdr needs. Doe day In time the wbite mea a.me to IUs land. They were tnppen. They tnpped tbe furs. Soon tbe furl were fN 1Dd the wbite men lett. Tbe lnd~ns were )eft with their game. btrds. bi& tres •nd roc:b. Some Yean later the wbite men murned with tbdr pns. Tbey bun- ~~er~:~=~ Apirlbelefltheland lelvinctbeiJt.. dilnswitho.!Jyblt:treet•ndroc:b. 1'be lndllnl •truuled Oil iD their land fll bia; trerel IDd roc:b , only to find, ln •lew ye~rs, aoother return ol tbe wbite mea.. TbiJi time be came with SIWI lnd axes. They CUliU tbe biitreesudnmhtbemtotbe uwmilll. Soon tbe blf: tre.s were cut ud &one.. Tbe lodlam looted ud.ly on tbeirlandollittlelreeiiDdnxb . • Not yet finished., the white mea returned ln some ye.n to bu.lld Piper mi1ll 1Dd cut the nmainina little trtes. The lndi111 illlds DOW poaeuedon.lynxb. Yt~~, roc:b ! What &ood CID tbe rodtl be! Tbe wbit.e mea hive ODCe qaln returned to Grut Towm.bip, this time iD qumt ol tbe ROCKS. 'Ibey mlllt be aood for IOIDelhiDC. Haw IIOCia wW tbe wbite meu IMve ~ time! What will they IMve behind wben tbenxb an! aoae! ~=~·~~~:; Iller the roc:b U'8 . . .. Waffing for the pipe dreom • they remainsriwller this also indlca teslhat it Lt lime tO repot. And never ferlllhe a repotted f:n l for at least ooe month ~ · r:Jii) tr\ \.!.1{])('2[ill..jlk... or )'OUs!d:r:es~the:'~tbe~n~re:;..a~plantaw '-V Pam Poll!o, Pointer Office, I UCommunlcaUons Building. ~ ~~ - =m;~ ···moom(i)E)QJJ By Tom Prsanb ~ [~~~ ' ._,::eha · · , 11leVAh.umuclllnfoforvetstoealch~on !!l! esi.DVA~tlonsreaulrelhataveteranoran eUgible t's Gl Bill payments be terminau,c! where a atudentf1\ tomeettheKboOl'istandardsotprogress. TheVA will require C'OI.U!Seling by a VA counsdlng psychokJtisb before ~ymentsolGI Bill are continues. . ByTotoSorenHn · dfti~~:C:r:~ti~~;e:a~i~ anS:~z:t.·~~;!e~or~~~:,~~:;!"fns~=mp~7. semester; ( 2:1 b suspended; 131 withdraws completely from school alter the second week ol c.las5el; (41 I"K'dves oo passing .grades for a term i.e. receives a ll F 's, W's and or lncompletes. Results ol the counsellni service will be able to continue under theGIBW lntheitcurrentecluc.atiod. Whe! a veteran or eligible dependent receives DO passing grades, the scl!ool Is responsible f« dettnnlnina: when the =~~Clh~~=t:b!::~~:':.P~~;r!r:::~ !=~~!if;~~ r:,~U:"be~:::ff!,e:u; :=_~T:,=~~:~o~~= lutdateofpursuit. T'tle S~::bool dettnninellhe last date ol oursuit In a numbez' ol . ways : (I) last acthity u rdlected In the Instructor'• records; m last papers submitted; C31 lut e:uminatloocompletecl ; (41 a student's reasonablealatementollutdateof attendanee. If it's Mtermined that the student stopped atttndlnl before the tnd d the term. he must rdund to the VA anx money he receivtdbeyond thedateollastpun:uit. plant problem Notso,andi intendtoprovelt. 1 chose for my first review, 11Dkkn, located on Division St. and hard-blldr.td chairs, a sort ol soda fountain-Jewish dell com· bination. My companion and I were seated lmmed.lateJy and we ordered :v:n::its~~::,=: !.~J:.-~:c~~=:nn: with a glau ol beer on theskleand gamlahed by a kosher pickle. We then bega n apPrehensively thumbing lhrouah the ten-p~ge Wnu. The selec:Uon at Tklklrn Is unique In this area with foodl ranging· from hamburgen to salad and omelets to bagell and lox. Itollenenjoy~Hnttothev~ria n uwdluthemeatand potato person. Tbe decision was dUflcul t, but I finally setUed on the Chlclr.en Broth with Matzo S.lla (huge dumplinCI ), a~ Bee£ Omelet and a Hot Fudge Sundae. Service Is prompt and the food Ia let· Vf!dpipinghot. SecondsooiOUpareavaUabJe wlthoutcharae. The main courses came withln rutetn minute.. The omelet. wu heavily laden with corned bed and served with a aide dlah ol toutea rye bread and hot cherry penerves. Finally the time arrived for the dessert addict's dellghtl Four scoops or vanilla Ice crea m smolhertd with chopped nuts and a =~e~~;~~~de with chocolate liQueurs) all for the al~~:ro::u~ttl!~: :!'~c:e~ndw:ee~lf':r: nishedas the pla tes appeared to be lacking color. Tint len also offen a wedlend brea)J'ut menu wh.icll includes their Eggs Benedict Special. The Special consists ol C.nadlan Bacon generously 1lkOO and griiiOO, servOO on a toasted English M~~~:;eorn.a~~~!~.~'::;!~te"::':'Uun lhestudenl'l budget. And you can visit TtAitlen In anything from blue jeans to lonna! weir . On a scale of One to lf'JI my rating Is seven. Trylt l , BvCARRIEWOLVIN IF you run rigbt down today~ to the new C().()p buildina at the comer d Znd and 4th • aC1'11U from St. Pete's Church • ac:rou from the Funeral Home .... _ _ • 1 IF you are comiry~ from the'"Square" 10 put lheiJ'own Cow11 aoclbeadnorth. .. IF you area member or want1ojoln,a ndare outolthe goodles onl theCO.OPca n supply ... You ca n get your pre-order In Friday and pklr. up your goodies • Mooday. Weare not open for buslneu but If you were ever prtvUeaed to lee the overwhelming job we 1larted with. you will be lmpraaed with what our beauWuJ volunteers have done. WOW II! Ate we close to openincl . We ca n tute It, You cap jotn it. NothinC 1 ~i = .==~Pll~::!~~"f~ knew IOIIH! roa. wbo upandwonalriptoMexJco. Knowwha tthebielhrilloltbetrtrip ~1J:Y.':::~p~~'==:::=-~~= ~n:.:; Americans. • ~ · t • Maybe that story doesn' t I trike you u sad. but tr you arelotn& tobeln the Point f«a Ume, whyDOtaet toltnowsomeoltbe,..:· :~~r~~~~~~·~~:l;,J;'Id1: them, whv not med some o1 the people and do sometbial ~~~~_:!th=·totbeF_eb. Z.genenlmembenhlp'., .. . •j) ,., . r.. · , ~ reeentappe~ranceat tbe AlrieCrown n-trem Cbicago. Also. ia tbe world ol moriel then 11 RoeU tbe apedal made fot~Mslon~olauihOrAlex H.lley'ibooltoltbeume :·ex::.~=~~~":.?.:CthnJuch Jaauary 30 in Lut, but DOt least, is Black CUib.tre wftt, FEB. 13-19, presen.. ted by 8SC Wine P.JI P!U and the bladt community o1 UWSP. Oleck me out next wt8 for a liltin& al eventl Wdl I aueu lhlt'aaU for now,sohangooin there cause this liJusttbebeiinDingofthetrlpfortbe ..... Brotherahlp. JaaUI'JZI Hi&b Scbool DeiMte Tou.ml.ment IUiliverslty Center) UAB Film : THE EMIGRANTS, IPM <ADen Center I UABCotfeeboule, TOM LEHMAN, •11 PMColfeeboule, UC I Ju....,.zt HiCb Sebooil Deblte Tournament I UniYenity Center I WomeaButetbaii,Milwautee, IPM IH) BuketbaU,Stwt, IPM IHI ,......, .. Jaaut}'2_1 Deuc-ood, OfcouneJQU'reaarmal. WeaUwouldliketogetucloletolhe manwe~u)'OUdo. Ywrdeslretocutb:im.upandilare bim. wttb all of bill ca. buddie& &bowl just bow ltoerOUI you rally are. ADd their delire-u, come bact for more sbowt bow mucb they are really ld&l on em the wbole thine· After aU. It may be the -'1 time aD year that tbe R.A.'11et to e~t a mal vrithlWl meat ill IL BuketbaJJ, Pla&teville, aP.il IHI F.._..,.,l _ ~vu:m.~u~orie : UTrLE FOXES, 7 1:1: ~PM ......... (f'roeram UABCoffeeboule VarietySbow, 1-11 PM ICoffeebouH, UCl ~ Recital, Dou&Ju GreeDb&J&b, I PM IMidleilea Hall, FA&) 1 lJmjt )etten to under 3000 words or 10 Pilei, whlcbever ..... !Int. 2 We rwerw the rilbt to alter, m~nipullite, omit aDd deltToy all lett. reoetved to juatify out dellred goab. s Ldtl!n lbcl:&ld be addnaed to 'Don't Ask Ralph' and~ pedolfat thePolater officeordtpolitedlntbePointerboxesout· AlpbaSJ&mll Alpba Rush. t-11 PM IRed Rm., UC) FellnLuyZ . .....,.. WrwtJia&,FAuCialre ( H) WomeaB&I.kett..lJ, FAuCialre, ?PM(T) -· ac:-=~~~t&keaor&iven over the .....,.. WrwWD&. O&t*Oib IT) UAB FUm : 11fE NEW ~. 6: 30 • 9:30 PM IPfolnm BaDquet Rm., UCI Wc:menBuketbaU, O&hkaah, 1: 30PM (H) UAB FUm : 11fE NEW LAND, 6 :30 • 1: 30 PM <Prccram Buquet.Rm., UC) • . . Unlv. 1beatre: 111E BOYS FROM SYRACUSE, I PM 'l'beatft,FABI (Jenkin~ ; ·********.... ~ . "************': ODDADS ;•**************••· :t i i =~ ~m:.·r.::::;~o:=:::: ba:uloutaldeCopi,ColliDiortbeGrid.'Ib!lllaoneabotolferiO : :! pttbclleadlinbyWedDeldayDOOil.FebruatyZ. ;: u:::==~~~;m~.::=-;! ~1 U 10, we bave the perfert.ADI'ftr for you. spedally : ...........................................,: • Pointers gain first conference win Giordana named WSUC MVP Honors «~nllnue to attUmW.te ror UWSP's record-brultlnl quartert.ct, Reed Glordana. Ttle Mllwallkee Jouul allDOWICed :~~~~~rore::-:-~theym~~ va tuable player In the WlscoDIID State University Conference ( WSUC) rorthelt71aeuon. It marks the !lnt time lhl.t a UWSP player has been ldected lo receive the boocr. Glordana wW r«-ttve • trophyi)'Jilbolhinctbeawan!ata p.ablk ceremooy at • later date. He wu cbcRn rrun au MVP dellgnatet at tbe nlne WSUC scbook. Tbe 1-1 , ISS.pound junior from Kaubut111 had beea tbe rll'lt ebolce on both the All-WSUC and AII-NAJA Dlabicc:t 14 teams earlier this year. He wu also one ol only three WSUC ~ridden to reoeeive hononble men- % .OFF •KNICKERS • WOOL SWEAtERS ...._ Papll J_,.zs.tm 2nd annual UWSP clink this weekend prevention cl athletic illjuriel. Allo dilcuuloa a..t a cbaDC'e to visit wllh the clink: apeU.en, lltett equlpnent on dllplay and nallable pita cll,rlk materials. (rei! bolpitaUty bout oo Friday ewniz18 at tbe Hotidome • HoUdayl.Dil, free partlnc oa ~mpus. and otympk: r..Jm Oft~D enntl. Tbe charae will be 25 dciaars at lhe door ror both dl)'land. XI dollara at tbe docit "Jor Slturdly only. For ltudeatl the realstntkla rees wW be !!ct~:~!::~C:~J: at tbe door (or both da)'l and 15 dolYrs at tbe door for Saturday only. to doUan .ll)eluded iD the Ud:et will be free 11dmi11ion to tbe Polater:Stout butethilll game on Saturday lliaht. Tennis - Women's sports gaining popula.rt"ty-Pbolognpha ol women alhklelare beginningtobe~ceonthe sporll~g,e-otmanyoewspapen .. Women's aports tel.ma are beilft. ning to dnlw good crowell-and iD some calM the auctiencft pay admillion. ~·s a sharp rise in the nwnber of women who want a piece ol the action iD athletics, and achool boardl ud wUvenlty regents are I'!SJ)On· din& hy allocatlni more money for thoR ldndl 01 evt'llbl. Tbe chaages bave been hdped along by lnltitutiool auch u the UWSP which is a training grwnd for hot.b men and womea wbo want to make a career of ~·C'OI.chlnj: aDd teachlnl: physkal education-related ........ abo made vut lmprimmenl Tbe aize ol aud~ at pme1 teltifles to the lmpr'(~Wmenbl , sbe addl. ' Schwartt, whoalloCOicbeltbeluccessful women's basketball team, report~ that flveytal"'a&o30 to» women ttied'Out for her liQUid. M a nsult.tbete.mdklnotplayupto~ potential it could have If many more Jliris bad trled.ouL Lui year more tlan &0 women tried out and because of this. tbe team bad a variety ot' :.~~~~ ~~d~~~t! in fact, that they agaln1t advanced to tbe SOOle n.atiollally ranked teama. Hope~ arehightblsyearthatlheteamcan Wft"tt&O sueceuful, playoffs repe~tanclgoevenfurtber. Schools that pup~,re coaches usually attract &ood athletel, aDd UWSP is no aception. Women'• In· tH'Collegiate sportS is boomif!& on more than 2:50 par· campus ticlpants. with pectatkim. " We've never had sud! depth nor so many returning JetlenriMen,"AidPage. Tennls COI.ch Judy T•l~ uya women comina Into the tennis 1!1!~~:..~a~Yai:>dU: tholewholtartplaylngonly when the seumill beginnlngattheunlvuslty. Tl.te'1 team finished aecond iD the conference this year, wh.lch Is the best the PointeR ha ve ever done. Tbe tel.m record wu &.3. Expectations are hl&h that the retum.lng letterwlnDen wUI belp the Pointers to an even more aucceuful seum nut =:wiN:"= ~~t.d':u!'~ "'l:he frahmen are comi ng in stronger and more stilled each year,"AidTate. Coacb Lynn ( Red ) Blair, wbo Is iD charge ol both lhe women's and men's IWimmln& tam, exudes enUmlum for the future of competitive women swlmmlog. ,Wblle in tralninl:, Blair hal lhe women swim abouti,OOO yards])ef day, one hcur In lhe morning at 6 a.m. and two and one-balf hours lD tbe aftemooa. He not only locU at tbelr form u a awimmer, but takes aldenune )ook to.ee how they make tbeir strc*•. ~nlclU:~~~~~ re~ult In ar-ter speedl. Tbe wcmen ended lhe seuon third in tbe- con- rmnce. lJnda Moiey wbo coaebel women's volleybaU u -wtll u track and Relcl, led her volleybaU pkyen to a fourtb olace fl.nlsh 1tatewkle. Last year'• team won five and loll nine, but =f~erytha~~,n:.e~~0 girll re9from Jut year and the remainlngel tmembenwereseven freshmen a one transfer. · Her track aDd rleld team " really worb hard," and ooe reuoo they do so II because they won the 1tate cbampklnlhjp Jut year. 'lbla year'a team should be Improved with the retumina l~terwtnners . sbe prtdictl. Dr. (Ury Jo Mullen, wbo baa ::a~p~!!!~~:-:=.sc not believe women ol today are necessarily more · competiUve than lhole of a decade ago. ' 'Tadly's women are mOft willln.g to express ~~:u.:: ~~~~~;: ready to compete with determination like the men," she aplained. Dr. Mullen uld that with the pr111:n111 women have made over the lut few i,ea~c~~f1~ru:e~:.r:.u:~~ year~ COCKTAIL HOURS DAILY 3 p.m..·8 p.m. 40% off on a1 bar liquor Specials Fridays-2 for the price of 1 drink. (lw·branda only) Wednesdays: All · night cocktail hours. · Hors d'oeuvres 0ft;f!j;(iP ago, •Caltare UWSP play competes I n college theater festival .,.,...,. .... n.es. ...... uaiftnlty ~ tioaollut...ttrwill~in ~;".;val::'::d mC:::~ ~UdJaleD,Itwtobe =~er"~o-~ Tbe AmericaA CoUep Tbeater ~~ea~..J::~:'= --· Polly Sa..- ud adors Gfly~ Jobo- ::==:=~-= Tbe America.D CoDece Theatre Fstlval il m itl Dlnth yar. Tbe festival ill produced by the American lbel.tr'l' ;.od&Uoa, spcDIGI'tld by AmocO 01] Compuy, aod jointly ~by the Keanedy Celllft' aDd tbeAili&DeeForArtsEduc:atioli. Last yur MVfiD pla)'l were lldec:ted from more tba.D S50 «<Uep and univenlty ~tiona. 'l1'lele seven pla,)'l were performed at tbe KeMedy Ceater in WaJbinitoa D.C. But a lot ol hard ~~~~~ Aplaymuatfintbeld«ted toperform ID ecmpetitiaa OD a ~I Jevti. Tbe f"'!!kknnl fesdvaJ for the W"ISCCIIIIla-UHDOil ara il beiDa btld iD&eWtoo JaDIIU)'216andrl. Ol'the lixteen eatrt. from this region, The Sell H.-was one ollivedMRn ""'""· to tber'e tbe bat pla)'l are tbm ilmted drama. He bu been in several national central C'OC'Illnittee judaa. U unhtnlty productions, incliXIing Mlnde Wfttr, H-e of tile Bnn, andGedspeU. InaddiUoa to these per· !:t:erf;, tnaretbeevr:f.~ r:;u:; dlolen.lhefU'IIJperiortnaDCewWbe bdd in Wuhi.nctoa D.C. Gayle Johnson, the female lead ill ne su H~ . tl a Raior, majoriztg indtama. Herillllrfttlincludedirecting,aswdluactinc. Gayleilnotat ~~tg:~~:m:a: Tbe rlnt atate ol competition portunity to do more. Aft« ber per· (01'11l&DCIIA1kkaHII'MWUOYer ~~u.:t.~ •.= rata eub .. , . aumerielllty. From if tbeft were ltW more to do. Sbe hopei tbat alter Bdoit, lbe .w finally fed fulfilled. Paul Zawadlty, the male leld ol Sta "'!"II a1Jo a MaJor ma~ In ~with performance ala play on a coUep eampw;. To ddermlDe elilibiJitJ for U.. reckmal fe&tiVII: a lastsemester,lbefdtuafmilbed.u forma.t~CM. Paul bu atudled at the O'Neill Memorial n..tre l ..tltutelDWaterford,CociDectkul Tbil lDitltute bu a riCid curriculum dMJcned to I'DfJd the needs o{ drama majora, 'IJbo are lfttensted m· pur· .W.Caeareerln thfandd. Allofthfa atudy IUid bard wu1c wu rewarded. at.wuaaeottheacton Dem~inated for the lreDe Ryao Award. n.&ene n.e lint ft'lat 1ft tbe repoaal felt:lval each year ll the perfortnaDCe b)' candidate& wbo art competi.nC for dlilaward. U you are Wl!amWarwl.tb tbe name lreDe RJU. perilapa: Arts and Lecture series promises variety ::iac,:~m!teriaJ.~,: ~~o1l:~·~.~attomey ~~~=~~ ~r::e"..!t.~~.u= =-~~'='!::t': ~.~ ~beofln~ ~ prepared to uperieDoe a ~ from March • to April 8eltbofta Jla.Uelu:iM, folk IODP of rat ot tbelr vWt wUJ be apeot bi t oa Marda :-~moceta,~Baehtrom~ ~~~n:~~t;: =~~~ty~= ::::=.=:,.wltbequalartiltry =.. ::..."'ct.~~·nddemoo­ Ka:~~~~~ ....- bealdea Wllllam Wlbdom. He wW perform 1ft Mkhdlea HaU oa· ....... · 1be Arta and 1..ectura Mriel for lf7t.77 • bnlulbt to. p-aad OnaJe b7 =-~=· =::.perform lft addUioa to performlnl u a trio l.n major chamber mu~k lft'iel tram cout to cout, eacb member ll alao a f"ffC''plbediOio~uweli.Tbe =~~C":J:.~: Hddl Lebwalder oa tbe harp. Alan actor, Windom baa alaoa ~ tdevllion oa IUch retu~an U "Mara~~ Wdb)' MD." aDd " Alita The Fam.Uy" MCmeflla. Hll film Cftdlta IDclude u.s. Praldeatln " EiapetromthePianet ~ oo hia,. .. UWSP atudenta CIID purcbue t:lcteta for each performance tor fl wltbatudentactivltyeardlaDd I.D.a. 11le tkketa are avallable at the Artl and Lectures boz office, Moncl.J throuthFrldayfrom tta.m. tolp.m. F'or f'fllft'Vatioal and iaqulrW, the bo:xotllcepbooell---. Juaarya.•m P•l• ,...._. ····· Fil"ni SodefY..Offers a semester of classics ter Warren Beatty ru.lil.es thlt RVer! out ol ten wllnf:ael twve died mysterioully and tblt he is numbet' dgbl Beatty tncel the com:pincy t.clt to a ainlattr ParaU Corpontioo whkh he lniUtntel. Allo atariDg a.r11 Paula Pf'mtisland Hume Cronyn. W.c:oaabe, Luck~! !April li) II the clfkii!Uy Inverted name of a French fai'mboy who, rebuffed lD tda II• tempts to join the re~btaDee, diannell bls nMd for macho by becomln& aGeltapoalde. TheGatapo'a tacUal mM'l Luden's un~wervlns need for sx;:· tale bad been aedaimed u a remarkable anpy mirror ol France tom by the Null and Joe.l pttrlotl. Luclenlsatthevorte:xola~ vk»ence and a eow~try liven to extmnllta ckstroylna the Individual m.. .... Four rekaown atara were brc:N&bt o. togelber for lbe filmla& o1 wnue. 11te WW, to be abown on A~ :11. Rebut Stlldl, Llillf«< Rlca.U, ' Rodt Hudlon and Dorothy Malooe all take part 1D thdl excepUona.l fUm. Stack, playinC the role ol a Ta.u millonalre, be&!• to wonder wbether the baby thlt hll wUe <Bacall) is COina: to. bave II hll. Due to en. coun~aement by hllailter, CMalone> Stack antklp1te1 the chUd may ~ ~~~Iu:~O: An inlemltiOI:III eut team up for theMaySproductiooollkat na ~; Stars ladude: Humphrey Boprt, Gina LoUobrlgid.l, Peter Lorte, Robft' Morely and Jennifer Jones. This!l'llld&atlreolsex,auapense and advmture was put to&etber by directorJohnH111ton. The mo1t economkal way for atudenta to ~ these exteptloul )'OWII Italian farm boy 8J"'Wlna up w\th poverty atld hll pe.rmt'a at· titudN, tncraiDed from yean of want atld stnlqle. Tbeit political talkl are angry and somewhat radial; this = r':r~m!:':.~ ~~~~~ ~m=::_:.1=~C: are SUIO the night ol ac:h p_er· rormance. The University Film Soelety wdcomes new memben. Anyone Interested In lhe art ol film , workln& on publicity, « just Bettina: t.o k.DOw some nke people are invited to come and meet ua. For more information contact Rot« Bullil « :Toby Gold- Tbe ~ 12 sbowlnc ol P.raU.a: \'lw.contkSers the investlpticnl ol 1 nalkiML. ecmmlttee searchlna f« clues lnto tbe uaualnaUon ol a senatorial csnd.ldate. Tbe Committee dilceml that the crime wu the work o1 a •ln&Je demented tlller. Repor- ~~c:m===~ f34l-40Ul , LeeTiblaky {341-3385),01' Steve Traer (346-45511. Let's aU so to the movie.! lchael HannaANeANTIOOE ·,oo,.,:.~ r CRAA & COUECTliS SHOW & SALE "SUN., JAN. 23" 9 A.M.·S P.M. ! A MARKET WHERE YOU CAN IUY OR SELL ANTIQUES, HOMEMADE ITEMI, HER CANS, FURNITURE, ETC. , OR .R.IST BE ENTERTAINED. YOUTH BUI.IING-MARATHON PARK GARFIELD AVE. WAUSAU, WIS. l£1ilA8 WAHTED • n:.:Z......._ ._ I. Ia 1., :::..~= - EVERYONE WELCOME - Theater Season Reopens ·~ Copyright 1976 Writing laboratory Univer1ity of W isconsin - Stevens Point Fldloa. by J ruHb banda ld the coffee ::.P ~~~~d ta.lkctro her. A smile - c....,...,....... ........ A Pldue FUmed by Soot VenloooHOiai.lfuel pr'tMr'Ved forfuture aenerauon~ Picture bu now hwlc for•.-..on oa1UdvenitywaU (neubollerrooml ~~· ur-ry on Down.·. Check ou.\ our PR\N\ SHOP U.A.B. FILMS PRESENTS THE EMIGRANTS The story of the great Swedish emigration to America In the middle of the 19th Century. Friday, January 28 Allen Center Upper 8:00 p.m. Admission s1 co.IG NEXT THURSDAY AND FIIIIAY THE "NEW LAND" '111lrty 'l'lltft601te'111lnl T'IH:BfttOfGeorteHarrlloa GeorJelflrrllon He dealt out a oae-two punch by f"f!Cef~Uy releuiDI not one, btlt two new albtlms, '111lrty nne A: Oae'111lnl an album ol new materia l, and T'IH: Bftt Of GeorJe Hams-an album C'OIItainln& a coli«:Uoa ol his put aC'C'Omplishmeall. Harrison says that his new album nlrty nne . • OH-Thlnl 11 the "new" Georae Harrison and for once he'a come up wllh some fresh, original material that ahoukl •bow the public that he'• 1Wl alive aDd kkklng and not merely a urvlvina: on his put. It ahouklalso return bim to !!:,g:l = t.~~orn:rae:a: - t overbcrud oo his " Far Eut Min" k.lct 11Dce '111lrt7 nne • Oae'111lnl atnys elf that somewhlt beaten path. The In "Wom.an Don't You Cry For Me," Harrisonuaume~anairclruf­ llecl calm that 11 backed up by fastmovtnc keyboard~ . heavy bau une~, and lOUie fancy al.lde sultar wort to provldelisteoersw:lthoneolthebetter songs oo the album. Tbe piano tracklm ' 'SeeYow-self" suPPIJthe cruising atmo5pbere for Hamson u he' lays down some light Blues aixt '"'"'" " lt'a euler. to eriUclu someone die, than to younel!." He U.:~t .!:&r:•:.~~l~ to George Harrison meek and amia ble Beatle. " Pure Smoi'ey" hu some good keyboard work In tollaboratim with a decent bnu aectlon that brinp about a euy feellng that11rouncledolfwellwlthahollow- IOUDdit!a:cultariO&o, Best Music All The Time _jour d/fxJM . _j-MionfiJ'J 1:'/'7 Turn us on Nightly till two ~~~~, He bu laid all h11 cards out and with or without you-the pohU ol the JOng111Wlthere. The bokt, drlvinl piaDo rUflln " Jt'l What You Value," alone wll!l a weD balanced bnu sectia'l, IUppl)' 'the fatl mov l na bactcaround for Harriaoa'1 voeall that bave beea hollowed by atudlo elfecta to nt tbll ~on~weu. Pen::uaaklnplaysataraesrole In a.ettlna up lhlaiOftland !tit ~ b1 a •~M~rldl.nfl: aaxopbooe on University Film Society Presents '1HE UTILE FOXES" Stamnv: Bette omo H-Marahall Directed by: William Wyler Feb. 1 (Tues.) 7 & 9:15 P.M. PROGRAM BANQUET ROOM Admission: $1 .00 or Semester Pass No Seconds On ......,_.. K...,. su...- Reotiewed ~ SceU Kanul, the bud thlt'a a pleulna Ye., Styx, J•n Lue Ponty, Bolton· zem~.:..~. ·ma: = cellaat team VOCIII of Steve Wallb )=.,~ ~~ :::.~ . twnbful& teybl:.rdl and crashing pital"', KaDsu bas rdeued wbl t is probllbly their belt wort to date. Kerry Livgren, once a pin, doel m01l ol tbe ~):rica! composln& by eitherwriting or bavloga hand In allot the soap 11rith some truly amazin& rt!IUltl. Yqu'U find DO simplistic ;:,-~" lyricslntbemate In ''Carry On Wayward Sm" the crivU!C vocals of Steinhardt matdled with 10m11 &lltterin& (Uitar work and mate it the belt cut on tbe album. 'lb1l sona bas I'Jlrd.movlnc keyba.rds t~~~r:.~~(· that ~dineasamanwl~a ....... Mycbatadr:istbeeveatoltbe Leftoverture A s;;i~ syDtbeliler ltartl olf " Miraclea 0\lt Of Nowbere" u It diaappean into a amooth acouaUe gu.ltar background to match tbe highly vibrant vocals. The background C'OIIHaftUy changes from melancholy ehurdl organs to utoun- ~~~tan ~ndvi= again ra:ulunc ln some bizarre, rut movinl efreeta. Tbe tuah voltage ordMlltn-like aw-a emitted by the keyboards ln " Opus Insert" set tbe mood bea titully .. they lbilt lbe listmer- into • bloc:bding bus, gu.ltar,lr.eyboard entouraae. Tbe virIUI.I~Iitllolkeybol.rdllnthil ~Ga~aetlortbaatylelhatlaoaeoltbe many !aceta lhatmake upKaDIU. Ln "Queltionl Of My Oilldbood" !here Wsta a joaUin&, bouaq atnapberoe aupplied by a multJtude ol keyboard~ ud aome IUperb violin :au:-~~~by~ mellow sW'TOWXIinp. bad:ed up by an ICOIIItie gu.ltar and keyboank, brlns forth a true feellag o1 Informative BNea in ' 'CheyeMe Anthem." Tbevocalsareanytbingbuta ADd If I claim to be a wile man, it l'ftly means thlt I don 't know." m!.m~~ -:'t!rt.ba~~~ WaD," a 10111 abaut dreams that come to a def.LD!te burier wbkh m111l be overcome If happlntsl il to be acbieved. Tbe Vllrioul guital"' and weU-rounded bus tracks prepare the lilteaer for tbe ratful, laid bad! mood fowxllurtinl in this tUDe. ''Wbat'sO!I My Mind" follows a fuU foree;au.bdued ·full force musk ICbeme showered with runni111 &Wtan. and leveling keybcards to make cme ol the better rut movlna soap on tbe album. An added extra In tbliiOI'II is tbe voeals aoi:l some superb dual lead guitar tradtl that IW"ttce to let up a remarkably quldt ..... FREE STUDENT CLASSJFJEDS lOST IH:J FOUNp erou Country boola, •tze a ca~; ). . low euta. J.Jite new. AS. CaD MlftatS4+1541. ~bez- 1MB VW Squarebac:t, blue, 4 apeed, Waterbed, lrame and beAter. m . Loll : A UqWd allver necklace wltb 3 turquoile atonel. Lolt em Dee. 1-7, MustseU . CaUMilteatS4WU7. t97SYamabl01'2:50.rillntcond..ltion, =t~':~~~~~~~ ......... siu. New Brotber typewriter, MS. .... ---. ---· WANTID People to work em cotreebauae c:ommJttee for MCOOd aemater. Coatact udwooder. AclropolbJocid...tiDpdu.liva ...W.downtbe~ • f't'IJeetilalmalnstrett A bunter atandudmirinl kii:D down, but faill to see his rd1ecUan In the falleamirror. alaladl•• tact Information desk in Unloa, Mike. =::~~~~-~~ ........ Lolt: One blue lOOM dcMrn jletel One red bit atoeklna: cap and one red and blue acarf. Allo, one let ol keys and key chain. T8ken I rom Alle:n Center, Dee. 6. PMue retw-D to fn. formaUoa cleat there, no que~Uoas ...... AN!'IOUNCEMENTS WE CAN HELP! The lDlormaUon and Re!en-al Servke provides an· twen to queationl about community ~­ ~::-:~~at the UASB qtDC'iel, aervlcel, and CALL341--2711. One raommate m :1 bedroom downtown fliL Own room for M5 per montb for lealnd aemester or 100ner. can 341 ..... The PubUc Servkel Dept. ol tbe J..euu1Da Relcluroes Center ILRC> ub you: Pleue do NOT leave your p.na, or other valuabkll unattended while you are in the1tac:U or other bi!ad:limpoatailpte atariDiwithdesire value. Con- $15 reward. Sentimental 34 CaUMlkeat34t-6fn. luwtbefirltone~y Lolt: MeDaBoki Ded:lace near Phy. Ed. BJdc., at eod ol flrlt aemeat.er. ~ ~cond1Uoa.Aitina:MSO. TEAC AN-«1 dolby nolle reO.M:Uoa q'Stem. Exeelleot eoaditloo. Red ftlvet air euahion mltt:f'ela, twiD tkftntdeer Found: A lmallallver heart ahaped lod:et.caU341-6412:.• areu 011. LRC bualneu. Pleue keep Rullian or Pollah Beet- can. WWin& to · them em your penon at aU tima. 'Jbanltyou. An old relziCerator lhat does DOt wort. To be eoaverted into 1 meat and:er. Ca11Je!fat341-+lll. are no. bein& iAued at the Pollee ~Y t:tO. Ca.ll Sheny at 341-1203, after lpm. Steven~ Poiat 1m-11 bicycle lkemea Dept., lSIS Stronp Ave., MOll.. thnl 111un. 7 am toe pm, Flj. 7 am to I pm, and Salt am to tlam. Tbe two Banjo 1euon1 or just a little belp tor yearplatewlll beSI.25durinettn andS.75durinltV71. Mark In room 220. :l.~xr..:uJr!~~~~~~ betiMin8 ban)o player. can MW2tO, ........ . Cock taU Waltreu at Sport Page. can and Standlna: RoCt Parka Feb.s and e. Sign up2--tpmW~yFeb. 2. BUY ONE/GET ONE FREE (WITH COUPON) 011 RifE DOll!lf CIIBEBti1(B W1lH 1lf P11!CHASE OF 011 AT REGWR PI1ICE. OFFER EXPIRES-FEBRUARY 3, 19n ENTITLED "Power Of God" TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 1 8:00P.M. GREEN ROOM Center -A.C.U.I. Campus Qualifying Tournament Frisbee Throw • • • . • . • Jan. 31st Men's Pocket Billiards • . Feb. 1st Women's Pocket Billiards Feb. 3rd Foosbalt • . .• • • • . •. • • • Feb.-7th Table Tennis ••••.•.• Feb. 9th & 10th Bowling • • . • • • • . • • • • Organizational meeting Thurs., Feb. 3, 4:00 p.m. Rec. Services Entrants must register at Recreational Services 24 fiours prior to each event. Additional information avalable upon sign up. Sponsored by Recreational Services (U.C.) _