T HE WHIT!: HOUSC WASHINGTON Gatooer 19, 1339 1¥ doar tho 1. ~io't rofea3or: l 'o.nt to thank you for your reoont lot tor a.nd intoruetl11,(, a.tu-. inpor ta.nt. ttnoloirut•o . I round thia c!atr. of such !Joiport oor.Yor•d a oard con•l•tl.nt. or tho hcaJ ~hat or t!ie I have :Bur"•u or Stan4&rda and a olioa n roproaentathe or the M"Jl;f and kY'J to t.horo1 ~.l; lnveati.:;at<t the 1ouib!llt1u or your tu r.eet1on recar ini the elei::wrnt of ¥ro.niu.r: . J UI ( l &d to a&y that .-.r. v&ohe "111 oooperote and ,.,rl< ritb thia Co::nittee aru! - r••1 t. ia ia th• t ..1 u.., .rith ao•t. Ir ·.lea! a..nd er .. octive :ictho the au•J•~t . l leac aooer t. rv a 1..ncei-. than.kl . 'Ve ry sinooroly youro , fJr. Aloort ~1n1toin , ( l .:i >1l"OVO hoad, ? 111.1 au roi.L-t, ~..,.,nto , Loi..£ laluH!, lift Y r·· .