OH-compus -1~· January 30, 1976 T01king it eosy To Th~ on now, Dk:t, don' t you know what happelllwhenyoucti&IS.~!'nlllt"1 their reQUC!IJt line, man. 1!'1 IIWI)'I open. And , from wlwlt l 've ~Mrt.nt, WVi'S f' Polnln' l11i1 tetter i1 to lnfonn all lnl:erested lludr!Q and fa~ty ol pLI,. bftna: m* to Jet uide a 1pK'ilic pllce on for rqular but lrionnal e~ mp~~~~ discw.slon. Ovr __ -- ~ to m•ke ~o;'· ;!'!!\or:s:~= =::~~· , """'-' ............. -a.. aim .vaiLibleaC"Ommonmtelif'IC&rGUndfor rrw.,. ...._ , • . kind . ':n:; UA8 Pll• : TB R B& <PHI. _,_,_ -··-· -~~~: (JIB..f'AJ .n.te, I Pll ...... CA11PV1 P11BVJKW DAY ·-.....,,,......,.. ::::t....~-~=~ UAB PUIIII:' PAf'P'Iil.oN, I. I 6 I Pll ~ Buq. ltiii ..UC) tumthelu~untllyouplckup Sentry Radio or WIFC, and you ean hei r "broad apectnun" m..Je Ute "Con. wy", "Fly Robia, Fly".MtheS..y City Rollen unUI )'0111' MrW\ams hn Into RolltrtArtllllal Pel«"'uta Cold Main To ThePoUkr As l li tt ypinl thb ldla', mybands Mutr; MtKiaMy ZUlCiutllil. justwhatwutbe~forthediiU I was fHiin1 Woughout my body dunn, the hours I had to 1pmd In my Com· munlcatlondusel. l did a IW"vl!)'fllthe lhftmoatats lnallolmyclusroamsand jlroblem ! lt "I Wlhe~ lthytoal t lnadau PIIIAC) zlpped upandthtnJlo outlntotht ......,,F..nrJl RHC Pllm : IIALTI!'S!: FALCON, I PIIIDC) i-oomsa tle»tbthratfd to611dt&re-ts! Orare ..·eCom m. iludfnt•destined to prayforallu rlysprilllllhll w! -.:. thfr,.·e•ve hadof~te. Can't lhflll! m.: ..COOGAN'IIILIIPP, I - ~a:...."':': ::"N: . .. .=..vw;:~·ltPIIIP. ~~~ ~UAB~.UPIIC~ ~ ............... ewr.. • PIIITI . ..... ~~~=--.-= ~ ..... UAB lll•l.Coi...H, X.Ceatl')' .__,:_.. ~ ,.......,,.._,.·, ~~;.::: ~ ,~ readlhe Palntu l llin. A&ood Piprr. bitchirc. Don'taet~e wrona. l rer· talnlydomy MI~. How eiM wlllp«<l))e be Informed or m winds blowlr~~! llut w~n ·do the aolutions come' ......... wr.,·a golr«todeanlh lnglup! Who'l£olngto informolhento keepltcltan!Rl'lllistic" peopltdon't look around, £tl lldl.and CJ!ILRullatkPfOple tUeprld! lnwlut ·lhey hiiVe,lndseet waytiObetttr tllat whkh lac:U. Granted, one vake IJ likr 1 rairod~mtlul. Ri inllor iiUimG\"r ;:ou~. !!r,.~!:t::.~ ':Z •:;; ""illirc to spe~ k out. Thlallthtonlyw•r dlan,eca n coma. Redic squawk .......,......,. Time to raise 10me eyebroQ , twist JOml'JU'-',tnd lniU.tetomeh[£hs. l with many lnteratl rc 1rtklrs; •nd outltttvilldclrellel,lheymaybtmort PIIC............ Ria •.UCJ ......,,,.......,J The bitch is bock foundtht averale~mpuaturelobe $4 for two hourt ,.·ith your coat on and U.\8 wer-e p~ lnlot-om lnt•nyttan, thi•I~111Uve they Cllrl"tiiUy rilhn" hive my typewriter OUWde on the aldewaDI or I'm In the baMtnfnt f1l Old Wain.. It's the LATTE R. On 1\lti4Ayollllis-wtlfle&antowonder t5icFUm: IIALTESEF.u.coN, I Unlv. 'Ttlleltre : Ameritaa CoUeee 'lbeatre r.tl•al Studeal Ad . FUm : .IIANAGING MANAGEMEN'J' TillE, 7-1 Pll :!t~.o!!,"l~beJ::'~.:J,.~r~ elM: thin where l am ! TwokJ&Ic:l lc~alst. l 'ljiOAU-UCI ' pu~WriJiey'llptlnnlnt . But please don'tJive Campua Radio • cud ot _oplnlonat«< bullalllt just beell.llethey docl't JOalonJ. AslhliiJI ) tta nd, FMIIDIIthtonl_yttaUonlhJr; aldt of G~n Bay or Mid'- orierl ttd to I~ are tutninablurandmyleetarelllf· ftrbll from ft'Oilbl~. C.n you IU!M dtu-. I btlleve In dolrc in doirc my put l11 -rvina our prec:ious tni'I'"Sirs, butmmeon.,.detlrees! .. 1 also dld aeh«'Coftl'lebpprr noonoltht bulldl1111. which I fourod to be conlldtrabJywarmtr. l'm ,.·ellawuefll tht bet that wa rm al r rilel. whkh 111 thi1 enelc'adJme tobellevelh.at hl'.:ii VI!nis mighty ws rm this lime of yen. Can' t JOmething be done to allevia te this HodeJ, Stout, T:ao Pll m the 1011& charll. And this It what re~Uy tleUme off. Did:,lt thlt b: r raUywbat you wanttohtar,&llyou t.vetodall p.m . Anyon.e lookh• for anothtr way to Joha Allll .ucl Onedoesn'thlvetorerodbet 'lll'ftn tht llne:s olyourlettertosetthedlstinct imprndon that yOW" Iaiit'S run tOWard "·hltisoftenctlled "1op40"m~ · lhat ll toa.ymllllethatii~U«euful~ lprndThurldaynlghta la ~lo-..ne. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fPII(B) ~ f 6 I Pll . m~r·~~=~- ~;:rua~ si~,= CommuniCIUOIII ftoom ol the U.C. at I plays morerequt~!slhlnaboutany oehertta tloninthearet. f'rtr*ly,lt ::,~~ct:c.e~·,~tbe Nu,eWIOII!ehiiiJfteo~~w.t Talilt P .. ntn-, Squawk again • And-J'IIIriOYeDDloanottie-toplc whicbbu~meforquite­ Ume.TNtlslbtw•lllll murdefoftbe only animal in laf'le ftD!Cb ' lUmbers &tldollarletftOUibsbetastiDbalna CODtrol (1ft deer IIU!lben. ADd thla. an.lznalisiiCIIMIGtbertbaaC..U.Iaen., tbecoyote.latbea.WoiW-......,u 'ftllu my bcme a.te, New Yor\, you . canlbooteoyote~,_.rouad,pt'O\'\ded ~7w..~~i.ndm:.:-'CC: ' """""· IIDIICirR, tbeoriOC!emtpCrtameaUK tbelt&rvaUatl-.•a~for hflatiaideer.yettbey~or­ partalle 1n tbe k1llq ol c~. 1llbld1 play a more a~~t...J nM iD pre4atlCII C.W. h~ Hunting for:_..an answer ·andmtcbtallo&Ueriate-oltbe deentarvallaDflr"'bbems. ~tafa.rce. lnc:ondulloa,apbllaaylama-bl.mter,aot aautl-Gmt.r,but• .... u ~kat~;;:;,.._.:: ~ttbdratenatyped~.J 'lriDCGDUnuetoft&lllfor&mcnllfitunl ,.tklmllip..;tt~tlleratunlewth. . .......... .._~ Series 9, Vol. 19, No. I 8 .. c..,._ liS II.- - .-- ..... . .. . . .... ....... ,...u.... . ,.... letters policy 1. Thr8,t i1undred words or less - longer le""" allowed Ot Ed. d i saetion 2. All le""" to be signed - nome withheld upon ·~ 3. Deadline: Monday noon bof<>nl Friday bwe ~ ::..::::::~-=:·.:..~--::::':' ·( -0< .. : ___ .._. =. =;..o:::..~=.'i.::":~..:::::="'...=:'· '":"' ·- _. ,____ A< ..... ·-~·-- ........ - - - · ...· - - .. ::.":"":~\'..:O::.~"":S.:::.=:..."';~·..·.:.~~r::..~· R..,.U mol --- ... .,..~ _ .. ...' :..::!':'ot:::""~-=·- :=.c=:..:""o..~ ..- ·. "IT CAN IE SAID SIMPLY AHD' WITH THANKS, THAT IT IS AN AIISOLUnLY TERRIFIC MOVIE!' JorCocb nrM Mooo:lne TUESDAY, FfB. 3. WEDIISOAY. FfB. 4 IHiiSDAY. FfB. S AllDAY, FfB. 6 SATURDAY. FfB. 7 SCHEDULED EVEIITS INCLUDE: CROSS-COUNTRY SKIING, GIANT SLALOM, SKI JUMPING, BOB TOBOGGANNING, AND RGURE SKA f~agular Monday night Is the second Eastwood series. · · " news and opinion 28th these committee recom· mtndattons will be presented, and on April 'Jrd the budcet hearings themselves will commence. 91aver also proposed a new five· year pl.aMing system beca~~~e of projected lncreuing enrollments :~~ ~~~~ =r~;~~e:n~ ~~~~~~;~'!;e~ money that will be allocated thla year II approldmately $334,000, up from the $30l.OOO of lut ye.r . Of thlsS334,000Sbaverwantltohold on to $Z5,0i:l0 u a cuablon aaaifflt decreaal na enrollmenta, which could result In the cuttin1 of procrams in the future. The m~y would be invested at II percent In· terestbycentral adminlatnllon for th e student govemmer~t. ln othu news, thtre w11 a move to start forming lull f«~. which will lake a in-dtpth look at problemsaroundthearea,namdy tenailtuniona , ltaalaldl,~-ops. faculty and course evaluatlonl and collective bargalnina. The hope b that these grou~ will offer some valuableinlightalntothefuslbilty ofthesel)r'OII'"amslnthiaarea. 'Ibe nut meeting of the at udent auembly will be held at the urne time and place,.and anyone wiJhln& to attend Is welcome. Candidates may not show Traditionally a popular stum p for candidates aspiring to the White House, UWSPcould lose some of iU attTaction to pr-esidential 'hopefuls ' tllisyear. The fault lies, accoti:lina to Dr. Mark C.tts, chairman of the UWSP poUtk:al sdtoee department, in the fact thlt New Yorlt Sll.te will have a presidential primary on the same day as Wisconsin's - AprU 11. WlliConsin as a whole is likely to 5te leu of the candidates this year, Cates prf'dkts, because it has only 68 dele1a1es to th e Na tion a l ~ocratM: Convention and 45 to the Nationa l Republican Con· venUon .. opposed to %74 and 154, rftpectivdy, allocated for New Vorlr.. And. natlr&Uy, he says, the eandidatn will lowbeR the largest number of ddeptes are. 1be St\denl f'Qiitical Sclenl!t Association at UWSP has invited u ndidates of both major parties to speak on c:ampus. A few have acknowlede;N their letters and ~ ~C:e:av~ c::r!~ date . At this time in tm, Sen.George McGovern had already m*it a camp us appea r ance and Sen . Hubert Humphrey's starr had c:ommiUed him for an appearance In mid-February. The February date. howt"Yer,wu laterc:hangedto mid -Much because of a bad snowstorm . Cates lamtnts the fact,atate of· nci• .. di~1 ctw~ae the date or Wisconsin 's primary dettion to the slplrte~~nce o1 the event a one ol the euliell tests of can· diUtesina lartft'nortbetnllllte with a 0"'0114«tion ofvoten. usurt PIRG contlnue.s research The UWSP Public Interest decided •t itl oraanltational meetln& las t Monday to c:ontlnue the Sentry resean:h project and establilhtd tenati~ SUidelinn for future X· Rele&re:h Grcqt tPIRG) ..... Uterature from some ol the more thaliXXInowniatlQIPIRG~ throu&hout the n•tion was eumined by PIRG orpniurs, who then Ojltimillk•Uy Kf the 111 Rmn~ of the 1m academic yur u the Ute for !inal e~t.lblilhment of • funded UWSP P IRG oraaniutJon. 1n the meantime PIRG wiU wort wee~~ by week diQiac mto dty recorda a nd intervlewln&l~al people, In hopes of comp&etlaa: the Sentry reaeareh project by the fall ol thll year. UWSP P I.RG has scheduled rr&ular weekly meetinp whkh wi.U In the POINTER " Worth Lookiac lnto.. ~e~:lioo , news-aotes, and dulifled adds. PIRG's next meetiaa wiU be Mond.ly Feb. 2, 4 pm ill the Van A constitution for Hile room. be ~~~~=~;en~~IU;t:'a~ Oyer to be distributed to citizens in UWSP community will be the f~f,;~~=tl~invitecl. --.-.. -...J ' - - - - - - - - - -,-, _ - .,-,.-. ,-,.- . -..-.. Stuckoll wanted to tutor otber students in an aubJect.. Both pa.id aDd volunteer po5itioat 1vallable. Sian ~ in tbe PRIDE Offlce·201 Student Se rv ices Bullding. NOTE: U you tutored for PRIDE last semester and want to COiltinue, pleate stop by 1 0 - can verily your addna, telephone. and "aubjec:llforthllspriria. Watchthe bulletin boarda aDd tbe PoWer for announcements of off-c1mp111 TUtoriJll . Projects in Wilcolllin R.picll ·and otM- neart>y com· coUeae' News Notes munltiel. Tbe Stevens Point Alumna! ~~~o~~~~~v~ Consumer froud colltllate chapter is ~ .a "cardiac aid" Joc·A·'lboo. 'I11e Jot· A-1bon wW be beld 11 7:30p.m . on Feti'nwy 9 a t the YMCA aym . ~::J;A~ODbe~c:o ··::· : Por t..1e Co u~ty.Stevens Point Division of tbe WiEol:lliD Anodation. Since February Is tradltioaally kaown u " Heart Month" . AlpbaPhlwll'lil toc:rute llllwarenestol lhe imjKrt.aDee ol heart can! . Alpha Pbi lntematioul adopted " He.ut" u ltl pldlanlhrapy ln lMI. For the next weelr: Alpha Pbi will be cooducting a IP(mSOr drive. Sponsors will be allr:ed to pledce 111 amOUDt for each lap completed. Anyooe wisbinc to plqe m~y call 341-2872 or stop 1 1 the " Hearl Booth" ID the UC on February t ,5,L AUorney Geoeral Bronson C. Ll Follette ul d today so m e automotive repair sbopl may quote exceuive charles for repair e1 to preuure c1.11tomers · tow vtnclbrirrf&bttoa.,.-illetl ..... U FoiJette uld such practka: are in vioiation oC WiiC'OCUI.D '1 UnlalrTrade Practice_&!~ . wbJcll provide that charce• for Ole p-epM~~IiOD of estimates mUII · be re&IOillble ID relation to the coat ol tbeestimate. Wilcaasin'saewautorepaireode, wbkh went inl.o effect on September 1, 1m, requires that repialt , = :o:t~=~e:a~~::: «<Il of repair of tbe veblcle m~y ueeed. $25 and the aa!Dmer brb:rcs the vehicle to the shop durin& rea ular working hours . Repair shops can cbara:e for such an estimate only il they dl~elose, In advance,-whatlhefeewlll be,orthe ~~~=~~~~:!~ blslsonwhichilwillbecalcul•tect. Repair shops cannot irQpose . or ~~~~~:u~nv~~~; ,:!f!:: lhrutentoim poseach&r~e foraa estimalewbichlsclearlyexcesslve lnrelationlotbeiiiOfklnvolvedln prtpa.ringtheeslimate. Cansumen who feel lbey have btftl overcharged for • repair COl i estimate or have been preuLred intowaivingtheirrilh\toawritttn alimatebylhreatofanexceulve freshouldrontacltheOfflceol Chnaumer Protection, at the State Capitol, Madison or at th e Wisconsin State Office Buildin1 in Mi!Wiukte. ... All elementsry and secondary s tudenls plsnnln1 on student ~~hinc the ~Q. .emester, 1176-71 must attend one of the followiDI mretinp to pick up s ppUcsOon and other information. Wed .• J an. 21 at 1:00 P.M.. Room II& COPS . -' Wed., Jan. 21 at3:00 P.M.• Room II& COPS Tues .. f'tb . 3attO:OOA.M., Room 116COPS Per$0fl5 skilled in ethnlt crafts arebein15014ht toprovide displsys are needed to serve 11 volunteer =~.issSU!=tbemC:t~ semester, with the flnt ODe 1111 February 1. Tra ..portsUon will be fumllhed. For more informatloa ~~~&E~Om~~~. - Servic:esBuildina. " All Come to Look for AmerlcaHM IJ'!I I Iet"nativelookatthe Bim~­ tennia l-is the theme of a cootemporary worship service to bt ~::a~~~~= ~:~ !Feb. II . A alide media presentation 1o Paul Simon's " Amet"ica" aBC! 1q5 au,. by Gina sp..y I" Wlth God on Otr Side"l, Paul Mally t"An Amerton Tune"l, 1nd Gary Barahditz I" Your Flag DKal Woe1 Get You Into Heavm Anymore"'l will be intenpened with re~i~ and !Mdlt..lions. The service is bein1 orpniud by the United Ministry in Higher Education: all students are weJeome to a n end arld par1icipale. an d demoostra tions of their work for " lnternalion•l Weekend" lobe hdd March 4-6. Th~~~~!or:=:e~~ ~:~~~:!t~~ '!::;~~ Si nl!~.?!.ftr phone number Is ~~~d her addms, 2240 Main eom. cotnoe for wOIDJ!I again be oft"ered tbil; semeskT. The even t and a foreign student (rom W.WQCIIIQIIIIIIIMMdiondlhl-~lycrl'" Lan:~.u.e wltbaveremen~trullcrampswil :;a,l':fei ~~he~ ~:~~~:Sv~~ rostmal li ngsty leand so(orth . Person5 inte r ested in par- fl'llllo . . . lnd._..,_.llildiiWila.(Sidn-tigi'IIIIICI M-IQN. fti(N acw·lttelmiiNd ID II'_,. '"<bg ~.) ln lndcflleti~ OIILW. ...... yoo/110fll. eon-lld 'lbe do first meeliaa will be Monclar Feb. 2 at 7:30 p.m. T1lt wW be on F'ebruarr t at 7:SO p.m. Botb sessions will meet In the Coinmunk:alions fOC'II in tbe University Cefl~r . WO!MD ni•Yretlsterby "ullinlthl'llealtb Ce nter~ 1bere 1~ a S2 fee , even!~, RCond ae.ioa University Center Policy Board to $pwdo lor. '78anyae..._....giplll il ld<IQ. WE HAVE THE COLORS IN STOCK 1:; IIIIIIIII:J.WI•Idlll:! ~ ~- WENEYO.UTUI ~~~ Application_s for the vocant seat in district 10 · (area southwest of Bus. U.S. 51 ;nd south of U.S. 10) are available in Student~ent or UAB offices. Mon. Feb. 2-Wed: Feb. 11 p ...... hiP. , . _ , . • • 1111 Bicentennial Brouhaha ~~n- Is this what if's coming to? . F1ve mioutes btlore tbe bour Md the room il lea thaD bumiQc. A bare dozen citiunl sit in t - mel lh~ on lhe toWI o1 foldiDC metal chairs that fill the floor of the Ltaloa Hall oa Chrk Street. An cuuiooal beed turu aDd klob to tbet.ckdoon,antidp;atq, bopina The 11~n~ber ol events banD)' crowds the ca&erldar, but their subject matter- Is ol Interest: ~!.~.~~~~·~:.-~::: ::rn;..to;nen~:~~~ht~u; dinners fred , wblte and p-een!), in short, a11ytbi11J o11e un haoa bicftltennial bunU"' on is fair pme. Thb doa not even include that~,&n.)'OM, afamill&r face, anybody woWd come Ia aad relieve the awkward em · barraument or slttlna In a meetint that ls an .obviout bull. 'l"Miioclemale ia atteadr.oce llta stock still, po11ibly tr)'inJ to disassoc:iate bimHU from lhe ~ly women 's dub types tbr!t make .., the remainder of thoR prnent. Tile dock to the left o1 tbe i..elionnaire's Preamble to the lheFOIJtth 'ofJulyfesUviUes (which wi ll 111in be celebrated on the third , due to • latk ol bands the foUowl"' day l, and Ill related areaa : marcblnj units , neat bulldiflldi.nics, fareworU, etal. Chairman Mitch JOH oa to reiter-atesomemoreratherbiu.rre _:=r~i!!· .:;:\:,fm;:=!~.'t-~ ~~!!'::~tb'"U::!: ­ =~~t:!n,~-~ roomnll'lbef8t. SUcldenlymuMS ol people atart driftial In the doon, some carryin& been, most empty handed. like rdllltret from tbe !b'ld.lyallenlooDCt-eybouDdOU:of ~tbeycome. JbpkDy they 110 the anti. Sc:atttredtflrolchoutlhehalltbey ~::·:t~~rn:::~=~= tavern IWMI to bl.buc:k fUrs. One lhl,.:theyboldlnCC~a~JDC~G ... . .. Nomen thalia balfckllil'ft oltbe 1'0 ~~~~-=~-~~ illhis?; someooe ub. "II ~ thi1 the Chamber ol Q:lmmen:e'?" anothn- wooden. 'l'lle answer il no, Wtbeilnot rarwrwc. 'I11ilisthe flnl orpnizatiaGal meetbW ol tbe F'eslivitles Committee of tbe Slevftll f'Qiot Bieeftt.t:Mial OJm. mbaloo. Oliinnan Joe Mitdl takes the podium. He il, by hit own ad· mt.lon. lkkled ptnk over the turnout . Enthutlastlcally he rapond5, "we're bouDd to blive a whaaJ · ban& of a ceateaolal proYided you all repnaeat cqaniutiolls... " But fttll,becails ror all. to rise for the ~tdce ol Allfll•nce ; addirc thltlt Is in the spirit of tbe bicraLeMlal. AI t'<IIO uniformed members of tbe ReKrve march the f1lc ""' from the bKk of the room . the entireJr"Cq) rises , hiDd ewer hurt . ConJideriaa tbe occasion and the l.rae number ol srrioully p.~trioUc malea in at· tencllnce, lt dod not lft'm smart to do othtnriw. rm Fuhioa show is in the olfi.na:, --~~~~w~ :c':tu!j': :C:Cu~atect m ~ weddin&. n. Navy Resene offered to restace U. ICflleotWaahlnatoncrouiJIIIhe wu- A Rre 11,...& pa.U., c~ ef Ule prljt<lla.c:-.ei II 'hn*)''s ....U.J. '*--lal KDI&hts of Cohmbw, O.uPten of the Ame r ican Revolutloa, Jlyeees, Kiwanis and Eqles. · Everyone teems to be on a flnt name buls ; lbey've worked with 'lbecbalrm.aaalartlto obortlhe cnnrd: It's otwkxa he's ialo his role . Altemately they are loki to "put oo the thinldllJ cap~ " and come up with kleu aDd moaey for ''the best aol'dalll time ew:r In ach other previously, an d a Portae• Olunl)'." newcomer kds a HUM Ute a pteLntiQ)'GM Jd lbe MSell that It's .U easyaltatin ', Milch m.Uel lhe E'lery- Jetl a cbaDce to flU a pointdar. "Uyou'reheretonllfll 1.,.ae makHhln c:akndat 1n the you 're commiUed. In my I«· front to reaerve dalel for lheit """miaolocY, you're nailed to the waU ." Toeas.esnyraervatioftl, he ~· ~ !~J!~,.M~ rmlinds them that be'l up tbere . ~ber. "I1Ioucb all fUDdklas wilb 'em. are auppoMd to be opea to tbe In an dfort to let oone preeent publk to be saDctklned u true escape the ...::reu,.·s Bkftltennlal Evmts, DOt all are. wrath, eath and every penon Ia Two or ttne ol the morr MD· directed to ltaad and recite name heeled matron~ seem to derive and amll•t«< oraaa~zat~on to the aome II!Ue pleu..-e In aMOUnC:iq auembly. Ukethenntm.otthe lheexdusiunatureoft.belrdolnrp. ~emeSI.er in CDmm 101, they rile, speak their w«'ds, and sit dow!!. It's all handled quite oeaUy. And the o rJ aai;utloas """"· ... rtcordinc 1 ci~:.!~:~r~:~o:~:~~· ~~~~r s~ Dtun and Eke~ eo.,.. women's aw. t)'OUIII , "'Pf'lll-km.l a otherwise ), Fire Departments , Polke Dep.rtmeaU, Boy StoW, Rese-ve conllnaenta, proleuional allianctS, and the who&e mo of Middle Amerkan l.nstitutlorw : -------------------- · Delawa r e . provided aomeone provide them with a larte open boat. The plan is to crou the . Wlaconaia, iaadl aa aear tbe Chamber o1 ComrMS"'Ce on the e.t bank and ea&llinc in a ama11 stlnnisb. Mllltary action wlllallo be rite In the a r ea, what with artillery :~aratthe~~w~ pr~e~nactmeat or the " BatUe ot New Orklu." l'l.aa for thla Include an armed auauilt on the Cart Street Bridie, aad OCher deliJhts. The fact that the Battle ot New Orleans occurred lbortly after th:; ead oltheWuof talJ, IIIdaot .... the RevoluUonary confUct has DOt dimmed tbe entllull.um or a&. Mltcb's C'Ommlltee one bit. It is, after all, a Bicentennial celebntion : Why should one let a little lhlna:llb-Hiatory be aUowed totetin theway1' Marprtt Undsay of Manawa is a retlrtd sc hool ttacher who is spM:ti• some of her free time drivinl to the UWSP campus st\'eral days each ...ffll to audit courses she was unabfe to take durin1 htr own carHr in education. Each rouncllrip is about75 milt's', andMrs. Linclsayuys it is worth "everybito!tllt'effort." Now,sht :adds. · s h e can read abo u t phiiOIOPhY. undn$tand and fl!joy it. Ml"'. Unclsay II one o( 2% penons in UWSP's fr~ auditin& program f« persons a1e 62 and abo\·e. TOGO'S "' THE HOME OF THE SUBMARINE SANDWICH ,......... _, _ ... _,. a~ --...... ~ .. "'-~,·~· side nJe cchktor UNIVEIISITY STO•E riVEISrrf CENTE~ Helping the buyer beware. by P~ee- U&Lenkl " What do you do wilh an ad· vancec~ drJne in hlstary!" Quite often lhat'a a bard question to many people bell~ that the IIWWft" is to Jet tome ladling posiUon. But Jane Sad~ . a 1973 UWSP araduate, fin ished her pnblem for Jane. She aaid the memba'ship rea a re often exor· "'bbtant and thlt lbe "uylnp" and the quallty of the mercbiDdlse b oftmdilappointl•· A special CUJCem of Jane'& are aome schemes that lhe his found whic:hauempt to sell senior ciUuns woi't hl ns med ical lna uran ce i'~-_. . ~" answe-: Masters De&,_ in history and then herself I job IS the Poria~ Marathon Coun t y · Fraud In · 101 VftliJIIor. . Janehu~thejobf« almost ~moathsnowandalreadyW has hanctJed ove- 500 consumer cunplalnt cases. She hiS ofrlces boUI In Stnens Point and Wausau ~:~st: !'!~ take :::;r'~of~e~~~~n;= =~·~.!!e.~fy.,c~ and co-ordinates her activltes beiWftl'l the two with the 1!0opft'alion ol the loeal Dillrict At· :;~*j:,~: """"'· Jane has disti n&uis hed thr~ basic aspects o( her job: 11 to handle the spednc day to day =. n~ but extremdy rare In this aru. Jane'• Job is part of a ltree-)'ui' pilot pro&ram administered throup the Wbconlln Cowac:ll oa complaintatbatcome tobtr oftlce ; 21 to teach people t - to defend ::~~~~~'= Maulhon .ad Porta&e CoWlty ~vesfton~theselbinp by :eJ!:.•~~~naout DistTict Attoroeya:. ll to keep the blatant fnud schemesoutol the aru ortopt rld o1 !.hem bdwe they can do much ... ·::.= :~~ older people ao they un ~=b!:":.J:~':e~ r: tbeit worth." She &aYe me one a trace, and also 1efl some un· fortunate cullomers hold ln& worthleu live-year 11111rantees on faulty HrVkft:. ~. Alterdnenmoatbsoatbejob Jane has been able to kknlify 101M o1 the tJi&lat complaints that she lui~ inllln'pcaitioo. Toponber list is the borne lm prov~ t Anothtrsorespotisdoor-~ home liclq Wesmea wbo empkly hiJb ~ tactics whieh eltber . ::. borderonthl'Wep.lormuover intoblatanliUepUty. Jane pointed ~:. ~~~~.· out 'one cue where they bad • prod'in& tKaint:U ldt town without sidinc aale:unan In court 1ridl • couJctn't mo~b tbe chat'Jes llkli: beu.- tbe wft· -..ell, wbo _.. also vktiml, bec:ame reJue:t.aat to testily. Now lbeu)'llbe1lblvetoteepberey• open to make l ure the tame IUY donn 't try to come t.clt Mre q:aln. 'Buyin& du b&' abo poe:e • IOHd cue but The first year ol the offk:e is bdq funded 90 percent by. federal fund called th e Law Enforcement Alllltance MminlstratkXI. ODe ol»trYernotedthat, " Jthlnli:ll'l ooeoftbe fewtimeslhlt they 'vt1 put money into anyltinc but billy chb aod riot helmeta." The ~lqe Cowtty Cclolumer ProtecUon Office can be found oa the secood noor of the City County bulldlna aod the phone nwDber is 34&-2744. r contemporarY worshio service MEDIA - M0SIC - MUSINGS sunday, february I, 7:DO peace campus c.enfer VttrTfD ~trri~Tlt.Y IN tiiGW[fl. f:DIIC.ATIO~ WINTER CARNIVAL CALENDAR OF EVENTS broChur~~=~: ~'1.~~::::-:::~~~uloo,, U.C. (Entry ...... 1M ,..... . . 9IMM ... lndYded) ENTRY DEADUHES: FebrulfY 2-KJng/OUMn Febru•ry 5-U.A.B. potter cont.. t Febru-v 9-Slgn-up for u-m• F~ry 11-0.mn p&.cem.,.t dr•wing• Fetwu.ry 12-0rpnluUon~ orgy (tor......,. bootht) Fetwv.ry 11-tndoor toumam.,.t• (a-mn room) , . _ , . ., ,.,. ...... p ..... Buycenfennlol myths _ Washington itched to be president D. NOTE: II .. a Uttae.C..a ~~: ::::::.:.::;-:: .... a t lat. c.u..ewn.&al. 'l1le feOowlac .. tile R£AJ,. ttwy.) ( It wu a ~ and aoowy D!Pt alq the buD ol the Delaware RJnr. RevoluUoaa ry soldiers I.IKitr t.be conunand o1. Georp Waa hinaton huddl ed .round campfires to kMp warm. To amide thanteJva, tbey played c.vdl aod bitched about the milerable condltloc. andthefactthatall the beer WUI~- M&ny of the IOidlen had become dblllusloned , Only t.he most ~~~~ ~rr::ra~:rr~~ WuhlnJtoa'a desmtd. - ~ u thlnp bad al[ady cldD't im)roye . even more would wander olf Lltrine, never to be aeeo to the aaaJn. cold~.:,.~~~.!:.~ edtftlle paiD.. Hil bemorroidl were ..:tine up qaln. Tbe cold aod damp weather cido'l bdp .utters aoy, =:u!~U:.~Uy cursed tendedtowbeobewu~ YU'Jinia. I wilb to God .ameooe woWd invent ~ration H, be lhoucbt. WashinctOD could stand It DO lorcer. Cl.llln& to hll aide, Major AmOI carter, Wublzl&too CUD· manded, " Have tbe doctor report to mr,~~:"cloc~~witb someOllbeottwrl"ralf,"tbeaide confided. Wuhinpoa wulbauled. Here be_ wa1 with four huftdred mea, rady " I don 't care ! " screamed Wu~ . "My bemoniloldlare tilliq me. Go pt him ," he added. "rm IOIT)' sir," 11ld the aldt , ''but the doctor doesn't make boule cal.ls. You'd be hd;y to even ~ him w\tbout an apPointment." Wuh!QitOn knew that Ills bad: was up acainst the wall. He knew that be .ould have to JO to the ~=n~~~~ ~~r~himaell acared him, ~ SUddeoly, an kiN clicked lnlldt tbe &eneral 'a bud. ' :'J'ell the men ~~i::C=~!t=~ wi': ~:,~~-=~~ to hia aide. " We crcu the Delaware charle aphut tbe enemy witb tbele lnft!I"'W blmornlidiT I caa t.rdy walk! "When Ia tbe Del.t'tlll doctor! " :.~~:t,an.: r.::.~ "Kowean lkadmyi:Delli.Da .;:~_ ~t"* _!t'~•:fa Fairndd, aad that's acrw~ t.be Delaware Rh'er ia ter ritory controlkd by tbe Britilb."' tbelr panll down,'~ Wuhln&toa 11ld tmilf1t! " Tbe aide •• luted and left . Ilia inlwance card. A abort time later ~jar Clrkf' retlnlld with some Vft')' bad nrwa. " I'm Yft')'IOIT)'Iir, but the mea refute to rcht. They are very diallbaiooed," repor~ the aide. ' Wublnaton'a nplltltton for btiq • motivatlna Leader wu on the lioe. He knew that he would have to malte an impau!oned plea diretUy to the men. ' 'Order a ng.iment&l formation ," W11hinaton com- manded. Minutes lafet"': the commander stood ~orehiapitifultfoopa . He knew they Wffe ~d . miserable , and~ . ltbadbeenweelu sinceanyof them hadlnduJiedlna ...... "Men, I know what you're iol:lll throu&h . 1only wish )'OIIIII)'s would know what I'm 1o1nc throu&b! " Washington &aid. Pulling hlmaell loiether, the commander said, ' 'TonJaht, au 01.11' P"oblems wiD be over •heft we crou the Delaware River !" The aoktlers be&an to 1rumble. One s houted, " We aren't Joi.DJ anywhere except home!" m!~/:~~:~ ::=.: pointed to the oppolite side ol the Delaware River and shouted , ....... Allyaoe who doUbts the aut~~& !i~>;:t!' :e::J:t~~~ the De laware and 11k : " If ;:~~~~h,d~~n~t ~~~ ' 141 in the boet !" . Clle dOled ! & ENDS CROSS-COUNTRY SKI PACKAGE SPECIALS WAS $85.00 the sport shop Name that dorm "Uncle John" shir:tec:J _his sh9~ In 111!16, John F. Sml, a smlllna youne man with drums, vilion., and a red camaiJex~ In his lapel, unloc:ked the Presldtatial Oltlce at the Stt'VtM Point Nonnal School. Althou&h the 13000 salary would hrlve iDallted more materialistk men, 5111'11 saw it u a comfortable ~=,:~~'7~~~ KnOWl'l as "Uacle John" 14 h1s fatuity andatudenta, he became the :d~~~~=-~o:; tenureuwlheJI"'PIIIaUoaolrrw~y procn.ms and e&UitS iDC:Iudlflllhe Child Labor Movemeat ; the Natlcnal Educatlc.~ Auoc:lltloa ; the modmlhatlon ol sln&lt room Khooiboulel: and the developmtat o1 specialiud education. He especially kwed the fine arts and worked . .idculy to briDI more olsudl c:ultwe to the com· m~ity . Local dub& oflera invited him lo speak at tbtiT aatbtrirws. Student., f« whatever ~uoos. were lr.nown to bri~ him litUe aUts ol flO'ftf'S and boots. ~~~~; !'~.e~J:re!.eu~ &roomed ap~aranc:e . Students m.rveled at his ever-shlnln&. polished lboes, oounaD woodtr i.D a time whal mud and manure paved the streets. His settel wu finally ~ when Miss Bessie May Al len, Head of the Home·Ec Department, spied "UMie John" slippina a shoe polil.tin1 kit from hildeslldnwerbd'oreclaa. Durin&tbelatteryunolbis term . Simsmetw\thdilhearttoin& co nflict . The chanaln& times defNinded aD upgndin& ol tus faculty in tftml of eciucJ,tlonal oualifiution•. Many teache rs tinctudina Sims himstln lacked :;!~~=~~~ Sims ud bis staff kdttd IC*Ilhil responsibility with utmott dread. BeinJ a araduate of small namesake of Sims Hall ~nltowac HiJh and havinJ: earned teacher status thro u Jh examiaatloa , Sims wu a p · p-tbtnsive about the deawlda of formal education. He often spoke lo hiJ CODOdtntlal frieods about hls rears and wonies. Fate kept him from the trial he 10 dreadecl. In the Spria& of ,,., Sim's health began to faU . In May hewusenttoaMUWaubeholpltal for SUfJtrJ. Friends and rdations journeytd 1o his bedside to Jive wortt1 of comfort. --· The school band played his ~~~~:!d ..':~~e~~~e!!: EdwudJ. DempMy, Pre&lde:atof the Board of fteaents, spoke tbe :r::~=red~~ =·.!~~tb -=-~~ two l q UMI of atudents to a bearle oa the c<~men of Main and Rela-ve. wallinl culture. John Francis Sima wu such a man. By lnstiact be allo lalew and understood . the fun· dammtals of democ:ncy and be dreamed of thlt bri&bter day when ectucauoo will trtna to tbe coa1acts oi.CGmZilflO me-a dvilhedcW.ture and a lun&ni.zed democraq." Today, his ldu.1l have p-own and cootinuelolnllueoc-estudeatUfe, especially the residents of " UQCle Joba" Hall, wbo pc.esa tbls mao .. their narDCNb. The Slevtn~ Point Journal ran the ~ton May 21Mb for the folks bac:k home : "Pr!:lldent Sims followin& wu openled on this momlna. II ~tu'dJ:':'eac!m~otovft. ~ :=:r. ~~IM)be= ~~y r: Dammed and inlected condilloo. sure." On May ah be was ptoriOUDCtd dud. The ISbdy was sent to Stevens Paint and placed 1a the Dower laden auditorium foraJJ loJ»Y his :'J:~~~=t~=.: =~~a:::~-:;:w:;=:; HIKER 116230 Recreational Services -k PRESENTS -k THE 1976 ACUI TOURNAMENTS IN 553.00 the sport shop • BILLIARDS • TABLE TENNIS • FOOSBALL Top entrants receive trophies PLUS en expense paid trip to compete In the Regional Tournaments held 11 UW· MIIwaukN. SIGN UP FOR ALL EVENTS END FEB. 3rd FOR FURTHER DETAILS CONTACT RECREATIONAL SERVICES (U. C .) ... ,._,. .,. ..... ........... ~ food for ('e<JPie, not p~c The Ellis St. Co-op by PaiiJ Sc:~t "crutesacunfortableatmospbere A Jot of people talk about changing the system , but few • =l~=:~ls~~:"!.':":'~ !fe'eC:~~de,l~l= q~ality produc:ls. With many ol the foods we commonly eat the 1. Yo.u• save purcbJn. nutritional value is &reatly reduced by the myriad of procesai n& t«hniquesthat mabOW'cere&lgo ~~~~~t~~~O::r ~ w~~: portion of the atl.ldeflt housing and 1 lh01e furthtr" away can ride the bus". II ~~~~~~~o:,nd~::~:. paetqed - =~~:;;~~~~alot~ PrestnUy the Co-<Jp Is greaUy Many foods l.{e also io containers which are neither biod~radable , nor returnable, whk:h adds&reatly to the COlt , but contributes notllin& to the product. In a n efffX't to provide nutritious food at low cost to the community several former UWSP stl.ldelts · have organized the Ellis Str-eet Food Co-<Jp . • The Food Co-<Jp was located on the comer ol withawidevarietyofbtant,O\'er50 btt'balteu,morethln3:tspices,l types of nour, .:heeses, appte cider, nul& , real ~~pte syrup and othe!' l\llural foOOs . The new Co-op will carry everythloa a rflular food llore ames plus l\ltural foods. " We plan oo sdlinc ever)'lbioa from hambqerbelper to 11\Stant 101 milk", stated co-manqe!' Bob Pfelffe!'. The Co-<lp hopes thlt the wide!' Inventory wiU attract more members. . "<::~net we get people io the door and save them moaey we Mpr: to earn their lrUII," lt.llfd Kdlennan.1be ~ plan~ oa t.bdi~ .aU food by its nutritional value and hopes, witb ex panded sales , to hire a p-ofeuional nutritionist, \ Co-op hours 8 AM-7 PM 9 AM-6,30 PM Mon..Fri. Saturday •-1• 1- food z. CCJ-OIM'ratlvn lt.lad ror ec..omk accwdin& to .nm Kdlft'man, eo- manaaa- of the Co-op. Kellerman - ~p WilY SI IOP AT THE In which a crou section ol the Nmmunity can enjoy shoppiq:,'' • ::~;:~:~dtte~=~:e~~ ~~~~ 1. Tile .CCMICI-is a do~n bome, friC'ndlyp laceloJpeadiOme lime tach Wttk willie dolnJ yoar l hopplnJ. . \JI~~·t~;!::h'::~=~o: there . Butifyouaream~beryou art! aiven 10 percent off the listed p-Ice on everythln& In the store except milk t.,.ilichlsall«ntaper half&allonland bread twtuch Is 45 centa per- loaO. Membership «11t1 $S.OOper-personandlastsforone year from the date purrhued. U you tNy ~-00 worth-of food a t the ~-c:t:~o:::=tpays Bqels. &l.lt'rilla cooltiet, donuts, andbreadare\Jieonly bilked &oods current!yavailable a tthe~ . Uowever the Co-op Is looklna for people who would like to do biking and ~ell their fresh baked at ... Co<p. Since the Co-op moved , its busii)HI has i ~eutd thredold andisatill increasfna. " I have aooc:ts .. c~:i!: ~~t.h the i ,. •,' .i ., j :. ol; ' •, : '• J_u w-~ ~.___i_l 'I '•I, 'I '' photos by Ron Thums .. ( To be a kJke , ond sit down in youi'$Oif. CJ.Pvffer Skiiers building trail by Sar.h Sfle•cn For those of you who are in· IC'!'ested In crOM<OUntry skiing, thin&• have been happenlrc . On Deocember21,1975thtNon:licSidC'ft Sid Tourlna Cub was fonnf'd . Rolf Cartha.. owner of the Ho.tel 91oppto. starj.ed the formation ol Nordk Siders. FourtHn people !:}:;~ ~e f~':~Ht~'d'a"'=llitution was drawn up. lbe Prnidmt of the Cub ll Roll <iar· lhw ; Vk-e·Prnkltnl , Don Bm:t· miiiC'f ; Stcretary , Waada Lay ; Some. !IIIOwmobHers have made skitrai lssomewhat dlfficultto ski on. John LAy, publicity director for th e club, said "Snowmobilers are ~ometimes unpleasan t but not Im possi ble to deal with. " He hopes to overcome th.is problem through education and awl!"mess. There wiUbeptesontheskjtralltloo narrow for sn~obilen to pau throu&h, thus allniali• part ol the problem . The Nordic Sklen Ski Touring Oub it a JOCial orpniutlon and openly welcomes your in\IOi vement. 'The club Is In existence for the rnjo)mrn t ol thole Interested and u a HrYice for the area. For further Information about the Nordic Skiers call Rolf Gatlbus at :s.tt-4340 after 4 Plf'I'OI' John Lay at :M+5CD7 after 4 pm . Calcndfo r oll.Ye nll Feb. 8, 1976 1 pm . Membeu only. Totr lte Age Trail at Almond. Meet In F1eet F:~rm parking lot . · Feb. 12.1971 7:30pm . Club meeUna at Point Bowl. · Feb. 21,1971 Members only. Blrktbehwr tv Q-oss Country Race and low at Telmart Retort , Cable, WiJ. Contact ROlf Gartha. . March7,19'75 I pm . Membera only. Ski a new areaneulola. April :I 6 4, It'll Wtd:~ trip to ~ pennlsula for membera only !SUbject to 1nterest1 Tteaswer, Bob Bowen ; Dir«ttr, John Lay. The Nordic Slden have done a v.eat job ot informlna a nd ttrvina !tie publ ic conliderina they have only beotn In niltence for a llt tJe over a mOflth. On January II, tt76, the club pr0¥ided free Instruction rorapproxlmatelyd&hl)'peopleat lvertm Part . Sunday , January 2:5, tm, Nordic Skier's aua~.ec:~ the YM CA In proYiclin' lnllrudion for anyone inlftut.ed m the spore. ~ Nord~ Skitn have ap. pru imatel y tweat)' · fiYe pa id membenhi~ resultirw in about ~·:~~~r~~~ pa)'inathe r euonabiefeeofQ per individual or 15 for a famll)' membrnhip. lbe initial npen~n of the club c -llled of the pur· chulna ct a traet Mtlblc lkd and. po-tap used in maillna. Tbe dub hopes that increued memberatlip =~a~na about mcwe trails In the ~ Nordic Sklen are wwtina with the COWIIY on the Jordan Paf't areatraila.ndaltoatrall near SUndna Roell. Tbe thbd traU. whk:h II still in the pia mine ~ta~n . will be drve&oped by the Depart· ment of Natwal ~ with auist.ance from the Nordic ~ ­ Mart Becker , who works for Pmaae County. has bern t.alldnc with landowners about the P.O-ibie ~.e ol tbrir land for trails. In Jenera! ~ have beta 'ICr/ f:8::!:,~~ar,;::;~= to be invotved with" the creation and malnlftlance of the traillaloncwiththeactual bulldlnc of the trails. In the sprifll, wt.en the Jtvta to recede, wort will beJio on the bUkiilll of the trails In weparation for the a n t -· Wbi-n trails are t\11 , Dfll)' the un· derp'owth .. MTIO'¥ed lftd· on.ly moaP .0 the track c.an p-. hope -·.... . .., ,._, ,.,. New DNR chief from area Amid conti'OYeny over conflkta of interest withi n the W'~teons ln Drpartment of Natural Rlsources be expected Lester Voiaht. Tony Earl emft1ed as the new a«retary. Earl is cert.l nly not a slranift' to the state pOiiticalscme. Hewatan ~mblyman from Wa-..au in 1 • and bacame majority leader In 1971. As a Democrat, Ton,. 1011 the State Attorney General rice In tt74 but acaded to the po&illon of aeaetary ol the Dq.rtment of Adm inittralioll. Earl 1eft tha t job In October to accept the appointment as DNR aecretary from the DNR Bc.rd.. Covernor Patrick Lucy made it no teaet that Ea r l wat his personal choice. although Lucy has no formal i~uence in DNR flclud dedlionl. Amon& those considered for the position ..... UWSP's own DtanTr~ iner . Earl Is a native of Upper from c:harainc Younc Turtr.. :!~ "~ ~:;m:,ub_:~~ lhll . hard· Ea rl appointf'dAndrewDamon as de p u I y 1 e c r et • r y , Damon baa experMnce In lhe aru of en!orremenl, which leads to the assumption that Eart will tJahten enl'on:ement policy, How touah he will&et, 1iild whoM toes he wiH ~~~ on remalnt to be Hen. One of Anthony Earl 's re.pon· libilities Is admlnltterlfll 'a com· :.~~uc::J~~~ =·u:~p~~'!'..;,r:.ou:. , the DNR ta.ke •a much u five moott. to proceu. Il ls lmpwslble forUtltpenontow.lllhallonC, and MkhiJitl. He became a Wlscullinil~ In While in the leablature be spona«ed a bill to ('Omp&etely revamp the DNR. His '1\ewa ~eem to have meUowed siftce then; howevw, tome chlnca an 1•. ::,.~often mrta ~~:" :::!nraV ' re · P' . lllsoneof•numbtrof the' ... .ecr~ls ~~~"~"*''~ 'tritJtYip. (i,.,.yM-.. lntrodiK'ed species un raise DeW emironmtftll. 1M carp. £Dc.l.llh span"''W . and starlit~~ are uampks with -.tUch we are all too familiat. lt Dow kxiU like we can add the IYPIY moth to ,tllia list in Wbceasia . ~ a,yp.y matb wa1 orieioally a aative of Drope and bnJuPt to Norlb America for resurcb putpOMS . 1be motb devOI.ri plant follale at tlle most extensive and accurate places of it5 kind in the comtry. This little known but excellent m115ewn is wortll lh'eral how'J In itself." Tapir!& also hu bftn condl.lcted at Laona at the Connor Lumber OMnpany museum and further travel will lncluck! vislta to a musewn in F..au Cain and the first ha'IOC' in thrir w• !:!et!.Tt!::~:~t::::f:: !nd~r~u~ :r~ t~~ - - 01 IMirlhnst W"lk'OnSin aad tootheratatel. UWSP confirmed the prtlt'DC'e ol the molb nuT the ttm0te aru of Oam l.ake. in Northem WlKonlio. A~~:~~r.:n:~ with the UW Maddon. " We've ptalotofforntthat is ripe for IYr~n::~:: ~to conlnll ~r::=~~t:::! In thei r outofslltebecausetherellfW'eno uwmills In the retlon at tlle Ume. a.ce completed, tapes from the project will be made ava!labk thf"'UUbout lhe state to any m. terested oraanintions , schools, forms or individuals. ~!c::rs \~~= t~ciO fe~=·tt.:i the coloring is perhaps respon.Jble for milcarTiages. The only proof that Red Dye No. 1 is hann ful has bHn established on ~!~ori=~~-==~v~ shown to be deterlmeatal to h..nan healtll, its ssfety still remains a seriOUI wwuwtftd quntioa. In spite of arguments put fort)! by the manufactors of the coklrin&, :1~Ue:"=~o1~ c:olorinc. Producta abudy on !be market coetalnillJ the dye bave not bHn r«alled. ~·"~rn·N A visual tdltOry Of the state's login& e... 11 brin& produced on ' color vkt!O tape at UWSP. The project wu &ivtn • boolt recenlly with a $1 ,000 craot from the WliC'OftSia Arts Board . Pro)Kt Dlrecton James Daniels and Ron Weseloh of the UWSP IA!ivenity Broackastirc Jt.aff are areparin& lt'¥eral one-half hour prop-ams, each focusin& on a difftnnl. ~r1 of loUin& history , JUCh as tnnlp)rtation fraftJ and ~tr:~~~~~e~!; how the en belan and declined. ~~~~~=-~lor; ICf'ibel in the lUte, little baa been done to brin& tCJfdber • pict«ia! history on tape or ra~m . the project kadtn ~ on the basil of thdr research. They rt!p911aomeoflheir , bnt ~ in raNrdl have been in Jocatlna a ''waltll of old IIIU~nph1. " Wort on tbe tapes wu be&un abcM a year aco when the project leaden r«eived tsiO (Tom the un iversity's office ol educatlonal servica and innovative Pf'Oirams. To date, aeveral hours of ICtMS have been I'CICIIII"ded io Meno.r~IDM Couaty at lhe uncommercial hlainc cam p m~.MWn which the pr~jeclleaden describe IS "OIW ol The Ezwlronmenlll Couoc:U met 'l'Unday at 4 pm in the Red Room, reva mp ed lts ' conatltutlon , :::JZ:~~k~~=o,ft! CDuncil O..lnnan and !.he £co..Tac ect;:or..,.:t~ded the " Eco-Tae" ~d remain the tiUe of !be En· ¥ironmental Council publlcaUon. ECO- Briefs =~~~~~:~b!~": forthene)'o's-letter. The EC will be holdin& I paper *ive thll Saturday. All voltmtee:n IH Welcome to pitch ln . The drive be&lns at 1:30 am at the Q)uncil (){flee, 109 Qusroom eenm-. at va r io us ataces dl'veklpmenl . s.r...~=::av ......- Power , the utility r equestlna permisalon to build tlle power plant. agrees that a st udy should be done to determine the plant's atrec:l IC*' air quality. but eraues tllat llcen· siiiJ procft'dwea should procft'd. Burstein clalnu tllat wilhoU. tbe pla nt there will b4 • shorll&e of elec:tricily in the swn mer of 1110. War Ga m" The Army is playina war pmea acain . Thistime 14.0COrl&hUn&mea areparlicipatin&inahypothethlcal =~= ~~~t: a~~J.~~ profitl were down from ~xon·a Sl.Olbillion in 1974to t.Sbilllonln 197S. I Some of the units airlifted to Alaska came from u far away u Masuchusetts and the Deep South to play war "amea. Col . H. N. Scbwarllkoph, the defenlof team's bri&ade com maDder of maiW\Iven, stated tllat he wu displeased with the war cames. The reason he gave was thatitw unot cold enough in Alaska at lbe time. " \lo'e donl •·ant those boys who came up here from Georgia to think th is iseasytofl&ht inlheartic ,"he said. The cost of the war aamea ls JS million. · FUA Baas Rftl Dy~r N•· Z O!Murners receaUy won " ~rn~jor victory wbM the Food and Drug Adnnni~ration t FDI\,1 baMed lhe flll1hc' UIOt of Ked Dye No. 2. This ~oklriq tiii!Gni been I.Rd in food , COimetlcs and other coniUfl\erprodurts. Tht' COlonna hu been •~Pf'C'ted ot ca usin& health dancers. la Alr~aUty 1M Slate Ait· Pollutlon Contnll Advisory CouDcil has petitioned another Ute qency. !.he Natural Resources Board, to temporarily dela y thelicenstnaorthe JII'OIII*d Pleasant Prairie Power Plant to Jt udy its a ffect IIPO" air quality. The~ 1.100 mepw~tt coal ef't:'· n_red hn::! ~·C:,:; ~ct upon air quality. Henry Q)le, a member oftbe COW\CU, furs the nitrocea odde from Ute coal ~;~:!!.'r~m~e~ a r u, reaultln& in smo1 over 10u th~utern WIICOI'IIin. Already the state's air quality stand ards are " routinely e•· t'Hdtd ' .. on balf of tlle IUmrntr daya , statts Cofe. Thil has raulted In air pollution a!ertJ to lbe public. and wa m lncs hue been IJsued lo ~ "ith brulllitll ailments. Sol Buratel n , senio r vice ••"'• ttrunt• JOIN IN SOLIDARITY BOYCOTT GALLO . WINE -··r-o ., ~ Steak Bonanza Ev.y SuncMy Nlthtl Qctobera~report linked t~ t"=klrlftl to a poulble A Comedy! Alan Bates is '1HE KING OF-IIWHEARTS" fl.ll SOCIEIY- : HI CHOICE SIRLOIN STEAK H~~~~·o~.!.."t'..'::"os ~ do.io:ll of•rf-.M.aa. . draMtp Ill . J: BAKEO POTATO UOUR CREAM ill ~ $395 ~ ~ ... ,.~~~."!!~~..... ~ ---111 ~ tnuuntntnl'ntnl'n il Ill :i t: SUNDAY NIGHT DANCE .Featuring LIVE ENTERTAINMEin WISCOON RI04 IW.. FIB. 3 & WID. fiB. 4 1 P.M. & 9 P.M. SUO AIMSSDI p TEXAS TOAST ~ a ~ J3 J•••ry • . liM ..... l!l ill l!l ill u .......... RiC hard Schneide r 's s pi nning wttetol made ol bassWOCKlls also pleasant to thr eye. MOI"e of an st~t!hi:: ~: ~:fa~·~~~isi~ . ~:."a'':::ti:. •;~~~h~~s ~: malltr-of.fact : opinions are like =~~;:ers!'a=~'vft~ ~lit!" !1i criterionfOI"interprelationbythe \"ievo·er . What one piece ol art does 01" represents for one perceiver is much difftrent from the nu t perceiver's view. No one can be abso lu tely riJ,ht or abso lutel y -.Tong in a field where creation of beauty is primarily gea~ to pleasi ngtheselfnrstand others ~d. To rila ke a long story bronze ....-orkondisplay. · Bruegge man recom~en s~s himself in my rega rd WJth h1s quilted dTpwint "Small ComfOI"t I ." Wa\ly Peets. Wayne Halverson. G:1il Founlain, -Colleen Garvey, Do\'t Smith :1od NOI"man Keats all ha\'t at least one, if not more. pieces that are worth looking a t. This fir&t exhibi tion p{ the rM!W year has been small in total ntmlber s~u:..-t-1 did p.:~yavisi tt otheunheia ldedfacuJ ty eKhibition. Ma r k Bruag e man 's "Womb Room " consistina ol stuffed "satl n a nd Ga ry Hage n's "Untitled" mixed media offering are the pr-odigious pieces in thr gaUery. A kid, with a bent towards ar t and a little imagination, could match · these pieces. Herb Sandman's WCirk also did absolutely nothi ng to my rupuuoe ~:'enter . Still, there are realmS to go and see this exhibition. Daniel Fabino aodhiswork.sare themajor part ol this reason. "Airport Disasters" has to he the best piece ol art curTenUy in the gallery. Enamel and plex.iglau merge with line and coiOI" in thi s contemporary hap- ~J~~ona:th';,"!!!J'::!~~ In the near future the Cartsten Gallery will bebolttophotoenpby b)'tbeBrilisb_people. Gallery bol.in are 10 a.m.-t p.m. Mooday~SaturdllyaDd 7-t p.m . Monday thru Thlrlday nights. Unidentified piece of art work currently on display Activities thru Sunday Theater Festival here UWSP theatre a ru department is hosti ng this yea r's Ame r ica n • Coll~e Theatre Festival for Regkln VIII this weekend. Neul y 300 studen ts, fac ult y and ot hers involved withcollesetheatre in the upper midwest a re expected to a tlendthefestivalwtllchwill pr-esent perfor-mances of si x plays sele-c ted as the best college theatre pr-~uctionsinthe region . Leon Ames. veter an ril m. slage and television actor whose sue· «SSful career has spanned '50 yean, will attend the festival u guest critic. After viewi ng the .shoy,-s he will' off« a critique of e:~ch. first fOI" the cast and then for the others attending the festival. A panel or lhl'ft Pdll;es will choose the winninc production to ap~a r atthenational fest ivalthis ~nedy spring at the John F. Centec- for the ~orming Arts in WashinRion. D.C. In addilion to thr six play performances, the festival will include workshops conducted by leadi ng st ;~~e personalities. play readings, eK pe rlm e nta l t hea t r e presen · '~a tion s . design a nd production h hi bit s and ot her ac llvities. At:· cording to Region VIII festival direc tor 0!-. ·fo'rieda Brid«mtan of UWSP, the .t'Y.I'nl is conside-red by manytobethemostpoe entfOI"cein cdue:~tiooa ll,heatre today. She said on a l't'gional level it offers :1n n · ~lll'l\toppot1~r~ity forpeopl e from one campus to measure their W'Ofk against the ltandanb of others and leru-n and leach a t the same time. fo'~ival acli vilies on the Stevens Point campus also includ e a "Corporate Sponsors of the Arts" lla1Cheon fat 11 am Saturday , Jan. Leasing for Second Semester 11 • • • • THE VILLAGE ._/ Completely furnished Dishwasher and garbage disposal Heat and water included One block from campus Stop In and Inquire about our tease options.- 1 14~~cY~A~~e~E 341·2120, Jl •. a t the Holiday Inn ) wbic:h will eonelude with a panel discussion by industry leaders and people in the ru-ts , and an Awards Brunch on Sunday. Feb. I. ln observanceofthebkentenn ial , the theme of this year's festiva l is American pla ys . The six college productions seln:ted at th e ff'8ion VIII fes tival are as follows : " When You Comi n' Back , Red Ryder'!" by l'tlark Medoff : ·~A Stre-etcar Named Desi re" by Tenoeuee Williams ; "Summer and Smoke" and "Small Craft Warn in gs .. agai n by Wi lliams : " Phllemon" a musical by Tom Jones and Harvey Schmidt, tobt' pr-esented by Carthage College of nt inois, Saturday, at 1 : 1~ pm ; and "Y~U~g Bucks" an original scr ipt by graduate stUdent John Kun ik , prese nted by Southern Un ivec-sity at Carbondale, Satur· day, a t I :JO pm . As a new entry "'Young Bucks" Ia no1 in com· petition with the ot her playa, but ratherwi ll bejudgedseparatelyfOI" a national play wriUrc a.-ird for ~ergins American Playwrighta. JOOI:es for the prodUC"tlons In· dude Sy lvia Drake, t h eat re column ist and reviewer for the LA nm es; Oma r Pauon , playwright and drama professor at Oecidental College ; Greadna Doty, di r ector of theatre at LSU at Baton ftotCe ; Evelyn Dewey. from the Kennedy Center in Wa~hington ; and Jtobert Smart, o( the thelllre arw depart· ment of CSU. Sacramento. Owens comirig .~nse Owens. the Olympic: t~ck 1~ . known as '1he .,..!d's fastest h~m~an ", has bt'en sched uled tosive the keynote spe«h tonight as part of the men and \Wmen's sports dink at tbe and field stsr of the UWSP. His talk wiU bealn at a pm ill the Quaiidt Fieldhouse. 'n~:kets are bring sold in adva~ at the Athletic; ~tment and proeftds from the t\'tnl wlllao into a fmd to support traveltotuotionalmeetsfor U\liS P non«ven!JI!: atllletic teams in swimmina. 'toTtsllifll , track and field. baseb.all. tennis and golf. Q'A'eflswill br:oneofaeveral " big namto'' athlete~ and coaches who v.ill be on the clinic procrams both toniftht and tomorrow. t\m"ently a resident of Phoenix, 011~ has been in the limdig.ht of athll'ticsslnce 1921 in Oenland, Ohio. 11ohere he set new world records for junior high schools by jumpi.n&l feet in the hi&h jump, and %2 feet IP~ inches in the broad jump. Oiling his hi&h school days in Oevdand, be won all of the major track events, includina the sta te championship for thr~ conseclll ive yurs. A1 the national lnter-&l»>astie meet in Otic.ago, dutinghissenlor year,he set a new v.«ld record for high schools by runnrnc the 100 yard dash in 9.4 seconds to tie the aecepled world m:ord, ~nd he cre~led ~ wwkl record in the 220 yan:l dub by running the d ia l~nce In 20.7 """""· A week ear liu he had set ~ new ':"'WI~ re::ord in the broad jump by JWtlptng2Heettt~indlesOuring his freshman year at Ohio State Uni\·enity,Owenseta world record In the 60metus at 6.2~ndtteated a oewr«ordof&.l stoconclsin the 60 ya rd ~sh . As~ sophomOfe, he had the disUnc: tlon or being the only trackandfieldathletelnhlstoryto Sl't threeworldrecorclsandtotie a fourth in a single trac k meet. He ran tMIOI).y;rrddashin1.4seconds to tie the world 's recOfd ;and sd >AWid 'srecords lnlhe220 yarddash at:!0.2seconds, the220lowhurdles at 22:6and, the broad jump at 7J6 feet 8-'olnches. . At the l!UGOi ympicJamesheldin Berlin . Gffm&ny. O...'!!ns gained intemaUonal distinction a dram ~tic feat lfy le tting new ,.,til ~ymplc records in .,.,iMIIJi in- div iduaJti tlesinthetOOmettrS, 200 meters and broad iump, and running on the victorious rd.ay team. Ills Olympic broad Jump wasrn surpasif!d for 2-t years. In later ye:ars, Owens lived in O!icago and worked as a board membf!f' and director of the O!icago Boys' Oub. He al10 did public relationawork for large Amtrkan companies. He has won numft'OI.II honors and recogn ition and in 1155 was desig na ted by the U.S. State DepaTtment as ''America's Ambassador of Sports." He was also dubbed as ' -rbe O!ampion or the Century." XC ski equipment ·outlined byTh~:=~ a variety ol CTOU· f:m'?r;;~~:e~~~C::: ha~ a good idea ol wb.Jt it what beforespendingmoneyoo the boots, skis, poles, bindinp, and clothing -.·hich will latet- become very valua~ tohim . Your equipm~t lbould be func· tionalsoyoueanleamtoenjoythil 5pl)l1. the way it should be. Then. Some of the alpine s ki companies ha 'le ctlflleoutwithcrou-coontry s k is. These ha ve plastic la mination s, steel edges . and plastic bottoms. But the bf!&lnn.er should start out with the con· \'e ntional woodies. !After all , eYen " the Hexcel Kid " started out on ..-oodsltis.l f!\'~:~t~!~~h~'!.l~: altft' you maslff the skills of Cf'OUcOWJtryskiing,you'll vind th.lt this bask equipment will sUU serve you astrcHurf bottoms unless you haYe absol utelynoconfklencelnyour· self. Genen\ touring cthickn' and lleaviffl w light touri~:C Ullin and lighlel' l arelhe mai n choices. Most XC manuals recommend the general touring ski forlhe beJinner. The ski should be l-12inc:hes longer thanthelkler 's height. Get a wood sk i to begin with. They should have hickOI')' ' bottoms and lign.is tone trompressed beechwood ) edges. Tty to buy a alr.i with edges : they rea lly malte a difference once you bec1xne a Jood skier. Stay away from birT;h bottomed skit. They nick and JOUle: too easily. Your ill is, ofcourse, wiU have camber. This means if put llat on the noor. the s ki rats on Up and tall, with the middleolfthefloor. Camberitbuilt into the alti so that the slder's • ·e ight is n-enly distributed ovft' theentireltrlflthofthetki. Allo,lt provides flexlbllny over Wlf!Vmlotrral n. Prices vary from 30to110dollan. Yoo11 find that lhe tkis in the 60 dollar price rarce will lof!f'Ve you we ll both as a be&lnoer and as 111 accomplished txptf't. XC s ki boots could more appropriately be called ". tho5". Thac ·s basically what they are, excq~t the sole protrudes from the toessothattheflndinc:can clamp on to it. The ''boots" should be light. nexible, be made or soft leather, and have some padding around the ankle. HiJh. cut boots are preferred. but thelowcutJare nne also. c'There is about a one inch difference between the two . I Thebootl s hou ld bewatf!tllroofed withaliliconspray . Dry fe-et area musL Also, you can use a luther dressing. but it tends tociOI up the poresoftheboot,notallowinJitlo ..--breathe" . price or booll ca n run anywhere from IS to 50 dollars. .... ..-ell . \ ..... n.e ~r::i':r~i~:!~~m:e~·c BladiiiJI The toe-clam!J blndinl is what It per cent of all crou-counlr)' s kiera use . ftholdJ;theboottotheskiwith aclamppressureonthefrontollhe boot sole and with several ll ny mellll nipples which protrude up- ward from the blndirw a bout a quarter of a n Inch. 11M!:Ie metal ~~r!~:t~~w~::~li: thebl.llofthefOOl. Toe-clamp b lndlrws are by rar the si mplest blndlrw. 11lft'f! it nothing that can alip out ol a djustment and require rudj1.11tment Calpine ski bindlnp are a real hassle in this way and they are abo hard loJel in a.nd ouut of l . Toe-clamperl are lhe lust expensive, and they provide the mott toe and ankle flexibi iily. They are alsotrernendouslyusytogetln and out'ol. Heel and toe p lates a re part of any bindil!l aetup. 11le hH:I plate Sl'f'Ves twopurpoRS : 11 to hold the hH:I s~ady on downhill turning: a nd 21 to Jlop the ·~ frun bun· cltin~ under the hH:I . The toe-?ate prt'o·entJ snow from buncltin& up underthebl.llofthefoot. Bindings eo~t al'l)'wber:e rrun seven to 12 dollars. Mounting Is IDWIUy done by the thop you buy your bindings from. howevft', it's not too diffk ult to put them on , yourwlf. ofairwhlchinlulatesthe fOOl from the cold. Good ci rculation is abo nec:ft.Ur)' rw wann feet. 1 u-:iti~ ·1 ~clt=..:t ~= these ,knee-lel!lthwoolen.ocksare needed. Knickenarenicetoh.IYt but not neceuary. Bell bottoms -=~!~ 'i:~: ov~ u~~':n= orsp.atstthesefitfruntheankleup 0 to the kneel help to keep your lower legs dry . Oothlna &houlcl be layem and not too heavy hltlleu lt't a very cold day I. XC lldll!l generates considerable body hut and many inexpuienced people have a ten · dency tOOVft'dreu, and in turn , overheat . You~notgooutandbuythe latest fuhions ror crou-country lldina . JUit use what wllltufflce. Waterproof tandwarmlglovesare a mus l, u is a hat on a cold day . Remember the old uylnJ , " If your feetarecold,putyourhaton ." You low moet of your body heat from your bean. Sleeveless down vesiJ are nice, but • i n, far from ll«'f!UUIry. A paril:a with a few layen underneath works out j1.11t """· Asm. II rucUackor fanny pack it nice for can-ying lunches, ather· mos. wax , an extra sweatu, an emerwancy ski lip, or wh.lteVer your m· ol' heart desi res. Recreational Services li n the ba5t mentofthe UnivtrSIIyCenterl can outfit you with a ll your XC likiing needs and gi ve you " the key to un lock the forbidden winter >A'oods," Jaaurr ». tfl'l Pa(lt n Plolllltr ~ Pointers drop two squeakers lty Jolla ROIIdy The Pointer butet ball team dropped two close &ames lut -.-eekend a fter holdillf five point leads intheclosin&mmutes. 1be Pointers lost to Eau Qalre Friday nl&ht in 1 ddens\ve struggle , II·S&. . Saturday nigh t UWSP folded aealniothefinalminutes, lotin&to Stout , 71-Q. 1be Point~ stayed ,cl011e to F.au ?o:~~~d~~:S:n ::r::ide:dj; outside shooting o1 Jluard, Paul Woita. Da\-e Van der Geftt, who j1111 returned to action l!Rer J-e~a lnl iiJ hi!eligibility, p \·ethePoinleraln unexpected lift with U pointa and six rebounds. He also outplayed his hi&h school riva l Dennis, Blunk. Wl'it.afinlsh tdwitht4polntam: tin ~ fint half ). When he fouled .,.,;th l :J I to go, ..-the Polnten' chances for a win went' down wi th hir'-iesllrNi nJUII'CIISobRepka , wbo ' ant the Pointen ahead witb lb: ~i nutts to play, finished with 11. , Ju t ten minutes Dl the aame hadthui)Olrsecrowd on thudae o( their seats and chfotrin&. whkh is Goina into the aame, £au Caire wu ranked ti&hlh MUonally In lhe 1be Pointers finally went ahead with about uven minutu Repka ancl Uoyd Thornton played key roles In the dutch for UWSP. Thornton, who 1&b so mw:h Uke Bobby Dandridae or the Bucks, was especially active In the Pointer rally, hitting a few buc:keiS a11d swatl.int: Blugokl shots riJ,ht and powerhouse, but t he Blugolds pr011edtheydeserwdtheirnnking by playing decisively in the last three m inutes. r Blowtna some easy shoU undtrneath, the Pointers shot .+41 from the fidel and wtre 4-.5 at the line. slapped on Stout while the Pninters - re pinina their lead. However, UWSPwas able to convert only. l-5 ol lhHe s ubtequent free throw attempts, and In the end it spelled heartb ruklna defea t for the secOIWS niJhlln a row. . P11UI WoiUI a Dd Bob Omdlaa led ::;~:,!r~=t!:n~:'~. in left. - Bl=~~ •;:,:oc::,v~i:!! '::!~ Point~ . Tbr: . pme was virtually OVff when guardOamdiC.klwdl'lfreethrow wentin lndoutwllh22secondsleft. From tber'e .. Eau Claire went lnttl 1 stall pme and the Pointen were forced to fouJ. If notlllrc else, the usually dull Quandt fleldhouJe wu tre1ted to pme away rrun the ~~n{~::::~~Uuoi1i~ 10 minutes). At one point the Bhcold ~heerleadlrc squad beld on to a smaJJ nl& and nq one olthe ~;"= .=:':ruct.': ~~~~:n:Oq~ ~~tc~.Ji:~ .44~fi~~~~~d ~;~~-be;; pme"Wu decided at the free throw line wMre the BIUJQ!ds ~a nne:! II· re~:=h':i four tec:hnkal routs was !:u~S::,~~hc~p=~ ~r~ Point~ are now 5-IOon the SUSCXI . 17. They wW try to Improve on that when they like on Superior Woi ta 1lso led the Pointen in rebounds with nine. Against Stout Saturdly night, the final ~OIIIpse repeated lt1elf . · Jud&inafromthelutthreedefelta, · it's ·ertting to be ·a Poi nter tomon-ow night at ·SUpulor. . So wha t'• wrona wllh the Poln· ten'! They sorely mla H Oluck Ruys' bulk, power and jumping abllltyt Ruyswu MVPiutye,ua• a fmhma n ). Opposlnc teams j111t tr~!~~k~rlllmanshlp in~e ~~~ J::O tl:e:~~~r':-:.~ from the outside OIK't: apln tept UWSP in the game. A l1te Ourry In- the dosin& 1taget .of the nrat half However , theyareayounetum ·wit h a lot of potential. The preet~t problem is they don't t,_ how to ~~Point to within 4Wiat the :t;ly•~:::~: abe 0Jpped· and twilled In mid alr. ) Sport Shorts-------Baultall : The Poil\l.tt bueball tum is currently going lhrqh atnnuous practices ttl get them· selves in o:ceUent condition for their upcomillg trip down South. The trip will «<Iler mot! ol Louisiana and the Gulf area, Tbr: Pointer se:htdule wUI eu~~iat Dl sixteea games with IUCh leamt u Lamarr ud Beaumont Uoiver· s illes. Beaumont defeated the UnillffSity ol Texu d11ing one Dl las t yea r 's pmes, but TUas went on to win the N.C.A.A. title. Head coach Ron Stelntt stattd that there 1re many &ood returning lettermen, pi~ transfen that wl.ll aid the pitching staff this year , One setback was an Injury report on short.Jtop John Sandow . John, 1n outstandina sbortstop In lnt cooference, Injured a tnee In basketball aod will be out until pouibly late in tbe tt.UOa . Coach SteiDer ftllted that the lborlatQp poaition ia one of the rnott villi poaiti- oG the team aod that :b.petilionwilldeddewbogeta the llodlty : While m011 of ua were enjoyiq Cbristmu vK.ation, the Pointft' hockey team waa on their way ttl a MCOQd place finlah In the Au& sb ur& tournament , They started off against St. Ooucl of MIMesota . ddeallng them- by a SICOI"e ol4·2to&et lnto thefioall. lo Un ivel'8ity of Wi.co nein :·r;:; • S tevene Poin t t., iJ'7 POINTER BASKETBALL IJW-SP VS· Satu rday, Jonuory 3 1 Suptlior '(T) Tu...tay, Febrvory 3 La c,...... (H) Thursday, Fobrvory 5 G,..n loy (H) Cf:zclusive/y- otz · Wl85 in steree .. for all of Central WisConsin 10:1.3 FM Tratk : C:O.ch Amklt 's tra~t men ATe now In their second Wftk o1 practice and ATe feelina: the minor ~hesa nd~inslttaktstomatethe u 103.3. FM the finals , the Pointera went down to defea t atthehandlofRiver- Falls bytheloCOI'eorw. OnJ1nuary tHh, the team defeated Harper Junior CoUrse M . Fo1Jow1111 that on January 16th, the Pointeradtfeated Iowa State 4--1 .net then dropped a 52 match to tbem the following ni&ht. This past weebnd the Pointers once again dropped two decisions to Rivft' Falll. On Friday the Polnten W!'re shot down t-2 and on Saturday theywereoutsk.lted tl-1. This comlna weekend finds tbe ' Pointera 'travellna toStoutfortwo :matches. one fo'rlday and one Saturday. Botbpmes brain at 7:30 pmandthis•lllbethefirattlmethe two te1ms have met this seuon. 103.3 FM team. F'i.fly..four men an trylna: to !ria~ this yeAT's team and, Coa~h ArnJot feels that this yea r '• team wilt be 1troneer lhan last. '1'bere is m<n depth than las t year," u id Am iot, " but It Will not be Wltil the middle of February before we !mow the llren&lhs and weallneues.'' Loll this year from the team is Jeff Pa t who dec ided to enter chlroprKUc tehool. Jeff wu a fourteen-nine vaulter on the team. Alto 1011 was Ted HaniiiGft who =:r:n:~ Jnelllible. The nnt meet will be 1 t Racine the fint weekend or Februry. Go Pointera! Gym ... •llrl : On January 17th , the l)'mnastk:a tea m traveled to GJen ~~. Ulinois for the Du.Pa1e In· VJI.Itlona l. Twelve teams from all riVer the CQUI!try were entered. For !be Pointers, Dan Courtney ~ II to the finall a nd pla«d :::~~~&::·nc:=t ~; two places. He placed tenth out ot ll. ':onlght the l>o'nten tra~l to "':h'tewaleT for a trla naul.r meet With Whiltwater and Du.Pa1e. WrnUI•J : This put wtebnd the Pointers dropped a lf-14 match to Riv tT Falls. The Pointer's i-econt U . Four ol the six ddeata were by le. than lix points. In the River 1"11ls contesl, the Pointera had row- winner~ . Rkk Pt:acoc:k, II 1.2:6 pouadl, won his ni nth 1trai&ht ma~e:h , and remalna undtfeated In confttence acli011. Ron Szwet, at Ul pounck, woa a major decision by theteoreoliG-1. He I• four and one In cooler-ence. Wayne Schoenebe<:t won a 10-3 now stands at 1::i~onwi~t- 1:J ~ ::: ~~ ~~ pounds. He is five and tHO in confennce. On J anuarylllt. lheteamtnvels to La Cnlue for a 1:30 match. Swl••l•& : The swi mmlna tum traveled to Ri ver 1"1111 1111. weH and came away wllh a 17-43 dtcisloa. Last Saturday the Poln· ten hOited a double dual meet wi th Superior and Stout. Tbr: Pointers dunked Superior 7i-29 and then were s unk by Stout 81-47. Some outstanding limes to be noted were by Mike Sla&le who 1wam the 1000 • ya rd free.. tyle a nd did It In 10 :211 :01. 11 Wll the best lime for liim In this event but unfortunately helos t. JeffHill lwa mtheZlOyard ind ivktual medley in 2: 10 :01 and won. He 1llo swam lhe zoo';yard breutstrli;elnthellmeof2:22 :06 ~hkh wu a naUonal qualifying · Ume. Only t - matchft -.-e w~ by the Poi ntera, and bolh by Jeff · Hlll. -'&alnst Superior and Stout, Coach Blair felt that to pt~Unt or . the team had thelrbettmeet. The team pr1c:U~es fl'1)m 1:30 to 7:JOinthe mor nlqandallotwims about5600yardl\n the a fternoon, or about toOO yards per day. '!betr record 11 now 2·2 and they 1re looiUng lorw1rd to the ronlerenc-e me e t where the c: onferen~e ~~:faa; ~::C~inters ho• t Mllw1ukee • t 4:00 •nd on Sah~y they travd to Winona, Ml~ _ ror~ :)IJ, KEUG ION Ouisti1n Seience OrJ ~linaf : l5 pm UC Dodge Rm every '111uradly. Fint Church or ChrW. Scientilt CMinnesota 7 Maln comer I Onrch tet It am , Sun School 1:30am . Trtnlty Luth Olurch«<nerof Clark 6. Roten Sll. P..tcn Jim Oliver 6. O.nUUel'. Suntet. I ::I06.1llm. ..., For daily recorded meuqe ~ Student Govermnent Appliootions for seats in Student Government available Mon. Feb. 2-Mon. Feb. 9 in S.G. office. 1 seot LeHers & Science Assemblyperson 1 seat CNR Asoemblype110n 1 seat Dmrid 111 Se"""" ( Knutzen, Ho,.n, Schmeeckle) 1 seat District VII Senator (Area east of Minnesota Ave.) 1 seat District X Senator (Area southwest of Bus. l!.S. 51 and south of U.S. 10) SPRING SEMESTER SAVINGS STARTS MONDAY! En.....,_ by the .... t(i!f:J ·" Print thop m....,..n (shirts) Jcaz altum• \~.• :~ \ "'I .SO '$.99 I '4.99 (..,..mo..) UNIVEIISITY STOlE - UNIVEISITY CENTU 'f quallty, Uberty and fraternity' regula~ a 1:~~~~:~:~ ~ ~ columns lor grou!'s(ruggles Ope n Channel ,,rr=~~=~:~:...ervlewed ~ Last week tn Ibis column. Therefore, the loctcal topic this week II full te.rm • A weekly from adopt It out. how to deal witb parents and friends , etc., etc. Women Helpin& Women il here to answer quatlom and coordinatecommunltyresCIUI""«<toprovidetbebestservlce possible to a W11mangoh'fl full term with a prqnancy. Let's ouUine the community resources thai Women Helping Women wackl wilh. 'nle Department of Social Servlca In Portage County provides a pre-natal clau for women that student government by Bob Bad.J.Iftlkl Last Friday tJa n. 24. 1976) The Association of Un!Vft'Sity of Wisconsin Faculties CTAUWF I met at the Un!Yn"Sity Center with area kSislatures toexpreusome ol tbtir COileena about the UW J)'l tem. The main topic ol disaallon wu collecllve ba~ainina rights ror f.culty . Mr. hrry CUiftl' tOW LaCrosse I who is president of TAUWF decried the fact that ~!~ e:~~~~l'=~~;mc;:~~~~ ·~O:C t:;r human sexuality as it relala to coatraception. This clau ~res~J~~t!t~~:;.omen with the facilities and The Department o( Social Services can also help .to deal . with financial needs throughmedlcalassiftance, which will cover hospital COlts for women who are ell1ible for the program . Social Service~ c.tn also make arranaementa for women choosing to put their chlJd up for adoption. Women Helping Womtn can coanect a woman with this resource and give her an idea of what to expec t. Another r~ for women Is the Lamaz.e Qdldblrth Education c.laiHI o(fered at Rice Clinic . Thae ciMSetare aimed at helplna a woman utilize technit~ua that are dfective in r~ina labor · discomfort. But Mr. CUlver conteodi that students ahould not be in- volved in the process of collective barpin!na becuase it just isn 't rulistic and it would make t.rplnln& too ewnbersome. " Besides", u be states, "collective b&rJ.IInln& J"*S no thrutl to s tudents." Either Mr. CUlver tnows very little ~I collective barpinlac or be is~ to deceive shxlents oJ:r;~~~r~ ~:SP.~omU:C:~lhw;;t: lhat Include homeddlvery, and feelinp a bout prepancy and parentina. Indiv idual cOW\If:JJnals available for women who wish a more structured, tberapeulic setting In which to deal wlthfeellnpaboutfull termprqnancy. Int.ermao(eo~t.the services at Women Htlplna Women and Social Services are free to women. . Women Helping Women te:rvk:a women aU the way as to what coiii!Cdve barplnlnj can really mean to students. Let me just cover a few points to IDdieate how students are affected by collective barpinlng. AttOrdin& . to state taw, a resident student must pay 2S perttnl of tnecostof instruction while a nonof'esident PlY• _100 percent. Let'a assume lhe f1culty successfully bargain for a . ~~r:ar!:~e=~"toth:: :=r~a':~ ~~h ~::fin~ ~~!,~J;.~:ks~t 1 :r!::i ~~~~~c:!~S:":::~r; student. Now suppose faculty ace also ~lul ln ~ing ~t ratiotoU : t . Thls mayincreauthequalilyof youreduc:allon but it most certainly means higher cil&t to you. Let's assume it adds Sl!! to your biD. Add other Items IUCh as &eparate , phones for each ins tructor and one sec:retary for everx 4 faculty members and up g~ your cost again. Estimate your cost iDCTeaslng anotbet" $20. But let's assume faculty would like more than j~t providing you a quality eclucatlon. Say as a fringe benefit ~~:.•n~~ir~lli~tow;:;~ ~~~~of ~ri~~~ benefit"! If you guessed the s tudent , you 're right. Add a notnerStO. · But not everythin& wiU &how in you:r tuition bill. Suppoae the faculty want exclusive tme of. lbe gym on Tuesday a nd Thursday night. It probably won't COil you any mc.... bu t It does hurt lbe intnmural proeram. Or suppose they want to alloeate the Student Activity fee. Apl.n It may DOt cost you any more but you may bave leu ol the acU.Ies that you really want. These are j111t aome eumpiel ol wbat coUective barplnin& for faeu.lty c«ild mean to student5 and I uy jult lOme becatae the faculty at the aty Unlv:tnlty o( New York found 106 issues to be barp.lned on for one coatnct. So yes, Mr. O..Uvet,studeota are·concerned about collective barplnln& becauae It does POle many thrut:l to them. So what II the alteinative! Studeat repreRntaUon at the ~ble . Webavetopa:rtidp.~t.elnthlaprocessbecauseaomuch ofw batwill goon a tthattabledoel lndeed affectlll . Stlaienta are In a dliferent position than the Con&Umer In our economy . Merger &Iva us rights and responaibUltla Including participation in univenlty aovemance. We do not consume the educatiooal product but participate in ill development and application. Ya, Mr . Culver, we bdona &t the table and will l!pt tor tnat riJht. are ':l: ~~~~1!-orn!~t!:~·O:~~~nc:'tycC:':'u~y~ Don't 1~0: us Out. pr~~~Y...=~s~cl:.~":~a;':yor:d :r:!~:J:,m~ancy ~~!di~T~nJ. ~:e~d~c!:, :e:u:rat:'k:;O:·~~C: ~= ~~~':~~~-~r~ou:~~.·:~~:'reh~:: ~ women keeping their Infants, money malteB for si ngle parents, or ex ploring the legal rights of women who choose to terminate ~nta l rights a nd put their Infant upJor adoption. Full term pregnancy aulstance can be obta ined by calUIIJ - ~~~'inHS:~~~~=~~~-34.!:~:t·=~' ~~= Training For Women will start In mid-Feb. Anyone Interested should contact the center at the above phone number for in" formation. Co-op cook Recipes for good health !JyCarrleWolvln Detours around Armageddon Crime of the century ttr GHrae w.,.w Why, If John Kennedy, wu atruc:k In the head by a bullet f1ttd from behiftd and from llil rl&bt. did he ruct by beilll violently thrust backwards rathK tbron forward? 11ds back· ftnkmotlonteem~tovlolate all n~~tunllawsolphysics, yet thla iJ exactly what filii'IJ oflhe au.assiniU0r11how. hl~::;:~'tC~~!:ij~csw~ ~~a::: fired fnxn lhe Tnas School Boot Dtpo&itory, but from the "IJ'&MY knoll " aru to the rlJ,ht and front ol the fi"J!idrolial ~~=.~~=~~~~~~ assas:slnaUon. 'Ttlompson claimed lhat lhe Kftmedy budshot reac:tlon wu ('(!Oiisttnt lrith a shot fired from the front ol the car-problbly hdlind the stockade fmee atlhe top o1 the """'· AsUJr.dyuttismaylftftt,CBSandDanRatha'clislgreed. They loo knew 50mt:thillfl ol pbylia and the laws of motlon. They contend that a shot tired from behind and passin1 throua,h the head would force alartt mau of brain U.ue out ollhe h'Ont portion of the skull causina whit they called a "Jet e«ect" . Thlsjtttheopropelledtheheadbactwards, toonrds lhefon:eofimp.ct. In addition, Ratbef' alated that Ml"'. KtM«ty , aeated next :.=::-r:·:~:'!".!t':~~~~:=-::~ hnpact oflhe head shot. rrbia is quite a feat considerina it Wu nthru1tcd that Kennedy's body ~ld have betn m0Yi111 a t2000fft t peri«<OIdforward iflhesbotwu from bdllnd l. I make no claims ol bdna: an ~physics, and tberrlorecannotdefiftittly prove whic is('CII'T!!C:t. Howevft", thepointhereislbequalifications criticawho C:m:" c:~~l:'Yra;ctur::r::'k :?; c:i:s~ make fnr an intemtina lhenry, but as evidence Photograph~ they are often inad missible because of the many ways they canbelnterpre~ . All of these inconsistencies rtfk!ct Nck on CBS and Its invntlption ol the KeMedy u:aassinatlon. What wu the intentionoflheirpro&nm! Wasl ttoprt:Molbothsidesolthis contrvveny. nr ~ lhey preoccupied with Rrendloa the covemment \-enion o1 the assu&ination?"' Wby did they DOt cbocMe to ln!HView u- «SpDrSible criUca who deal In documented facts thin speculation aDd theory! {( inteftd to let the readft'knowwhothesecriticaaresoonl . Theprn.s has an obli1alion to fairly and a~ate!y ~t I!"Yer)'ltdeolanlssue. Tbemurdef'olanAmlerieanpret.•dent. a tragedy that stlU a ffects all of 111, should warrant unbl.as.ed repnrtirc. Howi!'Vff, CBS hu, as in ita tM7 nport on the assauinatlon dt<'eived the America n public willl findinp that cannot a~~ to close examination and oppmin1 views that are inadequate. In not fut.nlJin&lhelr obliption to the American public. fair and responsible reportin1. they con· rather linue to suppress the tru: ~ ••• In respcx~~e to whit is felt u . a ceDJ.ine interat in the Kennedy auasainationat this unlvenity, a croupolltudenta are curTenUy applyinC for recocnitkm as a. univtnity orpnization. AU persons interated in more inlonnatioa a~t Students for the Reopenill8 of the lnvtsliptioa ol the Al.aulirl.alioa ol ==.':~~· ~f:J,;.tta~~~~ ~:: 2%4111. ~inority groups interested in utlizing E·L·&F· con co,;toct Pointer at :J.<0-2249 r or visit room by •U Siaaelr. SuprlsirWy no one seemed lobe moved by our trulmftlt o1 The Great American Buycet~tennialln last week's lssue. We lhqbt perhapi that we 'd ~ve a boatload o( lttlft'l protesting our blasphemous treatment oCthe grot evftlt . AI lttuma out- we received doodley squat . Tbe qoeslion at hand ia :why! If you caught the SUnday edition ol CBS news you -.tid have noticed • aim liar treatmftll of the 1reat American bola:. U you read rw. 11•es ,.YOU no doubt eqjoyed an equally cynical look at the non~enl. The !'o\tw 11•es piece came out in November. Not ~like our article, II produeed very lltUe reader reaction. The answer to the mysta'y of the mlsaiiiJ :::::. ~u:,~ I~:~= .:,ri:e:~~!r:; members of the fourt h estate attackin&·tbis country'a attempC at a natk>nal celebration. The hou is 10 obviously a bon that it doesn't even warnnt diacllllionl!~l . Well we don 't think alona thole lines. We think bones can be f1.m . For that reason wea.reaotna to try toam~~~e ouwlvn la nd you hopd'ull y) with some of the grosser b · ploitations ol the Buycentmnial. You can help. U you run acrou any particularlly amusina Buycentennlal l&rbage, bring it to our attention. Write 111 a lftta' Of' drop In at the offi«. 9ta¥eyourchucltlewith the rest of us. A.t least well be geltinf somet.hioa out or this JTea t American eff«t at res1onng chauvanit:m . My offering this week comes from a hi1tory claa required fOf'inlduatton . The text tells the gripping saga of the ea rly adven turers in the new YI'Ofld. They bad come to find the gold and riches of India. Some fortunate dtvill were lucky enou&h to llumble upon the ~«:1 and lncas whom they ~ to totally plundft'. The ~lucky ones land«! In North America. They found nothing but mild m1Mered " Indians" with fi!'W riches to plunder. The North American explorers coulckl't return empCy !:r~The~~'d-,~~=~:'8:~:~=~Jr;:-~=. They had to provide their benefactors with somethlna of value aucceeded. 1be great equal lo gold and silver. They =~~~ r:::e:.!eon:n~:fu:i ~ ~a:!!~nc~·J:':; 1 di dn 't need, never used bdor., and wu destined to destroy their bodies. 1be great American prcctU wu let into mot ion. Thla is yoorheritq:e. Vet's comer News for c:oinpus vets Vet'• c.r.u Are you one ol the Wbconlin vderllll who feda the Gl Bill limply doesn't pa.yenou~h money! Then do IOmethlnaabout it! Check Into the two Wllcoolin education grants fnr veten.n~ . The full-drne atudy lfMI fnr WIICOntln Vietnam vdl ean off« u hlab u ROO per academic year fnr lincJe 'Ids, and u hiah as $tOO per academic year fnr married vt:U. The amount aranted 11 baled upon the oeed o1 the student. A1TENTION : Thtre have been 21 UWSP at.udenta who havt: already filed for the araat and their checb are now at the CUh.ler'a office. Tbe part.Ume arant will be the topic In the next Vet '• Comer. The Jill of states thai live Vftft'alW bonuses is broken down lntolhrMc.tecorin . TheflntcatetorYinCiudesaU the states . that 11ve bonlllfl with no cut-off point of ~ervlce and no requirement of~ In Vletn.am . Theatatesare u follows : CDnnectkul: , Delaware, Masaachllletla, Michipn, South O..kota aDd Vermoot. The second gr~ of atata require the veteran to have served in or off the lboret ol Vlftnam . 1bele atates are : Qlli.od, Indiana, LoWiana, Montart.a, Pennsylvania and w;;!if:'lrouP of atates lets • time limit of .mce, but 5erVke In Vietnam II not 1 prereqWite to receiYIIIII the bonlllo. 1bis last p-~olatates are : Iowa, Minnesota , North Olllr.ota , Ohto, and Wet! Vlrllnia . 026 Ma in. J ..M rylll. It'll Pallf Zl PM•"' revieuvs. ------------------- ~Ill C'nty Afkf" All Thtw \' urs ··~Ill SitaGn I>(' :DSM SANDSTOSE pr:!!,:~~~ by C'trol HIM:kl Paul Simon is now 34 years old, lt'pal'attd from Art Ga rfW~kel and divorcfd from his wife, but tbat isn't k~na him from writin1 ~teatmusic . Hisnewrecord ."StiU Quy After All These Yurs" bas been voted album n..nbe!' fourteen ofl975lntMVillaaeVoice'sJau. a~~d Pop Poll. lbert is a ti&bt disdpliiM' bet~·een the lyrics and lhe musk: on this albwn, a control that manifest. a detkate musical mphistication . Lyricall y the album Is both pessimistic and sarcastic. Simon si np aboul painful subjecl$-lost Jo ve, hard time a . hopelen dHperate feelinp , and shattef'ed dreams. But at the same time that he seems to be pleadin& for sym· palhy he pokes fWI at his feelincs and makes li&ht of lhem : " I'm conna leave you DOW and here's the !"fason why, I lib to sleep ..;m the ~indow open and you keep the window closed, 10 Jood-bye.'' Dl rHLN by Racer a llll · Btnaay Daaa 1\«vkwed by CW Pelric l& Way out In California, where loll olCTuy people live, there Ita place ulltd Sancbtone: where people can &o and work out prob"'ms, live in nake d 1 p lendor and screw whomem- they feel like. "Sand· stone," lhemovle,lsa doc:umeu· taryotlhesefreesplriltd people.u the¥ wart out prob!Ha, live In nailed s plendor and screw lheylil&e. lllsalsomCIItlytrash. The nlm taka the form of I cinema verite ( h andheld cameraworll, irainy blown up from 16mm prints, out of focus and muddyaound l visit to the S.ndltone s:r ;.~~~~~ except tor one toe-tapper called " Gone at Last" . This soni Is I duet sunc by Simon and Phoebe snow IIIII has a ju%y blacll•piritual dr:livery complete wilh bl;cl&-up vocals by the Olk:ago Community Qoir and a blasli"'IIJtophone aolo at lhe end of the JOal. f'hod)e Snow not only appears on "Gone at Last " . she alao sines backaround \lOCals for " fUty Ways to Leave Your Lover". Art Gar· fr.mkel makes a auest appea ra~ too on a sonc that he and Simon "ATOie toit"ther called "My UtUe Town". Simon makes &ood use ol not only ('hoirs and saxophone .00., he allo treats us to excellent musical arnl'lfements. A nne example lt the m1dcDe Jtctioa ol the title Dll ~i'::t~~ ;;:.:.4"ora~:Ct'~ but mo.tly is an advocation of the place. ~"' II II hlrd to look objec:Uvely ala mOYie 10 poorly made. It Ia; oblliOUI that the di rec:ton, a tw080me of Rocer and Bunny Dua, didn' t !"fally lulow wha t they were doin&. ' 'Sandleooe" II 10 rvuah it could 3 .. Shrimp i ~=: Bonanza!e EweryTueedeo(N~t A Bounty of Golden a.tw Fried Gulf Sh-4FP • GARDEN GREEN SALAD c:hoictofourhotne~Nd~d..-,. t': CHOICE OF POTATO ~ bllk.t, hllh browN: frwdt friel 3 - z u ;; or....., HOMEMADE BREADS WISCONSIN GRADE A BUTTER someU mes, Comfort tautbor of the Wy ol Sal tos~.XII people to the box omceol their local elnema. ; CE cloinc ;;!-~~t~=~:n:~~ \ • betterbenamedundpt~per . There P'MO MIC JIIE KOSZTWE•; . ~~ what he was other times he looted lllte he . . s threw in a few interviews, then edited the wbo&e meu. to&elher, tllrowinc In an ample amount of a sinpe mediocre musical moment. . :;;:.~ice~~.~~~:~ ~ 11 ~~~iliruJiy done a lbum void of .· ~m~!~ ::-:1~=e ~ believe that the mm-mabrs were s.eriow at aU In their pw-ault. If they were they wouldhavetriecttodo something better with the material athand , atleaatmalleltnttocether in an internlinc or cruttve . . y. What appear~ on Kfftn 11 not Is little IOCic to the movie. It looks ~ ~n':~ ~n~!r'~ § ~ ~~~~ .:~~~ ~= ~~~ bored. The ru ult l1 choppy, lackluster, and poorly e1po1ed rootage o1 what might be an in· teresthlJ-..bject. "S;,md.slone"aeema !Dbeeboul :10 yean out ol date arter the lt'X· pl~ion In cinema in the JlxUa. It loob like one o1 thoM nudlat camp tour pict ures Ia Uttle tit end some pubk hai r ) which ftre popular in ~~~~e~C:,e!nclot O:.:f.,::, ·..,·FREE lEER . white, shor t hair ed man showl off other-goo,:lieswhicharenot factory options. -Tbe acene Is funny and helpa to point out how crazy people from California ruUy are. Ot.herwjae the rum II a pretty 5 ~ ... =··~~~:.:e::~~ To be nice, theft are a couple of &ood momenll. One IDOd moment II a IC't1le in which a midd:le qed , '"'· There Is f:t very much In :rr::w-:~h~ ~"::::!I.: charades. 11lere is even an onscrtoen IIC'JUID whic:h Is nlml!d Ia an arty and no doubt tastdul mam«. AI~ matlh' ol fact there is not much at all to " S.ndltone." If you mcwte to aYOid, tbl.s il the ;::.'a .... ~---:-~-- '75 Movies - reviewed; the good, the bod and the mediocre Mevkf.RevJew of 1175 Round about this time ~ movie reYiewf:r in the country comes up with tbe t.iUes of the tm best films of tbe yur. It mates great ad C'Opy, but ftOt muclJ more. HoweYer, f wiU be no eueption and what follows are my sUahUy biased picU for best mms of the yur. 1 waltl't able to come up with ten greatfilml,butlhavecome up with a few~· io.t out In the end to a real Now f« the fun part. The Moat MediOtt\ll rums of lt75 : ''Jaws," '"I'he Return of the Pink Panther," " Mooty PytboQ and the Holy Grail," "Abduction," "'lbe lilts. So here soes. The ·Seven Best F11ma of 19'7$ Wbic.b I Have Not Seen Because They Haven't Made It to Central Wisconaio : Stanley Kubrick's "Ba rry Lyndon," ln&mar Bercman's "'lbe Magic Flule," Jack Nic:holloa in ''ODe Flew Over lhe Cuc:ll.oo's Nest,'' Francois 'l'nlffaut'1 ''TheSl«yof Add H.," "SWept AWay ..." by Lena Wert· muller. Joha H•too's '"Tbe Man Wbo Would Be JGnc," and "Ues My Father Told Me," by Jan Kadar . turtey, "The Master GunfiJhter ," whl<:h - • the wont rum of last year. The only lhlrig film freaks can look foreward to In '76 IJ rlnally ledn&lhe belt of '75 aa·tbole films finally make thrir way to the backwoodt and eventually to Point. 11le ~:~-·~:~teLl~m,aala,:: "W.W. bt lhe Dillie o.nee:;:;" (with a bullet l, and " The HlndenburJ . " Other filma which alm01t made mediocrity thU yur inc lude : " Earthquake ," ·~e ~~~~~:~~r!~IJtoll:! a few &ood films comlnc down lhe road such u Marlon Brando and Jack Nlchoboll In " The MI.IIOW'i &-eab" and Dustin Hoffman and Robert Redford in "All the Presideat'a Men ," but otherwise thlnp look bleak u the winter =~=/·~"::~s;a~ Fl-emont." Almo&t maklnc my list wu "Tbe Other Side of lhe Mountain,'' wblcll a lot ol people, lncha:tJ.r.w me , liked. 'l'heEi&ht Best Films of t975,Al l olWhlc:b I Have Seen : "NuhviUe," By Robert Altman , Hal .Vhby's "9wnpoo,"HowardZeifra "Hearts of t.be WC!Sl," ''Smile" by Michael Ritchie, Woody Allen's " l.D\•e and Death;' "Rancho Deluxe," Mel BrooD' "YOWl& Frankenstein ," and Sklrley Pollack's ''Thfft Ihys of tbe Condor." ......... But rhad to<:ut back on my IUJU intake 10 it wun't Included. th:euC::. ~ts!~Jed~ = films for th.IJ semester Includes maybe S 1ood film1 and a lot of ThatbringsUI to lhefinaii.IJlot filma ,itisElStinkoof the Year. traah. rum Society promises better with tome -foreign •tuff but for :~t!.freab It's &onna be a ion& ~=k:~~·~t.~·~':,rr:r Dinonun Ia Minin&," and "Diamonds" came pretty close but COMING NEXT WEEK CLOCKWORK ORANGE FEBRUARY 5 and 6 PROGRAM BANQUET ROOM ADMISSION s1 oo Malcom McDowell as Alex , gives a singularly brilliant performance that not only heralds the arriVII of a super· star, but alao of the most accomplished British actor of his generation . A UAB PRESENTATION r-"i * ZUKERMAN DUO BARIXll COI(!RT-HARPSICa!O A.UTE & VIOON FRIDAY, JANUARY 30 puttlna FINE ARTS BUILDING 011 rJUt, ~~ tounnt c.nttr illtlli1 "u tlmpl~ by clld it by opplyilla 0111 "-J.d1• of tlw 0901t to thoboutofNorw• y-uwltho-lcl. lfyoo•w• lltrnortCNtofiCNrilllt~ /~» tapl.irofoklo -<oaw ~RENTALS AVAILABLE AT: YOUTH-12.00 AND ACTIVfTIES CARD BOX OffaiiOIIIIS: 11 AJI>5 P.M. DAI.Y P11ESE111B1 BY ARTS & LECTURES w. dldtl't ~ to b. the ludill1 JNOP~ tlwuniqu~......kofourcut~. WtdldltbyoHtt~na:tou.ndod"'", npcrt irlt tnoction, (Oiftpktt flrilitit-f uwl 1 rt.J lovt of the arut~ of all wint., tJ'Of!'. l...,...rud by Housm. CNr fuU 11M of equipment It llnifonnly TICKETS: PUBLIC-$4 .00 ~ Nordic rowin1 oH~ro n d t - t, tlw b.•uty of wint«, oHO<d.b~ prkn. dw frndom to 1011r •l-t uywhorn: tlwr~·· uwl 1 ar~•t tirM f« tlw ...-hol<t f• lllily. lll-"1 •bout now, rowybody't tttlllll yiN !hot tlwy ~III,_..L Wt'd likt )'Oil to thlnlt obout ........ tlw bftt o.hop uwl 1M bnt -~tJWoa-Ju.o...kda~- 8 P.M. - MIOIDEN CONCERT HALL UW·SP STIDENT-$1 .00 WJTH ID theresno experimce like it _:j - the sport shop ., WINTER CARNIVAL 1976 BUTION CONTEST WINNERS tor the best design end theme lor Winter Carnival '78 are: 1st Place-WATSON WOMEN 2nd Place-ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA 5C!RORITY 3rd Place-DELTA ZETA SORORITY .. ACTIVITIES FOR WINTER CARNIVAL '76 Nil c:...ln. 11 o\M-3 PII(At,IIC., ut) ........ GIMTlll a... ~ I ........ 1-2&3-<4PM (Qt.UC) Wn.,~ ,_...,. ~:l:flllrM.IctMIIIIIr-DtlltMII .,..... ..,J,. I'II, ft . .llllt-DitltiM vea.tM ............ _,, .ut.51'1111 IOWCI ,_...,. laketNI,PIIa..... (T) ') Nee~ 11 AM-3 ....... 31'11, ktllllllldwtnDIIIIIM =· ~t:1~~;._~ m. Pill (At, DC, UC} 1a.10 PM(QI-OC) =· ....C.WS. • ,.,_. Dlttut, l::lCIPII :-:.~~-=-- A IU- S,.CWCeiiiiiiHu-KilfiO... em..t.s, w-. ""'...... ...._. 1:30,. (H) Filla: l1. Daly Wllll.fnfb (CMclwse-UC) V V. c....n, 11 lll-3 I'll (At, DC, LC) ,..(At... S.Wkllfiln~Al. ~ - WEDNESDAY , FEBRUARY 18 , Daly EUIIII&ty " - • '*t tlllyW......,.,{CMci....UC) ~.ax=~,u:-1 __ TUESDAY,FEBRUARY17 MONDAY,FEBRUARY16 t-11 N(Of.UC) f1M A k · .. ,.....,...., I!JG ... s..·s w.uy a lltf .....,., 7:30 NIJIIIOIIIII,II'II(Prll.~lta..UC) SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 21 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20 bGAII, ....... IIIte,·a.a-c...RIIII """"'"- t:liiAli,S...... k t, a.....c.terRIIII Fri111n Tm., a..- t.11r R1111 10:00AM, l'IOfW•, aa-c..twRIIil 11$0 Alii, IMwUI Tlnw, an... C... R1111 .... F..-.T....- __ 1'-" lla.«} .... "--IIIIT...-, AIDty 1'-ts llla...ut) , c....n, ..,....,,,.,ktll alt ...... W. LltiTeu.a......c.terRIIII 11:30AM,..,._.IIIli,CCCRIIII 11 Alll-3 P'M (AC, DC, UC) Dttltalll UID I'll, SIR lla, CCC Rllll 1:30PIII,IAIUllltllaa, ltt ..llllt. . . DIIII ... T. . . C..U St'*"'M'*.1.fPII(WitiML.UC) ~ t..y, 1 I I N (PNt. ..,__ lta..ut) ~ Bh Mct!M, (QWC} Hll PM, Crm C...try lkt bet, C... R1111 ,_,,I'll T~bct, CCCRIIil 3::30 ..... ,.... bet c.tnt, &!til CtuyHIWI, Cnf THE STUOENT ARTS ANO CRAFTS EXHIBIT ANO SALE 'frill be; PI'•Mnled Febr'*Y tt and 20. TIME: ThutsdiJ t :OO to t :OO Friday 10:00tol:OO PLACE : WRIGHT LOUNGE, U.C. THE EXHIIrT WIU JNClUDE: Gr1phlc1, Photogr:_.phJ, Jewelry, Pllntlng, Spinning, WNYing , Sculpture, Crlf\l (CIIJ, 0 1111, Wood, ...._, 1nd , . . ) To enter, p6ck up entry form11t the U.A.I . office-2nd floof, U.C. Of UW·SP 1rt dept . ottlceln the fine 1rt1 building. Few !:::!~E;'!~I~ ~~:,~~A:.t~l570 ~