I- I N~ .~· T ... Gel yo<X jollies 0~···· Siqtothetuneol"JingleBt-111" ( with apolo8ies to John Pierpontl : Chriltmaslime is ne.ar SliOW is onthegrass YoucantaieyourChrisl.mlstrft Anclshove i tupyourass Tbough I've misquoted this JOI\I, pleasedon'tgetmewronJ : Christmas ain' t reallysobad. lls like thatPeaceandJoy, Goodwl\1 to man. &hould fad.. not be a once-a-year Merry. Chrlstmu 111d a happy always. Short' changed MUte Schwalbe Photo finOh Lut wed: Tbunday, while ln lbe library, lmadetht>mis takeolleavtna two years ol photographic wort unattendtd. When I ~turned five to ten minutes later, my red folder «~n­ t.tlntna approrlmat.ely 75 contact sheetl a ndlbenegativntogoalonl with lhtm were missing. Alq with lhilwas aboutSO,IIXI4tfllarlmen- ts~~~l20~~~:rlhe,tJ- vatle:'fd photocrapbyC'OUI'$fand need lhil material to finish the coune ud graduate. I put a trtmedousamount ol time and money into this work ud wT/1~~~~~~~~~~~'!1~;~~ r~ or know an)'thlna u to the wbtrelboutaollhllmattrill,please c.all 34+7967 or return it to lhe Univenlty Center Information Desk with no quntklns uhd. Thanb m""'. Tom Wordn TotkP.&er, l amforwardinaaletteT I I't'C'ti¥'8:1, for publlcaUoo. Pk&le withhold 1111 umeor I mf&ht not cnctuate. DearStudeot, Weare ton')' tolnfonn youthatyw ~v:r=~=:tr~ to meet thole ol your lntendtd miDor. OUrrecordllndlcatethatyou.retwo credilllhortolaiOib:~mlaor. Beeluae you weal to summer camp and thea toGennanyweeannocailDw you t.o bave thele two CHdill for IOil5 . nffl if you did urn them. AllhciuP the error II on our Plrt for noc 111- ~~.Y~o:'~~~:~!•~dtf~ burden" , and are W~.able to reiOM this exception-~th&rule altuatlon. However,lf you really want the two credlll to fulfill federal job requiremeata you must ~ tht (ndlta you alreldy earned. \lit rea1iu: that lhia makes oo Mfllf;at aU, but ,... are w.bk t.o admit that wearewroaci~I).Alllhatwew :: ~:~~.~r~~tot: oed. You ruynotsubltiWtealttrnate leamln& experlenea you llavt ==tel~t!:e ::apia~toOl~ AI.D'lmel'c:amp. ln thefut~.~rewe-!D lft!orm aWdmlll.bat the awnmer trip to Gerrvany meet& the r~lrtmtllll for summer eamp. But !.bat i t doeiiiOI meet U. ~for summtf ~=~~aucU:~~~ :J~': receive ttedlta for IWJlJ!IIU am1 lbutf0f"N.R.41S). Pleueabldebythe abovtior 'we lhaD be forced to pua you oa U ==:-:bo~r~,.:: to... Yours lnlJy. Na•e Wl&»eW Upea fleqHII TeUtt;P..._., I jutt wuted toa.da DOte toll! ::=s:=~~..:"~J:c': feehouae, 1'be im.-dll.n&e betWeel the audleace &Dd me wu ttu.ly re'fo'~l ~. l'mloc*lacforwardto eorlllll, .........., Tbabw.ae~,... ~.- role aDd our values! How do we l"tCCDCUe eodl aad mea.., priaclple and survival! n - que1Uon1 blve been uked lhrflu&hout the put few r::;.~::,~r=~~~ without moral purpose it a &hlp without a rudder. drifUna almlculy ~~cu~a"tt ~cris=· !:'~cy: c:· Yisloo aad humanity. It will ladt not otUy direcUon but root and heart. Mstudentawe hrlve taken the view that we stood for a moral purpoM above a nd beyond materi al achlevemtnlt. But we must recall as well that policy it the art ol the poalbk aad · the science. ol tbl !:.i'.OV:!~~== staftd for, and u sueh is aehlrt\nc tbele goals in a ..Y that meets our basic phliOICJPtly. Mkbatl A. krT)' Come t>gother TolMP.ter. Pro-Wen - belp! A klcal Shlekl ol Role& group hu r«enUy formed here and they need all the moral support and pnyers :y~:J~~~=r~=~ .uvttie. sudlu readiDC. embtolds)'. mtemceat c:onverutioo, or tbea'ftll forbid !) lleep. 'l'braulbout tbe semeater the pbruel "deveklpmeat ol muak," " mualc understaodl.nc," and "lqtelllpnt llltenin&" from the cataloa llstlnl have taken on meanlnp ndietlly diffe:rent from wbat I apectecL At the moment I'm antkipatlnc the ranal eum. Rumor N)'l that It eo& ~~u:!· ~~~e~eenbe= Ooor with small spukers from the same thing played full blut on my ~~ =~.'£~ ::WO:S.nf.'m my Um.lted musical bactaround _ __ lei&ht yean ol orpn Jeuons, sevm years ol band, Rockford Youth Symphony and Jlllools State ~tn , attendance al communily coocerts, Rockford and Chlcaao Symphony coaceerta, and opera) will not be enough to pull me lhtou&h this clau. Somehow my previous experience doeln' t measure up aplnst the musical " exptrimce" ol baU residents with powtrlW slereo systems and obn01loul r«<O"d'. However, they must know M•eUI!al about mualc, ror they are my qualirted l.nstnK:tors fOI'MIIIk iOO. SueJoae~ letters the Poll Offlce every Saturday mor· Din& from llo'clocktol2nooa. WbUe :0.:1.1e~:"~~.:: Ouill Tbe purpoM o1 thil pnyer Is not only to convert aborUonilta, but also to pray In reparatlcm for all olthe abortions all'eady committed, and for (Cont.) pg. 4 Series 9, Vol. 20, No. 13 tbe~:.=~~~ers to the pnyen that are uki Each Ha.ilMaryredted,orro~eultisol· ten referred to. will join topther to form a prottcttve shield around the unbomblby, a ' 'l~olf'CI&M. ' ' Allfallhlarelnvltedtojolnthe Sbleld ol Roaesln prayer. This Is for everyone aNI anyone m ampul and intheSteven~Polntareawholscm­ cerned enoqh to spend at the moll, one bour a wed!: in pnyer, to help comblt abortions. Even if you can ~~:::;m~J.Inse join Any quealioM, or for more lnfonnaUon, pka.se contact me at 592· 4131 t kw:alt:all) . JeaaS.._.. · P()lNTI!K ITAtT Etitow-Ma.ry Dowd ~~-~MIUJer-RatldJLan&e A••ertk..JMINJen-CbldJKIIot!11M, ===-a.t'oJ~' """IOCU.. C......... L}'I'III Rol»c& Sn"l F...........lm Tenul.a, alit. GeorJo c-"'"' p~ FAllw· Bob Kam F'.a•V.•nt.l Eaer-Vlcky 81Wnp Spwta~.Jobi!Randy A.r11 F.•lll._BM Ltq Olw. ...... c..,t:at.n-Debora.bKiatt,Debbltata Gn. .la F'~lnl WIITftl ....... tAblow-MsU~ w~ Abrahim, Ttnel ._. ~~T'G"~R!:~: Kt~~ Hobbln1 , Mlr)' Jlrltll, D1wn Keufmu, BobKt•llpp,Stl>ftMf:IIUI. JoeOn!llo, Jerry~, CIIlfP1rttr, Ktnl"tbwvld, Lollrfeii,Bitbf\ledld, Pelt Scllllf, JIIW Schlilnlcba', Jim koct Slmpk!u, Ellyn S)Omln, JW UllftrU&l, Joall Vu· Sli!Jm• n ~ dmli!, CIIriJWIIIIpli!r,KIIyZIIf'IID; Pnii_...A!idiBowi!m, S..HIU, Kllreol Leeoqw, Ralph Loeffli!f", C.nll RobiA 1\etd!U, Am Spa ~ INouer, DeborabWilll . ~1pkn-PbU Ndt, Bob Vklll ~. Wlrion 5trr. Gnplrki·Mirk t'ehl••hii·WirleH~. Mict!HI Lootllec:t. PbU Sandtrs, Curie Wohin M•IIOI'· DanHoulllll.n ED ITOR'SNOTE: The thlnp that I have ac:hetved while on this ca.mpus have come from have done before you c:bo&e to &et )'GWWllinvolftdlna topic: you knew 11le 'Poiater' rec~wt'd •venl rftpeuft d.ii,.UaJ tlte)riter ntJt&N "Eaaler forBiacU." WeprialediA nUrety UMM reepo.HI wbldl belt staled tHit' caaes 111111 clddecl tbOH wllld1 c. . tal•ed tlle 11111e la- ~or:;et':dt:ha~~ ......... · Howhardwouldlthavebel!:nfor fwaiO... mned.. true It wtla.'t help in the a:r ~: out ~ many Blad: Students an! on the UW..stevff&S Point Campus. :n. Houslf180ll1c:e t03StudentService Center my own ambl\iona, determlution, As far as a black dictionary is coo- busineu wcrld. You said, " If they Mb-infctmed T.llleP.Uter, In last wed!' I Polllter in "Letters to the Pointer" there wu 111 artkle written by P .K., expres~ing his or her feellnp towardl "the frustrating plii.htoltheblacl•hldentl on campus". P .K. you made 101M staltmftlUI which I feel were unjust. I do not know where you aot )'GW' in!ormation to Jultl!.r such statements, but when )'OU want to &l!t a point aen:u you need facta. You undoubtedly have enaaaect In hearsay. ¥ou said that you were tired ol hearing about the plighl ol black studenti. Wdl,l'mliredolbeingpart clthatp!ight. You seem to have a problem ol ai.IOCiatlon of color .. You a re assuming that because blacks are in· volved in an activity it's for blac:lu cr is a black prob~ . You anowo separate younell' from your own world lnd faee the Ia ell and ruliliel that ~:~,~rTOUnd you. · stayinthegbetto,tbtnl'm~Urethtir blad:ala~dic:tionarywWbeoluse.'' Wha.t &betto are you talkin& about, tc:'ca~~~:-=~ee~thside Why are you tired ol bearing about the ''poor disc:rimlnatioa pll&ht" ol Black studenll? Is It atrecling your own ability 10 be a student, human, or your psycoloclealstateof belng11f not, why don't you!!:!,continue to do ~':!f'untac:t:~~-being Doa11a G. Roblnloa Semng !he re<:<>!d Tot.bePcMnter, ltisveryobvlouswhyyouwithheld )'GW' name, sorry to say you should have also withhdd your article "Euter forBlac:U." Your artic:leonlysho\lil how unin· formed you are on the topic: In which .)IOUdae to debate. Jt'a "Easler" for a person to run olr ideaa than to use thesekleaaandconverttbemintofac:ts. Thlslswhatl!hlntyOulbould nothing about. you"=~O:orr~tt 102 Student Servkot Center ~':ouwouldho\•efoundthat· there Is No, I ~at No, Quote Speclai CounselorUnquoteforBiack Stu:,=~~ !~~~/:r6=· UnlvenltyCentf!' ~~;:wouldhavedisc:o\·ered l l l That ther e ar. e two Black o...pnluttons he~ at UWSP corn· pared to a number ol other ()rgtlnlutlons INon·Bl:.c:kl whkhare also funded by the univer.dtry. 12 1 Oneol the Black Org.anilations here has 1'01 re«lvcd sny funding from the UnivenltynorGovernment. Pointer Office 113Gesell lnltitute ext : 224j 1btre you would have probably found that the " Pointer" averaaes !!bout ~ · ~gn and "Brotbership BEFORE YOU MAKE YOUR COM~ITMENT FOR SECOND SEMESTER STOP IN AND SEE WHAT THE VILLAGE HAS TO OFFER. COWM!Ciion arUcle1 are published weekly. Allhou&h u you weU kf10¥o· it ;~~,t.~'c:.~ . =~ belong to blac:b, but to the many thousands ol studml• who et~joy reading ln it. PenonaUy I !hint Phil Sanders is doing -a &ood job creatine awareneu amona atudents. "The tolwnn "Brothenhlp Connection" has become • very familiar ar. tk:k amona:studentl here a UWSP Wllltn u well u Blacb. nnaneial Aldl Offlce \OSStudentServlce Cent,... ext : 4nl lf youc:allorvlsltlhlsotficey01 find t~t If you are di&iable anyone can rective Financ:lal Ald. You will also flnd that "U pet'ftnt of the stuckntl a t UWSP ~lve aid whidl Is a total o/4,495 Students." At times even Blac:kstudentt are denied aid As far as the black dictionary .-u ~~~!hC:U~e~cn~hl~~~~~a~~ people have found It to be interest~n« as well u l!dutalional. It could be compared to learning to . n.•ad a rorelan tanguaae. People who learn to speak Frenc:h, Spanish, Ruulan etc:. don't seem to have any roblem in the bullneuworld. Justllkeyou' \·elear. nedtospeakanotherla nguage,soc:an Blacks. Remember the old aaying ''When In Rome do like the Roman." By making a short trip toanyol the above olnces I am aure you can be pr-ovldedwiththelnformationyou"ve dloletodwell upon. All brothers ToUiePolllter, lamwrlllngthlsletterln responst to P .K.'1 letter ol November t9. I'm ~!:~~~:n~~~~~her~~= LOOK BEFORE YOU LEASE Do your present housing facilities offer you: 1: A Security Lock & Intercom System <r Air Conditioning? -tr -tr -tr tr tr IF NOT Laundry Facilities? Beautiful Furnishings? General Electric Appliances? Heated Pool? 24 Hour Maintenance? LIVE AT 'THE VILLAGE' OFFICE - 301 MICHIGAN 341-2120 our friends that are here, or are !hlnkln& of c:oml na here,10 they can have aome compa ny. Even this Is a rare event. Other than ' lhla the only way we know that thil place exkts is through faint rumor, regular ri!'Cruil· ment o1 by aome even nrer _strolle of fate, we happen to ~t a f•culty member from here and become in· t.erested. Our finandal aid b based on need,aaare the flnandala llotrnen11 ol anyone else that applies. Another thing to rullu is that several, ifnol alm01t ha lf of us a re from out-ol· state, which lltyrod:etl the toll of oureducaUon. Weallowork a lol.and financ:ll l auia ta nc:e from our famiUes Is mediocre. They love us alot, but they jult ain't got the fund5. As for funds rewrved for us, where aretbey·letmeatlhem. Howl wish! So you're skk ol Marin& about discrimination? Well, that makes t1r;o ol us, only I' m ol hiving to cope with II. OUr Bladl: dlalec:t, Is not tht tanguaae ot the ghetto only, it happens to be • universal com · munk:atlon , mode among Blark Americl111u a who&e. ll lsan in· formal link to our herlt.tae and to each other. •kk ~~d:'':~~':J'~'O::Is ....... golden He doel not give up because he rdU~a!oiOOR, And when alai he a n ~:'t!iea ao no fur!Mr hb lhoel o/f, hands lhtm · tohisbrothtr, and passes away. Varve lk Drapn- BSC discusses racial problems with LSD munlty ~ter . He atl.ted the American Indiaa sboWd also han a facility but separate from BSC. Tbe purpo~e ol tbele cera\en II to be · withizalbeammunltyolferin& the ~forpeopletoeomei.Dalld­ leam abOut the lif•tyMI ol the minoriUea. ' It wu SUQetted that pn-baPI one muJU-mUaity eenter be PfOI)CIIed ratha' lbaB .eparate fad.llllea. Let lbe commwlity know that the minorities en live and •or.ll ......... IDcreued ltftr'Olllnmt in frethman SdeDce COW'MS hal ~d Military JM,~ced the UWSP a.erve Ofrlcer TniDiDC Procnm !ROTC ) on lOUd crowxl Bripdier Genenl James M. =I~R~ted~~ month. The UWSP ROTC f'rolnm , ''Is on solld IJ"'IU.Dd and ia now ooe al the moll IUC:ftSSlul we ha~te," ukt Lealie. 1!11 1174, tbtre was a total ol 29 stuc1mts ftU"'OJed m freahmaa 1ne1 ;:~~~~~nro~ cre:aHd to 171 in 1971. A lotll cl 14 students enrolkd in senior level Military Sdence In lrl'l, compued to fiveltlt974. Of the 171 abmnts tnrOUtd in fresbm&Jl leYd C'OIJI'Iel, 31 are women. ''The IJirls ne aceepted ~· said Michelle BeekJey. majorl.q ll'l BlolocY. sakltl.lr'il»ityc:alll«<berto a lake a Military Sdenee «JUne, and lhe plans to (Oiltinue in Military Science nut aemester. " Femala are Women's studies minor established WOI:Ilm are~ the norm. I tblnlr. &.ben we'd aet a who&e dUfft'alt ptr· s:pec:tive,'' abeuld. ADother membn' ol the Cflmm.ittee, Helen Godfrey, director of cocurricular~enkaattbeunivn-· aity, MM tbe need for mare role moddl for .omen. Sbe beUevel tbat when womea Mve tbe opportuDlty ol . . . ,-more ol tbeir on MX Ia roAea :.;U:::!r.o..~~belbltoranu "Womea are I bumaD ~ that'a t.a untapped. Tbey jult hlvea' t t.d u equal e:haaee," abe com.meaced.. "ADd we feel thl.t ooe ol lbe pn~~n.m 'a ·aa.jor ~ Ia to raiae the uplnlkloa d womea aod make tt.D more aware d tbtir own Clpt~bWU. ." Heaton added thlt there are apedal employment opportuniU.iD a ranee IOd.t1 ldenee, proiMaiaaal ud b&zmaniU. fielda few tbe atudeat with aupplementary preparatloa In of womea'aatultia:. ecur.e. focualac on the abady of trllmi!IDU'IIaot-totbeUWSPeam· pw;. 'lbeflnt t.opt underway, in the ol 1970, •u a coune called ' 'Amerkaa Women in Hiltory.' ''Tbl. •a• followed by " Women In Utenture" ·and "Piyd1ol01)' of Womea." Sevenlapadal e«na aad Mmiaan and a Lecture Fonam on Womea have been taucJII over the yean u:aW- there are at Jeut teD offend on an advanced ieYel. They I.Q. elude c~ from tba com· IPfinl Telethon 76 ,;;•gth Annual WWSP Christmas Telethon didn't raiSe It's goa l ol sa,ooo but cl\alrperson JoanieJuhnltesiid ''It's not the end of theworld. l think it was still a sucess." ''There Wen! a Jot ol rumon nying around, but who kno\I.'S why we didn't make it," said Juhnke. Due to a ruling by the Federa l Communlea~ Commission tFCCJ, an educational radio station, such u WWSP, can't sponsor fund ra lsilll projects except for themselves. Therefore, 'the telethon wu not broadcast overWWSP-90FM. Juhnke said this may have hurt in tbe dorms where the students couldn't listen to the entertainment all the time. Also, there areusuaUy a Jotmorebuslnes&eSand fraternities lhat have parUclpatedln lhepas t lhatdidn'tthisyear. Tile Telethon raised over $5,000, which will be given to the Women's Resource Center, The Portage County Commission on A&ing,andOperationBootstrap. Noneol~organiulionsare funded by the United Wa y. HELLO BIG TWIN The Big Twin Is· two charcoal-flavored beefsteak burgers (~ pound) separated by a slice of tangy 111elted cheese with shredded lettuce and SHARE THE RIDE WITH US THIS CHRISTMAS . .AND GET ON TO AGOOD THING. Us mflins Greyhound, ind e lot of your fellow students ":"ho are already on toe good thing. You !eave when you lrke._Travel comfDI'l!bly. Arrive ref11shed and on time. You It save money. too, D'ter the incr,eesed air lares: Share the ride wilh us on weekendt. Holidays. Anvtrme. Go Greyhound. GREYHOUND SERVICE ONE - "0UNO - VOU CAN WAY T" lP LtAVI AIUUV f TO ~&e.11. fla.78.•o r•1.00 • :OOP.M. 7:00A.M. ~7.85 101.~ 7:•5A.M. 7:05P.M. '*-.Cob 14 0iye.Lir*owf_,T,.... onGrltyllolni'•U.8.1nd ClnldionAour•III!AGr_,Oiloounl8101'odV II.W.OO This coupon entitles holder to two Big Twins for the regular price of one. At Hardee's of Stevens Point. Limit of one coupon per purchase. ~ott..- expires December 20, 1976 . 4s~ ¥0<11 aQenl i bof.o l .cldotOOtlal """"IUIII and otrum '""~ ALLEN canu STUDEHT MANAGER OFFU . __ ........ -· , Legal services News Notes Looking for ideas! Gilt ideas, entertaining ideas. food ·ideas, family fun ideas! A student desiring lepl counsel must come to the tepl Servk:a 01'r.:e and be KfftDed by a student vohmtetr. If it Is determined at that point that the is DOl ooe wbich requittl lepl «JUnnd, such matt« will be dealt witb at that level, or rtlen-«<toanotheragency; sboWdlt be determined that kpl actvke II dnirable or ot«Uary, an appointment triO be made f« the studmc to Jee the attorney. Any atudeDt who doel~ee the attomey for C'OniWt.tioajsfUJUiredtopt.ya sz.oo eu:e reeatthattlme. LOOK TO OUR NEW IDEA CENTER~,:e~!~' the ~l ire Une of ldu bookt from Belter Home• and Boob for horne and family llvlns. from cooklna to t•rdenlos ro hulth care 1nd UHtive cnf11 are now displayed in one compact ~Of~~~~ ;::,'~~!:: ~~~u~~~~o~~~~~;~:~111 ,'::,k, ~~~~;~ GoYenvnent, a faculty advisor and theattomey. lnaddiUanto ltscoverl'lin& functka, lhe S.rd a'-o provides objective review ol the Lqal Sfo"ltn Office nd a mechanilm for any <Uput• wbkb mi&bt arise under tbe Plan. No aearchlna .•. no wellinJ . . . theN colorrul 1nd •uthorill ti ve book. ltl right 11 your ringerllps. ~=~:=~~ been w• nllnJ, or AMERICA'S NO. 1· BEST SELLER In no evmt howevn- Jball the altomey who pnwidel; ~ le'Yke at tbe Ltpl Servics orrft be~ to act in dt'rOCIItiOft of his profeuioMJ rapcnibUIUes, ud lbere shall be no iftlf'in&ement upoa tbe inclf9mdmt n:erriHs ol the pru~--..J judplml ol JUdi at- .....,_ $8.95 Visit our Idea Center soon ! UNIVERSITY STORE UNIVERSITY CENTER 346-3431 Enrollment increase to continue ROTC to il)(ff.ISe a\nlllment. 1be Military Sdena! department ~ moved from tMir former offices m In li&ht Harris of olfK'ff production, commented on another misconception: "They lhinlt we are Nelson lla ll tothtU<:~~oorofthe training them for :zo year ca reers In the Army. We are nol l The emphasis Is on reserve. 1bey can chose an active du tr. opUon of from three to five months. . Ha rris ackled that ROTC nalionwkie Is a d.ir«t commilalon pr'OII'am, Studenl UfeServicrs Bulldmg. Th«e they maintain offi«S. classrooms, and supply facilities. The ROTC curriculum emphast15 ::i~~~~~!.~r!.la~~laJ:i ~~ = ·i l! m:r.J::o:x~= . ROTC plans a tour of a major =en~~tt!, '!:u::;~:d rsen>e ranltl of the Army, Based on trmds, by 111110. ROTC wUJ have to produce double the number of olf'lctn they are DOW producin&. UWSP ROTC proJections have 11 omcen . graduaung In fiscal ye. r milltarybaseuchscmester. . . ROTC s~ a wide v~rifl~ ol ~~~:;:~rv~~;l~':=::t UNIVERSITY FILM SOCIETY PRESENTS: "THE WOMAN IN THE WINDOW" WITH EDWIN G. ROBINSON RAYMOND MASSEY JOAN BENNETT DIRECTED BY FRITZ LANG OPEN EVERY NIGHT TILL I WITH A GIFT THAT'S NEVER EXCHANGED SOUTH POINT .BEER & LIQUOR STORE 2800 CHURCH ST. BUS. HWY. 51 SOUTH !i: U.A.B. SPECIAl EVENTS PRESENTS - YOU AND SANTA CLAUS A VERY SPECIAL CHRISTMAS CARD ONLY 25¢ FRI.; Dec. 10 on the Coffeehouse Stage 12 Noon to 4 P.M. ? TUESDAY, DECEMBER 7 7 & 9:1 5P.M. - $1.00 PROGRAM BANQUET ROOM WOULD YOU LIKE A JOB WITH RESPONSIBILITY, FUN AND OPPORTUNITIES There will be an opening atartlng lteond 18meater for DeBot Center Building Student Maneger. You must hne at leest 2 remaining aemeater_.$ at UWSP and must have attended this c1m pu1 lor et least 1 semester {present one Included). r,----------------1 1The job specifications are as follows: 1 I « 'Kling lo m..t and help people • I « Abllly 10 exemse autllo<tly anciiCCfPI mpondlllty I « Abllly 10 make quick decisions 1« Emotionally slablo and even tempered 1« Wei groomed and neat In appomnce I « Wiling to wort< w,.kends oncloppnx. 15 hrs. per w,.k I I I I I 1 ~:~~~~~~~--------J Stop In at 1ny Center end telk to e Student Men•ger t bout the job. Pick up an appllcetlon et the lnrormatlon Desk at the Unlveralty Center. Your eppllc1Uon will be con aldered In the final. declalona lor the position. The applicatlona must be In no later then December 7 et the Information Desk. ••••••••••••• Stud.,.ts exhibit ~alor peculiarities ~:-u.:~ tbe Grid, -riD~ :~!"~~·~~-~~··-·~ 8 ~ters~~aredbaa­ l.l'f'anli.:n8 Ulie pr= = t r a y, soutolmpreutbe clanna, croeetively probably~~~~- ~:; is c:blr&cteristieally matted with oil baled paint aDd Elma''a slue. The art major tends to cuu.~Uy eany ~ds ol fCIW' foot wide Pllpe!' and his =~li.teitwasrec-entJy :;.::,::::!"fttltl The art rr~.~jor is only oneo/ tbefor- ~~~bu~J:-~~~ a~n':~:i In it tend to take on highlY recognlz.able characteristics. But this Is also true ol a number ol other majorsuwell. Probably theeask:stpenon to identify is the Fore&try major, with the c:blracteriltk run beard with pieces ol barll tan&Jed in it ; red flannel lbl.rt: OOge and cumbersome loging boots : and a wad of cbewing tobacco Ul'ICier" the lip. The male Forestry majors are even earthier. 1be =r:ttn!t=r= and Ford pick-up trucks. He eag«ly 11waits the weekly advertures ol " Hee Haw," reads " Ranger Ricks" for the bot parts, Jlnd hat a s foot CI'CI5I section ol a White Pine in his """'--· Almost equaUy identifiable is the Mililary Science major, with his stvlish flat-too llain:ut. authmtic army boots, and a "What This Country Needs ls A Good War! " bumper stklr.er on his .JH'p. The Military Stience major can be found after a rainstorm stomping nlghtc:rawlers on the aldewaUt a nd sc r eamln1 " Kil11Kiii ! Kill! " He is proud ol the fact that he can dtcapitate you in 9 S«Gndswithalenglhol piano wire or digafoxholefastet>lhanyoucanuy " lunatic." Hisfavoriteclas!i:sf'ield Christmas Break Specials at Recreational Services Cross COuntry Ski Package Downhl Ski Package . ' 20.00 Insurance ( - 5.00 Total ' 25.00 (ltil, .........).••• By Barb Pudtel Christmas is bued on the papa c:debnlioll of the belinnin& of winter and the lqtbening of daylight. From I>«embn" Z2 em. the Jlllll)meDtum will be towards Sprin&. i Winter may have PO brilliaot toNn. but the crysllllizat.ioo of the !orest the mornin& aftet> a winter stcnn bas PO other seasan's tun· s-riloo- .... 111e almanacs are predktina: a wbiteChristmu and a comparatively mUd winter. Old Moore's Almanad predicts the rat of this mooth : " Midwest and east wW have bdter wather"-for tnnspiant.ed palm lf"ftSoreroucountryikiers'! Thou&b ~ be the bren.es. deserted the r~eld The forest aU leafleU, the riven n~ngealed All Marts shaD-be merry and join In thedwaOfwilhmcold friendu Happy New Y•r. Otd Fsnwr'l AliiUIII.ae ' ~ ~ . ········ ··· ·· ·· ' 25.00 Insurance ( - l 5.00 Total ' 30.00 Snowshoes ········ ···· ···· ' 12.50 Insurance -~ 2.50 Total ' 15.00 lceskates.. ' 5.00 2 Man Eureka Tents (5'xT) ... ................... . ..... ' 15.00 ..... ., 6 Man canvas Tents (9'x13') Backpacks .... .......... . s·UEA Backpacking Stoves. ..... ' 25.00 ' 7.50 ' 6.00 All OCfMI:r equipment will be n!Niable for r.m at Mtf priu. (Equi· •alenttolftit2wMIIrata. ) Eq"""'*" wiU be reMned on 1 llrst com a llrst ldYIMd to ,.....,, ,our eauiPfl'!.m - " · Mn'e bl-'•· h It Polish motifs adorn the square B}CO«yWUk ntis ptherin& torge~ Is a Polish custom still prac:ticed In Poland today. And thesquare"'StevensPoint Is one of the few Polish landmarks whic:h remain. Mrs. Barton has c:hosentodecoratethefacadesol variousbuikiingswilhPolishfolkart In a ri effort to bring a Polish custom lntoa Polish area. "0 The Poles were the last Eur-opeans to RtUe in Port.aae CClWity. By the time they had imtniJI'aled, all ol the fertile farm land had been bou&ht, and they were ,sold the remainina rodt·ridden earth. 11lele M rly set· tiers were com mon, unslt\11~ laborers who came here In ~ean::h ol a better Jiife. They didn 't ha\'e the time, nor the reiOUrc:tl, to be eon· c:emed with cultutre. The closest =et~:n~l cJ::~"!~O:h w~gototbemarkettqUare. o;:; On those days sour crtam ·would be traded ' for fre&hly CTMmed butlft'. n~.J:~gor:~t:e:!~ these people together was their Janguaae-lhey all spoke Polish. or course. time has changed many lhiDg5. Freshly creamed butttt", fried DliiS.brooms, and sour cream are no ==cr~~!: onlyoorarefX'CUionsdoesmeouya freshly butcbtred c hk:ken. The faces r:l tJwo farmers chanae olt.en, and the &oods are no lqtt' as varied, but one thing r emains the sa m e' -the marlr.etsqu.are ltself. The early settlers ol Stevens Point eontributed a art:at dea l ol physica l mergy to lhisarea,butu nfortunately lbtrt: ll nothing lert to show ol their cul ture. Rock lined farms le\1 of hard wort, but sptak notlting ol the a~~ toms ot htriUgt ol the people who removed the s tones and waned ll)e land. But now, thr<Ju&h the etrons ol MQ. Bartou and a handful ol otber people. Sleven~ Point wi~f have a visualpieceolPolishhtrilage. Mrs. BartOIZ has been to Poland sevmal times, a nd one thing which im pressed her greatly was the deconltlonolthebulldlnpln s ma ll villages. Withthisin mlnd,s helsal· tempting to make the squart: look like a real Polish ma rk etplace. With the assistance ol Mr. Michaei i.Jsa, Mrs. Cnol Molep&lte. and Mr . Dennis Kolinslt.i. abe is usinl motirs from \-.rious " Wyc:inanki", commonly rdtrndto aaPolish Paperoa~ts. These pattern~ are circular in ahape, similla r rosnowna ltesorslars io design. The rooster motir is called " Kodra"and mOIIolthetlmeispain· ted together wilhrloral motifs. Both village and wedding K'ttle are popular, a nd are oltentimes painted on the lnlide,uwellutheotitsldeal the buildinp. The paint for th is entire proje-ct wu donated by Mr. Me· Donald, manaaer of Montgomery Wards. Mrs. Bartoa and lho5e auilting her,bavevolunteler'tld thelrtimtllld energy for thil proj«:l. The racads r:l Htmten' Comer and The T<l'l'n Clown are comp&eted, with the facades of Gw\dt'a sUO in progre.s. She _hopei to be rinlahed by spring. AJ Mn. Barton a~ted. "My wish Is to have aomelhing In folk art and to pus It on to tne younger aeneratlon who no longer lr.now ol their Polish htrit.aae. If you lr.now nothing about )'our CUlture, haveaeen notbing about your heritqe, you can't talk about il-y~can'tbe~olil." Tho&e of Pofish ~l., as ..~u as the <'Ommwdty of Stevens Point, can be proud of, and crateful for the d · fortsofMra. BarU.1. For asllltuid, " U a -penon lan't proud o1 his nationality, he ca n' t be protid to bean American. '' Through U.A.B. a Western Horsemanship Course for the spring semester 1977 will be offered for credit or non-credit. Courses will be ~vailable for beginning, intermed~ate and advanced levels, extendmg over an 8 week (32· hours) period beginning March 7 to May 6. Cost of the 8 week course is $86.~0 ~which is $2.70 per hour). Apphcat1ons for the course will be at the regular registration time for 2nd semester. Additional information may be obtained by calling 3464343. Other que~Uan. lbe editoNI bad CCiaCft1llld SGA 1bMoteeilm uxl the vetool1 resotuUon ~nnUnc credit toreprsentaltlve~. If the Pointer hid rud tbe expll.n.lkxl ol the veto ROt to their of• ..~ nee or pa~ted lD tbe Student C:O.ft"DrMnt O!Jke, lbey would hlverulizedtheratklnll~bddndthevdo. II seems that beyond that, the PtUtet- • ukJrw for • bribe to putidpate In Stlldeat C:O.erruneqt, hi&hlY que~tloNible. Tbe 10.tbor made coounent •bout retus.l to tallte: 1 atalnd on the marijuiM Issue:, but failed to me:t~tion tbat tbat wu be:auae o1 • dedaloo t.Ue:n by Unlte:d Council Col.mich lhil Uem wu to be rdft'T"f:d tol to talle no •ctiononaodll islutl clue to theolber projectl•t brood. Comment wu made u to the LRC boun aod the lmiJlned pusive:lcce:pC.IoceoltheDe:an~Uona. Atnotimelnthe ' ~~~~:!~nyex~.:W~~~~~ Kftpted". It lbouJd be noted that alter disaauion with the Dean, the LRC boun hive been a~. The Stude:r!t Govem- ~lpall"_~~~~tla~~t=ta·~ ~~ alkptlon1ccuseeStude:ntGovemme:ntollnte:nt to do so: c:ommentl to lhlt '-.te:r matter hive never been rfteived from the Polatet- ar.arr cwho helped edit tbe copyl nor olber """"'"· As theeditorialsowdJ put It, " It's time tostoppll.yin& the cbl.ndls o1 amatau" politics". A job must be dooe: r• tha :=.w;:,~~~~~~!:u~=~~~~ ~~ abldeftt body wiU am:mpllab little for tbe:mldvet except .e:l!«stnJcUOD. An dfort must be made, •tartm& •t Student . Gowernme:Dt. to unify student CIIZM& ftc! pursue CW' W&htllt Ill )eyg, UnW such time: the U~~CU"TeCtl pe:rce:ption olatude:nt irtelponaibl.litywiUpomllt. . .,.......,_ ...,ftcrt~ He7tbereebrimnu, eatmylhortl: You haft my socb •irmdy. l 'mtiredolsJee:t•nd-reporta, andcbeer'!lbavea' IIJl)'. l'vehadmyfilloiNIIK.iniCole and cutsy Christmas caroll. U I aee:Sanll,l'U buy •lbotcun 1nd Jive: blm botb the bends. Andif, pe:rebaftce. IHtdee:lf lbouJd drop bJ for acme puocb l'l!bnlilbi.mwitbl li Uiebrot.b and bave:blmfor my bmeb. And the very oat time IGM &DOlly ltkll comesiJICUII''SUefttN!pt.'' !'!t~~~~.wft So bey thereQiriatmll, •t my t.hortl, Bepaeaa:l let me be. UJGU duedubo~ door 1piD l'UbitJGa wltb U. tree. Th~t only· brewery In the u.s. that does not use non-retumable bottles. For F r ed t.e"a ftrt~~ a t IIIMlJID~ his veey own double-room ~~rr!;::~:~~t!~~~!:~:r~~~~t~ Ooor:hfs roommate4 a compatable perwnali ty, wiU be Mr .•• . Martin Bonnan"ol Berlin, w· r:::k:Js=J= Editor, a $SO gift certificate from I To 1t.ltdn~t I OYU11Me.l. Gerald Ford Cwbo's out of work ). He has vohlnteenld to stop by and hdp Jim Eagon Jearn the in· lricaslesoltheprealdeftcy--lncludingbowtoscratchyourbead without puttlnl your eye out, how to remove your foot from your moutb,andbowtokaveoffte:e cdull . 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I t 1 1 1 t For our beloved Chancellor, Ue Dreyfus, a man who has devoted his life to improving education at UWSP, we give that ulhmate dream of aU educators- a perfect student body. To the Phy-Ed dept, a surprise package. What could it be? Here's a hint : It is completely useless, will take up two hours of ha~ittime every week, and by the end of the semester, :You'll To UAB, 3000 Barf hags and a cross, to prepare for their next semester's showin of ''The Exorcist. ~ · · To Dan Houlihan, our. beloved advisor ; the two things he's always dreamed .of owrung-a Y!'8rs subscripUon to TV Guide and an ant farm . For Campus Security, a brand new, beautiful, 1977 Sherman Tank with loads of exciting extras, including ·c aterpillar traction howitzer turret guns, and am-fm radio. Comes with easy to foil~ instructions for assembly, and a 10 pound tube of plastic cement. For the Co-op. the shaft. <To match the one they received earlier in the year.> mine By Bob Ham December tO, 1976 Page13 Pointer Science • Environment I ·Hope dies for.fau Clair,e Dells By Bar b P\llc:hel On 'l'Uesdly, November 23, the MaralhM County Board ol Super· vison pused a lftOiutlon .,..nting ssement through the CGUnty for a 90 foot high, :ws· ~v power line lhat will come within 100 feet ollhe northwest comer and within 1300 feet of lhe southwest ~ ol the Eliu Claire Dr:lls ( Marathon) County Park. This was tbe route Of'i&inally proposed by lhe~b=~ce=1!!!ona, the of the November 23 wu a powerline route ap- beginnlns ~netting pnn:imatelyiiODfeetfurtberwatol tbe original propoul. Just before debate on the matter ~ one ol the County Board memben moved lhat the resolution be amended to ~:=:,s~be~:f! routes except that the furtherwat route would be on higher ground and morevlsable. UW Prof studies world's oldest lake Lake Seadar 1:1 located in the YU&OIIavianprovinceol Monlenegro tBiadt Mountainll, ten ltilometen from the Adriatic: Sell a long the Albanian border, The lake is about tbetheofWeWlnnebagoandabout H meten deep (22 feet l. At pnseot It provides about ntty pm:ent of the Inland fiShery ol Yugoslavia, lo ills o1 great interest to the government whllt effects Industry , population expansloaandover riStun&m.ayhaveon fishpnxiuction. By BarbP'IItcbel Co nt ra ry to present trends, Yugoslavia is dtUI'mined to learn the effects ol man's impact em ooe ol the oldest lakes In the world-before ~~:sM~·Pr~Ha~~ UWSP 's College ol Natural Reswr· ces has been there to lend bil tx· ~..;.----------~ I MINII WAREHOUSING and an w.mually short food cbllifl. the theproject'sha~sta tq..to "en­ todeprsaion~l. cruraae inttlll.gent lake managemea! Uvough studyolther<Mtolthelatein the Yuga.lavian economy, Including consldeutlon ol the various alter· natives Involved In Industria l =~?I and tourist dtvelopmeni lell · levd) ~loot CCIII18 IJ"'OWX!water sprlncs. n - aprinp are warmer ln winter than the rat ol the lake arxl the filh congrepte · around them. In aummer they are coole-thantheratolthelate. Some olthedt-preuklnllareum!Jdlu$5 meten dftp 1180 feel) and about u bi&aroUnd u Room 112ln the CNR build.ina. Or . J acobi hopei to deliver aJ» per :n::rr::r~:: YOU NAME IT - . YOU STORE IT YOU LOCK ITYOU KEEP THE KEY The. objectivtS ol the project wen ~~n:=.!~r:sa:: ~=~is~~~ i nverte b rates or th e cry p . to dtpreulons. Besides the lake's :'!!f!:e llmnologJc:.aJ ltimnolotY Is the ~ ol llle and pbmom011.a of lata, UNITS: 5x10 10x10 10x20 20x20 volvaat::':mi~te;;!h~~: BOATS - FURIIT\JftE INVENTOftY EIM'IIEJIT RECORDS - CARS 1 CAIIIPERS-SIIOWIIOaES I .......... li•MfT".-nullt ,_,.AM FOR: ~ MCAT• DAT• LSAT• SAT "ORE • GMAT • OCAT • CPAT • VAT .::-=-~.::-:.- "'* =.::.=... ~':E:"'=iZh.OO:::..e:ffi RENTAL OFFICE2508 CHURCH ST. -- ,E CFMG • FLEX WAREHOUSE- ,....,....__& ....... 21 01 PATCH ST. NAT"L liiEDtCAL I DENTAL BOARDS 341 -8838 5:~-=-~.::::=:::=. ~J;[sc~ =~?:__ !:!!_ ____________ .;.... lake has aublaeu~tria n funnre.ls lcryp• Up lhrougb tbse crypto < ca~ll.t.e, bdow In 19'13, Or. Jacobi toot hll family to Yuga.lavla and spent sill: monlhl gathering the necessary equ ipm~t In tm the U.S. and Yugoslavia and planning researchschedul8. The agned to an exchange ol tedmoklgy he was concemtd wi th was w hel p YugoslPll lnvntiga te Lake . research bask:ally delcripl.ive biology ol the Scadar. Through the Smlthsocmlan lnternatiOII.al Lim.nolotlc:.al AuodaUon lake In order to come up with a tobthtldiDCoprtnha&eanextyea.r. atl tuUoo Foreign C\U'Tflley Pltlgram lt he Oc t ober 11173 isaue of suitable manaaement pla n, and also Some Yuga.lavlarw have eome to to contribute to the aene ra l Smi~Ueala.a magulne pn::sents an Amtrlc:.a during the Jut three yean. thil unique lake. knowltd&eabout OYft'VIewoftbepro}ectl , a five year · Lut fall , two ol them came lot a project was developed, inyolving 2ll weft and meet wllh Dn. Coble and , Americansinc:hJd.lngDr. Jai:obi. Studmtr ' -om J acobi's claues are Boote ol the Flslwries Co-op unit; !mmml§~~) r•&er d!ects ol man's development on the Lake Scadar envl.ronment. And also, "'------~ Paae t4 Dft:tiPIN:r at. tm r:: . ~~J~=!U~r!i~~UIOIIaviawilh Late Scadlr is a large body ot uniquely unpolluted wa ter. 11 Is encoura&~na lhlt ...there are people willlnc to learn from put mlsta.kel ~~-to solve probleml before LAND FOR SALE 32 acres of choice land located on the west city limits of Stevens Point. Truly · a naturalist dream come true. Enjoy your own personal wildlife preserve. Plentiful deer. Active beaver lodge, and more. Be in the country and enjoy city conveniences. Details available. A once in a life time offering 0• at 5 . . 22,900° 344-5096 United.Farm Ageocy, Hwy. 54 West i I I I I I ·II I I I Environmentalists intern at Oak Ridge ByVicktBlllillp Six UWSP students had lbe ex- ~~c:a'e:r:::~ta~ ~m!;~ ~=-t~=u:::: ~ • Ridle. Teaoesee. Oak Rkfle &iva IWdtnta an ex· ~~~':~~'~ "' thole atudents lateretted in rtMIIn:b or cradute school. Studl• at OU. Rklce &ive atudmtl an inli&ht itJto wMt il Involved In a research • ~ntatrieflyaummarizetbeir --~~.,.-=~~ area«'epledlarJelyonlbebu1sol thdr cnde point avence. but they mYit alia demooltrate a wlllincDeU to do wort ln aconceatnledatudy at- ~bei!ll aecepted into lbe Oak JUdce pl'llCI'Ul. students wort on a ooe-to-oae bull wttb Oak JUdae ......... Studeotl complete lbelr rsearcb witb doaamealatiol'l ol procraml tbeir won. pnsented to ~IPMS at Oat RldCe and faculty and students atUWSP. ~~~ic=:~ ~tion&fromtbrirsupe­ rvillnl adealilts who are well· t.wn, st.eemed IDitl1 ia lhdt respec- uverlddl. Tbe interm.tup sncnm wu the bralndilld ol Or. Paul Buter, a UWSP fac:u.lty rpe:mber from ttl&-72. Butertoc*ak!aveolab6mceiD 11119 to 1ludy at Oak fUd&e. He and Dr. Glenn Goff, wbo is a forst eeoloo. speda.lilt at Oak ftid«e, wortl!d tocelber with facuJty from UWSP to set up the prDinUD. PIGEONS PLEASE ~ U you t - ol a pl.pon f'OOillng loeaUon within the dty ol Stevens Point, or koow o1 marked birds out: side tbe dty, eaU Jim Krakowski alolnt He ila &radatudent atlad)'in& the ecoloey c1 piceona. Jim may be coontacted ln Room 30111 the CNR or he may be ruched at thil te~ IIWftbno :Mt..SCO. Your help will be ............_ Keeping toasty with solar energy """"' sula torof dilkln, there is only one small window energy as forlhf:home. The Geai&n o1 the house is sim ple and basic; It is merely ' a sheltef' ol living quarters. But unique to it Ia the wall of solar polyethylene panels along the lower soulh side ol the ....... David ha.s taken some old ideas and a few newer one1 and Im plemented them in buiklln& his home as a resv· voir for the sun's energy. lie knows . that three Qwimra ol the sun's eneray is radiated between 10:00 llld 2:00 in the afternoon. and that in January the sun is 30 de&rftS olf tbe horizon at h••elve IIOCIG. He bas used this knowlftl&e by con~trvctin& the Jo\lo·er part ollhe lOUth waU ol his housoe at a &Odej:reeang)eoff the ear· lb. The aun's rays will strike per· ~ndicular, and rather than be:in& rrilected otr, ma1dmwn enerl)l wiU pus throu&h to be: IIHd and atcnd. This solar collector is c:or."""lructed of wooden strull and two layers of I They have made maximum use of the sun's energy by lnitalling a "growing pit" alonl the floor ne.ar the lOUth wa ll in which tomatoes have been planted. ibey will be able to ea t fruit from their garden a ll yea r ~ .... At one time. 21 flrty·flve gallon =~.:!'~;::: ~~~~~.;~n:~n~':J! walltoactasaheat storagesystem. They at.orbed the sun 's }teat In the daylight hours and served as a radiator lhrou&hout the night. Davkl aDd Karen have recenUy ~ced the wale!' diurns with t.r1e cement planters. F'i1Jed with earth and water, tbeynotonlyse:netheumepull)CIH u the dnlms of water, but their p-<~~Wina area bu been inaused con~bl~.l 'nll ~r heating system is not dependent upon the desl1n of Knaachke's home. Tbe aa me princi pia woukJ operate for a ny &IJUC· lure. He has, bowever, built his home to complement the solar coUector. The house has been l_nsulated with s ix onthenortbwallofbitonestory home. Their home is not tarae, bu t the Kruschke's find It adequate. There is a tot.l l ol t,OOO squa re feet : 660 of these: a rellvlngspace, rro isaru for the heat storage planters. and the • other 110 square feet is tne growing pit. Since adtquate 1unshine is not ava llab leeveryday,llilnecessaryi n Wisconsin's cold wint ers to Implement other mean1 of heating. 111e Kruschke's heat additionally wi th a wood stove. In the win ter months they rei)' on the sun fiX' 50 per«ntof their =~~ar:~~=~~i~; hetlt throulhout the Di&hL Daytime sunliJht is oftea enoulfl to heat the houseln even the coldest weather. Rqu.iatlon o1 heat lnvoaves the applicalkln of common sense meuures. In the warmer months when It can 1et espedally hoi Dave replaces some ol the pofyelhy~ne panels with wire screen. In 1prin& and fall the house is cooled limply by openinl the door to allow venlllaUon. After the sun goes 'down Dave p~enta heil lou bycoverlns the solar window with heavy Maintenance on lhil l)'ltem is not demanding. II Involves replacing the polyethylene each yet r , and putting the styrofu m panels up every evening a nd taking them down in the morn ing. The growing a rea l1 watered once a week; this allo .erves as a good humidifying sys te m. Dave continues to look for ways In which he can Improve his prtsefl t i~~·r!~~; :, ~~:_~':;:,~ here two years ago. Dave is en· t husiastic about hl1 aolar ex· ~riments and Is confident that lhllls a simple and practical means ol con· seoin& fouil fuels while uvin& money 01! heating COW. Beeause lm· plt:rnet~tationolthil sys lc'mrequires no special background, it is a prac· tiealsystemfaraUpeople. For more information about Dave Kruschke's system, or lf you're lnler'ested In getting some friendly advice and encouragement for lhe work you may be doing, contact: David Kruschke, Rt. 2, Box 34A, WUd Roae, Wls .. ~.Te le ~:J.:!!4-7f7-4302. LAY-IT-AWAY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS Puff Boot 6 or 10 Inch tops SHIPPY SHOES -::::R ARE YOU YULE MINDED? Here' s a GREAT GIFT IDEA!I PEWTER· LOOK BEER TANKARD UWSP DESIGN EMBLEM ° s8 GRUBBA JEWELERS DOWNTOWN STEVENS POINT YOUR DIAMOND l QIFT CENTER " DIAMONDS OUR SPECIALTY" KEEPSAKE, COlUMBIA l ORANGE BLOSSOM DIAMOND RINGS DIAMOND IMPORTV'S 0 Regular Si.OO NOW Wa 1\ave hundt~l ot unusual, Inexpensive Christmas gltt ldMt. Candles ••. 011 Lamps •.. 0..-man a- Steins ••• S9un Ola11 •.. vmaoe Bath Products •.. Cards . .. AutHI I s tCand~ •.• Ston.,.,ere • • • Taasets ..• ln~ae •.• India Spteads ..• and on •.• andon •..• It's hm Cltrtstm.u s!Kipping at oar atmnpherk: Clwbtmas 8Ift Slltp Drstrnbtr!Jrr's Gift Shop CHECK OUR PRICES and Old Fashioned Soda Fountain MAIN' AND THIRD STAEET Downtown , Ma in at Strongs Pickers close out in style By ~1 Wind, Tla S.lttYu, aid MlkeHallft"IDNl Last wedl, u you may or may not r«:a.U , tbetuperpidl:enwereut~able NEW &"iGLA..''m OVER TAMPA BAY-Jobn McKay's bit; line on the baDquet dn:uit will probably be: ··~droppedourfintseven ... thenwe m-f.veJ:~te!~ ~~~~otJa~~~~-:~:~~~~ Ten ol the pms came out the way N-~ore. our OYer&D ~C:~erlnii~~~=~~J~i of:y. dr!ystilOuistmas. IBtnplsbyZU Roane Arledp lotlldl Howard .CORII and Wa..,-"'Wolf ouLto Lol Anldel to coYer this on Monday NlaJII, since lhil II ooe of those Saturdly IJamel and It's in Detroil Tbe Rima wiD have won by three wberl they finally pi there. NEW ORl.EANS OVER SAN F"RANCI5CO-U )'OU have to end the year on the rtllld, New Orleans d the pUce to do It Monte Clark found the perfect plaC'C to ru\lsh hll fnt~tnlia seuonu theSIIinll iiVe him a seven· polntaolngawaylou. M I NNESOTA OAKLAND OVER SAN DIEGO-If PIIILADELPIIIA OVER SEAT· Tt.£.-.UR\any m«Uocre televilioa ~PI~~~ ~~r:!f: .;::.·v~= Deaver, Dallas, CJevducl, San ctropthembysbt. DiegO, Qdcaao, New En&J.and, llhd MiamlaUwerevictorloul. 1be flriC ol our three loas came oaS1twda1utbelnlpired:Cardlnals bounCed Baltlmcre, 14-17. We also ~ tbe Packer pme u tbe Vlkinp re!Uied to Jet upMl and W«l, 20-1. OUr nn.1m wua 't even dOle u the NewYork Gi&ntlcklbbemtDetroit, ~ Notn Dame their JIUili:yard ST. LOUIS OVER NY GIAN· TS-Ciulion: the St. Loud C.rdlnad may be dangerous to one's vlewlna: health. 111ey'll s llp put the lm· proving Giants with plenty to Jp~~re-llke about elaht seconds-as theywinby3. nm an laue last F'riday, we went =-~~l:::'e'!:r:::•eyway, CINCINN ATI OVER NY JE'I'S-Iblher than wute W«'dd oa this mcnumental m!Jmatc:b, we're of. ferinl public senh:e an· only 12 more shopplna a nounceme~~t ; OVER MIAM I ltwon'tbepeachy forScottHunter as :n~~::- f~r:r.e:~Yr;;:!:;.~ Packers prove better by tea. LOS ANGELES RO IT-We ' re OVER hopiDI · ABC 's ~for: ;:;o~::~~~ea~ff:C~dtJ!u~~!~: ~nd~cJ:ari=~~~ the seuon wu 123 wins, ..S loues, andoneUewUboneweektolo. The fourteenth and fiaal week of the NFI.'I recuJ.ar aeuon should go somrtblallikethll: CLEV ELAND OVER· KANSAS CITY-Ualortuoately for Paul W'IIIJD, the Oie& think defenae b the ~ Tom Sllwyer t.d to ~ml TheBI'OW'IIIwlnby 17 Sport• GREEN BAY OVER ATLAN· TA-Tblnp have been SWill)' for Gfr<qlanslhil rau, u Gec:qia Tech playolf prep~ration. However, the Vikinp may advendy affect Bob C:riele's health!. Minnesota makee It b)'~CVU~, ::~=::a Ju?~~tr!~:;; lhrou&b this orw:. but tbrir Gat«ade a.pply doeen' t stand 1 c:ha~ li~ lbey'll be chasing Roeer carr around all day . TbeCottswiUbeontopby 14. joytheSUperBowl, forletlt. Gelhlm a tbower mu~~ger Instead, because the Raider colors are 11lver and bilcll.. 0UIIodby7. PITTSBURGH OVER HOUS· TON-There were only two lhinp lhlthurttheOilenthisseaJOn,their pa ni ng game and their ~~!::O.Ttle Stetim should WASHINGTON AT DALLAS--In ow- CH.ICAGO OVER DENVER-Ma.l people think Chkago will win this by three, but tr Steve Ramsey gets enough time to pass, the Beln will eullywtnby7 ~:U.~vria~~!~ ~ thitW; D&llu bas lhe Nn.'a top ldcldna: team I their cheerleaders), and SUllivan loots for a Ue In over· time. Pointer swim team gunning for conference crown Winnlna • conference ch•m - pionship is believed within reach for uwsP's men's $Wimmina team u it beginl ltltt7f-77 season. Coach Lynn BLIIJ" gave seven! ~~ta~~~m't'~e;: lad. One of tJae reuGnS Is Jellior MilleSLIJle, from Cedarburg. women's cage outlook ,........,:= ............ :::~~hopei~~~ ~~~~:r:l:u~~·~ Point. " We're loc*iDC forward to • &ood .,..U..," commented Pointer Cold! Marilyn SdrwartL '"The tam has r~~~e pot.tntlal with acdlent per· leUOII -s=:.~··snea letterwinntn t.ct from lbe 1m-75 outfit whidl pllctd JeCOnd In u. coDference tour· na.ment and wmr oa to compete In the Midwtat TOUrDey 11 Ml Pleauot, Mkh. A tupllcbt a1 tbe bome MUOn wW came Ilardi s-5 .-beo UWSP plays bolt to U. Wlacoalin Womea'a ln~te At.bletk Conference r....._.. Tbe veteuu laclude Sue ~t-Ojuaklrc:eoterfrom F~oat ; LJDDtt Koebler, f-0 IOijlbomcre c:ea1er from MadiJCD: Janis 1Web., ~7 topllamol:e pard from RadDe; Kltby Schluer. :H junior IUUd from South =:tor:=~~.v;!; ~ Stmoa, H ..&or forward from Deer· brook; aDd lllr)' Splitt, 5-5 iOIIbomorepalt"dtromSc:holield. OU... ~- for II* year's =..a~~~..: SN.roa a.ctmu, M fre&bmao for· ward from Sc:botiekl : Julie Hammer, S-1 freahma.a prd from SteveN: Poiat: ud Jane StiD&l, $-5 ICipbomcn pant from Marahf"teid. Andrae Ud Kl.vlorick were Jlln- ~ :w::: .=·::.~ ::e WJSM 1tate touroameatat Madiloo. Slagle, who won All -American bonon swi mmlna: the 1650 yard freestyle tast ye.ar , hasplaced inthe nationalcompetltionev~year since becomlnaacollq ~ fresllman. Slagle Is orw: ol 11 returning Jd. termtn from last year's SQWid which e:St~~uOO.~~~ Women open with bock to back wins Tbe Pointer womat esaen biiYe opmtd their IUIOII with brodr: to back w::'ibe nnt pme apinlt tbe Elu Clair'e Blu&oldl. tbe PoiAierl Wft'C vlct.orioule-ti. Tbewomea took control early aod never }et go. " I thought the Jirll pllyed YftY well considerina: the limited time we've been toct'lher." sald O.ch Marilyn Scbwaru. "Tbe lUm has lolaafpoU'tll.lalbl.!lallofacaaatiff cbdleeae tryiD& to improve oa Jut vear' ltHrecord." vmran~ledtbe~attac:klD tbe opmer u 14 p:liats were ICONld by SUe BtocUrd. Lyna Koehler and ~=·aDOtherveteranallo hdped tbe winniDC CIIIM with niDe ~·~:W~~u · Pointen wbo came from beftindtobeat carroUColJetel$-40. AttbebllftbePoiDterswerebebind :ze.zs but when they came back on the CGUrt lhil'lp turned around. Polnl •tart.ed p&aytnatoulbdefen~elhlt forced carroll to take many out· side Jbota , aDd witb I:J minule!lleft In tbehalltooktbeleadforaood. ell)' for the Colch SchwuU pniled tw team for the aood KCOOd ball' do.fense. Sbe NW it at; " the llU1lin8 point of tbe -g~NI was apln the lddio& IC(If'ef"wilh22poin!J. f~edby Seevers with 14 andSunotl w1th ~0. The women'• nnt pm~ ~ill ~ Oecember27 when the)' p;~rttCiplle U1 lheSelltr)' CIUIIc Tournament. lu t yea r for the fifth coosec:utlve yui. Another rason for Colch Blllr'1 hl&h hopes are the tam's freshmen. Blair delc:ribed tbem u " excdlent" and llid be wu impreued" withtbemintheseuon'Jfinlmeet. "v~ Two transfer s tudents from Brigham YOWl& Univenily In Ulah Scott Schrage and Pat McCabe are lheeaptainsoilhe25memberteam whkb hu ill fint home meet Jan. 11 apinst UW-Whitewater. Pointers sport new coach, new Teom the sport shop Tbtre 11 saow oa the Jr'Oiolnd. .. bri&ht clean. crisp snow. 011 1 r.:wa~~~~!~~~~C::~·Ji~= down froa:11Wcl from lbebl.cb ol c:klldl, out frua Wider beds. Do ~ when they 1re in perfect eonditioa? Do tft111 =:t.n~~-=·=~:~:'U:r"whenthey A.Ulllililbywl)'ololferioi.IJII.n, IIUP«Ioodrec:ipe for takiac aklal oa wbicbewr wiota; sport you prefer: 'ftii!:OOOilE ROEDER'S ORIGINAL ALASKAN RECIPE FOR LOGAN'S BREAD 15cus-OourCH I cupraw....,. ,...,....._. ~==oU IC'UPIOI"JUUDIJI'VP ,.,... ........ ·- 2c:up~dloppedauta 2 cus-driecHNitc:hopped lmetric:piftcbol&alt c+1 c:aa bemadeollltJOf 1U o1 the ro&wlnl: Wbokwbelt. rye, sa, COD.I)'uplobalfJ.wt.taerm. ~t. ccwumealorflouT. RIHed ~ erUibed IUdflcrftrsa!di. Arts ·Culture Video-drama anticipates UWS~ debut By Bee-LUJ Cll.. ..4 St4we __,,__ £4J.ct- ~~ 1::-nthe~L~: ·~= munkatlcw S¥i0·. A fuclnatloo with the lt2Q'a New York theater a«neandadelire toteeridecH1tama on the campus &ot It atarted; and the ('(lmbined dforf o1 four aademk clencorint- r~~lherlhanpl.ayingtoallveaudlen­ beln& able to 11 1eu than saUsfactOC')' can be a hlndnnce to };!::~~:.J::te~~tlon getting the best a t any one time. In of ''l'be The play is from an original scri pt written and directed by Dave ::~·::.'::1:-~~=':!~0:: wi th TV whto more takes a n be done, Caklwell responded tha t It waa more difficult to keeptheeneray up In a studio aiiUUoc. He uld lt)e aCton were told there wu an opUon of retakin& ace:DM, but " I didn't want that aUftude prnaUing." He went oa ~d~:-~~H=~:a::~ technical aspects lJ Jade C.ktwdd who reffi!Uy completed hil Masten in Communications here and hal a s pecial faculty appointment specifically to be director of this to..,,. "they were 1ood acton, tun to work with land) provided lhdr own eDef'IY level just u we provkted ~ti~~~~~~rO::~~ ~a,:.';~~~~~~ lMater era of the Roarina Twenties. LamoreaWt. a HOior drama major ranarked that writin& the musical cunecty involved "a htJJ ala lot of sittina up in the library readinJ: New York 11mes mkroi'Um," seardllna for detail about the people, the goulp and the dt:alinp !Nit surrounded the theater there at that time. What's resulted is a mildly sa tlrieaf and ~~~~~t~~~~~:=~~ lheblt,b.dclty. Be:glllllin&allhesluzy,lowerEast ~~dtN~ubB~~~or:·o~~~e: WOC'Id ol mobsters, opportunista~ asplrlnJ show women, and a aometlme double deallnJ manager, Teddy I played by Lamoreawt) until be " arrives" at the Club Borgo. Included in the lar&e cut are Uuy CDeb Cartwright), the bran)' manaJft' of the Coco Mon : "Legs" Dlamond CJohn PeCtr'll, the le&tn-dary pnptft' who needed only a ~~~ft'r!n~"~~luJ!u;.~ perl a frequenter of the Coco Mora who falls ror Teddy ; and Blonde)t CPam Hadner l a dancer at the Borgol I· ceJ'be advantaae or rdalr.e a ~ that ~~~ ~com~pl.a~-rc!~ menta oflhe Colk&eof Fine Arts have c:oUaborated in one creatJve dfort.. 1be four are Tbeater Alta, Drama, Dance, Music and Communialtionl. "Tbe Dream Was On Me" reflects wen The wu abo ~~.~~ ported by the bead ol the Collqe ol FineArtlandtheAdmlnlltnllon. Both Lamoruua and Caldwell recognited the haurds u weU u the advantaaes ol workln& in a TV studio who f,JIIs for Robby. Makin& up the . ~~:'tsoO:.~!:nn!~~~~ Moreau, Diane Whipple. Larry Gellman, Bf'ld: Darrah, Chris Knudt5on, Jake Cobb, Sue Ric.bter and Vicky Schmidt. As this writing was beina prq~~~I'N thetapeswerestillbeln&aiven their final editing. Watdlin& some of the outtakes, we saw the outcome or cou.ntJesshounofworit. ltanotreaUy pouible to give an overall critique of the production. Compand lo what one would see on network television It Is obviously amateuriab with tome clumsy and awkward moments. Howevft', and really more to the acquaintances wi~ whom be bad s penta aooddealoltime. Both be and assistant producer Bob KralaP:P: did admit that a play oflhls siJ.e w1th Ita number ol characters pve them more ~ems than ex- ~t~~~=~~~j'a~ complicated as this was as a,int production. " lbe advantages or Join& with this script however were that they avoided any copyright requirt.mt:ftts and had more freedom to do rewritlnp and story changes than II they were worltlna with a professional script. theca~d.::':.~~?@C~~f:.~o~=~~~ point , lfltisaeenhereasthe~n· ce from. In actdilion lo Bob Kralapp nina attempt at video drama on a k)eal levd then it become. a com· mendable etrort on the part of all involved and a promise ol aood tblngs to come. SittJng in the viewinc room it was asmuc:h funwatdtingC.IdweUwatch ' theTVsueenasltwuaeeingthe scene~ from the play; be's not unlike a ra~ watc.hi.ng a cbikS grow. He was still in the edllin& process, decidin& •bieb scme take .... the best. bow iMIPle ollhe bits from otheT take. of the same scene could be workecl in, what bad to be cut, and boW ion& the r.nal productkln would De. When be talked abou t the chineten It was as if they were personal was Jane Vellerman, Assistant Director and Editing ; Brian Duthlhet, In charge of, audio; Mary McComb, Teclmical Dir@Ctor; Penny Gilman, F loor Manager and aet dalan; Randy Moreau, Production Asalstant and Ga r y Bargholl, eamera and production. As indicated earner the production also involved the daMe and mldk: departmtuts. SUsan BorU OVtnl'!' the dante and choreography and was assisted by Suutte Jirak. VJralnil :':·'r..= ':ittc~ea: . =~:~:r=~P~~o'fri.r;a~ cMstntJon and handled the un· oun." LarrtOraux pointed out that when the camfta II the audleru lralhu than penonsl It's harder to tmw whit is beilll communicated. He added tbat on stageyou'reworkinl on establillllna an "aesthetic relationship" with the audience thalli eaalet' to p uae lhan _...when playln& to a camera. Caldwdl hopes that this particular production will prove to be the begin· i~n:t:'.!e~!:,~::~ PfJ:·u~\~ community theaters In t~e areas and played on loca l cable outlets around Wistonsln, as ''The Dream Was On M e' ~ will be. I Times for local showing wiUbeannoun«d). Whatevft' this may or may not be the beginning of, It baa broua.ht the departments under tbe umbrella of the College ol Fine Art& ckleer together. Gary Barghol:t, a Communications major and eamerli :a~=~thlsU:~O:'~~ ~~~~~~~~"':8:= munkation end ol nne aru ... thls is ~ ~~~~~ean;~X:w'!W!~ feels that any future effc:rll wiU be much eu~ because "at least a rtlaUonahlplsstarted." Oratorio choir marked its 10th year UWSP play alms for national competition lheatre, with eventual plans for sc~. specialiling In set gr.duate design. ,1 Playwrtabt Edward Moore wrote "The Sea Hone" while In acting lehool. What began as a scene needed for an acting exercise, nentually matured Into "The Sea Horse," performing olf Broadway in 1974. In addition to receiving the Vernon Rice Dram.~ Desk AW&rd For Outatandlng - New Playwrf&bt, ''The Sea Hone" was also_namtd tbe BaLAmerkan P!iiyolt974. Each year the American College Theatre Festival, comprised o1 a pt.l'lf:l ol Judses, select. plays from various co lleg e~ to com pete nationi!Uy. "The Sea Horse" is entered Into this year's !estlval and judgingwilltakepllcedurlna:cineof the performances. U cholen., the play wiUgo to Beloit for judging, and from !.here It could go on to the National Competition in Washington D.C. A ~ru:::~~:!~~~ built for towiq, with scenery that has mtain dell&ns Incorporated Into until ~mber 11, with matinees at% pm scheduled for 'l\lesday, Dec. 1 it. Tbeseeneryfortblsproductionhas a realistic interior, with no set change&, makin& It adapUible on al~~~~~~.. through Dec. II . 'The Sea Hone" is a pla y euily performed in the Studio Thtatre. It has a east ol just two performers: Gayle Johnson playinlt Gertrude Blum, and woman wbo bu auf(erecl many ban.h experiences. Heraeamanfather wu !::1 H~r:e~~ir~or~~Y :.Jee:: is a communkations and drama loved, who latft' turned brutal aftd major. Polly Is ln~ted in technical ld t her . She becomes klery ol love, is about alillle bar on the West Coul wateri'ront, owned by Gertrude Blum, a solitary ~urdft-rn:trri:c.hen ~.,:~ ~ =:ty uncommunicative about her JNISI, and fiercely resistant to any expc-ession of COfftmitted aUectlon. A woman of oonnal appetites, she takesanoccaslonallover,yetre!UJeS to extend herself beyond momentary intimacy. For quite some time sbe has been sleeping with sea man Harry Bales. Their relationsh ip is quite steady unlll he returns a changed man : he wants to marry Gertrude . ~=:rJ:=~~=Ye.::----- and the followlfti morning, is con· cemed with Harry'a attempts to break through Gertrude's defenses. It is difficult to convince a woman, whose greatest pride lstheabUit)' to takecareolherself, to marry and be taken care of. Act I of "Sea Horae" Is a khxl of sexual scrimmage, with earthy and at times, comk"al dialosue. Act II is an emotional landfall with the two tharactera no )Gnats" fendna defensively, but instead confeulna their past scars, present fears and future hopes. Whatmakesthlsse<:Ofldactso movin& Is characteriuUon. ''The Sea Horse" Is not a play with a line plot, but instead a play wbidl needs acton who will unfokl u characters, similar to the acting In " Who's Afraid of VIrginia Woolf"?" While it is .the director'a responlibllitytotakea play extracta«rtain concept and put It on stage, It then becomes the acto r ' a respontibillty to unfold before the audience. The c.ut of ' 'The Sea Horae''lssue«:safulinlheirpresentation of a realistic: atudy ol a human relationship. Quintet offered a stimulating evening available on the commerdal market, and are, again, very rej:JresentaUve "stylistkaUy. Eath player wu masterful In h1a :~·= ":ac;'~d ~- ~: By Ketal A. PetaeW Oneol lhefomDOit woodwind. quirtIds in America s:n-ated I coocer1 on our slap last Saturday even1n& 1D MidldsenHall. TbeNewYorkWoodpre&eDted by Arts and Lec1urel, played a aolkl, enlertaining demeanor-a sign of empalbetlc musicianship and experience. This has been evkknced on tbrir several we ll -executed r eco rded p~r­ formances which a re read1ly Ucularlypralsecl,orhavidge:xecuted many tremendously difficult puaages on a slng.le horn. The G«raeOnl.low ''Quintet'' baa a placelnlbequintetliterature, aoJonc u It isn' t played too often in publk. The e nti r e work Is pretty u"ni maginative . The thematle developmelltscameacnuunothlnc but scale puaagea followM by ar-- =tC:~IIbe same key. How un- However, the qu intet did well with lt. and with tbeir two tnnacrlptinns ol the evenina: the Mozart "Fantule for Mechankal Orpn" and the Schubert selecUon em..en for the ad· ditlonal program )Mece Both were wellwrillenandmgoodtaste The New Yort Woodwind Quintet provided an educational, en- tertaining, and completely relaxin& eveninaolsUm.lllatin&Uteratureand playlna. They deserve to be lauded a.s conKienlious artlataaervlfllwelltbe cauaeofmuak. wind~tet. ~t!n.~~~~rt, ~'*!,lh ==-::bie~ l lrikin&ly Mllllln&. The tonal eolonUona and mi:J:turw available cnatea meam:ror~tedex­ preuion and ia a CODdudve vehide ~~ ~ pedormrw IDd ~ ~Dli.ke IIWiy woodwiDd qWDteta :_ar;:eourour~~tbe_:; tbil r;raup ol OWl CDUikianl lftmed to perform wtth u afflDlty '-"ardaaudleoce~tnotber words, they aeJected muaic that wu ~en;o,u.e and ola eonaisteDt.ly Quintec) 3n!.~~~~~ ~e:n~:a~s~.:e~ ::~ei"IIPDint,andlhatwe'reall bi~ N~J~~t:=~c: get hQ~e ·f or vacat10n 9Q-F1VI rideboard 346-2696 Deumlltet-11, ll'ft PaJeZI ........ FREE STUDENT CLASSIFIEDS FOR WE TEAC Ta pe Dtc:k, Red tO Reel , 3 moton, Auto Rev.sbut oH. Almost new. C•ll3·11·2994. . '66 Kar~M Ghia, new paint, radio, rings. valve job, carb ;ob. Deep blue. Best oHer- in $900area. Call :HI· -- Two Firestone Town and Country snow ·tires. H78-tS. Vecy good conditien. CaiiJ.tV2437, Tom in413. Prime northern aoose down sleeping bag. Exc-ellftlt shape, good price. Call341·2037, Bob. 19'12 Vega, 46,000 mi., automallc. Good g.as mileage. Call 341-4417, Judy. .... Dachstein St.l Boots, size 10, S20. Call341·7076, Phil. Sn:ow Goodyear A78-13. Good conditlon,l2Spr. Ca ll 344-7944. Takara 10 speed bike, SUn-TOUT equipment, like new, SUIO. Yalilma trimput, Like new, StOO. Queen size water bed malresl with liner , S20. Cali344-8912,Steve. Raclna Stls • Roalgnol Strato 102, very fast, with brand new Look· tires, :~;~~b~~~R=~tion. 200 4 male purebred E~llsh Setterpuppies. Excellent bird dogs, Ideal family pet, champion bloodlines, Stoo piece. Callu:.J.t947 , Chuck. "Budweiser'' s hirts. Many sizes and s tyles. Call MH429, Greg or stop atl7008riJPSI. (Upstairs ). 19'12 Dodge Demon. Exc-ellent condition. AM·f'M, stereo tapedeck , mags. Must sell. Call 344-2558. r Absolutely fret"· Puppies! German . Shepards (we thinll) . Healthy, good eaten, nic-e mart-i.ngs. Caii34J.t789 or346-2249,Mary. Apartments for second semester. Spaces foi 1 « 2 people to move In with others. Fully fumisbed, beat and paid. t 'n blocks Call34l~l orstoplnatOxford.Apts. 740VkflltCt,Apl.204. water WANTID ha~~~~~na!er w:.:~-= selective evenings. Ezperience with c:hem.lcal addictions prderred. Send resume to: Mr. Richard Sundbo. Por· tage County Human Services St. Michaels Hospital, Stevens Point, WI. 54481 . from campus. LOST ANO FOUND LOll : 3 dorm keys on a brown suede braided strip Ufound , pleaseull346-2810 One girl to sublet iPartment :;;;;;;;semester at the Village. f!eductd rtnt. C.U3411319. ANNOUNCEMENTS Female roommate to share 2 bedroom furnished house. In Pom-Pom practice for tryouts SunWaupaca with another girl. C.U 258- :lay, Dec. 12, H pm In lhe Dance 1346, Mary. Studio. Everyone interested please be One ma le to sublet in a house there. :::nw':r.:: ;:mS28S~i:~ bt:t' DirectOl'. Job opening !Of a Choir Tbe Stev~ Potnl Rugby Football Club desJII!ralely needs 10meone to help '?f'Pntze and lead Its post game rn.a!Vigal diOir. penon must be Onegirltosharea2bedroomapart- a . dominant soloiSt and must be C8113441t24, BW. Reasonable housing with 2 single roomsfor2girlssecondsem. cau 341 • 4873, Karl. ment)rith3othetgirls. Call341-5324. Student to wort in largeapartme\t complex in exchange for rent and wages. Part tim.ework. caii34t-2120 for appointment. Light mainlenience experience desinlble. Ooe girl to sublet apartmi:'nt fiX' second semester . Will negotiate rent. Caii 34Hi215. TJ:lls ~:~~::t~~ =~~-~~~~: ft. 341-4196. Debol, Allen and the University Center urge students to claim all lost ~!r~J:"i~l~::s~~ othef" items await identification in the Studen!Manager'solfice. HoursForTextRental Dec. t:Jlhrough Dec. 16, llm-4: lSpm Oec. t7,1-6:30pm Dee. 11, 108m.Spm Dee. 20, &-4 : tSpm Weekend Carpool Ina will be offered by the campus Information Center the Spring Semester. For car· pooling ferms and additional In· formation, contact the Information Desk, UC. The LRCwill advance their opening hoursonSunday,Dec. l21o10:00am. lnaneflort\Osimpllfystudentcare houn at the Unlv. Health Service, the following Kbedule Is now In effect. Students will be seen without appointments between 1:30am and 4:00 pm Monday throu&h Friday. Appointments may also be Kbedultd at these times. The UW·Whltewater Dept. of Foffign Lang. wUI offer- a l credit tor ~~r~:l~a~~n:~pri:tt/: slst ol S days In Paris wl~ atops at Versailles, Chateaux Country, Mont St. Michel, and In Rouen, Normandy. No language preTtqulal tes, Students enrolled u full-ti me studenlll the 2nd semester will have no additiona l tuition feet. The trip will coet approx. $679,00 Including transportation,~ hotels and meala. Deadline for ap- ~~a~~~~~k!t~on~or: Durette,~ talned from Prof. Roland Heide 469 , UW· Wh ltewater, Whitewater, WIS3t90. • J CJ.J.IIB·IB OF IY.IITS PBI. SIT. SUI. MGI. DecemberiO December l3 December II i. UAB Film : WHAT'S UP DOC, 6:30 9:30PM I Prot. Banq. Rm .·UCJ Madrigal Dinner , 6;30 PM tFine Arta Ct.·FAB Un.iv. Theatre: S£Aff0R8E, I ·PM t Studiolbeatre-FABJ . Unlv. Writer-'a Workshop, 9 AM·3 PM ~C::W~~tYe!.ater tT) Madrigal Dinner, 6:30PM <FiDe Arts Ct.·FABJ Univ. Tbeatre: SEAHORSi:j Jo)A: tStudio · Theatre-FAD) UAB Nightclub Night, MONTAGE, 912M tColf~UC) UAB AV: Packer- Game; 12:»3:30 Buketball, St. Norbert tTl UAB Coffeehouse: Brad Welnbet-8, tPMtCofleebouse-UCl . Arts 6: Crafta Demo., Native Il PM tColfeehouJe.UC) .Am erican Crafts, Richa rd Scllneider, 2-3 PM CArll 1: Crart. Rm.·UC) Madriga l Dinner, 6:30PM (Fine Arta Ct.·P'ABl UAB Colfeehouae: BRAD WEIN· BERG, 9-ll PM tCoffltdJoule.UCJ TVI. S'l110YDAY Student Presidents As.aoc. MeetJna:, 6 PM t FormaJOiningRm.·UCJ UAB Video: Dance Pitoee~, 7:»10 PM tComm. Rm .·UCJ -- liB~ TBUB.· lBI. ... " unpretc ntfous .•. i ntriauinl;.,'!'!'!.'~ " tlie-LC. · Ctffee. .se I*Jiq~i. donrt miss . -hlmH SPEaALS FROM UNIVERSITY FOOD SERVICE DEC. 12~ BAll5 & 001 CTDIR OR PIJOf 1HHIPS &DIP .. - SUNDAY & MONDAY 9·11 P.M.-UC COFFEEHOUSE FREE FROM THE FRIENDLY FOLKS ATUAB U.A.B. ff'1 ARTS ~ PRESENTS AN EVENING OF JAZZ "'"'"" ;;AT ·THE ·CLUI WITM MONTAGE •JuUr~~t: .... S. f. . . . . ,....._ ... WW1 ..,.._; or Mllwa•~ee"" rl~~et~t ._zz-Hoek l(ro•IM wiC II JKtUd I"''O(•I•tllc: DEC. 9 and 10 6:30 & 9:00P.M. PROGRAM BANQUET ROOM ADMISSION $1 .-"c .. fla:lflt ITUDINI' f ,JO NOfiHTWalff $1.10 ..._....., ....... ,..uc...........,......J.OC>or .:..c~. t::t: CI'C:.UV&R• a ,_.,..._. . . . . . . . ' M6-4J42 .. · !~!Y'S TAKE ASTUDY BREAK! WED., DEC. 15 FROM 8 P.M.- CLOSING . D~ i$"* REG,ULAP.. PRICE ME~CHANDISE · WITI:t Pllf1CHASE,,_ · . . OF ANY PANT . . . 0Nct.UPINC. ~vll) ~~~ OFFER ~RES .SUI.»DAY 1~/Jyr, CHRI5TMI\5 .STORE HOUR5 SllNbAY 1«-5 MON.-FRl. ·9-9 SAT\:IR DA'f 9 A 13'1~ S'fRONro~bJJ STR0"'-5