Pointer Po,dlum focuses on the debates, News fau Claire Delfs Threatened, ~nylronment ·. University Flfm Society Classics, Arts It is not true lhrlt the bind hils not been funded this year. Student Government has allocated funds for Letter• the mar<:hini band If it will opesoate on a voluntary bas is. Eventi Student Government did not fund the MB if one uisted, the Musk: Dqlartmfnt wt:Wdblvetotund lt from otbersour. ~,r:':;~: ~t=~=t. ·~ not marchiq · becr!use they will not recei ve any type ol Ply, Ed, (Ji(:~ «edit for thdr particip11 Uon In the !\lB. H is true t.blt a rom.miuee from the Musk: Department, indudinl myseH, tried to gel aome sort of Psy Ed. credit for MB participants, bui very lew t tudmls knew ollhil efrorl. anduo!yetlhls-dfort hubeenunsiK'Celliul. Well, here It Is In plain black 1od white. The basic reason why the MB is nonexistent for lhllyur b that , for :::,:~r:t ,u:!w~ :=:t!:~;~~:!: not enough students bave come forward and expreued their wish to march. In lhe put years the Music ~~!::.tm~ =-~o.:r~~ Getting down ToTheP.._kr, In reference to Ms. Oowd's ediiMial Jut week about the President'sAJsoc:lation, I would like Lomakeafewc:ommftlts. Ihavethreep~lrs olblue junsand fourrlaMdlhirtl. • I hue DO ctesin to drh·e a c.Jdilbc. IPiklformytxlr'lvapntdinnerfrom Sip out o1 my owa pocket-not studetltmonles. U lhe MrYke oi the Studtftt Ltgal Soddy, l1trouih ita!ApiServktsol· flee, a~ be impt'OVtd by convening with other statUI Md.en ~~~~:h u the praidmt ol the lnttrnatKln.ll Folk Dancers tobvioully a power hWI&"Y JrOUpol people l, 1nd olhtr elite &rouP' who are btnt on excessive malft'iallutW'ft, then I feel I'm jultifled. # ' M01tollhepeoplewhoattendedlhe dlnnw felt thlt they and lhelr orpniution might btttu ~e the students by their atttndance. I am truly 1orry that our Infamous · ~~~~~Nil~ reel she'll MysWdtfttmonlessuppartproj«tssuchuthilpapn-,yetthepapers' .editor feels that she bq nothing lo pin from convenlna wilh me. I feel tbltshe'stheiCRr, notl. Coooemin& tbe point about me tel· liriJ in touch with my hwnaneu. WeU, I made all appoUitmmt with him , he aqueced me In, and we talked foracood put of twenty-G~e JN.n and he in.tOI'IMd me that lhinp were still cool and be would be in my C'Onla'lotbetnd., He•lsouldthatl . lhould.n' IIOolftlaU~ed and put ~~~=~~~~~!; aure that what I'm doin& Is JJUterMn'icethanthdn. 11wnb for the dlstioclloo of of a bdnc ::.~=~~~a:.·~~~ ud rtpaalve. TeCIS.Wv. .,Pra~t no quaUons uked, lnd U\1111 how a MB has~ provided for in the past. The question DOW Irises: Why don 't sludentl want to mardi? TJw plain rJ! the i1 mOlt fact IIUitter ltult m\J$ic students wbo pt.rtkip.~ ted in MB fed th8t their time coukt be better spent 1Dd DOW view MB u an un· necessary evil. ~mainrusonfor this is the Jarae amount o1 rtbea1'5iil time spent clurint: the wed: and on Saturdlys,andnowthlt thesbl(lents have the option ol muchlq or not milrdling·, mOlt have cbOien not to """'~ One mlgbt au. where il lhrir :~ ·~t ~~ndu:ae!n:'~' ~~ yean that I have been here at Stevtn5 Point. I hive aeen littlt school spirit and tradiUon. Try to keep in mind, lhou&h. thlt I am not "j~f~~u~~!:IcUI=t~t has taken an exceUent step In the ~f:x ~~:ion : ~':;~,:; ltsslUdents to~lnMBapllllttheir wW. Av«WunteerorpniuUonwiUCJb. vkiUIIy develop a better aUitudt •riUIII& Its membenblp than an organizaliOI'I in wbkh the mem· ben.hlpis oneolforcedrequiremtnl Abo, a votunteer manlMtts.hip will bopefuUy attrad more IIOI'Imusk · ,not :=:,~~~~= enough 1tudenll would come for· wardtomardl. .I hope that some li&bt hu been 1hed on lhit subject th81 the problem and ~~tina It C.:t!:r~Gv'J!: ~ Univen~wholeaodnotjulttbc Music Deplrtment. A problem in IlieU 11 that tbtf'e has been no suppl!lrt for the MB .atskle of the M\llk ()epartmeat · except for 10111e letters aod c:ommeats ol a com· plimentary ry~ture. The Musk =::.r:.c':n:.:!.~"':e.l't;: the v1lue ol pncUc:al MBa~ for ill muslceducallorl majon. !MMe.lWpl hdety l a::'u."::a~~a::~..:~~ · Keep on trucking =o:::e·~::~~~ ~c:redlt wu araD&ed, .. It done at other ldMiolt <le., lbdllon Plat· teviiJe), that more 1h.adellll from the Unlvenity at larp 1ft11bt V'Oiunteer !"~t:.~i:t~'':t.the= action lnd IUpPDI'1 oa tbe Univenllr T•TMP"-c.tr, I'm 11ft -'ha( bJ nvw- almOII - ~tJ·J:::::~=i=~ alt&IIIUon, whkb il a nonexistent marchina band, and I would alto like to - =:-maay'i:t!':iha'e.._ Finl.~todilapeJ Caicl ::.a~:::x::: ·~ the __ toman:h. and Idonotkoowlftheie :=a::..~~~.~ :::.':t=:=l":pa.ceto .,.. · -~~~ ...... c-u .Urit«f- Rebuttal • Larry McCullum made i. series ol c:hlrg• apiilstlbe ~Office and lhewUversityinlastwi!ltk's Pointer. To~~P.mter, HeisWT«~gon m~tc:ountsanddoes a clislervk:etotbeblac:k community be ilaUemptiDg torepreeaL He slats that. " Biac:k students were ill advised .. " and ~"tbe majority of them failed academically." Let's be honest. No one can supply tbe motivation to '-m.ifastudeotisnotlnterested. Blade& are no different from Whltea • ln this rep!'d. U a white studeat doeln'tca~atiOutantduc:a.UOrl; doe:stl'tattendclass,doeln'ttumin his wort, be wiU fail. It is not a race charac:tfristk. It IS a questioo ol , motivatioll. Uheseriotaslywantsan edl.lcaUon . almo&taoystude:ntcan~btre. =::m~all)'~~?~ SkiUII ciiiane., Life ·~ Pllyslal Scienc:u be.lp;" LRC assistance, • f~ty advisin& aDd because ol tbe =r'~~~\:=¥= - · ablac:tc:aunseklr,NickCollins. The mast mN:Ial skill ud pouibly Differing opinions Lab -where Donna Is giving me a crash c:ow-se in grammar. I have found Donna to be efficient, yet able toputmeateasewht'n I go to see her. When havinJ to walt a few minutes, I • rind the grafitli board enjoyable to read and if 1 fetl li.lle writing somelhing 01'1 it, I am free to do 10Maybeasmallportioooltbelrlimeis spent on "skit puns;" but (.'t:ftalnlY not"most" olit. . ToTbePoiJII"', Alter reading last week's editorial in the Pointer, I Immediately sat downandbeganwritingareply. lam sorry to say that It wu In part, an at00 :o~ ruUU/k=~~~ ~~~ realize that l ' wu dolqln my letter exactly what dispted me about the editorial. Soinlteadllrillmakeafew stmpleRCJUita. JdeJa~ ~.Jmfs ~J:~to ~os': better direct communication betweea lows of interest II happenirtgon. calnpus. It provides an oppor;t_unity for the leader of ~ orpna.atlon to ull. direct questionS and aet direct anawen from the leader ol another orpniution• •This lmprcwemtnt in ~unlcation will be a bit: advuta&e over the pc-es.ent situation and will allow orpllizaliona to wen more doldy qetber aod ultimately provide a better senic:e to. studenta. · clo not know why It wu · be&enLMy "Write on this p~ : delivered from her tearful fC*e by tboae who have cklthad themselves In darlc. cket, that' now mec may question. and speak ot' aU: Ullngt;, t'Yfl)'W'hue." Rudyard · - This ~ is a favorite r1 mine. I fedtbisiitheeuenceoldemoc:racy. ADd because ol this fedirc, I very m~h avee with Mr. Ea&cift's position on t¥ lniU.Uve-refermdum. By&ivin&lhistooltothepeqpleoltbe ~ :;:'C:::i'wa~~s~~ ~;~ l.hateffecttbeirliwsanci.Uvellhoods. communication -I!!i~u:'a:..~ ':r:c-wri~ ~ ju:';~J::u:a~w~~~ Lab. Secood sem.ter last )'frar only two black students fcomp.red with 30 i=u:tuden~aDd 48 ~•bitel h 81¥1 students are a•are of bdplnc JXOiramS that are available. Their instructon tell them aDd Jim Va.ncetdb:,.tbem.butolcwneaoooe can mate them go. · ~:~~":!:a~~~ =':p~~to~~or~ a:t are special permlukwl idmisalons. I also UDdentaod that UWSP's suec:eu rec:ard ~better, for example, than Madison's. ~ ·• Frankly, it is not aU t..t.tdiffJCUit to stay In sdliDol here. Since we admit lheuppet"threefCIUftN;ofbigh.cbool daues ._. tftp out only the V«J poorest studeata. Black student& caa succeed here. Steveo~ Point may DOt be a totaDy bo5pitable enYironmMt forblacbbutlherearewone(Nacel. Oneollbe peoplewOf't,lte hardest to mate it better is Jim Vance. I know from personal experienee with studenlal~..eSftltto himthatJ im Vance bas both the knowledge, the interest and the energy tohelpstudenla whoseriouslywaqJhelp. · · I believe the vendetta. toward PRIDE, 1e1t over from a studeat no iooCft' here hu apparently become LanyMc:Cullwn's lepc:y. llisanunw~one.lliadirillveand dellnJctive to the Black cOmmunity •hkbDMdsbltlpnotbate. u Larry McCulhtm cu do for B*b in his tifetime what Jim Vance hu done ill. a feW short yt*n, he wW make a l"fil caniMbulion. He can - starr t~rmakinC--peace-witb ;nc~ • woRirJC•tthVance,nota~tbim. . == I feel this Is a aood law, akq ~tb Mr. Eagon, ao-•hy shoulckt't it be democralicproc:ea:. U We, u ·citbens ol UWSP, had a sim~. dinct · method ol deddina wbal's beat for ounetvea, wch u !he Initiative-referendum, we could thea create, anunend aDd veto lawa apd 10 :C~!u~~~~~th u~"::, t !ff:t'! to each ter thougbtlul inveatiption., a:pceu hetopi.nlon. Howeverlamatalouto understand how thia ecWd bave' beec a~ U she did oat even attend the flnl meeUna- CoOtrary to ~whereitcoac:ft'ftlus'! .::ft':u::~c:eld ~. :W:?~::e!:~c= link ~tn:r~~;!~;,e:f- munlty, state, countty-:.wht'n we could be pradicin& this at our own . outolht'l'-hisCWDp:det. ~ I ta unfortunate that a lecitlmate question wu ot.cund by a dJssu. tation on " Power aDd Statui in . America :" The abusiu aeneralizaUona about peOple Mary. =::.r:~~~:\=~U: tbinkiDC indiY1dUals. Mom always c:reate anirnclAty between the aluden- ~thatsbouldbeworllin&to&ether. I fetJthtsisa goodlawaDdheadl in the ript dir«tion, but I think !e should learn to JO)'enl ourselv• · before we go to the baJJOC.. box to decidewhal'sbeatforamuchlar&er J . . B:-Wallaee Really buzzing "Orou&ht . brinp energy criiis her'e.' ' " Low river level cuts power cenentlng capadlles by a third for ~i~~'J1:':e:~~~·water ri&hlll-the Federal, ·State or local the people;-and- for--------.. " lfnaturee«~apiresapiNtman ", and a precjous commodity twaterl is taken . t for example, by a nuclear power plant to manufacture elec· tricity to ship to a dislantlarg~ cltyJ· then a arut canlr'owny and dedllon looms ahead for everyone ol us f'ialit noW! • Doyou•anttorisllyourwaterfora nuclear power plant'<M' can 1ou make ·up yow- m!Dd ri&ht now to conserve enercy in n-ery form and shape and alsooptforsolareneray-Lhe!IOUf'C'eol al~~~ea~'equal time" aDd · moneytodean resoun:eaofenergy. ~nky~ Conelil Grosll~ll ::!::'':tedr: ~'::!i!: Series 9, VoL 20, No. 5 =::':r!!a=.J:i'~:df:: =·~~C:.C:t!~~m · to nin, you 'b<Mtyol~ - ~~!~e;. '!,~-;:;;~~ Rapids Tribune. Sept. I, 19711 : !::~::u!b:f:r:.O:. !":.h!~---.=;!~:\ or To~ePolflei. Kipplin& native plant sites haVe been conshiered on Lake Mte:hlgan near Haven and on.. the Wi.sconsin River near Rudolph. In both cases there appears to be enou&h water to sup-__portapowerplant a ndfishUfe." " lfnalla£econapires aplnst man" ! 346~3431 7:00 " 9:15 $1.00 ARTS -AND CRAFTS CENTER · OPEN: 2-10 P.M . WEEKDAYS 1-5 P.M. WEEKENDS Weaving_ Printmaking. Ceramics Woodworking Sewing Leatherwork ·-Headwork -Batik Candlemaking Jewelry casting Drymount Needlecrafts Macrame · · Crochet Knitting Rug-hooking- Stained glass Painting YOUR CAMPUS CENTER FOR FROSTLINE KI"TS Arts and Cr~fts Center is located in the basement of the University Center a~ross from Ftec. Servjces OffERING-PERSoNAl IISTRIIC-TlON-IN THE ABOVtAREAs-Fn= ee""' oF~C~ HA_;:, RG,:c_, E ~--2(·v .-.. h ~ i•• OdMtor ' · '"'' ..... New• Works.h op attracts ·national figures 21 to the Wisconsin Legislature. He was r-rected two times and in 1966 ran for US'Congress from a district in east central Wiscons in and has held the por;t since. Time Magaline named him In 1974 as oae of 200 " Rising Leaders in the US." Warner, who holds a law ~. has beeo heading up the Alneritan Revolution Blcentennbl Admlnistntion for two years and wu Nayy_~taey and aecretaey (~ four urlier yurs. He II a speciallllontbet.wollbe~e~ . El&leburaer is one ol the highest ranking olfieft'l in the US State Department, serv ing as Henry Klssinger'a exeeutive aalsta nt and deputy unders ecre tary for ma.DIIp:nletlt. He grew up ln Stevens Point and last. May received a clistinguDhed a lwnru• award . from UWSP, an ln1Ututioa he attended two yursllh he late 1940's. He hu made ae&J'ftJ'of&overrunentsenlice. • Evan~ Is a p1rtner wltb._Robert D. Novak in aulbotinc the diiUy politkal =~~~~~&; lhis coun~ and abroad locludil'll tbe StevensPOUIIDallyJ~~~.~m~~l . nw,yco- author a · bl-weekly ~letter a nd have co-au~ two books, on forn1er presidents Lyndon Johnson and • Richa rd Nixon.• Ma. Bales is a Milwa ukee attorney who has taken an 1cUve roleln efforts to raise tbe atatus ol women and help them achieve equal rilhta.For two yearssbe hast-1:1 on lheboardollhe State Bllr ol Wilconsln'a Section on . Individual Rl.llh ll and Raoon· albiJiu.-YOWII _lAwjer.'a Dh1alon-----===-onFuillyLiw. • Fellman is repn:led aa one ofllle ~:·~~~~~~U:~1 referencetoclvUIIberties. Atl8.be bold& the rank ol Vllu Prole~~« o1 poi!Ucal lcience at UW-Madtaon wbue be baa tauchtaloee lM7. He ia former president ol the · American Auociationol Univenltv Pn:ieAGra. MI. Blllnler, I phylks profeaorat UWSP 1lhct 1M7, wu, for many years, the llll)l woman In thla CUUlltry chalrlna a pbyalcs department at a ~~~-~:!~~e 1tudylnc and 1ecturlac on the aubjeet of nuclear power- u one ol Ill proponenl!l. Task force develops escort sei'Vice A Student Govemrnmt Task F<fte is clevdopine pl.a.ns for an escort_.. vice dtli.IDed to aUeviite the rape problem OG lbe UWSP eampua. Earle- lbis year, aD acort awvice arRncement wuabandcadduetoa ' ladtolfundl. 11Jia oriainal prvposal, headed tty the Portap County ADli·Ripe Unit, c:alled for lbe use of Univerlity automobile~ to transport female 1tudenta betwtet~ dorms and to olf. e~~mpu1 reaidencn wilhia· the Stevm& Pointc:ity llmill. nus plan would have COlt $7.504. yur ia state moniea. Paul Kelch ol Plarfniag a nd Analysis DOted, "'lbe state fUDda were so limited that the Administrative Council could not recom.mend the plan to the ChanC1!Uor." At the pnsent ti me, the Student Government Tuk Force b w«kin& on a plii n whkh would call for the use ol voluntec!f" escorts to walk 1tudenta · home and to cliff~t places a:~ camThe eK«ta wtWd wori fn palis uan iDcreued ulety precallboll. IUct 'hAll, Vice>-Prskimt ol SGA, t:akl the coonbaton ol the Escort Service were eoraicleriiiC haYinc Dr. Hettler or Protectlvt: Senicel apeak onwhattodoshoukhomecinnu.ack. TaDk allo referred to the fliO:Iit service at lluquette wblcb worked weD. 1be escort RtVke wiD involve ~- vohmteerafromthe~Wde!atbodywbo will moll likely be 1tationed at tbree dispatda points. Someone needill& an escortwoulde«ltadtbedispl;ldland two vohmteen would be ual&ned to escort the person tct ·~ respective deltination. 1be 111Woteft" tKorta would show some sort o1 idftltifieallon to iliiW'e I«UU'ity. Aa o1 yet, the d.istaru the escort aervke will cover has not been determined. tbou&h It ia hoped to be a vallableforolf<amll'!'lstudenta. 'Ibe service wi~ operate from 7 pm to 2:30am with mougb vol.mtea'l to 1upply Immediate 1en·lce. The development ol the servjce. baa met the approval ol University Admiliistratioa. Darid Coker, Auilta11t Cbaacellor for Unlveralty Services 11id an ~rt st:rvlce ' would, "provide a MnM o1 security for a pez-· SCXI wbo would otherwise feel UDeomforta~." . Darryl Sc~. a UWSP1tudent, preSented i 1lmllar !Jian to =t~U= f~!.:~ d.lscuued centered arouoci~Cf't~Uia& ~fortholevolullleerill& 'u escorta, thek:ICIUonolaaiiiCOrtter· vice beadquarten, IJid bow the . .. v~=~~tedu tothe =•anU::~er-~!! :C: escort~ ia attacked. Jim Eaaon, SGA PTelkknt, 11 very ln~lltent on seeiac the acorta woc-t In pain to mlnlmi!e the poulbility ol such an lnddent oc- """""· . Meetlnp wiU be held nat week to lOUd! UP thedetalll olthe pl.a.nu orpnlza.Uons broddn& at that lltne. Scboenin& WU· then ec.!tacled by . propoHd. It II Doped that the lft"Vke wiU be IIHd by the atudenta and . Studerlt Goveiftme~~t. He •creed to allevla tethe(ear.ollndivlduabwbo belp out and serite on the Task F<fte. Sc-hoenin& bu already publkiled the m111t ttet the camp~~ at rd&bl. Tank remarked after the l'nt'leting, '"''be • escort I«"Yice and asked for vQ)unorpnluliona.l 1tructure II there, a U we need oow are volunteers." lnTbe detalll o1 the plan wen lerestedpafllesuldTank,wllhina:to sign up u volunteers 1hould tee hlm In the Student Government omce of ol the University Center. 1be iuuef thelinlvenltyCenter. ...n. ~~~~.:Jf:~ In the put wben the pollee would arrive at 1 ~rty which wu c:aU!Iing a distur!Mnce, they had dirtkulty leyin& to find out who .. ~::-:-.:= w~~~':':~~~f~~rt'=. whkh iafrin&e on the riahll of others, on the landkrd and hil 'n:~ICewon't~looklnaforPII~lobreakupbutwWonly By2nciWan:IAlderman Mlcl>od'-""<d< m~~~~~~or~~ control loud ~rtiel w.hkh disturb tbepubUc Pt-ce: • A. t.andiordberequlredtonameadtlignatedalentor responsible tenant for each rented premise. CSUcb nameswiU be fumishedtotbePOIIcel)epartment.l 1 8 . Restric~onNoisela-rtiel,ltU"Oel,elc.l willbe~rlol thel~requiremeall. C. Police will be authorized to take action upoa compJa.lnt ol • · a.ce.i<tenoiiundampljf..:ation. talteactionafteracomplalnt II received. . I am warning you that the city attorney bu "adviled the Police Dept. that shou.ld they be nquired to dilpene a par· Ucular crowd because of noile or ot.hu mllconduct. that the occupant, dthl'r OWM!" or renter, be char&ed wllh dborduly cooduct " .....:= ~a11yeveac.,' lhouklanyone In the crowd becomeWinllyor totallydisoiderlyduring theaupprftllon of the ~rty, tbeolficer under the present taw could make an arrest ~Uh the ac- fi':n~~ci'a~~: to install twenty-four sodium vapor -~betwtleii"NortbPolntDr. andStanleySt. oaMidriianAve. This includel the Mlchip11 Ave. EKtena101"1 which JOe& thrOtJ&h the"northc:ampwwoodl." . QuesUonl bave been railed about what effect 1treet liahtin& In thil area wUI have on the 111e ol the woodf; u an outdoor laboratory. Allolt is bein&propllle'Ctby~Gmeunivenityofflclall that sidewalltl be iast.alled aJon&lhe Michlpn Ave. Extenlion. Thia toowould affeetthewUdna tureolthe a rea. • What did you think of the "' . Eorcl-Carler debate? Ma rCBrtt~ a rd, t !tttAMalnSt.,Sr . " I watchedtbedetN!te inthePinery with about 150 otht-f people and th6ught the reactions ~~o·ere in· KM Fa rm rr, tiN F raaklla, J r. " I felt UYt c..-ter eame off as better because be Uled more emotional a~ pull. whkb would be more effective totbeiMtnlpublk. Ford used more klgk.ll appeals. He was more organiud. I don 't think ru vote for eitbn' one ol the anctidltes. I think I' U vote fc. McCarthy, the lndc'penden l ellnclldate." Mariea.ura. Rt 5 M-'-ee. Statr-Valvenlty 8oell Slclre. " l 'mJor J immy Ca!Uf" and I thou&ht that be abowed up better. but maybe that'1 bei:aUH I' m OQ hillide.. f'ord looked 1 little nervous. !lite Ca rter's views oaturdorm,aodbowbewouldcun aD lbe loopbokll for the rkb. 'They were pnUy eYenly male!Wd ill l.he fU'· st debate. 1 could hue bea:lawa)'td over to f"ord, but I'D prebl blf 1tick wltbJimmyC.rtt'f'." - 1 t~ , . . ..-., ~~~~ 'r~ •:;r=, w~-~~~~ Kfih lff" IU.SOIC"nmirltd, Jr. " l"'·anttdtoseethedril:llt,butl don't have a n 1• r 'Tdecidtd to vote with the debate fllrfMI . It gave tac:h for Cartrran)""''il)'.·· some Carter- made. I was pleased candidate a chance to make the im· portant points that he wanted to make, the only shortcomin&.of cour· ~e, was Wt they only bad three m\nuteli to respond to each questioo. AccordiD& to tbe reactMlns of the CI'OWd, Ford pined a little. U Ford cootinucsiatbisway.besbouldgain acc:onlinl to the GaUup polls. I'm votin& for Ford, unleu Carter tells me something about him.self that &grftS'withmyownpenonal needs.'' Elleea We.aia~t:ff. toiA. f'nn klln, - s.-. " I thou&ht bolb calldldates ume acrws u rul sure o( themselves. I like bolb o( the men and I a ve-e "''ith bolb ot tbrir points ot view on some tblnp. lfeelthatlheyarebot hrea11y hooelt men. I hate to· He them debolting against eac:h other. I Jtar· ted out for Carter but I've been hearingalotabout f'ordand I like his kle:u too. Ri&ht mwl don 't know who tov1llr for and the debate d idn't sway - me" Grq Ndf, 4f t .M tadOIII', :V... , only watrned about tll(o mint.:tes 111 tbe ddl;ite. I wasn' t . rtaU) ~~ terestecl. I've decided wbo I'm going to vote for 011 Uteraturt t/Qt l've ~.a d. l 'mvotit~~ for Carter.so ll I had watched the debate, I'd be biased. I'm votillJ for Carter btcause he's Lakin& tbe•tn:~r~~est standonm. vironmerilal~ ofthe countn· Yord il extremely evasive on this$1bjrcl" The debates of '60 ByJimTn•ta Tbe great 1Mbates Alter the third debate, it became apparent -the roles ascr ibed to the candidates before the electkln were chana!Jl&. K~y bad all· but des~ tbe inexperienced and lm· mat~ image. by' beins ! pecifk and quiet with factual aMwen. Nb:Oil · was vague, argued with an emotional approach , and ap peared between PresKtent Ford and Jimmy Carter really aren't the &nat debates at all. They're O.K., but the f~nt grut deiN.tes "·ere the rant tdevbed =-~~~~='= Jli!nF. Kenoecty. • Tbt fC~mY t ol the debates was the the same u it b no\lf; tour reporten askiDc queatka, with time for com· meots on answen.. 111 the fint and 1at cW.tes c.ctfaticliCiite m~de an opminganddosingstatemenL , · '~;'be dtbatel accomplished oae thing. 11le Vke Preklent ol the United States ns rqardtd u an ex· periencoed and competant ·deb.ter. The younc coverboy-looldlll- ~tor from Massadn»tttl was reprded by bolh Republk:ln1 and l>emocntll IS immaun and ine:x~ The lkbltes sliaueri!d these two images. Tbe issues l'dn.ined fuzzy, but the men NMIDI for president became pufectly clear ~ the American Rkhln:l Nbloo wu the stand outln ""'"~ tbeflntdebllte. Not beca~~~ehewua rna!tai\d debater, be wun't, but- because he b*td lite a sw-.ty ctll"pse oa teleYiskltt. He had a grey ·~ Jll!!lrance, he tilted in short dloppy sft.tenct:~, and be was ltnn«dY n«· vous. One nrwspaptt headline uked the question "Was Nixon ubocaged b)' T.V. makeup artists'!'" Onecolwn· ni:st wrote ''Nixon looted like bomemadesiD.'' Kennedy, on the otber hand, rtmalntd cool He spoke spedrteally ~'-:~~ident 11 TrUman had, at the time, made. a public staleme.Dt saying Richard Nixon. ' and the Republican party could go to hell. Nixon wu ulted lo comment on the statement in· the third debate and said, "I can only say that I'm very proud that Pfftkfent Elsenhowff restored dignity and dect'ncy, and franldy. good laiiiWIJ.e to tbe While House." The fourtb and the lUt debate reacbfd a fever pitdt. The ~oy­ Malsuissuewu taken-up again. Kennedy put down the Nixon stand and WOilonthepoinl The fourth debate was aiso Lime for · dO&ing ffit\llrU : Kennedy finished stronger than he bepn~ eallina for Americ.a. l.o nMWe forward in a new direction ...undeJo a Kennedy adminislratioll. James Reston Wf'OC.e"; "he made a statftneot' on · nudur testU. that had an eloquence that · wu .seldom matched in the other threeddllltet. " Richard Nixon, In his final statement. dJ.sa&reed w\th Kennedy al'ld ruffarmed bis contention that America was movln& forward. "ArMrial bas not been standiDiatill. But America caMOt stand pat" Wbm it wu fUIIUy· over Re "ston ~~~U:ur~~ - ~·:: :c:.r:y ·~a-~~ geoeral fediJl& in WashU.ton ia that domeltic policy:-n.cokl war •u the m~~in ilaue In 1110 and Kmn«<y wu dissatilfted with tbe coune ol the · Ei:stnboweradministratiog. Nixon, beina part ol the IDcwnbent itwunonetoosoon..'' 'The demtes as a wbole were deacribed u hJ&hl:r npet..itive aDd the Uaeswerenotclearly~oed. But the American people did pin some lnsllbt lntotbecandidutetumen. Wbo won'! II was pnenUy altftd that Kennedy won. He started out uno ~:::. ;~~~.! anro!Jst for the New YCIR TW., wrote tNt Mr Nixon's tactk: wu to daly everythint except that the com· munlsW were wicked and formklaWe adversariel, and tblt be bid tbe ex· ptritnceaod theproeratnJ to~l with them. 1be r.nt ol the fOUT debl.t.a were geneully reg~rded a-a- dull. =-a= ~;C,:r:~r::~~~~ ugenteel. · . TbeM!COIXI debate~~ Intense. The lights were turned up to improve Nixon's appsnoce. and he hired a makeup artist.. 1be heat, wu turned down to minimiu hil prduse sweatina.- Kennedy protested the adjustments. lhef'e were too ""'IIWIY llghls in his eyes, and a compr1)1nlse w::'~~ta were agresslve :0~..~~~::e.:.-:;wtrich were O«Upied by Cha[bg Kal· _ 5bdt and the Chinese Nationalilta. Ni:aon wu stronCIY in favor ol defe:ndinc them in the eveat dan attadt _ fnxn the communlsti:' Kea~y. wbUe he was in faVOI" ol dd"endint FortDON. said tbe bland~ were lnde!eo~ible and Americ:atl tn:IOPI sbould DOt bellied in tbeir eldena. 1be dilaMioG was bel~ at.~--' point aod NixOII made. bil: I)OI5iUOG .:-~t=~~~r~ estate · the)'areunimportant.ltlan't the few people wbo Uve on them· they are not to... lmpartalll It'! the prtn. ciple invoiYed. 1bele two ialad are inthe..,.olfrerdoca-" =r~,:: ~.r.:!t~ perieoced lmace. Nixon stumbled onto a new !mace. attbou&blt yean f« the American realize i~ dimensioo &ftd ....J I " ~• \ ._ BLUEGRASS SHCW Indoor Mini fest S!Jturday, October 2. 1976 at 7:00 P.M. SPASH-SieYens Paint 1------------------1 .......,,.... Swine flu Vaccine to be available There 11 no CQrle'Hte evi~ howevu,thatweareonlhe~ By OHara., Klan olan~idemle this year, and there: Is · especially no eYidence that this Tbe swine nu vaccine will be ::a~ ~~~.~~~~~~:.c:~ ==::a:r~~~~~ Numsen ol the Health Center ~· staled that this puUcular virus (In c:ause a n epidemic, Dr. Numsen s tated. Thepolillclanslotholdolthe fa ( t that It Is related to lhe antibodies found In ~le whv wen~ llvllli In 1111.---and blew;t •arout ol propor.- • . _ tlon, hudded. Dr. Nu~T~Jen also u(d that he intended to be vaccinated and enc:ouraaedothen to ®.so Loo. The symptOml ol the nu lnc:lude some or all of the following; fevft', dlills, beadaebe, dry tou&h. and IOI'ene&land l(hing In the bact and the Umbl. Fever aotldom lasts , more than several ~~~~. althouah the periOD m..y coatlnoe to fed : . = f o r severalda~ to a weet ted. Heootecfthltlllft'earetwovaccines beina: distributed by health agmcles. One, the bivalent vacdne, will be liven to thole"hl&hri&k"iodividuall do lboWd ha\"8 bee:a rec:eivini nuem.a vacd..l:llltlonl ~ year. ~~:==:re~~ - wcb u belrt, luna. ud kidney. Diebeticl--are abo lncluck!d In this group. Thil vacdDe wUI be ready IOmetime In October, and wiU be distributed at lhe Health Center. Tbe KCODd type of vaccine, the monovaleat. II to be distributed to anyone OYer 18 YM" old. .. Penon~ For the Dnt Ume alnce the In· wlthabyperHIIIJtivityoralleraYto egp will DOt reertve the ult nuenza virus wullolated In humans In the early 1930'1 raean:herl 1re ~~~%.~and e1n able to develop a vi.cdDe which they Thilvacci.newW notbe&ivenoutat anticipate will elitnlnlte the threat of the Health Center, bu~at same ather a serious epidemic a1. twine nu. 11le vaccine containllnll¢ve «poiDt on campus that il better equip ped to' haDdle tar&e numben ol "tilled" flu vlnllcs, wblcb pc:11e no darqr;er to tbe vacciDee. Side efftds, whkh Include a low a.racSe fever (undertOO<Iegreell,lif'edDeuaodminor non aa th e vaccine becomes body aches, for a period ~ 24 to 48 avaU.ble. Tile rftn.llnin& 40 petUat hours, are quite ran. Infield studies were divided evtnly between thole c:::rc~'t~t;r~~=ol~ wbo didn't know yet aod tbole wbo vacdneel suffered aay W ftftds didnotbltt:ndtobenedu\ed. · VM:dni.UoawWbedonewitbanalr from the vaccine. pn, rather tbatla ~ aod needle. 1b.il method II mud! futer ••cdDe - ~~te!l:ftoolt!O:.'=t!i: and more unitary tndltlon41 ''sbot" . tbaa tbe lHE , UNIVERSITY ACTMTIES BOARD, STEVENS POINT JR. WOllEN'S ClUI 6 THE PORTAGE COUIITY ASSOCIATION fO!IIIEHTAl HEAl.lH PRfSEIIT: At this point, anyone three yean old and up may be ncdnated. However in «her studies at the CDC it lw bH!I found that ~ bet· Wffi\ :Sind 11 had very little a ntibody production after vaccination. This In· ditalesth.ltthestandarddouge has vtry little efred upon-people ollhl.t age IJ'G'IJ). This same study also inditated that (hiJdrel suffmd rnt'lre freqllftiUy from side dfeds. ~'perll explain thatthlslsm01Uydue to tbeirlacli:al. ''.U with other stralosol inlluenu, there is nospeclflclriltment. Scien· u: ~ ~Ji:a~·~;~ ~~~~~~~ this disease. Vac:dnea-not available in 1111-are now an effective way to prevent the dlseue. AnUblotics, also unavailable In lttl, are Important in ttutinc lhe complicaUons ol In· nut~Ua thus redl.acin& fatalities," stated a HEW bWlltea. . The fWine flu Is ao named because ot the fact that the vtr\11 cloldy te~em · that which e.tlllfll disease In :::aw-:~~~turally «aaring In· bles pta.a, 'I'hft'e havt never been any The first outbreak ol swine nu, cases ol lbe virw puainl directly tldentiflc:ally identified u A·New from animal to bwnan1, howeYer. Jerwy·761, &lace about tt30 wu report«~ early In March ol this year atFortDix,NtwJftSot)',wltht2con· r1m1ed cases, includinl one death. Upon further lnlin& It wu found that RYrtal hundred others had been In· fee ted. The disease is spread by an in· f«ted pmon (OUJ,hing or •neez.lna into the air . The gums are then carriedontoOlhersinthtvadnity. Tbis outbreak is thought to be a heraklto what is comin& during thia year's nu suson whidl runs from Oeftmber through March, puking In m\chlan.u ary. . The vu·us, ll'h\(h causes mnuerua ~~~u::;n(:!':S ~= : ~ Campus ·r.v. ••• • C.T.V.. ' lhe c.ttnpus television st.tlon, bepn lt'a fourth year of broa&atlna to the Central W!Konsin area on'J'uesday, Seplember21on Channel l. ~.It~!n ~~= b~~ntu:e::;,~ the gr:neral population. UO'A·ever, A.'c:tivities Fee, and broadcasts from 10 years or 10 the virus has a unlver:sitystucllOIInlhelowerlevelol lendenc-y to d tan11e so drutiully the LRC. This tenons progra ms In· th.at it utcllts the poplbtkln olfclucle; guard and the body has as oo Soda! t'riUque and t'ommentar)'. a prot«tion against it. Suddenly there one hou r taped show Investigating is • . workJ.wide tpidemic or pan· r~l~ant IOclal is.iues In St~ens 1 sucllpandemiuwnethe Hong ~ong flu of 1968. whk:h took nlghts froma.t pm. 33,000 lives, and the Asia n Ou ol t957, X·lfa Poin t, a half hour program. vohlch toot 70,00 li\·ts in the Uni ted will lo.lk at the many different States. varieties ot 1p011s In the uea. in· fVft')' . " d~~·last ~~t iny~~~;~~:.t:c'M~;:'; The!"Oitde.adlyoftheinflutnu:pan· =~~II ~rd collecting and ~m~e~ , theSpanishnu,was!'ffiM'ded Point ol taternt la dedkated to m ~9 1 1. !he Spanish nu took 2:0 prese ntlna a se.riOUI subjecth·r • mllbon . bvesa~ the •·orkJ ; analysisofCUIT'ftlti'II'Wiill~alona ~ls~u~~~f::e ':n~~~rt~~~~ ~~~taw~~ 1 !J::~~~~f,~;­ ~';:~;inc~~.•t!!ft'h~ p~·~ee Admlsaloe will brin& togtl her If THE COffEEHOUSE, tneir20!and30s. In a he&~ • talentfroatlbtOrama,.llusicDanct lnfluco u · from and English departmenflln an hour ;:~~it ~~~'::'·~~"iuc:~t':o;~ ~,;:a~! 1 ~m to be aired 011 OCTOBER 4-8:00 P.M. OCTOBER 5 & 6-2:00 P.M. shows al~t all ~ve antibodies to CamPus TV wW broadus t free !'f:.:J~ v 1 ruj'Thlllu&gtsts that a SM~blk lft"Vke aiU'IOUncernents for I'ERFORMANCES A!lf;. FREE! ~lied It Fort Ob.lhisyUt ll 1,.. sloppiqln at U.~Y.atfke'lntlW ~~!~~~':'hi~Conimtmtat~rti-BuiJCfiOC. - indiVIduals who were living in t9ll 11 1911 pandem'k:"~ha:~:~~j;Y=~~~~~~~":r(:; tttlepidemlc. · NEWS NOTES ---~ Lecture Series Coming Dreyfus flys ByC1nad.Latbi.Q The ' 'Last ~~~ .. Series and a cultural publication sponsored by the~ Senior HOI'IOC' Socitty will be two new additions to the list of extracunicularofferinp this year. The "Last Lecture;" Series II a monthly procram rut~ a variety of interestin& speaken from the university. Eachspealter wUipctSent his lhou&hts on a predelffmintd topic,tbattopic: ''llyouonlyhl.dsixly nililut.e& to live\ wblt would you ttU theworklintbatlirue'!'L Theftnts~erof thestrieswlll be Dr. Richard F~dman, from the Phllo&ophy [)qlartment. He wiU speak. Sunday (0et.31 night'lt 7:00in room 12S A&.B ol the Unlvenity Centa-. 'Ibere will be an informal r~ lion fol.lowi.n& the program In the Fermal Dining Room.. Refrahmmts will '""'"" Successive speakers for the semester indude Mr. Elvin McLott, instruclar in musk history and cr:Uo, wbowillspea ltooSUndar. Nov. 7, and Chancellor DreyfUI, who wiD discuu the topic on Sundly Dec. 5. Second :~t;~en have not yet been A' second acUvity ol the Se.ni« Honor Soc:itty wUI be the publkation ol a pt'riodical containing offerings by students and faculty. Any student or faculty member who has something to'ahare which could bead~ to the publication Is encotU11Jed to do so. Any ~pen , articles, short stories, poMN, editorials, critiques, or other forms of c:rative or noncreative wrilln& from any disciplinewhether It be adeoee or art, philoqlhy or EncJilh, politicallclmce or pbyslcal education will be w......... tedthil~~~t:~,'=~=~ to studtnll In November. The deadline date for contributions il November 1. Contrlbutlom should be sent to the edi tor, Kathy Sch.efer, 2:03SEllisStreet, beforethildate. The Senior Honor Society is an orpniution comprised of s tudents who have been recocnized for their scbolastic adllnement and have demcatrated !Mdenl\ip qu.alitiel. 'Mle members represent all academic aruswithintheUnlversity. It is the goal of the Senior Honor Society to offer students the ~ portunity to partk lpate In cultura l experiences not already offered at the Universlty. lt is hoped that theac. tivilies men tioned above will provide sud~ an opportunity. Ei&ht~nmonthsartercompletina a n educational mission to Com· munis t·run ma lnla od Cl\ina, Chancellor Lee S. Dreyfus of the Univer-sity of Wisconsin-Ste vens Point Is apin jetbound to explore how the nationallst Chinese operate their KboobonTalwan. He left this morning as ~rt of a de lejatlon from the- Ame r ican Auoclation of State Col.~ and UnivenititscAASCU)OI which he is a director. Approximately 15 persons are repraentlna the association. Dreyfus had been aineled out from the group by an Invitation from Tung Hal Unlvenity to addrtSS Taiwan's Premier, minister of education, and academic leaders who will be at- - au~~:-~~ i;\,~a~~gr~1es~ ~.!_:iFei!,uw~ t~. pri"Ii:e~=~~~;:!t7::mn:~~n~~ aoddilclosunof is a cloudy one. ObviOUIIy, some improvements could be realiud with nseareh carried out. But the aequisiUon olr«<r"dssbould not bedooeat the sacrifice of per· sonal Ji3hts. UDder the uruvenity guiddiDel there is a method of complaint if one f~b; his or her rilbts are belnl violated, but educatiofl rec«ds =~~~=':!'!~suc~=:=~~yC::,!~ suspect their recordl weff being inlpected without persona l authoriution is In the case ol paranoia. which I am confident w;::!~':~one la thil: resarchenmta~tmateand~~~~~,!!~;~u'!:!;!1b~~~~~~~ Arnone m ~is~l:e;~~~~ :!!en~r:! Senator Bablltch 's rape reform btu and revision ol the state Inheritance tax laws. She will abo Include her experiences u the rirst woman sta te senator and proapective ltaislaUon dealina: with women, lllcludina: a ~=~c:;e:~;,.an ~~:b~br!:'cto!:~.b~~ sole grounds: for divorce. Debate scheduled A debl.te between U.S. Senate ean- =-:.i:===i: e~~~;~ Oct Z5, at the University ofWiscons in-5tevena Point. Incumbent ~ William Proxmlre, Democrat, aDd cha llenger Sta nley York , Republican have accepted an Invita tion for a debate to be spon·a ortd by the UWSP Stucltnt Political Sci~ Association. Peter A. Frederick of Sparta, president of the voup. announced tbat the event wiU be open to the ~~~!:lt:,:r::xi:::al-;:; ,......,. By Jim Eason. SGA Presld«ot I know your CPA, I know your sex, your weight. height. year in school. lknow you r financial s tatus. lknow a llthil w\thoutever talkin& to you, meet ing you or even seeing you. Without your k~·led&t. How~ By brine vanted permlsskln u a "school officia l" from my Instructor. department c hairperson and coUqe dean. Nonna lly lll is information ...'OU.Id be ava!Jable only to yourself and university officilllls as in the Faculty E:ducationa l Rights and Pr ivacy Ac t of I ~"' · known better u the Buckley Amendment. The Buckley Amendment prov ides ( as deri oed on pages t" and 15 of the Student Handbook I that all educaUona l records a bout y ou· compiled sinci 1~5 are subject to you r Inspection and review. The only cut where others may view your records is If they ha ve ~i ved y ou r written a uthoriu.tion or ha ve been designated asa " scbool offkial." At UVt''SP , thedeftnitionofa sc bool offic illll is any personatthe ieo,·el of Dean or higher, who is woding on a s pecial pr1)ject wh ich has " legitimate educational interest." Legit ima te educat ional interest is then defined as research that in 10me way may help the universi ty improve its pol.ide:s or programs. A cu.t has arisen at this universi ty in whleh a s tudent has asked and received designation as a school offiCia ltodoresearch olstudents a ndtheirGPA 's. 1 has ourfs apr.ova l Thls soecifk resea rch pro}tct has the potential or beniflting a univenity Pf01111 m . But the pr1)ject is abo d isnprding the individual rights of students and their S.nator visits _ State Senator Kattie MorrisOn, ID· Piattevllle) the ftnt woman elected tn the Wisconsin State Senate, wiU visit the UWSP campus on Oct. 6, at 7 pm lntheUniversltyCef!ter. Fintelec:ttdtotheseutewhen she upaet Sen. Gmty Rosehip in ) 974, Senator Morrison Is a former assis tant professor ol Economics at UW-Piatteville. the topics to tie discuued Correction 1 1 prob~'~ ":'lat ·~=r~ ni~ :!i week's Pointer gave thelmpresalon that a suspec t had been arrested in connection with the attacks in the viclnlty of Nelson Ktll. 'l1lls laincorrect. Det.ective Reeves of ' the Stevena Point Police. Oeparlment sa id no one has been arretted but they a re quesllonlna: seves-al s uspecta. The Department of Sociology and Anthropology wants to hear student viewpoints GENERAL MEETING FOR ALL 'MAJORS AND MINORS Help el.a the 1978-1977 Student Cons ultant Panel by aHendlng. 4-5 P.M. Room 125 A & B University Center Thursday, October 7, 1978 • Chris Ellis •Tom Kowalski John E. Moffat :.:=~~~ta~s~a==f:_~7;--=~~ -5;;i~i:R:5;10i:ZZ:5;egs;e2:1_:5boS,u2e:r~-;.~;~~:50.S2:pt:.:5Ch2o:l~:5·ii:·-~=Si!sl· edueatiMal by-c:ue--tlalts. · ~ k!Ptimlte ......... interest'-'--~ a use Student priva cy il the lAue her'e, for 11 to be dilrepnkd would Pe~ple • Placea No' alcoholer drugs at this place By Mary Jlrkll . ALDAHouse isaUIIwayhousefor alcobolics and Olhft' dnc, abusers. The only ant ol its kind in Portage Coul)l)', ALD A How;e prov ides il5 ma le residents, ranglfll in age from II to 6S, wi th an alternative to drinking and othet' dru& abuse. " We're trying to create a homeli.ke almOI~e. somcthi"41 tNt some res.idents bavep'tuperienced," com me nted Dick Sundbo. I?i rec:tor of the Akohot and Druc AbuSe Committee for the Portage County Human Ser· vices Boilrd. "The residents work together and sha re." The kka for ALDA House voas eon:>like Burke. thto Oit«tor ol ALVA ceivedon Mayl,1975,-.·htonaci tizens Jlouse. mentiontdthat ' IO~tof· forum agrft'd that Porulge County 1M residenu .,,,~ alcohol~n, and n~ a half"'·ay type of establish· alcohol. hto said. takes_a persoo from m erit. The 11 tcohol and drvg abuse "puberty to stnlhl)' , without subcommittee asseued the need and m:aturit>':· The pu rpose of the house agreed with the citiz.en's forum . With is to completely eliminate chemical the help of funding from the P.L. 91intakr among its ri'Sidcnts and to t6 t6G rantandtheHughs922S:>Drug . de\·e topmaturicyand social s ktlls. Abuse Bill. ALDA !louse bec3me a Kf~~Kkrlls of .o\L01\ IIOUK" arrhoe ulityGfl January 1, t976and openedpnnanly from..Jh(.. W:nrsau North it's doorsonAprill . Centr3l Chmc. from 1\rttlc Mor.~ioe The ~~o·hole c~f!P' of ALDA UOUH" Clinic. ;~net. upon reft'l'ral, from the UVol\·es a~nd the thought that this OistrK't AIIOI'Tie)"·s ofritt ~y have place pc"Ovtdes an alt emat\\'e to a allrect'ivt.-dl reatmcntprC\'IOUS IOcn· habit,pa rticularilyfor lhea lcoholic. trrlng At.D,\ IIOUJt', whlrh bt>coml'S kind of 3 stOJHiff point to the outside world. Most are ~~·orkma ort'n~joled in OUI · s_ide a~tlvltles a nd are «~ntributinc hnanc1ally to lhc ~Isle~ olthe ~- Fees for ra •denty 1n ALDA IIOUR are asseued aecording lo tbt ll4!'t'd of the person. Fees gmerally start at thirt y to forty dollan a 1\'tt'k and climb to S250 to S300 per munth max!mu~ . . . Prtmart lythefeehng~roundA I .OA llouseb~~o·:a rmandfriendly. H esido.."n· ts, a«'Wdi ng to Mike Burke, are fl'e\' to come and go :as they v.• ish3nd ~im. ply comply with the ru les of tht• houw. T'ho;'e ro les, ~· hich arc P'Jiilf'll onthewalll nthed inmg3rca,mrrrl\' ask th:lt tM residents climi11at~· chem ic.aJ inta ke and tnut in God • Wh:ltbtollt'rsent imen t forah:tlf\l a\· house to Opt';ra teon' · Ortho·bionic living H~· Ur. tteukr ~'h:lt the. ~k 15 orthobilllilt' In thlsageof btomcmenand\l·ornen, the COIICt'ptolorlhobiosisshouldnotbc t!~r·~~~~orthobi~is· has bet>n rtmtrod~ by Dr. ~altt'l' Soroc~n of,S;an Oin.o~~te Unl \'er$11)' A stm· ~~:t ~~~';~: ·~~~~~'fr~?SIS IS \l.he.n m~t ~~~~·klual~ .hear .t he lt'r m s tr:ught ! ''~ there 11 iiJ1 tm· m~la t t assoc!allon with moral, ~el 1gl~. ?~ t'thtcal \'a lues. Tilt' 1~m .orthobtOSJS. ~-c\·er,.shouldbeu.std tn .. rictl~· t iK!Kt<'nttfttst~ This Is not. to d.tSrega~ the \'illuc or m~l . elhtcal: or religiOUS \' IC\IpcMnli ~~o·t thm lhe iOCtety, OrthobiOSIS IS a term that describes a St)'le of il\'lng lil'hich all~'S tht' The Navy Officer Information Team wellki'IOWnthathumai\Ji!k'rtl\foat«. in the oxygen, va rioua essenti/11 am1111J 3dtb, and cert.aln vita m ins for optimum physical grow th. l..ikl..,..IM"", 11 has been sdt'nilfically dcmonst r~u~J thiatothersubstances:v.·hen3 ddt.odto tht'human t'XiS\enc"e interft'1't• (JI"lK'· tuallyendhumanfire. For exam ple, It is well k0011·n th:lt adding earbon monoxkle to hunu.lb will kill or di.ublt' them. It is also UNIVERSITY CENTER across from the bookstore Talk to the Navy representative for more Informa tion on these progr,41ms: ~~~~er!rttan a1~i:~er!~ ~~~~~~~ SENIORS- All MAJORS timum physieal health, Tht· 11:."1' of tobac:co by hurnal\5 has bt.-en prol'l'n tt you qualify , you ewt sign~ lor Navy Flight ti'WW~g whit you're atill in colege .nd 1M IISSI.nd ol tf'le proorwn you WlW'IL Our A0C PrGgralll r11 you waot to 1M a plot) or OU" NFOC Prognm (il you want to be a lligt1l olf1Cel1ewt Qe1 you~othe Navy lkyiOfan exciting andcflalengftg tolhorten theli(espan by eight tultn ye:ars. The heavy use of alcohol M beendem001t ra.ted toshortmt ht·hlr ex\X'Ct.aney by·nftf't'n yeaQ:-hr:ou maQ",It has been provt'n th:lt «-rt:un bt.h:lviOf'll l choi«S ma de day hy tb) can promote or hinder the optuuum growth Dnd deVi! \opmt'itl of thf In• dividua l. Co i\ M ii ve ly ~II tl~t' behllvlorul c hoices add UJI Ill ttl!' Ill divKlual'slifestyle. Oneol the KNil o1 tiM! lle:tlthand Counselinl Centtr il to provide tn ..: FRESHMEN AND SOPHOMORES-All MAJORS Reserve a place In Naval Aviation before you graduate by partlcloat.,g ., ~VROC Program. Abeolutety no OCiigatlon on you- part, MATH , PHYSICS , CHEM MAJORS A h_. year of grlduale leYef ~ wllh pay to W'OfM with Nude• Pow8f as a NaYy Reactor Platlt Engneemg OftJCef. Prior I"11JdeM expertence nolrequl'.ci. BUS AD, ECON , MATH MAJORS formRtl(lo ·=~ DuSneM management cowse. ••ans rov as a Navy~ All MAJORS Navy Oftic_er ClrtcliOite School lor men and women. moves you tnlo responslblily irM'Iecliatety. 19 weelola ot intenSive leadership train"<J at OCS oreoar n you lor., USOQnmentu a manager and leader . ~~~i~ O~~d~ ~Ut!: Sdf::id~.~ lhousandsolotherfactorstoprontotr optima l growth. It is 3 \so prown thai c:erl4linbac te riaw illnotghr.l wtllin ihe p!'ftt'nce or other subst3n«'li, f(JI" exam ple, ox)'ltt'n will kill somt• b;lt· teri• . Pe nici llin wi lllr.ill some bal teria. ll uman beings, although mll<'h more romplt'x in their structure th.1n the bacte ria. also respond fa\·orabl> and unfvorably to various external shmuli. rorexample, ouremotion:Jihl'aith is significa ntly affected by tht' presence or absence of 3 ~~o•a rm . rud· dling hum a n figure -in our l'arl)' that ('ff\ain behavtors t'Xhlbtlt y adults coan tnt erft' r e with tile emotional dt'velopml!nt of youn11 rhi ldrtn. ln tilt' physica l realm.1tJS OCTOBER 6-8 . ~~~::~~~~=~~~:~~ :~hf:~~ti be bac te ria. Somt' bac teria rrqu11't' oxygt'n for thcir growth and dt-\'t'lop- dt've lopmrnt.lthasalso~nshO'oi.n will be on campus eareet. individual m:ur.imum opportunity for growl~ 11~d de\·e\opmt'nt. t:\'l'ry orpmsm mclu4in& huma 111 h:la an opt imum set o1 ff!vironmmta\ cun . · . MAIN AT WATER I whieb will .,;v,. 1\le Ill' dlvklual t ludt'nt a n oPJ,orcunll)' to malteinforml'Li tk-clllonsabautl';'rll of his behavioral chokes. Tlw.o ('11(1 10111 being that theindlvid~AI •tudent ~~o·iiJ develop a nd relnforee a lif~tyk' !iJi'~~ tf!rsa:~~~~!'m~: :~ :te· cGr.Jp/ishUwlife,toalswhichhf ~ estatNished Future a rlidea wiU dal many t cl)oi«sl nmoredt'bil. w• race from myl"'OIIn, but on tbe way to thl brld&e, I get cauaht in a t.d ~:t~~:,=~i~~~ f!Dd my way out, Stat 1'rft II own' and I find my1elf wandertna ~ GW.IpD's lal.a.t, boldloa a ba:aana lnateMI of a commWlkator. · 1bil unfortua.ate .bn of evenlt *"es me uu.b&e to contact the ~=~~~~~: dowo to the buc:b and UJht a ai&nal By Bell Ha• 1. t am the Infamous mad scientist, Baron Max Vonl08usmeyet'. I am a t wort. In mysecret~Jaboral«y, c:reaW.C a boM c.b.lllin&. ~ive , tWI hwun moolter.· Abo, I'm ~ loldhft' ali&bt mack. At predsely tbe ltn:lke ol mJd. ~~t~lhaJ:o:~ n!:~ nritch. I.J&htsOkker and die, wires melt and ~ Uke mates, smote tnlpb frun tun~nc ciz-cuits. My m:':.!'es~ '%: l\~! numbly, uitlrytnatos.ay.omethiq. His veen 1 n.,. eyelkk nutter. His thkk twitch. Goo~meu. doesn '..,_ loalr.a caution! Suddeoly be speaks. '"'ll~t.reaml!" "You're in a MCNt unclerlnuld laborater , . I ' m Baron VoaKiauuneyer, your creator." .. Dynamite. Ustea MlaUie, cou)d you tum oaall&ht-ln hn-e-l.t'siO dark Jc:aa'tlefmyhandl in front ol "'lJ:;~ not in front ol your face, they're ttnpptd rannly to )'(U' lk\es/ ' Tbe monster remediel dill =.~.lmpa~~~= ent ire lab-e:hlldhh ballard . f'lnaUy t. leaves, but not witbaut fil"'tsweari.na toaetreverweb)' 2. 1am theCiptainof theStarsbi.p Od)-uey-ten times blUet' than the never wort-we COine fl'om two dlffem.t wwldl:. Sbe's fnlm Ep. lilon Boaco and I'm ft1IRI East Detroit. Altbouab our races are r,f~i;, u::_~:,~ ·~:.u: romaotie: love a rather risk)' proposition . For eumple , she canies bet )ep amund in a b.dl· peck. · I totnd bet tearfully on bet way, :se· ~Oftl an~~~.:' disrupton, and &lint spit !"'*· 1 ~··········~ rr There!§ • •• =---- : ! i ! diffrltei!Q!!I \ ! MCA T :-. .:: ! OAT • -:LSAT ...,.!_ ! : u·;~r~~s~ S'MI ! OCAT .'-.!-- ! ! CPAT -:--- : i ~~f :..-=:i ........... ............. ..- . i -· : ·---:::.:..:;:/•· ~ ... CIIM_,.._ .._. ..:_. ----- UOO. S.Co.4 PIKe _ ...... _:_ .. 1200. TIIIINPIKe -- - 1100. F..- diN T.... PIKel 25. .......... _............... ..,.. ........ ....,.. , ....... _.... ........... ....._. _ -·-·----- s.oo ;t .OCifGJtai; ts d11:alb . :o: ~ ____ ... P.O. ao. " · Oql. A ~ 51-'- ... ~.!'.::!·~.. ..... . A ~ Firsthand illustrated Lecture progra FLEX ::.::::-" ! :ECFMG _-:., ,. ! : Ant Place ··- I'm lhiMi,.. olmovlq to a wahner c:lima teuaoonal lfeeJbettet-. • Enterprise, lnd lrith powet' win· dow1. I ~ in my compact bu t depnt atateroom , trylftl to talk 10me sense into my impreuiODibJe YOWl& Yeoman . Sbe de:llres my body 1nd I desire hen. but II would =.=~.~~ I forpt all • I am rudely awakened by the sound ol an exploalon. 'De Kur· .,-- NA T'LMEOBDS : : NA T'L DENT 805 J • s.:w.... . , .. _ .. . CIYIIIII I jeclilt tl 'SPYIN5, ·ASSASSINATIONS, CIIIISPIIACIES, alii CDVUUPS thursday @ october-7 . :c::--':' ...~ : ~~= : . WISCONSIN • : : : i 100t""!__odp_: --=·:::,~ i ~~-··~· ~ ----··-""!= «- ·· ..1!::.":\': :. ~ in the Wisconsin room, u.c. 7:30PM 1 ,ee - ---- ~---- .= =et'~~~e;.~a= ~~~lef~m~kC:Y~r:::· : G~n ==-= .,.......,..,..... ,_ _.... .___..,._, -:= ~:~:.!~ a:i!t': theplanet , bee:aUieditiDaaurl wW all IOOil be extincl. I !\aute be's putting me on. He pll real uppity andstartatellinameall about his '-ce brah'ltall and hil vutly · IUperior,adaptablllty. Sn I eat him • lt'ta b.d movt. l 'mskli:aU weell:. I mean, I feel reaUy awfUl. I'm weak, my throat bl&rts, and I can't dniptnre yesterdai. ldoa1 belle'le :==~~~: thtlablable. TRIVIA BUFFS clothing. One day I'm dowft at the Tar PU, scarflllla few beers, wben In walb - this fv.nny UtUe piak creature In a loin doth. He 1tart1 rflbt away he's very !ODd ol me. feet , ud poundfDI hla !ilta- He's up and rama»cina now. SeftDs ln~t OD dealro)ia& the fire. In bops Ol a tlnctiJ'C the at· tenUon ol a pusi.IJI pme show. .1. I am a tyrannouwua rex-«a enormous, !Md te mper~ , car· .DivCII"'Uidiooaaur. l'm over., feet taU and weich more than aD the DataUDiitl tbeli'Diid. • I'm aamuncled by many otber stranp C:rN~OIIW\11 , brontosaurua, a nd ephippus-a stranae 1ilne-J:.o...e with four t011 who Ukes to dreu up In -.omen'• I fou-nd the sheriff 4rH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRAlliN Running for fun.Rv Rou nneGreunkt Join a " fun" run ! The " fun " run sta rtstvery Thursdaya t4 :00pm on the Coleman tnck. The run is for any~,yoongor old . from a ny ;walkol)irewhowanb to get out for 50mt exercise and have a good time. T he dis ta rw:e is determ ined by the runntr". butanyindividual canrun up to thrte milesin asce nicrouteacrou theU WSP ca mpus. The Health, Physica l Educa tion a nd Recr eation Depa rt me nt is promoting lhe run which will be held every Thursday throughou t the semester The reason for the run IS to crea te an a~a rtnns on umpus and In the he importinu ol commuru ty ol -- Phaa~ oth. .......... 1141~1TREET phys ical fiineu ln. our Uves anc1 fight tha t age-old d~Mue ol obeiity, Only too often we negk(:t to devote the lime to our.bodlea thrl t Ia:: needed to Sllltaln.il a nclkeepOw::aelt.el fit. We live fn a IOdety thro t 1pends millions of every yea r to right doUan ;:r::=•~J!,OO:,~m~ on ~;n Individual pnllnm ~a rd physical fltneu. r Now is the Ume. to take advantage ~ of an oppoC1uaity to rtabt weight problel]ll. Wean aet·rkl ol obellty in OUf llletlme, bul it il 'up to each and ever ylndlvlbl.n.llllyour big chlnce! Ger .)'1lUr buns out to the trackfora iOOd time! ... ByC'IuiiGaedllu• ~.r!f~:;::aJst!.e::: good still comes out ol cenlral Wisconsin.. The Por h1e. a publiealloo of Univenlty Wrilers ~ shouldcomeoutinMan:btltb.,year. ' •·we •~~ writings, pbotcgraphs, and artwork from anyOM-Students t~. and Wisconsin res~ts••: diKIOied Ulis year's Editor Alex LatNm. '"''hen U:9:!.,y,g-sity WriLen: ~liecll :-Mt's to 1)6:...publisbed:::tt"i ~~'!'~~=!:.~ ~ wortc " 11M! PortaJe brings a lit lie tultun to town and Improves thr: a rtistic climate," said Advtsor One Engel wllhcllgnity. Portafe: tt11 is on sale at the Uni\USIIY Boobt~. This book-like littrary maguine wears a picture of the 1914 Potato Grc~~~~-en Conventioo at Wisconsin Rapkis. R~edly, these people wlre earnest about spuds. 'The convention may have been attended by the ParUJeadvisor, wbo cairied a poCato wberl hf was much ~$pring, thr: Ponate will be only four ~rs old, but It is allegedly 1 thr:atternmnertosimilar ventUres of old. . In the early '60s, a yearly littnry maptine was put out by Sigma Tat.~ ~~~;~:~~~~~ =:r~~!:rr; UWSP Writers was founded by Raymond P . Wbtarty.~oe ..mom a bust will be e:xtabtisbtd ill a n ;~pproprilte place, ac· & LECTURES cording to Dave Engel. Univenity Writers' first mag.:azine was Cold Dltdt. Writers Who contributed to the \nctbde well- PRESENTS: '"""" ~ AUDITIONS · for u.a.biJ · coffeehouse, OCTOBER 7&8 I·II I THE ST. PAUL . ~ CHAMBER. ORCHESTRA TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1976 - -QUANDT -GYMNASJ.UM SIGN UP for a· ti•nlot- · . lo . later tban OCTOBER ARTS & LECTURES BOX OffiCE OPEN MOH.,FRL 11 :~ QUANDT GYM BOX OffiCE OPEN OCT. 5 AT 7:00P.M. TI:KET RESERVATlllfjS CALL 34&-4666 STUDOOS 11.00.W11H I.D. The makin~ol- ..Th J correctly ru.U... and pursllft Heleo'sabUIU.udpottntlal. Throu&h Sulllvu'a d!otts, !he spoiled animal-like dllld, Uel~. is trusformed_ IIIlo a warm , accompUsbed)'Onna: woman. lltr trium. ~:U: ~orha:f.iaJ:.:OY!:oan: c:owatered her. Her personal IIJC. ceues eventually brouaht 11.1tiorW . fameandvi&lllfromnotlblelsuch.u Mark Twai.D.-Altu'*' Graha111 BeU, a.od Eleanor Roc.evelt. MurieiBclner'U. atenlor, wilii."'din!ICt. ''Tbe . Mincle Worter,'' at UWSP. Robert Baruch will be lht di~IDI'. Barudl Nld he hAs bf('n 1 4 :~:!f ~oe~~'U:: 11r!':~1 1, drama producUon. He also fetbi MJ. Bonerb:.hu tremendous pottntbl u adirt!dor. " We work u equals," ~o~id Ms. Jionert1,whlc:bilquUedirrertntlrom the traditional Jludent·supervisor paltem."llilaveeynewexpenfnt't for me, exciUna; allhou&h lhtrr art many things yet to be learned." She expreued Interet In dirr.:h,.: and wants to aet Into profrssiontll theater to see what It is like. j,;,·entually, she hopei to trach at tbt college Jevel. Bonerb: his oerformtd In seveA I productions in the past in· eluding, "Arsenic and Old Lact.'' - ~ () ~m ., ........,"'.. Gibaon's classical poctuc. tlon, "The Miracle Worker" usbtrs in the 1976-77 1buter season at the Unlverslty of Wlsc:onsin..S tevens PolnL Glbaoa's play Is based on the e.rly strugles of Helen Keller:. and the pii&JIIa of her persevering tulchet', Annie Sullivan. Together they tap the potentials of Helen Kdler. a YOWl& women deaf, blind and mutesinceaHVereillneu in infancy. 1be three act play wu flflt ptf"· • tormed lXI Bn:ladway. Anne Bancroft .,•, o; Jbe~H·~:.::~•n:.;;:!: ReallyTryinl;." and Patly Duke starred in the ori&in~ l cut. Therolt' issak!.tobethe ~~demanding ~~o·riuen in the last 2S yean. Tht'actreiSt'l must maintain total controlanddiscipline. lntheUWSP production, Brtnda Backer, .1 Junior willplayAnnieSullivanand II year old, F'aithWilliamsthepa rtollle len Keller. '"T'he Miracle Worter" dramatizes . t~tperiodofHelenKeller'slifewhen Annie Sbllivan enten the ICt'ne and literally forces IIden to rue above her parents s uppre11ive pity. Allllough Annie has little tra inina in ~li~withthehandicapped,she Ms . 8onerU saki that one fl htr vitaltasblstontablishsdirt'Ctor· cut relaUOQShip with ht1" pc'l'n . Studmtsa.re llledtoaprofC!SIOI"'sex· pertise dispensed quickly as • con· ~ of his lttUmUbltd I':X· - periencund know led&~. · The sludentl must le.rn to.1dapl tbmuelvU to a student likl!' ~ls. Bonerl% glvl!'& lnstrucllons and malr.lnB corrections. She may not bl!' u rut u 8&nlcb when deoeisions are to be made. At Umes, she needle a few seconds kxlger to frame the probll!'m and dlvllea toluUon. Outwardl y~ tbi5 momeflt ol rdlec6on may bt' in· l~ed u ....:.•not lr.nowing thr swer." . As ·Director, how does Ms. Kon1!'1'U In turn fed about the cast arid her own role In &uidirl& them'!' ··we st~rt with a basic~ of what )"OU re looklnc for In eieh d)aracter in the l«ffl!"l', then you UICI what the playtn already have," she replied. Thlsrileant theyareenc:1)Ura gt<Jto exercise their c:rMtivlty In the cl'laractcrs they pratnl with their ownleveltole:rperlenceandinvidll.lll a• w~. - ltnmUitthl!'ftcl«ldein their~whlttheJrl'1)ktshou~be lilr.e. From lhil bulc undentanduc. the ador tbea Dow~ how to relate Ul U,.~a~lillltow~tchl~ pJayen IJ'OW and develop ;:-~ IR their ,: :.:,~ ~~~:u~ \:; . early atap. I want them to gtt If muchuualacUoa.out.ol their roles II poulble," BonertuJkf One oeed oo~J · ot.erve and corn· pere tbe reblanU U. tbltlr firSt • nd 1\nal weeU; ~ art IP" p&reDt,...._U.aen,tiDone._,nd :=.."::..-=~~:.:d llocir......_.a 801impkfnt. • "" ~ • ,., · ·i '" " . hi " .. " Mi-racle WorJCer."' -=------::a.. ~~~;~s;::~~·n~Ser~u~lc:~ Rev;ew." F11ilh Williams IHekn Keller ) Is Robert aad Mary Williams of SteYens PoinL Sht is a te&year-okl slxtb lfader &Ad at~ the dauchter of Wa&hinitc.l sm,oi. alUi is ld a newcomer to the UWSP thelter. Tbe youna aftd taltnted Miil WUliams has performed iA UWSP ~::.~G;y~~~l:;; Fellow.'' She bas aM performed In SPASH productions lndudln& "61iver," and ''TbeDramilanYe." When Fallh was asked If she ever luld ataae ffi&ht, sbe replied. "ln Gypty,l was afrakl my YOICI: would aqueak, bull will be nervous for " MinlcJe WOJ\er." .! Supporting cost Jl New exploits of the "hole in the ground gong" By8arbP115chtl If you 've been hikin& in the North Ctmpus woods la tely, you are probably ...·onderin& .,..ho's doin.s something abou t that hoJe· in the ground calleci''Uni\•ersity Lake.·· The North Campus Planning and Utlllz.allon Commillee met last week todiscussthelatestideasforde\·elopment ol the lake· a rea. They a re talking about a multi-use trail system and meandering bicycle path along the Resen·e&reet corridor, once the Thefi~phaiesarusfollowl : · s treet has been closed off. The "Plant . Evaluation and seleCtion ol ttn ners are even considering li ttle hills achool buildlnp for analysis of pot en· tomalr.ethepa thmoreintuestingfor tia\ene-gyconlft"Vinginodlfications. bike riders. :!:. Architectural and engineerln& design. 3. Installation and construction ol modincations. .t. Monitorln& ol ~oergy ~a~e after modifications and devdopment ol eoergywnse:rvatlondata. S. Disstmlnationoltheinformatkln to scllool dlstricll and o!Mrs lnBy Barb Pldebtl. lertstedlnenergyconservation. The selection HaveyoubeenouttoseetheJordan was based on the type ol structure. prt<lictableconsistentusagepatterns Park Nature Centn-1' Probably not if )'«<don' t have a car and you're one ol eoergy comsumption data. and ex- themoretimidblcyc:lisll. pteledenfl'IYPvings. Schools get energywlse Byl.oaaPftll The Plover-Whiting Elem~tary School has twn sel«ttd u one of the demonstration si tes in a nationwide enei"JY C1XI5eTVation project. During ~f~~~:!~==~~~~ in elmlenl.:lry school systnns. Tilerea total of tO demonstration sites selt<"ttdlhroug.boutlhen.ation. The nationwide prnj«t \~>'Ill be t'On· diJC:tf'd In rive ~ and the budget for the prosfam ts 1.9 million dollars. The selection of the ac hobb was by the American Associatiori ~ School Administrators tAASA I. The renovated schools.should shOw a:JOto60percentreduction inmerv usage. The Plovn--Whitlna School eslimatnapprox.imatelyaU~t ~=ifL:k;n~the~~~ Campus. · Hwy. 66 deaih traP, dtc~ase In energy. This is poUible without changiag edue~tional activities, wjthout excessive upense. The first phase of the prosram is being funded by U\e Federal Energy Administration contract at a COlt ol approximately $170,0(10. Pbasts 2 and 3 are estimated at 1.1 million and phases .t and ~ Vt'ill be handed by private sectors and foundations. a The comniittee abo disalssed tbe relocationofthelnslnictlonalskihill idN . The billwoWdbemadefrom the lake excavations. but a ~udtion wu raised about the stability ol what wou ld virtually be a unddune. , Members ol this commiJiee are faculty from each of the colleges. Student representatives come from the Environmental Council, Wiktlire Society and Student Govunment: Come ~ to meetmp (contact Dean 1ralner, CNR. about time and place ) or--talk to your student~ . Plovn--Whlllfll Elementary School, a mechanically cooled, modem openspa~ · racility,wuse lecteclfcwlll location, and ill adaptability lor energy conservation. These ten schools wiU hopefully sbow other ectucat.ors w~t can be done to C<NWerve Amtrka's na tu ra l - Just about the only route- to anythin& oorlheut of town involva the use ol Hwy &e. a narrow, dangerous two- lane a ffair , from the bicyclist'a point of view. The a utomobi le tramc ll none too polite eitMt-, as one bicyclist found ouL He ended up In the ldpital in serious condition for some time. College studentl aren't the only people who should be ~ncemed about this situation. Alq mucb of the highway there is no appointed space for pedestrians or bicydisti. Many children live in tbearea. The UWSP Envlronmental CouncU issupportin&apr-opesalfOf'abicycle rl&ht-of-way t iona Hwy 61, and wiU be presentifll it at a meetin& ol the Portaae County Parka Department, Oct. $, 2 pm;' at the Jorda n Park Natu re Centu. Be there to give your support, or drop by the Environmenta l Council office, lot Collins, togivethemyouri6eal. HELLO BIG TWINThe Big Twin is two charcoal-flavored beefsteak burgers ( Y• pound) separated by a slice· of tangy melted cheese and topped with shredded lettuce and Hardee's own special sauce •. CITY HIKER Thl: coupon entitle& holdw io two Big Twins tor the regular price of one . At Hardee' s of Steven s Point. Limit of one coupon per purchase. \4arclwr.r • OFFER EXP.IRES OCTOBER e, 1978 • Improves athletic perform ~ nce • Increases self·actuallZation The T.M. tec:t)nlqu• lncrenea the conKloue the mind and r.movea physical WNkn.... by rut Jwlce •• dHp a a sleep • lntraducll<y LoctUII: P-ower:- B-r~e-threatens-Eau .Cidire Dells Dr. Johnl'ord , r.:O.,uwMar~~thon Tourism submitted ~ photo of the Center-, s tated that this Is an a r · Dells to promote. touriSm from over- • ckeoJocleally r1ch area ~hlch should seas countries during the Bicen- beprese:rved. · tennial Year . How many parks The ' Wisconsin Depa rtment of :b~~~~t~lreputat~. On April 20, the W.P.S. ol Gffttl B;Jya ~tlulttheyrec:eived =~:,~~)u:~~~ tiDe th rou&b the QeUs are a . OriginaUythn!eJ)O'Wft"liDtsiteswere propos«! but only lhe Ddls line wu studied. There is alrudy an existing liM and ~ west ol the area &«ng toward North WlsCoasin <CranOOnl. SowhyPOtuselbtaistincline PSC says economy'II the reuoa. PSC t-"'utureexpansionollbe park to the lliest may be hindered by any defacement ol the are.a ExpansiOn Ordinarilycitixensaregiven20 dlya to oppose PSC decisions once made. However, in this Instance, cltluns were DOt infOI"t'Md ol lbeir =~ng~u:;c~~·~iedJ: was denied. ''Citiuns United " declsi® greally disturbed by this voc.aliud objfttions to the con: !~onot'lbe!IOWfflineintheDdls also yys they have already &peat moneyon lheroute. _ . As early as January aDd February. l'm, he<l rings were bdd at. the Wausau City HaU : lo discuss the 1ituation. Many iDlel'st.ed people n:· pres:sedoppo~itioo to the route in the Dells area. At · oae meeting a ~tative ol t.hepowercomp1ny 5aid ~~ lhls line would be Uled to ~=r~to~~~:~~ For tumple, They ftotl that sin« the proposed liM is so large tMS ltv wlth90footsupportpoles J, thepov.·er linewillbe arsthetica lly damagina;to the part:. A representative from the poo.·er- ('Offipany s t.:lted that these pok!sare"tngintertdtoblendinwith the et~vironment so that no one will noticethemiftheyarenotprogram· ·· rried to do so." The. Dells do present a problem and 5:0 f~ r no solution Is in sight; but . " Citiuns United" Is helping where It can. It has collected over a 1000 signatures from people protest~ ~~~"re':r~-fu:l s~~esr!~ . ~~!:\!n:~=·~i!;l~loni given for buyins parklands ln--:- but.afterbeina:rduudappllcatlonto "defaced areas". The bck o1 Jedenl ~ the he.lrinas, the JP'OUP mooies would seriously hamper exdecided the best option lay In pining oanslon: massaupptl(t !or their po1itioo. They are encouraging Marathon County ~ residents to cont.al!t their County AnOtbe:rcons.idera. tionlsthe Board Representatives, for the future delacemet~t of !be "land a t tbe l:Uadt ol the power- line now rests with the Brook Wat.ershed area north ol tbe ·c ounty Borord granting rf&ht otway park, where a swalh of 100-e00 feet on .coun tY owned lands. I The pubUc wou ld be cleared to accomodate a utilities cannot condemn publk land, temporary switdlinl statloo. Some as they can privatdy owned Iandi . people claim that dearin& "as much "Cituens United'' also encouraaes bnd u would be necessary for a345 peol)le to watch for special reports lr.vlinecouldlower-theleveloflhel about the Dells on Chanael9. EauCiaireRiver." • The ONR made a study of the mvironmental impact that tbe route wou.ldha veandsaid,'"nlisrouteisol to its pr'O.dmily to the Eau. Claire Odls. H tbt power line wouklbelocatedtooclosetolheroads or to the parit it woUld constitute a concem to us due tbe comp1ny litnit-5 this. Besldet, the projected Also the Eau Claire Dells is a natun.Uybeautifulandacenicresour- si g.nifiCillt in~ion ." Pll"·" r Df'tds for North WiKonliD •nd cethatCet~traiW isconslncan 't a fford to~. 1be Wisconsin nep, rtment of besides !be "Cititens ~"ts~" are coocerned over- the · 11 appears that a private Green Bay Leon Bauer ol . lhe Slate Depa rt· Corporation and a Maclisorqlolltical mel!! of Forestry, wrote, " thil powerJP'OUP II making a decision which is affecUna lhe residents of Central line route runs too close to the Eau ptl'" Michigan. Now !a!idligan don't indki.W a need for 5Udl b.rge lines. CTbe annual JTOWth r~ lt!iin tlleservicearet,aCUII'dina:to poo..·er ~p.a ny {·tprea, is around 7 per cmL HoweYer, the service arN bn nr-·er had a arowtb rate ol more 1Ntl.5 ~~tsince1971J • Tourism and the Wausau Tourism Council haveustdphotOioltheOells to promote tourism in Central Wisconsin. Ma.ny ptOple use ,!be park - year round for hlk.ing, swimmlD&. andcamping. · Others ~~~~i;:u~n~=~-~ ~~~ isseemln&Jy lgnoril!& Do your present housing facilities offer you~ •A S.Cu _LQCk_&Jntorcom Syf!!m? - - 1- -mc• Air Concl)tlonlng ?_ •u.undry.Focllltles? •a.utlful-l'umlohlngo? •oenerat a.ctnC Appliances? •Heated Pool? •24 ·HOur ...Jntenance? .IF NOT ... LIVE AT 'THE VILLAGE' . u you are int~eated, ct~~~tae:t yoUr Couoty Borord supervisor or if you are a MaratbonCoutJty resideot,sl&nooe o1 the- petitions su.pportloa the "Citiuns ..United" cause and efl • courage your friends and neighbors to<!tbeume. l'arlr safety on "CardessMSI the pert of ODe parlt .-11\torcanaboeauae\njuriel to olben.. One ol the moll common acta o1 carelesmeu ls dumplnc Uve cbareo~~ l ontothe around where olbenu.o accidrnUy 11ep on It," Madtie noted. Mackie W1ed eampers to noid ~u::_ 1u~ 1(iymJ:~bi:~ home, may bile a 1tn~er In the IWIJ·hUft·bome *'!Yironmtnl cl I llate part. And, wild aafmall whkb appear tame should be avoided~" MackJe c:autioaed, "becaUie a tldt !htid:!, ~~pa~f:': t!:e ~~ tracted to lhele natura ln. the woodll." Part vblton wbo do sustain (n. :rlts=~~~=Y~= "OuT ~l't atndala kl'IOIJ the~ JOI.ltn! o1 medic.ll auilt..nce," be saki. "and an prepared to obtain such auluta.ncewhen neceuary. '' Country-side ~ojourns . Abclut the only thlnp hloomiiiC these dlys besides &oldenrod are the ::JI::~:=:.~~oei: · uters and milkweed, bonelet and - There are some fantaslic 'selli.De· thele days. The colon up for the shrivi!led Tbebest pl.lce lOaMI plain from a mounhere in Wilconsin, t..lr:eorlheWilconsln = thistles are theddin& tbelr seeds The =~'!'~'t ~ li~~e!~~ - appear to bloom In brownlsb white. I've heard reports that flocb ol Jtt:Se are already pualfta throuah. Don't worry, l baven't leta them yet, tither. But now lhrlt the air is Jdtllll ;::X:~oc~d '':fd~'IJII~"= Goose, Brother GooN." • GOD'S CREATJON I I OUR WORlD? A CONTEMPORARY WORSHIP SERVICE ON: . "PEOPLE AND THE ENVIRONMENT'·' MUL11-MEIIA-:-SINGING:-SHARING PEACE -CAMPUS ·cENTER (BEHIND TEMPO) 7:00P.M. SUN.,-oc:r. · UNiiHl MINISTRY IN HKHR EDUCATION . Sport• Former alky here Thursday 8y J ohii K011dy Ryne Duren, a former relief pitching standout • •tth the NC'A' York Yankee~ , will speak at Berg Gym Thursday night to lead off a un iYersity·sponsored progr1m on respon- .~~t;! dri~~:naSr:~ ~~edm .. ~..:. -'---------':-"' IPKiillft on Alcohol Awareness." Duren's presenlation will be from 7:30-9:30pm. Durn1 himself Is a r«<Yered alcoholic who now works u a coun· ~l::. ~0: ...~l1ct~~~ wu comcompetlton. :.·o of the black bdts attending •·ere .taster Sukiama , sth decree bladl; odt and Grut Lakes region chief lntructor ol the Japa..nese Karate lssll. , and Dan Niebaw-, a UWSP tudent. Whlle the con lest, composed o1 ff'ft .panina and Kata competition, was !l a non-contact naiW'f:, lad; of exJtrientoe ahd the pY'I!J""U.aiousneu ol nany contesta nts 1ed -l0 contllct in 11!\'tral instances. Thisresultedin the Pfl)mpt fouling out and expulsion ollheoffenclingcontestantsbylheof· fiNis. Despite inltal'l('l!l where control was lacking and the almost humorous flailing seen In the Jov,·est rank di\'ision. no inj(u-y &realer th.an a fractured nose occulTed. The injury resultedinlhelntrounclolac)osely fought te.am rompetition in v.•hicfl U~"SP plac-ed second behind Madison by one point. For thole interested in practicing the art ol Kar~te, the club mt"el$ Tuesday and Thurdsay e~ten l nga in the dance studio of the Phy. Ed. OOiklin&. lnstnlction Is proYided by Tony De Sardi, chief Instructor o1 the CWKA. Tbeclubisopentoallstudents reaardlessof experience. Lady spikers win easily 8yJo.ap\':r.ndt"r t1e The \'OI.Iey~ll team opened their in front of a large home crowd came n ·ay double • ·inners. Milwaukt"e and Ri\'fl' Falls came for the match but • ·ere indeed nomatchforthePointers. In the first match. UWSP easily took care of Rh·er Falls, tS.5, IS... "The rirst match was exceptional." t'Oai;h Moley commented on he!' team '~ perl~nce-. . /nms:::,~tt{;:~ his life. called "The3·2 Pitch of Life." Looluna back on his basebaU cart"er, Duren. a native ol tiny Ca t.enoYia, Wise . , was fina ll y ~::!~J:.:i!i:~~y~ the minor leagues. Before the 1!15(1 season was oYer, Duren waa to become a lqend in sports, combining a b4uin& fastball with Yision so poor that some aaid his glasses h.ad lenses as thick as «<ite bott.le bottoms. ll • •as the 1951! World Series, and especiallythesilthpmebf:tween the Yankees and the Milwaukee 8r1ves in Milwaukee County Stadium , that propelled the 29-ycar-old Duren to nationa l fame. In that pme, as a relief pi~her. be held the Bri YI!I \ :~i~cr,.f:Uo~,.}:~~~t :J:~~~~i~ 5U50G fo' ricla) . and Odmsh-e Nck AI Dra.lle. a 1974 II~· Dnld Dettma n" sh~•~:~~~~r:.OS~tt ;·~h the~~~ ~~~te :'!'tosi:fu~~:~':~i!! -ol~ ~~~~ =~11 ~": :=~~-'::,~fans pJIIed '! ~:~~~~~~:;~~=/Yet t: home run in the tenth Inn ina. Duren had hid an excellent roolde )'Nrwitb the YankHS, strikin& out 17 baUen in 117 innings whilewi nninasis pmesout oftt:n. Buteventhen,his ath leti~ sue«a was being undermined by his losing bailie with alcoholism which would ul ti mately COlli him his marriag'e, hb baseball career , his self respect and thrust himtothebrinkofsuicide. Adrastic ch.ance occurred In him a deeade bter • •henhepinedthesttengtb to stop drinking. Pc.nt8owl••itbeteamsin41eagues. Laune Dre--sen ~u Sl~led out Dr~ke I DN:rbeaded the dden~ive It settn_J dirtku!t lo select the one by Moley as .,aytng. QUill! • ·ell. attack with one interception and ri Ye >utstar~hng performa nce of the w~k D r_ew~n. a \'e~eren.u n1or, ser,-~ It solo lacklt'lln ea r n.in& the award. lie ~::; ~"( ~~~~:; !;~~t~-~ ~:;~~:~ ':!t\t~~ :..':-=!~onSt~;!.t:tk~f;:: =!~:!~~~~~k;=kJ:! ~e:_~:eha~k~tha:s.:f;~t~ r~af~ni~&!n~~~- ieasonofftoafinestart. Tom Puts-key, a freshman from l:i ISCOnSin Rapids, set a new Campus Leasut stn&Je-pme record on Monday night. Nine s tra ight strikes begi nn ina hi<l third game had him klok u11 at the dra m of eYer)' bowler, in dp." businessl!dministratiol't The team contirtl.ld 11$ SQSOI'I • tonight in another multi-team I!"Yftll. UWSP will open up aga inst Oshkosh at6p. m .: thenplayMadison ;~ t7p . m. llndStoutats p.m.. These should~ our best matcbei ol the season Coach ~f:'!e;i,~J:,:e;.!~!:: ~;e:; ~!~i:onPfi~~~h~:hthf~d "lil Jin'lbably ba~te lo tetUe forlakin& up fOOibaU or billiards. Tom fmished ••1th a rw m series. as his first two PfM'I • ·n-e·•medioc:re"t92aod210. One otheT One performance •·as turned tn during !be rnt week, SteYe Ca rter's 609 Rriel on pmn of 174, !u . a nd 2:21 on Tbutsday afternoon ~~~:eenttc;.~::::l nnces. lm.a ' u"' startirc tbeH:UIIfl with a ~ or Z2fi a venae! That is probably dtshea rtenina !Of' some or tbt: ~~~~li~=-~ had farmed one team out toPiainliekl i:r:u=~"t w~lle c':.:: ~unc.~':;~'= ~~~~~~ ::=:d; ~-~~at~y, llt behindLaCronelut year. Oshkosh didn 't lo5e anyone from last )'tar's team and MadlSOII has already .beaten La.CtoSSLht:ke..lhls year. Mole)' said. She doe think that her team can pla y up to this com· pelitklnandplay • ·r:IJ. Tennis · Wide rl'ttiver Jeff Gou. a lf73 xraduate of Waukesha Catholic M$!morial High School. caught four tou<:hdo-A·n paSSCI in UWSP 's 37-12 vic tOI"}' 0\'1'1' St. Norbef"t College on ~ . 25. The re-a rnnjed • OIMII "I tenrus team split a tnangular at t.:au Clatre last -..·C!dtend. Sle,·cns Point slipPed by~u Cblrr.l·2. to poll thelrfln1 • •in of the iaJOn. Point also took a ~ating from tilt' strona LaCroue team as they 10511)-$. Pointer sinales ...-innrrs ap1nst Eau Cbin •ere: Anne Otonet t fllmbef' 21 6-1 ,3--4.6-1 and Kathy Janz tnumber 31 6-7. 6-2. 6-2. The newly ;~rnn&ed number" I doubles GOA ca uiJ.ht SC!\'en passes !I:K 121 yards , the klngest CO\-erlng -17 yardi. This raiSt'S Pris-total for the season to 24 catchd fw- l74 yardi and h,·e touchdowns. , His four touc:hdown rect:ptions • ·ere for 47, 19, 6, and 6 )'ardl. All v.·en: thrown to IUb. tltute quarter back , Rick Peot who is replacing s tarfini qua rterback Reed Giordana. Giordanasufferedllallght concussion against UW- Whik'MIIter last • ·eek.. also posted a . -,n, 6-3, 6-2. Elementllry Educ-ation. te.amof)WySpht~~~---L-Rnior-majotinfl-i Quarterback Ridl Peat, Gre-en Bay Premontre H!gb School araduate. was named m01t Yaluableoffensive player in the uwsp·, 37· 12 victOI')' oYer St. Norbert College on Saturday, Sept. U . ~ Substituting fi:K the injured Heed Giordaila, Peot completed 22 passes of.f7attemptforlll9yarcbandfive touchdowna. Four oi his touchdown toues •'ftlt to • ·ide receiYer Jeff Gosa and the fifth ··~t to running back Rick Nlchob. :: CoN 's touchdO'A·ns measured -17, 19 , I , and 6 yards while Nichol'l touchdow n was good for IS yarda. Gosa wu on the receiYing ~nd ofseYen Peoc aerials and !a llied 121 yards. Peot also aYen&N 40 yardl per pu.ntontbt:KYmpuniSformyardl. :::;~~~~-m--------~----. Otlobert. lt71 l'aJI:t'\ l f>o-iater il theoue:~~~~~~r: The SIIC'C!er dub heft at Pobit made up~ former biBb IChooiiOCCU players wbo wanted to cootu.oue tee at Paint for lht put Wteral :a~~~of~~'.~~:!e IOC'Cft" bu been on the 1port1 ~eene ~ilbl; ~~football, J:!Y:'be~ ~ tbe and aren't ~ violence~ tnhaDced by the lonelineu ~ a Jon& distance n!Mtf", allhou&h II t.Us that much wind and sta mina to play thepme. Sotur played by men who enjoy this f11t action, quick-paced com· petition tthat Is sometimes ladr.ina ln . football I, and get 1 kic::k out of bound na se:ml·h.ard iOCCerbal llofftheir head. il stead, ~ pm-er- to practice and handle lheir own a!faln at thel:r own J*Ce and Wider their ~ super· vision. Personal gntificaUon ill lht only reward they receive and ltudentlllpport is a great motivator for the players. At one home game many ~::. ~~~t~ta~a~U:~ what was going on and eventually about 300 people were watcblna: the game. Says Steve Niles, bead of the :~iy "~t~tr~~~~ Rugby for hooligans ByPaaiCIIamp • seem Lo play jult 1 little blit birder Whereas S(ICftf' Is a gent1eman's whnlthereluomeonetberecbeerinc: &aiM played by boollpRI. as the them oo." saying goes, rugby Is 1 hooligan's Thedubpradlceleverytayonthe gameplayedbyaentkmen. ~~~=~~~!'! terest Is In playina the pmesand not In a gruelling pracUcescbeduJe. So fa r the team II l porlin& a 2·2 r«<rdarterdroppinaadcuonelast Saturday to Marquette, a team they had beaten 1811 ye~~r. ~ team travels to Madison on Friday, Oe=;~:.~~;::e:!:. with two Weekend · Sports ScheJufe All fall athletic teams at UWSP see actlonthilweekend. 11le UWSP Women's Volleyball team,whkhlt.ands2.0, hasitasec:ond coosecutive home match and .ec:ood consecutive Friday night encounter. The team holta UW.Stout, UW· Madison and UW- OlhkO&h. The action be&ins a t I pm In Berg em· na1lu m. Two olhn' Pointer teams will be on the road F'ridloy. The UWSP Me11 's Golf team will travel to UW Whitewatet' for an afttmoon match and the Women'• Field Hockey team aoes to Milwaukee to face UWM in wbat is expected to be two h.ardhlttinlcontests. The Pointet' field hockey team team hal a~ rM'onl. A. full slate ol eventa is ~ebeduled for · Saturday , belinnina with Women's Tennil. The women will bolt three 1t.ate c:onlerenee ~ ponenta, UW·Whllewatet', UW-Eau Claire, and UW~hk111h beginning at !0:30am atthehomecourlll. Coac}l Red Blalr'l Women's Swim· Ru&by is a ('(llltact sport in whkh frater-nizina and 1ood 1portamar11hip a re as much a part of the ga,me as playing it. A.lthoulh, at a glance, rv1bylooks like 10mdhing ihort ol the confusion and mayhem en· countered at checkpoint, it Is a con· trolled outbreak ol non-violence and teamwork. _ Even though there Is a lot ol tackling and body crunching, the garM of rugby is void of "cheap shots"' and uncalled-for roughn~ . the iilea being not to tear somebody 's tw:!ad orr merely for the sake ol crun· chlng him, but to adva~ the ball \ towa rds the goal. Unusually nasty play is geiierally frowned upon not :!~:a~e=~~ :::e~t~rdo:, if you get caught blindsiding 10meone you ' reapttogetonerightback. Rugby consists ollwo perkxll, each normally 40 minutes long with no time ou~ or substi tutions. A team may change players at the bcaiMin& of the perkld but once he's in, he' s ln. If a player does get hurt, they carry him off the field and play without him. The socializing and spommar.hip are as important off the fteld as on. A.ftu tM game, both teams join togdhef" in raising a few touta at the favoritet.averntocom forttheaches andpalr.andhlrmonlzeln acou ple :~L::f~a~~~"!:!r!iou:; ofrugby-typeaongs..- nine team neld at UW-Oihk111h last weekend. In that match, Mad~ toolr.flratplaceandUWSP,second. Ca.ch Don Amiot's Crou-Counlr)' team travels to Naperville, Ill. Lo compete In the North Central lnYitsUonalmeet. The Pointer-harriers currenUy are 2.0 after ooe Jn.. vitaUonalaDI1 ooequ.adrangular. The UWSP Aerial Cin:us plays bolt to UW·La Croue Saturday, at 1:30. The lodla111 bowed to the UWPiattevillePioneers Ina touch21-26 decislon1utS.tun!liy. ThePolnten on theolherhlnd, are2-l fOJ'JOWtnaa 37·12 decision ovu 1M SL NorbertCI'ftnKnlshts. The rvaby club hire at Point Is new this year and it is coed. The two women in the dub are treated with equal respect and are equal in their enthusiasm for the g.ame. In their very first p me ever, the rugby team kllt Loa dub from Oodae county but Wet"e very opUmistk about the future IIUC'«SS of the team. Even the opponents had a few wordl or praise for OUT you.nc upatarta. Rl&htnowthedub•jult bartl)' out tbe..starUna-brk:ldl.~buL.the)' ar ::~:::~~: ~~~ hdpolsttlclent~. :ns.r:: collegiate crossword •• • •. eyc.mew.a.• ......... The Co-op: Where it came from and what it wants to bewben it "Tbe Co-op wu born, thil timeclyar, about five yean ago, wbell a IJ"'UP olstudmta and fellow'travderl slarUd a ~ dub to tacilitsle t a biB word la co-op!.1111 lhe purdlase of natuial food5. At,tbe time, we bou&J:tt from Peopln Wu-ebouse in Mm. ne.polls. Food pricelwere be&iMUia: to l'dUy sca r and the b~ Ihnat twardl natural rooca was matdnc it seU to lhe people. ~W~~~de~~~~, likeusall:lheCcHJpwasborn .. . Gf'OUJ» were formed and they .Wmltted their mooey and or· deN a week ln advaoee to their leader. The food was spilt into •IVOUPorders at headquarters, thegrftl'l boule atlhe C«Mf'of ' Wyatt and Clark t in case Mr. Nellon is l'ddina this. I The &rouP leaden thea diwided up their allotmeqts in their bomes. There were Dillon UU., IQ1beans andtmall chi.Qie all over the~. ::!;'~CW:u!~us~t to date-the messes Hearst pve- About 1 year ago, with the ~agement and~~ and on help of CAP tCommunity AcUoo Procraml, we n~ed to the EW. Slnetlocatim. Wt1W! Gubelt, n,ularbours,lbewbolebit. 'l'hl foUowin&year we.moved to the C'OI'fterofPatch' ~:7we~~~~~re7o~na~~n!.~::n~ tbole driven are the never-sq-enouglrol·btrOI of the era, as were the either sweaty or DU.r frw.eo volunteen who ordered and diapened lbe goods. Perhapt our bigeat bmlls Bob Pfeiffer whole faith pve us the buildincJo wort out of. Thebuild:in& is now em pty and could use a DeW owoer or renter. if you have anyldeuouttbere. dV'f" OF Tl4E M IL U~ 0 ~ Peo t't-E IN T ~ e ""'R'£.0 SI"\JOEMS • AR.G A SOEC."I Ml ~IN OF 1,-t"U.GC'UAI.S c0f'1~t.L'f ~"co ~ 1}1E VAST ll:;l.IOWU!DG-&.-O"' MAl-l. ·su~':n~~ r~:'k ':!:.~.';:·.~'t!~u-.;,.~~ ~~P~!~ bulldin.t. acrou from St. Pete't" and hope to move by Novem~ ber. Wehaveakltolworttodobdorethenanclcanuseallclthe help we can gel. What we want 1.o be, when we grow up , is an altemaUYe grocery st.ore, part. of an sltematlve tile style, of. fertDckltsolw~, chlup. Helpl!ilfOW- HELP! -1-Ar.t~Culture_l _______:__ __ _ _ __ _,...----'--1 ,--1 TilE POSSI.<JILITit:s CRY F'OR UEI.P o r my new pen working Perhaps Ofa1..-astednineteencents !doubt · Acbildcr)'loutintothenight " F'ather. take t~ load, the burden is too heavy, thenighttooblack.toodeep, I canncM see the way, " Thefatbtr lis tens. · llesendsabrazenshieldtothechi ld. The child pleads in to the night . ....atlk'r , the shield is too heavy, l cannot lift il . o, was tedaffectlon ~p t emberSol\g Perhaps l don'tdoubtlt 1 never thought I'd be writing this 50l'lg, So many people have written it before. lguessitsnothingnew, But its .}he first t~e for me. rr:.~=~~raws Mca ni ngsomuchfor soJittle tim~that is.~. · Like Kodak I was exposed Twen ty times It was a late night April shower W hen~·e firstb(oga ntotatk, orshotltaken And smiles and You said good-by till next time. I didn't think It would last Ulis long, Couse you did not explain I wouldn'tseeyou<~gain. Well no one's been hen! since you lert. Its not that I've been waiting for you, Jjust~ntyoutoknow • Tbat you' re welcome any time. ByAanleStmon Nervous laughter Andadrenallnrushes. Byef.tty Kril l But when I read "let it now. and flowand rlow" laushtd with anticipa tion And rushed with the unknown Onlytoreyersetheflow, the flow, tho flow , Beca.use there is nothing dowrtStream. Wher'ear eyounow'! .- THE VOLUl\.,.EERS - ThoUsands of Birch minute men stspdingi n irn:gularform.ation wiitillgtoattaclt. their arms outstretched - their silvery fingers. - ready to grasp the enemy at a aing.le ~mmaod . Blisters a ppear on their skin as tbt rainrotstheir outergannents. They shivft' as the ~ld grabs their feet burit'CI deep in the frozen ground. Loyal tbty stsnd v,oaillng THOUSANDS.. BIRCH MINUTEMEN ... WAITING ... By Bdly Kdll - • " Fa ther. my a rms are weary, and the night has grown darker." The Father oods. and sends a SUn to light the pal h. The child stumbles on, until he bears the brazen shield and go iden swordinthelightoftheSun. Sumo""" A June early morn ing Thelasttimelheldyou. n:e",.' !!r::!'::;:,. and adds to his firs t gift a golde\sword.·• Thech\ldwh~ntQthcnlght. - By K. Bnnnltll You a re tome a stream near a wood. . 1taketrwnyou, treely, torllti'KlWyourCOW"5CwiDnotbea ltered. Youdonotrun straight or narTOW and I cannot ltnow your direc tion . =~:.:.':"""· Recalling the firstlimo.you metThe person of her Cool, Spirited, In tense Herspirllspreadout and Coated all those ~round her Witbcopper And they, loo, glowed • Withthesubstanceof • Metallic lite Youtookthetlme.tos.ee Howcopperwaa made And how maybe the lost wu Method madepeopleadoreMr. Sbeliltedup the stairs ' infrontotyou You jolted,lhe laughed She lbtened,sbe fell ~~~'rtherup And he wants to lteep hCT down But maybe she's comfortaab)e: Ontbefloor. letrnegiveyoumylhoughts and my love, tKat you may be&in to know tbeshore:sotyourself. ByK.Br~Ddl ByAaaeSUebct' .Music on the mo-ve Chestra exisll mainly because young musicians ha ve been able to handle such demands of vetutlllty. By Robn'tKralapp - t:,!:ui~~~:::::Sdl~~~== ·· have been broken clown thtoullh thla particular ·approach to the ~ncert performance. The Saint Paul Cham~r Orcheltra has comtniui:Jned pieces CnHn contemporary com~ such aa John Cage, JOiq)h Ott, Keith Jarrett, and others. During. the 197!-76 aeason, a num ber of works by " omen com· posers were featu red and a newly • The on:heatra'r performing record ·11 Im pressive. During the 19'75-76 season, the orchestra m8de a f'our· . and·a-half week. tour of tbe Soviet UniOP uWr the aponsorahlp of the US State Department. The tour included such cities as Leningrad, Ki.tYT ()iSes.s:r,"Minat- and Moecow. The SPCO is caUtd '.' Musk:~ !be dtrnonstrationi; ehcn.l cUnks and utility, hlve 't.alentabeyondtholeol Move" . The flaibility and ada~ teacher clinks; ensembie coachint performinl In and smaU en· tabllity ol the on:;heatra to a pat andmaalft'eluaeaareallpt.rlofthr.semblea;- each 'mUll be cl sok> tarae W."~=~~~~ls,:=. ~ammi.ldan& must.~ be high school ~ and lect~ ~n~: ::0: -::!~c~r com· (ortable with thb degr~ ol WI'· lituatiOnl. The youo&loolt olthe or- ~:n":vt:,'==· ~~l:'ot~i :h!il~~ l:ru:d~'lt"~:!c. · Ellklt Carter, Dave Brubedl:, J eaPierre Rampttl, Olivier Mc.iaea, AaronCopla.nd, and Jano.Starkw. f~=~c:W)u:~=::a·::; tlcbta. Arts box olflce. To reserve caii346-48M. · , ,- _..:._ .about 31 !Of'ei&n COUDtries aod hu ~ ttedited With imfttllll the e..aht-strinc rKidle. .Martin 11 to be backed up by lhe-''Elec:tric:Grau." Another old-timer, UDcle Jolh ~::n1:-. ~ra!!:i~r~ Satu~J: bluearau srea1.1 Lester ~tt and Earl Scrug:s, He bas also been nominated for lnstnuneatalist ol the year by the C'Gually aod Westtm AuodaUonolNasbviUe, TtM. Beside$ Martin aDd Craves. a young group, the ''Rickdoor Trot&," has been billed for the show. Another young &rouP. "~ar Cl'ftk." from Atbonta, Ga., II expected to perform, Tbe Great Northern IJI~UI IMw Is a follow~p to the Great Nor· thern Bluearus Festival wh_ich took place inA\11\111. 1"be festivalattncted around 10.000 people to Mole Lake, Wis. 'Mar tin, Graves, and the ''Backcloor Trots" were part ol the festlvai.Biuegrus music Is pining popu.Urlly in WISConsin: LeSter n.u. who played at the festival. was surprised a t the turnout (or !l bluegrau festiv•l this far north. So, U' y ou're inlo bluq:rass, bead for SPASH Oft Saturday evenii!J for some nne pidin' and rinaln•. U_niversity ·Film Society brings classic_ s ' '111ebatfllm5arethoselhat stay with you. they takeand lirt you up and a~~o·ay from yan"Rif for a ft-A· hours and then return )'OU enric;_lwd ill some ~~><~ys. YGu are to SOim! degree a dif· fertnt penon.··w ..dded Goldberg felt lhat too many ol the nrtoer filnu; are brilliant in technique. V.'hilc they pGM:a feast forthe C)'et, they do nothing lor the mind. Mere acl\llltlon, the him leaves one puulcd and unmoved. The lilmsoclctyis also ai&niHeant in t.hat it atages the annual 111m festival lor lhe higb scboob arOllnd Stevens Point. Each year, lheH students are npoKd to 01 variety ol fUmswbidathey ..-ouJdotbtnrtise not B,-RH-lAa.O.. llollywood USA in the t'J3Q's and t!WO's ~someofthefinest films ~u. ud audieoeel ol the anand post-World Wu Two~ wiU not forget them. Fcnip Jlf"((ducerS ha\'e m:~de similar impact in their O'lt' n f9Jntries,so mue:h10lhattbrir"ta~nl and ori&INIIily aurely should be ihowntoAmerical'll. The University Film Soddy Is our procurinc for .._ such types nptricncc ill normal cin:um5tanees.• ~ this lntival, they are shown another dimensiorn:ll art form, ex· prcned only thf1)Ugh tbe film medium. t' ourttotn films are bein&ol· fercd by lhe Univenity Film Society this. semester, Students ~~o·ith I.D.s will be ctlargcd $1 ill lhe gate. lloWe,·tr a aeasons ticket ~ling .$$ for studtnts and 16..50 for fK ult)' will mabie the holdt1" to see all the 5hovo'IIJIS. ;~gmt.in := :J::.=~tr:.':'~ · to~mpul by the UniVfflity Activitin ""'"'- ~!embers ol the sock-ty, woriten, and three advilon sded these rums Cor an aud~ • ·heR ooly requisite isan apprfciatlonor loveforfilma. ..Story-tellina b: a &rut art, e\~ by word ol mouth, u practiced long see a ll varieties or films including ;~go bcloreany print, radioorcint~a 'f~e availab&e." A kxlg time ago, rnt'n in the Puerto Rican s ide ol New York City used to ait tor hours around a table rolling ..c:ipn;. They would hireaatorytell«whowould, withhil !.ales, tnraport tbriT minds away from the moootonoua dlore they had todoforallvtnc, _ ''Such ana~Kfitoncev;ouldwantto ~darandshortl"ltperixfntalones:' sa.ldOr. TobyGoktber'J,OMol'thead· v~a ~~o·eft, lheyolferusaclassic from another country or from the pa&tlhat had endured. w!th messaaes sliU uvivid a nd perttnentlOour generallm. GOINUOUT OF BUSINESS LOWE'r AQUARIUM ON 8TH STREET . ACROS5"FROM CINEMA 8 WISCONSIN RAPIQS 10% off on Ash _ 20% off or more on Su~es - An example cited by Dr. Goldbera is .. Woman olthe Year,·· starring the itgflldaryscl'ftftcoupleolthe t940'a, Katherine Hepburn and Spencer T racy. The siiX)' involves a s ports ~~o·riter who marnes a brilliant remale political commentator. He soon realizes that abe will not change her lire toacc:omodatedomestkity. rc~J!T~t~~~~~~~~ ........ " It wasn't a nNr shadow ol the ~~~yal by~~"dlf. ftf'tneewu~Mingvuebnidea Oower pot in subtlety and quality," u~~. GoldbetJ fett that telerislon -..days concentntftl more on bringing. bacll rums ol the I!HiO's and t970'a. She regretted this fact since many ol tht older fitrns nave more quality and meaning. Other countries a110 have a wealth of brilliant film· makera. 1bey tnn· scend cultura l boundaries with lhernes, crutivity: and technique ttlatAmcricansshoulda:perience. The ..,.orks ol Italy's renowned Fredirico F'e llini. Bernardo Bef'· tolucci, • a rid Sweden's Jamar Bergman arc some of the d usks . :!n':a:.sn~1:rvcd In this Dr. Goldberg said that one ol the things a film can otrer and should do =n:~e;~:a~= !:~,;. ~!n0: lhatitbu createdmanynewwayso/ telllngstories. · \ f. ..,1 associated with his name, "Battle of New Orleans" and ' 'Tennessee Stud". which . headmi~. "Made me rich." The very wealthy hillbilly-gone- ' highdidinvitetheentireaudie~.as alwa)'S,tohisveryi mmodesthomeln ' Arkansas whenever we happened to be in the neighborhood oC the OUrks, with the ass1.1mace that we should hold him to that inviltltion,.and that his refrigerator will be jtlltn happy IOSftUiliiSWell. . Grammy Award-winning Jf'lnmy The talk I .had with' Driftwood revealed that the busy ma n has a Drirtwood, the emcee of the Informal, · very llilrrow view ol the outcome ol_ his travels: "We won't quit untU · grandpappy's 110 yea r-old guitar, we' ve taken the Quirt culture worldmade out ol an ox yoke and bed- · wide." Qu.lte a noble aspiration for a nearly seventy-yea r-old man. boards. He sana, to the delight of the sma.llaudience, thole two songs moll Drlftw~pvecredlttothevery Bv Kent A. Peuold The Quirk Folk Festival, travelling talented people or the Hackensack fo'olklore Socie ty roc making lhese tours a success. as not everyone can get to Mountalnview Arbinsas for ~~;~~~:~~;"a:r~O:.ft~~Y ~~ =le~nd are . natu ~ally friendly Certainly theOUrks ' :~~ocwnwi~~~~~ ~~m~fed ~~ a~~~1t'l:l:eQua~i --· Gym last Tuesday evenifll, ~ tember 21 with a rousing program ol banck:lapping, foot-tapping, downhomemllllc.. DESSIE·"" a play ,on child abu~e ByBre-Le1lJChU It il easy to evoke compaulorl for a c hiklwhosut'f~thebruisel ,blows , and broUa arms lnfllcted by a parent. · · 'Mle pla y oftsle, is about a woman whose four-year ·old child bas been taken away beca~~~e of ber ab\Dive actions. . YetDessielsnot faturedua mon- the Bishops a re a two-penon theatrical team who chose to roam the country with their ~tory ol pa-fnrmanees totelher with that ol ~~~-r back~ro:nd has · bee,n profa.slonaltheateso,a Phd. earned at Stanford by Conrad. and seven yars ~~~"!t:=~~vel . ROSS IS BILLIE HOLIDA-Y IN THE GRf,ATEST BLUES -SINGLE EVER PRODUCED! weary, " We tried to bea t some sense Into you". seven years. Sou.n:-es ror ~slewere varied. 'Mle Bia~ researched the subiet:l ol child abuse, discussed It with parenll and social workers. Most ol a ll, they drew on their own experienH:I and lmpreulnns u paren11. thus depictifli the frustrations everj" parent aomellmes _f!_el_. throu&hout the country In the past The "Independent Eye" is funded partly by granC. from the Wisconsin Arts Board and National Endowment rorlheArts. Is and work involve two "pre-scbool very human and _suffen ber own torchildrm in tow. ment u sbe strvglel between her The Bishopl are co-founders of · violence and love for her child. Milwaultee's'Mle.ateTX. Dess\e Is an attempt to lead !be In t974, eonr.d wu cited ror a audlen« to an underllandina ol the Silver Gavel award from the abusi ve parent. . American Bar Alaociallon for a A 45 minute play, It ls . writt~m by production of a play which waa Conrad and Unda Bishop who are developed from the experlencm of. alsoltsenUrec:ast. They will present fourex<anvkt.whowenlheeut. It oncampuson October 4,5, and 1: Conrad has written 20 prnduced Known u the "Independent Eye", plays. Linda, 19 theater scores. strous and unfeelin& mother. Sbe ~~~!iel~he~.O::v~~~i~a~ In the play, Linda Blshos)is _Dessle wholstryin&toreorganheberllfein Premiered in October tm, the play order to relrleve her son, Howeveso, ber desperate situation Is amplified · .1\as been played to audiences or soda) . woril:ers, volunteer agenclel and • bybelfll:preanantapln, bersttuU}e grassrootroUcs. · with a factory job. billssbecannnt Three performances are scheduled ' pay, and the oveN!elmlfli feellfli ·for October 4th at I pm and October 5 lhatahecannot do anything right. and6 at2pm. The performances will Two ol Conrad Bishop's five rc»es be held at the Coffeehouse In the Include that of Deale's Immature · and bewi~ h111bancl, and ber . University Center. There will be no admission charge. father who writes her off with a COFFEEHOUSE PRESENTS: lADY SINGS THE ~B~UES FRIDA¥ OCTOBER-1.6:00 & 9:30 PROGRAM BANQUET ROOM, U.C. I C(MNG-.~ THIISDAY & FRIDAY ''RETURN OF THE PINK-PANTHER" iii . the u.c. COFEEEHO.USE saturday ~ .•. ~--... ob_er-~2ND _. [ _ R.Yie'W8 ; I -: h~lhnioeyearslnlhett50'su ~~lA=~~~f!:~~~~ the urbane master of ceremonies of the ~memorable " Omnibus" series, thefulW'e. It is grandoise in extent, but it Is also lading in subltance. 11 is com- and more recently u commentator on NETs "Masterpi«elbeater.''be crowning posedofaset"iesoleuaysarisingout of historical events and themes. His lade of precision lnd amount of television adtieftment is the se!'ies "America : A Personal Histoty ol the errors often conflnn a n adm itted absense o1 scholarly credentials in hi& bec:lme ramillar Americans. to m1Ui0fl5 But · his of I. ~~:_sl~::·~~~~~~~~ =-~~~~~:;~m~~or:!~-~ more Cor!C'ft'n is lhe effect on the stellation of prius including four Em· :'~a~"'::Stt:isBen~; ::::~ ~~~~,\~~:\~:~~~ =~: ~:-~~~UZ:.::.-~~i''~· ~:o~~::=c~~'Tir:.c:~'uttte = Awardofthe ft?yal~ttyolArta. book is offered, of exceedingly ran· Among Cooke s earlcer boob a~ t~~planatiom of the e~~uses and A~IA!"ttka l !968 ) . . . ~~;:r~~~:;:m:~·~ nahstlc dut.es requtre hlm to explam He Is nor. simply an urbane pur· ;:;:~~~~=o~':~ ~7:i~ a~~:~=~ towa~ this, has ma}OI' boolt about ~~u:e:n~'f:r~r.~hoH= parai}'Udbypolio.tl!J: Amenca . He has~ along wi ~ a thkk , handsome. abundantly Illustrated '' Yet tJlrou&hout the twelve yetrs ofhispresiMne)',thePftU,Indud.iri,: the invertebrate smart a1eds amq book imbued with all the wit, COlor. knowledge and home truths born ol ils author's enduring afrection for his adopted country_. . . By malntaln.ng the s ptnl and hono r ed today: t hey never photographed him in movement 1 saw hime once being lined ~tor his car like a sack o1 pol& los, and p.1t on · hisfeet,andglvmtwostkksandtwo totbeOid Worldthebeftaviorofthe a :~~ ~~~:~"ouress::=:i~~~:~u~~e K..,.. ly.\lis.,lr CGMe llfrfd A. ,.llliiMn :ts. trvlr11·ed by Patrick Spalla In my opinion, Alis~ir Cooke's ~mtrica is oneofthtbesl. books writtn ~tainin& to the aubjee:t of ~merican Hisiory. Al!rtd Alistair :ooke. bornlnMancbeltet".En&land. :intsightt'dlhise:ontiderltlnlt32at he age ol twenty-three. Loa& before :.e brarne a citiu:n In IMI, America .-a5 hi5 base as a joumaUsl He was 'itst~as~t fortbe :!e:h!~ ilofa!ra~~~~~or:n~ desiJ,nofllisresoundiflllyattlaimed thirt~-part teJevbion Sfties. Cooke has both deepened and eJr;paDded his \laac:~Lrr Gurtliaa. His s~enna.rntive,brin&i~itt.oaoad- :r::nu:~·;;:t! ~~ ~~· ~::en~= ~- ~~ wedlly aBC radio broade:a&t about us, " Ld- = America~. f'or nearly _f~r decades paper the human content o1 what be sees TbetoneolhlswritUJc his~~~e of droll phrase, his tMck Qf d1ttonal richneu ol dttaU about the ')::~~=:fon~:~ - ~ helpinghandsandllishatstucltoo'hil head for him. This was not the Roosevelt lhe public aaw. They aaw the burly upper body, the bull-like neck and. the touinc bead, the~- ~~:'e."J..W' of the republle: .ln a~ l"nen there Is 1M story o1 Htnry ~=e~r!~Gf~'t~~~·:e . mountainside waa too soft< to aupport 1M uriset e:ooe:rete. "Having learned how It could-not be done, be aettled. down to do it. He built refri&~tion iubes the width of clly blockl and lhehe•gthofalky.scn.~.plantt'd them in ro-ws, froze the ri\ount.tlns, poured 1M aptuway, removed the tubes and aaw the Columbia River now docilely alqthechannel he had ~bed. " A magnificant array of paintln,p, photographsbothoidand ' ew_. dn.winp;-cartoona and memorablla supplem'enll the narntl ve. Lincoln he see u "a s hrewd frontiersman of ~~~r:!,,;.t='.dt~~ in musk: u it is, the band latb the talentoli.&*lyrkist. Thelana:ua~te il~tofanei&hthgradedt"Op~t. "Mov\.I!C." ilatmOJtcompletely dlf· ferent. While "Free Man" wu dedie:atfdalmOitentirely totheta)en. g.~='tt!"t~- ~~~t~ ~~ve11 v~~ ~uu:f U:: anyt!iina: else, O'Oanieb pull a fore:elulfedlngbdlindit. Genuine Cowboy ~ very~atgirta " withthe"'abUityto expressahard , unsintim~taltruth lnthebarestlanguageever)'tlnker and tailor c~Jd U!Jclentand. ·: He is PUt off by the piety ol Woodrow Wilson, and ooe of hil m01t dramatk characteril.ations Is that of Thomu A. Edison, who wu present at the firIt theatrlca1 performance to be lit by thenewelectrie:bulb. • The illustraliona include nne photos 1rt!t '::~r !'!.':~~~:;: lf=~~n~ of Y.,!)Un& Confederate lo&dlera poaing in their first uniforms. 1bere a re paintiap of a wagoa train, a canof cart and ad· vertilin& ligns turnlt!c a 1\lsc:o Wee~ lntothrtaeventh clre:leofhell., and an oddly cheerful painting by a 19Ut century ChineJe of Geor&e Wu.hingtoa ue:endingtoheaven. Tocether, w~Wds and picture, provide an lDcomparabko Cooke'• tour of the Anmiea n put, a uniquely fra.h and human portrait of ua u we were and u We are. · cerous color photo -Music'--------'-----------'----,-vocals are not fuU ol great r~nge, but carry a sense ol raw, gully power that make them distinct. TMiralbumst.truolfwithacutentitled. "'Free Man," whkh emphasius the coonllnatioo ol the two leads. The patt il quick and nm.part. With the addition ol O"Oanieil' vocal in lhe mlddleoflbecut, thisaddsuptobe ·, ..;_ -·-------------·----·- -·--------. ; -C:I-L-J.B-II~r-E:JJI-TS ~-- r- PBI. .SIT. ~, SUI. Oet~ 4 Oc tobtrt OcloberJ Women Volleyball, Stout, Mad""110n Oshk05h.~ pmiHJ Women Tenni1 . Whitewater. 05hk.CIIh,l!.<l u Claire",t0:30am IHI Su1uki Solo Rec:llal, 3 pm 01H, Fine Univ. Tht-atn : THE MlRACLE WORKER, I pm (Jenkins 'Thelalrt', Flne,ArtsBidg. l - Football, LaCrosse. t ;30pm IHI Unlv. Film Society Mov~ : BEDAZZI.EO, 7 & t : l $ pm IWisconsin Rm., Unlve!'llilyCe nterJ Octo~ I Student Speech & Hearina As.s.x. Lecture, &:»1:30 pm ltl$ A-8, Univff'SityCenter l Unlv .. T't.eatre: · TUE Student Speech & Hearing Assoc. UAB ColCeehouse : SAOHANA, 9-11 pm !Coffeehouse, Univers ity Center) Cash Bar Reception, 9-10:30 pm IComm. Rm., University center I MIR ACLE ~=.:;a~~ <Jentl~ n.eatte. .· TUI. Theat re : · Til E' MI.RACLE ~~:rtas~:.;" IJenlti~ n.ea~.. RED CROSS BLOODM OB ILE !Wright l.ounge, UniVffSity Center I Univ. Film Society Movie: BEDAi. ZLED, 7 &. 9:15pm !Wisconsin Rm ., UnivtnltyCenterl ' RHC Fil m : WIZARD' OF' OZ, 8 pm t AllenCenter,Pinef'y) UAB AV : MQNDAY NIGHT FOOTBAU..I-11 pm fUn!venity Center I UIUI Perl. Am: D£581£ • PL.y on Cbll.t- A'-e, 8 pm . (Coffeehouse, University Center I . , TIUB • RED C RO SS .SLOODMOBILE tWri&ht Lou~e. University Celiterl UAB Perf. Arts; DESSIE-PJ.7 011 Clllld Abuw, 2-4 pm tCofteehouse, Uni•ersi tyCenterJ • Univ. Film Soc. MoYle: REBECCA, 7 & !l: lS pm !Program Banq. Rm., University Cfontf:f'l RHC Film : WIZAR D OF OZ. 8 pm tDebotCen ln l ~ Arll 6 L«lures: ST. PAUL CHAM; BER ORCHESTRA, I pm lQuandt Gym l · Univ. Theatre : TilE MIRACLE -WORKER, I pm !J enkins Tbea~. Fi~Artt; Bldg. J. ArtsBidg.l Univ. . MGI. "''*''cftoss RED BLOODMOBILE I Wfi&hl ~e, UnlvH'Iity Cenlf:r'~ •UAB Perf. ArtS: DESSIE-Play 011 CflUd A'-e, 1-4 PM ICoffee!»use, Unlv~nHyCmterJ Student ll«!tal, 4 pm IMH, F ine ATts B ~di I .- UAB Coune: Oc:tober a OCtober? Self Defense for w~.& : ~ pm i 1011 ~8Jda.) Unlv. • Thea tre: nt £ . MIRACLE WORKER,. I pm tJenkios Theatre, F~ArtaBkls. J won., Week Center) ol Heal th !Unlvenity UAB Coff~house Audlticw., 6 pm12M !Coffeehouse, · Uni versity Cen· terl · Houslnc Alcohol Sympoaium, 7:30t :30pm l 8e'gGyml UAB Film; Til£ RETt/RN OF THE PINK PANTIIER, I pm tAllen Center Upperl RHCCoffeeboule: MIKE REWEY, t11 pm tOebot Center) Unl v. Theatre : Til£ MIRACLE WORKER', • pm tJmlt.hUI Theatre, FlneArtsBidg.l Uni v. Thiatre, lpm, THE WuRACLE WORKER ·-- I Y·our$ ·free! A Maxell tape • . 46-miriute 8-tra~k With every two (2) _Maxell 90-rhinuie tapes you buy at the i'eguia~ price,. get 46_!minute a. tape tree! ntroduc ln'g i n lncredltN IMW aJMping dk• I An lnfttltable bed -*of tMt . . . . . unique, ~'t.ntect a~r c:oll . cel.. 1o M.nly dl•trltMit• the elr ln.W.. When \he bed Is h.llly InHaled you get lhe u..peuUc •up90rt · of lh!t ~ ma1tfns with no hard spots. A litHe~ ._ air ~.1M 1... Soft. Velvet· Tuft Finish· modern. lnt'e rlcrs lric..' Established advertising agency desires experienced seeretary and commercial .-artist. Must b_e 1-8•25-;-.Steni, . expei .lence: Aavertlsing -experleriCe~. ilo! necessary-will train. J ._, . . --Onlv Pilfl·tlnili-durlng· school;'--';'"" Send letter a~ut yourself to . ZEBRA P.O. BOX &i :-~~iioi;i~~;;;;;;~~~~~=::~t-:-;.:;.~!-~~~·s~c:o=~~·~::~os, -w•sL •t• * Pbi~ Club Meetlni I pm Com· • munkaliolll Rm. UC. Ocl. $ . Steven ~oP~c~O:.roct~~~ Oct. 7, 3:30 In tbe Communkationl Rm. UC. G~Guitar,dedrie, semi boUow, n.asbville modi) -..burst color. a:ctileDtablipeASOorbe&tcller. Worthm~~- Greg"at341-<H47 l I Dominco =1Mtbe~ = .".!ct-::to tribel. Perfect for OlristI masJ.ifta.l4+CJS. Rbaad.l. I I LOST/FOUND Found-A pink cut atone,.apparenUy from a rizl&·fouod, CIIIl PbiW~ St. OPt bloclr. from FiDe Arts . AM for Polly ~ 11 341..... Fou.Dd at Debot eenter-z seta o1 auitar l triDCI,Iredfolderw\thiOild tiiOCel, 1 "Star Trek" Library boc&, 1 ~ I red lOlii DOteboak I II :e£ ~talretainer. • ANNOUNCEMENTS --· , ne n.tra w.w Will be Mown Oct I, at 7:30 ~ In Rm. U2 Committee. for matln& healthy dedsiool med.inc: <kl I , 4 pm at Student Life Sft'vk'es. AD inlfl"eeled Persons intertsledin dtbatin&com· peliti vely oalbeco~JeaiateleW:lare invitedtoatteDdtbemeetiftcoltbe university debl.te team oa Moadly at t pm in 221 Geldl. or C'Ofttad Saodn . Baiabriclp at EX-3030. No experieoceneceuary. C::!" * Tbe CoUece ol Naturi'J R.elow'cel available app.llc:ationl for Jdlolarsbipa. CNRZMjonwbowaWd JUte to apply for tbele may pkt • up ·~ ~=lnRm,!~or138olthe NEW coiiiiSU f . DIKrilllluUoa, Tile Law aM Y•· D'-c:rimiDI Uoftm~ tbe bub ol~e:~r.­ ~avaU.bkltoyoutbraulb GiTII who sulfa- from menttnW c:nmPI- ,tbe first aedes ol tbe umu.e seuionl will belln Mon. e-~e, variliul IOVft'UmeDtal •lenciel aDd tbe ,route ror flliD& ctwc-. 1 'w -. ~)'S. 7:1s-t: 15 pm, beciM1n1 Oct Oct.4. "'"besecondseuioaollbedul will be on tbefolJowincM«<. Oct.ll. SeNionl begin at 7:JO Ia the Commwakationl Rm ollbe UC. A Q fee wW be cbarled- Call 31151 or 4214 for F~r more loformallon ao'd ~tb:J, eoat.ct the Ewteoded retdtntioft. _. ... ..,..ornc.at:MI-3'717. ·---------..,_----- --------------------.- ------------------------------------. QuesHonnalre: A Campus Women' C , t ?. , ---~---11 . , 1 en er . I I. lwouldbewwtacloprovideavohantary UMA~tol $1.00 low'ud tbe ~ ol a Womera's Ceoter whkb would (II"''rideacademicudiDt.tlrwt.pe'01111ms. YaNe - I I I I I I I I I I I I I Pleue rwpoDd lo tbe followrli:C qUiNUonl by circlinl Ya or No: • I I I 1. lbeliefttbeoeedu.ist..Cora Women'sCeoteron .Ibis cam· P..YaNII ---- - : 1 1 I 1 : a!i,~!,O:::S~vallii~Y=tol. pbylieiJ piKe with ' I- u .n.w. . .·aeea.rlbouJdbe.o;;led.;tbeUDivenit)' ! ~.prtla'abb~dlrel)MnUyCeal.fr. VaNe - ~~...W:tbefoi~Ni~~c_.jeetaud.-c:r~ ·--~ !-· -- s.n.w-·ac.terlbfxaklproridlllllcl-matioareb.tial• ===~.::.-====~'= ~··c.ur.o.:U. C...lpul : _ --- :--- I I 4. n . w -·aeeaterll!lauldprovidelolonutioareJe!rutlo I --..-,.;l!llpiCfaHJtt.e~,--. v.... :- - I - I s. 1"bt w_.•, I I ·I ~ Center lbould proricSe lnformaUoa ud / 1 refwral~abarUIII~. 1 ,.,._...blrtaeoatroi. Y•N• VaNe . •·n.w.....·ac.c.sboWdpr'O'IW.lnlormatioordauh,ao ~~~relo: Studeot~ l-=-- L.n.w-·..c......-.,........~-~---=-~Polllt ---- ~ L___~tnW~ra-..•111111"!''•.....-. ~ w .. OdaWU.Im -------------------------·--------'---·--------·----7------------------------'J ! • ~ •• •, . ..... 11 ....... ON SALE 'NOW fOR . s4.f9~ •[j] •SPECIAL PRICE ON THlS 2 ALBUM SET. On ·wed., , Oc_t. 6 _af J 0 p.m., StatlQn -WWSP 90.0 FM wiD play. ~n tbelr ·en· tirety, the following. new releases. · -Joen Armatr'!ding-""Joan Armatradlng · ·• Tim Woi~-"U.. AI_Laal" • The Ozark Mountain D l r - "~ From e.rth."