Off compus 15 cents April 2, 1976 Get Schlollyed T•IMP.kf, Wtdnaday nl&bt II Ste- Point wllh Phyti!.SchLrJiy, bill tbe prta. d~l oppoMatJ o1. tbe ERA, wu llke bthl&lllherimii. !Monlydlfr~ wutlultiMRwasOI'Ify-aeC-f'tlyUb: Schlatlyhtrwlf. It Is hard to lmaalne IIIII any lnttiliKrnt~t"'UUdbtlleftwhat PhytiJJSctllloRyproporU. ll 14 nprdherua pusin&IIIIC)'. lilt euylallu&byounelflnloaff'ftl%)'over Ule rt.-. lobe 11va In htr fl&ht :r:!U.:~*~o:m= E~er.upporteodllleldt.llol wOfMII In the mUituy was bec:auae he had • atrlt~ In \be Armjt.;Sc.bWlyl!ll.)' bt,tbtl&noltjake,aad.tlauldiiOlbe takrn U&htly. She twa!OpptG many womea fi"DDIIt~.~pportillllbe ERA. She and her cohort~ rKa~Uy IUbclllfd NC'It' York and New Jersey, COI'Itribuililc to the ERA 'I ftilure 10 pu& u tlale l~l&latioa. Mr.. SdiJ,Oyllutbeablllty to twist idu.andwonklofilberetUM. Sht1l.1 r,.hylady. Butlheltt fuud.. She: ptaysonpeople'tfun; and lhtmn Un; ""'•trtnatll. Pailf.PI I'rnwronclnmybtlitfUw f(lucallon 1hould be more thaa - ~b!Uon ol eatdully •e•wttft ta:ta. {Aad how )'011 do foru ltl a. memorb•! l'meon~lhll t" How to lmproYe Your Memory" ~ ~~t'~~=e~ laeu Uld ~ t.lll'l •hrt)'t bt ddermlned by piety " multiple rueu- :'!'~;..u::' .':.-~~s!!:c!: whob.Mn't e•tn re~~d ttle dam.11 tu.t aa taUn lime tp Qdy, aii!JpiJ bee.1UM li'HI)' Ire &ood Of" lutk)' at c~lheCW"n~Ct--!AndtbN tue:ben ......, wby atudftltJ 1 ~ :':.":!~~~urhiVII"doll'tJII'l! Hentn forbid U the lludenl Mould pulhlsbelrtiDd.ollllntolludyiiiC . . llliapwl&ltbbeWnbv.•porW~t but 11111 1111 teldler doel not! kvW arenOl r• lly teylnr,"mtstbtallk_...~. IP'orbowc'OUidllt Pf*lbly be wron&! Hll tat unfair~ ¥::=;·.ff~r~·~Butno: ~~ dW atudy"NY.Ii'Hidllcouraafdltud· dent. IWhutlbispolntfedt,wlwt'I IM uu!l " Nolls"e1H!" decl1rn 1~ =~~~lT~Y!U::!~ Mn. ScllLiny Wilma thlt puu.p ol lhtERAw\llmtaat ... olfi&btafor ~ What ltwUl dolatoparaata them a chokt ... an opportunity to you're blue In the flee and &1111 ad a enamrnyp-D. lT ALL DEPENDS ON HOW WELL -~- "GAME" Andaa for_,. tall, you have to N)' wballhe leKMr wanll to bNf_ lle"''errnbtdlf)"CCUdoft'thlppento&lfft wllh hiJn ... you heve to learn to 1djlllt )'OUr WI)' of thlnkiq to !Nt of thr t•cbet 't. . .and lbea tueherl WOIIde!" wh1t'a hlppc:ned to ltudtnll' in· cllv!Gaa.llly,'rlty,udori&luJitl! Some of )'tJU ~ muatlhlnllwe'rr COfllpntm,,hiY!ni tall COVIri!IIIIOillt JOOpqesormon. " Wblt! ! You~an you an't remember whll wu on 1M BarNnE."""I YOU CAN Pt.AY THE TEACHER"S II«''O''dUneoflhelhlnSp~r•p-•pll of 111&1 •t For haw- Nkt, .wily not!!" 111fn,lno,lherelteihowof10U who bd'"• In 0ft1r &Jrinc 1111 f« lhecourw...llowe:an-ttstbtu •ccur111 meaaure of • n ent ire iemalft"! l"'urthrrmon, wbfn you aive tftll. ,..uoltenlde)'OW'Iood-NOIIII'tdtlmt •boul:&etll. lhemtt.dtolhl ~ lltonllltatonFtb.22anddidn'1&dit NckuntUMirdiZI!I Tbenlnoll'lefta"l'-ol'f'N"IIo :::l~et~~n~~:.,= lnfonnetlon you C\11 Ullm off will! .1 " Well , we don't hive lime to&d into that,_,_ .. Uabohlvt~lpral~ Who pull 1 lltU. checkmarl afltf ,_.. 11111111 eve.., lirne ,..u ..,....., 1 que•Uon ... lble l l l pueth:t lht)' carried out In my ande ~et.ol! I meanrulls! Uthetudllf'WIIIddpiiY llltnlioll, he'd .._ wbo partidpated 1nd who dldn'l-and wwkln'l Mve to dtl)md on "'-11tue dl«:kmlrb!lll this what educ1tkln ll ruUy Ill 1bDul!!! 'Greted,lhlapldure l'veprestnttcl dote not pettl!n to aU tudlen ...lherl •relhoM whocue1boul w!wt-tbe)'.,t dolnt. butlfM!tbey .... thetJI.ttpllanl r1thet Ulan the rWe. You te~ lland ln front of r-ctuaroomalike Creek lodl dtm•ndlnc to oe .c~­ mtred... BUT, whit have you dane lo •nernoutr..-:t! 'nllnluboutll. N ..w. WkW!n. By . . .IIW - . -=.Writeon T• LlttP..ater, llmini:II'C'ft'•ted•tOdordf'edetll Corr.ecllonll lutllutlon , olford . WIK-In. Jdon'l&etrnuchm.ilfrOnl ihtOI.lUide, IOiihoulhlllll)'beiOIIIfOI'II ~~.u::~~::'ft"'.,;;·!~ ..... . ' - " ' ' 8aldo' ...... N .. nna.-au J•llake~~WI ().,..... WiK • . , . , Bod lump h'T'MP.,.._. . " t.umpy " "'!3'11droll-lahilpft'tletlertoU.. PDialtr. YJC Book making Vote Tuesday ' h'T'M P...ier;.. UIIIYofJDUDIIttbeielntbeCI!JII*S ClCia'lmualtywer.~vGllnlfnr 1M for MleOftd aldemiM- · Complaint treed TD'T'MP"'aler: ••rd • Doa'\. • Mr. Eddlkin II: miltattea Ill hll; ' Jta~totbePIIlllterl tboutU.. l tppra:1a141 your tupp:ll't;-but I'm cnnvillt'«< that lbeA b 1 ~ betttr ~llnedfottheoflkeU..ol-t.Ddt.bat ~DftfftlfDC'pDf'l'~ pe..- .. Mkhael. Lorbeck. . Mlchtel Lorbtd: oppoud the ""'"able ~. Aa they pvw. lheJ ruc:h m.atiW'ity ~ btbtr llqNit. DC' art tw.rvsted to the IIIII IlM by mMkind, • ua. •Y of Rllhll r#trwdum thlt Septtmber. Trfts-. tw.rvatabk erop. Many - jobl 6tpend upan cu!Uvallonoftimbet"achyeu. f'orettt -u. ,which lrt: tw.l"'''eeiCd 1~ · " "lf!lltrlll!d tnd lhellt.~for btutrflltUJ<tyleld..lbl!tblnnlftiDf~ rcw C'Dmtl'l«ddiiiM reclllrib.IUDI U. vowth potenUtl to otbtr lll(lpr'-.d . ll'ftlwltbintJtand.WitllllloCidlm •llvlcu.ltllrtl met~. 1 harv•tH NichlpnAYftllll~ Heii,IJIP(li'UtbeLindklrd-TmantBIU w':Cf;-;!;'::J!/~~ ~ -- )Oil. tbtn')"'U better pt tome )'(VII peopltanlheCity CowrclL Alld' t&oodpllce ,tollartiiJwltb lfict..el l.clrlleeL , Jtandta!~(lmllnueto..,.U.wiUIIU lhewDDdpn)ductlwe IMd Ia U. rw... IOo"llltcandciM•UU. butdoel.ttr. Edrlattin rulb.t thlt wattr It ,._ • ~..-.itaqualltyreduced .......,...,UIIt ..... to :-=r.~~~~,:-~ - _ _t _ _ ··-- p!"'DCUU, I ,.,. , _.--:,-L- ---·--·- :.:::"".:..==.!'.=.:.=.-=·c-.._,...,._, .,,.._.,.. --- tMrV by lw'bb.. or • pulph. Series 9, Vol. 1_9, No.;.!4 Roey<U~- by-ppt'DIM:tl! . baprooted. -*ID't be ~tohbltlt.tmfDI. ANTS colonize =·- . . letteri pOlicy . 1. Three hundted words or lea - longer ie...,. allowed ot Ed. d Isaetion · 2. -Au 1...,.,. to be signed -- - nome withheld up;;n request 3. Deadline: .Monday noon befont Friday blue ~~- . --. -..-. . """ ;;--.=-==~~:::;::--:-==:::: _L_-. . . . _._____ ~.~:.~~~~~;~~~ j ... ......... ~~~~~~~:::-.:.~ :=..:~Jr-=--:::,:::s~-z.: ... ~-=:.:=:.::w: ~=-~·"::=o. -- SUSAn & RICHARD THOmAS PRESENTED . BY UAB .COFFEEJf()USE · Thurs., Fri., Sat. April 8, 9 & 10 U.C. COFFEEHOUSE 9:00 -11:QO P.M.- FREE! They Have .Been hi Con.cert . With: LOGGINS & MESSINA · ANNE MURRAY · JIM STAFFORD HELEN REDDY JANIS IAN AND MANY MORE! ! Program Banquet Room ..,..... •.,... _,1,., . Stu~ . news and opinion-----,..- - - - - - govi consid£irs restructuring Student Gowemmeot approved a U6t allocalloa to PASCO for · previous bin ud MNkts. provides for the t:ransportatioo of penon•!, The United Council reported thlt atastfareebubeealetupbytbe t.rdof . ftea;entltoklotlnto ... approved by Student Goveroment to provide publk:ity I« this ~~~=~lion wu praealed and will be dr- c:ulltiq around 1bll eatn(IUI. :!nU: ~:,:-::~~ area: Tbil .:Uon wW ap. require proxunateJy bl aip.ll.lnl in order for It to appear u a refeftftdum lD rn~~~tbe·~c::.-~ of Student G<l'llermnet~t thenatcltywidedec:tl0111. Resolutioo30dealina:witba pl\.W and miDUI letter lrtldi.n& l)ll,tem and tbe relW'niq c1 eumlnatiON puMd and ..W !like effect rat fulflU Ita expeetaU0111azld to llllve student a'CIPQM. Student Govern· menthu becomeaocomplo. U.tlt Is no lc:q:er represenUnc the needl oltbes!Udtnll. Badzinakl explained that more. time and money II npenckd lD a Tbe approyal ol Relolutloa 41 oraanluUoo aad the problema usocilled with it than Is ra.lly ,..,. ~~~~a~~hee::e!J:· Uthilreorpniu.Uoo II adopted. it will Include the fal.lowl111 main points : l l streamline tbe committee l)'ltena; 2l Mancllte the Stu6ent Govftwnent Praidtnt .. Bob s.b:illlkl praented a ecxnpleh~ outline - for the re- ltnx:twinc eampw. U this oew dlstrlcta , and twenty studeat operatim. ~:n:!:hlch=r~ u too bureaucntic to OQ ::~: :w·~:~u.~ : : 1romtwo ~~ ~ ~prim.aryoaf.Prilltb . 'Ibe tra~partaticm vebldM wW be in ope:nUon from 10:00 a .m. to 1:00 employmtot aptaMI for "-1 eue students atldents• to votl.n& polls in the Studeat Governmeat also alloet~ted A50 to cover III.ID1mel' f:~hi':L.ol:~e~to:: · illues; 3l Require all repraen· tativa to be elected; 4) Tbe Jiesldeat will bave veto power ltlbjec{ to :W override. Tbll raoluUOil II puRd wiU take effect lmmedlstely after the election .on May S, lt78. Thil reorpniutioo !laue wiD be taken ' up by Stude:at Government lhll &mday aDd anyooe lntereated II wdcome to atteDd. eomple• aad bureaucratic Health Center studying space problems ~ ReMrl YS..I Jr. . u you've ever J:one . to the UniwnitJ Hea1th cater .. a .alk.fll patient aDd waited u toq as aD bour aDd a ball Ia a room ~~y':u~= tbetwomajorp-~tbeltaffat the ceater are up aplnst... dreary appear.-nte aDd a ol.alk· irll. Tile bealth eentes-, IDeated lir the l:luemeat ol Nelloo Hall, II beiDa: uti.lhed by p1tkoats wtthcut appointmeats wbo tben have ta walt l q periocll ol time bdcn bf!iq: at~~~~ ~~ate-s~~ber of stuclentlwbomadeURolthecenter lntheUntaen:M!&terollmtotbe oombe:r ol tboM wbo 1.-ed the fadUiiel in tbe fint Je!Deller ol 1171 shows an lncreue lroaiiOOO ta 1100D studmta. But tlU lU percent Inc:ruseblatteDclali&lloottbe reuon fer tbe p-oblern. Dr. Johftaoa, • pbysician at tbe bealth c:eater , sald,"We knew enroUmeftt WU up, but had DO idea tawt.te:xteatthutudeotawould be utl.llzln&theceatet. Beea~~~eoltbls • lnc:reued uWU..Uoo, the fadlitiel ·are not able to hand&e lbe vohne of J!::"~n:J:=. w~~ !:t"{; 11 become a center that is lsollted improye our aenic:e to tbe students weaeedanaddltklnalstaffmernber fer~. tben 'a Yet , attblstime , DOt muchc:aaplillt lD pttl!lc mate a little OM Wlllu we mOI'eroo~n ." Ac:qulrlala beUei-tllclllty lnvottel aome d.llnc:Uit clec:iUon maklnc : ata~s~~ t!f::ca:yJmU~ ~t %:= :!~:!mf Is Dehell Hall JOIAI to remain a dormitory er IIUjbt the health from the people we aerve, aDd fer cet~termovelnthere? that' reaaoa we believe c:ommunkatloo with tbe ad¥'-7 bcerd II esaentlal to dete r mine lbe students Deeds. To rectify aDd Ther-e 1s room Ia Nelson HaUler expaulon, but Ia the preseat ventilation system adequate fer _.....,, .J:c:.i~~~~ ol Nelson HaU wble tben's a pouibillty tbe bealt!l eeater ml&ht reloc:ateelsewber-e? SlDc:e the health ceater ·is totally supportedbyatudeotfuadl, afta&l dedaioo mlllt be JUde as to whether er ootatudeots are 'ff'lll1lll to bear aa tt.2;.1Dc:nue iD tbeir fees fer the expeDM ol addlnc OM mOI'e penoo to tbe health ceater'a olaf f . "Ute any problem ," said Chancellor Dreyfus, "A declalon has to be made at a point in time . with the Input you have. At p-eaent the wheels are in motion and a dedalon Is on the 'Way." edlforlal Jimmy Corter coming Monday " U ll't ltifnnh M ,e1 .U.•y C.rter .. lite~.. lpedr.....,. U wu " l.llfft'ftl Jl yean aiiWMIIMMc:.ule••. . '"''"'-c'J~I- er Jimmy Carter II comlrc to UWSP Monday . ApriJ :ilb, IO AM at tbe Sera Gym . See tbe Dmlocratk rumer in aU his resplendeat amtq:uity before c:ast1n1 your vote for Prnidtftt. . The foUowfrc an questions you may want to au MT. Cuter -11... , JimnivCC.w riii Monday mornlnc : ",.t'l .,.. ..... - A.-aly! Carter baiiUPPQrled a " pardon" · Presidential Calriaaian :!l:l.~r~fGrDOt~pl~ For Anlerlca's ll*d century, why -oUr Mstl in the C&pitalllt 's lnune Yletaam War . im plylf!C luilt to the latter. Carter'sreeordontbe Vietnam Wa r isw:ey bldandsbouldbec:oon· lidered when you voce. · Do 1" ,.,..., lM "-edy IIW l low•)'M.....-ekiMivellle c:altilll fw a ~IMal tk.aiU1 Care prlllle•sll-•ajlrdUp! SyltiE•! carter~~ tc!lllnc"people In carter says he~ tbe upstate New York he wan1 P I measure- but would leave ad · to t-Il out New Yortc Oty wblle ministratioatotbeprivate.ector, New York ie .. .auper-ridl doctors wbo thrive • u)'lnalheoppo.lte in Qty. . on the mi.tery of the wortlna c:lau. ,.,....tulal.rp'aWtc.IIMI Do 1" ..,.n U~~e H_,...ey. £-,..,.•nt lb.._ F . Ad! ln a C.:.Jiital 1\a" INadiloa) interview lut)ftft, Cuter Aid , his "dam pod ~k: acMaes~ have been tellif!C him 1M bill it wtrullstk. o.,... sy~•! Ac:corc&na: to a March 2$, lf11 · Wall Slr«t Journal arllc:le. Jimmy Cart~ still wonhljla rn an iiU ... hite c:hurc:h. He oppoaa ~·· Clrter aPP'oved of stsrtlrc blac:t sc:hools two weeb later than while· Kbooil 10 50 black students could "pic:k cotton". Carter didn't public:ally object to the loc:al ac:hoot board alrinl Nc:Jr: leave to whltH only. · carter also propelled a motion to !«ate a planned blac:Jr: ac:hoolla a c&Utra~tareathanawhiteac:hool bec:.aiM this woukS mun black and wtllte students would wallr: down tbe same street - He lateroppoled the motion he authored. becalM it a.t too midi. In ahort, Carter Is a double !!:~n~ac::eopf:"!i:'~~~ waaon. dlarilmatk many~ . :t!!:~ aod alot ol nlp.flopplna . GIVE HIM HELL MONDAY, but don 't be disappointed If he doesn't answ~ y011 questklnl. .. .It it af&.er all an American's rl&ht to iivoid the lttues and tmNrk In a SOip box Mil c:am· paian. l.Doltwherethefreeen~ syttem aot Nixon. A,.V Z. l . . . ~p4 • ......... REG . 1155.95 NOW MODEL 2052 $134 90 r -. &.n!OU' double stem shoft~l WHEELS: ~1~=-m:..~~~~-QUickrelease MAKES: Oia:ornPII cerrtw pul ~with eJdensO't Ievert. ~ : O.Wt.w~tt non-.._.,.l*ck tape. ~AND CMNKSET: Double chlinwheell36x52. and 1•1ti2 tree Vll'hNI. st-' ~with rl'flec1cd Wid ljiOke PI'Oiedots. SEAT: S... Mwc:ot ~ ae.r. EXTJU.I: (lnl::luciMQ Jdcbt8nd.loot kit, lnd's Maoua.l. UMIIed quMttltf ... tlabh HOSTEL SOOPPE, LID. ,,,cw...,se. P.W. h&c l . . !.lift baz.aarofbuy<entennialbrott.W. The meetinlt begao with the moclrratot dd~ti ng out 1000 . bet' a use nobody would take rupo nsi bility for the lut 400 FRAME: F..Y~~~frWJiewirh~tront.lork tips. &.nt~ ·VOT riley tront lnCI Americ.n Lqion HIU and added a new twist ' to their hi~tb-oowered tie~Ntohel ppayforthe~ ~mt Bandshellandlooktdlitelt rr.tghl degenerate into a staring ~~tch betwfen spinste- lady activtsts 111d the committee otr!Cf:f'S MEN ' S GRAN SPORT DE LUXE OERAUEUR: by Ttn-y TKioiP The Festivities Committee o( the Steve!IJ Point Bicentennial Committee ml!t over Spring break In the tickets . Fortunately for all tl'lo5t sudc:ltnlysma\1 -tn~hairpeople ~dthis r~t~ thtre wuaaavlor ~ crowd . A Steven• Poi nt 111 Amenran Legionaire c.1me to the rescuesprin&instohisfeetand :'k~~ took command of all 400 theprdudetoanunexpected tru t-1 slide ahow complete with ae· comJllnylng cata~otue literature on howtobul.ld no.ta for the 4th of July . FINIS with Snoopy uiUCI~ tht flag and otber more traditional f:':ca~ =otil.!:ts~. :b:et':'~ "::.!~; mainly stu/fed ,na pkins , crept Jllper and paper macbe, '' explained ~now eomlortab&e floll -muter. Our next Sl,rJirbe Will I blggit. The Festivities Oxnmittee hopes to be able to makl DIIDeyland-likt heads for memben to war in tht planned Bicentennial p~~ rade this sum mer. ' "They, don't have to be 11 profeuional 11 lhoM we see htrt. but it would be nke to have IOI!It ol these In ow- own JIU8de." said ~ht Ooat master ref~ to lift s tu tharacten in .tbe New Orleans Mardi Gru parade. II wu dlfterent to see Donald Duc:lr.MJclcy.Jtfoule and all theothtr WiththtnonetoolittlelttmOttbe ticltetsoulollhewaylhemeoetina movtdlntothefuttreofthenight lhe"Fioat<link"whlthlbld~ anxiouslyanUclpatinghiYinj:rud fantasy dlarKten o1 American about It in 1 letter to the !JteYeM Ullture on Ute o.erbeMI, bull was =~ -Dally Jo.-1111 1 few dlyt • rumLnc outoltape aad my buddY reporter who cam. alonl for tilt I wu most curious to at:e how the entertalameat decl ded~he had art of making Oo;~ts rdaled to the better thlnp to do, 10 we bicenteniiJIIIIIG I IOOflfOUndout ;;::e!:~~fi:: 1 ~!U:a;~~ prts~ lng how we •PP«cllte it" l;lld the net"VOWI fiOill-mulft" Utt lepatriotlcqulp-tumedouitobe 'Milt low before tbe owrt.ed arne on, slJd outtbe"*ll; dooi toClark St. waadered 0\W to the HanMIIY Bar for a qukky-Nnt; and ma r· died douiM -time and eaucht the taU end ollhe Moat)' Python shoW- · · PART TWO ...................... ,. .....,. Campaign . '79 "'JIIh.. , . . . . . I Sick ofalco_hol? "'s.)!o out t.oaJibt and 'et . bluted! Totaled.,wiped.out,. flrid141-all terms expreuiq tbe state of ...... Inebriation many people .eem to supportfWiclions such as beartbeal. When the vilal ~nteB ao we aredead. Wecan abusethecentral nervous system ln such a manner; ~~ ~~l:~o!*v:e;:~~ ~ - ir we u ked 1 friend to do thishewouldcaUuswactle, butif we asked him for money to get Joadedhewauldprobablynotdoubt our sanity. Sometimes we drink to relieve tension-to relax. However, the reluinl or sedative errect of alcohol is temporuybecausethere is anolhereffeetthatacla lnthe oppo&ite directioa. The sec:ODd e r re e t I t 1 nc r e a a ed psyehomotoractlvily. 'l1lit is u ::ti~e:~~~~:'rem: starteddrintl.n&. Aktlhol. does nOt rellxlll, lt makMUI morener- •-· We ean pt drunk to achieve a temponl')' sUite ol meatal illness. Alcohol wW luppt'ell the frontal portion ol lhe brain that controls our inteUect, this wtll enable us to Jive in a little imapnary world where we are U JeXy, powerful , or uwiM:uwecaretobe. We demand to be the center of at· :nu:;;.O:t:::Y ':: 1:~ru~; piclth• fl&bta. n.e shrinks clll it ddllllons~ -trandeur, but'we clll havtna • aooct ~- it University Film Society · Present's: "NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD" APRIL 2 & 4 WIS. RM. (IJC) 7 & 9 P.M. PAUI. IIASSIJII CIIACIU.IIG ROSE CltRIS11AH 8IIOTHEIIS 'Ill ROSE, NAPA ROSE, IIUR8ANOY BEER SPECIALS: . SCHUTZ ., ..,.. 10TTW-t , .._ . .. . . ., ········ '1JI HAMMS,. ''" wo . :.. ..... . ......'2" - SOUTH POINT , QEER & LIQUOR 2100 CHURCH ST., HWY. 51 SOunt, STEVENS POINT PeWtr hie 1 AprU I, It'll Call or come in to see the Student Referral S~rvice Room 261 ; UC 346-2262--- Nome that dorm Neale was Washington. bigwig \ by Mary Dowd Sagittarius born Olear Neale ~~cam~~~~ site ol bit fint c~e&ree. Btiq a memberolalarpfamllyolltp~ Nm a aN~t of community and la!Jiht him to rnpect 'the riptl ol others. He lumed the value ot hard wortt at an early q:e and a truuled to hold hil own lhrou&boulllre. FollowlnJ advanced studiel in Ntbruk.l, IlllnoiJ, and Mlnaesota, Neale punued a carHr In lht ~eachina ftfld. His specialties In· eluded Ed~.ation, Art and Bioi~ . Before Jonc, be wu promoted to blab tcbool prlocipal and superintendant iDa small Nebra.U d:istricl lt is leelnlbeCorftHIIIka'Siate that 01cat Nule rectived the ln· spiratioaforbislat.ermaitoritut,"APk:ture~ Forlht Grades." Thil book dtpicled n beautifuUy col<nd rtprOductions ol the wor ld;s most truaured nwterpi«ts alq trilb a brief review ol the artist'alife. Neale ret:ardtd culhn u a ntCHSal')' element In everyone'a Ufe. He hauled alqa pbonoc:r~pb on his vilitl to the c:t~UJ~lf)' and would play tubular" pifC'el f« the dtli&httd flt'lllftS , many ol wbom hid MVft' seen IUCh a cootnptloo. Qci one OCUuiOD , Neale dedded to ins pect a newl y-erected ~ehoolhouse . He was aghast to find lhe walb towered with paces torn from • !ubi«~ maautne. Tbe =-~·the:!~~~=: artlstk louch . Neale decided lhen and thrre lhrlt it- wu time somethlna wu dooe about the cultural depr iution of rural c~~. Neale moved to SteveDI Point. Not itrpisingly be wasted no lime In ettabliWna an art count in the tc:hcd curriculum . His persona l s lide collection became an intqral put of the ""'· Oscar Neole: namesake of UWSP's Neale Hall Loeal dubl were ~ to tlikl advantq:e of Neale's kctures and prcv~m~. ne steven~ Point Bus1neu and .Profeulooal Qub wu the fint to reqJetl Neale'a presence at lhtir annual baoquet. Hole delivered a speech bued on the quote from tbe w.U. of the ~::J:;!.~~~~J:~ L~.~r~~d I~ bettu unborD tban untautbt." ~::~~J~tUI~! livtiy ..cqs,"Bull oct Oft the Bank" and "Home on the Ranp." Neale's aciiY!tlet were not confined to art and academics alone. He served on the dty council for two l.erms in the liOO'a and on the Stevena Poi nt Politt arw:l F'1nl Q)mmiuion. In It'll, Hoovft' IP· pointed him to the White Houae Conltrftltt on QUid Health. The klcal Rotary Cub appointed him chapter I)J'elidml Until rfli~ment in 1944, Nea1e served-as a director of Rural EducatklnatCSC. Twoyeanlat«, at the mellow qe of73, he ran for Senator on the ~!lean tkbl. Despite lheobj«tionaoltome to hla UNIVERSITY FILM SOCIETY PRESENTS FRANCOIS TRUFFAUT'S DAY FOR NIGHT SHOWING AT 7 & 9 P.M. APRIL 6 & 7 IN. THE OLD MAIN AUDITORIUM ADMISSION $1 .00 to attend the ceremony. Tbe funtTilhomewu rlllecl tocapadty. Burial followed In McDill ttmelary. Memorial fuadl for 1 new orpn were tabnupatlhe Baptist O.urdl in commemonUon ol Neale'a r7 ye.n u 1 SUnday Schoolteacher. Nealellaolft'ftdu adeacoa lra the Baptiatctw.arcb. Central State COIIe1e paid limllLar tribute by cbooah• to name 1 dorm , " Neale Hall ." Hla wwk Ia the arta and lra pol.itb duervt'd the recft1nltlon they fftdved . Even today, tU mdeaYon ban yet to be matched. __ _ .....J•...,.~-.......,.....,..~.....J*"····-··'*·~******~*****.:~,NOlke: The Dept. o( Comm. is sponsoring a n Inte rns hip pl ace ment for qu alified seniors purau.lng the ractio, television, p.r. cable a nd« jownal.ism e within the Cornm major. Fall .emester inter n• hlp programs hne been developed in the area of news, production, continuity, or other destpated as.ignmeotl with the option of replacement In th e program for a aecood aemnter. . For info. ~ Com m. Depl. Sec.-eM Maila,345-3«19. .4pplkafl01!diadlhw April23, 1171. FREE STUDENT CLASSIFIEDS NeNed : Drummerwbo owns his own set to pb.y in a MWiy-formed band. We will not be doing Rock . Call Ray, 325Hyao, Ex.~77. St~pletesystem-c~lte; r«e:iver, a-track, turntable and speakers. Gol!Out. : wrtsonstaff lronJ 2.g Pw + SW, Ben Hogan woods and bag. Call Tom, 341·!212. Kawasaki 19'12 t75CC Motorcycle 5 speedlowmilea,e. Excellentcond. Knobby Rear ti re. Call 344-5676 alter s. Excellent cood. ·530. Uwt backpacking te nt. ExcellentCond.· $30.00. Schwinn World Triveller • Mens- 73" frame. Ellcellmt Cond. t!IO. Contact Jim 344-4036. Blackhawk An:ben · 2nd Annual ~=-"r:· :~·.s:~~ u .............. ......... l..nblan Tas k Fon:e Meetina the 2nd and 4th Wed. or Every month, 7 Women Uelplna Women . 3414700. PM a t 802 F r a nklin , Roommate Wanted : old farmhouse recently ~odeled 3 miles from town. $100.00pu month. Petl okay. Dan :WI-1945 days . Head Master Tennis Racket · 4 'lio H· prius to be awarded- eYtryOQe wtlc«ne ..nyooe win • $1.25 entry fee . For more info c:ontaet Tom MI.J2U. ,_ ....,., $1.50 per line: lor commercial _v entura 2girtsnee;dedtoshareuapartment for next yur 7~77. 1108 Ualon St. Call Deb at su~. ....., Would those people irom the I!Kpeed bike. Men:ier model 300. Sew ups, 531 Reynolds frame fork, 21" fra me. 1225. cau Mike 341-%151 pm,or&sutines. Expn"ienced typlat wi.ll do your typlna. Reasonable rates. 341-1013. ******************** Male cat, oranae with. eream stripes and pink OOH. Answers to name Poco. II wu 1c.t Mard1 Z5 about 7 pm . on Bl'i&ga Street . Ally infocall341.._, Coupon Boot $1 2:. Call Janelle Rm 125,346-31136. ~t;:nctrtpw= tubelorSurvivall:lcxb~aedo so to the Student AcUviUs Ofnce. 1 ******* ************* *'*'**'·**''' ........... !;o,~~:t~ F~Jdi'!:;;: ~ 3St-2001,orwrlteJen-y,7045Jloill Rothschild, WI. 54474. ' POI.iUons u commercial sip and layout career ad· vancemml. Coatact : COOtie ''tbe ~~·· P .O. Box 67, WllcGnllo um Olevolet Bluer 4WD Low mileagewilhmanyextras. Caii:J44. OIS7, Alte-6pm . or Saturdays. *************'*'*'*****' Waalell : I need aiDed a~tic ,Wtar. Call 'nm Ell, %38'7.1tn!. IU. *********'*""**'********************.............****************************~*'*'*********: $4QOO $2200 $1500 $1700 .......... pliAfln! Z. ,,• "AU the news that gives fits .. April Balloons's Day No cents 9f all · .Dreyfus·reveals vested ·iriterest Franklin Street project mauled .... II . . . . . by Bob Woodatthl campus big-wigs are ahakina over the ~'their heads in puulement ~~";15~!~Tenk:.v~o!~ aupply the Sentry Insurance comr: the~l~~ w1:! t!=. . ~bemtemporarilyde:layedwitb · 11 thediscovery of a lar1e aquatlc reptile in one of the deeper areas at the southeut corner · of the pr=ZOnster, or "Meaie", u it has been dubbed by camput twitl, hal beea cbwlnJ nUddlfnl crowds Iince ill ftnt appearance In early · March. A UrUvenity ~tina: crew aent by the campus planner ~ document i111tanees of vandalism and l~lble tree boule con· ltNClliXIin the pathol the Mkhipn Avenue extenSion , brocht bllcll footqe ol the beut. Efforts by Newa Service to have the mm run by Wausa u televisiiXIIIaUoos w~ torpedoed by ace newsc:uter Joe C.Dnl,s•)'illl "Naw ,~ea -monsten are old hat ; the people of eentral Wlsconlin have more sophisticated tastes .. .got an )'thin& In the way of a Bigfoot'! " The Olancdlor, · 1n bls oever· endinl quest for enrollment · Increasing pl,j)IJcity, orrerec1· to lease " Messle" to TV penoaallty Mnlln Jerkins, sta r of the nationally syndicated " Wild Con· dom''. Thou&b well-intended, planfeUthrqh. Saldr.ta,rlln, " We Yo'Ofltedoutplanstop.arachutea pair of snowmobiles onto tbe creature'sback, buthlldtoabandon the project when the opouum,-you know, the aame one we~ In every sbow.Jim . aent out to attack the beast was nattl'lled , bY an ear· thmover. We packed up the cameraathenandthereand trea ted OW"SeivestoaBi&Mac , with fries." Ray SpiM«ht, Wisconsin £n. viroomental Policy Act coordinator was queried on the ecoiotical ramUications of the crutllre'a appearance. Said Spleecht , " I dnn 't know-1 don't know too much about it. The rust I heard about it was In thePoleter ; Sportsshorlsllhinlt." When contacted by litis paper, fa culty members or the Col.lrge of t<(atura l Seahoraa also expreued little In t eres t In " Meule 's" welfare. ln the words of one r epr eseniellve, " ll'a like the · OlanctUor aaid ; aure, It's nice we've a 60 foot · piKiouur on campus land. and I know they 're suppoled to have been extinct for 1 couple hundred miii!IXI yean , and I know no other IChool In the UW ayltem hu one, tiilt jeo,llids, now that e-verybody and hil brother knowt about it il11 nnly be a matter of time before professors and thei r dasses andolhn- thrill seelterlgo out ther-e ~loot at ltandscareol ' Messletode:tth. lbat's whywe'rt lonn& bave·the beast ~nunted and aot UAB SPECIAL EVENTS PRESENTS THE . ACES APROffSSIONAI. FRISBEE TEAM SATURDAY, APRIL 3rd IIi THE RELD NORTH OF"THE ANNEX 10:00 · 11:30 A.M. & 1:00 · 1:30 P.M. DEMONSTRATION OF FRISBEE TECHIIOUES . 1:30- 3:00 P.!\11. · CLINIC 3:00 - 4:00 p -~ . · FRISBEE CONTEST WITH FRISBEE PRIZES .(IN CASE OF BAD WEATHER, THIS EVENT WILL BE . HELD IN THE QUANDT QYM.) " Mtu lr" , a tl!oLI&ht.(o-bt utlec t piHiou ur, lrollu In Unlnn.lty lnte Onyf1111 Lllke. j convertthtlali:e intoacombiQation ski hilli'oller rink and polo field . f'acultya ctlvists r isked job, rtputatiiXI,Ind"xerox macltine privilttes by advocaUna that the mique rtptile be preserv-ed. Jac k llta tolf, who knows a lot about th ese things,wuthefi rst to apea k out; " Uh , )'th . ~ ; justletmefind my chalk ." I~ continued, " I think the l eut..-ecando is malte a lit tle room for her in the Natural Sethnrns bulldlng ... you know, · maybe ttultlittle penon the eut end. The beavers aredelldany'Way, and I'm aure tht ducks wonl mind ." A last ditch effort was made to save the serpent by hav lnc it classifiedasa campussymbol , but th is plan ' ras scratched by Survey No rm a n Lump, prealdent of St ud e nt Gove r nment , u yinl " We !ve lOt all th e campu s rtttui tment devices , you know, comic boob , made up with dop 011 them, rudy lor the printers. U I changed It to Stevie Serpen t now, Jen_s en wou.ldiLill me." Les t anyon e tl!ink th a t " M et~le'a' destructiotl -.. ; u be a waste, tJHi OllnceUor'l orrice tr-111 15 that bids 011 lbe CltCUI lllll'f already been received from Har· deea, Sap Foods... bicks Unlimited, and the JunctSon City Renckri" ~~ectf::e~=- ~~~!: · ror the mayor'l offi«!, and the ll udenta, u usual, will 1H the abaft. . Bilge Apartments rentovated by Carl Bcr11111'ood Who says that the city landlords and apartment complexes au only outtoscrewthest!Jdentandmakea buck'! It latest dewlopments are any indication, it looks like hol.lse- ~~~ ~:! :~:r ~:~ ~"' Bilge Apartments has rfdlrdted the plight of those seell:lns adequate, low C<JSt housing within . easy walkinl distance of campus, and as a result is orrmnc. ror the first time , special low- pric e ··vowmlte C.bins'', ~ated ad· ,la«nl to lhe spacious Parking Lot Q, and wlthlnJ easy walltlna distance of a hi&h-cpHCI, tour-bne trartic funnel. the cabins will provide ''Nitk comtort for lhoee thin in the wallet". In an d:rort to "cut the frills" , Bilge Apartment 1 have con solidated the kitc:t.en, living room and ahower Into one, easy to maintenan.ce unit. 1be only ad· ditional room is a coty lebliO rt square.andwiUslf!'tllsiJinham- mocks. Fint residents desiring the cnnvenimce of the " Garaa:e Option" wi ll rind It available !or a slight u:tra C'Oil. A wall will be leCt noor ~yd~c:,:~~~~=~~di: air conditioner !option No. 211. ~:. fn1M:e~~c:: ~ 1 summtrl , at ·whldllime relident.s may utiliz.e Option No. 42 ! Plum· bin& I. Hot and cold runnlnc rats ue seuonal , and will be provided as health codes permil. Unaccountably housinc lns~tor Bill Moretown hu had several com plai nts r-ealstered with hi s off~n. Said Moretown, "We ld thesecrankscalli~all lhetime; bitchingaboutaliltlefalilnlpllster orafewroden t hairsoutofplaceon a credenza . Tbe students doP 't know how good they've got it here ... Bil~ )W'OV'ides them with perfectly adequate housing for thei r mooey ... J mean, what do !bey expec t for $SIS a semester , the plebian Versailles! Bilge Apart ments will be offerln& their bar&aln· baKmeal mode'- c:ombllliJIIIdtcka. Uv._1 roo• aod. tlloower. Pointer readership questionnaire V.llatdoyoutltinkoflhe Pointer? Havto we bftn gelting better? Have we been slipping a lliUe!· Is lbt papll!'r worthwhile or sbould the Comm~cations Depulment loc:k the entire sta ff in a padded room and is!IUII! them c rayons? Please help us-circle the aMWft'S that best fit Y04JI" impress.ions ol the POIN· TER iind send this q~Jt~tionnaire biick to the PO INTER office. All questionnairHwi\1 beheld until our demands ar-e met. 1: Whiit do you like the mOlt about the POINTER? ' A. lllac::ks jX"etensions. B. It lacks predictability. C. lllacka evll!l")thinc. D. (iive me a minute. 111think of somelhin1. 2.. If you don 't read the POINTER, v.11y don't you! A. Please. DOt while I'm eating. B. I'm afraid of right wing reprisals . C. Al l of !.hole Rul&lan names are too hardtopr~nee. D. Are you kidding , somt'body might see me! 1 1s tbe POINTER too bland? A. Does a bear shit in the woods? B. No, it "s just blaDd ~h. C. No,il's110exdtin1. lt'makes melin&lelikeatireathmint. -1: The article& In lhe POINTER are A. Too informative and wdl written. B. Squeued neaUy In between all those si.llyiids. C. Written in hollow trees and bii.Ud by elvet . D. Always maklrc h.-. ol this wonderful ~try . 5. The POINTER would be 10 mudl more int.erestU.: if they 'd j111t A. Make it an annual. B. Color it &old and sprinkle It with fairy dust. C. Move it to another wtiverllty. D. Print more ol tbele neat questionnaires. 6. The pl.a'pose of the POINTER it A. Annoy me ~ly . B. Give me seiy dreamS, til«. C. Provide a palatable servin& ol news evenll and \ a representative cross section of university life, while at the same lime malntal ninl ~itorla l in· t.egrity. D. I fell asleep halfway tbrougn pilrt c. 1. The most innovilti¥11! feature of thlsyear 's, Polnle!"la A. Removln& '"l'HE" from ''THE POINTER". B. Removina the n,ws from paper . C. Thill it seems lo be gnyer. I. How would you rate the col..nna in -the POINTER! A. Nice and llra.lght-do they ~»e sapecialmach\ne? B. F1rst I'd pull their chubby little lep apart, lhll!ll I'd -dl, dld you aay ''rate"' C. A deft m iature of Doric. " DISCUSSION OF WOMEN'S INTRAMURAL & EXTRACURRICULAR ATHLETIC BUDGET. Corinthian, and gonzo. D. Oh , about a G-you really can't dance to them. 9. What wouJd you like lo see more of in the POINTER? A. Medical terminology. B. Addreues of eaay ddcU. C. Contra«pt.ive ads. to~Ynv~V£:~~7t!ad1Jnes would a ttract your attention the quickest! A.MotherofF1ve~Knlttin& B. 1s Your f1y Zippered! C. Nude Coed Dip Star Trek D. LSD Hu Ll.lclVIOUI '111ought in Privacy ol Home! 11 . U lhe Pninter decides lo run a nude centerfold, I wiU A. Have uncleaR thoughts. r-e:it-~O:~~;n~ lhe c . Be irreparably dama&ed. D. Not vote for the Ow1cellor in the upcom\111 elecUon. EHliNGER'S ALLEY KA rs APRIL FOOL SALE OPEN TO TilE PUBUC r-c:.;,-;:-;;..-;;:.-.;;=:;:;;=.---, I SAVE - s3.00 OFF I k:~-~~!.[,gt_~_§!!~-l!'=~~~!..:!~f!S:dI I SAVE - s2.00 OFF I - 1 OM AMY PAIR OF GUY'Sa! GAl'S-Ca!OII!OYs- - I LET YOUR VOICE · BE HEARD!!! REDUCED 33 113%- 50% FRI. APR. 2. 1976 2:00 VAN HISE ROOM (UC) I Coupon Ell:phl Alwtl 3rd - MUll Accompany Purci'YM L-----------------------------· ENTIRE ST,OCK OF GAL'S SWIMSUITS AprltJ..Im ,.,.,, . . . . . Fruits fly ... Sch.lafly delights audience Oa Mlrdl 2S, Naliooal Guard troop~ Nlbed to UWSP to prevent the attadt of ruest apeaker, PbyWI SdWfly, ~ femiD.Ial and woman. Members ol the miUtaDt National OrplliuUon of Women tu.d bet:a stuhiQI rotten fruit In their Pby·Ed lotli:en for weeki. FOI1un.ltely, tbeiT plan wu folled evm before the anival of the mlliU. when supporten, the Edith 8unkef' Sodety, uncovered the booty and tz'antp011.ed it to tbdt own ldtchenl. Dl slultied u Innocent by· slanders, pard lroopt nmaloed on Scll&fly, a motherollix and wife o1 one, 8ql.lllshed her opponent~ =~:-!!:!:~-r:'= Ri&hta Movemeat will probably legallte homoaezua l m~r riaaes, ~.=:~~=.~: other ri&hts that DOW beiOOJ to llusbandl and wives." When the booinc stopped, she continued eonc:eulratin& oa the I I I I I =~~Lat~al~~~ have been for a numbes' ot ye.arwl, the elimination or tincle-cex I Inability ol women. to compete wilh I "milcllinws"~olthe I I I I ~~~~==-=~:: ::;1:·.~~:t:C!~rr::v': &ities whieh are co-ed), and the fruit. NOW picketem; paraded belen tbe Union ad¥0C.IItina tbe bi -sexua l rut -rooms , co-ed ...-restJinc.andthedi.uolution ottbe American Boy Scouts. IDslde, Pbyllis SchiOy, cllldy c:lld In 1 tomato red drea, waited paUrntJy todeliverhersideoftheatory. I I I I I mealn~haport:&uten­ I nisfde&pite tbe JUlie Bean Klq I I matck heniapbrodjte, no doubt). I With true convoluted loatc , Ptlyllil went oa to nplalo the ahot I I I I I I I I I I run ratiooale beland male aDd female ralel. ''Since the WUD~on muat ben tbe pbyaic:al coa- " ... to ERA is only human... '' d!\m~: tbethe~·:Jit,.": tbe.UntobeUtberlnandal burden ol the childml .•• I I I I Pamphlets enU Ued, "You can't Fool Mother Nature," were distributed anu hn- JpeeCb liltina the tm.clnative c:ort~equencea ol ERA for lhcae who bad not cauaht them. A aroup' ol Schally fans ::fed a meetlna after the meetina: I I I I I I Anlelan~cafelana~ :old.:,~ I I I I I . Scbafly in the Home Ec::. Dept. Restroom Lnurce. Of coune, men will be e:uluded frnm tbe viewing arallnlesaERAiantined, theftby permitlin& male oCcupancy of public: toilet spots. There will be a 25 cent COVft' char&e to help pay the cost. or the home made b.Uer. I I I I 1'111ylll1 &•I•Oy 1nlWn to , .. lllotntivecr-d. · I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SEE THE • NAVY DFACER INFORMAliON TEAM ON CAMPUS APRIL12 & 13 - II' RlllfTIIVEWI II "'-"'-'"'""' 1MIIWII.._ ------- ----------- ------ ~ I· I I I I I I I I I I Short shots .Ham's fractured daydreams II•• ~- Hob t. ltis lateJa_,.. lamcuto ..WI a letter .-bell IUddenl:y a btauciful ,m walklrc a ciachlbund Kd me. Sbe ICI"Mmm with joy, runsup andtllrv.sbtranna kiana me . pusionatdy. Wbell abe naauy around me and il~= d:,~~-~.ul~ moans. ;rs tftn tueb a kina Ume!" Uh. I'm not SidDey mlsl, my n.une is Bob." ~ looks at me cwioully, tbeft sn~=Y you're ... Sidney !" &he finally says. " He had abort hair, .rM. and troubte <!uhlrc ehecb. Andyou'rt muchtoopodlooldn& to bt~i~ctionbetweenlllil 0\'moilelming. Wltb«JJ another ,.'IJI'd • ·e hud fw my place. arm In arm l tripova""tbedachlltund.fall c~ov~·n a manhole, and am ~t'r t.nrdfrom ipill. !.. tamulawinaocienl E&YPC, ~h' body and mind are not my own, ~I bough I do have a five ye~r ~­ on my IGlll. willl an opt.lon to buy. Altnou&h 1 a m tortured and mist~a~ daily. I bar ao arcer to"<•,.ards my bmdadors. I am a cmllt. rcqivinl penoa. Abo, t'm ballltr th.lina myna bird. OM day I'm out In the fJe&ds, =~~~=~~caW.:r::: lo nw. fkllul,"'ltulluotuy, ''Ob 1'\fbus••. •• Tam myltined, ~ally btca~Mthereisoo -Wmefor mils around and parU..Uy becauw my name il Pftila~ the bhs\ftirc E«yptian sun bu fmaUy Dr.,.. &OCifn to me, mlxif!C my braiJ\S like cr.ny paint~ the CaftY.S of uu rnty, and wrinldiOC my lointloth. Butthere'llhevolcea&aln. lley Plebld, you us, An orange glow mate infrontofme...-earln& t~~o'ft'd suit. 1s this some great&odofold who'A'\11 reveal to me strange truths of the univnw, or is it jwt .another orange glow " Piebul... answer me." a gray trying to bum a riga.rflte'! " Piebus, you old bound dog, bow the hdlart you'!" It is then that I f'K'IIgniU lhe voice. It II Man:us, a frlmd ot mine from • prrviOUIInarnation, where I wua jester aDd he was a pair of stretchsocll..a. J ldtasweareabou.t to embart on an aftemoon of storytt'llinJ, he Yanishel ;r,aain \ato the of inr111ity-but 001 before prvmisina to write. ) . l amklitinabladtvoid. Wdl , wait-that's abHarim"i't"haPiitis onl7 adarkbl~ void with burfundy trim. Allyway, l'm inthisvoid,and lt's dark and~ andsilent. I ~ally qht to c-omplain to the landlord. • Suddealy-what's this' Is it M-ia&'! Yt't\althehellkindofa void Is thiJ anyway'! Bul no-this Slufr Isn't snow--it's goose down, falling all around me .n great dry flakes. Soon it will cover New courses offertd t,;dacallon :DI. Kl~~· lce.oc~plly. Ttchniques In C\lttin& cartlboard into life-slle replicas of the Madoma will be t.augbt, placiDa soec:ial emphasis on halo sub- f.r::O !~t!the.::!:'r:uetbeA:: chase cardboard. 1-hae, paint, of and a sp«hll fidd trip to Necftda. YliiCOftSin. UaralaJ Ru..rcn zn. I•· lr....U.. '- ........... . C'OI.nt'il dnipedtolatroduc:e ttudmt body to tbe~ In ht LRC. AndrOI)'DOUI buman YPH Ifill be d iiCOYet'ed and !Wyud~)' tbaee fouDd Ia Rfttrm(e Reaciac aoom. and SlTetdtifll for the Hard ID Htar- C\'tr)'lhli'IJ, lncludlna the rqh draflforthls piec:e. lnowrealiu,to my hori"'O', thal l have been somehow shrunken to the siu of a r.nat and tt1ooed Inside a gi1nt pillow. Not oal)' tbat but I~ the runnlna in the uplt&l,. ..... To pua the Ume, 1 be&l.n cp:ltiq lines from " Death of a Salesman." Soon 1 become depreued and switc:hto " Macbeth" ... 1 am sittln& 1n m)' room, listenina to m1.111C'. '111ere'1 a kDixk atlhedoorandac-utefl'fthmanairl ..-alksin lndsitsinachairoppo&ite .... " I just w1nted to listea to tbla ~.;:,'!:.'!~." lu-i."t ha\~ • closet." five.Pece band In my She ipores thla remark. Alter • few moments II b«oma: n-idtat that~wl'lnl!l liesperatelytoam- wrestle with my refrigerator. To pretent this, I tie her arms to the c~~y S:li"h~~for:· diup­ ·~:t.~~ I~ ~~~~re~':c-!': ~~ violent desi re to read Henn)' Youngm.anjokestoher. JIJStbefore I aetto the one about the firmer's dlughter 1nd the trained seal she esc-apesandc•ll5thepolic-e. I'm brqbt before the court, and chtr&ed with statutory dudpam\~. But m)' sm.ut lawyer &ell meo«tbehoollbyprorin&thltlhe Jirl had la~~&hed ' prevklully w\111 n\any different men. Ayurlatersbesendsmeallve crayfish In the mall. • I am ciMpl)' touc-hed and begin to think thai sbe has fcqiom~ me. I nnd that abe haSR't, the nut dly. wbm I'm out for a walk and she tria: to preu my panla with 1 mlttobul. Apri imary ransportation Shuttle Buses to and from the Polling· Booths. Available from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Bus will leave Debot Center at 5 min· utes after the hour with voters from Wards 1 and 2. Bus will return to Debol Center at 24 minutes after the hour and pick up voters from Ward 3. Bus will leave Allen Center at 30 min· utes after the hour with voters from Ward 2. Bus will leave University Center at 35 minutes after the hour with voters from Ward 2, 3 and 8. Bus will return to University Center at 48 minutes after the tiour and returns to Allen Center 50 minutes after the ho . rational thousht have abandoned DurS. m . Circumstances beyond my · nJe. Both my wife and girlfriend have noticed the chanae. Hel p me, 1\indering my per· pluse! formance u a tiJSHlO(ch collqe Red .Eyn instructor. Lately. the Jirls sitting in the front rt)W of the fifth bout lt<"lurt hJive been wearin& lhort Dtar Red.. skirts wilb no panties orcovtring.s In the interest of your sexual btntalh. Now I happen to tuch balance, and for the cootinance of Biology ~d the current topic is the girb' good hulth, I sua; est that Olm.axSuc:ceuion. Ntecllesatosa.v. you spend some c:lau time to tht I IPtfld a good share of the time $\lb.i«t of btmOCThoids. Emphasi~e behind the podium with my hands in these p~isposing factors : cold mypockttt . lsufferfrom a loss of objects or drarts, nc:asivt appetite at home. my nerves are "inolsture. and intra-abdom ina l frauled. while coherent an d ('OC'IIrol a"' You·WB bBBDfhBtB. now ypu ~~n\·~t:kr::z~a~: clus and elabonte on tbe dl.n&en to which they exposiOJ them· selves. J/ this acUon JHms a bit too drastic for you, morewritinp on the blackboard could be the sOlution. •.•...••.. Dea r Sa111 . When are the \leis here gotng to break~ I mean, loot wl"ll t be's done for our sex lift. Man, when be told us to double up and live with a friend, I ltntwhtwasjustall right. My .old roommate rea lly digs the dude, too. Last month when the hlluslng was tight, his clUck didn't have anywhere to live but wi th him. Yea h, tha t Chancellor made It possible. I'm going to ttll all the guys grad ua ting in my hometown to Jive tl"llt Olancellor a c:ome uphtrefor~thool. . l auppoee tha t 's what he wa nta, huh~ How can 111"" thank 1\im! ne 1 CQUJ~ Ies Above Shl kty'l Bar " Grill · can help them. Dtar Couplet. I JU&Itlt you Invite hi m for dl nner . . Or better sUll, Insist ht move In with you for awhile. Let him know that the studtnta "ca n . ha ndle two or three years ol substanda rd housi ng". It's quite obvious that you would hi t it off well si nce you share the J;!!'le position on the luue. · They' ... QOIIion-OWIWtG go . lni~INtlan"tlll"f. Butwiii'I--"•"-IJI. lllly'MmiiLelLWI!.Itlhly,_.j ;. 1 Iflind. Somlone 1o ~e:ln eonfidant-~ro~loH. Ptrhll". ll""'ldiMI'OI.I UISaJellln Ou r Sa• . I 'ria a smal!-toWft &ifl who's been :~;!. aSl~ckm~uy~~OW!l~ about 200 miles from ht!'e, 1 don't JH my folks too much aDd never mention my boy friend . WtU: I••' weekend 1 did ao home- and he called me there. My mother an· awered the phone. She wu very upseto,vt,en heaskedtotalkto me . Jt JHms lhe's been datin& him too. How should I handle th is mess! Blue tlear t. Dt11 r Blwe Dont let this trivial quarrel come between you and your mother. The America n fa mily" .mil ll bned on ~r!t'!:t~e11U:afo:d.~t;t: datlng~thedule and divide his free time between you. If disputes ~darise,askyOlr father to mediate. .......... DtarSam, inilia\sl has •obbly erections . We 've t r ied eve r yth ing fr om padded suppor t r ubbers to popalcle ~~~ =~: !~~ke~~~t~~~ ~~: :ett~t~~Yn=~~t!'rJ:o:t!J~ know. What do you thi nk I should trynext1 Dtar Upward, at~~~:doi~S:~~t: for some candldatn. It wi ll be worth the effort. PliiiiOIBIOtr..l. TtiiSaleti..-..oiSI.JoM 1 ~1o ..,.....rou,.. Unlilctoi,..,O<dtrlwhoMliPOtlotlll llacJIIIIOIO wllllywylngconclllloni.IMS.,..._,.,, • ..,,.,n•be.,-•nd wlllbe. youthorilnled. TodiY-"IIMiplngiOpt. . . . I'OU'It' -·ib ,.....,lo....,..,.-.Not'" '"'"'lot 1M -wlllllt lll"f lal.l)ut-wllic:ll-wele-. Andhowcto W' It? By lolowingltlepr~C~pt~ool ourloufoclel.Don Bol<:o.Tocr-doutl'rilwltflre-.,..lglool 11\d klndrlnl wim I IMttood ol play, -.rn 11\d Pfl"f. )'ft"tl !1ylnglotluiklbttlltcoo''""'l'lltiotlbyMipltoglocr.... bltllf......_ Aa•SIIn\M.rouu• ouarlnllldiiii~IOhtoiP ~ ltleJ'Outll ifl lwfdttlngeoi....._ . .. .. ~--­ OII,ItcllnicllllldiCidemlc'-ld''"-. ; l!ll..._ utn. NodJOIIU1glwnlhlklndoltr•lnlngyouneedlo Pl"fC'IIol091sb • •• lnllooysd. . _ C I I f t p ! l ••• • :£ ICl'tiiYI,.-IIIM.. ThtSU..IInl...,;iyilllatge-(--llllll'lird..,OIIt r..tong..,.,,butahltedbuf-lllotl· cornlnga,IOO. IIJOIIIMI .. -do. lhiiiWI'klloJOII!IIclllbe million illyourlile. ---=-row"'*"'- ..,~mpon~n~ I ·---~-------. 's-~~aJu. . I I I ~OI'o::~llon-='~'"'IHtllnd BIIIIIR. . . ,_,____·"·"·'- I : :.':..oseo ·- k-- - ~~- o ~:-__:__ I I I· . ... I__________ ---• -· · ·--- . ' ......... .. 1111 Afril. lt'TI I ~ Every Sunday Night! ~ CHOICE SIR LOIN ~TEAK TE XAS TOAST ~ ti HO~~~~~E0~N~~~A~NGS ti BAKEOPOTATO&SOURCREAM ~ ill $395 l:l FREE SEER! t: iJ .. i O<de<)buf••--. Ac~wllllantnt:lluslllllc,_., I I .. g!r ~.1.1~~1a~~~~t;:::c:;r~ one thing: X.X. !not his real choiteo f a.rf..,.a.tllotM~~t . . drt~~i"P ::1 i!! ; :£ Allywr... drillkwirhyourMHi ~nc~ ...,__,.h, ' ; ~ :II :a rnuun rn rn1-nn~ rn ~ I!! ::1 :!! 1 SUNDAY NIGHT DANCE •featuring LIVE ENTERTAINMEJn Grut Danca l:l :~~~ j:l :1 Zots nice World championship comes to Point The U.S. Zotball le.lm,comprised ol two Steven~ Point mea, defeated a stroac Ru:lliaa team S.2 to upturelhe World~l tltJeandthe prestigious'I'Uizb~. "This ls lhe &reatestlhlna since the Uni ted Stales .on • bronze mdlll in lbe biathlon!" quipped an estaticJ.OukPinzerwhileZotball te~m mate Pete!' Manh looked on. Atthevlctoryc:debrationinthe Bi& Moon SIIOOil, whkh has been &oinaoaPnH: tbeirOetober t&, tm ~1. both Marsh and Pinur Wft'e Mppy to recoUect the vkcory. ''Tbe Ru:llianJ ~ren't as toush as everyooe lhlnkltheyare. l 'llbetwe cwkt beat tl~m nine out ol ten ~'::··~"!·f~~~o,::.;. Zotbal1 ·ts a game played with a ball similar to a football . lin fact, ~~>"hik! an official zotb.ll Is bftna desi&nN, the league is usl n& !ootbllls. ) Each tnm is eompriHd oltwoplayen , wilhtheobject brin& toklckortbrowtf'lezotl5all past the pla)-eri and beyond their zot :roncs. My olbtr lnlormaUon on how the! pme is played can br obtained by tending $27.116 to Clarlt Pinzer and requestina the p.~mphlet , " Official Zot.b&ll Ruies'' , Pirun- noted thaf the Russians pla yed a rough and undisc iplined brand ol rolball. " Jack Pecklovic:h, the Ruutan captain had a poor know~e ol how the pme should he! played;' said Pillt.ft'. '1bey shoukl bave purt,hasecl my rules booklel. .. be added. lotbaU,aCC'Or' a game ol cumin,. ftX!urance and luc:k.'' Peckkwicb. the Russian captain, complained that when the Z.Otball rules were expla ined , Pinz.ertol<lhim little else. Throusb an i nterpreter . Ptckkwich uld. '''Allen - entt«d tbe same. l dktnl even, how a point wu to be ~«~red . Bdore I lr.newit , Pinzerwu-jumplna: around • and c~imina he had just ~ a lri plMG(· &•I for the U.S. team . ~ttucb! .. Pinter ICGffed at ,Peclr.lovich's rflnarb, eaUlna him a ''Whiner... The U.S. captain illo noted .. It wasn 't nen a dose pme after I ICOI'ed tbatrarelriple.zot 1011 with thirty second~ _ remalnlna... The Anwrican ace a.bO stated tNt an lnnian ~ld Jud&e diuUowf'd a ~~..r=n tumfini.hf'dthe lt'ason with a periect HI f'K<Itd, while the cellar dweUin& Rusalant nn~ o-t. Yuaodavil, Oile. Spa1n and GhaNI finished the seasoni n atie for&«''ndplace wit h O-Orecords. who Is also the World Zot ball Leaaue I WZL I dismlaed rumors that the leq~ ..,.u ''fixed .. uyi na. " Anyooe who th inksthatourworldtltlelsa nuke caneatmyshorts!"He also noted that ··Every telm in the WZL knew lhllthe pmes v.·ere to be played 11 the Mead _fark l1cility Mrr In Poi nt . U t hey couldn't get 1\e'e, ~a t 's their problem ... o\c'c'ordlnc to the two Stevens Point zotbal.l Kes , the futun ol zotbilll is rosy. Both expect IM-Ir sport to JOOn rival professional curlina. " 't\lltn was the last time you saw a professional curlh'C match on TV ~"as«ed Marsh. ''111 bet you11 -totballon theWick-Worldol' SporU ion& before you'll ever -aM IOfM bom01slidina a -ight acrou the ice," he added. • Pilllerforesettnoprobl~ln ma in tai nina the WZL for llt'llt .wuon . Be admits. however, that droppinc totball from the 1m Summer Olympics may have a ~alive effect. •"f'be labor unions really screwed us in MOiltreal.'' said Pinter. 'i11ey'~ behind In COMtruclion ol the tot~ ll fteki , and I refuse to , rele&a te the pme to a )oke by pla yi n& in the patldiiJ lot," he snapped. Some stmtics think the WZL will 10 the WI'/ ol'the WFL Pinier disagrftS, bowe\·er, sayin1. '1bere hasn 't be-en a slngletotball uniform ~bya laundryyet.The WZL at ...·ays pays its ci~ani!IJ bills ... Whether or nottotblll will· eYer repla« baseball u the n.atlonal pastime Is still a maller ol CCIII· jectuu. lnarecentpoll,bo\\-ever, ieu tban-percenC of thole i..ttn'i-ed e"rr beardoi'IOtbali .Tbe majority usumed It was somethina -- When Pinzcr was asked why to f~p«<ple lr.newthattheU.S. won the WZL tJtle, despite the fact the 1ame was played nearly five months aao. be merely lhncaed hil ........... ··we just ha ven't called a preu snapped. coni~ )~I ~ .. M •'I .. A lt&Mb!J•. - e:riiWIII wtc.t:MN _.e presntatlllll or Ole ~ecwe~ 'hsdF.a ~e .. te tile ... ..._ z.tNU ~ella..,.. DIJ..lar~l•ctllkU.-.mJeht.rtJIItl : Pet-eMartii,J . Oarlr. Piaer. Zel•a z.t IMiu z.dlaDI , ud "--lw-ole Zot. tbe fouderoiZotNU. • Nt'U lln·e 11".,.1 ca• r...- twe _ _.. tafd •• . e-tlialkf'SaMr M-H& ..........lpiln'l. . ~ Util, •'- ; Dr. Hunter S~ Thompson Go~o journalist and the only man tq. ride with Richard Nixon Ql!Q. the Hells Angels .& . Oick Tuck the P,litical prankster who devoted his life .to harassing Richorcj ('Jixon appearing together in !J!VSP's Berg gym Apri121 8 PM for the I.ast..,.,er Pointer symposium on the relative merits ol humor in the American political system • tickets Sl · available next weeli: September 6th ; l974 Th< hudJiM ;, llJdoy 's WtUhmg1o!o Post soys Ri&b<Jrd Nixoo is ''hM/y orul depressed •' 4Dum the,. ;, his uilo bide01R ;, .S.. .C/e.....u. He suclu •us for breU.fost· oruJ """""" bd&R oruJ fo,tb ..,. tbe !Jo4&h sf>i!iiolf .frr'JII'otly itsto lb. surf oruJ broodinlf .bout somo vit:Wtls J>JW whoso ..,. he c4o 't ,.,..,.her. .. who hos a'"""""'J G1l1lld jury foU of uppity fliuers who·m Nixoo 's owo worris· ''W<Zo) to pick tho CIUCiiss. •• lodud ... Whot tho heU is • comus lfO;a joi- a~~Y,..y, ueept to pick ot? {j;r!a.; tho . siHJI, suck the botus, tbeo .;o41t tho hosl4rri with lfiUO!itu oruJ toss • (;;..,JII... ;,. il. ]eswt How ,;,,.~.,. of this chooppd IN/Ishis coo we /Je upectd to l4ke from th.t stupid /#tie ffOM•I? Who giv<s · I afock if he.'s hM/y oruJ depressed out·tho,. its.S.. Clem•ou? If tho,. we,. ""J such thitsff 1M trW ftu#c• its. world, \\\ his '""""' Cllf'CIUS would /Je somiwb.,. dowo 4""'"" wter ~~ \ ls/4rul ri{fht tWW, its .the /JeUy of alxlm_merhoiJd shm. IIilir I . ·,... ......_. ,;p.,,...t.lm ~ thu Thompson from 'The Scum Also Rises' -Rollin/{ Stooe magazine Revolutionary conscici/.S1N.Ss is w 1¥ . _ found among tht most oppressed masse.s·--waUr, air and gra.sses • Gary Snyder So on. wautitc to people Dod l.bemalve1 hdp ow world iA 111me way to make It a triOe better. With all tbl red tape ilrvolwd, bowtver, sorneU mn the avera&e peraon llve~uptoaeMily. Jki;DOt•wtth the Lake KeleD Diltrkt.PIIqlle there ~-;t*U::=nc~ :,: prd:llema and do a:nethiq about it . La.lle Hdlll b loc:ated eut ol Rolholt ud II CCCDpriad ol approDmatdy IO:l ac::tel . 1D the ~m:':e·~~¥elaltt;,,~ there .re only about eish t yeat1' ffticlerU . It .... lhi!le people wbo became coacerned alxU tbe lab. f\!ople rulized that tbete wu • problem IIDd for .. ~a- qualiiy ~~tbeJa..lllewualcrwly board. Tbe District was ba'f'in& trouble seWac a Board totetber. 1bb b wbel Ted Haney, a re:Aderlt of the lake becamt lnwlved. He 1.1 now Chai~ of the Bo&rd for the Lake Helen Dlltrkt. The t..ake Dlltrict lben mtat apply to the atate for .a . feuibility study. The alate theD Jlarll tdlinf; you what to do. The IU.te sive~ you aatartlnsdateforthe.wdyto bella which ia November tt7t. The nut step ia to apply to comp.a.l•, wbo dotheatudiesofthelalte, aod ret• bld. Aneralllhebidl are In, the Board meeU and whkh company doea the 1tudy. The Lake Helea Diltrk:t hu decided on the company but cou&dn't re&eue the name before DOtifyiq tbtm . The state will pay 10 pereeat ol the money the company dl.arft& Me! the DiWict wiU pay 40 perctat. dec!._ dtterioratlQI. Dooald Gaedtb . • CNR students study woodcock .,.GDertYa-V The warm SO df&ree days ol April are a&mc.t upon ta and the lnevltabk IJrinc r,.,er wW be eaucht by all. Spriac baa traditionally alpilled the lta.rt ol lhincaanew. Sprinallalsothetime ollhe year tbe American Woodcock ao their tndiUonal malin& exhibition. Tbil wuul malh!l procect.lre, eombinine HriaJ maneuv«s and o.ucn ::.;t::e:tut~c=~ Steve Haaach is shtdyins the Ame r ica n Woodeock for hi s &raduate thesis. · Hit study, eatitled " Habitat Uae and Ecolo8Y o1 the Amerdan Woodcock In Central Wlaconsln." wu ltartediaApril lt75andwiU coadude aometlme In September or .,.,,__ Haa.dl 1tatea: that the browa bird Is daasUkd .man. !KID- as a webbed mlaratory aarnebi rd . AltbOUJb Ita popularity Is In· m:u1nc • a pmeblrd thert has ben relatively litUe ,_reb on ,......,_., Hilatudytakes!i.mtoU.Dewer Manbwtwebe&.awaetadoaal aoal)'liafllU.W'CICideldr:'sbabltal. bJCOWitUIIU.rtamberol''ltactnl eMry fOW'-IItlltba ola raile. maa.- m:e ~male~ ~ar:: . =~ :::.;~:: =~'~,tt: attraet~, ~-~.:;a=:,er~ strull about maklnc a subdued wbimperln& nolH with broten lntenak ol • D.-I "peeat." He then takes off ..nne In a spiral from 100 to :JDO fed abo¥e IJfOU'Jd. He thai ziCup to earth =1.~ :::e~~:: ~~u~~ b~o~::"!:'=.~· woo~aa his lady frimdlto bislkle. - yard. NOTICE - TO TENANTS, LAND LORDS AND GENERAL PUBLIC. *************"'*"'Jl""""'""'"*"***' ......... ... A general meeting Is being called to discuss HOUSING and HOUSING CODES with the Mayor and City Housing Inspectors. MEEnNG-MONDAY, APRIL 5, 1976 7 P.M.-SENTRY AUDITORIUM OPEN TO ALL ...................................................... ~· Environmental bookshelf lty Marll q.ankr~ Something ~e.1ritr lhln oirles l\.tanson il _going IO' happtn while you' re rudin& Tile Popu latl•• &.mr.--douns ol people, mostly children, willstarve toc!Hih. Even ;::c,:;.t::1e11wC: ::::r~ ezperiencina scale ramiMS by 191!10, even here, right a t home. Populltloo polhation is cuning to the fore u manklDd's number one enemy, and with ruton. Oven:rowding is rapidly rnultin& aooct In urban dist.asot ctnten ( been to C.lcutllllately'!t, a drastic food shortage, and a plethora ol other socialllls. · The pNiblem lt rtOt aettina aay betler. and II is not likely lodoao In ==u!'tnE!h!lc~nf:S'~~ Is doublina every 7'0 years, aDd that's tomparatively slow compared to Kell)'a's23 yean and Costa RiCI 'Ii9. M the book says, we are aoirw to ~tinue to h.ave a population P"~ u long u the birtb rate ex~thedeath- thbgivesusthe choke ol controllina eithe!' the birth rate or the leu desirable aJternalive, which we .re npidly movlna tow11nb. Ehrlich devotes thrM cbapters ol his book to w~ t be calls, ' 'The End of the Road".....part fact , part rw:- tional projections as to just where our overcOtltumptlve natu re Ia leadi,. us. He forcasta first a dtadly war brought about when the United Statn u.. a fOf'bidden pntkide in a despe111te attempt to feed Its starving m.Uli0111. The second sc:enario Ia a series of newspaper attOURta, the rll'll few of whkhafeautbentk . ~tii!J the sprud of the drud La~ fevn-, ==~~~«~:;~u bl= ~; twlm Ina nonopo!luted lake should not be auperc:eded by a steel mlll'a desire to make. a profit. This Ia golngtorequiregOftrnmentactloa, which 'will only be prompted by a brought to a ttop (a development which Ehrlich feelt may be neceuary to save the world). The third scenario bat considerably more appeal-world pea« ~~!e=tc!nt~ ~~~ ~ntratedcitiz.entrffort. A third step la atoppq: the use of pesticides. As he points out, con· Unued use succeeds only In a more reaisllntlr.ect. Whereai food eMI'ID' Ia lost the further down the foodchalnyougo lplant to animal to manl , In· aecllcides don ' t deteriorate. Besides being a good argument for vegetarlanlsm , ltpolntsoutthatall .,.-e are doh11 is po(soninJ 10me of lhehigherllfefonrtaontheplanetln a futile effort to feed ounelves. = feed thutarvina In undenl.eve:loped countries. Ebrlichdosesthebooltwith hit to what he feels sboWd be dooe. He feels that u the most powerfUl. amuent, and in· nuenUal nation, the United St.ttes holdt the key . The lint step it to encwnp birth control nationwide, even •t the rilil of offending the C.Uiollc Olurch. A second step that he feels lm· puative is stopping the rape of lhe environment. A penon's right to suggestions as . m!~ t:,~~~~~rn-:1; ::~ late-read The PopW..U• BolD._, then deddt for yu;self. Scott donates outdoor library A collection of 500 books and periodicals- many coasidered "rare"- on the subjects of lllhinc, hunting , conservation and the outdoors have been g.lven to the UWSP. nil the 1m of waltn- E. Scott. rm Hickory Ilr'ift, ~. wbo retired last May after about 40 yean oflft"'ke to the Department of Natural Reaourca <DNRl. ------. Complete Selection Of: • BACKPACKS • SLEEPING BAGS • TENTS • HIKING BOOTS· • AND ACCESSORIES BY -f~i- . ~~ Scott il in the process or recistribuUn& bil pasonal coUeeUoa of5,000bookJ"inplaceawhentbey will do the: most aood." UWSP hu extensive academic oll'erinp in the neJdofqtural rt:I(U'UI involving about 1500 majors.· 1be other major beoerdary of boob Ia UW Madison. Value of thf: gin to UWSP il esUmated at more than 12,000. One book, rnr example , "Anallnc In ~'a::J' ~::rl:• ,E!Io~ oute signed copy that Ia now print. Ita worth lslnexceasof$100. Scott baa been a lon&time writer wboleapec:ialinterestilthehlatory oftheconaervationmovement . Hil collecting was done, In part, to acquire materials that ,would seTVe u referenoees, he reulls. He coUected copies ofiUCh worb u "Forest and Stream" published betwee.n 1173 . and 19311, ''Outing" . mqu1ne which appeared In the IWI century, and books with such titles u "Sport Wllh CWI and Rod" published in I.:S. All of those worb are l~uded In his atn to UWSP UlustraUontlnmanyol'theboolu have Jrowins use, he aaya. Thebookawlll be catalogued here In the Albertson Learn l na Re:sol.rces OenltT !library) and with the exception of some of the most valuabJe and rare worU, will be housed in the main otr~c:e of the CoUeae of Natural Resources Building . This arran1ement Is intended to !X'ovide the proper amountotsecurltyyetusyaectsa f~readen . the sporT shop P~ ,.,~a"'"'t.IJ'Tt 'Ole library, In aeveral woodetl eases, has bfton named the "Walter Scott WUdllle CoUecUon ." Or. De nlel Trainer, who huda the naturalresourcescoDet;eatUWSP, said Sc:olt's &ifl Is Jilnlfic:ant because It provides materials for atudenta and facul ty that In 10rr1e cues would be out of ruch nnancially and In other cues totally unavailable for purdue. ~ Scott, in recalling his work In buildin1 up his collection whkb included making trades, says he appro.ched siJCIJ J!eldl as flshlna more avidly u a complier of In· ronnalionthanactualputidpant in ... _. A native of Milwaukee, be il a ·bioto1iat by major academic prepan.Uon but spent most of hil years ,lwilh DNR as one of the . departm~t's top admlniltratora. His IIUe for many yean before hit retirement was assista nt to the director <secrelary l. Lon&tlme ~!,j~nf;v~~m~;na"!-:JP:J:::; that upon arrlvina at the DNR, Sc«t "wu aomethina of a novelty as ajunlnrwardenin 1134. Hewua coUeae man , noless, in a trade that in those limes recuited moally rrom vohat were ngarded u a hardier dasa of young men." Wynaurd , In his tribute, called Scott , the DNR'• "&~eralist . staff phllOIOpbn-, and to a wholesome degree , the con· science of the rront ornce ad· ministration." Sc~t'::.f~n~l:d!t:;:; · Imp ro ve deer manacement procedu r es and inauaurat1n1 f::d':~~~~t~:: c-~::=:1=: and IX'oducina a number of wtdeJy clrc:ulated reports on the condUion of the environment In Wlsconlln, leadinl numerout conservation orpnlutiona, ~ befrii: in lhe SUC· ceurul hatUe to control U:M of DDT and aut horin1 the Outdoor Recrutlon Act Program (QRAP), Ec:o-briefs _ "-acH"HIIIe S.WMay , AIJriiiOb:tbedate~et for U. Sle¥eol Peiat ~er Jlike- aprojectdeaf&ned toralHfWidlfor CROP provides emftleocy rdld needtd at times ol natural diluten such as lam'ine, 11oads. , CROP, a reliel ud development ett. JlamO&t~maJ<rrellfl aaeney ot Oxan::h World Servke. effort followftl tbe earthquake l n CROP wu ori&laated by 011.rt:h . Guatemala. But most ol CROP's World Service to aid in the wort IOH far beyon;! lmmedia te rebuiktl111 ol Ewope arter lht relid. With its ' 'food for work" IKOIMI world war. It now projec:ts it ptOYides 'Qys and ila ~ oo lht autritiooal aDd means for certain nutri UooaUy deve&opment Deecla ot 'thi.rd wwld defiCient am to become more C'CU!triea. a&riallturaUy self•utnclent. Witb laldnart law enf~t eue to protect enctanca'ed wildlHe A bu W'OUDd up wltb aenlend111 ol two men and fines totalh:C ••500. The later!« Department's F\sh and WildLife Service rates lhe ease, lavolvtac tbe laf'lest capture ever ol _coalnband aWplor hldel, u oneoltbemc:.lunlllllllll n It history. aaricultural m issionary In India ror :.!3 years on behalf ollhe United Olurdl ol OUill U!ehel p ofqricultllf't m lssionaries It determine. what mOYel need to be taktn to ma.t.e a certain reclon ::: .c:!:=:!:· ,:~~~ ThOHwho si&n 14'1 tohllte will be &ivtn a c:ollection envelope wllb a Thea food II uled as wares to hire local worltert for the project, whatevft' It may be.....n lf'ri&aUon ditch , a dam , a s&orqe facility, ett. All money for CROP b: raised thi"''UUh voluntary donations. 11le ~~~~~ Hqer Kilte is one means ol ralliq suth money. The HullletHilteCommitteepoewout of • hunaer Wit force at the Frame Memorial United Pre•byterlan On.rch,chaired by Mr . Kip CorneJo and MI. Arlene Meyerhofer. 'lUI monies raised will be chaMded through the O<oprecklru~ l office In Madison a nd from tbt!'e to the projectaln moat need of Im mediate Corm attached to fill Ia the namn ol sponson. T'be hiker b :!fll:ible ~~~~~~~w:~r.: amount ol meney for each mile walked. T'be hike will becin bel· ween I :OOand IO:OD on the: mornJ na of Apriltoatthe Stevtns Point Area Sen.lor Hl&h School. T'be route Ia for ·~~=-·r;...~~tr:~~:~n be provided to the hikers at the: time that tbey sign up. UWSP students Clnsign up ror the Hu,.:er Kilteal the UMHE campu1 mlniltry office in thf: Newman Cenlft'-1:ornu of Fourth · and ~ by con· tactin1 Rev. Steve Ed!n&ton a t ex. -· ~.;!· ~~ d:_re:~·-~ 111 ~ . Whitcomb , who served u an Ja~ Kla pbch, 54, a nd hil employer, Meclmport Corporation. bolh of Newark, New Jersey, pleaded &llllty 'to ~ r l mina.l . violatloos of t he Edndaoaered Eiaht 11Udeall bave been aamed to fad prop-ami April 10 It a «<mmunity aature worlubop at the • Central W'IK'Dftl!n Eavitollmental Educatioa Center at su-et l.ake near Nelloaville. 1beJW"CIIfamfrunlamto4pm II beiiiJ s po uored by Alpha Xi chapterolXISI&ma Plt-ary society for oat u ral retour ctl • RudeN& at UWSP. lt ..W beopea to the publle wilhout cbai"Je•• 1be sttx&eat teadrm are Sue O' Leary, Mllwaukee, ud Doreen O'Connell, Newil\ton, Conn., on water aqct the t'NtioNHpa bet· SpedesActotlmfor~vtnaand poueuiDc W~ally lalten alliptor KiDs abipped In lntentate tom · mere-e. Klapllch wu fined $2.,500 and placed on proNtion for 3 yurs , Mea Import Corporation was fined ...... Dr. Barry Commoner it the teynote apeUer 11 a coofereoce that •iU be held II UW-Patltside, S.turday April lOth on Enft'o , tbe EDvironment and Employment. Anyone lntuated 1n IOtniii'IOUICI Wftf1 a~ik: orpnilms ud their e n v iro n ment ; D iane S poil , Milw~u*•· and Robert Hu«ltH", Fond du Lac, on ' 'the hidden _. lrl of nature" that II often overlooked by the buJIWI eye. Allo, Patrick Dunl, Richland Center, and SUunoe Carter, F'alrctdld, MIM., on plants: and Kim Holma ren, Ooltbura , and Cyntlia Jacot.en, Milhkot, on wlldlHe. Penool may Ran up for the workshop by ealliq or wriUna the CoUeJe ol Na4Jral Relourcft , olflce: ol the deaD. ~· Backpackers-Campers--Wilderness Enthusiasts " Recr~ational Ser¥ices. P r e s e n t s & ii Mr. Gary Gr1mm . University of O r - I I Mr. Grimm, who has headed a multitude of outdoor excursions throughout tile country, will be on the UW-SP campus to present a series of lectures, slide shows and workshops on wilderness backpacking, camping , survival, .environmental ethics, and other related topics. The programs will be as follows: . ·Monday, April 5th: Individual Freedom and the Wilderness Included will be .a discussion of the wilderness consortIum commercial/non-commercial use of the wilderness, publl9 rights to wilderness and public Input Into wilderness management •. 7:30P.M. , Roam 129 A & B, U.C. TueSday, April 6th: Workshop on backpacking and wilderness camping 4:30 P.M. , Recreational St>rvlces, U.C. Model wilderness environmental projects Including slides of high mountains, and wild, whlt.r·water rivers . ~ .7:30P.M. Recreational Services, U.C. Pointer 9 readies for. new season byJobaROIIIIIy 0 ·After golnc 4-6 on their ffte!lt sprina trip. the Pointer baseball tum is prtparing for a heavy rqular season scbedule of 26 ~~es·:;~~f!:bfh:t~ soutllft'n trip to a snowless stewns hi nt. Instead of retreating baclt indoors and loosing all they had gained doWn south, lhey wer,:e able to continue pr.u:ticing outside. . The Pointers have a new coacb in Ron Steillft' thissprlng. H~ replaces Jqlime !=OKh Jim Ctut, who was granted one year leave of absence to do advanced study work in educational administration at UW· Madison. S~iner had served as Oark 's assistantsi~I!IA.Inhls college days at UW-Madison, Steiner played th""' years as a c:atcher«~Uielder on the Big Ten baseball team . When practice of0da1ly began one month ago, Steiner and his assistant Gary Rotherllam greeted an astounding tumou.t of 70 eandicbtes. Since then that amoun~ has dwindled somewha t , although Steinerwillinevitabl}'llavea lotof squad culs to make. However, he said he will keep as many pitchers as possible for the grueling schedule-216 games in less than a mooth's tim e. The Polnten wUI also field a rrestunan squad thatstaods to play 4to6games. Tvo·elve lettermen return to form a strong nucleus from last year's runnerup conference leaden. nw, spring tm outfit compiled an uverall record or 16-12 Undudjnga spring trip l. The 12 returning ~t­ termen Incl ud e senlon Tom Hoinacki, Stevens Point catcher· inf1elder : Jim Goesch, Brown Deer southpaw pitd~es-. juolon Nk:ll Sandow, Stnftl5 Point outfielder; Mark Cambray, Qwmlng, Mich. secood basenwt;. Dan Hauset', JannviUe catcheS'; Randy Newby, Stevens Point ldthnder; Don Solin, Antigo third baseman; Reid Nelson, New Richland, Minn . outfielder: and Bob Whillitt, Madisonwtlielder: and sophmores Johnny Bandow, Stevens Point ·shortstop; Mike Gram, Beloit in· fielder-outfielder ; and Dan Thompson, Wausau righthanded pitcher. Johnny Sandow is recovering from knee surgery made necessary byabasketballinjury. Hov.-everhe has bounced back faslff than was first expected, "and Steiner has elea,ibUity hassles. However, he bas Iince regalntd his eli&ibility and Is readytogo. Phi!Kllsmith,transferrlghthander from UW-Oshkosh :ua':r:t he.,:;,~ •!!:ac:n:!!!!: pe«d by a IOf'6. arm atter being counted. on as a starlft'. Steiner n~ he is coming around though, and will m01 t likely be used out of the bullpen where he was so effective at Oshkosh. Gary Weber and Joe 'Sch ultz are also being considered for relief spots. ~ .Jl"I'IOU~himreadytotakeover shortstop, where he was namtd to theall-conferenc~ team as a freshmanlastSC!UOn. There · Is good news on the pit· ctling front . Tnlnsfer righthander Mike case. a stocky 21li-pounder, emer&ed as the team's ace hurler on the southm\ trip by no-hitting Louisiana College and looking good in his other appearancn. Lefties Newby and Goesch established themselves In the startlog ratatlon as did Brad Ryan ; a sophomor-e righty from UW-Madison where he was on the freshman team last season. f'rankStoclrul, a lanky &-6 frshman s-lahthander from O.k ~ Creek, loolll to be the rift'h starter lor the present. He is Ole hardest ·· -thrower on the .•taff . ' The bullpen appean,.to be In Jood shape with 5 to 15 candidates vying forreliefroles. T.J. Alfuth,afreshman s-i&hthander from itevena Point. pitched extensively down south and stands see mon action this April. Dan Thompson , veteran rl&hthander from Wa1111u, did not make the trip lOUth becauee of to " If our pitthing comes through the way I think It cao, we'll certainly be in the running ," Steiner remarked." Wehavethedefenseto win the ~ha mptonship . and also enough hitting togetthejobdone." Dan·' Hauser. at catc:her. Mark cambray at second hue, Bandow ·a t sborlltop or designated hitter, Don Solin at third bue, Nlclr. Sandow In center field, and Reid Nelson In right field . Jeff Keele aDd Mike Gram have been alWnatlng at first base, while Bob Whitaltt and Mike Ferguson are doing the same in left field. Junior traosfes- Jerey Wallen, a w, tiiO-pOUnd shortstop from Manitowoc:, played In Bandow 'sablence downsouthanddlda good job defensively. &-:f freshman Rick Nichols figures to see some spot duty in the outfield also. Steini!rhas~preachingcontrol tohlsmounclsmenthlsseason."We can' t let our defense work for us ~:Yi-':.·pi~~t~~ baU over Steiner has installed a rather unique approach with this year's squad by forming a committee of t ix.veteranplayentoprovideteam input Instead or beilll dictated by .......... '"The committee will help set up team rules and regulations and serve as a " go-between with the squad and c:oachiog staff In solving any problems that might arise during the season. I want the guys to reel that this Is their team because,afler ail, they 're the ones who will do 'the playing." to ~~~~~t!ir i:~~:J'~~~ ~;::":,.to~~~~~~'!~~~ whatever it may be.'lt's important that everybody knows hia place on theclub. . Starting for the Pointera will be Key lOPes from last yHr•a club llierepitchersJoeNe111er 17-Uand Don Vruwink 16·2), an allrontereneepick, utility Infielder AI Ashbeck and first baseman Brian 1\lc:C art hy . The fiut three gradllated while McCar thy II not In · school this semester. J "We've been one ol the most competitive baseball schools in Ole ronferenceyearlnandyurou.t and I see no reason for that to change," Steiner observe<l_. "We've been forlul\ale in gettil'll a lot ol talent fz:om this area, which hal some of the nn est high schoOl" and Legion progranuinthestate. Most or our player• have ex.Ci!llent baseball "backgrounds." The Pointen open the · season when lhfoy travel to Winona, Minn. fo l:,o ' n9n -conference doubleMiiOer next Tuesday, Apri l 6. They besln conference action ' friday, April 9 by hoatin& UW· Whitewater at Lookout Parlr. COle college diamond). All aames at Lookou-t a r e tcheduled doubleheaders· (U are all the Pointer'tgameslandstartat 1 pm . art ·materials brushes • mediums . -paints 1 -4•--'=.....~ 1 • canvas paneis ' canvas li "'---=---- • IN STOCK ITEMS EMMONS . • 601 north division • mon..thun. 8-5 lrl. B·h-sal 8-12 Jlhone 344-4911 IWIKETBALL : Wendy Kotw1., 1 :"J.tle~ ~= ==-~ Valuable Player far the UWSP W'CIIDftl's babtblll lotam. Kohlt's honor ame at the ·con· cl..-.loa ol her l01r year ca,_. at UWSP, and the moat sueCeatw aeuon the women Nftten ew"tr bad. • Wbile«~mplliJIIao 11-4 marli::, the Poio&en took IK'OIId at the stale tournament aad advaoced to the Midwest Rqlonal quarterfinals Kobrt, one of only two lenlon 011 the wam. a1ao aervec1 u co-captain dwiqt,heiUion. DwiaC the f'el\llar RIIOII, avenpd 1.4 poinll 1 pme Kohrt and hit Entries .n now beina acctpted for play lrl SottbaU Relays and Badminton Jntramurals . Entry lonna are available in roonl' 103 of the Physical Educ:ati011 Bulktinc. All entries m..-t be in by l"'lesday, April I. For n'lore information, cootact intramural dirtctor Dkk Hack In Room 107 or call 3397. Sports shorts ar.24ol»freelhrows. Kobrt 'l fr ee throw s hootin& imprortd In poll lelton play . u she hit etp: of nine ltlempll to fiailb with a 17 perunt ICCW'IC)' l"'lti.ftl!ortheyeu. From the r.ekl. Me canned lt51hotsfar37~1. ~ n of Kohrt abo ltd the team in steals with crabbed 4t rfllounds from her J!.lolrd po~itlon , despite milliftl one pme due to an ankle -.·and injw'J. 1bia wu the MCOnd year UWSP awarded;' womea vanity !etten, aad the second- Kalu1 earned GDe in butetbaJI. Sbealaoplaym volleyba.U dwiliC her fOW' yun. " I wu happy Wendy &ot the award. Sbe wu an auet. to the team , and a put team leader," «~mmented Nnter Coach Marilyn . ,. ...,_ Tullis : Tbe tenn11 tum offldaUy sllried pncUce on Marth 22 with 21 mernbtn lrylnc out for the team. 1bere are five returni.DI kUennen from lilt year's team. Tbetumtoolr;thirdplac:einthe confeftllOe lut year, mialtnt nnt plac:e by just faur poiDta. The nnt meet wW be Apilt7 at Lawrence University, and the ~Uiiar. will be amoac three Ieima. Tbe Pointers, UW-Gf'eeo Bay, aDd Lawrmce. Sb: members wiU ao an:t six wW play. Matchel wiU conliltofsi.Dcks ............ The borne meetalor the' Polntera wiD take place Oft theAl&en Ceoter. courtl aDd the P.E. e«~rll . Let's i'et aut 1Dd PJpport the Pointertennilteam. Don't Be Fooled Again! ! I II · Tho.e of us who tried to stop the Michigan Ave. Extenalon made a aerlous m lstake. lnstead of QO· ing directly to Stevens Point's elected offtelals we 1 tried to coovince Chancellor Dreyfus not to allow the j extension to be built. · Mr. Dreyfus knows that we can do very litHe to detennlne whether or not he keeps his job, so he doesn't have to respond to our wishes. We should have gone to those people who we can vote In or out, such as the alderman for our resiiecwe wards, and completely bypassed the ChMcelo<. If elected as 2nd Ward aldennan I plan to represent EVERYBODY in my ward INCLUDING THE STUDENTS and not expect them to go through ootvef'Sity officlals In order to get their views known to City Hall. ELECT . MIKE LORBECK 2ND WARD ALDERMAN ON APRIL 6th WretW.I A UWSP student bu returned . with honor from the natloeu~l wrnWnt toumameal At the Nltklnal Aasodation of lnt.el"ttUeeiate Athletics meet, Rid: PeK<a at In the rtrit f'OWid tii Din Sweet, a Hnior from Edinboro. ... Sweet's tH win I'IYft' Pe.codr. helped. him reach the~ ftnals, where be at to the tournameot'a :~=-:r..:uu~ the .... , "Riclr; ruUy did well for a freahman . . He went qainlt one of the bett who n.d more experienc)e," uld Pointer CO.Ch John M\IQICin. Peacock·s finish placed him amona the top 16 ~Uen in the NAJ,A for his Ill pound dua. ~O:,~inU,:I~:re!=':U!; Po{nterteam, a21Hma.rkfora .14.1 winnln& pen:enta,e. Peacock n.ct dropped four of hil ftr1t 11 matet., but recovered to win l2ofhis Jut 15. RESULTS OF mE CABIN FEVER ARCHERY TOURSAMENT Bare bow : lst - Ouclt Drwde 2nd - DIYe Kluc 3rd - Jadi: NonPit Si&bt : 111 - Dave Fbcher 2nd • Rkb Schmeiser 3rd - Mike Schwalbe . Chorale reviewed Rocer WIJDt.r Cbora'e Review ,, b~' with vibllity and ac-uracy, H · pressingeachmusicalphraseasa croup, Cormin& luxlout contoun or 1'\fnl A. Prtzofd pure ':'oc•l _s .onorities . Arts and Lectures Conc:fft Series presented the Ractr Wqnu ,Otorale In the Qulodt Music Hall lastThursdayevenlnaatapm. This world.famous chorale wu received by a small but appreciative audience, who hd to ll•ten carefully lbecause or lbe bad acoustics in the 1ym Uo hea r the glorious sound of the ancient Grqorlan cl\ant , which opened the program . The Chorale prnt'oted seleCtions from the Rf'na,lsaance, Baroque and · twentieth century periods, 1nd from another period - that of our American Blctntennialee\ebntion. an:.;.,:;-a;:·a a~lve ~he: 8 1ensltlve l n terprl!tationa thNillcttout. and they . . . forth . Mr. WIIIIU'IIJ'O'Ip appeared animated and 1ttentive to hil sensitive l nterp r elallona throu&bout. and they . . . rorth .. ~:_ 1 ;ta!~h .=~c:=~ u~ JI"OUp, form lna IIIICicu; contours Arts notes The soloists wh\chcameoutof the choir were only indiutive ol the fine musicianship maintained throughout, and, might I add, the Overall appearanceof the Chorale was impeccable and served to ut· most dfect. Such proreuional. conscientiousness is hard to find tod~y in our " casual " society . Poetry RudiD& Un lversl tyWriterswillsponsora poetl')' readtna friday night by Michael Balisle and Sheila Bowler. The two Wisconsin poets, who . currently are enrolled in graduate programa at UW-Milwaull:ee, will presentthelrreadlngsin rooma 125 A and B of the Unlvenity Center an~l:Y=mi:S~~~!:~~!~ bHn made shorter by deleting "Few Jeoffuson and Uberty", .arranced by M. Goldman, and "Heritage of Freedom", by Mr: WaJnet'. These pi~ wue performed well bu.t wre dis,U.lincly trite, and would SHin ofrensive to any Jntelllgent public. :il~li=:rw~~i~!:~.::l~~ ~~~~~er~~r~n'm!lk'l~ta:t annlv~ with a spring coneert :!':'twill teA~~ i'~'Ji~t.e~= HaU on the UWSP campua. creative wrlline:. Bowl« hu g:iven a number of readings In the Milwaukee area and at aevera l UW campuses. She hu received two awarda for her poetry and her worlt Overture", Mourt'a "Serenade No. lOin Bb", ancl "Ea ~na ",a Spanilh has been publlahed In five mqulnes. Balisle is a t974 araduate or UWSP wher e he was president of pleasing. We should hope that Slevens Point is graced with their presence aa:ain in the near future. Milwaukee. Bowler earned a MA from Milwaukee In 1974 and Is now working toward 1 Ph.D. She la !Qdling aulatant in the UW· Milwaukee English dtpartment and teaches freshman compoeltion and 'Ibegroup left 111 on a happy note lives in HarUind and worita for a printing company In MUwautee while working towards a mastu'a degree In creative wrtUna at tJW. . University Writen and founded Po r tage, a literary magu:i ne published on· c::ampua. Balb.le now 7 Under the dirtctlon 01 DOna ld E . Greene, ·chairman of the UWSP music department, the SPSO wiU perform Beethoven '• "Egriaont rhapsody by Olabrler. ~rry campbe:IJ will be the featured IOiobt and wW perform Uar.t'J "Concerto No., In Eb". Immediately rauo.~na the a p.m. concert. t his year·• music scholanhipt· will be awarct.d to selected UWSP mUiic\anJ. HUMANIZING EDUCATION fOR THE INDIVIDUAL" LEARNER CO-SPONSORED BY THE SCHOOL OF EDUCATION AND EXTENDED SERVICES ALL SESSIONS CONDUCTED IN THE UNIVERSITY CENTER . STAFF, FACULTY, AND FULL-TIME STUDENT5-FAEE ADMISSION-PLEASE SHOW 1. 0 . F...w.d lpMII«: Df. Jeu t.Mr, allthorof ~t MI..,__,, Ain't Much, l vt I' m All I' VE Ooli," "Hey Ood, Wh•t Shoukll Do Now?" and " I Ain' t Welllut I SUr• Am•. " Tuesday, April 6 011----. 1 T_,.._-.,.,.. Sloi....W.O w,.,.....o-.,.., ~'::.!.:-:"l=.o.'-lf·(•......,.._-T1MWhllt'• - Pwts-ar. .-.......-.u .. ,.,,121--IUA • &.lllo4Solllllly ~Or. fllo>rw,.. Hot)aol "•- ........ ""'· ~lilllotdln*-·•••Don'tHold '&l lle'1141tWt ...l t...'[llo-O>. ,..,Sc/ltw ' '""'~Wl'IOIII • 1 : 11-J:JOI' . M.~Iota.- ~OoMti!IE6ooullooi •• Dilllrtct,....- =~e.6coU. Or. ~=.:: ..... ,..,_.....,.. __ ~r:::-.,~~~= ~:: -- : --011'--0r. F~ lledllolo'. CenfiMM ~: ""htlllot... .,;. .._,. ol .... ~ ~ . , . . 011 AhciiM llNw'lh-lf- w. =..lot ""no r..,.-..,_o. ~y_,.._, .,. ,_,.. T--R. s:rfrMku.,dWrleM 2:-tS..t: U , .III. a...-.1.....,_ MtUrtottMa....-........ ... -- --.. "-Yio.lltyC...._Todrjo-OiwW.Ifuh 1::10-tD:q A.Jt.o-.......... Loiol .,. ._ OriMIIIIt . .....,_ 8iolfaoob , . , .a.--ar _ ........ __ _ o..~?~ ;f.:-:-=.-e.:.;.Ortwlfl,=-.;:u_~ Wed~esday, April 7 ~ ~ ..n;:e"lfld"';::-~ . • ,_,.,.,..; .......... Enolth The a....oMo u 1 WM#w .s,.N-. "".,.._.. a.tlt Condltlo!llflt-O>. , . . , C.I'Irlo• • ..... 12t--12U. e..n_.tEducttlooo:o\clhotlf ...,...,.lhe~• lll lrttCin•--K-W. Kic.\:Dufeh ~ .. '" ~M c-.-c1;=~ S..lllllly ullloltwiiiDnln TIKflln;-Or. TOI'IIIkCIIQ : Hlcoltlil~""'· ~=-~~~~~'::., .. Ill r..ty a.rt.nd .... • -:::$1-:-..~:...'T- .. .C..:'i.:: .-...IWtW ,._ ........ ,... ~a..-~ar ..,.,..,.,..., _ot - OlftM lluctMtt .!"Or. ~ ,_._ Ylllltt.l"-1 . ,..,._.....,.,.., .,__,.,.....,Ill 1M • ..._........ I:OO-t'.lO,.M. ....... AM- -·FIWIIT_,...-'IMIIO..,-Dt. J. . ...,. 1M ...,. lciiiMI .......... ~i;.~zi! bllltiollt r· regular columns ~~n L..:.1111" Channel A weekly from student government lnanswerinc my q~tiori, Udall seemed to be tryifC to give me what I wanted. to hear. Althqh he initlally stated. that he was convinced that ''Oswald did It" (whlrh I of course do ~ot agree with), the candidate added he believed • new in·. viltigaUon Ia warTanted. becaUie of rum~ ~dons bet~ Oswald and the C.I.A. I the reader will notice that of PnSently the orpniutloa of StiJdenl Government is 110t the ~c~=~v:~~!=d,.~~~~ have aworldoc knowledleollbe issues or even the pwpose for · the uisteDC'e ol Sluclent Govemmet~l . I uaume all ollhoae involved are Interested and have a desire to become active in Student Government, but foraeveral t'UIOnl they are not. 1 beUeYe one ol the maiD caUitS for this it tacit of com· mwalcation withi n Student Government. Another problm~ is that the ltudmt body doesn't know what !slues come before Student Govenunenl. I have talked to rn.any studta"' v.·ho would like loJd involved with Student Government, but can't l'indanopminc beca~onedistrict they live in may have two Senators ~y wbileanotherclstrlct bas no repraentatlon.. The major prOblem, however, Is the cqanlt.ation has grown too bwuueratic to •function, properly. . Al the meetma'lut Swlday,. ReSoll&ion IQJ pn!pOI«< tO create ·a more etndent and streamlined tme or Studtllt Government. lnlte.d of haYing a ieparate' Senate and Aaembly, the 1- bodiel...ould be combined into a Studtnt Goy_emment AaodaUon . (S.G.A.). Instead ol having ten Senale districts witb two Senltors from each ttistrict then =:'ct'=· ~~~anon-c:ampus 1al~a,;=~~O:::·:es~p!:;:-:~~'biutn the House <Resolution 2041 which would reopen the lnvesUJ,ations of bolh Kennedy mUI"dft's, tbe Mar1in Luthes' Kingcase, aswd1a11beattempton Gov. Georae Wallace. In my view,thia bill is not ooly 1oo broad, b.ut Ia misdirected.. It sed~ to find '"*bo did it", rather' than the poalbUity of foreign and or domestic C'O'Ief'~ aDd doel ~ reprnent responsible legislatioa. • of this lsnot meantu attaclr. on CcJn&rnlman UdaU's, for be Ia only part ol fi pet;eenl ol OW"·publlc ol· r~eials who are m lltnformed on thia luue. This Ia a situation thatlhauld be chanCed before the November ~th:a . All an Students for the Reopeni.DC otlne lnvesticatlon ol President Kennedy's Aaauinatiorl <SRIPKA> bu been offkiaUy =~~=u~=~~=~:n-~~~c:; .distri buted. sometime aner Euler Break, pending ~u:.C,~;U;'tt:~'rli.~St~~~t~tar-. . ansda;:.:=~·mt~~~~: .t ·lpm the the interst.ed penons in Blue Room of welcome. · UC. All are in addition to this, lben would be 20 ~tativt:S from the dirrermt c:oUeces on campus. """11111 body of 40~tivel and lhe Executive Board would ('(NtiiUle lhe Stldmt Goftrnmeat. 1nateac1 of haviz\1 a committee strue~ within Studeat Gon:mmmt, eacll member would Ja"V'e oo the Joint FKulty Senate SGA Committee. This wouldavoidtbeduplicationol wort u is the cue now. 1bese commitleel would tbeaMIXI lheirpropoul.stobotb the S.G.A. and the hailty Seaate to be acted on, the!! forw~ to the Adminiltratioa. The structure of tbe Executive Boanlof the S.G..A. would be accordincJy taper«! to act more ef(Jciently.• an-r:~=~on=~a:J~ha:Y questioN: r.,Hnc any of the aspect~ of Student Govern· ment,atopbythe of (ice, or give us a call at 346-37%1. wi~~=;:s'stu':'tf:!D:'.'~~~-b~s:a~lf.s::& left over spaghetti uuee .. .and the ELUS STREET CO.OP hu the belt commealsloce they dropped the commodities procram. But a mlall~cker .so herella mix -yourq,m'-mbt for you pone-Uck eathullutl. OORN BREAD MIX _.eupsnour l~tohalfsoy Oour J 4eup5C1lnlmeal 2eup5 ncmat dry '%c\Jp~Supt !optional) .~T~~~U.:, baking poWder -.... • MiaweU andltore in alrtlghlcontainretlncoolptace. torso y~ cup 21.::1 CORN BREAD OR MUFFINS butter,~ cup1 ml.x - or sauuge fat . Melt fat In 1 or 9" pan in 400 deg:ree oven. Fort beat eu wllb tcupwates'lnsmaJlboolrt. TtltPMwithfattocc.tlidel, Into~ bowl. Stir only 'til wdll»ended. RetumtopanandbiDaboat.IOmln. ORblke in 12ltf'eUI!d mul"tl4~. or a blc bladt fr)'lnapan . ellintreet ~ feature~ • ~~~.~mber· ol roUtd the following mi:r: can be made wilb any or a combination ol them. and dump the r eal with the mlx . llOU.ED GR.uN MIX 4euptllour lwouldyoubelieve.;upto \i! IO)' Oour!J 4 CUPI rolled .,am t 12 cup1 6ry rtOnfat mWI. · ~~ cup t:n~ble..ctlnc baklnl powder I tbb. salt ' l 'h cup~ lOUd lboftentq Ml:r: everflhlJW but the 1horte-nlnc Ina bli bowl1nd then cut .orworltthatln. St.orelnafrtl.&htcontalna-incooldryplace. · M~INS 2'4 eupt mlx •, cup c,!lopped 6ry fruit or raillftl lopU 21"bll. ..,.r two lbirdl cup w1ter 1 eu <forked arouodJ Cuckoo flys reviews ODe Flew Ov« tile ClatkOO'I Net l Olrte&ed ">' Mdo.FGriUA Jkvkwed ,lp CW PtCrick As almost everybody &hould know by now, ''One new Oves- n,e OJckoo's Nest" il the first rdm since Frank Capra 's "II Hlppened One N!Jht" to win aU rour major Academy Awanil, You ahould also know that Jack Nicbolsoa pkhd up his best actor OlcarforUie role ol Randle Patrick MC:Murphy. And by some slran,e coincidence (mottly economic) ''One new Over The CUckoo'• Nest" Is playlna at a local theatre. ttar well · "CUckoo'• Nest" Is definitely a · protagonista ' and filmworthwailinclnrqunee to ~=b~~~e ~~~ ;r.:::;o~ see. ItiJnotthebestpictW'eoftbe ~ause it captures the feel and r:~~:'~he· 'a:=,~~~ Lyndon " directed by Stanley Kubrick. The two films have quite a lot In common. Both are based c:m novdl, both are directed by aood direetors, both have their hero an d atmospllenof WtlliamThaekery't _.,novel. "Cuckoo'a Nest" i1 probably Jesser of an adapt&Uon bec.tuse Ken enerar Kesey'a boot baa 10 much and pG'Wft' cn.mmed into Its pages wbileth!moviebtooUteral,notaa as tbe noveJ. ROCK ·r -SHIRTS director, Mlle. Forman, dOesn't seem to have been the person responslble fortheexcellenr:eof CUckoo'• Nell", II Is Nicholson's thaw 111 the way. Forman merely :::S ~~.;~f~"fn :f! ~~ &ettONCreen. lndirectconlrut 1 almc.t ever ylhlna areal land everythtna bad ) abo ut "Barry Lyndon" Is of Kubrick '• · mmsl Ryan O'Nl'al, In the main role Or Barry, non-ectt with tuch 1t.erility Ia tz-ademarlc ot Kubrick '• fllmsl that II would be ridlcuiOUI to =~- hirnfor •nyi?t' t•cting Almost 150 different designs to select from . Silkscreen printed on 100% cotton shirts which come In assorted colors. Designs from Aeroamtth to Frank Zappa with dOzens In between. These T·shirts come In small, mediUm, · and large sizes. Nicholson I• McMurphy, the boi1terous sin&u.lar nur~rny · pritonu who aett himself sent to a Normal $4.00 retail sellers yours fe< only $3.00 each postpaid. Four shirts only $11.00 postpaid . feeling for people In 1uthority and "who Is a complex mul ti-faceted Send 25' ! or cor:nplete lllustra'ed-~a:talog . =::::r~~~~~:w~~~l i!okh.=nlht:.e~. ~~-:.: m·u: ~":ntr~erre~a~e:"~~~= thebodyispn-fec: L~ COSMIC RAINBOW . 187 WEST 21ST STREET, NEW YORK , NY 10011 Nicholson Is in ~ 'daiS all by bimtelf. The only actOr clc.e to hb ranee and ability is AlP1cinowbo had Wbat wu perhtps 1 more fALL HOu!>INe::- ~llMf'l~f\ . tl0\1!>11--1~ /. bEDP.OOt'), 7.. bff\tl~ 1 /ul!r fuP-t&I!>HED <if\Rf£Tit:lC:r, 11i Rc.ottciTioNi N(;o l>~ij~ll;'>HJ:f.\ 1 Dl!)pO!)Ili. 1 fiNO · 5\.Jlnr-uril6 pool !.· All 5\Jr<)fl)EPl , ~ l'tONT 5 . ''o .oo '-· ~ ···~ 'I' . 3QI MICh_!9AN~VIl:~ CNL!' Boz's new LP boss the same lOili· What seems most miqueaboutbis mU:Iic:lltheuseof the voice- a.s an lnstrwnent that blends with other Ins truments rather than competes with them for prom!~ . This seems to be what givesblsmlllic:ltsspeclalnavor. A. listener isnot drlventogivedivided attenUon to a sona. The lyrk's. need not be ll.stefted to as somt'thinc independent of the instruments nor should the In· st.rumenta be liatened toexcl~lve ol the lyric:. Similar exam ples of this are th! new albums ol Dylan and Paul Simon. Dylan's " Delire" •has been praised for the fine lr st.rumental won while the lyrics are a nalyzed totally removed from the m111ieal ac:c:ompaniment. It Is almost u if there are two differe1t by Grit~*"' produc:tsbein&offered. PaulSimon Ther-e i1 a cert.ID q-.lity to the . has been upset bec:ausettiUc:s have musk of Bol. SeeP. In a word, his spoken harshly of the lyrics of his musk has d&a . No buvy metal most recent album . His c:lalm il raundl aod rOll wttb wiUess. in· thatthetrueYalueolthealbumilln com~ l)"'b. No wuted the intric:acy ol the muskal ac:· notes Mid . red~Di&Dt rilfi.Hund c:ompaniment interlaced with the hilbudbrlodle-.ainati&hlud lyric:a. Scaqs' m111ic: ldtdulllU.IIMr . Wl.tb hia musk draws the list.ener to appredate the ewry move ls well timed and mtllic:uawhole. ~moothly necuted. Scqp il a master cnftaman at maltlna mlalc. In a Scaggs the voeab, whe ther t h ey be lead or His apprmUceahip witb music backaround , a re but another too1t place in tbe sixties wblle be dimensioa of tbe total aound. In a wu amemberoftheSteveMUler lefiSeitlldlffic:ulttoseparatein· Band. After a nwnber ol years ol st.rumentsfromvoc:als. ll ianot that ~=~·='mid:~~~ record bil fint a lbum . Oxn· binina his ~lve blues~lt experience as a Miller band member and bb knowledge ol musk: &alned from two lillvenity to ~~~ h~a~: :d~;t: IOiocarftr. The m~ical style ol Scaus' Ia dif(tcult to calepriz. He Ulel the traditionallnatrumeats of the roclt band but he Ia not e«~teat to stop tber-e. It is not \mCOnlmon to rind horns , strinp and s)'11tbesiun in thelyric:s arenotd.lstlnc:t:n.l~t both lnst nuntntsandvoc:als areso m~u.allye«nplimenlary that one is captured by the totality ol ScalP' music:. Scaashaswwltedatthistotality of sound until he I'IOW has It oearly prrfededu iJiaeenwi thhlslatelt effort ,''Silk Degl'ftl,''altbotChhis 'earlier worlt ahould have gi~ten :t!fe:~'!:':::n~~~~~~ Onhisfil'llaUK!mbeusedthefine st udio musicians availa ble In Alabama as ~ I as the late Duane Allman. • It wu over t~t Sc:n:~~. r.~afi~o=e:i develllpl nl[l: his unique sound . During this Ume he worked with his own &roup of mush:l1n1 to produce three more albwns , eac:h 1 bit betterlhaniU~ . Inl971 Sca&~~ returned toA.labam awitb his band to wort. with the muaicians that helped oot on his first fftOf'd. This album, " My Time" , was his most c:omplex work. Jtwa a notunUIIWtthathe c:ame out with anotbes' album and mariy people were s .rpri.led with' ''Sow Dancer." For thla one Scaua m~~ed~~enuofm~ produc:er and artist, Johnny Bristol. 'nle lnfiuenc:eof Bristol is apptorenl throupout the album . The c:om· binaUonolScaMSroek~ and Brist.ol's rhythm and blues jW'OYided for an exdtin& tel of tuoes more powerful thal'l uythlnc ei ther had attempted bef~. It wu ber-e that Sc:agl really becan to ccxne into his own Now, two yean later, Scaqs' ' 'Silk Degree~ " c:onUnues the IOW!d put forth by ''51ow Danc:er" but be stem~ to twirc more to this new one thantoal'lythl.nchelwclooeln the put. A muc:h wider ranee ol m111ical 1tyles are CO\!.ered from regae, roclt, rhythm aod blues to 011 ~~esll-ty~=-~ L.:'td h':c::Z:i mallre and u.Uifyln& ~k to date. Ther-e are a number olIn· s trumenfa l s ta nd outs wort h mentioning. The horn aec:Uon Is lead by Jim Hom and Tom Sc:ott. Louie 91dton and Fred Tac:tett do 110me impressive aunu work, Jeff Pon::arn haodles pen::UIIion and on teyboardl, mil£ and arp syn· theslten, an d c:o·author of a number of sonas II David Paic:b TOGO'S wants To Care For Fellow students At Our Home Of The SUBMARINE SANDWICH. We over 30 SUbt For You To ChoOM From Including : '4' Amertcen and H.allon Style " Tuna l Egg Salod ., Turl<ey ., Vegot.rlana <- G_rl\ltd Ham-' Ch.... ._ And Stoak SandwlchH lei recipe brud and uM fruhly s llc:ed are 3 slzn of sl(bs (small , We s«n th... on ou;,::. Th..-• "':ri; ::;-::.u~=~ VISIT US SooN -TUMMY T. TOGO The album belins wi th two son&• that , with the bdpof an imaail'laUve-......... topforty A.MDJ , c:ouldpos.siblyOnd ) lhei r way to Top Forty radio. " What can I Say" ill deceptively simple. Kere Scagp put the horns to good use by providing filling thro~.Wbllut and a fine tenor solo by Plas Johi'IIOOJobelp twlng the $01'11 to a c:\01e. One can bear faint sounds of Uie ' sixties on this Son& In the b ac: klng voca l s an d the urangement . "It's 0\", for Instance, aeems to c:omblne the betler parll of Smokey Robinson and the Miracles with Del Shannoa. n ealbwn's secoadc:ut; ''Georgia'' iJ;anotherthatc:ouldcrac:k the Top Fortymarket. It 's moreofa roclt number than lhe rest. ' The album''s most UDSuc:c:e:uful moments c:ome when Sc:a&P tries toworltwithtoomuchatonetime. =~·!:~-:L:~~onJ:~ bined in " Udo Shuffle." " Jump Street " is a booteY·WOOie1 type rock tune that Is uved from mediocrity byaomefine alldeJUitar work by Lea DucSelt.. " liarl:l« U&hts" and " We 're All Alone" are the softest tunes on " Silk Decreet" and In some ways the most interestina. " Ha r bo r U&hts" may well be Sc:aqa' finest sonaever. ltatartsoutuaqulet ~~::-c:tmf:ft:;.u~~=: ~n: harbor. Here Shelton's 1u1tar blends buutlfully with Sc:aua' voic:e. "Harbor u,hts" eods with a ll&ht. tastefully dnne nuaelhorn aolo and uptempo slxtla-etylebeat. -· STUDENT GOVERNMENT ELECTIONS.· Be a runner! P.ositions include: · 16 Representatives from colleges 13 Representatives from on and off campus di~tricts President, Vice~President and other sataried positions ' / ELECTION DAY.: · May .3rd (Registration .Day)•. Pick up nomination papers· · thru ··wednesday, April 21 at the Student Government Offi~e in the University Center. ******************.......**********************************+-*****************/~...********** LANDLORD PROBLEMS? ~ HOUSING PROBLEMS? . i CAL~ . 3116-3721 -~ I. has i Join the Students i: for co-ops · · i (SCOOP-S) .! FOR COMPLAINTS . A Complaint Board been established. WORK FO~ . ALTERNATIVE HOUSING- . Join the Stevens Point Tenants . . Union (SPTU) .: Meetings: Ever-y Tuesday - 6:30P.M. Mitchell Room, U.C. ~ i : Meetings: Every-TueS(fay-"'- ~ 6:30P.M. Van Hise-Room, U.C. . , P=