THE NE)RM1\L I?eiNTER. 1902-03. FEBRUARY. CONT E NTS. H ie Strength was ast he Strength of Ten ., ....................... 49 "Tell them to be Good" ........... 51 Cupid and the Alumni ............ 53 Editorial.... ..... .... ..... ....... 54 Jolly Columns .. · ... · ............. 55 Locals ........................... 56 A lbert Armstrong-Lee. Course .... 57 Lohengrin- Training Department.. 59 W eyauwega and W ausau Games .. 61 E xchanges ... .. ................. .. 62 Vol. VIII. Pr1•1e4 by S. M UT r ~tt. Oe ••r•l MO<f~ ~- a • d J"n ...ri•a•t'• !'ih~\Cft._ Vol••! lili' No. S. SPALDING'S E>FFH~I1\L FE)E)T B1lLL SUPPLIES .lrt •w4 "' allt\t lu411( ctUtf". --~ ud ali!tUc d1.._ ~Ut ~kJI'tCIIplM t\.11 UJ\l!*' • lll•Uc buri•c lkl ...,.,, v.4t-..rk it tU 11.11 " ' - al!Ct. Spald lnu:s Offi c ial l ntcrco ll~alatc F oot Ball :: ~~~~.':!7Q~~~~:~~~::: ::.j,:-:.~:;.~~~.t~ukfppatt.. .. ••tt J" IM a s,.J•II( S po ldl na's New Attac b e me nt fo r Foot Ball Toc:kllna Mac:hlaes 'W &SIJtUTUIT J: . lOIJ it USTIU. ttl.l-'tt ti!.U illflU\Ua, ~ .... ~~lbalu1*'"'• t\oetlc:itKJ tla \tUi 11 ,.'"' .. fll111tUJ . BVBRVTHING RBQU I SITB P~R P~e T B R L L .JAI'Kt:1',.;, I'A:\TS. ,.;~JO~::;.;. Bf:,\0 I!Aiti\ESS, NOS~: MASKS. SH I I\ Gt:AHO,.;. ,.;t;PPOHT~:H:s. ,.;'['()('KII\GS , :)WEATt:HS, H:Hs~~YS . .-\II made- to wlllbtanU thf f'OUJ,!'hest u~n~te. ~paldin,:· .. OOJcial Font Oall Guid<· for 1!.10'.!. 1---A:Iited b:: \Ynlter <.:amp. Prk-e toct~. 1-:n·r.'' fnot ball pl:l~'c.'l' ..htnald ht\\e our F1tll und \\'inter SI>Orls <..:utolo~tu e. ~tail ed f~· s.. ,. 1\, G. SJ;>l\L DING & BReS. \'u rk C'1rllf'a " Ullll•vrc Pt.:r..:n Kf:L.J.t:Y. 1\SK US QUESTieNS •·Ill ;,lwa,\·..: hnl' t• u:-~ fo1· hunkh~.: knuwh•tlJ!{'. Tin• lW' .. t wuy lH ).!UII\ tlult h·:u"llinl! i ... h,,. actuul t'XJK•rienl"t" fr'\)IU JU-:,ctll·al HJK"nltor.... \\'t- lm\'(• h:ul ~·,tahli ..h~tl In l .lo\X'\. \Yt• a"' thl· ut·knowli'tl):t'd lr:uh·r:oo in tht• bunk ln~: hu:'hh>l':-. Oo yum· hankln}.! hu~">ill(' \\' ith u..:. ,.\ ..k us ull tht' QU('"<\tion...- rou tlkf•, btu) you wiJl ~\'l prompt nnt1 n.·liahlf" infonnation. \\\~ •·ill t€"11 ~ou all ahout our rult•'\ for up4min~: nct·ountl't. l'l'("t'i'· inJt dt·J:k, .. it..:, luanin~t mu•wy. i":ouin}." th•nft!o. t·H·. \\'uultl likt• to hnl't• ~·hu -.tul1 an IU."\.'llllnt with u .... LN u:- tlllk It m't••· an~wa~. oro. \V. C•.vsts.. KELLEY & CLUNIS, U ~ llERTAI\DIG y o~.: nintoti"t•n (1!1) yt>a~ t•XJM.'I'I~,.•nc,_"(•, hRl' iOj! tlf't_•ll l~at t r D1ffaht1 AN D E~IBA L~II NG. ALSO DEALERS IK FURNITURE. T t:l .. 1i~~:!. WO. 10"2 A S O 104 STHOSO~ A v•:. STf!YSNS POI NT, WIS. UV TE'> NE'>W! WH1\T? LYM11N'S VHeTeS. J. L. JEN"SEN, ... sc v ••• sTAPLe Groceries. AGl!ST Fhst ;]\(alional UJlank, S tevens-Point, Wis. Hs.lablislt~J !IUJ,'J. 8 1& .Jo Flo•r , CIIL~ Saaborn T cu • ttd Cortce~. -432 ••·d •3-4 Mal• S crcc:l . Te l • .4o4, ST•;ves~ l~I NT, \VIscos s ts. WISCONSIN CENTRAL RJ::\:1 LW:A:Y W. J. Shumway, INSURANeE CL.(RK STREET. 422 Manitowoc, TO rtllwaukee, Chicago, AI'ID ALL POI I'CTS EAST AND SOUTH. St. Pa ul, nlnneapolis, Ashland, Duluth, A I'ID POII'CTS NORTH AND WEST. H. F. T U H~I·: I ,L, Agont, Steven~ l'uinl. .J. C. 1'0X D, G. P. Agt., :\Iii waukee. -~ovv E. 1\. 1\RENBERG, Y"E TELA..T •- FRENCH, CAMPB-ELL & CO., THE LEADING JEWELER TEL. 16 7-3, IS Ht::ADQl'.\l:n; us ron Fin~ l~[ WID[ AWA~[ RHAilfR~. Dealer s Itt u' Mllha St. \\~E.YE Dry Goods, earpets, GOT I T . C L OTH I NG, U h.:s anythtnJt In the line of c.lrus:s. or aoy of the kind~ of ~oOOs man_)' wo·,.c ~OL It and th:u dntgghlt~ ~·•u·ry. H AT S f'J.'·s THE I lEST'. Prescrlplloo Compoundiog Is onr Specialty. 111 StronJl& Sr~iuflr. StC\ C8 !!> Pi>lnt . Wi... ANDRAE & SHAFFER CO., .....~.E~~;,!~:~f~~!~.~s:y.~ct. Wt'hl•a: S•ct,ll~!!!>. l"atctures ~&od Picture Framlnl( a SpeelaUy. U 'ut..· h 1(..ruiring u ,._, ;- Ma ia Sl., OC)f)O"ooltc P. Q , Books, Periodicals , School Supplies, Td. 3.\'t-DUt!. 'Taylot Bros., AND F I NE S H OES. Q UR PH OTO S ~'!l·l \\'I 1.1. 1'1.1·:.\ :-i l·: YOL. "Dwggists. Citizens Tonsorial Parlors, CO~IE .\:\11 SEE 1·:-;. R ESSLER, l?ho tographe r :1'(. BESJ?,E:JI(S, P rop. BATH ROOMS IN CONNECTION. Studio M ain Street, STEVENS PO I NT, W IS. UD<kr CltiJ<m Naoioosl lhnk. STKI'IlliS POINT. WIS. F. 1\. B 1\ L L, ···•Dv•··· Meyer Drug eo. Druggists and Chemists. Brill, l'r~..tdent. U. t!. )fcl)lll, K J . l"fllf+~" r· \"lc~ l•r,.<dd•nt. H:. II. J·•hn ....m , A« t Cll<ibler. 1':. A. ~~mb-1. 1\Vuk keep.:r. w. F:. '''""ell. Me .. ~cg. r. Jj,·cry and ]~oanli ng Stable, ST EVENS POINT. WI S. Frclu-ht. and Tr:ant'fl't' Lin•·· t\\'cnuc And SC\:· tnd l!iU\.<tls. Public Squ:uc. l'nrncl" Xorrnal Tel. !H. :\'orth Midc Capital StOO,OOO.OO. J. WORZALLA & SONS, SWe Deposit~. Coooly Depos)IIIIJ. City Dej)ll5it~. Normal Sdlool Deposit~. <i[)c_y Goods, Clothing, CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK. ems· IIJRIISIII!G GOOOS. WllCH!S. ClOCKS. JIW!IRY. 'f>h"A I .A'HS J.V Shoes, Hats and Caps, A. Uamac kcr. 1-:.•1. Plltfner. B ..·\. Cook. Louie Urill. S' ..\. \\"eck. John A. ~Jurat. 1<. K ~l cDIII. D. ~:.Froot. W.W.~Iitchell. Stevens Point, Wis. id connc:c tlon with ;;;:. J e welry d~r,•nhnu nt '-'O ai!OO rc~lr "'' •l c h c"- CICH.!Io!O and J e we lry, a •d llttarantccall • ·o r loi t o be rlnlto<la ..... Our Price:!> on OooJ-. and ""'otll. ate aJwa,H• rca~ n· able • •4 • "low•.. be fo••d a•yw111cro.. . ~ l OIHfX:!'TOtcS. c.:. J a• 'VV'o rz alla. 41 2 Malt! Street. S o:n.e, G. 0 -¥n~ en. ~III.J"AN CO., SprlDift!fd, Mua. JOHN PALACE BAKERY f'or " aloe lloe of Frelll Chocolates, Ice CreaJI · GENERAL REP.AIRING. u• Bakery OooU. MilS. C. P . MASOI'I 4l CO. Uirycles and Guns a pooialty. tt• &tre•o A ve.. T•a.•lllo. . .._ DILLE & OSTER, Buckingham & Engherry Insurance, Real Estate, Loans. Solicit Your FIRE INSURANCE. lt001DJ114 and 5, Atwell Bloc:k. The Fisk Teachers' Agency, :-~~=":..!:! D~. CHICAGO. Ill ~OMIDPAJ~IC P~YSICIAN AND 8UROOJN. Office hounf12 to 3 and evenings. HENRY CLARKE, »«·r. • .-r The Wrhe a~ ooco wbeo loformatloo lo d"lrod. XM.atri.O't } BLAli()REJ. Soll'TIUIAYD, No Trust. ONE PltiCE ~ ALL. <:ntcn~ to tho N~~IBI tudcnls' Wnnts. . II EMBROID· EAINC 307 &troq:a LU-t ON• CIV[N. C>'T'Ri\IA N. PRNC!Y RRTIC!LES. A.-.. II UALL •••o• u ., ...... ~ ., .... ... k.. armu. I No,.... tl'ad..,ollclhd IIU ~ I'Ocilic Mm~m ure ll~umnce com~JnJ Mao.,ere. C. 0 . D. STORE. Always ~eliable. F. A. WALTE~S, 1119 Clark StrMt, This Company receives Calls and fills positions every month il) the year. Enrollment entitles you to two years active-Membership. 1~. W. C.'liOcKER, • ·· B. SPA\:LD<.'<O, NO~TON, 111 K 3d St., ART MATU IAL Of' CALIFORNIA PUmubes the lo• on race compaUble •lth aMoluce security. I . ProtectiCHI tor t llo &toto . . . f'e•lly. :Z. Protectloa tor Old Ap. 3. A &are Pla. .clal Aacllor Ia Tl•" ol B,..laoe• Troab.... Mr. Clarke •Ill rladly eall upon any of the chi· zens of StevenJ Point and couolry, • ho are In 1100<1 health and detlre Jnouranco. and be •Ill fumlah any Information rerardlOI! lJfe lnoul"&tlee tbat may bo doolred. Sene! po•~l gl•lng date of blrlh and lbo amount of lnruraoce. aod &&1 • hethtr for prol«tloo ooly, or oom'>loed whh ln•..1. LoCal agm~ •anled Ia Po!Up. Wood and wa....bara couollea-HJtNRY CLARX& lien Mlnnetota aYe., Slo•en. Polol, Wit. l ·) . THE lEW DD UP-TO-DATE lONSORIAl PARlORS AND 8AlH8: Uuder Atwell's Drug Store. ::m. . ~ PO'r'1*EIR., P:J::oprie~r. . CHINESE ·LAUNDRY First-Class·Work And Cheap. Goods called for and delivered. 116 . . Strongs ave. H. WJNG lff~ R. ·o.BERLATZ; .. . . . MERCHANT TAILOR, .-608 Puk st., te-vens.-l!oint,-Wis. ·. ·GE)E)O~HE)BS! ALITTLE BETTER FOR ALlrfLE LESS. VACNISH JU Uuder Public Library. SomelhlnO 8P8CIOI In GYI· SHOfS. Buck,. Barrows & ·Co., NEW GOODS. Latest Styles in Fine Milliner)' :M'a.1 n Stree-t. 1--~~----~----~------------- RETON BROS. 6t Co., DEAI.ERS IN Oold and Silver Watches_,·J ewelry, Clocks, Sliver aud Plated Ware, l.\l!l:u..d.o_-;1 ~eroJ:1a.u.ct1 rie. "STEVENS POINT, .WIS. AT THE BOSTOl'f FAIR, 3tS Malu Street. Is the ch~apest-placeln the city to buy your· din- ner set, fancy china ware, lemonade set~J. wine sels, crockery, glasRware, lamps ; -al~Jo d(v goods, shoes, clothing, bats, caps, notions, tinware, ~ra.nitware and t.n;vs. We also carr.v a. complete I. SHAFTON .. 'tine of millinery_ 315 Main st. The llost Complete Job Office· IN_!BE CI!Y. ~ew Fast Machinery, New Styles of Type. CITY LIVERY AND TRANSFER LIRE. . . . Having tl\e hE!st and. f~stest presses, w can alford to print Jobs BETTBR anti eHEAPBR than the printerR with .t heh· 'old style slow presses. W e- print everything printable. Give us a trial order. HACK Al'fD BA~GAGE. Cor. Normal ave. and N. Third st. Tel. 58. STEVENS POINT, WIS. PaabUsher, Geueral Book aud Job Ptiuter, 410 MAIN ST. STEVENS POINT, . WIS. 0. W. FILKINS & CO., ' ( .s ·• . :a: u ':L•z-:mn., STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, STEVENS POINT, WIS. XEW BUILDING: THOROUGHLY EQUll3 PED. ALL MODERN AIDS: APPARATUS: LIBRARY: COMPLETE GYMNASIUM. ~E'TTER ~REPARATION FOR ~ETTER TEACHING. A Large Corps of Experienced Teachers fully abreast of the times. A large attendance of ea~t, advanced Students who are Actual Teachers. The new wing now completed adds one-half to the capacity of the buil9ing. Three Acl¥1MCecl c .o ... rseA, lwn ye.ara fot•BtOU· ScHOOL C K.ADC ATES and O'I'IIKK c:ompeteo~ atud· e nta. POA\Craduateh ·lud.iu Ia ~·Jeoott, t.Dpqe. Clr l.. &Dd P«<"'ntt1 · ' Dip-• !'Ciuloaleouo LIJ'& STATt: Cr.RTti'ICATr:. e......~ CoMr&e. \.wo )'t.~rt. ror \hoae hoJd· lng eel'\lftcatoo or PIU•Ing entrall<le eumiLallona. 2te•eatar, Cerit;lc:ato, equhaleot. to l..llf· lTED 8TAT& Cr!RTWICATB. fur ftve Jta.t11~ ~::::':'b!'!llw': ~.':;.,~~~~r, lor special Prepa,..rory CotU'M, teo ,..~h 0011, glvlnfr prepAration In all tbe commnn branc:hea. Tbola..,6 •re tousrhl b1 regttlar Normaltewbera or under their dlreol ovenlgbt.. ' Selecort'"' of Sradlea permitted 10 t.eaebor• , uoder faYorable "•• CluMa lo.._.t lour tlmea eac:b year Ia nearl7 everJ •ubjea< Ia lbe couroe olatudr. ex~pt lolUla,Ceruiaa and Mmeadratlced l clenoo•Ludlet. Tho qoarte,.. ~In Nov. 3, JAN. 23, APIUL 6. llollrd t2.60 10 t3 per week: oil ochool ebarre• aboul ti.U per quarter ( 10 weeko ). No tulllon r- In Nnrmal c f!Uaee lor tbooe expecting tu tokb. Tuition M eenu per weak or le.. Ia prepa,...IOrJ gradeo. Wrlto for clreulara, or BI!:T'I"ER 8Tl.LL. atk dee .. nhe queotlono a bout an7 part of \be ochool work . and ~r•• an Immediate peroooal ropiJ. Addreao the l'reoldonl, . TRERON n. PRAY. Ste•••• Polal Wit. THE NE)RMAL J?E)INTER. Vol. VIII. Stevens Point, Wis., February 15, 1903. No.5. Ir.ITERHRY. HIS ST~ENGTH WAS AS TH E He was very small and very black- all bu&. his nose, and tbat.v.·as u v.·hlte &lf hls coa&. v.·&g black. We disoo<ered him at El Blreh, and learned at the same time tba&. be belonged to our J>&r\y. El Blreb wllb Its old ruined monaotery ~·as In· te-resting; It was our ftrsL luo(!bh\g plaoo on the long horse-hack journey through Palestine. The ~tory of the loealtty wos more interesting; tor here at this wayside spring, tradition has II, Mary and Joseph dlscoYered the loss of their Son and hooteo~ batk to Jerusalem to Ond the tweJ,•e.year-old holding his o"n In dlseussloo with. the doctors In the temple. But someho.. that linle, heuil~·load· ed donkey st~ nding In the road back of the rough stone wall and Its animated coping of juvenile Asiatie.'l caused quite as much discus~tlon. No ono belle\•ed for a minute that be could s·t and the journey we proposed. 1&. v.·as In the late afte-rnoon that. we saw him next. Our pontes were picking their way down the worst water-course that. ever p; ; ;nded lO be a tra,•eled road, and we •·ere clinging in fear an'' trembllng to the saddle. Stirrups projected out by the horses' heads, "'' hlch wer&-about .wo below the level or their tailS as they jum1>ed down from ono narrow root-bold to\".notber. Jus~ then tl><lre was a rattle in the rocks abo,•e and Sellm pa~sed u.s on the trot over utterly impassable bouldenJ, at least co a man or a horse.· But Selim winked hit long left ear at us as much a.s to say, "Seo how it's done?" Atthat tlme be had on hit baek two grut sacks of meal that must. ba\'C "Weighed a hundred each and that looked much bigger than be. Why in the world those slender. lhllo legs ST~ENGTH OF TEN. didn't break like stems or clay piJK'8 ~·as more than we could s ay. Evidently deep In tho aoslnloe mind o r tho little quadrutled was a ste.rn purpose: Cor he eame Into the narrow trail and began to pick hlo way a long as though ~peed was ou\ or tbe que.stlon. Here and there In the clefts of the rocks was a ))&rticularly succulent herb that belonged exclushely to him, and he stopl>ed to ~·ork hi• lips lovlnl(ly about it before ho clipped It wllh his sharp teeth. Thai he stood wllh his fragile body and big load in such a way as lO block the path was no concern o f his; or, rathe-r I&. was concern or hi", for hetleliberately and with deep.seated malloo regulated the pace of our caravan till we bad completed the teM"Ible desccot loto the Robber's Valley. Then be disappeared. Late that e\•entng we made our firsL camp : a more weary and Ul8plrlted lot of morta18 neve-r came to rest after thlrt.y-1he miles or wretched mountain work on horse-back. f:very one of our thirty-six animals-horses, mules and donkoy1 looked sad and eare-wom: en~-ryone exceptSellm, who, the moment. hi• load wa~ taken oft', began ehaslng the goats away from tbe plateau, and then kicked up hlo heelo dangerously near the face of a little villager who had come to beg, 61 Ba1uhcesh Howadji, Bowadjl, baksheesh." Selim bad two proprleto..,._ '10th otrong, lu.ty caml)""servant.. The ir espeelal buslne~11 was to keep close to the tryelers all through tbe loog day, to render asslllfance • •lth saddle..IIJ and eqult)· ment; to help the ladies in every emergency; and to carry such things as the sun or the rain, the 50 Tm: ~OH M :\1. l'OINTEH. luxuriant growth of .howy planu. Poo• Sellm'• lllllo loot oonk In at every 81CJ>, and ho nounderecl helple••ly. Bell<,. the roeky olopes or the hill• rod~ alten>ately w~o tlwy ..-ere not too bu•lly about Na.areth, the •nowoOOvered tnllo of Mount engaged with the ladl••· He.mon, .;. the rou11h path• o f Nonhero Syria tm•sclnc tho •unal1e!tt of llonkey~t, • •hh t.-o gunny than the fenllo valley or the Jordan. At last he bag• hall full of 111('01 laid aero•• his shoulden. ~uled the matter for blmsell, and st.uck orr alone whh ~u and water--proofs thrown Ol'er the~, over tbe hill-side where nothlnl( but a cllnglnJC "'· hh over-Aboe•, bags, vells, eamera~, aod a dox· JCOat ever dared to wand•• before. But at night zen o~• small aniclt • hanging from hi• neck, he joined u• at ee-rea Phillippi. and with the whole pile rai.11 bristling with Be shook his bead viciously at the)lohammedan umbrell01 and caoos: t~n, ..trlde the donkey's hoodlum• at Nablous, bo lapped wawr daintily .ump - one of tb.e two gaunt Anbs th.u•tlng at Gideon's apring. be dunk hb 611 at Marr'• bl< long lop fa• to ~ front to keep hi!! feet from well In Nazareth. be l"'rslsted In wading alonjl "riklng the ground. Tbtre b the picture • • aaw ancllnlylngdown ln thebrook atCana, he capered every day tor nearly throo week<t O\'er road• that for an hour on the white beach oflbe Sn of Gall· were oever Intended for roacH, up water coo~ loe and nosed among lu preUTtbell•, be breuted all but lmpa••lble, down below tb.e level of the the ~.-lble atonn on Mount Hermon, and slept ~tea, In ratn, 1n tmo•, In torrid heat, to the blttcrunoomplalnlngly In the dlth of a native 11ablo In oe~!l of winter. the village or Badr where hi• par\y wa• compelled We •ympathlzed ..-ltl• Selim, we A<Oided bls to take refuge to tave their lives, he reveled In owne.,, but ell three donkey• • mlled tho • •me tho milo• or ftower-bedecked plains • • though he knowing smile and plodded on regardle.. of u•. knew thai oo place ln l be world could .qual In !locMU....,. ~..., would be a strelcll of lalrl1 good beauly the •prlng<lothed wilds of Paleallne, and road and we who could ride would gall01> on hi• brayo reechoed among the desolate ruins o r ahead tor an hour or two, rejoicing tn ourftftdom. Baalbee and ov.. the Lebanon Mountains to the S,llm wu dl.tanoed In the lint ll<e minuteS: but Sea. when we reached camp at night he n• one or the Bul ou• oympathy for the animal waJ all waotecl. fiN&. to ap1>ear. and we clldn•t know we bad wa11t.ed n e crosoed the Lebanon range In high •pl•lt• an7 time. aod entered the 01~ o r Bey.ut at the head of Oct-ulonallr when..,. baited, ~lim lt h the lleed tb6 proceuton, unwearied, undaunted, readr for of ,...,.,, When ho did, he stretch< I hlm.ell out t)>o return journey. The three hundred miles of rl'j!ardiU!I of hi• load, a~y with evur mu..,_le elooe a""""latlon whb Americans bad not Injured relued, a pulpy maSJ or donktrhood, with wid~ blm ln~leut. The tan we sa•• o f Sellm was In a narrol" tttreet OJleD eye staring unblinking Into the •un. You might push or jostle him u you liked, a bag or In the Srrlan sea·pon where he had left us at a wheal wu not more limp. UR a leg, and It hotel, ou•joumey ovu. On bls baek wa• one of droop1>ed back like a otlclc. Somett,.,. he ..-ould his pro11rletors and a ml•cellaneous load of turn hlo oro and ~y "Wby don't you rest u I !>Iunde• which they had collected from u•· The c1o Y Loam to relax. Don't botlitr ""'· You otbe• Anob walked by the donkey'• •tam. Juat Americans don·c. know a g~ thtng when you 1!100 ao they tun>ed the comer the pedes ..lan prodded lt. Le" your mu~~ele• go when you're here: you'll him with a •tick. &lim looked back rep roachfull y, nfof'(1 'em all when you erou Mount Be.nnon." and then with all the vlgo• he pos.wsoed when One day. bowe•er, Bellm wa• In trouble. We he left Jtn~ulem, he let hit dalntr righl hind wrre travollng along the UJlll<'r reaches o f the foot:ny out. 'n1e movement almoat un..eated hi" Jordan., UQ<4.Jing bfauttfut •trta~ of water. rider, the Impact jarred the other Arab Into the roundh>g •prlnll• that lfUShed volumlnou_•ly f..,... JrUiter, and the rtCOII carried Sellm around the hlll·•ldes, and oklnln11 m.,.•h•• ftUed with the c::omer and out o f our Klght fonwer. h~at or tbe cold rtndf'recl fort..,. time uooet'(!"sary. TlwArahs we1-e afocn,exOOJlt for ~cllm. Him they Tilt: XOR~I.\1. I'OI XTEit. 51 NETTA I . SllOLTS DIED ll, EBRUARY 5 . 100::1 . .. lhr W'OJ'" w«u fNY.I of pi«J-*'nlllUI Gild QIJ lt<.rtJNrft ...,_,~~#. ''- 0/JTul. "TELL T HEM TO BE GOOD." N r:M" A I. SUOLTS wa' •hh uoe but a short dme--- a brief bait year. Dut In tho.., tow montlu she became endeared to all the many who came 10 know her. She had como to pre1>are beroel! tor that whleb had ....mod 10 her from childhood 10 be her lite'• work. Children were atnys nea"""t 10 her bean. She loved t!Mom and understood them. ~;ven when a liule girl she •aid ''I am going to be a &eacber. ·• That motive pldtd her In all ohe •trove 10 accomplish, thru the rradeo, tbru the hl1h school, anol then qut Into the country acbool. !Jut •he held a higher Ideal ot the teacher lbao the unprofesAional: and came here to Jearn ••ith oth~ ,.,.. how best to tulftll the dutle• of i1er sell·appoin" t'd , ..k. h l• not for her, her5tlt, 01at .-e should moum; for, .,. the poet AJS, ·~relsoo~alb: What-.110 lstraMitioo: Thlo lite o r mortal breath I• but a •uburb of 100 lito ely•ian. Who.., portal• we call ~ath." But •·c m,y grieve that she wa" not 8pared i that the ardent love and the tarncliit dc\'Otlon 80 manltenln hereversetrort could not ha,•c ~suJted In 100 great good which her work thu• far prom· l-td. But the fragrance of her character will ever ~•In In our ~ry. lJay tM taample of Mr eodea•o,.. be ao lnsplratton to uc. During t be laot week of her •hort !line•$ ohe •poke o f ber llfe In S~veno Point a• the brightest and happleot of her Ute, and the friend• here found amonJt her dearert. Anti • ·hen 1ho realltecl that her journey here wa.s almo"" donP, hrr fathe r a11ketl her It 11he had no1. some word• tor ht!r 11ehool·matu whom the wu about 10 leave behind: •be •ald. ''Tell thtm 10 be good." ~•1 Lbe mefl:tage she left for u' bt! a • ...-toe'& mem. orr of her life • • we lcoew fwr. ( T il E :'\QR) l.\ I. PO l :\TEH. HLVMNI. FIIOM TH£ !IOIIMAL TO T H £ U!II V£JISITY. ~lv O&AR t:OrroR: You ask tor a few w-on1.~ " '"F'I"Om the Nonnal to the Unh•e1"'8h ~· :" but 1 would rather make it ·~\Vitb the Nonual to the Univer8ity." For the longer one iJC a-.•ay from the Normal the more does he bec:omt> c.."Or\\•ln\..-ed of the permanency o f the ideas and ideals there formed: as • ·ell a.; of the :o.trt'ngth of hi/'( Nonnal friendships. The man who haJC taken his ftrsL two yea~ at the t;oh·er-gity sho•·s his appreciation o f this fact when he cla.s~l!f us all as '·Normalite long-hatred ~"t'ind~," •·ith emphasis on all three: altho both the last. t•·o chl.\ractcrlstle~ be lacking. But the trtae NOt1nt,lltc does not. resent thifl. Be will gl adly cite •·anks and honors J;tnlned b)' hiM caste, and corn pare it!'l work with that o f any similar body In the UnlveNity. The ...,king of illus· u·atioos often settles any question th1t.t artl'loe..~ on the point of ..,.lath·e ability. \Ve are mor(t o ften told that one t>nterinJ.t as an ad,•aoced s tuderu. lo~ much of the .. college life'~ o f hi.s class. and no one feels 1hls lo"s more than doe~ the one :-.o entering; but. at the end of a ~·ear one bas so many &.hoes heard ju,.:t what. he mlf4Ae<J , that be haJi earned bl8 i!lbare o f c:la'~S hi.story. I have even known senior Normallt.f'8 lO re~ale lnnOCf'nt fre;.hmen with tale." of •'bOw our cl&JiJC did it:• One may IC"t a taste of coli~ life In two yea no; and he n~ not get Into c:oll~ 1>0lltlco-a thing impos.sible for a four year man. Be may win honors and have the adv~a~ •·bich are tO blfound only where there is a gt"eU deal o f mone~· : but with all thetre he cannot KeL tbe ad\'antagefil o f close «)ntact wbtch exists in the ttmaller lmnl· tution bttwetn ln~tnu.•tor and student: nor can tw ftnd In hi~ coll<-ge life the ln•plrallon which I< to Ill' found In wo rking with l>eOple who have ..,tiled UJX>D tiwlr ltf(' work, and to ..hom the lk"·n nanent ,·aluf' ttide of ttwlr e,·ery day work appeal ... The~ a~ l(Quwofthe things which theNormalh~ and more. and which make hl•n glad that he was and l" a Normathe-. &J)Jlrec:late~ mo~ CUPI D .o\1'1 0 T HE ALUM!II. The llttl• Ood of r.o,.• doe• no t refrain from hurling hl:t I..."'I\1Cu tnln~$ at e~e n the SJ)Irhual 1Jedagog. Thil'l eomel'l from an 'OOer: .. E. \\T, Jo\ I...w-the r. ~omewhe~ about the fi r-st of Ja~t Jul~·, ventured into the ble...~l j\:tflte of matrlmony wlth one ~ll~. . Alma Mille r o f 1-::au Claire. Tbe affair wa~ purposel~· kept very quiet, It being kno•·n thaL " few of Ul'l wen- :ctlll to to-.·n, and that dlro <.:on8<'· quenct-:oc -.·ould follow if it. were known that. an~· ,cuch ~tCJ) wu :oc contempl ated by the man Lo:>ther. " .\t- Shiocton, \VIi«:Qrudn. on January 31. J. H. Amel'l, JH"eiddent. of the '02 class, a ssumed the (_-onju-.ral yoke. The reason for this llitep wal4 :MI•• Lulu Hltehoock of ilhlocton. The editor Of this department !'Upportetl his kinrtman through his sea.;on of sore tria l, and 'can testify tluu. he JJa~$Nl the ordeal with a display of coo1ne~J4 and fortitude l'luch a1C could be looked fc1r only In an Alumnu~ of the Ste,•t•nsPointN'onnal. 'fhe ...-ouph• lei\. lnum_"(liatel~· after the ceremony for lhttlr tutun_• hoult' at ('umberland , \Vt~nst n. se,·rral members of the Alumna! M"em to lw ver,· much lntere'~u:d In thenewDomestieScienceCounw at tht- :Sormal. Florence Pray, ~9i, and lUra Congdon. '99. '"~ taking the tun course. which kfl'et>S them at .;(:!huol frum 8 untH .... C\'try tlay. In the :4pt:<Cial c1a~,a "'·hlch meets once a •·eek, on n'u""clayJC, .. ..,.. Oene, ie\'to )fcDill and Nellh.· Lamoreux. both membenc o f 'iYJ. \\rhether they • ..,. taking the •·ork In order to be able to teach It is a que~tlon • ·(" mu..:t lta, e the future to 40.8trer. (A Chical{o man ~ntly compiled ~tatisti C$ sho.-·iog that fort~· J)(Or amt o f tht dh·orce ea~ o f that <it~· rould bo:· trs...-d buck to had cooking.) 4 4 Tm: •j~ ~OIOIAI. POI~TER . f'or the ftrst ardcle In thl• l.. ue .-., ore lndebWcl to Proft'!I>Or C. Sylve<te r , ronn('rly nonni'Ct<'<l with our ""hool. The article I• tho s tory o r an lntldtot of his tra•·els In Palestln•. I>BI(l!8 of Tu•: PorSTER· a re alway• open to the pen o f tea~.. '11•• FF.BRUAR\' 13. IUIXI. AmonthiYtl<'riodlcal. repreS<'ntatlve or tho !;lxth State- Normal J~~Chool, Steven~ Point. \\"'"bconsln. pubJishcd by the studenL-.. t:ntered at loeal pootoftko<o u _.,nd tla.. mau..r. anc.l Mlholars o f th~ -ehool "'110 have Jl &s;ccd out lniO broader nelds: and the edlwr wlll~:ladlr r<· them. <"th't Tel"l'tU of 2'UbscriJHion-60 l-ent" per year In ad· ...,.... 15 )1. f'. ~nts II not paid btfore Jon. I. ltlCn. EDITORIAL STA_F P. W ADLIOOH. '(13 . . ... .... ..... Edltor-ln.(,' blel ~~~I~g.~;,~~OH'.·,.ti:i_.::E;.'1i.:.~LJ~~~r{:~~~~~ ....... .... . l...,al •:.uro"" 1-.r;1 ~~~:;.~~·o.1 } CITKKAS. '01 .. . .. ........ .. Athlttlt t:diWr HL'<R\' l '. P. ()c.sos, '01. ....... ........ Ex thong.- f:dlwr ~ ..~~~~:::::::::::~~~~~~~u~r~A~g~ A. 0 . 8HDfl'X, 'Ill ......... .. Bu•lnt .,. ~lano~'\'r '01. 1 ~:,:''=~~·.03• ( A.._,·, Bu•I-•Mn,.... WILMA A. G&SEr.r. '03. J wr~'IZY.t. Plv£R.'<In"4 PR&'!S ASllOClATIOS. t'Rm (.', 8owi'JIS, Pre•ldenl t\. D. SulXKK, '0-1 . ....... . .. .. .... .. ... ·r~a.!lun•r '11•• ba•ket ball tournament I• HOmethln,;r like tho weath<'r-a little un~rtaln. It I• o f oour"' n..,.,••ary that the school team • hould have ollth<' pr10dl~ It needs, but ..-~ don't believe they need all the a vaila ble tllll4!. Th., most ebaroderlstl<• thing obnut Wa~blnjllon was hlo oon•lderotlon ol othe... II wouldn't be a b od thing a t all to u ... ..o<M or thl!!troit In our days. There a re otheo· b08ket ball team.• which have a right to the g,mna•lum. What right ha• the baoket ball manage· ment to withhold the enjoyment o r thlo riJ!ht? ·oo.................. t:OtTU M Ellu., Ill.......... .. ...... Addr'('l!l~ all hu"lnei'I.~J .. . S..mory leuenc to the bul'llne-•• man· a.cer. Ankle!' soll~ltfod from fof'1Df'r '-'tudent.§ antl •~•c:bf.n. 'I{BADBRS and SUBSCR/IJBRS ore re<pen· full7 roqu..~ to parronlu our acl<tKl~. EOITORI.AI.t. AKalo we herald tM a nnual oondlct of our ooen· oratorl4. Muc h more lnt(•regt than u!4ua1 l!C J lt tln~JC ••..od•l<'d with tht .onle!lrthl• year. not only bt· o f the number o r <'Oote•tanto. but chlefty becoau.te ot &he MU~"hl~nt. tho uotxpre•'4ed ••~rtlon <&UJC of tht! young women tbat they. too. a re ~n thletl to ora\Ori~l honoN~ Certainly th.-y a t"@~ and havf'i llh•·ayl4 been, but han• only ju~t waked up to thef..l. Thtt . .. lht n.... lor I( lor y: but to !h.who ean makP good his or her claim o f !luperto .... to Itt, they con yl•ld the lour<! •• l(r&~fully •• any. Well may the ,.cxlfty of tl ~ winne-r ral'i(> In shout and !IODIC tlwlr champion's fanM'. ~tetle~. ,...... nk!mber the ~h.: l'ome no t wtlhout eothuda~ttc: ~ag and Martrrf'll. and C'~ r your c:hamplon tu \'letory. (S o ••bluH" allow-f'd alter tM judsr.. ......,,,, Spring athlctlCII are bc~elnnlng 10 lnteren the majority o f the boy• now. 1t I• getting late evtn now to btgln preparation• for track work in the •prlng. The gy=aolum I• tht plate to limber up and >trtnKthen tbooe weak or ..,ldom uoed muoelu. and to build up an olr pumping plant oullldtnt 10 (!arry ooe a mile o r two wltho ut. e trort. h gotil without saying that no team d...,. really tl'edltablr wo rk unless h geu i_n two or tlu-ce mo nths of · •r•tematle worlc in tho gymno•lum. Tbe phrsltal trolnln,;r ln.rruewr ha• o ffered h er ~~ervlces In dlrodln~e tho proper work In the g,mnatlum In preparation for the different evento. Don' t ollght thl< offer. Without form 7nu are 11reatly hondl· ca)Jped In your event ; but without. mu~cular bock· ln~e-bulh up ol long. ~rroduol trolnln~r. )'OU art far more greatly handicapped. rybody who enjoy• frtsh air sport should rcet Into h o"""'• thl• week. Twenty.. two men ha,•c already Mltened a~ lntj'Odln~r to tnter the worlc, every eve1\l btlng r<J>- reMoented by at least two men. Long rt~ns, and weight e veot. -.n 10 be f..orllefl. Only boll th<' nloto ba,·e been ~n. \ \'e have malerlal lor tlw btst ~am we e<er had. Tht ..,bool ,.....,rd.< are remarkably low and can ht railed thl• •prlnll· Til l-: XO IUI.\1. l'OI XT E!l. JOllllY COllUlVIN.S. Wuvf B. S. - E~~r! limo I Jl'@t •mell oulphur: wan~~ now I Seehr:lat.-A ij$ a noun: what kind of a noun? ~lr. W- 1- y- Ao article. '? NOTtCf!. - ln a Nonnal School any one <!an chan~'e an opinion "'lthout t.'OnMuhlng the Gram· mar tl&llilf, cu... lll<-• St-a- t n rary n.-adiog)- "Tl"' old ..... dl•r earrl~ 11M! falotlog maiden down tbe •ta lr< with his "1>0CCeo ltg." ---- 'Galn"t the bony frame or the l!llcelt'ton, Mr. Talbot backed one day, And ..Oh: J beg your l)lrdon, •lr:·• Wu all that he oould oay. II your fret you'd keep from •lip•, P8YCBOI.OOY CL.Ass.- )Jr. S. (a !lor ll. !;-o<o-m ha• dl"""5..,;! t~ dtdur~h·~ -lhod)-l'ow. lJI.. Np- ·D·r• .rou lab 11M! oppo<~lle o f )!r. S., aod givo me Your rubbers ~ar whh t':an-. Don't ~~mad illh<!r don't nt And throw t~ In the air. ~sample•. f.:Otraoce examlnatloo for Review Cramma,....... 0£.'1ERAL IJuTORY. -~tlos o-...11: T11~ ~·rank. Ulve the past perfeet, Indicative mode, pa~sh·e \'Oice, thln1 per"on, Hlngular number of verb clrlnk. AnJwer-He had be<>n dnmk. hfll&D to s•·eep O\"tr Gaul about thl,. time. SUOOKSTION TOJU!<IOR Ouu.s.-W~n a young mao ~all-.~ pull down the eurtaln!l. It w111 80&\·e )'OU llOI"De embarras:saw:nt, evtn !f h keep~ ~·our frlend_w from scetting a joke on you. 0. V- ug o (uolng water eolo..,.)-M I•• lwlllt r. how do you ~t brown~ lllu lt. W~ll. II all depends on Ill<' kind of a brown you want. Now,lt you waotadarkbrown. CLauJih,..r). )Jr. Sanford (Civil Oovorn-nt ct ....)-Sprlog deetloo• come oo the ftrot Tuooday to April. R-u J - y- 11 the ft1'8t Tue•day came on Sunday, wouM the eleetlon be held on S a turd11y, or on llondayY lJr. Spindler, io Theory, di..,..Jsing emotlon)lr.O'c- 11. •uppo.., you I'I'COivod a ,..,~ram oar· log 80me relath·e of yourc w-aJ d~ad, what would be 11M! etrtct on you? 3olr. O'C-Il (with •p«lal ompbulo on a...tetrtct)11 mlrbt be joy or sorrow. llr. S.- Yos, it it was reur mother-In·law. Dai oy brought a polr of gl ..•e• With he r 10 the sehool, And when asked the reaoon why Exdalmod, "This a rule : W~n a bo.r a vi•hlor roeo And he forgeto hi• glu-, ~ dut.r of the ho.,...• I• To return~ before blo (John'•) da•-·" Mr. B••oon- \ \'hen't Miss 0-•- H- \ Vhy, the time they "'e•-e NWeel>in~: T'£ACHER (,..lllng Incident In lite of the Fatber na~ wal'l 0eor)rf' Wuhlngton. Georj(O W ..hlngton Smith (olx year• uld)-()h! he waM namt.'<l after me, wasn' t heY ot our(.'ouutry}-Aod thfM man'• Hospltallr;r.- Emlly (jugt back from dlo~r)­ Oh,":twr: m)• ma wanu you to t.'Ome to our house tor .!iUJ)per: Toae~r (doubtfully)-Ob! dOH •~? o~o baYe people come to aupper1 ~. •be Emllr- Ob y ... ohe taw In burruo lou of tlnws. Little Willie w . . "lookinlC up" deftnhlon•. He had olrc•dy copied all the derivation• and dcllni· clona, verbatim, o r 8even •·ords, and htu.l written half a p&Jee on the por11y word '•pollt"t'man, •• when hli mama dl~vered tbe cau4e or hi" trequtnl. .,,h•. "\Vhf, \\'1111•, what u a poU.....,.n Y" a•kt'd mama. A • 1eop, ., an"wered \VIII ~, quick •" .eat. T ilE ~0 101 A I. I'OLKTEH. 56 LOCHLS. NtiXT'I The \\'a:oohinsrton lla•·~ )OU jolll<'d t~ 11 t~rlend~ ~cro p1ell!4("tl to see M l~i'it Mnrgau'C~John· at &he !l<'hool &he latter par1 of l"'t quan..r. hop Y" , 011 ltnclng club Y \\'l' fe't."Quently Mar tht ne,; plano to f'OOll1 gettinK' In tu ~·ork. •:ttrht)'·Sot\"f'D pnctl~ ltae:llf'N In the l>ractl~ de!>a1'1ment. )liN•• th~ rnu,.ir •rt" now- at wor-k c .....n. Buiieh and Con~tdon • ..., enjoyln~t ~Junior "Prom." at ~ladlson . Nevtrbefort' in tM annal"' of tlw M:hool ••~ thtJ)roaram arrang-..d ..·tth so few cunftlcts a-t It •·a~ &hi• quar&er. .).11"'' Bteglrr wa;; out of school a week on nt.'Coun\o of ,.h.:knt>s:oO. \Ve were all vleose<l to~ her back al(aln. ,,~ pre~ot quarter. the third of the ,·ear. will be ttnly nine " 'E."elcit In ext~nt, one week being- tak~n tor tht" u.ual lA,ter rtc..~""· clo~ January 2.1 •IIll u_,.ual e:ramlnatlon"~. Ot-nt>ral oJ>Inlon i~ that e'tery bod! had thtlr "'l!>ateh•l~ ,,.eked'' TI•• Cllonlan eleel<'<l th• followln~t om,.,.r• lor t~ p~ot quar1 .. : l,..,.lden&. Ito~ lla«: •lee prt~lde-nt. ~U,c Vf'f'l"''! triii'Uft'r. :\lis;$ Ambro"'4": "'t"trf't&ry, M '"-" Dixon. Alta Portrr. who gratluated from the t:lt'lm•nt ar~ la"t quarter. ha"' ta\c:tn tlw po .. Uioo of vrtmary teaclu:-r in lh~ Nt>•· t41liib0n 1\Chool", &akin~ &he l'l•l•• ~ ~II•• Wadleigh. ('ou~ l'role..,..,rTalbot I bumping a"aln•t tlw •krlt'lon) "Oh: t beg your t>ardon !'' · Bu\ the JlhH'f.tly tnhahhant of th.,. laboratory .. lrn&dY turnt"d h~ bac\c: on t.lw Pt'Of~ ..~r. ~tr. &lit' month. I. )laude Brt'W'>IA'r. '98. l,;nlve1'11hy of Wlsc:on· !'lin '0'2, 18 ltC<..'Ond o~"lstant ln tl•e Dunn County training ochool at Menomlnle. l..ura Bru~. '99. who was elt<:ted County !Iuper· ln&~ndenL or t:au Claire Couuty last fall, Ol>ent • te•· ua,.:j '''"hlng the Nonnal the first. of tho month. )Jl..Simp""n eniA'rtalned the ladles of &hefacultr Haturday evening, January 24. urKln the cx.oca;&1on ot ~Irs. Meyer's re~tt;:nation from dutte" in the ollke. All ftre Iliad to ~ the Junior [>r'('"\tl('nt'.;; l\mll1n~t fat-e back antODN' us in tlml' to t1d(": O\'l'r the !if."(.'Ond "wf'ltk of triaL'' , . . M'eOnd quan.-• or &he <chool year \\'. w. t'uh·er. '99, a pent a treek at home In t't•b"'"r)' · Will . i• atudying Ia~· In Mudl•on &hi• ,('ar. P!tiiden&PMy att<'nded the .-tiog of the Board of ltegents at Madl>on, durlnJl &he llr11t week or Rklmwr. of London. Jo:oJtlantl. Sta1(\ ltlC:lllrt'r ! &he 11\Mp<'nd•ntOrd•• oft~ C••nd [,od~e.l(avo 11 a 'ftrr Kttrtalnl~ ao4.1 tn.. tnacti"Vf' add""""' '*fon- tht" M'hool at mornto5e t"X~i~ "f't'd letter" tlay. Among those famou-t Tuesday momlng talk~. M,.,., Brndford's I'I!Odln~r from RoUt M. Stuart'• ••A f\1nny Lhtle Nea-ro School'' W'L!IJ one that ••" Krt'a&ly enjoyed by all. At the clo~ or tho ~e<..·ond qua1"ler. several t>uvll" ...,., promoted from. ~ t:IJ(hth A to the Ninth Orade Nonnal. and a,.§lgned ~•ts ln 1M Nonnal department, better known us !!11';. 'The ftntof &be month, Profe<..or LIYinlf!<toD de· ll<Orocl an Illustrated talk on •·Uortlcuhureln I~ PubHc School~," beCore th" State 1Jortlcullur11l and .\grlcultural So<:leties at Madoon. , . . lollowlng 5tudenL• have been Ill durin!( th~ <1uartcr: ~t. a-;. Drown, John Wytmckl, Ralph Dlod~eu. Mls• Olel!ler. Ml•• LuNcher, ~II•• IWrtba John.soo, Mbs Jol'rost, ~ll8!l Orownt-11. Ml!'t~ Hubbard, Ml!i4~& Pt·ay. )ll•s !Whler's lllu<&ra&ed talk on "The Am and ('raft.oe MOt'tmtnt.'" w-as one of tbe aurac::don~ &JlJM'arinsc under the aust)lce!& of tho 1 'Pacuh)" Uhetorlcal Company. •• The lerclure •·alit lhoro1t •l'fU''tt'l&~ by ltw Sonnat iltud•nt.oc and thft c.:ramnlar ~hoot T il E :'\0101.\ L 1'01:'\TJ-:1!. Professor Livingston SJX'Ot the larger IHU''t or the exnminatlon wetk In Madli'on, going to attend the semi-annual meetinsr of institute. <..·onductors and county superiotendenli!i wltb the s tate suptl"lntendent. )Irs. Oraoo Hayner, who succeeded ) Irs. Meyent treasurer of lhe Nornml, and ()aughter lluth, have been here for the past three weeks. ~trs. ;\layers haJt a position iQAhe Free Library Com· mls<lon at ~adl110n. ./ 11~ The subjl'Ct for Rhetorlcul!it, January :tO, Holland. wa~ Some o f the SJ)(!t\kcrs dre~sed ln th~ quainteo"tume of the peol'le oftbe''LandofWind· mUJs," whlcb added $peelal interest to an e xcep-tionally good program. Proressor Spindler has bct>o appointed • • chairman of the rhetorical committee on account of the re..sigoation of Profe..~sor Livingston. who wtll be i)i Th<> followln~ ohl 10tUth•nt~ hn\''-' 1'\'tUMl\"'1.1 to tht.. Normnl to I'CSmne w01·k: John ~l01·se. AHl-e T..egle•·· Helen Pernbach, Ma1·ion Ta1"tllrf, lnex Bentley. )Jarjraret Jo~nt ~e r. Jo:Oe phlne rtach. The follmdn,: new onts were enrolled: John L~· nt>s . Linwood: Frank ~uz.auck , Kewaunee ; Mlsl'i Pearl Dre-.·, Antigo: :\U~.,; Leln<'nkugeJ o f Jo:au Clntro: Judith \Vu~lelgh . ~lis~ F'u•·•·o, uud )li~:t Murle IWI'fC. rth etorlcal s~ ..~rlday the t:hh, wdll long be remembered a~ thl' Arena- Ciionian'l proJ,Cram ('()nt{•$t. Both pro;.:ram~ were ex,-cptionally well renderet1. The programs were composed ench of ltn o rntion, an orlginnl stor~·. n I'CCltatlon, and an es~my. The young l ac.He:~-pl'\•sf"ntlog t heSl' numbe~ -.·N"t'. tor the Arens, ~tht£Se.'i Edna Scho· field. Allen. Viola \Vood. Drowatxky: for t lu.• Cliontan, :\ Flat:t~ Baker, Berto, Hargra,•t•. Thf.' judge~, Mr. ~turat. ~tr. Thomp.-ton. und Re,· . )tcCiure, decided the :\ rena to ha ''t• presented tht• supel'lor prosrram. Th{" ~lln~trel ~henRaturday eveolnttJanuary31. away the greater par&. of the quarter conducting institutes throou' the state. for the btneth of the Athletie A s ..ociation, •·atc n. ):retll s ut."C('ss. A great deal of lndh·Jdual talent The following officers wf'ro cho~n at the elt>ction • was ~hown to the personitJcut ion of d ia lect of ofth."CN tn the ArenB tor thito quarte r: Pre~ti· and msonet'"1i. The 10olos ren d(•retl by MessrPI. Patch, \Vood. ~Jorse, \Velty, \\1 u.lker nnd Pi,·ernhx. d ent~ D ora Drowauk.y ; ,·k-e, Edna Schofield: st'Cretury, Clara ~Ire..r.c.chlcr ~ trea;~un:or, :\label • ·ei""P {'X<..-ellent and ''e r~·entertulnln)t. ~l uch (•red it 1.. due the jtlrt .. "'1to ,.acrltlced ru~y (•heeks ror thf' Polly: mar.hal, Wilma OeJ<ell. The following cOmJ)leted the E1ement3Q' Co un-~ d.u~ky color of the South. \Vh~· .:o to the <."fitton Ill the cloi'C ofthelast.quarter: :\l"tss Cra<.- eBerto. phtntatlonJI for thf" merry mu~ic·l O\• Ing " darldt-"'' whe n we ean produce them at a monlent.s notice"! Su~ie Biegler, Pl'arlCarley, ~larleGarnock, ~lary Gillie~, Katherine Johnson. ~rs. ~tc\\flth ey, r.:mma. Norton, Alta Porter, ond Inez Whitney. Or. \\fln~hip, editor of The Ne~· Jo:ng land Journal of Education, gave a ''cry J>lea.slng lecture on <~Spice and Relish' " to an apprec~·e autlience in the assembly room la.l n 'r:uesda,·, January 27. Dr. Win10hip is an ahle and (>nte rtalnlnsr-s peaker. und held hi~C nudienee from d~t to las t. ·n,<- Juoior debate betwef"n &be Juni.oNl of the O•hkosh and Steven.• Po'ln,t Nonnal School• ...m be held at O.. hko,;;h February :!i. Tiu! debators on the hotY1(" t<"llDl are ~t el!lsrs . Glasspol~ . \Vidmt-1'. ""U \V, Brown. Ql1&STIO!ot: n ~so h·ed. ·rlutl th ~ U nltNI State" .. houtde.. tabiJ..;h a il)':-Wrn o f Po!'ltalSa,•lo~~Baok~. h 1~ ex~t<'d that many Steven"~ Polnteri4 W'ill down t o Q, to witn.csil the debate nntl ,·h(."t'r th(" hom.. l(':ttn on to \'lctory. )CO lt hajt seemetl bt'z'L for tbe Nonnal J.A.•<•ture . Com· mturo to .!'iUbstitute ano~he.r e.oc.ertalmnent for the numbe r to tw ~i,•e n by Jo~l bert B ubburd. ~n1<~ com~ mhtoo hu~ been ro•'tunate to P~CC UI'intt A l hcrtAnn~ strong in onl' of his dramatic 11 Picuare P lay:4. '' Be p~~DL-i "The !-iky Pilot'• dramatically. In much the :lAme way that Leland T. Powers prt>· A!nted hi" drarnntlc skctclwii~ la,.:t year. In ntftll· tlon ~tr. Armstron.: lllus trate:oc by nw&ns o f ~tt>n•­ opllt.'On '' ie•'l'l taken by himself In the ~g1on when! th~ plot of the ~tor~· is laid. At the cloMc· of dw ~tory ot "rhe Sky Pilot, )t r. Ann.,.trong wJU nt u lwie f ..-ketch t•ntit l ~tl " 'flu- Snrne Ohl s :ory . " Tlw tfuw of thl~ t> n tea· tuln uu.~ •lt will I"· Sn&urday f\-tu·uury ;!tot, :\ l"'(.'(,'t'Ot t·ouunuulratlon from t-:;UX'rt Buhhartl ~H,tP~ that Jw ha.JO withtfr•wn from all c~ n nl"Ctl on • ·ith tlw L<>t•t !Jn• llurettUii. nntl \fill cltwoW hi"" tlnu• In thP futun• r....1tc1 ature. U I VI'(• du--.·1~· tu nn: XOIOIAL LOHENGIUN. ~ The musle elas"es or che Oramma1· School have t.>een. on eaeb Friday for tbu JHUt ftw •·e<"k:!l, maklnj( a study ol Wagner and ol hi• opera Lo~ogrln. As ~llu Den•mo .... lOIII lhe Slory ol Lohengrln 10 1~ children, Mn. ('lenM"nl played 1be 11101lro. In lhl~ ""Y 1~1 lea mod 10 ln1<'11•re• lho le<ollng o f lho mu•Ie, and 10 ro~eard h L~ """"" lhlnr more than a harmoniou• l"'mblnatlon o f oounds. On Friday, February 1~, lhe clalldren •·Ill 1M> ~h·en a mu"leal trea\; Mrs. •Alwards, Me~. Clem· •nl and MI .. Furro will • log lhe Weddlnj( chorus. ~(..,., Cl•ment will al•o de!!Crlbo to lh• children Bayi'Outh, lhe theatre In Bavaria wh•,.,. 11~ Wag· ""' opera• are p~nlod. 'nle tiOry of tbe opera ha• ~ made th• buls o f the languall" work. ( ~ Traloln~t DeJ>artment .) MluCoraJe;.•. or Gambrla. "'"" obllfll'<) to ..llh· llraw from KChoot la~t month on acc...-otu\t ot IIJnel!l!ii. llhetorlcal•, Jalluary 10. •ubjtct •·The World W&.JC oo ,•el and J)at11cularly lntt rt".. tlng. Jaoob nn. wu til<' prlnclpal author quoted. of Ora h.," n.e Oonn&o C.1ub cho.e tbe rono.. ln~e . - , . . lo r lbo third quarter: ~ldont.t'laraMu-....,hlor: viCll! p,.,..ldeot, Wm. Auor: ....,relarJ', n o.,. Hal&: trt>&.· •urtr. J . f 'brl ..tlaOJiiOo: ~I"Qt"J\Dt•at•&MD!l-. 0. v...... . nu~ number.~e of lh(• rhetorical JH'Ograrn on January :!.1 pro,·ed, naturally £1noutth. ''ery lnte r""'lng, t he l(l'oeral•ubj.-ett;OlniC "Humor." Tb.num~r on ••Ofonnan·· ~ tu tw t~JM!'elallr lntero•tlnlf. Nu~dul nndldaltJ£ to lltt~ •·CJrum fur oftkoial <IIJ<IIn<'llon durin11 lbe third quan•r ..,.,... , Pre.!tl•nt, ;\ , 7.0<'1'1>: ,..., t•,..,.l•l•nt. J. ~ Clark : ....,_ notary, Jl'.("•lklnl'l: II"P'll-"UA"r, I .. Rrntrk": Mr,.:f'ant· at•&l"1nJI, lt(\ynnld Ol~on. Tht' Atlu-na~umlte" cast tht• all JH•wf ••ful bnllot fur the follo.,.lnsr fa,·oh'd fe w lot unif.-'f' rJO for 1he P~.. ttlt>nt. \V. K Smhh: ''ief' prP•ltltt'll. ~f. Pft Brown: ""''""tar,. <;. Mallory: lrf'IJ~r~UI"!'r. T. O'('t.mMH: ...,~ant-a1-:ann•. D. JHVM"nt qu&rt¥r: ll u~o!H"•· ( POI~TER. )lrt. Clement, lostruetor of muolc, hu oii'~N'<I an ath•an~ eta.. In music. The work will he mostly theory and lll<llhod In teaching, lncludln~t voice culture ant! care or the voice. The eta.. will meel 11 I :30, and ol"" young ladle;o have bo<>n enrolled. t:xamlnallon w..k was bapplly elooed with an open daooo In the gymnulum aller rheiOrleal•. rollored br a •pi riled game of ba• kel ball bot.-eeo the grammar boy• team• or lhe Nonnal and or the Blgh School. The boys ""t>eclally lnl4!1't'OI<"I the 1poci8IOMI by their surprl•lng qulckneoo or hand and accuracy or eye. The game I'OIUIIod lu a oeore or U 10 10 In ravor o r the Nom>al boys. A daoclo.g club Ol t"'eoty·t..O memboMI hu beon organbed among lhe young men, t he lollo•lng olllcf-n baYing boM ~leele<l: lolaoarer, Ray Bra· sure: 1rfMuurer , M. E. Bro'II"D. Nurly e•ery en. rolled momher enjoyed tbe opeoln~t and following dances at lfoore'a hall. }"'rom appe.aran<."f'" there ..111 bo a "'"' membon~blp or lorty·lotar and no more, Individual, to parl)elputo In plea•· ani gathcrlng8 10 follow. On t'riday, January 16, the ~erammar !rlrla d.,_ fealt'!d lhe ~erammar boy• In a military drill ron· ""'· n.e !rlrla threw dotm lhe punt lei, and .-~n· wlonero by only a narrow mai'J(In- 11 10 18. 1'he galler ,. or lhe gymnasium ..... filled with enlhll· slutle opoetators. Both squad• obo ..ed careful preparation and exoeulod commands akll trull~· and promJIIIy. The boyo were tlrllled by 0. Pateh: and the girl• by MI.. Oerl•h. A prize-statue vi David wa.s awarded the winneorw. On a<OOUDI Of lho largo rombor Of applicant• lor o raiOrieal honors thla year. It wa• decided tv hold a prollmlnary contest 10 ..,!oct the •lx 010>t promlaloiC eaodldatetc to enter the "'fUiar con....,. n.e eleven a•plranu rood their ln<plrod lhot• 10 a jury o l ftve ol the lacully Monday, January~. Tlte decl•lon or Uaejudge• .... ball(!() UJ>On j(Onerol e ffect uf the orations In the )4ta~ or oompletlnn at lbatll.,.., 'nle lollowiog I• an aiJ)habetlcal 11•1 of the -.lx •u«--eaaful coatestant,c who are to &PI)e•r helore lbe ochool on February~~~ : J ohn Cluk. Wilma c....n. Walter lolurat. S"'lla O'Brlon. \\'~nul Plvrmlu, and )lanha TrnM~. T II F. XOR)I.\ L POI:\TEH. TR~ININC DEPHRTMENT. LOHEICOIU!C. INA MARTIN, 8 A O, AOT I. Before the ~ra begiM the orclleOira play•, and all thru the music there Ia a mytteriou• motU or "Tho Grall" wo~ec ln. Tho nvers.heldt b-.. wlndlnr In tbe back·rround. King Renr.r 1IU oa a throne under a large tree. Klnr Henry was the Klnr or Germany; and Bel· ~:lum ruled by a duke. AIW!r tbo Duke died, King Henry eamo to Bol~:lum to rally soldiers to ftgbl lor him. Tho ooldlero and •·omen are around KlngRonry, and lla~nlng to a dark, wkked look· lng man called Frederic. Ho lo accu•lng Ella, the daughter o'r the dead Duke, or muraenn, her brother, Godfrey: lorthe,r, f!lla and Godlrer, bad '-n walking In the wood•, aod Codfft1 neYer returned. ~ rea.10o for her ouppoHd murder ••• her desire lor the entire power over Belgium; bul ohe really did not care lor this power. When f'ffi!erlc ftnl•hes blo aceuutlon, the King aendt lor Ella. AI the appears, aiL!IJ'e•sed In wblloe, a aweet, pure mcnlf e:reept lot.O the muste. She olnp or a dream she bao bad In wbleh a knight clad In ablnlng oll~er armor COCD08 to her and prombea to be her de.lecder. So, when •be ba• ftnlahed olnrlnr, Freclerlo knows that be muol end , the malkr br a duel. Then Frederic ~ged the defender to a duel. 'rho ~pte all look expeelantl.Y lowardo tho river. Prelly soon a buutllul whll;l awan appearo draw· log a rraoolul boat. Standlnr uprllfhl,and thlnlng In tbe rtory or bll armor, tbe ablnlnr knlrhl ol Ella'• dream appeors. Thee a burst or glon0<11 mu1lc comes !rom tbe orcl>Mtra. It lo a modi ..tlecl"Lohengrin." Tho••an- olo•lydown •a• tho river until It reache.o the bank. Tben, the knight geu out or lbe boat and olnr• a oad ra...,. well~ aod at the swao goes alowly from lho atage, • """"' and sad motU comet Into tbe mu•l<; whlth I• .. ned ''The Swan.· • Thee the knight that he I• wllllnlf to llgbt lor Eba II tbe will prom!.., to nenr a1k hi• name; and that, II he •Ina, she will become bit wile. The duel begins attcr Elaa promlaeo. Tbo knllfht •oon loi"'Oo f'rederlo to his knee: and then gracl· ouoly OJ>aroa hla ll le. The ac~ end• joyoualy wllh the people rejolelog overEin'• betrothal. Duno~e the duel lhe orchestra play• a moll! called ''The Judgment of God." ••r• Ar:r U. . In the ftrst part or the Second Act It I• eveclo~e. There are two ftgure• tilling on the al<lpa or the chureh. They are f'rederic and hl8 wleked wile, Ortrud. A moll! called "Tbe Plot•" creepo lniO lbe muale. Deauae Frederick had aocuoed the royal blood, and hi• accusation had been proved !alae, be and all bb lamlly were banl•hed: no person wa• allo•ed to •peak to them, or help them In any war. Ortrud b ll<lOidlnf Freclene lor not ghlng the knight a ..,,..lch. II Pt'edenc b ad given El..'o defender e<en •• much aa one llule ..,ralch. the knlgbl'o power wou.ld have '-n loll. Then, f'rederlc In tum ooolds Ortrud. He aayo thai •h• told him thai obe kne• Godfrey was dead; and had ll nol been proYen lbll, al leatl, F;loa did not kill him. Then 0rt!"d - . Eloa eome O<Jt on the balcooy, and she de.elc!H to do a very bold lblng. She cooeeal• Pftderie on tbe lfi"'''Dd unde.mnlb tbe balcony. and lbec goe.o up to the balcon7. She I. TilE ~0101.\ I. POl ~TER. tiO then bc.:in~t to talk to t:l"•• a ...klng hrr what -ohc, Ortnnt, has cton(l to rPt<elvc 11Uch an awful Jlunlshmt nt. She pleatl111 untll ;&h(t ha!il •:I sa·~ sym· J)Athy whh her, then !iih~ l"IU't"fUIJy bring~ in the :!Ouhjtc-t of the knight. The ort'he,tra plays a motif which was played when Loh<'ngrln requ.,.led t:l•a not to demand hi!. nanM'. II J, called ·-'The Mr,.terr o f tht- X aDW>. •• and h ha <ii a ,~ery mysterl· ou• oound In II. OriNd 1<'11• her thai •II<' ou~rht not to marry this knight unte .." ,.he kno ..s his name. Then F.:l~a bfglnM tH doubt: and the motU ~·ailed ·•The Doubt" cOnlt'8 ln. \\' hlluOrtrud and 1-"rederlc Wf'l"f' plotting on the church "teps, Ortrud told Frederic that he mu• t ft~thl tho knight again and rive him a scratch. 11le nest morning tbe brida l pmft'~ion mo,·~ toward th<' <bur<b' and to •bow that •I><' will bolrlend h<'r, f:lsa allow• Orln~d to <Orne b<-hlntl her In the train. \Vheo thf'y ar¥ about 10 mo'"e into the. cl•un"'b, Ortrud l"&n rontaln ht~lt no h•n'-rer: 110 Mhe buhot-1' out .-lth a 11,.1 of ht'r abu.Sf""· She I• •llented; a nd tht bridal J>aoty Into the cluor<h. I'""" A14 the bride aotl groom rotM from the t"hu~h and proc:Hd towords th<'lr <hambt,.,.. Orln~d whl•· I"'"" In El•a·• ea., and th<' moti f .allt'd •"fbe Doubt•' OOr:Deii Into tltft mu,lt-. Frf.dtrltt ftnd~ four ltnlghL•. and Kf'Ls them to .-~-•nvatbla.- W'lth him. ' ACT Ill. "fhec brldul prcx.~~~lon l"Otn(IJC fl·orn tht~ dmt'\'h and esrortl'l Jo-:.IMa anti thttknl~IH tothf'lrtlpart.IDf1lht, lie rallo h<'r b! ......_.,'""'· Thtn •I><' IM'Itin• tu wt.h •he k""w his name."" that •IM' might <til him u he <ailed her. Sh<' t•ll~ him .o' and the motif n.lled •"1bell1~t.-ry of the Name·· corne-c to apln. M lut .tw- -.od• hi. na me. J u.tth<'n F~rl< and th<' lour knlgh .. bu,.,.t Into th• room. Fredt>rlc. bad '-"~n thliil hour to "urpri~ 111m. bfortt:ause he Jcnew he would not be annNJ. But f:l!ta brot the knight hi• •word "" qukkly that I"' tlelendl'tl hhn!l<'ll by kllllnJ( 1-'1\'llerlc - ·lth om• bin... Then th<' knlschtl'l we-re ~urprl"'f\1: and at the rttqueiiOt of tiM' knlt~ht took th<' body of 1-''r edtrle to the King. , . . motile-ailed •-fbeJudlflDMI of Ood" Is played at tlol• tlnM'. Eba lalnl.!l, and {fi. knl~tht <ails her aUt"ndanu a nd tf'UJC tlwm to d"'"""' ht>'l' In lwr bridal robt• and take her to the klnl(; and that he ,..Ill •-omc boloro the king and reveal his name. "fhe llll'CilC of the next scene 11'1 the ~amo as that o f the ftrot. The king and hi• •old len a re ourpri.OO to ..e E.. a coming to..ard• lh<'m dres""'l In h<'r boautllul whl~ bridal rob<-• whb her attendanu. T1M'n the orcllestra play• 111<' motif o f ··EJ•a. .. Thf>y are still more .urprloed to - lour knlghL• boa ring th<' dead body of Frederic on a bier, allio oomlng towards them. Pretty •oon tho knight rome• and a oko the kln~r II he .... right In killing }'rede rlc In oell dcfen!W. The klnlt' asoures him that he wa•. Then the knight hegins to opeak of other thlng11 ; and th.. motif tailed .., . . Oral! " <ree)>!l ln. He oayo that II<' l• one o l lhe Holy Knlghto who guard lhe ()rail whl<h 1• In a .. ry pnd ea~tle on a mountain top. Then th<'motllealled "'noe~IJ•I<'ry oltheName" comeo Into th• music • • he 1<'11• the tlltpe<tanl peopl• that hlo name Is Loux:<OIUI<. Then he tell• Elsa, very ..dly, that he had Intended to take her to thl• beautiful castle; but, as •he had broken her l)romlsc, he must a;co alone. Then he ~Joel aadly by the people 10 the edge of the rlvu. ,..n the heautllul,sad motif tailed "The Swan" announ<e• the arrival of the boat. LohengTin go.. 10 the owan and tella It how • ad he II, and of th<' one whom he bad hoped to bring happily home with him. Orln~d, ..ho had been muu•rlng In the ha.k· ground fo r quite a whtte, now eamf forward and declared that at last sh e hl8 had her roveng•. She !'aiel that h wa~ she, who, thna her aorcery. had ehanged Cod frey Into a awan. T1M'n Loh<'ngrin falls upon hi• k~ and ollently pray• that (lodlrey might be ""'tored. A beautiful ttnow-wblte do,•e romes and ho¥tnt ove-r the which olowly •lnko from sight. When Loheogrln arl..• he 111• .. 10 Elsa his oword, •hleld and ring and hid• her give them to he r hroth<'r II he Ia ev•r re.tttored. The do,•e, bo,·ering over the a pot, pick;;: up the eord, and as Lohengrln •tep• In he pull• the boat •lowly away. Then Codlrey appean<, and El•a Jll•e• blm Lohengrln '• pre..,nta; and faint• whtn •he sees her lover leaving her. , . . la•t thing I• the motif of "'The Grall, .. whleh wao th<' ftrot motllln the()pera' and It lea•.. ~~~ audl<'n<:e with a quiet, my•terlou• feellnr. ••an. T il E :\OR)I.\ 1. l'OIXTE lt 61 HTHLETICS. WEYAUWEGA G AM£. -n.. oerond game of 11M! ~aJ!Oo, Januarrl&, at Werauwega, re•ulted In a vl~ry for Weyauwega. Altho we don•t want to maki exc:u~ there ll"'f' -ome thlnga which will help to explain why our !tam did not keet> up the pace at whlclt tlw>yotarted out at the betrinolq of lhe ..,.,,on In lhe WallS&u fl&me. Any learn t hat can win a K•me l l \Ve)'au .. ~· t'lt'rtalnly destrve5 credit: tor they are surf! to be at a decided dl•ad•antall". "I'Mir hall I• liO JtOOrlyllghted that It I• dllllcultto keep track olthe hall. and the buildiQK I$ badly <O">tru~ lor hasket ball. An Iron rod run. aero•• tbe hall In tront ot oach ha!iket, and playen!l of a ~am not aeeu•tomed to It hit tlw> rod• about as olten •• they do the ba•ket. But we don't mean to dl8t>arage 11M! playing ofthelr~aoo, forttw.y h.,.ea good team and can play 1100<1 ba8ket ball. La•t year they DNrly won lhe Hlgb lkbool cba1Gplorublp; and when tb<'J' <'Orne here for a return a lut and lo&eres~ln~: prne t. anllelt>ated. Wal~r ~lurat, ooe of the ~Jar R'Uird.J, ••• unable to xu down. Henry Bah•ert:on wa.!l lnjut'ed at the btglnnlog of tlw> galDf and <Ompelled to rellro. n•e game was fa~t from s·t an. to tlol,_h, but Wey· au.-er- wa.1 tOD.!JtaotJy In the lt>ad. 1be !IOOre at tlw> eod of the ftl'!lt halt ••• 1~ to 6 In f.,.or of Weyauwega. Tioe No11nal a.-am almoft caught t114'm at tbe ~IC!nnlnl( of the oerood hall. Oor· t'ver, the lead • ·a,c too a-rea t, and they again drew away from tbf. Norma Joe until tht g-anW" ended with a ...,re of :!:: to II. p-. Tbe line up : \ Snvr:ss I'Oe>'T. Point.. ~lortell . ................ o (.'urra.n •••••••••••••••• ·! llalvonoon. ............. Walker ............... 0 llallor1 ...... .......... 2 Free lh ......... ....... 3 t\'KVAI1WWA. Points Roach ............8 Lovell ... : ....... • .. 2 Quade ... .........4 Pmt. ............. · 2 Llllle ............... 2 t 'l-fe throwo ......4 Totala. .............. l l ................ . ••• 2:! J. 0. <:olllno, t:mpl,... R. H. Oomm, JleletW. WAUSAU. \\'~ h&\'t' Ulitl the tMDI." . &nd - -- WfJI! W"t" didn't beat them -1().-:0 al(aln. Of tbls much ...,. are quite ..-rlaln: hul of •ome other point• abou~ that la._~t pm~ n ·~ not quite so cercaln. To sum It ur,. \\'au~au madt twenty·~lx polnt.!t that It dld'nt do ant good to dl·pu~. W e made twenty· lour polnL< that <Ouldn't be disputed. With tit~ """"" :!11- :!.1. Oai<ONOo threr a ba•ket whlclo tlftl tbe Ju •t a second be lore the tlme-k .. per bi<'W bt- whll"th• to tnd the gamf. Here'~ the rub; ami hen>'• the place •here ·~all dlspu~. 'J'btl> ~re,.,.., whhuut a momeo.l"J~ ooMfdtratlon, .. ld that la•t ha•ket didn't oount: and so Uw ~('&me ended with Wau vl~torlou.!l. ll ,,. ah,•ayK under8tootl tha' tho rcferee • houltl be a J'lf'rson not oonneeted In any way with either or the oont.f'~llng tearru, and all team.! we hav.met berore ha,·e alway• had a n out-tider ror l"'e'· feroe: but Wau.. u t'Dll, IKDorod thl•, and If•- a11owet.l their n•an•K~r to ac& as an omclal. \Vt• bave nu doubt bu& wba& hl" lntenllon__• .-ere a-oocl, but &Ume or hl8 declllllon- w-e-re very rar from befnJ( fair. 10 !l.&y the lea"L 'nle ...~me wa!i played ~~o~ an en&hthlutltcrowd, and exueetlln.gly ·ream work w-a out o l the QU<'<tlun on account ol the • IIpper) ftoor. Tbe ..,..,..., at the end ol the ftrot hall wa< lied at 12 and 12: bu~ S~vens Point. wali alway.c In tlw> lud In tll4' ...wnd hall, until Ju•t at tlo. rio~ o f the tt•n~. Thf, team • .• ,. I'OJ&II1 t...._.a&ed. and t'njoJt"d • l(oodtl-. Th{' Lt"am• linN! up •~ follows: w•" ST&\'&.'18~.YT. PolnLc. Curran ..... !... t'......." Hal vert-On, ll. to' •••••• .& T•rdlft'..... l'........ . u Walker .... I... (l ...... 0 Lan~r• • .. . lt. U..... n \\AUAAU. l 'oloh.. Ooouch ..... l... f'.... l~ ~ .nuahh, .. It Jo". ... S l-loyd ...... c ...... : WlliiOn ..... L. G .... 0 ltadtke ..... lt. 0. . ~ ~•~mhh. fn-e tbro..-jl ~ Total• ............. -~~ .....................:!II Jtfofel"t!'ff' SlatroN. l,;mpl~ Ratren.oo. Ttn: :\OIDIAL POI:\n :n. 62 EXCHANGES. 1'1lere Ia a l.f'Odfner In ,.chool to Krow narrow, to think that thl• school Is the be•t, and It• pro· duct• hard to excel. The way to chC(lk thl• ten· <Ieney Is to ftnd nut what other school• are doing. Tbe Khool tllllenl that tome to our t::Xchange Table a !lord an excellent opportunlt' to ftnd out what other ochoot. are dolnl(, thinking and o&)'lng. This department of Tho Pol•tor Is only lnteoded to ghe you a taste of tho conten~ of the Ex· cbaoges. Therefore road tho Excbaolfe•· Some of our ExebanJ{e!i l>rlnt. Jtorl~4 that •"-" taken bodily out of novel• without glvlnlf credit to hs author. ThlJJ: l~ not ratr or honeli>t, and dE"· clc~\·H few. A bor .toocl oo a burning di'Ck, So far as we could learn, Stood there lo perft'ct •afety: He wa• too g-o to burn. - t:X. Coming thru ti.e hall, l'an 'I a body ll'reet a body 1 Sot at all, GlaiJ I Ne-"tr a Uule trOt"Cl or ~mii•Y a o~ uo puwt• ot t••ol ~1• 11 •.aot(JWOS 11 11 1~ ()(OO.Wl tlttl!l .-OU){ tl.\\ •p•.., .\pei>JJW "''"'" (i) w~ •t•lt t••u. ••tnuqlfnop ot ... •nop t.OCl ot lfunu• ~• ~.\\ ·ac>ttot e JO ~PW'(I!il W U.).\Jlt J1 ••oq.xuos tno 11 pug 11\0 •-There are a few more potnl!C to touch on,'' 'aid the tramp as he awkwardly ellmbed 0\'er a barl-... wire fence. Latla . All the people dead who •poke 11, All the people dead who wrolA> II, All tbe tlOOIJic die who leao'll It, Ble8sed death! they all do earn Il l -t~x. I a the eatalOlJU• of the Chicago Unlnnolty are thue threeoamoo: Anna :May Burst, George Wood Uurot, and Henry Will Burot. Yet the otudento are going about their work Juat a• 1bo there wa1n 't 101 danger of an explosion. - Ex. Tho Mitton. - •:x. For Me. Oaty. 'P-1"~1 1 S)(n'R-Telegraph, telephone, tell a woman. a ontl Mul!lt. • ·e alway,. "camrwr hy On a little runY :JlOU,. Ot 100 lt(.Sno Jo•es, what. a~ the three beJtr. ways of sprcadln)f news '! Some or our exebangea think It loa crime to torlnl a joke In the Exchange Column. The Ex· doangeColu~n I• Intended to ruroloh an uchanl(t' of Idea•. A good Joke pasJI4!d around I• Ju.t a• rerruhlng and helprul u do... or f~. II a lad, ,_t a lady ~ot Tlto X 18 a bright little paper, .1'-1" n.OM.t" lMt ~· t>uv li'Jltt• 1111) U'll(l J3Ua{f puu Ol ~)\It Ptno.• 1·1111 W !fU(IIlOU "I .)J.}tLL Ex. ( He k illed the noble Madjeklwl•, With the akhlll be made hlo mittens, !dade them with tho rur •Ide ln•lde, ! them with the 1kln olde oulolde. Re to gel the wam> •Ide lnaldl', Put tho tnolde (1kln oldo) ou~lde, He to get t ho cold .Cde ou~lde, Put the warm aide (fur •Ide) ln1lde: Thai'• why loA! put tbe fur •Ide Inside, That'• why he put the • kin •Ide out,ldu. And why he turned lhem ln•lde ouulde. - t::.. Mrs. M. E. Phillips-Moore's PRIVATI-: SCUOOL Ot' O~NCING. ~OUU lR~INING, PHYSU~1\L ~ eULTURE '0 Oaoolo~r Ia an art. Nolhlng ebaraelerl- the ; lad1 or rentlomao aa mueb aa aoocl mao~.,., po- 1: llleDKA aocl lrue gnoeful~u. Awkwa,..,neu I• 0 motl frectuentl1 eauaed by laoornlCI babiL• of pe- % •hloo and molino. I I Ia theft blgbl7 lmroortaol ~ 10 form correct hablll of motion, aa earl7 ao pOt· Ql alblo. Nmblng Ia more errooeou• than 10 auppooe J tbaltbe •lmple prao~loe of lhu varloua dances ~re· Q1 aaa g......,luloeao. Carefultrololor In lho nrlouo !o :i,~~rd"';:.!' ~!gg:~~ ~:o~:rh:~::.~~i:.~f!\~ - • · a od edueoled 10 a o approolaoloo of 1be bl~h· etl expreealona of ln~ellleeoce and eul1ure ahn can bo ah'eo by meaoe of DlOllon. Will real rooms for ••1- partltt or elubo. Q.:JDT A. ...... rr~/llff'1y N !!J?.mthtil' II comet bandy In taking N""'"· and on f'.xouulnatlon dA71. 1&8t& year.. l'ledu<ed vrlc.$ W •tudoou. gt/1. h I• F•llr Warn.tod, aocl wllh care. WErtZEL PIVE IU• ET Z, Al•at. ~ Rood, Dr. G. M. Houlehatt, DENTISTS. DENTIST. Olce, ~ Jail. Stems Pollt, Wis. Out Postollce. Stems Pout, Its. Hadcock XPECTING 10 ...,.,.Ire a fair eompoo.. tloo for Ill 80rvleeo, and wllhout prelen.e of gi•· lntr oomolhlng for nolhlng, lbe E WISCONSIN STATE BANK OF STEVE.'IS i'()INT, WIS. tende..,. lu 10 1hot<~ who appreciate careful and prompltoenloe and lnlelllrenl atleotlon 10 detail•. belle•lng lhat, being equipped wllh a lithe faellldes of a mOd~ro ~nklng bou80, It eao be of real aer•loe 10 the bu•IDH• public. On1CJ!B8.--J'. P. Mallek, prea.: W. F. Collin.. eaabler: P. Roll>maa. •l.,..l•.r etldeat. 80AJCD or DIIIZICTOIUI-J. P. Wallclr. Joba Ln11JbcM~aom, R. 0. Balrereoa, P. Rotbmaa, ll. Caatld 7• """!""" 1---------------------~ JHf CHIC~GO ClOJHING SJORl Flao Clollalac, Funslshlac Ooocts, Hatt. (•art. Uoo•&, Sbo., Tnanke, Vallee.w. F.te. I . SHAFTOI'I, Prop., ~II Ste,•e:ne Polol, \VII. )tala Street, F. A. MICHALSKI, D. D. S., DENTIST. ('(. t:. l 'or. l'llblle Squa,.... The Western Teachers' Agency OF M I LWA UKEE, WIS., 1 lin• the o·uulid~ou·~ uf :'t·houl llwu-d~ n~od :'utwriutcudrut•, nml i~ •·uouhu:l l'tl '"' ~~l'll'l hu•im""l'''itwil'l~. llii'CI·l ""''"'""'''' )!1\'rn u1• no t'0111111il4...,iuu t'lutr;tt"tl. St•ud (or Pit· l'lllllllcnl l.lunk nud •·irt·ul:or. Hm JOD SUD lbe "WBSTSRK TEACHER?" llaot, Sud lor a Free Sample CopJ. ADDBESS . Y. Gillan & Co.• 141 \\' i"('nu•iu ~~ .. MISS M. KITOWSKI. L~DI 6S' Buy only BENNETT'S 8 n EA D• Wh lo modoul tho bon of whokettrnc ma\.O.rtal•. h lo "mltlblll\l"mbed broad and I• f ,... from ~ ~ en.,... ... •• ~ lnmlxlnr ••d hond· 1,,. ~ s.c:o•d s t. Tel . 6U~ llnr. ....... ,..,.f1'4'1CU'af-J/.Wt. . . -..,,. 8 . S. ELLENWt)t)O, ~I~Y~U liYfRY AND R(PAIR 8~0~. Tel. 138-4. 742 Stroap A ve. D. A. AONBW, The southside Jeweler Fine Watch ~epalrlac a Specialty. T~ILO R . 4171 Mala St reet, Up&tlll rs. XII lOt.\ t. TIL\ tn; SOI.I(' ITED. M. E . M~CKLIN, Fl.orist. • 'bol\."0 t-'luwerw •nd Plaut.. t:u1. t'lu•e,., ":oCpec· lah1• Uouq...... •nd t·u..,,..l O..IK••· Td.. 88-l. •t o Jlc:C•ttoc• St... !ken~ I'M•&.. w~ s. JReesseN, II; n~1.t:1: FRUITS, COJFECTIORERY, CIGARS, TOBACCO, BTC. Tel. HI • J. Mala Str'fft . J\\wew~ J),.,•.,. Htoro. KERN, SHOE CO.,Xt-xL d'lofl" Wtttt fr'f•m Hr. 417 MAIN ST~EET. NOJHING ~m SHOES E. H. Rt)GERS, M. 0., Plr}!sician and Surgeon. um..., R 0u,.: 1-3 aod Tcl~rbo"" IIIII. s-a p. m. eoT MaiD au.....<. Sto•na Potu, W l -• 1•· P. A, St)UTHWJeX, M. D., Ph]!sician and Sutgeon · Telephone 32. 646 Church 1\~. St ovees Polot, • • WIKoUio . eRRRE A. PReST, M. 0., Pl!J?sician and Surgeon. C>m<:e Houro : $-10 a. m.: -4 P. 111• OCike aod rettld•oce 003 Clarlc ot.., oor . Stro•r••• · Stov. .o Pol at, Wla. W. W. GREGt)RY, M. 0., Ph]!sician and Surgeon· 0ft1ee bouro I aod i P· m. Boo· • 313 )lain otree~., up otaiH. Ree. Cu rrao Telephoo&-OIIIce, 12S. St evoe a Polot, Wl-alo. ;;r. XV":&JB.80N, Wbol~e <H•s..c. A~'\:UnAtdr ..0 ReWA Drtaler l• (lold . .d Silver Walc:ke"' CIOC:kll, J ewelry, Sliver aad Plated Ware. PIAao8, Orgaas, Sewl•l Moc:kl•e" a ad all Kladll o f M"slc:o1 Merc:ka•dlse. Flrsl Cia"" Walc:k Repair• a Spoc:la11Y. 41M Main Stree•, Stevens Polo., Wla. ••a [ Completely ''"d. Sdentiftc•llJ' 1-~lucd. J. W. BIRD, M.D., Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. om~. S1«h1l ftht.crJ to Studcnttt. ol62 Main St. Stcvee,. Polet , WI,.. Parsed Caesar Gallic: War, Book I. nV JlEV• .JA)IE$ D. FJ~ CII. M. A~, D. D. I ~1.60 fi' OaTIJArtoOPAGU. The Lad-" wonb In \he lA1In ordtr jY'C. u Cadat' wrote lbc• r • hb l.h• caa<t 111,..•1 E:JilU!t o( uch l..Allo worddlnalr Dr. E. M. Rogers, DENTIST. ~,.~:~~';;':.::~~~;1.7:,'!: :'irh,;..:!::..~~ ~·~~~~-~~~=-~~~bi?/J:::t~~'i: =~~r!'~~~~ -w~:-,a:.~~:.=: ~~ -:·~ :~~ =-::-,~nt-c~- ... -~ L ..-,~op~,ll& HINDS A I'IOtiiA. , . . _, Hothnonn Buildi ng . ~t... ·uud ~f/.1/ f-Nu.lwr•l._, ,_,, Entr;~nrCl< em ~l:tin nnd Thin l •t~. Dr. J, M. Bischoff, DENTIST. _..,_..,.,_,.J-•4c:...,.n-1•-ICI..... N. Y. ett·, ., _ Fl<tur. Cro"" aod llrldp Work a Sreetaltr. l..adr ln a.n.,nd•DO!i!· Cor. ~Jain R. & Strone• &\'e. THB.... llJ41·190»· UNION CENTRAL LIFE INSU4J{A:J'I(.CE COMPA:J'I(.Y. A.,...u. Mer ~t•e•.u.•·rtve u::.UUoo. Tbe blllbe"'" dlddtod pa1· .. ,_,e-. Gustav W . H ein, ~~:~ ID4( ~-~ay lo A•el"le!a. ~· • aa oL• aft Ute .lo~a· "' lll04i•r. l"abde ~ure L . ZHOROWSKI, M. D. ~UROP&..\S f".\~ULtV . lnllliR Of WlllRY UD DRAIHaoof 111001. :J~ Ia •~·~ nt • oac• otle• aDd re.Mtllf"CI ~U'\;el.. at".. TeL 4!·"! OCio."' t t.o • P• a ,.... 8 T 8Y8!1C!J POliCY. WIS. eURR1\N H0USE, If. 0 J.D. CURRAN, /'rop1. J"" E.I.TOZIER&CO; 4:n•4 ELLIS STRI!I!T. Groceries, Stationery and Confectionery. W e corry a .Full Line of the Best ~eats~ Two Blocks soutta-;;t;"e~~t of the !Cormal. oxv-.u••o~ l.oo.dlnl( l!utel In the Cl•!· Halel 1~.00 dny. SW!am H··•' ... t. 1-!ICP&rlt"' Lfrb.t.t. U .-·&n·•latt-... C. F. MARTIN & CO., Leading Photographers, PHOTO STOCK OF lLL IIIDS M ouldin~,. nnd Fr:tnw•. 114 S. Third Sl. AUOUST OOERKE, Ml·~R('JIA:=-;'r rr~uf..O J-{. Fino Uno o f K•m1•t.., nf J.a•lleo· Dn.'ll Coodo al· ••1• ou haad. 411l l'lolo Slr-1. SIOYCU Pol a I, Wis. H D. McCULLOCH CO., Lt'd. lli~C~ri~. Bo~~~. ~lmi~~m ~~~ ~C~OOI ~~~~li~~. DRUGS 1\ND MEDieiNES. ..'Je:>S . M . M OZ"EJe3 ri, C. W. TB ~·lno Ar~ Tftllorlng " Specl•lty. Olvo mo a call and l wlllgua"' """' '"'1•1114'\lnn lu Quall\y o r Cood•, ••,,an~ Prloo. n Pu.bllo tf.4u.are. o.-er Beaatn•• I. Fauq c Uak~'7. St~nD~~- 0. M. DAHl.. CAT~:. Merchant Tailor. 1\ t torn e y s•a t• Law. omu our Cltlm's JtUonll Bm. F • .w. GIESE, Polot.. . - NEWBY, DEALER l"f- aud Staple Groceries, Tobacco aud Clears. PI•• P'"tb • Sprclalty. Flo•r ••d Fe-.. !006 Dlvl•lnn "'-'· St~u\h !lido. ~DAHL, MERCHJ:tNT TJ:t iLOR. --- J'1ae If•• nr ... p~.- .a• ._" •• AU • or- cvaNDtee4. 8&.octr. u,..,., 2h.J1ft.. l f'Hlal • • , ,. '- ~-· · bl.. s..... I:Z03 DIVIIIIOa lit ., !loO&thsldo, Stovo• s Polet. KI NCSBV RY'S ARLINGTON HOUSE, JAS. WELCH, P rop. CXNe:> e3ERY. RlOI:TB $1.00 PBR Dl'II:V. Telephone 24. 325 'trongs Avenue. THE RIGHT GOODS S t oYHII PoJet. wt •. AT THE Graud Central Hotel, RIGHT PRICES M . CASS IDY & BROS. ALWAYS. South S ide. All :\l odcrn S tevens Point. FRANK'S-F-RUIT STORE. -- Tol. l 63. Accommodnt ious. Rcnaonuhle. Pric""' Coraor First . .d Clark St10. T. C. KOBELA, - Dealer lm l tsleal lustnmeats ud Repairs. Pr11itJ, VegetJblea, Coafectioaery, Oysters, Cil&rl, t obacco, Etc. Bicycle Livery and Repair Shop ..ot ..... . ~-- Te L ItS. ~ •• _.• • _. Poi• L Wk. :Z4S 1'1 . Soc:oad St ., SteVOila Pol• t, Wlto . P . J ,. KOSTVCH , P. W0ZNICKI, TONSORIAL PARLORS. High Grade Biclcles. 8 13 Stro•as Ave• ...o. Stovoas Pola t , WI&. »<•ys, G h·c mo u ('u ll. JOSEPH GLINSKI, L eading Mezchanl Tailor, Shop oonbeut oor. Public Square. 360 Mal• Street. Steve•• Po lat, Wlx. DEALER I N General repalr lo(l rromp\17 dooo. 0 vo mo a call . lorolo Llvory. 12t S. S•co•d Stre•t. 8 t •v••• Pol•t, WI.. JAeess H0USE, l'f, J ACOBS, Prop. ·-·..... Leading Hotel in City. StevOil• Pol•t - - w ''• J111119181M~HE EDUCA'l 'ION required . to be a OOOD TEACHER is worth much more in the commercial world than in the teaching profession. Take <t six or ten months' course <Lt the Stevens Point -susiness (~Jege and prepare yourself t9 accept one of the lucrative positions this schoo~Js comJ>elled to let go by each month for want of a sufficient number of graduates. Send for names of persons and firms desiring /he graduates of /his school dll'ring /he pas/ fear. Our elegant Catalog is Free. Our Speciaflies are: INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION, STATIONERY FREE, "DAY AND EVENING SESSIONS, GOOD c/ICCOMMODATIONS, COMPETENT 'TEACHERS, SHORTHAND, 'TYPEWRITING, cARITHMETIC, SPELLING, LETTER WRITING. Call a/ /he College or adduss 1/ze principal, W . E. A: L L E N, STEYENS POINT , WIS.