THE NeRMAL PeiNTER. 1902-03. APQIL. CONT B N T S . Samuel's Pocket Book ............ 75 Hewers of Stone .................. 76 Glimpses of the Alumni .......... 78 In Momorinm ... .... ..... .. ...... 79 Editorial ......... ................ 82 Locals ........................... 83 Athletics .... . ................... 86 Gophers ..... ... ................ -87 Exchanges ...................... . . 88 Vol. VIII. No.7. SPALDING'S E)FFH21AL FeeT BALL SUPPLI ES .,. '* '' •II ,.., """"• -~ wW. aM.~ ,. ,.._ w.u. ...,, ....,... LU.t ...._,o...,. •..:.w k•n_., t\t ~·~ trU.-..u\ II tllf kfl !.WI (tl W a61"11o. Spaldlnu'!4 Of1h.: lul l nte rc;ol'catatc Foot Boll !! ~':~~~ ':;7,i~.';'.~:~::!::',;= ;•.j.:';.~::: .~~~;~' Spaldlnff ~ t·~· patt. S. tut ,.. •• • ~~c Ne• AUac:h e ment for Foot 8111 Tilc tc.lltta 1" 1ac hlne8 Td IJ'fUTO Jf t, ltiJ tn. .., •.,, tt\t.I_ ltl ln~U.n..m til t\t IJ.IU.» \taa. .... , ... '1 \M• tnt...... ftf ..-....,, fl • '"- 1.1 BVBRYTHIIIIG RB<: UI S I TB PeR F eeT B A L L .1.\1 Joa:r,.:. 1'.\;o(T>'. >'HOt~-<. ln:.\1) 11.\ll;o(t:ss: ;o(OSt: ~1.\SKS. Slll;o( t:l".\llll>'. >'l"I'I 'OI!Tt:l:s. ST\11 Kl;o(GS. SWt:.\Tt:ns. H :lls t:Ys• •\ II mad... to •hh .. ueod tht- rou~ht·' t u[if'. ~J•:tldin:! ' .. orn,·lal t-'uut Bull tiuitJ,~ fur l!ltr~ . ..AlieN b,\ \ \'ah""r t 'amp. l'rl..-.· IH\'b. fo:\'t·r~ ''-"'' fmllt•l•,,~.- ..h,,ultl h:a\'t" uur fo'nll anti \\'lnt_.r Sport ... ( 'atalo,cu,•. )lalh.•d frt't' 1\. G . SPALDI NG & r•fto• w• BR~S. K• lll•..-r• Pt:'l't:U l<~l .l.t! \', 1\SK US Q UESTi eNS y or •111 nl•·;•) ' han· """'' fw· h1wkin:: 'llw-• l~e• .. l ··~ tu ::aln lhuc lt·an,in:: i .. •·~ cu1unl t•Xp•·rh•lh._. h-.~~tu t•nn1h•;al npt•natul.... \\'•• luu·t• houl nlll4'h"t·n UU) ~··ar-.. t•.:<p•·rh·m-.•. luu·ln~t '"'"''n t ... lnhll ... twd in l~"t \\'t• '""'' llw twknn•l· t"tl!lt'11 lt•lnlt•l... in tlw lmnkiiiJ,t hu ... h1t'"'"'• nu \ oua· lta ukln ~t husim•;o.... "' ltlt ""'· :\..;k u .. ull U:o\IIEUTAI\I:o\0 .\~II fiU I'Iol\luu -.; rou li k.~. Ulhl ~ till ~ IIJ ll\'l \\'t• will ua••nlna: nt·· p1'utllp1 u111l a-.•liuhh• inftU'IIm111111, It• II ~uu Kll Khtmt our nah•... tw· n_..,.,.h·ln:: dt')Nt ... ll .... lonn1n~t tnun··~· s.... ulna: drafh. t·t~. \\'uu14lllkt• tu luu·•· .'uu ...uu1 nn twt•uunt •·ith u .... 1.+1'\ u ... helk h tt\t•r t'HUil1 .. , .. ...., ,. Fizsl :l'{alional <if3an k, St~'WIIS Point, Wis. ~:~JIIr\ 1 .~11:-IG . ALSO DEALBRS IN FURJJTURE. knu•·lt'()~(>. itu• Gt:O. \ \'. ( ' I .U!'.U!". KE LLE Y & CLUNIS , litO. ltl'.! ASO tlW STtcOSU)( A \ ' t:. ST8VftJ(S POI NT, WI S. UV TE) NE)W! WHAT? L YMA N 'S PHeTeS. J. L . J EN"BEN", .....c:v ••• "nPu ! Groc,e r ies . Bla: Jo Fto•r. ~,~1 2 C:k•~ It S.•bon T. .,. •H c.u •.,.,. •114 .,34 Ma l• S lree t. Tel ...... ST~\' t:.S~ P()t_.~T. \\'I,.COS~IS. WISCONSIN CENTRAL R :A:I LW:A:V W. J. S humway, INSURANeE CLARK S:TREET. 4:1:1 Ma nitowoc, TC> nllwaukee, Chicago, 41'10 ALL POI ICTS EAST AND SOUTH. St. Pa ul, nlnneapolls, A. J . CUNNEEN & Co., Ashland, Dulut h, Men's Furnishers and Hatters, NORTH AND W EST. 455 Main Street. A ICO POI ICTS IL F. 'l'l'IC'\ EI .I., .\ ;!CIII, S I CI'<'II" !'oint. .1 . ('. 1'0:'\ J), 0 . 1' ..\~t .. ;\lil wuu l;(..,.. ~o-gv YE E . A . ARENBERG, "rELA.or- FRENCH, CAMPBELL & CO., THE LEADING JEWELER TEL. 167 - 3, 1-i'n~ U' ul._·lt 'l(quiring o1 SfVdullr. P. o. S t eH'"-" 'ft' l ... IS HEAO\,Il" .\H'n:Hs t'OI: ANDRAE & SHAFFER CO., ~~~~~~!a~:~~~!is, Ect. J~[ Ho•e· ·" '•do Ca• dlc-... Confectioner)' a ad T)tte• P lctUre'!'lllDCI l'feturew;~'r:~~:=~~~l\y. U9 Matn Deale r s Ita Dry Goods, earpets, GO'£ IT. II It'• onythin)tln thu lincol dru~•· or on)· or tho mAn~· kinds of ~oocls that druggl~tl'l "-'arry. wo,·e ~otitand 'I' H E BERT. PrescrlpUon Compounding is onr Specialty. I~''H ~\·.. nuc. Td. POI~'T. C hemist~ lA•tt.. llrttl. ~Loll('nt. (;. t:. M<:-DtiL t-;., J . l-"d17u,.r. \'h•e l"r-k1•Dt. }(.. IJ. J••bo .. •n ' """ l (.,' ~'"b ie r. y_ ·'' · Kremboo. f"-'vk ket:lk'r W . F- AtWC!'ll Me.....eo.c..r Capital $100,000.0 0. Stale DeposiiOfY. Couoly Deposilory. Cily Deposllory. PHOTOS WILL I'J.E.\ :-i E rot•. .\:\ll SEE 1·:-;. RESSLER, Photographer Studio M a in Street, STEVENS POINT, WIS. F. 1\. 81\ LL, LiYcry and Rmmli ng Stahl(•, STF.VF. I'IS P OI I'IT , WI S. Frci,:ht. nnd 'l'ran,.fcr l.ine. ('ut•ner Xorma1 and St.'"-"und sU'\.."ttM. Tel. !H. Xorth l41dc Public SqU:ll'\:. :wenu~ J. WORZALLA & SONS, "'IJNAI. Il HS I N liJJz11 Goods, Clothing, ~itory. Shoes, Hats and Caps, CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK. GillS' IURIISHIIIG GOODS. ll!CIIES. ClOt:lS. JIIURY. OJU»'TOHS. l". .\ . fl:tmt\ckt:r. t-; ••J. l'tiiloer. I!. A. C"ook. Loui>< Udll. S .•\ . \\·cck. John A. ~1 urat. n. ~:. FrO•'- \\'. \\'. ~ll«:hcll . Stevens Point , Wis. ~~ ~l cl)lll. F I NE S H O E S. I'O~IE WIS. Pm~~ri~lio~~ fiiiM Ni~~~ or D~~ ...... ovtt··· Meyer Drug eo. t:. AND Q UR :A(. BE"R,E:l'(S, "Prop. BATH ROOMS IN CONNECTION. Normal School HAT S ~"U·I Citizens Tonsorial Parlors, Druggists and CLOTH INC, ~wggists. Ta ]!lor. Bros., Uoda Citixos Satioal lb.ok. SIEVESS ~W~K[ RH~Il[R~, WID[ ~t. \\- E'YE Ill Strons:e l'o'"' · .... '1 Main S t .. orro~ll c Books, Pe riodicals, S choo l Supplies, _ Ia c;on•cctlo• wl t ll our J e welry d .::rMr t .. cnt •c at ..() rc...-lr Watc h.c ... Clocli' ••d Jewelry, ••d a.• :tra • t cc a ll worL t o be t if':'"t -cla.... Our Pr·lC:c!> o n GoloOd._.. 'ft' ork arc rea~•· a.blc ••d a .... to w ._.., be fo•a4 ••y• ..crc J. ••d c.• ~o:rz~ •••-•>'" <'*' & o:na. 4 12 Main S treet. Tbe New and IAI~raed £411ioo Ia THE TEACHER'S CHOICE. A of R.'iGLISII. Ol'*"'plly, l'lellon. .... ~plly. l)loUoNuy N ew Pl • t •• ThH•Ih••t No- Added 25,0 00 NEW WOJU)$, Pb.._ Elo. ~~~:\&1.,!!·~~~~.!-: •••~ ••·•~... soot 2l'4 Paa••· Jlhut..• U• •u. UOS . CHA& R. 81trSXE.n.. Xew YMil 8C1te S\tpC~ of Sdtoob. C"aalll tl THE KING AMONG BOOKS .u.u Wetiwr"• ~ ~ w1tlt 8ooullb G.._:ry. tto. Slle t xiOs:'6 lne*- ,...,.,. .. "rJt..c:IIAl ......,_. IIW ltitcJtoll:uJI•mt! • "n' !11' ! .' 1 :!"'"'!'.•' bn<obooboetnon•:r, ...uoo. G.~. MI:IUI.IAM CO., Sprteaned, Mua. lUwtntiM;~o. lnqualitT.~lnela." o.;Ei& PALACE BAKE~Y For a olce lloe ol JOHN NORTON, Ill N. 3d St., FrtU Qecelatn, Ice Creaa u• Bakery GeoU. GENERAL REPAIRING. MAS. C . P . MASO .. A CO. Uirycles nnd Guns n 'pt!(lialty. DILLE & OSTER, Buckingham & Engberry I te S ere ... An. T. ...._.. ... Insurance,Real Estate, Loans. Solicit Your ltOOtllll 4 aad 8, Atwell Bloc:k. FIRE INSURANCE. The F isk Teachers' Agency, DR. F. A. WALTERS, t'J!:~~~~ CllCIGO. Ill This Company receives Calls and fi lls positions every month in the yE:ar. Enrollment entitles you to two years active M embership. Wrlle ,..·oooe wbeo lolnrmatlon lo deolrod. c. w. <.'ROciCEII.1 ~i!s~:.':~~~maiAYD, (Maa~N. C. 0. D. STORE. Always Reliable. No Trust, OlliE ~CE TO ALL. Caton. lo the Kom~nl ludent~· Wnnl.i. ~.· R<?TI'ii\I A.N. t,.l.IONI CIVEN. PRN<!Y 1\RTI<!LES. i EMBROID· ERINC ALL fliNOt »>su._. .._ " - til ef til• llti•L liD ..aft UIJIQl ,..raal ,,....,.ollclr..a ART MATIIU AL.. 11 19 Clark !lrreot, HOMfOPAJHIC PHYSICIAN AND SORGfON. Office hours 12 ~o 3 and ovouiu~. HENRY CLARKE,'t "A«• ........_.r Th.o ~cilic Mmoollif~ ~~~mnc~ comoonJ OP CALIFORNIA Pllcnl•heto the lowut rate oompallble with at..olute aeeurlty. I . Pro-lloa tor tllo E•t•t• ••d Fa•lly. 2 . P rot.,t loa tor Old 4&e. 3. 4 Ftaaaclal 4acllor Ia Tl•.. of ••re B••'•"• Tro•ble•. Mr. Clarke will gladly call upon any oltbe clllz.ente of St.eve.nt Polnt. and t urround,nK country, who are In rood health and dealre lnturaoce, and he will 1\JmiJb any lolonnallon_ ~gardlng Ule lruoui'IUI(le that may be deal red. 8Md pootal ai•lng data ol blr1b and the amount of lnJuraoee. aBC! aar whether lor pro.-toa oaly, or oombl.aecl wllb .,. • .,..._,,, Loeal .,...... wan* In Por1age, Wood and Wau•bara couo~RI:Yav CLAJua. 110:! ~lin- . .e., Ste•eno Polo&, WI.. THE MEW AKD UP-TO-DATE ( lON80RIAl PARlORS AND 8AlH8. ~ader Atwell's Dru1 Store. CHINESE LAUNDRY Guarantees First-Class Work And Cheap. Goods called for and delivered. H. WING lfL . Strongs ave. . 1r6 · R. O·B ERLATZ • . MERCHANT TAILOR, . . ·. · 608 Park st., Stevens Point, Wis. ·. GeeD ·S HE)BS! l LITTLE BETTER FOR l LITTLE MACNISH ;:~n~ps~~~ol '" ova sHoEs. Buck, Barrows & Co., · NEW OOODS. L'ttest Sty_les in ,Fine Millinery 'M"a.1 n S'tree"t. FAll~, ~ 18 Mala Str.eet. I .. the cheapest place in the· city to buy your dinner set, faoc.v china, lemonade sets. wine Bets, crockery., la.mps; also d1·y goods, 8hoe , clothing, ha.ts, caps, notions. tlinware, ~ra.nltware and v•ys. we· also carry a complete line of millinery_. 315 Main st. ~· SHAP.('ON. AT THE BOSTON 0. W. FILKINS & CO., CJ.TY LIVERY ·AND rRANSFER .LIN.E. HACK AND BA60AOE. C01·. Normal ave: and N. '£.hlrd st. Tel. 58. . TEVENS POINT, WIS. . . . .RETON BROS.&> Co., DEAT.ERS IN . Oold and Silver Watches, Jewelry, Clock!!'• Silver aad Plated Ware, :a«u..:l.oa1 :a«eroha:.1dt=e. STEVENS POINT, W{S. ·The Most·Comple~e Job Office __ -:- - IR !JIB CitY. - New · Fast Ma~hlnery, New S~tes . of Type. Having the best and fastest presses, w can afford to print Jolls BBTTBR and eRBJl ..ER than the printerR with their . old tyl .slow presse"S. W e pl'int everything printable. Give us a trial order. ~- :a: o -r-r:m:E"l.; -. · Publlaher, Ocaerat Book aad Job Prlator, 410 MAIN ST. STEVENS POINT, WIS. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, STEVENS POINT, WIS. NEW BUILDING: 'rHOROUGHLY EQUIPPED. - ALL MODERN AIDS: APPARATUS: LIBRARY: COMPLETE GYMNASIUM. ~ETTER PREPARATION FOR ~ETTER 'TEACHING. A Large Corps of Experieoced Teacher~ fully abreast of the times. A large attendance of earnest. advanced Students who are Actual Teachers. The new wing now completed adds one-half to the capacity of the building. Tllree Adv. .cocl COMMIOII, two.yeare lorBIOH· SCU.OOt. 01UDUATE8 ""d OTHl"..R compoC.CnL nud· ( ent1. Pf"lllilrftdnatOt\udlcaln ~tlcnoet , r...anauage•, f (;lvleo and PedogOIC1· Dlplo•a equlul~to LJFI!8TATE C EKTirtOATE. l!l•••etary COMrH. \WO 1e.a... ,for lbotebOid• lng certlft....., or po.ulog eat!""""" uamloatlona. IT:::::::?~~~~~=~r~;!•;~::. \0 Llll· eo.... Scllool eo....... noe rear. lor optcla.l ~>es>eat ol tb""" •bo muot teach ooon. Preparatory eo....... ....... oolt, liTinr proepara<IOII In all common branebes. Tl>eoe ciao- oro u.urht b1 rtglllor Normal teacben, or under l.belr dl.- onnlrhr.. <. Solocllo• of S111dloa permlued to teaohoro, undor tavorablo clrcumst-aoooe. l'low Cl..,aoa lonned lour tlmea oaoh tear In oearlt evert oubject In tbe cou...., ol ttudy. exrcpt •~•uln, Cermao and ~nrooad!f&nced •clenw•ludlot. Tbe q ulrten begin No•. 3, JAN. 23, APIUL 8. Board 12.110 to 13 per week: all ochool chara-e• about •1.25 per qur.rter ( 10 weeka ). No tuition , _ In Nonnol el..._ for ~booo expeetlnr w teiCb. Tllhlon GS """'- per week or looo Ia p.-eparatorr gradeo. Wrlto to r ci rculars, or BETTER 8Tl.L..t.. aak deG· all<! C!I>OII Iou about ""1 part ollhe aebool work. a nd lie\ an lmroedlal<l penooaal reply. Add,..., the l'reoldeu, THERON B. PRAY. S'-• ono Polo~ }Via. THE N0RMAL 1?0INTER. Vol. VIII. Stevens Point, Wis., Jlpril IS, 1903. No.7. LITERHRY. SAMUEL' S POCKET BOOK. Samuel EJal1 was 1he only :-;on of hl:-~ doting parents; and,_.•.,. consid(>retl- byhimself,at.lea$tthe smartest man in )tarsh,•llle. His Jlersona) ap1>earanoo ..... ~ rorn<'what striking. He WD$ tall. lank. nod lnt;.•Hn('t) tO feel incumbered by his hands and feet. He wa" sandy haired. •·ith f'Ye:S and complexion to match. \Vh(l'n Nature s•lanned Samuel's personal apJX"eranoe, shf' did not beJie,·e in contrasts, but in a :dmJ)Ie unifonnity. Samuel had been brought up on a fnnn ~ and at the nsre of t"· he hnd nut been farthe r th"n thirty mlle8 from his homP. At this eJ>OCh In hi~ hhuory he ~old a colt which his fathe r .ca,·e him, for SC\'enty.fh·e doll aN. "-, hh such un e r\onnoul'i jlum ot money in hi~ pocket. hi:oc ideas of JiM ~rrew very much wider. Now be tt>alited how circum· scribed hi• life had I>Hn. Aft~r ghlng the matter much ser1ous thought, he deci~ed be should lra ''el. So, one morning at breakftUI't, he frightened his mother by saying ·•t am gotng- to Bosting•. , B.ts mothot· s prang from her scat, upM!-~g tho tea urn on her elean gingham apro1\, anti fte•· to &he •ide of ~r •on. "Samuel !'* she cri~. "'you're jtoln~ to h«ne another Rpell in your ht'ad, l know: You was wok a fort &·talking :'itrange !" uZebulon," to her hu~band, ·' you~d better hu\-pe.".~t the old mare and go after Dr. Jones." ' ·1'1? tnake you ~orne cat_nlp tea as quick as I can, Samuel, and J)Ut a mu11tard plaster onto yer stomach!'' "Don't be spooney on a reller,old lady, " replied Samuel. I guess if you had as many greenbacks a11 f'vo got, you'd want to go ~ fur ren paru ~~~ HQh ~ Samuel. my boy~ you can't be serllf !'' cried Mn. Hall in great dU.tre•• of mind. .. Yes, I'm a~ ~crl~i K~ e ,·er Parson Ul"'Q•·n -.·,u to a roneral. I've heard tell or BO:itlnjC, and I am going there to :«'e' the sight~.,. So, next m oMllng, h e set out tor the station. Re was re~;pJendeot ln a guit of home·l'iJ>Un ga·ay. adorned with steel button~ ,.·hich shone and glit~ tered like so many run moon.s. Ells ''est was or ~arlct veh·et, hl-!1 neck· tie had long tx-e.n u!ted a~ ribbons on his mothe.r"s Sunday bonnet, his oollnr stood UJ) arou1\d hlj& neck unylel dh\JI as flUe. On his arm he curried a basket full of eheese ami dough-ou~, and following molher'~ ad,·lce. had taken with him the oiU gun which had been hts grand-father's. He would need something with whl~h 10 d•fend hlmselr. Rl:~ montl:y wa~t dcpo~ lt.ed tn hls father'M old }M)':ket-book. Ever~· few moment"' Samuel ta·led t.1 make hlm~U • man o f pi"'J>erty. and gentl~· palled his pocke' 10 a-.ure hlnL•ell. The cars drew Ul' to the platform, Samuel lo('Ot on board and plum pad do.,·n lntn the ftrl'lt vacant seat which pre~ antcd lL~elf. Be looked around at the;c. One gentlenian, he ~lded at once, was a plck-poek.e l. Pick~p<)Ckel !l alway:oe wore blaek whi""ke~ &'l 1 rlng" on &heir llule tlng en&, ho had be~n told. This man answered to &be d e.••crlpllon. He occupied &he seal In fronl ol Samuel. and wa~ reatJing a oeWSJ)aper. At the next slatlon, a very hant!Aomc younl.( •·oman ~Ot> to. Samuel thought Mhe W&-'l beautiful: and thaL )fary Ann OlnkK wa.:c ~I mpl y ugly In comparison • ·hb he r. She paust!d be8lde the seat of Samuel. and "ait_l in a sweet voice, "Is thiH eogasced '!'' Samuel an!lwered, blushiog aod s tammering likt· a .Wool-boy, ·•Engaged? well, no. 1 haln't ex· 'I'll E ~0101.\ L ar11y: tho ~lary Ann Oinkoo~ ha~ wok quhf' a .!>hintto nw. I boujtht her a bo"un1•Jtln uf a JJ!eddlnr. la~L fo;prJn.:: buL that halu' L notliln~. ·• •'()f course not." tht hnl>. ~Ia>· t ~it , do.-n 'f' ..To be .;;hurt: ~._., rh:ht do•"'•\ : Ut· >ou P(J1~TJ-: 11. the elty. 11·. my opinion, lha~ II you've lo•t the monty, that the glrl ••ho sat In tht !!'elL • ·ith you h.. goth:· t•She!''' t.'Xclatmed Samuel. "' t waK as much a• enga~~ t~ her. You know the~·6 "uch a tblosr t•n- a• ""'' •lghl ••• .. &.peclallr •hen cheobJeet's a red poeket·book ••No, H 3lmpel"f'tl th~ la dy. holdln)t l~r ha ndkfl"'- cootalolnfC ~,·enty.. ftve dolla1""', •• anJ• ·ered tbe conduttor• ••\Vol,'' ~aid :-ta.muel, ''1 gut'"" 1*11 f:O back honw. Conductor, you just hot• up a moment t:•~· mat I ask'!"' <hl•l up 10 her Ia«''? .. \Val, that i• stnn)o.rt" % Y ou <t't' I 'm a man uf ll"'Uih, U I 1M' a man of IJr'UJ~t~rt~··" • ·~rhen you art • ·eahh>· Y" Ha rtlnl('! r·,·e g"011Cf\'(•OI>' •Ih·~ llvllur)O In here-! .. lapping hi• poekec. 0 TM younsr lady attemtHt.-d tu look .. ultably im1~· . . ,..,.t and •nqul..-.1... ,,.hal >hall 1 call you. ·•f;a m'""l'• mrnanw--~amut>l Han • .\nd~ou• ~~·· ··Kalhrrn Onnfo. •• Samuel looked at ht-r at\f'ntiYtl> : and befort' they had tra,•eled many mlleo4 II 1\a ..h~l 0\'tor him tluu he wait in lo\"e, ''IAok here!" said he, "why chn't you ami I make a bargain 't I haln't t n.cag,.Y, ,\' OU a re not. and we·~ both of u!t ., atood l ook In): lUI the> nf"xt on~: and 1'\"f got t•u cow" to homP • f'f't1 ont> and a brindled ooe-both o f 'tal ma r hand<i to tum out butle-r you f'Vt!r "'("f' ~ and buttfr 1" tw-eot.) fty~ t"eDL• a pound no .. : and I ttoll )OU. If you'll have O)t. you'll ~llaU th•buner and no que,tion .. whe~ the mont>rgt>e"': antl ,ou can dl"(• .. , tn silk... and 1111ln~e, too.·· At thla sta~e o f h1-c dtoelorst!.On"· c•ur hero IHII hl!4 hand tn his pocket, afrt"tl' vale. a nd ~ tartt*'d to hli~i ftet •• •-tt.e·~ J(Ot It!" $houlfd ::tamut"l. '"~top hinl: I knoWfll lit' wa• 1ba1 k lod ol a l•ll~r wt...n I H,...l ....,... him : H•lp OJ<> hold him.""' " •hody. qul<k :·· •nd he HIU'd tlw a.~oni ...Jted Jo!f'Dtlt'ftlau ln front hy the ihouldtr. "If tiM! J:tntl~man wl"l'(•" w ,M'an•h nw. hf' (,.at ~~rft.oct liberty to do 1110." an~&•'e n-tl tin· ~oH•n tlt-m;m In black. Tht ~areh wu .c .Jihurt: t,ut It dt-\'t"hi J~'"tl nothinK' twyond a few pat-e,....• ,.,onwo l'h&fl)tt'. "h~. "TbeC"'df'Gl.&a whom yuu have ju--t -...earc:htd ... ... a(d the eondunor...,.., th~ I ~Yt>T\'nd \\·uodbur~. of u.o . .too. oOf' o f tbt- Dk• .. t r¥"'1lt"("lrd dt"f"'l> •Dt-n in while I glt OUI. ,. Samu~l was tnfonned that he could atl"ht at thE.> next station t•·o mile:t ahead. Ue did &O; and the rocurn craln brnught him haek 10 ~larsh•llle by noon the next day . He cold hi• mother he had bf<on robbed: and J>~od 10 cak• o ff hi~ hal, when he • aw 801110 thing wbteh tau-ted him to exclaim. "" It's htre ~ It haln'l ~n •tolen! I remember It all! \Val no" ! 1 wu d readful afraid 1·d lo•• my money, so 1 puL lt into m,· hnt. l guc.MH it'll JO!ilL a8 you say, mam, that l hu.ln't fh to go to tht!8e furrln pa r ts. 1'1131a y 10 homo, pu~ money In che hank, and marry Mar, Ann Rinks. l ' ,·e 5t"en enutr of the wo rld!'' M . OLSOs. mr HEWE!IS OF STOllE. Thl• spot where w-e stop under the abnapt wan~ or a barron hill, upon "hlth a warm liyrlan •un '"' rt<>urlng lu brighc r a y!!, 18 only an abandoned stone quar1·y. To a ('&Jtua1 oh.Mcrver, It would po..e.. I hiI• ol lncere,n : hut II ma y be worth our whU~ to enter that curiou.s narrow ntehe with parallel ~Ide-c. l""or some twent.y f~t 'we ean lnlo lho I'O<"k , and chen we '"'" ' a •lralghl wall fort) 1~1 hll(h. rnugh yet whh che mark~ o r lh• plek• that cut the chasm, mark"' rnaclt to mans C'f'Dturle" a)lo that e,·en thl' natlonalll>y o f thP workrNi I"' f011:0Uen. \Vhat wert they doing, thos.r old·tlrne t~tone-ma· ~On!C? A tchnllar niche about fourteen feet away runt~~~ Into thr rock and parallel to thf one w~ en· tt"red. .\ ft•"~ rnon1enL' thouiht and llw purpose I• ••ldenl. Thho nlehes. ju•t wid~ •nough 80 thai on<t rnan can work ~· ~ In f&th. could bf eon· tlnUf'd ''far'" the CDf'O . .n~ oouhl te oonotded *' Tm; by a ero.!').;;c pa;o; ...a$.N""w-&y, and fO a l'UUld be separated from the <1111'. huJt~ ~0101.\ I. monolith Upon that plan the ancient~ mu:!lt have •·orked: for a mile awa~·, nearer to the \•lllagt to whlth •to urt bound Jies upon tht around, ab3ndoned, u~ h• ....!lo. such a perft"Ctl~' ,.qual"fd -toM •~ one ha,. dlllk!ult! In lmaglnlnJC. It I• •tDOOthed and •llll !oh&rp to ILS outlloe-c, and lu dlmtD.!'Ions are slm· piJ' toOnoow.. S...-eotr f...t long It 1•. br fou,.....n f...t hlgb and fouruen f,...t -l"f'· Think of a room founeen feet high and feet square, and then reaHz.c that th•t 111Udl roomJ end to end arc In thl8: one "tone. \Vhy l!i h here, vn th•-. roua._;h and bart1'n hlll·J\hlc half·•·ay bet••oon thto quarry 'and tl•e ~ beyonU u.!lY MJiD!i of the great temple •·e can \Va~ It tou large to be tran"l· pol'tN? If they,tho_. olden time art'bltecL•.rould ~• It out. 8t h -.o fauhJ~..,Jy. a od bring It tbili ()Qt rough mile. wby tould thfor not carry h lO lu dhtlnadoo? Did famiM, or war, or ))f'8tllence ~iUikt th~ w-or"kers 't and nre their &Ucce.J!rOrs a feebler cia.-.~&'? Blstor~· ha" no an~"'·er to gl,·e che:;oe que,. tlon ~~J. They are tunong the my""tcrlfM, But O\'e.r Lb.ero at. Daalbek what can we ~ '! In some respecut, the grtiW8t, most lmprt;c§h'e Nlns of tbe world. nw outer wa11, the wall upon which rtSt. Nln!i of at IN .. t two otbt:r marvel· ou• buildings of dl!l'tt~t ag6. _ . <'00· ~ with our ~rtN l(lant on tile hill·olde. Tbe fouodatloo la)'"f'n are eoonnor.a!l bloe.k..i or ,.qua red otoae rt.lng to a beij!ht o f perhapo thlny feet. Upon them Is a layer o f 8lx &'Iones each thirteen feet high ond thlny feet long, lyinj( end to end; rl~lng upon them another layer still. the famou:!l trilitbon who8f thrtoe b1ock1l a roe each fou,... teen feet square. the loo~Jiit ~lxty·four feet lona-. and tbe other two Dearly Its equal. All are .o clo.oely fttted toge!Mr that wile., ~ joints han not been chipped by fo.....e tl I• almoot lmpoulblt to deted the line of junctlo't,: where no wa" tY"er used. ' PerhaJl" thePI!Wllclan laid the... wall•? perhap• they were built In tho~ day• when· there we~ 11ionlA in tbe land Y No one know.. What a deld lor 8IJ~eoeU.Iation! How d~ lma;clnatloo plays about thooe prlmeYal t~ ! What rountle.. hwnan btlnp mut h&\'e labored Mre •here now bot a ~uatld Y"lllage exl!il!i: \Vhat. loYe• and hatH. POl ~T Ell. ii what ambition... what intellt"(•tual atrowth. and what dt"l'A~ '"'"""'.. had their da.) In tlw fof\•runners uf tht•"'(l halt ch·ilited native.. who nuw ~« per. .. l!i.lf\ntly for ll "cAnt~· charity! ·rtw ancient wall must h'n•e l.K"t'u built ••h(>n U•alb.-Jc: ...... Olc.l: long tht nlMR'Illfh.'t"nt teiU· J•le.c of th~ ~uo and of Jut'htr ro...P In Jttate-ly ):I"'Odf'ur abovf' the ..orJc ol dM"-.e fOf1rOUeo pt"'pl~ a nd tben tbem_-eh·e- fell Into d<ea7: a •~m r •r1rt"-.." took the pia~ or the templf'•. and In it.;~ tum wa"' de,.,troyfd: a gorarf'Ou .. Ort'tk(hurch wa~ made from the wreck". and now that l'ltand"' a pletuf'l\~ue ruin of archei' and eolumn~ • •hose mh·· matched cavltal~J ,chow that ~'·en ••hh ,cueh a store· hou ~ or t•lt•Kant..<oe and beauty, du• httt>r arehltf'Ct' •·t'rt lnooma>al"'lbl~· poorer. 0/tbe beauty. tbe sublimity of the.., congl....,... ratfo Nln~ we cannot ~peak now. If tiW"~ won! ... about tM trlltthOI\, tbe abandol\fd monolith. and tht dt'Oof'rwd quarrit" wUI ~1ar1 a u·aln of thought antl a IIUlt n"&dlnJl about that wontlrrful Syrian "-'l:lon. thl" note ha-. ac.."Compltshed It"' pursJO~Ce. tkhold thll' ruin! 'TiN 8 MkHII, Once of etiiP, •pirlt full. Tbls narTOw ~11 was Ute-'11 f'f'tl"\'at: n''"' .!Cp1,Ut was Thouxht ';a In) ''""'rlou ... '"'': \Vhat btateou!l •i.slons ftllfd tbl"' •pot! \Vhat drtams of plf"a!llu,.. lonsc toric'ot! Nor Krltf. nor joy, nor bopt. nor ft"ar Hac left o~ Irate or rec.-onl h.-.,.. Oeneath thl"' rnoulde.rin« eanopy Om.."t :dume the hrls:tn and b~uty t•.)t-: "'"r" ro:. Yt>t. tU the'dl~ma1 void! It O<>Ciall.,.·e that ~yo employ..t, It with no law)f"~ .. Ore h )t'leamt"tt, Out thru tlw tlf'w~ of klodM.-c t)(!oa11'W"d. That ~>• •hall be forever brl11ht \\'Mn •taN and "'un art "unk fn nlahL Within thl• hollow eavem hun~e TI1t l"'t!ady. ,_wut. anti turwoful tunf(uP: If f'al<ehood'• hooey It dl•dalned, And when h c •uld not pral~ wa" •·halntod: It bold In Vlnu•'• cau.., It •i>Ok•, Yrt Kt"Dtle concord ntvtr brokt'. n1at h10f'fu11 ton~u~ iball I>lead fur tl~ WIM'n tl4'ath W>nils E:kmlty. ~~-,.,.,U. J TilE :\OR)Ir\ L POl ~Tt-:ll. 78 H LVM N I. GLI MPSES OF T HE AL UMNI . .,,le Alumni ...:..thor. h~· <ooflndlnJC out frantic ap)M'al• for heiJ>. has bot-n ~tl••n a fi'w gllmp""s of llw Alumni from timt" to time durtng the ytar. But t~oe gllm1•~~ -o ft~tlniC and desultOry ,...that h ha.!C banJJ,· ~med worth while to try to do an) thin" with them bfofo~. Out here they al"e' in th{' las\ Ngular l:i!::me of Tnt: POINTKH. the s,adl' out o f date. and the "ery ua>·to·dcu~. •·hhout an~· urdtr o f arrangemeot.el1ronolorleal or other.•lse. U. 0. MA~7.. a\ one tim,. bu·dnt .. .c manager of Ttut Pou~~o"TJUC and for th• pa"'' few >e•r:oc a ward prlpelpal In •:an ('Ia I~. -IJCD<d during the r~ar tu acoepl tlte maoag~ment of the Idaho Beet Sugar (.'umpao.r with twadquarte~ at (.'hlcago. ELLA Devol!. Edith Root, and Edith ~lor$boll, all teacheN In t~ N~nah oc:hool1, are - l o g with •u-.s. J. P. SO)M'r. clos• 1000, fonnerly holdln11 a posl· tlon In th~ High School at ApJ>Ieton, I• now prln· clpal of a ward •chool In that cl~y. It I~ tltno for the me mbers of tht' 1\lumnl i\880<!1· atlon, the bulk of whom disappear Into the '•tall and uncut." In September, and are not lleard from again until June, If a~ all, were thlnkln~r about the Annual .Y~tlng of t~ AsSO<!Iatlon at Steven. Point during Commen-t W~k. Plan to Ill' the~ and make the ~Union a rou•lng OIW'. An eye whne-s" of a ba!tkct ball t:ame between thf' Uoh•orAhy o f \VIsoon~ln and a ~lanltowoc team, "'"Cr1M thut D. E. SchoHftld, HUwtn• Point t\ormttl'l'l rOI1ner athletic lt•JUI~r. WtU the l'llllr or ltatn(>. ('AIU. OOo>;."< ,..._, obll~'t'd to 11l•e u1•· hl• sehool about thf mtddlf of the y~ar on &t't"'unt or Ill twahh •• He 1.. now in the- \Yf",t. and. h is hoperd. In h~alth onc:e. mort'". ~II':KL M. Alll'l..~ re.•l~~t>t'd hi• J>t><ltlun In Apt>leton, on March:!";, on &t.'\.-ount or JK)Or h~ahh. Ht" •·xs~t,. to \'tgetate on. ht"' u•r'l'l fann duriOuthl' next. ft••· month,.. A t.!'IIF.D J. !ii<RRICK sa):A-1.., I• delighted with hi• Ad>ool at Whi,.hall. Bl• dolly program. J~lmmered duW"n and •·orkN.I ou&. tu thf> fraction uf a mlnut~. •bid• ~ ,oeol u.c, df'tnflthtrated again tht• old time mathematic-al l>rtcl<o~lon •nd nicety for which .),Jr. Hertic.-k 11'> norf'd. Mtt. UOU~I'!WORT.f\• at {),coq"', JliVr Howf'li':- ··~Jeeplnx Car·· Fal'\."e at hl!'l 1Whool t'url_v tn tlw wlntfr, It Mr. Hou~ •·ortJ,. found JJiaye~ wl1u t-uuld do tht•lr pat"l.$ u~ ••t•ll un tht• tlvor und in th~ ~at of th~ ear •~ he f."'Uitl do Jtlc h\ tht" uppt.or her1h, th,.. ' U("("fojtoc of thf" produ{•t1un wa~ &!l.!!Un'd. Nothlnw ha" bfot-u IMtanl uf J. 1:1. AMES .. in<:tJaouar> 31. ( A"D IU!W L. LAitKI " . New• come• to us of the death of And row L. Larkin, a former well known fl;tudent, and an alumnuo of the ochool. Mr Larkin dl~ ·~ hlo home In Rh·er Palls last Saturday, from a audden and •lol~nt attack of diphtheria. Mr. Larkin came here In lSIU and completed hl• counoe In 1m. lmiiW'CIIately after hl•(fraduotlon he a po•l~lon o f teaclter of aelen<Xl and lan~ruage•ln one of the Appleton Rlgh "' hoolo. He re•lgned there June 100"!, Intending to att.:nd Ruoh ~ledleal college, bu~ ~·as unable to co,mplcte hi• plan• uonce. and lut fall took a n.mJlOrary position u trov~llng representath·e fora oehoohupply hou.w. )lr. Larkin while he att~ded oc:hool, hf"rt" wa.t~ ooe of &he moit prominent students", alway" taklng mueb interest In student. mattenc, and In the ~«letl.., athletl .. and rhetOrlcall. He won the local oratorical contest one year and took 8e<X>od In the s tate coote!lt. Rc wa.s all!lo the Hrol editor In chic! of the Pointer, •<>elnJC I~ clo~ a IUC.'<..'t.Ssful ye•r In June, 1800. ltr Lar·k1n wa!il a strong student and ~)()-c~ssed mony qualltl.,. which denote a leod•r among men, and 114' J>roml~ to make a marie for hlm.,..lf. HI• manr frltnd• deepi,Y rqret blic dtath. -•red 79 IN MEM0RI1\M. ALI C IA DeiHEME ~, It. i.H with dt"ep sorrow thtU. the school re(.oeh·es ltll last regular number of T•re PoiNTER. One week ago to-day wtll 00 t"(!rnembertd as the ~a dd~t of days in the history of our~hool. Jt ••~ hard to loose fore\•er two school-mates ••hhin the yNlr: hut more painful still is it to lof*' a teacher so unlve r;oally loved amon~ u!l &8 wa01 )lbs De Riemer. Llule did •·e think, when only a fe•· short w-eekA ago sho left us In tht- bflilit of hfahh to i"JX'Od a hn]>IJ~­ vacutioo. that she ne ,·er ••a.!( to 1-e·· tum to ""· tbal she had \Vhen the news r um€' away. it could JHU~ hardly be believed or reali.OO. llls• DeRI•m•r hod b<'<'" with us for nearly three years. li'rmn the finn day she "''on th€' friendship or all who met her. The time she spent among u!l wall one of pcnccfuJ and un<..-oosclou;;; oonque~t of frt..-nd· ships and hearts. \Vhe ther it •·as in the cJa~s·room or at. th~ DIED A P~I L Bradfnrd. The (i)("(' l'lub n~xl sl\ng · · Beautiful htl€' o f Somcwher('." A hymn ··~t,\' .."oith Looks U)) to Th(l(". '' h~· the ai'~mbled friend": fo11o••(>tl by n blt>!'i~lng b~· Rer. McClurP, closed tht> exercise-s. Much can bt> !iBid of the :oter\·k-es •·hteh ~lfs.­ OeRletnf'r ~o unselflshl~· l"endt'red while amon.: us. and the tx-suty of her charactt'r can nt>\'eL' be extollt.'tl too highly. But from onP -.·ho k1ww ht•r -.·ell, a~ a t~ach~r and a" a friPnd. comes thooce •·onls whicl1 wt- cannot hope to 'ext"(>l. In her memo••l al trlbutt•. ~frs BraUford said: lt. ls nottilY"p:•rllO~(' tC) deli\'tlr a tJulog,\' upon the frhond v.•ho:ote mem· ory we hunor by thig m~ting. Be•· work In thiA ~hoot during the pnst th~ y~ar~ '" a hettN· tJUlogy thnn any on~ <'an pronounc(". It I~ not vos:dbt .. for me to a:h·p ~·o u Uttlt> \Vt> shaH always mli'~ nn,· further infomuttlon than thaH 11l~nd,\' koo-.· .~ Ill 1'\'J.(nrd tu social gatherings her cou11csy ontl pleasa nt way~ always marked IH~r pre!K!ne~ . 8, 1903. lwr II((• hb•tory. ALIC IA O&R1EMER. ber. Easwr Sunday afternoon the M"hool and the at-quaiotan«>it of ~tb:s De RterrfT~'"g-athered man~· to the a~~mhly room to att(>S~ theh· ~spect and esteem o f their deJlllrted friend. A "'hor-t, UJ)J>t'O· priate prot: ram was ea rrled out. TI1e e>Xef'('i--es wt-re openl"Cl by a hymn, "Sun or my Soul." • ung by all. Tb~n the Troble C lef Club tenderly rvndel"f'd ·~e Sw(,..tly Solemn Thot. '' Scriptun- reading f'f'Om the Twenty·third, 'l"w-enty· ' fourth. and Ninetieth P~alms, and F'i~"t Corinth· tan~, flftf"<'nth. by President Pray, fo11rntlng whieh wa~ a ~onJt by the Presbyterian Choir, '"Abide whl1 ~Je." . Prayer, by Rev. Marcus McClure. Response bphe choir. Solo, t:tl><>l Kirwan Rood. Then •·as read a memorial trtbute by :\Jrs. ~1any of you. who "" studeniJO t>njoyN "·eek:oo andmonth.-o of as10oci· a.tion with htol' ln the cla.s$ room. kno•· her in a profe~itlonal wAy mure intimat"ly than I do. Oth· ers who were> <·lo.:.tly ll:tjW)Ciated • •lth he1· ln h~• uJu"l<al. :.(Wial. and t"t"Jigious lrUt-l't""h'~ httvt! u better k nowled~o.'V of her Nu"'esln(':(" nnt1 helpful· nesM iu those rteltl,c. But as her companion In • ·ork ror nearly thre<· year11, I camt' tn l"t"t."'gnb..e in her t'(•rta1n (>)emenc,. of character. t-ettain qualttl(>,c of mind and hen at. which. combin(>() -.·ith that lndt>strlhuble JWlrhuod callt-d ~rJinnalh)' , 1nadf" her inftuen('f' • •hat It .-a~ and i~. Oo this occ.·e,.ton. lt •·e are •·lghtly to t!XJll"el\1\ our gralitudt> for thai lltrJ H we arP wf~ly to I!'OIH· memo rate it. we are 10 do so, not aloo.- by word!'i Tm: ~OH)I.\1. of commtnd•tion. but by ..trh·lng to understand 11. to know tlw ~ourt.."el'l of hoc !'illtnJ,tht and the t•lt•m<"nt"' t•f lt-c tfficiency. und knuwln)C, to profit. tlwreby. lnherhlnt: hriJrhtnt-"" of mind. !\ll .. "' De JUetnE>r had ma dt' tlw m~t o f lwr n•tural e-ndo w~·nt. Afttr her el~ntary t"duratlon. ..~ laid tht 1ouodatlon for Mr WOl"k a ... a tcoaclwr In a liberal rollejle rou~. upon -;lrh ,,,.. a~.-.~rd• built thfr'~&~lal l)~paratlon In htr cho~n ,.ubject. tha\of ~graphical scient.."t'. 1).-·t ll tor a moment l'OIZ\TEH. eaj!er ehJidren grouped closely aboul he r, 11•..-n· lng to every ••01-d, and held connon,ly by their retcartl for he r t\Dtl conlldencc in he r to the ir ben e ffort. I thought, could all who would be \4!achet-s, (.'()llle to a full apJ1reelation o t the rt'al cau~ and etlect o r tb• rondltloM round In that ria••· they would be In J)O•...,••Ioo of a mo•t valua ble ldoal. Ou ...ldfo o r the ..,boot room, tbl5 •>mpathy ,.., felt b>· any who In slclrness or to trouble needod a friend. During the sea•oo o f prevalent lllnes• laJtt qu•rter, there wa.s one week when every day upon the time and etrort O('l.~lil.liRry to tUtain the arter M!hool she vhllted some Kick lltudent. Her hl'(•athh and thorough1\f.>~l'i • •hlch her t~ntclency n:c k indness wus o f a ''ery unostcntatlouM,.ort. It a tt"aeher uf goography demon .. trated. But as actuutod by the boautllul phllo•oJ)h)': "I ~ou know, ht•r prufes~tonal t'JCl<ellen<."t' wa" rl,•aled •hall pa•• through this world but on~..,. 1\ny good ht her ability t i a mu....,(dan. thing. therefore, thai I can do, or any klodnes. It I• ,..,, tn l<'t the more -<'rlou• I lllo that I can •bow to any_buiiUio boln11, lei me do It erowd out "'lme anaiomtnt o f our ea t 10utb. now. Ltt me not defer It, or ooglectlt, lor I •hall till tbe oklll gained by long hourt>ractlee Is not pan tblJ ••1 agaln." No ptl"ffn rould be more willing to 11lve lo•t o r ortakened. But ~II"• Ot• Hlemer. though dN!I>Itlntere•ted lu her -.len<..,. oml though mak· to any eauoe that noodod he r help. Of her UIUiifcUI talent she W8M Ul0Ht W'CilCrouw. lniC 118 tcachlnl( he rllle vocation, did not- relln· Whe ne ver t>08slblc, It wa• a1 the •crvke or any qull'lh her art. Ber sktll •"' a J)lanl lti&. and organl•t !IQ o ften enjoyed by u• all. t<••tlfted not only to that needed II, and was freel y and jlraclouoly an lnhertnt love of mu....~te. and "tudy of tu classi· glvoo. Pl,..t o f all, the school prodted by It, and eo I txpoDOOL•. bul 10 patient yta ... of effort lo the tbe public tnjoye<l It Ia choral ooclely, In eon<ert, and lo ehu...-h. Bu bappl"""" -.ned to tsl§l ma~ttry o f IL~ tfof'hniquto. W ltb lbe montlon or t..r l(eneral culture. her not In b .. IDIC but In gi•log. l'roftcltney In tbe tuehlng of l1er •Ubjt<:L. and Believing a• sbe did lo tbo ellleacy o r a oor:lal her muole. I ba.-e oa!Md tbe • rhlel Intellectual and reiiiCiouo ortranlutioo amonsc the young ••'\.'OmJ)lt!thtnent.s 11h e hruuJi(h\. to thf" claJltJ room •·omen ot the ii.chool , she gave her ' UI)JlOr\ to that anU t.o th~ Ploclal life ofLhe ~ehuol and <'ommunity. cau114!. and fostered Its Initiation and growth. OlU In thf~e attainmtont,t ttlone llld not lie tht 1\mo n.c other evide nces of her wllllnwneAs to serve, l6t"CI"('L o f her lnftueoee. 01· th~ chlff cau~ o f our I• tile lonnatlon o f apeelal e tas..,. during lel•ure ~rathudf' and afff<'ttoo. bou..,. lor helping ltudon\8 In eerUin llou of 11Mil fountain of beauty ln her tlff' wa .. twr ~n ­ geographical work wbl<b a crowdod courM would a boart filled wltb q..,..t•r- wlthout which •be not Jl"MDit In regular clau llmt. "''""led ~uti (()Uid not have WTOught tM ..amto amuunt o f good. In tbo o~ehool room. wl/ot.~ It I• tht chief Ingredient o f power. ttf'r 8Fmp&lhy gave her an ln!ilght Into the need• o f her pupils. a nd • n •blc'\1 her to adopt tht• and principle" o f ht•r "ubjec& to tho~ n~M. During lasL quarter, a• 1 lll14!1fli the door o f the room w'htof"f sht- ••~ waehln~ tht> Sixth Gndfo (a cia•• TOiuotarlly toktn lor the pu.._ o f brinlflnsc bor again In toud• with rhlldreo). I o~ pau~ to mjoy tbo plnul'l" of tiM' lntere-~<'d In thl• analyalo o f ber inftuoo«, another quality mu•t be given: namely, her c.tH~rluy. And thls with htr wa8 not. a supertielal ROC.lal adornment: but. ~tpranK from the heart, a s all ge nuine courtesy tnUf!lt. h wa• simply her Jove, he r 8,Ympathy, he r klndoe•• manlleotlng 118<!11 In little way1. Oe•lde• these attributes, all who knew ber came qulrktr to I'I'COjClllu another wblch rontrlbuwod a• la'1r"IY 10 her tftlcleoey, adding trreatly to tbe TalUf' of her 8f'r'flte lo what.e•er place •be wa.s ) Til E :\OH)I.\ I. 1'01:\TEl!. ~•lied \IIH>D to ftll- • quality. the lack of IM1r'l!'OO!C '--qualt~· endo'l\'etl -.·hi~h tn ha!l practically nulllRed thl'lr lnftuence. 1 nwan her o bsolut~ u liobility. Hellablllty slgniH<>• •trength ol will, the posses..., ton of that wherewh_h ob~tacle"' to pur-p ose are put a•ld.,. It man.erod not II II~<> proml"' made ln' ·olvf'CJ trivial or imJ)()rtant lntt-~L~, wbttber tbto dut) undertakm •a• light or '-•Y· ~ •be lelt tl><' tru•t hers only ~rlou• ph7•l~ol dl•obllhy. or ~imllar una"roldable cau~eould hinder IL• lulftlln><'nl. / t'lnally. In the manl l••tatlon ol all these quailtie•. t hf'l"'f' wa.;t sho•·n a I'IWN!t womaolioe.!'s. charactt-rlzed by an Individual beauty of voiCf' and manner. and re'·eallog twr o..-n peNOnal soul lutri1J\HC'· '11,._.. fault~ and • ·t'a\cnt'!i_,.t-c. ••hlch ~he J.IOI'il'it'lhe'l In L"'nunon with all humanity. •·ere of -tmttll "'l).tnl tlcntH."(• in maklnJl u 1> th(; ~um tota l of ht'r trah.. which "''e call character. h 1.. on at"'-"'unt of all thl• that "he Hvo~ to-day tn our thousrht-c and f~Hn.JPt. anti witt ~ntlnue to ltv~ PVtn ahf'r mt"mory of Mr ha• bffo dimmed b~ thi:W' ll ..f" ln many li ..H. tOUt".hNI and c.hangH. made othf,r than ttw.r would b a ve btoton by .her helpful lnftu•n<..,.. l...,et u• lX* graw-ful that she lh·ed and worked for a whl If among u~ : and wh'-'n "'~e think o f the chana'" that so ~uddenly ~,·e~t uur re1a&lon."-. let tlw ...-oro~ or the g-reat and wi<Ct, Yoh.~ afresh b) a modern J)C)ft, bring- relief and (·on..olatlon . : Bf. patient and wlse: Tl~ f ) t ' of Death Look on u~ .ritb a~ amlle: her M)f\ ca~~. That "till~ the angui11;b and that ..tOJ)"' the brtath. l..c Sature'"' ordina tion. mt'ant to bte-.c Our mortal woes wlth peaetful nothlnJCDf!!i ... IJe. not afraid: T be Power that mad~ tht l brht In your ki nd eyes, and ~t the ~ tar8 o n hll{h. And .CI\'e UM love, meant not that a n ilhoultl d it-Like a brier day-drea m quenched In •udden night. Tblnk that 10 die ls but to loll o•l<'<'p And wake ref~hed wtwre the rww momlng brt.>ak ... And ~roldeo da1 her ro•y •ll(or take• ~'rom tb~ wind• tho• fan ettrnllle•' lo r bel;tbt. And from the white Cl"'eSL"' uf (fOtl'~~>l)fr"'>ttualdeel)· ·• 40 81 TilE tl2 APRIL 1~. f:DJ"!'(UUAI. .II. ~·. ~0101.\L l'OI ~TEH. lea ,.e aml the long lime from J uaw to S..·pt('mher to think It O\'er, may hels> the next man ureatl~. Our ptt.JX"J' mluht tx· mute rlally lmpruvt'il lhet'1"by. In the cu-.e of the foot ball manng(•r. lw woul<l Wtl. o•· be able ~hlwr In the • prlng. befo,... ·•·hool "'"' running .~thly, 10 schedule dosl.,.bl<' IC&Jil4'< on fuo .,.ble da~•. ~TAI'"JJ". IV ADJ.t:t(lll, '0:1 .••••••• , ••••• ~:CIIt or-ln·Ch l ef ;-\r...Ut:lrr Y.o~u, 1tt3 . ..•• . . ..••.•... J...Itt' rury Etlhor u~·-·-~ A. O'C'O:<NOR, 't~l ... t:tlllor Joll)' Column• • .. .. .. .. • Lo<.:al t:tllto,.,. llC.'<RY ( 'UKRA:<. '(»., . . . . . . . . . . . . . Athlellc Editor ('. P . Ot.SO:<. 'GI .... . ..... .... t:xohanll" t:dltor Al<F.LIA ~I'll. ·~.n.. .. .. .. ,'l'.,.lnln~ Department '&·.f~v ~~~~ti~~/..00 } From tl\('1 mornffit this numl'Jf'r or Ttu: l"tol:lf'TY.H goes to Jlrt'~" your ser,·ant~. the Nllton~, wilt d evote their entire ss>are time to the SouV&NJR. They u1'C •crvh>IC you. What will )'Ou h>ve Y Tho Sou\'enlr ••Ill h e what they can m[•ke 11. with rour ~·lp. Tug souv~Sik Is Issued for at h.~a ..t twn J)'lrV0"'"· Oof'i I; that h IDay ..t r·ve ~-& t. hapi>Y rr· mlndtr and mtm,.oto of the dayl' "'J>.."Ot at thl .. durlnJ: 1110'! -3. To II• peg<>• you ma~· ~." ft:·:-" .no.·~:~Oi ·· o·~~~J!e~~~~[!i~~ Kbool him to tutu ~ yNrs and ~all the many plt a li"ant WC.'ZY.J, I'I;VER. • ~:,;'~. '·oo. I A-.'t llu•ln•-s ~lngrs Incident• or ""hool life •· they are brot 10 mind by the race• or names of teach! rl'l and Achoot .. Wll.>tA A. 0&8KW.. 'tt:l, ) PR&SS ASSOCIATIOS. mates:. You wlll N!&d again with prldo tha re,.,.J .. lo'HKO (", S0Mfo.!RS~ 'tXi •• ,,, •• ,,,,, •• , • , t>l"f'ot lc.l~l1t rie!!l of ynur c la~ts·mtltes, or the trlumph11 ot your A. D. }\IUM..EK, '04 .... . ..• . •• •• ••••• •• • .'l"'rea~urer •:oaTil M 1-Ln.L. 04. . . . . • • • . . . . • . • • . . . •. St'C~ tary ~OCINy or "team. " Or, ••hen you return homt· sou will -.:arry t ~ all your frifod" at home, an t"O· Ath.l~"" all>S~ )(·tt~ to tl1~ bu ..tne.. " man· aact'r. Artlelf'" .solicitt"d rru:n fonnt•r .. tuden~ and tertalnln~t •nd amu!!llng r"'e'-4Ume of your year at h •a\' ht"n.. 'I(EADERS and SU8SC:RIHBRS a,... .,..pod· lhl• ~onnal. Ther wUI pral.,.. you. or tMT will tully r"\'qUthotfd tu pa1ronl~te" our ad.-f"rtl"""". roa.t you Ju•t a, they ,.... ftt. and you will bt all the btt~r lrl~od• for II: anu will rom' back n.. t year, tr you a re thu.1 fonunat•, an~l do ~tt~r. Another rt&§OO: Not only your frlend-8 b .1t Ut•n:·tufO"'-' it ha~ lK'fon lht! cuo~wm ro elect the •·the" ..•UI ~ tht~ "year book'' ot your &ehnol. urth.•t•rl!i HC "t•hool lh•"OC1at1Uil"ll tU lilt' heginnln)t ot and UIJOn h'4 content~ will they btt"'l'l their Citlnuatt· t• whool >ear. But ubjt"t'lJt!Jl"' "''" lw ral~ o f tbc worth of the school. 1\ p ro-cp.!etlve !ltuUent lu thl!lll nwthod In that h Juuocht..•.. tht- lncumtwoht I• like a b •ye r In tho muket. H • n,.er fall• tu upon thdr brier c:-a~" all ""' qult•:Ciy to makt> ta"e lOVeD Orf Of lbe U d OI OSf~"' at tbf) dll'l'e~n t nt"f'dful plane and f)I"\\J)&ralloo ... se!'aool..-. 1-1 • ~tz!" t.'u:n up. aod he ~!rtlecu that oo ~ Take tlwf"•itlons o f tditur ofTHCI'OJ.>.'Tt:R.and wble'l bow, tb~ mo~\ P"J~!:t. the mo'(t. spirit am) tool ball OiaO&Kf>r. Roth of tht"-.e po..hlon .. ~lK.mltl artlvlty amt life. and which ha" carrl~ hJ banner 1.. dll.d b1 ""'" not ....hool tl,.. .,...,. fearlt • oly and honorably. Thu• the Souvr.siR \' lou" lt•ar. and ju ..t a,. .. ocl€'1> pn·~hlPntc. ,.hould msy b~'Om~ our bu~lne-lis card and advertiser. It II(• t•hoct~d during the liJ,rintr: ).U'\'{"M11nJ,C. Tlwn th{• •·e take prld ~ In our school h ~hould no" be fm· t•dhur can ht• plaonin:;r un hi"' ~ork tor lht' ,.ut·t~d­ to·day on ly. hut tor all time. lnll yt•a.r: •ntl tut11tf •·· t•tu\ ubtAin con ..·l derable Let u• eml~avor to attract to our ~uhool tho,.._~ und (uttti'n) \'tory ""'lt-.>u~ ~UW'Ilt'"tl on,. rnnu tht' s tudent,. from wh()m we may ~rult uur toc:letlt~, ~drlna ~hor. :\ofllitor can not lf'a\'fll~hlnd tor and who will maintain our bannr r at the he hcht hi" ,.u«"t"-....~r all that lw lf'arr,. thnt f>X)Jit'l'if'na', t o whtch It ha"~ ~n rslRd In orator7 and athdurin)! tl~ yt-ar: but Uwo Hut.- that lw t"an lf'tlcc by th~ IDeO Of yean pa .. t. ::. ·::::: 1 &:- . E 0 IT0 RI A 11.. •'""'-.!!••·• ..... ( T ilE :\0101.\L 1'01:\TEH. LOCHLS. ••1-'arnw:n. JDI.l'e'l al 1i a . 1n. ~atunla~. •· John \\")...uc::ki ha .. •ithdra•n fn;ru ....·huul. )II'.!> Loti~ Oey<W .... a vl ...horat "-'hoot t<Hl•>· P'ruft>.,.!'oOr Collin..~ &U('""J tilt• ra .. t •t~k. ~ieoti ...t-. C.'oo· n·ntloo io t"Wea~o ~l r. !;.- .\ re tiM>><! Nonnal (ll."llnar)) 1""'1'' "~ llr. S a k!i- No : not ..tud('n-~ Proft..,....Or:.; i d r ( lt)()kinlt tt\t•r lt4'1ll',... ) "lA•t -~~~: Lo-111M'tll.. :::·· l'"rvft• .. -.ur Sanford wa .. ah""l·nt • ft•• tla) "· on At"(''OUOL or hi .. ,., .. h 10 Mllwaulu:'f.•, '"t N. Hu1110r "'ays the Fourth Alge-brn. !~oJH'\•atl wUI no t •mwh lonut•r he tw nnkno••n quan1hy. Nonnol, t'onrad ()l~on -.·on u J)rbe of the ,.tick"' of rt"tl llrf'flJl(•nnlnt l'IUldy at th(• f'oru111 tll('t•nr) t·unlt•-..t. """'In the city :\ ''-'"'' da)tl' durlnl! \'A<'ation. t...a ..t \\-.f'<l~a~ momlnJ,t thfo -,ehtlOI w a.._.. pit-a ..... andy tavoNd with a \"Q('al -.olo by ~fi .., fo'urTO. )11.,. .. t-Aina Palt:~Wr ha" romvlt•h'ilthf. full rou~ at tbt> ~ orm.a l. and lett for her honw Man:h :!7th. Mr. \Valc:etltld, ,_·elt:h·ma .. t('r for the 0. H. lt. walt a \'lsilor ut tilehonl )lardl :!.}. Profil!'l ..or V. E. M t'<.'u ..klll of ~urwrior ~1. Ja..p:or Jenkm__,, Parlto) I(.(K"k•·pll, and Du·,.·(n •·oneu wtre ,.i .. iw~ at th(' ..choot durin~ Ja ...t • t"("k. Some l)()rtion of the Onh· t'~ ity of \\' J)O(."Qn..;l n hll'• ' UJl ~OmNime Jn"t w('{ik , l.llld Kennt·th Prny Tilfo Hbrar y wau OPf'D As,rll t..t and for the benedt of all ...-ho wi ..hed to make u~· of It durin~t tht> ,.,.._.atlon. \\fhy didn't th" people •·hu !iitniiL"tl tu think tht·~· w(luld g'("t. ho tne llrst ,:et thN't' u8 ~uon tul tlu•y t•X pt>ctt.>d to 'f landed here. t'riday . lor a vl•lt. Autu"tt Grimm. eta•• 't~. vt ..tlN ttw '(!'hoot la.!Ol ..-....k. a~ wiU 6al· b tiK"I'hllo•ophi<al l'iou,...., al the l 'nivtrail}" or \\"(""(·•on .. lo th1 .. June. ~t r.. 0f"-..f'll .. of z\lrna. \\"I"""'On .. in, ~Pf"Dl a ftw dayool or la"'l qual"t.(>r .. r.. ltln)t' tJK. ~hoot )Jr. Q(•M.-11 •·as a ~Ut>!'lt of hi" d&uj;tll1f'r1 )fi,, \\' limn "hllc here. ~IAROOSIO R~\M fN•m J . OI""'"I>OQ)(•:- 'fo my frttndiil: I'm an UJI In tlw air: hut exs~• to be down ..oon. Don't call until I am ··at h~me·· on ••Multiple hill.·· April fiOl ra• 1M bu•1 ~ay of 1M quarter. \\"hat with drawing hook ... lea•lng study "JIJ)" IJIJ}r"O\"tod. and ..a, low .. llow-·dy .. to frhmd .... t\'fr' bod' ... ._ fully enJ,tal{t*d. I"N•ft>, ..ors Lhtiojl~.oton. St-el,(·i..t. and S aofo 1-d the TeacheN' A ..soclatlon at )ladlson. TJwy aJ ..o had the J)lt.'a"un• vf ht>aring Pre!'oldl•nt att~nd("d no-.e,•eh "''*ak at ~lndl.-on. Se'·eral of. tbe old~onnal:ootudcnt~ 009l'eogaJ;tt"d In tt>acblo~.r ''i4;iited '('hovl during the Ja ..t • eek to )lal"t"h.. A~ng tbt- nurnhrr ...-~~ llr. t"att". llr.. Grimm. lft..... Elttz.t'l. and ~tr. 1-"ull,. n~ A"""'" ! Aoa8t8! " """' "' . .tatr ilOlitil!l a good roa ..t on tt'try one in ''"' ...:hool lor Toll: Souv&.-:n<. ~~~ ..., l .tc S un h a~ wlthdra• o from JO("htH:tl on at't"'unt of Ill ~allh : but eXJlf"CI"' to n·turn next , t ar to dnl ..h ht>r eour...,. t'lcotr. B N JN Ct:SKJtAJ. lltWN)It\', <"uuld a a ••1t4.: h be with ht>r hushand ttnd ftt thr !'IRmt• lime oul torturing .!40rue Hoe el !fe Y n,e JlrogTD.m \o the Practk-eDt•JUirttlk•nt for l a~t quarter wa<t carried out until i\J)rll 'ith. 1ly lhal thne tb~ rw• l>rut:ram W&!l lo good nmnlnJt onlt>r. Su~rlnwndtnl earl llatbt>. of \\1au .. a u • ..-a"' at 11M- <cllool. la•t Wrd,....da y. loo k ln~e up llk~lr candldatt-s. fftrelln,.! of mu...cle... and •"'king ' 'artOta" ...u .. pktou" c1ue.. tlons. \Vork oo ftna1 e ......,.. ru.s,ldly JH'u)tl'\.· .... l nJ.:. ~tany ~tud<'Dt !l •·ith chewecl J)l•ndb. and tumblt"11 hair found In library Ar,rll l "l l ndu~rotrlou$1~· pourlnJ,( O\·er musly \'olumec. Allan P. Tflm[JIP, fortiK'r teaclwr uf !'\clf"D(..'\' in liM> Stf>•·tDi Point Hl!,o1l &boo!. and now waehln)!" In tM -tame depai"'..IW'nt at Qw.,......o, lltC'hiJ,(an. w-.s a ,.l .. ltor a&. tbe ~ooJ )l arch :!:'1.. ~OlD!.\ Til 1-: XI L 1'01 ~'1'1-:H. Th,· tilt.""•l'luh hu~ l't'4.'t'h 't.•c.l un in\'ilutiun tu )olin)! at the C l'<hiU itt in~t ~:xerci..-{"s at A lmo nd. Mi~:o; Be~~it> Ha ""'~<Hl. ,.i, itin-.: at ~chuul t:lemt>ntur,· '0:!, durin~ thil'l "'e,.•k. 1m~ l.H;.'C il ('hC\•r ur.· Dui:;;,\·: itum.r nut ht• "u· Pt"'f~,..:oot· tho~ - n- -- (cnlllng t"'il ) - NO\\' ull who nren't here J)leuM." IU\:i\\'t>r. U~alph Blod)retl l~tt.:o l(>ft school und f:ODC' horne. The Forum wo,.c plea .. antt,· fin'OI'\'""<1. la:oot fo'l'iday ,.,.,.ninR", • ·ith an ln~u·uc th·e talk hy P•-ofl's_,or \\.t> h~nr he ha$ a good job 1'\loehlng thu can(K). nuCon. co l ~uchinJ.( Mis.~ Ct.·rrlsh. t l'n CIICI' ~ ,r~· nma:otic,o, ha)'l l'e· turnl"'-t"frclln the Jo:as t where :o'he huJ' bt't:n ht.~r mothe r for se\'ernl week s. ''i~ilin:.t wa,p~ T ~ hl eClt'f (,' lub, )fl ~s Jl&%ing at the proofli of the £: ht• e xclaimed, "Oh ~how s"wt!" H- l- 1- r - Mr. IJooon, J wau1t. to exltminc you rh_~>a~. h turned out that. i H·i·l·r meant-at leaiit s a lireek hC'ad sa \'.ll. ~li~s ~he After vacation wh 1 e ,·ery person "'ho rtturn~ fl"(nn horne is home-sick , and some long for thoJ~;e who do not ~turn, C\'erybotly s hould s mile nnd tr,\' to mt\k€' others hn.ppy. There ~· Ill Flt\nnah Conwn)', n ){t·aduatc of tho full in the fo"'ourth \Vurd of this city. 'l'ht• At't'lta ~ociet~· will c· tH ert~tin the sc.·houl Fl"itltty ut. Hhetoriru l~ with tt fnt"Cec ~ntitl cd "Thu (..'lutmpiun o f B r r S..x. ' ' ALl. CO.WE TO tT.- \Vhy, only the oth('r day. whiJP T. 0'(', )li s~ be scvcnty-so,·en practlt-o te11che•·s at •·ork in the building- this quarte r. l.~nst quarte r there w-ere nlnNy·four, the large~t number t \·er t>mplo)·OO I~ the hi~tory o f the ~hoot ls'ot it ubuu·t timl\ to be thinking abous. a foothall COllch'! \V(' h1n•e mate rial nO"' for a ~ood tt•tun, and understand we may l'XIM.'Ct Kome more ll~t-clato.$ men next. full. lt we aru to lHn'e n team, we must. ha''~ a cuach. At a 1ncetin,r o f the students, la~"""·t!tek ·rue~duy, u ~ hoot pin wn.~ cl•o~en. A:o soon us the difTerenL t•lu.:o.s(>:ot can determine how many p ln11 u re want4!<1, tlu: couuuittee "·HI be able to have. thr m 1\eav In a ,-ho•·t time. All ,chouhl ~ct. a school ))in. ·~he ·reonls As-.~. me&. ~nst M on~llY on.d el~'<:·~ed o fh t..-erll. Prt's. l,..rot. c'lth ·er , ~- M1"to F.hdu. )loen. The A:o--to. thi~ son hopel'> "'to arran, tor a tOumament with Oshko$h, tc.rc'omc orr before the close of the quarter. In a hue nurntw•· o f the N. 1-:. ,J. o f I-AI. Dr. \Vln.ship c1-edhs thlg nOI'Wal with the lurges·t. J>ert-eotage o f uoherttlt.y trained te a chenc of any n ormal iu the country. In another nur:nher 1.14 a very full d~scrlption of the <'OU~" In Dome" tic Xel.-nt"('. Gl'O· \V. Hunter, our junitclr Ouring the J•a"' tht"ft> ((UUrter:oo. l"(":oolgnet.l huct )lurdt. His position i~ now tilled by )(t·. Bruce \\Tilcox. Arhutu~ 1:-t In blossom. It you don' t belh~ \'l' It take u position all ~ome corne a· and notloo the man.)' couples ~troll in g out towurds PJo,·er hills. )tisji; Pray had recO\'ered l'iu tticiently from her long illness to return hom~ the tlr~t. ot the w~k. Mil'!~ Pray • ·ill not take Ul> he r duties in school tor u week or t.wo. Authentic ( 'l) Conlh•mutlon. - P1'0fesso•• (explulning n matter in C-•·- phy~lcs)-My I>OCk e~ book has c a pacity, but there l:oin 1 L n cent. in h \1- s r-Ye:g. tha&.'s true. e.. Pt·otes!'orJ. \V.Liviogstoo entertained the school Ma rch ~, with o.n interest ins: talk on the Rubject. o f Country Schools, theh·lntluenoo ond v.·hut. ml,rht. be done to bette r thei r lo'Ondi\IOn. Rhctoricul.s las t F•·idu.~· we~ unique aocl very a \·crse or \.'1\' o of f1tmous songR being sung t\fte r a short talk o n then\ ancltht>lr autbont. ~tl !iseS £1ill, f'urro, uml Hancock, and Mr. Plvernet:r. n!lldtJI"(•d solos. lntere.~ tlng, Arnold 0c~l1 \\'On second pint.'<' In tlw Oratorical nt. )lat.llxon h•:ott. week; und ht! will go UJo' altern at€• to Minneapotlfil, )lny hit. a" a Wiscons in rcprescntuth•e to the North Oratorical r...ea..,rue contest. Mr. Gil.~ll ul-.o "'on tho [A"•Is 1>rize, u neat ' "'" o f e ighteen dollars. cont('t:~;t The follo wing new students ha\'C enrolJed forth<' quu.r·ter: F:Hn lllomhcr2', Ogema; r-,rcd. H. C u1·1·nn, Wl.c•"ly Blutr ; )lPJo'. fo~ liY.abeth f{omlin, Unity; Olh·e G1trdne r·,~ ctt.,\•: Hele n thtntm, lloncock: Al be rt E. Ramthon. Columu; FrrulclM J.. Trnt.._.)'. NN-etlah. S )JI"illjl ( T il E :\OH)IA I. 1'01 :\TEH. \\'hat" .. tlw maucor with \Vanl·, Unimt'1\t "! It'• all rl~rht : What'• all rl~ht Y Wa..J'• llnlmt'nl: \\'ho ~•'• l'IOY P- v- r-f-&! OITI<'I',.. ol th• •ocletiC$ ,.,.. this quarttr are: Pt'f'l'l. \Vm. Dro•'D. See. fo~ ~huh~: ..·orum.. Preot. J. t'hristen.!K'n, see. 1-"rt'd ~omerl'l. <.:lt*Oolao. P~s. Ml<oi!l ~lartln, ~- Ml""~ Frazier: J-\rt"na. Pt"rc Dora Drowatzky. Sf.c. Mablt Mau· nfnr: O~nna~ Pn.-... \Ym. .\uer. Sec. J. Gla"'"' 1>00le. Athf"llll<'Wn, .o\fter Third l\h:~bra f'Xaminativn: 0. S. W•ll. John, hoY did rou rom.- out Y J. M. - Oh: I ;lfru('k a root. and. by the powef"4.. trouldn't ~out. G . S. What did you do th<'n ~ J. M. Ct~awltod undtr a radical and ..taytd tlwre. Mlllll 1-'!mma Leutcher, who has been l.'Ontlned tu hee· room durfnsr tht' past two month", ll'l nowqulh: ._,,•er ht•r Ill net~" and wtll Jea,•e for her home "onw time thl!!i Wt*'ek. MI~A Leutcher intend,§ to ret.u11\ next year to rlnl"'h her cou~. .Yl-c~ Le'!tc-htr'• many trttnd~ at. :iioehool extend to her tbeir heart· ft>h t~ympatb) for h~r mldortuoe. and ~joice at her ruxn·try. Tuf"4day morning. Profes"'Ur Baeoo•• tum \\"a n'f'n· .. ..cltf1~ do). and i1 i• ...atd OM can"t tuU<.'h 1.1.. bu._(Qf' .... with a ~orne (."hy nua.ncf'l claim.. Ttwo Ia "' quaro-r i" tl~ ··fty""lltnf' of thf. yt-ar In nm..._. •·ayli tlwn 01\f'. :\lao~· lnt~rt~llnl( t\"tnt<i lakt• ,,lace durlns,r tl't" fa~t t•·o monthot: In t.ct ~t• man.~· that. a i'umeitnt number or F'rhlay nl~eht~ a"• ...•ltlum U\' ttllabl(" h• liUI)J)l~· tl1e dt•mand. AJ& ftll' r•~ c,.n lw li~rtal~l the followln.: I~ u hrf<•f ~·al<•mlor forth{' halant.-e of the y{'&r• rlllt'h ~hoot DI'Ciamatory Cont~<t, ~lay 8. \\'hhf'W'attr flrfobaw. :'otay 15. lb:~u.vtru: That it ..ould be to th~ ad\'anta)Ct" nr th~ Unltt'd !-ttatn to Htablt~h oompltte f'f'('IJln>eh) botw..n th.- t;nltod State>~ an~ C'anada . D.WATOft.": \\">r - H~ M.'OClSC, 11olllltl llnaeh. n. ~1. Whitney. l>I<'Hn<Polot-<.'. Ol;on. J.:Smlth. an~ J.('lorl•t· .-n~n. lnttor ~ltty J:>e.\·lamatory t ~onu.• .. t. !\lay :t!. Tr<'bl• Cl•l Con(l('rt, llay 211. Annuol ~:xcu..,.lnn. To the Dell•, M•y :1\t (YI l'l••• Field Day Toumaownt, Juoc 7 (Y) IJMt'C.. luuretttto Sennon, June l·t )o'onun·Athenueum Debate, June 1r~ Ntohhw play June 1U. t 'I"""' P..xerelM!'~ June 17. t •c.meTM•nt•,•mf'nt. shftp..:ldnJii. Alumni llanqut•l, all lor ho~. Juoe 1~. ,.rr (C#oliowJ , . _ 7¥ ' '·' In tho t'acuhr ltht<orlcal• .,.,.. around again. Profta.!roOr Baron J(&n' the :<hoot an lnt.-f'e§tintc 1alk do...,rlptlve nl a •U.It to Callrorola by blm..,U and Ml"l. Baoon. The Proles!IOr did eoo•ldorable nature work while In CalUonlla, and tooh brief L"''UrA8 In 1\. l!i an tntrancln~ 8tudy. In whleh onf' ""oon Uec..-omel'l deeply and J.Jen.onally Say. olld th.,.., ftn~-er< del•• tlw- onl,..., Or whh iL~ ~nvied rubt~ •hhlf':' To he• the rock or wear the Kent l'an norhlnJ[ now &\"&11 to theoa: ltuo, lithe page or truth they oou~eht. And t."'mfort to tb~ rnourner brou~lil. ~rhc~ hands a rieher rneec.l lthall cia 1m 'rhan all that •·alt on \Vealth and ):;'turu.•. tnwre•led. .t\\• all~t l~&d~-. at tht rudlng table ba•• notk~ • unique 1•ubllcatlon Lhere durln"'thi11 •Hk. h 1~ tht< first. la--1, and only l"'-lue of T!u:TI!A Kr:rrLK. vubll~ by ~le.ull. Stinson ol New U•boa. It t~ only f\alt uf a Yf"r1 unique &d\"ef1i..:lnA nwdlurn. A larvt" tin !<'a kettle ...._. hung upoo a beam lrvm tho root blgh abo•e the .td~lk. Pri.w< wenJtl•en to for eorrec:t ~ ol IL• .,.. ,...,ltr. The .et><! worl<od to porloctlon (a• all "' pu...,-.. It whtther hare or Jothod teet the path~ or tluty &r'(H)'! tl from the howeno of t:&."f' they~"~ Tu MH>lhf' aft1iction·!t hutnble ~. If Grandeur·.;; )(Uihy bribe they s.punlt"tl, .\nd ~to \'irtue·, C."'l "&umt"d 1~-..e f~l with aol{'i'l"• wlng-~ ~ball Yko, And trt'ad the pal..,.. ol the •kr. The~ cnw author of till..: poem l"' u.nknoW'D. h ..."' found t_..... r~ a .,;;;:Su•Jt"too in a tomb In fAlj{Jand,. ) TilE :\0101.\ L 1'01:\TEll. HTHLETICS. Tlw hn"k•·t hu11 'C'tt ..uu dhl nut ttu•n out a,o "'(Ill •" It pnliUJ,(Iot) at th{' bt"~lnn1nJ{. ltu•~\'t•r. out of ~V~D jC&Qlt" .. M'~U)f'(J Yf' W'UD thl"l'f' 80{1Jo..tthrt"f' ( o~ !,.lnf( .. n<Yllt'd) : and our Ol>poll<'nh' roral pointe .-.,.~ 1!1: whllt" ou~ '«'l'rt 1/i.'\. U the \V eyalHII't.~t(a 1-eturn .:anw had ~n pluytld, w~ .. hould havt. without tloubt,tutatlf'U a mu~·h lara-er majority of,. h ••"' Indeed a <oot-Vtre m( ... for1UOf' to Jo:-e t.-o nf thto hl'..,t m(1Dbe..... Of th(> a ju~t ht•foN> tht Ja .. t .at•unt~: hut h ••~~,, not ..u c •1H I"((I$On for dropping thl• ilMDW •·ith "fA \ UW't"jl&. \Yt"owt«J \Ve.)&UW'f'jta &jl&mt'. Our wt...- ,civi'O a trip and 1.ranw at that place: and btcau ...• riM' ...-IM'dult'd ~..,... had ro bo po,r. iJOOetl until late In tlu~ ~•·~.on, WB"'~ nm ,cuftrclt'nt rau~ for dru&1pinsc lt. It Wfll wntlnut~ dolo)! thi~. •·• may "nd h hur<l to ..t•lw-<lul~ out.ld• l(amt>•. walntng our t(\t\m -.dlt l)l• abh• to hoiU hll u-.u ••hh any of It~ cla'!ils. Under th~ elUcit>nl ,uprr. <l.lon of ML•s Ctrl•h and ~Janag\'r Bron l<~ t\'ery rea.._~o to belh~,~e a io>lmng &.foam wtll br turned out. TII('Irt> are "P''er&1 rhHeulou,.ly 1m•· I'("('Ortl..; U(M>O our ret.-ord buliNin and we shoul1l b.< ubamed to leav• them the"' 111 rhe ea~ of rh·· tl"'"' ) t &r. 11-.e youna-er 00)8 ~houtd t.rf'·t out and ltam tltt• rrlrk. of rhe dltrerenr event•. ~·onn I• • dlmculr thlnf(ro masrer. II rhe youn~ter boys bol(ln wurk now, when tbey ha,•e aualot"4l full ...trength In an..-r ,.ano riM'y will know the lonn• and can pur all rh•lrenet'lfy lnru l't'COrd breaklnl(. Tioe ooly rhino: robe regren~-.1 I• rl>e delay In hcielnnlng the work. 'fhe 8prlntr vacation seems \0 make it inevitable. hOwever. n te "hOI"\ tlme after Y&~&tlO'D Uflt"' Tbt-tuumameat 1.. anvtlwr tn&Ut"r whtrh W't"nt b> the boanl. and for no otht-r rt>a ..on than that It mon ro hurTr wlllrh Is hannlul. ,\ lew day• rE"al ·•atreouou..M'' work at the btoainntng mar Ia) ont• wa.l'l hu.hlflnhel> po:-t&JOnM1. orr for the whole season. Quite n few men ha,... 110larted In a1r"{{atly, but we ntetl at least twent>) 11 The tourmmM"nt '" one of lhl" mo.;t iote,..,,.ttn.c €'\'tnt" of ~ehoul Ath· wriH. and wu parltnrls n ·alrt'd by a lithe ....hool. .\lanr ttoam, organi...S and pra<tlt'<'d dlll•..,nll, fn t".CJ~allun of wlnnlnll Plal't"<>, and h .-.:!'> an lnjUM\Iet• ht lh~ ho>'JC lhMI t1. ~t·ht-<lule wu.; nut JJI"ep-1U"t'11. h mlachl btt li'UJ(I{t>!r~h."".l tl...aHu avoid a rtt.-tthioo of the default of thl4 ft"Ar. tilt' IH.m.' J)tolltlon Athlttlt· A.. ...uc"lati.un for tlw>" to~rnamt>nt, and a t"OmlniU4"f" tk" apax,inh..'tl. a,. Ja_,.t ~·ttt r. tu """'"W fur h . ·nw v-•nnant .. nlfttn:'tl by Ttn: kt>pl. amJ will bt-\tllfer\l'tl a,:ratn Ut'._. ,.taft.. , I'OIST~ n~•xt wi11 hto '"•r at tl~ .,.,..., II IJil•ln.c lht• clo~ vf tht> tM"kPI httll and tl\ot' ttVf"nlnac of track tralnlnJl. nothlnac rrnft·h loc ''dolu~r" In AthJ.toc~. A fencing c:lub I~>C a new orgnnh:atlon tn tluJLChoo1. h haie lltarted out whh a membcrlilhlJJ uC fiMht youn~t ""'n: John Uullht • , 'o.-1n Pard>. II. Dra~u.,, Lo•l Town-end, D. n-1, G. Plemo II. Weh,·. and P. Glemer. w .. are as•urt'd rhar ti1C)' have alro•dy besrun ••Jabbing'' from the lol· lowing notk"t! which appe.t:u-ed 1a"'t week: "Fenc:inr cia"·" meel to ,.uttJC at Jl.)'mna.slum at ~::kl l'rlday. (A fact). " lll•• Gerrish will In· .. ttutt the eta"'"~• plf"a<o~U ... - practl... ~f'firaltrat'k r!W"eb an- iu .. il(hl an\! will Prut•bl' two arran~o."t>rd for. Pl~olv oi JlfM"KI mnr.. rtal loc 11\'ullahlf". anti • •lth fU'Opt_ :r lo'enclng l,c t~"'mlng more l"•l'u1tu· e'·ery year. In all progrt'4oilve;;~ehool.s both men',c and wonwn'1~0 lo~. 1~ I• a •vl.odld exe,..,I!N!, t'fil,... cl•·-•..,. •Iaiiy lor the back, arm and wrl•r. We hope tlw c-Ja,oc wilt ~ IJitnnanent and lhal the- girl' ••I H ''Htl'h lhe "'fllrh l'tQon. 87 TilE :\0101.\ L 1'01 :\H:H. TRA:INING DEPARTMENT. GOPHE~S. Down in the baM>ment, in a little box or l'OUOll, there is a ~mall h.,.-,wn furr.r ball. Thl~ brt.Jl I~ the ~l7.e of a lemon. and when It Is unrolled lt li4 se,·en or eight inches lonJ,t from the end or It" nose to the tip of h~ tail. The fur i!'l of a yellowi,h·white color un the brea:~ot and ~tomaeh. anti along ltJl back run liel"eral dark brown .,.trit>es. If ~·ou watch thl~ ball for a little while. ~·ou wlll see it breath. The littl\! animal breathe_,. onc..."t' to our at bout. <o~b:ti~. lt. ts a gos>h~:•·· o•· pouch-rat. as h IJOO JtOmNimt•l'l called, for the 1"(18)(01\ that it ha~ two JJOUc.hes o•· pockets, one on tat'h side of itJt fac..."tl'. These tKIUCbt's open in.:oold~ the a.ntmal'l! mouth .• He u~e$ thc.,.e to t-arry food in, and they oou't" In ''ery handy •·hen he stores up food for the •·Inter. 1 ha\'e caught gopheN', and as I ~·ould take them hy the back of the neck thty woul\1 :ooplt out :o~and. r think they .,,.e•-e carrying th<" ~and away from their hole-s. and 1 have often found tittle heap!e of .,oand which we•-e quite far a war from their hole"· My gopher i.!i the only one that ~urvived thl* winter out of • lot of three. He is about-a ye• r t~nd a half old. aod ha~ spent only two-thirdit of his Ufe awa\cfo, ne ••HI wake up...and tcta~· awake for quite a ~·hil(• when t I>Ut him in the 0\'en: but lu.• wlJl al'i\'AY.Pt to iiClee)> again. ElE" will neither l"tll. nor drink "·hen he wak\ s up on tht.>~ <x.~h· .:-'ions. t han·e had many goph~rs in tlw last four ,·eaN: but t 118\'f' ne \·er before keJ)t no~ tried to k~p one over winter. There 1~ one dl.§agreeable thinJ.! that 1 c.lo not Jtke about goJ,ht"nct and that i'i the f~u·t that th~,· ~•" eaeh other. l think it must be due to~~~~· thing that th.ey need and which the,· do not )Cet when in l'apth·il>' · I have fil'd thtm e\'(~··,·thinJ: that ll·Kn think uf llntl still tlu,•>· •·IH th~'·ourc.•aeh oth\"1'. I had an old nu~ whh eight. younJ(, and In tht\ morning tht•y Wfl"\' all gonl'. She mu~t. havteaten them, fo•· the,· Wt'l"f too ,.<,UOJC to •·alk, anll ha ''h\f[ no other· tlOpher:<' in th<" sanw- ChJ:'-"• I thot her guilt~· and lf't my ):tel er-o•· ha\~e her. Sht" wa~ morE' lhan a loatch for him. su ithe drove him up on the lJe•"Ch and i'lU do•"D to eat hi"' t.'Oru; but 1he 1\e'iJ:hbor":« little dOJ: had her for SUJ)J..CI'. 'fltt> ._•• _,. J teet m,· gophers '" quite a good wa,·. You huve u Jn•ll nod ••ttlk at"Ouod ih tlul' fielt.l until you ~fi- a gOJ)ht·r 14tlck hi:« he&cl out o f hl:oo hot~. SonK"tlme~ a" you pa-'l~ a hole you ~·111 he1tr them whhnte: va· at other tht't':c you will see thtm ~hting up :i'tniJ,!l~t •~ a stick near &heir holes: but when you l"''mt- n~ar them lhey dive Into h. Thf'n ytm sturr It and all the other hole~ near Jt with ~tick~ und ~tont,o. Next. tll1 your pttH at u. anm>1> or mutt twddlf> aml takf' It O\'er ••here you ha\'t th~ gopht:'l" hnprJ!(oned. You ta ke the :Hickll oa· ~" mt-:oo out of tht- hol~ ht" went hno and I hen pou1· thf' wu.ter in. and If lw dtW.:i not c..-ome out after put.· ting the Orlit pailful ln . put in another. \ 'ou do not want tu pul. a tot or water in for he may be at ~nw othfr hoiP with ht.c noS€" ittltklnJC out and all your • ·tnt"r t" ,.ottklnJ: Into the ground. Th~ holto mn,· lx~ onl,• uti bl1t "" you •· tinuer, hut he con get air thru h. You can J(ene rally dnd 11\ltth holt-11 and ~'turf them Uf). and then the JCOJ)llfr I~ sure to t·onw out: and DJO h{' {'UIJW>e out put your ha&. O\'er him and you ha\'t• him. Then put hlrn Into an old tin can anc.l txond lt ~hut: and if .fOU are &:'1 luck'' a~ I'IOII>t' boy" itl"t•, you • •Ill h&\'C i41X or SC\'tn ,·an.:i &nd a..; many JlUith~r!C to carry home. \VHA...I~ BOSTON. t-:l.chtll (;n.dt". TilE ~0101.\1. POl ~TE l(. EXCHANGES. !"\o1nt u1iuur &xchana,rt..S ha\'t> t"~l'l'f>~'~<(t"'C.I a ••hh lluu. .,._. would crhicl~ mort and not '-")P,. ..o tUanyliCood thin):~. ln thi11 is!'lue we wllltle•ott! tht• fo:X~h•olff' {"olumn to erhlc-bm of our .,·xellaDM"t><e. \Ve would wf .. h to bav~ the remark..." ta.ktn In tlw •plrit thor ,...,.... wrltt<'n In- tho d.. l,... to t.. lp. II we ha•e hf l"f"tofore not e:riticl~ great I! h I.Jt b(h j) cau.M" ..._. thought that tl"f Exeban~ Departtl)tl'Dt wuuM be mol"'' lnt<>re.tlo)t to our •ut>.<-riho..,. II •·e qavt thtru a ta .. te o f tlw KOOtl thlngli 10 1:w fountl In otlwr l'ichool papPr•. •rhe Uw••ary Departtn(lnt uf Tux .+:011'4 i~t In· <~tructlv(!. • •ru~ W ICtUITA ME-~s-.,:-:< l~.'4uetl a '"(lr,v numbPr for I"' Ja~t ,.ruwl ••Thfo A•riol Wot of 1111:!. •• In TID< t'YTHJAI'I. I• t"C.mcludt'd In tht- Ffhruary numbfr. h ha ~ .,._...n a '' t"ry lnt<'rbotlnr ,.tory. Tut: lklf4 I" a I,.Jlf'"r that '"" '-"Clited t-ntil"f"ly a.,_ .clrl,.. Ttw p&J>flr, 11rfnt, and anlc.lf'fl • ..._. ~uotl. Ye bor ~ll tor•, Juok tu your laurf'IJ&: or t>JA> y ou - ·Ill ,wrdy IJt- l.wMtt>n. Tht- cla<t.i4 ur U.r.! €,( (.'arrulf ( 'OIJf')l'f! ll'lJ&Uf'tl tht• la.JOl uutnbrr of Tug (,.ARHOU. F.A;uo. A unlcau•• ftt'UIUrf" of t..~ t~ ..ue I!!I tht- DUDWI"'U:t Hk~tdw,., Tht- t• .. u.- I• t.••••r1alnl.r a C'~it to the "lmmOr1af,.. •• Ont' or our bt•'t rxrhanKt""' i .. THK !'t \'. ( '. ur :-;t. VIIM"f'tU'~ Collf'llf>. t"hlcajto. h_,c ,.,on..... arto ftf\t", a nd ttw C'rltlnl artk-).p... on anthoN. lntt"lkot't· ruo\"l!tDPnt;l.. t'lt-• • • ...., scood l'tHry, ...\ Mll'lt· Det-r Runt.·· ,,.. ffillorfol• of TH:P; Nuuca:r are e•~lltnt. t:.dueatloo •• I• .,..II worth •••fr) ··~ Snobbory of "'tudeot~ peru,.at. n,.. funny ( Y)•aylop ofTln:L'K>:S>!KT ore poor. Tiu~y ooo.-lit 010811~· or 11llly sllJ)"' that pencon,. who o...-. lfamlo~r the Engll•h l.enl(ll•!l" woul<l naturallt make. TUK SotwAt. Ol:cACLF. oontaln" 11 rcYfew of tilt' contentli Of thcl Btt_l magazines. Jn thh•W&)' lf~Ud(1 0t" <•an hllve the h•Ril<'nllon callct! to lll!•l(oodthlnll• In the puper• thul 1ooy would i>~"Obably no t n·••l olherwl!lt4'. ltiKUt" thiM y•ar. The Alumni Nurnber of TilE KODAK I" ~.-r,v .cood. Onf' uf 11,. l"''DtrlbutoN wa"' a HW'D'Ilx.or nf thfl cia•"' of 1~•·----- ual Tux (,''RL\i:.CO!'l t.'Ontaio.s a l~on W"t"ll writuon. makt- yot.r 't"Quatnlanct". ( Ohul t o THr. SPY.C..9f,\TOR, of Columbla"· Ohto, I• one uf mar new t!'.ICchan~. lt. cont ain" a good arth•h· on Detroh )!unlet pol Goveromenl. Tbe humorou• port of the poper I• oloo good. w~ woi<:!OtOe you to ourF..xehanareTable. aod hope to tOntlnue your &«~ualntanl-.. In THK SPIWTRUW the-re l.ll an &«"UUDt. of bow ~tutlent trav~lfd thru ~l.x"teen t& Ultrt·N"nL eountrlt•,.. Be did thl• without <luring o period of two yea,.,. IIJtf.indlug- any of ht,. capltal: ami, In fact, J&Yt'tl mnn•y whll• clolnl( lt. If a pen<on I• willing lu ••ork, he ran 14f'C-Ure the hroatl t"tlucatlon tha i tra,•f.\1 atrord,c, ttven It he ha~a nut money. Tw; I'ORTI.AI'ID IJJOH SCHOOl. ( ARDINAL , • • bri11ht n...,.,. poper. Tbe•tor! •·IJowSc-1•~~«~ Won tho Oa~. •• wh leh oppeared lo tho )lal'l!h numbor. I"' mrl"f'l1 a ·dlgh&ty eonden..'l:f!d fonn or a "tor, I hot OPI, In TllJ: YOUTHs• l"OXPANION a Mnpl~ of ft'AN ago. ~o t'.~h. t~ tlh·tn, ho• en•r, lu I loll poper: and oo It I$ plotclari.,n. 0 Mrs. M. E. Phillips-Moore's PRIVAT~~ SCHOOL Ot' DANCING. POUH lRAINING, . VHYSie1\L euLTURE 0~ , Oaooto~ Ia an an. No~hlog chArACWrhea &he ; lad,\ or gentleman at much a• tentH'! manner"• pc•· E. Jllt!~' and &.:ruo str:Aeeflllne-e.!l. Awtc:w•f"dnest It 0 1nntt. treq_ueo&ty e:a u--..od b! locOri"('JC·t bat.h• of 1"'"' 1 •Ilion aod mollon. I~ It then high I! lmt••r'lAn~ a. 10 foMD eorreot babl~ of 111011...,.,,.. ,,., ,,, ,.. 1..,.. ~ flble. Notblnl' ft more erm•.eou' 1.han \0 lnpro~te _, tba~ ~he olmp.l o prae&loo of 111., •arlo•• d~- ,.,.... ~ .uee graeefutoe.a. Careful l.r.lntng In varluut ~ movement.~ nt dan~lng Ia ver,v et.enll•l. Pu,-.n, t~hould 00 taught. wh•l c-on8lltUICI &rue KtAoofnl· ne11, and edue>ol<!d VI an app....,la•lon of tho higheat t!Xpreeetona o r lntelllgt!nee and \:UI\urc lhat can bo given by meaoa of motion. \\'Ill reel room• tor ...teclo pa1'\IH or c:lubl. CKREMBS Rr BRO GENERAL BARDWABE, 1 (I GUNS AND AMMUNITION. 1 h I• FMlly Warra• te4 . aod with can=, WI!!UEL PIYI!R,. I!TZ, AflHt. Hadcock & Rood, Dr. 0. M. Houlehau, DENTIST. DENTISTS. Stmas Polat, lis. Onr Postomce. Stmas Pollt, l is. Ollce, 436 ltll. XPECI'fNO ~ receive a fair eompen•atfon fo r lu .erviCM, and without P"'len.., of gh·· ll)g oomethlng for nothlnr, lhe E WISCONSIN STATE BANK OF STEV£.'<8 POn."T; W IS. wndero Its oenlce• ~ &bo.oe wbo apprtCiaw ca...ful and promp~ aervlce and tnwlllgent allel\lfon ~ ~•"""• believing &hal, being equipped whh all&he faellltleo o f a modem b a nking houoc, II ean be o f real oervfce 10 &he bu81De08 public. OrnoEHS-J'. P. Mallek, P""'·; W. f'. Collin•, "-::!!~t'd:"'~~~~~~·~lall<k. John l.oogbothom, a. o. Bal<enOD, P. RotbDOao, w. CauldJ. 1------------------~ JH[ CHI~~GO ClOJHINQ SliM![. Fino Clothlac, Fttn~lshlnc Goods, H&tl, ("aJ'f, Lloc•lt, Shoee, Trunke, Vall.tea, f:le. I. S HAFTON, Prop., ~ II Sl4teoe J>olnt, Will. )lain Street, F. A. MICHALSKI, D. D. S., DENTIST. X. •:. t 'or. l >ubll<: ~uare. Jf)HN SeHMITT, The West;e ru Teachers' Agency T:.~ F'tNJS.1\.N'l~ T'1UZ:.OR Stdt a Blocb Beadl·lade suusID Couectloo. Ot>cra ....... a~oc•. •••• sc. Stnens Point, OF MILWAUKEE, WIS., llu.s th e •·ontidence uf Sc·huul llu:ords nnd ='npcrintcndcnts, :~nd i• ~undn.-ted "" stri<·l l111~inC:~S pl"inciplel!. Di1-cct H><•i•tuncc gh·cn iu· no commission c.'lungOO. Send fm· e-.n. rullment bluuk un~·i~nlnr. -Hm JOI seea tile "I KSTKRI TKACHBR?" II 101, Sud for a Free Simple CopJ. ADDR~:SS Wi~. ISS M . KITOWSKI, L~DIGS' T~ILOR. •111 Met• Streot, Up&tttt~. NOIOI.\ 1, Tlt.\DE :SOJ,J('JTED. M. E. M~CKLIN, F1orist. «'holc."C to'lnwe,.. ttnd P l"ll"-"· Cut ... l"~t;Wii ,, !'~.per.:-· J•lt.y: f1ouquet..f Te l. 8&-2. Aak I ro•r fll"'"r•/Mii..JI.UMol..,r. 8. S. ELLENWf)f)O, BICYCl[ UV[RY AND R[PAIR SHOP. Tel. 138-.a. 742 Stronas Avo. D. A. AONBW, S. Y. Gillan & Co., ::\lilwnuke<•, Knt.} ...nnur,_( O~, .CI O Mc:C·• I~ St.. Stewr•~ ~t•t . Wh. S. J1U!eBS0N, Th6 southsld6 J6W616r Fine Watch ~epalrln& l.&.lltrt .,~ ... " ' .... . . . . . . . . ,.,.... ., ••• ~treet. KERN SHOE CO., . 4 17 MA'J~ ST~EET. NOlHING BUl SHOES u. 8. ,..,.,, ... S•r.••·<rlaJIIHt Dl..-...... . ... o,.rau. .. t f l~ Eye, Ear, Noee a nd Throat. irl'f'"nd w order'"' prw-ver•tll~V rmatlAG). weak or~• .. to. Ont~ UT~r T alfl••r Hra..: d N'f 1\l '"'· TeL Il l. 01~• E . H. Rf)GERS, M , 0 ,, Plr~sician and Surgeon Oftke Bouro: 1-3 ""d 6-A p. 10. Telepboo" 169. 1107 Malo SteYHA Polat, 'WI&eoaela. .,....._'t. P. A. Sf)UTHWIC.~K, M, 0 ,, Ph-~sician FRUI~, COIFECTIOIERY, CIGARS, TOBACCO, BTC. Mel• a Speci al ty. D. N. ALCORN , M . D. , DP.ALP.I: 1:-1 Tel. 141•3. Wis. Wh It mudu .. r B uy .on·1y I th• beH o l "hOI<· "ume 1111'\\erlt\11'1 . Ito BEN NETT'S lobreud .. maeblno-mlxe<l and I• hot.: from con\amfnattun • lnmtxlng Hood bH.nU· 8 READ 114 8 .. 8oc:o•dSt. Tel.634 . ling. Telephone 32. 8 t eY. .a Pola t, and Sutgeon. 646 Chur.·h 11ree•: Whtcoa,.t•. eARRI£ A, PRf)ST, M. 0., Plrtsician and Surgeon. Ollloe Bnun: 8-10 " · m.: I -I p. 10. om•.:e And re-sld.. noo 603 G lal.l'k 8t., cor. StrongS a\' , SteYOftll Po l•t• Wl11. W. W . GREGf)RY, M . 0 ,, Ph~sician and Surgeon. Oft1CJH houra 1 and ~ p . m. 313 Main st~el."p'b~!~'1>m..~~·~J."•un Bou•~· StoY. .e Polat. WIKo•••• · 3. xv:ma•oN, W'a.o~ a.od. Ret.U Dtat.r Ia (jold . .a Sliver Warc ho,., Clock,., Jewelry, Sltvcr aad Plated Ware, P l••os, Org•as. Sew lea l'l achlaes aad all Klad" of Mt~slcal l'lorch . .dl&e. Flrtof Clan Wa t ch llepalr• l•aa Specially . ~IM ~ ..In Su·ee\, Ste•·us Polot. WI.. <:r••- " '''Urat.:ly ~<ad Selt odftoall1 f'ltttd. J . W. BIRO, M. 0 ., Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Oftloe. Sl*!lal noc.e. to S tuden... Steve. . Polar, WI•. -1.\t Mo.lo St. Dr. E. M. Rogers, DENTIST. Huthuutu Huildiug. ' Se<-tuld Floor. Jo:ntnttot'C3 ou :\lftin nnd Third st~. Dr. J. M. Bischoff, DENTIST. (.'rowo ood Brldee \Vorl< a Speelol\y. l.ad7lo a U<ooda...,. Cor . Main"· .t Shoop " '"· Tllll.... IH1• 1po2. ONION CENTRAL LIFE INSU~A:J'(.CE COMPA:J'(.Y. A•el"' ttft:r \ WIItJ·Ifl alllloL "J'b,e ~bHl d.IYlh.ld ,.,.. 1u ~....,. ta A-e~ t:IDdow. .•ll IU IUe tate!L Gustav W . Hei n, ~.':~ .,......... ar.Ddlu. ....... gq ..,... L. ZBOROWSKI, M. D. &UROP&AS P'At.:VLtY. llnniA Of WOARJ 110 DRMT·PROOf 111001. l''4t•~ 4lt • ••mta. ~trocur:. • ••· Tel. l~'f OCDo.Uid,_..toO.III»', oee•bou,. t co411 p, • . snve"s "'"· wts. eURR1\N ReUSE, l~adlnJC E . I.TOZIER&CO; 422-4 ELLIS STIIEET . Groceries, Stationery and Confectionery. We curry " Jo'ull Liu o of the Bes-t l.\4ea-ts. Two Blocb -tll~est of tile Nonaal. o.~ ua .A o..a....x..x.. !~worn H. 8 J. D. CURRAN. Pro,.. Hut•l In tbe Clt1. Ratco H .OO per d a1. llraltd . EJ..-'\rl•· Lle h\.1. Up·t.CH!ate. C. F. IARTIN & 00., Leading Photographers, PHOTO Stool OP ALL IIIDS )luulcliug.~ uud t'n11ue.;. I 14 S. Th ird S l. AUOUST OOERKE!, TAH:.OH. n.., J..lae o l Sampleo ol I.&Jlloo' o..... Ooocb al· ~IJ.;f1!t'HA~'r • • 1• 011 b aDd. 4IIZ Mal • 5treet. - • • • • l'ol•r. WIJO. GO., Lt'd. H D. McCULLOCH ffio~~ries. Boo~. SWIIo~m ~M S~Mol s~~~lies. ~ DRUGS {Je>S. 1\NO MEOieiNES. M? l\lle>Z15e:3F-I, G. W. CAn:. G. M. DAHL. Merchant Tailor. CATE & DAHL, J'loe AI'\ Tallo'lllf a Spec!l&ll1. Give me a ull 1\ t t orne y S•a t• Law. a ocl I • Ill guanntee •••1•1-lnn In Quall17 ol Goodo, }'II and Price. • Omu OfU Cltlu.I 'S JttJotaJ But. PllbSSG &q..,... Of'•r BtlllHU'• s.kel'f. 8Le...-e:M PolaL fJ. c . I. Faa ,-1• NEWBY, -~~"aad Staple Groc:erles, Tobecc:o aad Cl&an~. lb • ~latt)'. F1o•r ••• FM4. 1000 Dlvltl<>n .,,..,..., Sonlh Sldo. P. W. GIESE, - MERCH:R:NT T:R:lLOR. ~1:~~= ;!:-,.:tea:s_als::;.!'i :.~~ tc'::.~'J3.~. IZ03 Dlvlaloa at., !loatbald e. S toY••• Pol•t. KI NCSBU RY'S ARLINGTON HOUSE, JA~. GNe>e:>E~Y. THE RIGHT GOODS AT THE 'l'olcphono 24. 326 Strongs A venue. S t ov""a Polat, Wla. Grand Central Hotel, RIGHT PRICES So•tl• Side. WI!LCH, Prop. RllltTB $1 .00 PBR DllltV. M. CASSIDY ALWAYS. . Stc veas Point. FRANK'SFRUIT STORE. All ~lodcrn Tol. l63. a 8~. Pric~ Accommodations. Reasonahle. Co"'er Pint ud Clerk S ta. T. C. KOBELA, Dealer II l uleal llstrueJts ud Repaln. l'nlta, Ve1etablea, CollfiCtfoaery, Oyatera, Clltrl, tobacco, Btc. Bicycle Livery and Repair Shop - 409 . . . . St. hi. ItS. 5t •v•~ Pol• t. WI_,.. 2411 "· Soc:011d St ., Stev""a Polat, Wis. P . J. KOSTUCH , P . li\£0ZNICI<I , TONSORIAL PARLORS. High Grade Bicz.cles. 813 Stroaa• Avea.l-~ Stovoas Polat, Wla . Boys, Gi\'O me a Cnll. JOSEPH GLINSKI, L eading MetcJ?ant Tailor, Sbop oorU>eu• cor. PubUe Square. 360 Mala Street. Ste•""• Pol•t, "'"'· DEALER IN Gtn~ral ..,palrlol( frompU7 dooe. 12 1 lo7olo Llver7. •ome a .,..u. s.,...t. St•veu Pof•t. JAeess WI .. H0USE, "· JACOBS, Prop. Leadiug Hotel fu City. Stevoaa Polat - - HE ~~ I> Ul' .-\TIO ~ required to be a UOOU 'I'E.-\('HIW is worth much more in the commercial world than in the teaching profession. 'I'Hke r1 six or ten months' course at the Stevens .J?oint .,-susiness @(ege and prep<tre yourself t.o accept ono of the lucrative positio.ns this school is compelled to let go by e:teh month for want of a sufficient ll,n mber of gmdnates. Send /or names of persons and firn~• desiring /he graduates of /his school during /he Our elegant Catalog is Fnv. Our Speciallies an: INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION, STATIONERY FREE, "DAY AND EVENING S ESSIONS, GOOD c/ICCOMlriODA TIONS, COMPETENT 'TEACHBRS, S HORTHA ND, 'TYPEWRITIN"G, c/IRITHMETIC, SPELLING, LETTER WRITING. Call al lhe College or address 1/te principal, pas/ !'ear. W.. E. 1=\:LLEN . STE~ENS PO INT , WIS.