THE NoRMAL PoiNTER. Volume VI. STEVENS PO INT, WIS., OCTOBER 15, 1<)00. Number 1. THE PALACE BEAUTIFUL. c. uoun:WoKTn . ND It came to p&SS I journeyed Lhru a far coun· In the first. hour of 1the day the whole tribe wu U· try in the land uf the setting suo l came to a sembled befo re a chief who apokc a. few word8 of gigantic building builded of yellow brick . kindly cheer and gentle admonition, after which the The windows of this curiously fashioned building 86\'eral captai ns took each his comp... ny and went did Bash In the morninp; sun like hurD bhed steel. about the buslneu of t he day. One company did Even as I tarried by the door a vast OOACOUrse of inquire into the secreUI of nature by mixing together people came hither from all di rection.'! and gathered divers lll ·amelllog compounds; another did strive themsel ves together as o ne family in this great build· to understand the workings of tho human wind; lug; some in the Innocence of youth; some in the and yet a third, whose task waa monteevere of all, strength of manhood; some whose hai r wu hoary did endeavor to polis h thei r u presslon by oonatructlog long themes out of nothing. wl.tb age. I asked. of these " Who are ye" ! aod '"What do ye here" ! They paused only to ans wer So well pleaae<l waa I with what I hll.d seen that I "Know ye not, Oh stranger, we are of the t ribe Nor· joined ~yself under this tribe and hecame one of malite and seek here thoSe treasures which moth their num ber . and rust do not corrupt.'' It came to pass that In the first month of my abode Now there waa in this van tribe a family cal~ among them there waa board dread rumors of the Forilmlte. who ran to bid me welcome. as wu thei r , appe.rance of a horrid monster, a dread Sphinx, wont with atrangeu. Straightway I entered with who of eaeh o ne did ask. " What hut t hou done them. with the talent.ll that were given thP.e!" This moo· The balls were of such size that a kmg might ster was called Teat. Some did smile at this rumor therein assemble his arm y, and lell.ding of! from and others did cry out and thei r cheeks beoame palthese halls on either side were spacious rooms in lid as with deadly fear. The monster came, glarnd which the several di•iaions of the t ri be did pun~u e down oo us from the black walls. passed and the ordeal was over. But behold tb6 ruin! Whole faml· their. favorite phantom. A THE NORMAL POINTER. lies are overthrown, while yonder i;~n young •l_:un· sci who weeps and will not be coru fortec.l. Test has scnn:heJ the inmo~t n.oce!!Scs oi memory, imnginn· t.iou and reuson, null found - nothing. A' MODERN CHILO. "Are your hands cluan and have you ll pocket handkerchief!" "Yes mamma. I'm all rendy." "And now do bcha\'O younw~lf, whatO\'Cr you do. I wouldn't luw• Mr.i. Ford think that yon were 1111 ill· mannered child for anything, !!he .is so ]Ulfticular a.bout chil•lreu's behavior." ·~yes~ I'll bclmYe, 1100 H 1 don't." said I. And olt we started to the great Mrs. Forti'!! to tea. She WllS one of the most aristocrJ.tic ladies in our town and of cou~c my mother wall very nnll"ious to mBkO a good impression, H.SC\'Cryo ne consid ered ito. great honor to be in\·ited to her home. W e arri\'ed and my mother and Mr11. Ford were soon dt:eply interested in the newest stitchCll in point lat.-e. but point lace had no charms for me, so I wandered around among the book:~~ nnd pktures trying to lind something to play with . I soon be· gan to play ho rse with the cat nnd n dolly, but tea was annoum:cd and we all went into the dini ng room. As we went nut there M r11. Ford said to mot her, " I am'sure this must be a good little gi rl. one who never gi\'es her m:mmm trouble." "YC!J, indeed," answered my mother, "sho is an excellen t t·hild to take anywhere." "That is nice, there are so few well·beha\'ed children nowdn.ys," said Mrs. Ford, "in my dn.y ·child ren were soon ami nut heard,' but now it is ohen so diltef1!nt." When we were scntCfl :tt the table I whispered to my mother, "Say, she dicln't gi\'e me any tl!l\; can 't I h:wo ten when I go \'\siting!" For answer my mother stepped o n my foot and I had to kceJl still. Tlum when the cake WI..'! p:LS5C<I, I snlcl in 11. ~ti ll louder whisper, " 0, mamn. cnn't J have two pie<:es of this pink cakfl, these are such little; teenty pieces ?" Mother shook her bead nt me, at tho same time answering a question of Mrs. Fon:l's. At length there Wl\8 a lull in tho con\'crs:ation, and I broke out with "0! I know where you got those those dishes !" " Do you. de:~.r. and where did I get hem !" said Mrs. Ford. "You got them with bak. ing powder: they are premiums, 1 gnm~s: my m1uJJI\ got some, Lut we only keep them for company', like you do." Mrll. Fon:l's face wa.s n study, and my mother ditl not know what to :J.nswer, . so she began, "} gucil:il Girlie must be mi st:~.k e n." "01 no, I ain't eit lu~r. liiJUna, I heard yott tolling Mrs. Smith that your dishes werea.s nice as Mrs. Fon:l's and no one would ever know the dilterence." We didn't stay at the t:~.ble long o.fter t!111.t, and I - well, the rod wasn't spared thlll time. ---'= ·•c.c.unA. lft:sDimsos . DATE. 1925. SCENE. NEAR WAUSAU. Crnck! Boom! Haulo! What is it ! Why, it's "The - Great 4merican 'J' Digester rind Match Manu· facturer." It is now tAking Its trim! trip thru a strip of northern woods. 'Tia a gigantic nutomo· bile, 11.11 hundred feet square. (.;teat an:ns reach out in front.. and, a.s if 'endowed with reason. cl utch enormous pines and uproot thnlll, then swiug nround nnd dr:op them Into the .great maw of the monster. A roar is beard; tho trees are being trimmed and !!tripped. A ripping of snws is bean!. 9. rnttling of chains. n. dull roar of gearing, o.nd one cnn smell the fumes of sulphur. Watch the engin· eer a moment-. as from his high (;onning towe r he guides the man·elous structuro. Notice how he directs tho great a rms. Notice tho meeha.nies, how carufully they watch each part of the intri(' mncbinery. Now the machine ha.s passed us, lea\'· ing behind a wide swath of smooth groun1l ready forcullivntion. Whnt Is it tboso men a re piling in boxes on tho rear platform! They are boxes o r matches. 'fhoy htn-e been made from standing trees in hve min· utes. 'frees been uproott.od, trimmed, aawed . dried, split, cut into mo.tch size aod dipped. Tho matches hll\'6 been counted, boxed aod crated. The ' •Digester" has bettered the terms of tim contmct, which callt."ll for matches ill six minutes. Ao acre of land has been cleared, the timber mad~ Into matches, and the ground . cleared in forty-eight minutes. '· Hurrah for Jenkins tho Jenius! IJ:J.og ! Zip! Clatter! Another awe·iospiriog creation attracts ua. Jill TilE NORM AL PO INTER . u:uue is ·-The l'harmc r·s l'urtal• lo· l' h:lt K:utl•: l' ro· duct l~ad;(.' r,"" o r. ··The l n ,.: ta n t:l ll<'"ll -~ ~:\US..'l.\!1', Ham. Steak a uol Glth· l'nHhll·cr." It a b o is an autouwhile. Lo n~ incli ned p l:uu·~ •'.'l':lf'nd fr·.,m i t.~ ya tt·uing oloofl:l to the lut·cJ uf the pasture i tt >l'hit·h it i :~ mOt'ing. Fat cattle arc l,.·i u~o:: ol rin•n up the planes iuto the madtine. ~lu:,:. slit. s\a;;b"f The cattle :tre ki!! ed. skinn e•l anol •·nt u p by th(_ntl\l' h· inc in two minutes. An :trm r('a..ilt"s out. t ~ l•s the "3 ~<'t :tu n tlio•1•, of •·••nrsc. " ·-:\li s,; t:-w-u. " I •·ameto Stl'\' <'ll il l'nint with -'!':! . :!~1 in my powkl'( and a p:ll<' h un my ldt shu~· I l >u u ~hl tt·n ct•nt s woorth ,,f JI:IJ-l'l'r auo l :t ,.:tub ]It'll !\I tlw t• ll·n cr~o::rllt'cfy, :w• l 1\'(' 111 to work to publish the :m nu :d ." - J - nk · n ~. " I c:unc tu d t:tpe r•>n suttwhoo ly lnts hi~j.!cr t han I am. am\ tlh. dea rie me. l·h:tt·e my hantls fn\1." - :\ll~s Sk -t·t'· ld :u ul iu t wo mirllllt'" r.. ur p:tir~ ,f ~~""'" ft'l.>m hi;\e areolrot>JII'<I ••Ut •• f :1 tul te:lt tlw ,.i,i(• ••f tlte tmw hi ne. They nrc f:uw~· pato•ut h·:llhc r:> and :tlready in ho.'Ccs. On the .. tho•t' ~hll' till' 1h•sh h:t;j bc o·n mao lll into •lcl"ilcd ham. l''(tr:t•·t nf lwt·f. •·e:t\lo:\f. o·to· . Five h nn1lrctl •·a u;;. l:tht•]eo l :mo l t-r:ll•·d. an• ~ lmt "n t o f a tube e t·cry m iuu11•. In thl' l~:t <' k ul the ma,·hin c the hoof:>. ho rns ami \)l)ncil h:tl'l' h<'<' ll madl' iatn s ideeombs an d lml\nn .~ . ='"'a thiu;.: 1\"!li!tt·d . ='ot et·cn :\hair. lor there is a ha le nf m:ll.t res,:;cs ju ~t he· in~ ho.'Ced u p This :t.l:~o is one of the m:u: hittc:< u f J t•ukitu tlw J {'u ius. 1 .,\T ~: t t . - Great p:tn it: in \\' :tll stn::ct . T he l>i:ttuun• l )btt·h conqmny h:t~ fa iled . The Aruoo ur l':u-kinj.!' co mpa u ~· ••f ( 'hica~·· ha,; :l )>'n .-d tu t its domr~ . These f:tilures ar" due tu the "'wce11s uf Jt:nkin .~·~ " T refl Uigc;nc r" auol· · K:~tt le Killer. " It i .~ rumort., l t h:u J enkin ~ Ita,; houl-'(ht the plant., u f the :tbu\"c \\'1• ll'(•ro n nahl•· to o bt!lin :tny :tns wcr from l\lr. (1 -l h-rt. lout we hat·c ~en in (o nm••l th!\L ht! t':trne l.oe· C':tu.~e then: were Ml lll:\tl)' pre tty girls. !lis ntt lo jne Want ,\ol. t·ert:tinly continus t his rt' [HJ rl. \\" ht:n :\l i.~s \,-1\ :. was as ked her rc:t.snn'l fnn·orn inj.( tH ='unnal ,o(']tnol. she hcsit:l\(..'< 1 a moment :uul the n said . " \\'el l. jn:~t \\"aitll- " . " I •·rum• h!l<"k ' " t: tkc :t s pcdal i n Bot:ut y . I :till p!lrtintlarly int 1•re,.:tco l in tltc Flum uf t hi >l t·uuntr~· :tt ]JI'f'SCnt." - l-1 -m -lt·n . " I •·ame het':tiiSt' I' m gvi nj.( to h1• :\11 :\ 111(1!1 hy :ttul hy. I w:t.~ tn1d th:tt the ;.Jornml w:t.~ a JlOtJ•I tmiuiu g s<·huol. " - :\l ·rt·ll. !'roof . :\h·C-~ k -11 wo uld not t•unfes,; it. lout 11"1! arc 1'<)11\"inccd that he •·amc h:u·k to Sl'i' " nakcs. " I >':\ 1111' to :-l""rmal ....· IJet':\usc [ IY:ttttl·d a KJo l qui et p l:ll'o~ to study in. ;oo go 'way :wd olnu 't hot lu ~r m e." - 1\li s~ lk-mm-r Well. I shall han: to aus wc r, "T o ke tCil 'mn. " - named lirm>l and will oiC\'Otc h i:.~ fnrtunc to further Miss K·teh·u t. t \\'e wi .-~ h you all success. "ki n ~ ~·a~· h cheapeni ng of pn)(l uct ion . As a result o r ,Je nki ns ',; gc nin :~. t.ot.l:ty. there is no man who can not carry 111:\\l'hes. 1111 dwn·h tltat may not have haut S:\nolwidte>i at ,oorials. no wo man without s ide-combii. All hun ur to "J cnkius the Jenius. " E·u c. The fo1\owing letters have l>t-e/1 receii'Ctl in an~wcr to request.-. for rea~on ;; why M~rne ,'\orm:tl itc,.: hat·c come to Stel'ens !'oint :-;:orm:\1 sehoul · " I came to t his Sormal s~h'" 'l for rl' ~ u lts . ;mhs l'w after. H -s -w-rtb. l u r<l· No s ir. no thing lmt rt!,;u \t:;."- " I came to study HiJl J im my princi pal ly a no1 Mar· Tho h)l":t l cdit nrs will wcko n1c any later IHl Wi!i.) "I came hack tH pro\'c that tho> law nf diminishinJl returns docs nul apply tn fuothall. " - 1'-ll·y. " I came lO ;.Jonu:\1 schuo l wit h loi.ll aim >~ and little aims (.-\.tuc>i)."- l\1 -rs -. " l'rndence i.1 !!-lway" l. sn I camc."- Mis,J <.:-dtr·n : ··I c:une bac k for couu tc r reaso n .~.··-st-n .~· n . I t::\ IIIC to --So, I 1\io.!n't come b!lck for any g uy W!lc h a prnctic<! das.~ a mi _., uuly l',;yc hology." - Miss .. rJ-. " I came h:r.t:k to ki c k . " - Sc h-t--Jd . " I 1·amc loac k ket Pri1·es incidentally ." -:\l iSJJ Mc U-n-ltl. "Let it be under.1tood that l came uot here tn t:-rl>~·n . talk ."-llt- ll-r-h·IL 11-17.· 1. to Uc t he ccu ter nr :-l"nrm:d fam e." -- "i ca111c lO sehoul to in >~ pire poetry. "-Mi11s TH E NORMAL PO INTER. "' TI-tE NORMAL POINTER.. OCTOBER '5•. ' :._ 9oo _ .--A pet lodleat, re~re..:nuthe ol t he ~bth State :>;orStflvtlll Point, WltCOIItiD, pnbi!Jib~d by lbe ~al !kbool, Termaottllb.colptlon :.Ocen•aJ)t!rynr lnadunee. ':1 tcou tttaotpald~f<:maJao,\,11101. ••.• &dlh>r-tn.ct.lef lh nutK L- u a.u~.o, 'OI. . J oUCI Q. Ca a "*lli,'OI. .•• .•.. t.heoary .. E .II.II A81UT\"III.I>,'Ill ro~IIML ~~·:~~~:~·.'~ .. Local .•• Athletic .. E ~rbaa te ..!ttodeiScboot RUl>OI.PIIIACJIIICILW, .• )IIIII U. Alln,'OJ .... . )"LOR • ti•IU.a,'OI , CL.t.Jlln W , JJ:/IKI!U, Tb ~ Ccator } •• '01. ... ""' ,,,, . ., UUIIDUI .Y&DIII:e t Every Interest of tim maimlcr o f literary matte r. school will be represented and it Is hopcd)hnt•ctwh iudh·idual student w\1! feel himself rc!lponsiblc for a l'h:tre in it.'J success. Other schools publish an nuals. and we will not ndmit that nny other school can tlo n thing which ours eanuot . To Insure tho succe11.~ of tho enterprise, tho Press nssocio.tion elceted a staff which, individtmlly and collcct\voly, Is equal to any task. While we hope and believe that the spirAl will grow ycnr by year, that each new "temple" will be "nobler thu.n tho last, " we kno w that tho lirst Nnntilu:~ will be indeed ·•a ship of pearl." the cflicicncy of those In charge maki ng this n.ssuro ncc ]}tlr· feet . Now that wo are settled down to tho regular ron· tine nf school wnrk, we begin to realize how much oul!lido influences mean to us. Our thought!! turn aW.Ja-lltll•, ·ot ... naturally to tho Lecture Cou rse, which has fu rll.UIIU.Il L . COHWAY, til.. '0\ ,,,. . .• .•:IHr~u.r;r nished us so much In past season!!. The Lecture Addreu all bllalat"n lctt~tl tu the 8 11•\n,.u ) l uager. Artidn tOIIdted from former t tadent• •ad te•chen. Committee for this year has arranged for n more Hel4el'll aacl•nbtorlbert &l'$re&puclfally reqne•Lcd to p.o.t · rontnonr &d•er!lurt. interesting nnd ad rncth·o series of entertai nments tha n has t!Ver before been o ffe red. Leland Powers. tho great impersonator, requireS no word of onl"ll to St.'Ctlro for him"your a ttention. J tLcob Hils, author of ·•How the Other Half Lives, '' will lecture on some Jlhll.!le of the subject to w hich he ho.s dedicat~l his With this number of the Pointer the new stall lifo work. Degides tbo advantage o f hearing sochll ruakC!I it!l debut, and 38 delmtnntes arc pro,·erbially conditions di!ICusscd by so prominent a reformer, mod est a nd diflidcnt, we s:ty nothing of what we tho inspir:ttion derived from seeing s uch a mnu and would like to tlo or of wlmt we c:<JX..'Ct to do. WtJ feeling his persona lity 1!1 something one cannot only wish to remind you agaiu that the Pointer ig niTurd to miss. l\1~. Stet!IOn i!l another lecturer your paper, nnd i( you hn,•e nnything to Sll_lt'gest with whom it is worth much to come In t:ont:tct which you t hink would ituprovtJ it. your own iruer· a nd old students do not need to be toltl th:1t estll demand that you tell ug about it. We W!l]lt Mr . Kcnnnn's lecture will be wo rth the price u r tho your bclp in making tho l'ointcr in C\"Cr y respec t a t"Ollr:W tickot. The two musical numbers require no school paper- one in which el·ery portion of the com menU!. E\·eryonc who heard the Boston !.!\d ies' school is equally represent~! . Will you help ug ~ Symphony Orchcstm will want to bear it again, Tho P res!! :l!I:K)Ciation hM this .rear tiQ\Lbletl its tlu- ruul the Whitney-Mockridgo Concert company bl\!1 n The great succCBS or the tiC!I by undurt:~.king to is.~no nn :uunml. in atltlitiun nntinnnl rc)lutation. to tho publication of the Pointer. T his is a \"Cnture Lt.'Cillrc Coul"llO lll.!lt year jus tifies us in saying thnt which bas been agitated to some extent for sc,·cml cnch one of these numbeNJ will be give n before -'' ,.ears. bu: not until this year hilS it rccch·etlthe con- crowth.>tl house. alderation it descncs. The ··N:mtilml'' will take We regret that lack of spaco fo rces n!l to omi' the p laoo of the sou,·enir iSllue of tilt! Pointer hut mention of lll.!lt year'!I Ele mentary graduates, nntl will be a far more ambitious piece of work. ft will ni!D to postpone the appearance o f an lntereuing oontftin a bout one huudn:d paJel'S. thirty of which cl:t.~~ nrlicle by Miss J ennie Borc!IOn. We promise will con!list of etehin.ll's 1\litl h:\11-wnci!. atlll the rcthe d:LSa of 'M that t hey shall yet have it. . ~~~1•0• ~".".."~.'~~i~:-~~!~~- ~~~~:::~~aat llutl neu :\I..,&JCrl j, WaRI'IIf STt~IO!I', '0-1 .. TilE NOR:'\1:\1. PO INTER. "' \\"ha t ,J,.,.il-!11·" ha,;t thou 0111 Hh:' I'J,·:I~•· Io ·t 111,1· umlm.•lb J,.... T u t lwlll ll t'o >f \." 11 Frivolity.- (,; the mirth :uul frh·..Hty w ith w hi•·h l 'l' n.~ i."ll~ ,111,Jpay to tho· l"l'l .~ of u ld . the ~ni ors h:n·o begun th<.J Y"ar. :dt"\.!!<'!lw r ·•·•·tu ly :Ulfl in :n:eord:t.llCl' • wi t h t ill' ·li ~n i t y w hidt T lu·i r ~•HI~ 111:1,1' w.>ar " 111 tltd r uuifurms ulol: l 'uut·:1;,:,• inlw:u·t :u11t l' io·tu:d~ i u han.!. should' \CrizC :1 ..J ;tS~ u f ~1h'h • [ll:t lit~· :\!1> ] 1111 usu a l lJII:Ultity ~ IJUI ~'CI. i1a 1·c 1\'o• a l'il!hl to louk f.,r SlliiSc :unl ,;ubricty iu !I d a ss wltu~·· .,IJi,·o·t·,. an• ·' " w:l)'W:u·,J ~ "~! t h~ J.lind to lt·ad t he h li n•l" know t ill' re,;;t . =--o\ :\ , t. io t' pa n~·. nut ,.,.,... a Sto n · J{l':tol.l' \" lig h t. ior pit·nk : Y"" han• m:ad t• :l gr.1nd ~land . ~·,.ur ··ntri•·· a n· ~··· t'llr('•l: y nn h/\1'(' sh.. wn d i•<Td i"n i n .'' "llr ··h• ·i•·•· .,f juol~o:e~ a nd t im~·k('CJ >t•rs . \\',· lt" J" ' I" ,,.,. ynu ,.,.111· iu on the home •u·etdt w ith ~:olor< tlyint!' and :1 fanfare o f t rumpe t,.. E lem e n t s. dt~IW pa~· fro m l'IIO"lti :o'.;uu. hun t:. B.•· 11u• ).!il'ls- ,\ nothe t' kt.•ko•t ba11 in the Junlors .- lil:i.d you ha•··· "r\!au i1.e ol . \\',• wo•r•• hcg:inniu!:( to w ..r ry !l lo.. ut ,\'" 11 ) '<>Ill' a i111· :u ··· J,fl,\ . in ~t "I' l'l':td,\' [ 01 i t~~ II""' yo ur \ II I'll '" ' '"ml oi11t'. Reuonlng hy iud1wt iu11 fn•m tlw 11,1' t lu· psy<"lt"l"~t.•·· ,.Ja~s )t~'UI. ll i~tho·r tc.~ t ,.:t:IU•Ii nll'.~. l\,l' \\wf,.,,t lo;IJ ] \<':tlll"-:0:t>IIII'OIIO't"l:lk<• t::ll... t1f\he f,,,, J.a ll. S:ty. !lid .'."" k n"w wo· haol a hanuo•ro·la"!!'! Fir.<l •tllat'lo·ri\l•·tlt• " l,.:. nwt•t,.: at 1::111. If Y••n a n • f n·•• d~it it. tl~<· u. It •.-ill n •p:t,l' yuu. We Are Grateful - ~po·llin:,: li~t ~ 'j', :\It•'i n;.:• tull r..r till' many IM•:wtifultlm\'•'1'" lw ha• hr,.t tf,(h t n ~. \\ ,. :qoprcdah• t l•c m . 'J',, tlw f,.,,t loall louy s f••rlllt' Jo-~...,11 lht•J lt:l\'i' ~in•n u• in uwo·t irt )t .<"many d itlk nlt k"' wilh •·ou rago• au•l Ot·nc r That m:my will l.oc •li.• apw•intt:d ' "'' ':t ll.~c tlwy o·annot f'\..oc:cil·,. a rcconuue udativ 11 w it h t h~:i r •·c rt iti· p l nd; . Tu:\l r !'ray for th ..~c •lt•li~thtful l't•:ulin~t" from Hu-k in. and fot' t lw p lo:a ,.:ant rl,..t(orit-:tlsnrpri."'-'"· '1'•1 illt'!'if:&lt~ of \\'i ~t·"n " in f•u· t h n ••· d o•au •lo!.~ k ~. 'f'., :\lr. t ' u l•···•· foor hi" o· :~:•·• ·ll••nt c .\ pl:w:u iun ••f t hc some uf u:s. That whi le o u r pruuutwi:tti"ll i< ~r,..,J. " ur ~r.1111 · mar is bcllc r That while we !li'C neighhorl_\', :<t om•· :u·e flO •! mar· Fu r the 111'11' ,.:tatuar.\', That .\ lr. ~:Ill ford i.~ lo:wk witlo u,.:. That it h :t.~ u · \ raicu·d d:t.,r. ,.,.,.,.y r irtgcable. Warnlng.- T he t:cn.'!or w ill olc o·tn it her •I my to admo n illh some :uubit iutt.i yuunJt:~ler~ wh .... ,. r:t~h expend it Ure of mole t·ular etwr~y uf t/" ' hra in may r~l!ult In ccn•bn,.;;;]Jin:al uwningitis. if tl•" hd~kctfcr· \'cso.·c ncc of wit he no t s•w ou di,.t:vn ti utt•·d May the follo w ing sytupto m.~ p rurc '" 1,.. tlw war ning whie h :done is s ulli<-il'lll '" t!w w is•· . " Mn itle n , witlt tlto: ttlt'('k ltr f)ll'll ··~···-~. In whose hnnd a ruLI~r lio·•. (ilrls.- \\' hat ~ nc,.u r:t:t"ntf· n t han: yuu ){i l'e/1 t he !Ito' ft uotl od i i •"Y~ ~ I lave )'" II !l(,wn out l.<o so·c them pr.wti<"l · W hy n"t '' T li" huys d iT iarc tluJy o·an run tw it·•· :.~ fa!IL w hen the 1-!ir\~ a n· at tit<' ~i.!e li n•· J .,.,ki n~ "II. J .o~•t t: l·o·ry l.!irl fc•·l tlo:ot IJ,,-. ,.:11t·• ·•·-~• .,f tim ' " ',\'S •h!J><'IId s in ..,,.,,.. nu•a-un• .. u lwt·. Lo·l ,.,.(· ry ~tirl 1": in c \' id c twe at til<' L!:tlltl'~ 1" locl p tl"' J.,y. :tluug . Til E NORMAL POINTER. n6 1J: 1y'l llnring the latter par t o f Septe mber. with us again. however. )'rvf. Sech ris t. to 1.-ite ra t urc cl:lss: read Fr:mklin'sAn tr)Uiogmphy . suuhmt : By whom, J!le!l.!!c! S hu is I want yo u to Prof. S:1nford, who was m ml.lle to take charge o( his cl:tsses ou accoun t of sickness dur i ng the OJK!U· ing weeks o f the term, is aguin with us. Along with the ot her tests Prof. S wift is te11ting t11e ey~s nnd ear.J o f the s tmle nls whit :1 l'iew lO hn\'· ing prOJlCr tren!ment for defuctivc o rgans. F. H . Lor·d of Hi ve r Falls, n me mber of the exccn· ti\·e cummittce of the Board of HcJ!:ent.s. SJ)CUt Mon· clay, Sepl. 2-1. in looking O\'Cr the work here. Della Polifka has returned to the Normal fnr )KlS t. grnduntc work. \Vntch for the N o \'Cm issue uf the Poin te r. A s urprise awaits yo n. Anon l\l cMillan, ·oo, w:ls a \'isitor at the Normal, Wed nesday, Sept. 14. Alla n l'rny, '!17. shook lmruls with fricTHi s here beforo returni ng to the Unh•crsity. Work on tim add ition to the Norm:1.l is nicely. The c:.;tcrior ~s abo ut liuishe..l. p rog rc.;o.~ in~ From the J{hctoric class:- "A ~ mall hrnwn baby In n cnrring!J. much the worse for wear. " l\l iss E-rl· (to naughty ,,.,yin practirc class whose first rmme is Guy ) : - W hy ~ G uy I! amoh ! Wm. Hrnd f,ml. '!¥.}, Jms go nC tn the S t:LI C Uni\'c r- 8iLy to take a r•o n rsc i n clce tr it.-nl cn~o:in ee riu~. Miss !\lac J c ffcri!O n. Ele me ntary • •l r111. '011, ~ pe nt a fe w days with he r s is wr. h·n. early 111 the term. T he ~lip in SJ)('lling anrl th u const•qncnt SJK!lling is no Jon~rc r :l mys tery to the new s tmlf' nt. The Athcnneum begins il!l yea r's work with Mr. Geimer as Presiden t; l\lr. Follett-, Vice P resiclcnt; ~ l r. Lc pJICn, Sec retary, and l\.lr. Veers, Treasurer. l\lis:t Binli ne Hamil to n. Elemen tary, '00, stopped and greelCd frientJM he ro while on her wn y to S pringlicld, Min n., where s he has a position 11.1 u~aciLI'r. ,J. Clytie Fruit, a former stude nt, s pe nt a day or t\\'O at the Xormnl e:u ly in the te rm. Mr. Fruit is :tt present a st uden t :n the Massnchusctts School of 'J\·c·hnology. Many of lau year's grnduntes ha\'C tn nde us viilits be fore goi ng to their yea r 's work .. Amo ng these nrc l'a d cy Hockwdl, J os. Hnkcr, Ed na Saxton, Ernen :\liner nml J esse Sope r. T he Arcrm has elm·tctl t hese ofliccrs ·for tim lir:;;t I]U!II'te r or the ye:lr; President . l\l:r.ti6 Ha rry: Vico l' rc.~ ident. Florn Earle: Seeretar•y, Ellen J effers: Tn::as urer, l\l i$.!1 Balch. RliJ) The fath e r and the hmther of Miss Mat ill ll:1rry visited he r and the Normal early in the 'Jll:lrt cr. ltulph Hou rHls. ·oo. l'il!ited fri e nds at the :-:ormal before going back to his work at the Uniw•rsity. MiS!J(!s Hnrrarul Howlett SIJ•cnt S:unnlay ami Sun· clay, Sept.. 22 and ::!3, l'isitingrulath·cs anol fri c ml ~ at Gmnd H.'l.pids. Will Smit h , '!Y.I, SJKl nt a fe w tlays with i\'onnal frie nds before rcturninJ: to his wnrk iu the :"t • i l l ~ · l'illc High S<'hool. Mi$.!1 Whitman was a iJ<;t' nt from he r <'las._"<!!! a few A pan of the afternoo n o f Wed neStlay, Sc)lt. f9, was t:1ken up with the first r heto rh-al mm rci;rcs of the yenr. Tho program WIL!I brief nml eo n ~is ted of a fe w ~ ho rt, well-delivered recitations. The (.;l ionkn, the you nl(e~ t li ten1ry society in -~ <: h ool. has l!cgu n work u :-~de r t he follo wing o fli cel'il: l'rcsitlent, Misli Annc Cownn ; Secretary, l\l is;J l..aur:l O' Leary : Vice President, Miss Grace Kier. T ho Normal gromhls no rth o f the building nrc be· irr g lil!etl in and g raded u p. Why ca n' t these be h:rll'eli in and made into 11 Normal At hletic Pnrk. s uitable for football nnd baseball}lUrposes ! N()R ~I :\1. T il E T he Jun ior ··Ia~,; ~U.:uul dct'll'• l \ mc.'i: \'it'C 1 wa~ "r~an ilwd W o•du,·~d:l~·. tlwf• •ll• •Wiug:olli<-•·r·· l' r···~id<·lll, ;-:,.1'1 l'n··i·lo·ur . . l•···•· l.:nrn·tt:\ l.:tol \\ i:.:-. POii\' T l:.R. _!!l~t·luar•• ~<'< To•\:tl'_\'. II i a• ]J,.,.t.,r· ,,f l 'hi[, ..,,p]oy .,f r lw t 'l:u·k \.'n i· n ·r-iry. \\'on·t••t•·r. ;\\a,.,. lllwreht••llhlk.\ under ti :-otan l•·y ll:tll. l i ra<'c Kicr: T r·c:L"IIf<'l', A lfr"C,] llo· r:·kk : ;-:,.,.\!c:tnt ·at· Tilt' pn~iti"' ' of i ll<ll'lh'l"r· i n rhc tit•n}!'r':tphy olc- Arno;;. :O.Ir. l1 r u. p:ortnwnt i• lu·],]lo.v A li o·i:t llo·ltkuwr. l'r tof. ].. , ... J!.~totll' : A I! wl1n li kt•ol the Jtlr•·t ori•·al.< ycstt•nlay s t:uul. { E•···r~· out· ri·•·• two •,l't·ar·-·ht• lra<ln•••11 Pro of. J..,·.·gston~: \\' h,1· did Y"" Ji].;,. tlu.'m . :'ll r. l b h··n~·ll ' .. ~ . r,;k.•· ': Bt•t·:l11~•· rlr•·y '''t·n· "" -lrort. g:raoluat<• ,,f tloc l 'o••p•• r lll•tit•H•· :-:..lroo<o] , of l lo·· i;::u aud ;L],.., of tht• P ran~o: S or·m:l l .<o•]ro,.•l. :-:Jw our ~<'IIU<>I her tu th<.' ''"lll"• \\'hilt•:tl \\' :o,. hin~o:· l l i;.:lrsdi<lill. w :o..lrill)tl>ill. l l t ' . :o't:th·~ \\',•a tlw r 11111'<':111. wllt'l'<' ;;lw 1•ujuyo•d .,,..,·i:ll a•ll·ant:l)!•'S g:i1'ett lh·r a·· i-r till drawi u~o: to·adwr . i ~ :1 F"r rho•b"t in,.tnrt'!ur in rlu.J l 'o•nl r :tl tun )I i--Ilo• ll i•·nu·t· wa" :1 :<]Wda l .• tuoh-nt rtl tlw l 'ttlto·•l :O.Ii~ Jlu~lll.!~. tlw "1 :O:!w 111:1do· :o r<·all l o~· ~~ ,..~·i :o l .~t ndy thPl'••f the 1\11· uf nwteut•ulu){y . :O.Ii"" \It· j;i,·uwr h:i<loo·o· tr :l ." tndo·nr a t :-'ruirh t'ulle){o! :ond to fro m :'.l imw:tp"li•. wlll're •lw ha.• ],.Til :o'to•l'l'll~ thi~ J',i nl Sunu:ol T he ~l·11 iur 1 ·1a.,; h:r· <>I'J{:t rtit.••d T ill' d:l~" i• :a :lllll ll:tl I• " T it<• ~aut i hr~. .. ~o:lam·p :\ at t he ll:tlllt'• .,f t h••·•· w h" I'OI II>priso• it• • I:! IT ~ti•·e• 11~ sn m e st rong"'~~' :tnd olof'"' t•r.·dit to tit~· ~···ar~ ,.f tr·a inin\! ido•:r :t· '" wlt:tl the S 1orlll:11 lt:tS _~til'<.'ll it,. llh'llllwt"' Th··~<! :u·o• ib l'r<:"iolc: 1. Foo~to·r [',,llt·y . \ 'i•·e l' rt··ioletrr. lo..uu• l '" 1,..: l·:. litur·in ·t 'hil'f. I 'l:ork•• .J.•nk i ll<~; l.iicr· ar.l' J-:,Jil.,t·. Ko•r11wth l' r:ty. A rltl•·ti•· Editor. Fusto·r ••lli•·t•r!i. "tl ir.• liftlr ,l·•·ar·, w ..rk 11 ith :11::'"''1 lllt·mhcr•hip and lori ~o:hr. 1'~'~'"1'''''1 " ].,.. fort• it. Tlw f,. j],Hi ill}!' :or•· it" .. IIi•·•·•·,. l'r,.- ido·nL Alfrcol llf'rrit-k: \1111; t;n~· l l:tmil· :o'l't'}!'e:tlll ·:tt· Arrrl". L'h:trlo·S Ji•>ll~t·W<Jl'th . The Ot·ato rka l a~,.u··iali«n T ht·Ur:o· turkal rts,.udatiurt h:IS the man;t)!\:11!<'111 .,f <utile uf the grc:ue,;t l'l'llllt.~ of till' refll' :l nd cad1 ,;wdent Slllotllol make the iutc rc.• tS '''the ::-~·wiali••n h i~""' "· J ohn Ka r nVI' P· a ruem hcr vf tlw ~cn i<~ r \·Ia•< :111•! well knuwn :l.S our c ncr}!'Cii<' fuut loa ll o·apt:lin .,f l:as t )I t·~ .le).('n·e o·:tti•m ~••rtlrwo•<tc t'n l'•• tt"CI' I'alnry l ntht:)'t':IN uf'!J;and '!J)i :\Jt•s. o f tlw L:n il'er.o;iry nf ld:tlt". and nf Ann Arh,r. :'o l io-h. :-'111' I:L~l ~ pent yc:1r with tha t t ire J•a>~t lltt lllllwr stuol,\·i ng: witlr s p••o·i:oli"l" :11 (. 'hka~" · :Oii"" )Jary T :uuwr. in:~tnH'torin iJr:twi rrg, wh<Jh:ts lwr O ur ,;,·houl t.•••ntinuPo[ :tl t 'lellll'lll w:o.;nm tl t't'\t•<l wit htlu•llll"'k:tlolt•p:trt ll\t! llt ].,.,." II" Busi ness ,\Ite r her marri:tg:o· in '!t.'o lll'r mn•i,.rtl t•olu· w:o~ in :o'pHk!tllt', \\'a"h. the po,.irio n o f t:ouut y :o'upl•rirrt•·udcnt maitl with A.~~i.•tant ,\ li o·e t ·. l'l\'llle lll, t lw no•II' im•trut'l<or in \'o>(•a l mu,.io-, <';IIIlO' \"II" r.·.,m thl' l 'nh·er"ity SdtoHol o f l\J u. ~kat Ann ,\ rl~ or. l\1 \o-hi).(':tll :-'Itt· ~o:radu:tt o·d from ye:1r. h:~..~ rcet:i\·ed tire lkjlll lJiio·:tn 1111111in:otiun fur hca~tily wishes him "u•·•·c,.s. t iiiiJo~• rt : Hu•im·-- :O.I:tna:.:••t·. Etl . tire L:nin·r·it.1· u l :'.lidli:t:u t in '!1:1, tak iu[.: the I'll. B. mer :tnd o·h···H:tl their ollicers fur till' yo·:rr: l'rr~i.ll'll l. t:h:o<. ) t.·:odc. T re:t•· uro•r, Uriu \\',Otl : :-:,.,-retar~·. \\'m l lea l.1·. L'••111i•· Ediro •l'. ) I at it- Harry; .·\rt Un:u·o l, ll:11·· ,..;,.h•oli••l•l. Eltl<ll:l :o'kar ,.,,J,]. .Ju liu" t 'arl~om: ,.,.~· \' in· l ' n·,.idt·ttt. H..hl·t·t )ilt)\·ihi:l: T rl':tSUI't'l'. (.'l:lrke Jo•nk itt•: :-'1'1TI'Iary. lit•·ntr~· ,... ,.,.,.~,. tilt' :-l' :~t~!il us is l'o oll•·~· . 1-!arn•y :-:,·htolio·ld . :-:cen·tar~·. E tlll ll:t :-'k:lt\'ool<l. T lw Forum I r a~ ~t art•·· I :1 a~·~eut ~·e:ll''" fur :l )'f':tr i< :t).(':tin with wut·k .~I n• .•:oy.~ 11<1. l!c).(':l nlin ).(' " l.a•t yea r I >I(Jt:nl ti l'e :O.Ir KartWI'P 11ill ~"~" m"ntlr• tr:ll'eliu;:: thrunl!h tlw nu•·thcrn p:trl o f t he unt il hc '"'''" !'!~ his ru-w ,»<••itiuu :o• ,;t:liC irt tlu: itrten:;:(.; ,f ''"' w : ~norrsin F n·e l.iiJnory l..:olll llti•~iurr . I ],·,·t~Jred "" Ill<' II~<· nf pi1·tun·~ :urd t:vn uty Sn 1x:r intrnrlcnt \\'c ha•·c hccn fo rltrllat<' irr ,je(·n riuJ: Colin A. :-:,·ott slruwe.l lil orarian,.; lruw '" 11•1' th•·t Ot in ·h(.,,] rou•r n olo·o·•orati••rt. ru iustnwtnr in the dcparrm.-•llt o f l'cd:tJ:"~~· :tnd <.:hilt! !o'tttdy. He i< kuuwn :1.~ one nf tht• m n,t ]•rum·<tl incut wo r kers in the I lli nois a--odatiun .,f Child ...·ulpt<>r Stu<ly. in 11t:fore l'nming '" :o'H•I't•rr• l'uil: r IJr ;-:,.,It -;1 mnuths [ t:hild Study in the t:hi<·a~-:o ~ .. rm:tl ,..-·!t•>~ •l ,.,, 11~in :t nu• l o f the Wh ilo: tl"' n· I l·i,it··.l m:-.ny large IJo ih ~ .. w \' urk h eld the J)()Siti(•JI nf pru fe., snr rof l'•.l·,·lr"l")!.l' ar11l He i· lilrrario·.~ T ht· n·roraintlt:r .l'••:or [ "1"'111 i n ~.·w Yurk ~tudyinJr: wi tiJ W:t• :truJ JS.,•I<H1 IJ nringthc :t :~~.:hool!l S IIIIIIIW r an iu-tnll'llll' :tllll<' ['u in· r,iry n f \\' j,.;. •llllllllf:r ,dr• ~<•l ·· T HE NOR~I.~L Ou1' Wtl,letic;l. t A T the tirst mrcti ng·nf the Ath ' il'tic :u!li:OI.~i:Hion th e fui\O w~ng ullh·crs were clccH:•I fot· the hrst •.\Y;'~ · ,/' tt• rm o f the sehool ymr: l'rcsitlcnt. ... ... . ..... . .J . II. 1\ m<>s. Secretary.. . .... . Kenneth !'ray :;:, Trcasun:r ..... . .... . W. E. l1:1nsun. ~-. ' •:~~~2 E xec utin::t:omm ittet!. Ed . ;\I. Gilbert. P rof. F. K. SccJ,rist. A. ltusc· berry. ,~ Fi n:w ciallv tim russodraion is in ~unt l •·mulit ion. T he Slmlcnt~ r cspo m lcd n ol•ly w tlw eall for fun< is early in the yea r. And. :dthonp:h :1 consi•lo.·mblc smount has been s pent in t'•tui p pi n).( th o fuuthall team to hctt•:r withsta uoltht• nn s b u ;.!hl~ of the cnc· my, the a;~suc ·iatiun hu pcs t<> o.:~ mq• h•tc the sc:~.son u.s c reditably :lS it tlit l l:t~l ye ar. Th u mcmi.Jcrs :til take an acth·c interest. ami :m.l o.:nthu ,.i:~tic in iu 1\o ings . Ou r intcrest.w, at present , nrc all ccutcrt.'\1 In footh:1ll. :uul we an! anlli ou~ly :IW:titing furth e r dC\'CIO JliiHllllii am i new l'ktu r ic,;. OSHKOSH-STEVENS POINT. O:>hk o>~h, LAWRENCE-STEVENS POINT. T he first t ~am won its first l' ictory fnun l.!l ll'tencc Uuivcrsity Oct. (i, by :\ score o f 12 to 10 . T lte ti cli l was heu\'y n11t l th e g n mo wus ph1ycd in th e mml and water. Lawrence kick'! orr to W ojack". Stc\·ens Poi nt i ~ h~lrl fi•r t luwn ;,~ , Uut immediately h o llis l..awn:m-c resu lti ng in a scuru of fo t· tlown .~ and rcco\'Cr"S th e ball. The n by a scri~~ o f li uc Uucks and nmss pla.}'s t ile h:11l i ;,~ carried w 0 toO. CHhkosh ki c k >~ ulT tu Stcl' uu~ l'oint. 1\l ca!t"he.s t he ball and :tth•anccs it \ !"1y ard ~ IJC f,..,re he i~ t:wkl rt l by Hu nnoo. tw euty minutes. Tho b:lll c lmngt:d h nnds freq uent· ly. o ur boy :~ losi ng it on fu mbles, O.'i hkngh o n 1lowns. \' he h:tlf ended with the ball i n p osse>1sio n of Sto.w ens Point on Osh ku~ h 'il fo r ty :yn rd line. T lw followiz iA' is the li nC·UJl for· th e two g:un Cil: ll o)t ~:. l'osrnox. O::!t t KOS U. IJ,\ WII~:sc~:. l'ul tey (t.:apl. ) . I{. E .... Curm:m .•. Sm it h. UOJtlc n l la nso n ........ H. T .... Hunn o c .. Schneller Il:un il to u ...... It G .... T eske ... .. .. ... Knrn up(' Carlso n . ....... C .... .. Dille. , ......... Surcus<> n Wojak ........ ! •. G ... . Mitllcr .......... Tiolstcin Urady ... . \ .... 1.. T .... Hoscut h:\1 ........ HoJtm·s Milt•!>. Grizn~J. 1-: .... SltJ W:l r l . . . .... l' L'Ck St·hoticld . ..... It II .. . . CI:•rk .. Be nnett Ann•s. K:u·nopp.!'. II ... . l.nwren co (Cn p t. ).. ll :~otl.'Ki n :\l urat . . ....... Q . ..... l.a Ciait·e ..... . Cole. l' ri•lu hwkisch . .... .. F. U .... He n t her ........ .. H u ~~ell ::i:ttm~lay , The ti rst chl\'Cll plait.'\! its initial g:uu u September 2!1. wit h PO INTER. It too k fot·ty·twu mi nu tes to play t h e lzLS t half o f Sc1·eral e m \ runs a rc trictl. hut tlw in· terfcrencc is.too rn):l'gctl an ti line· btu-kinJ.t is rcsut'tc• l to. Ames buc k"' trwkl c for ,; ya nl ~. l'ol!cy :Htll Miles nrc sent throuJ::h thu lines fo r g.~ ,.\ gain ~. H a nson letuli nl( tac k le>~lmc k ma kes G y ards. 11t~ltly m akes 5 yard >~ t h ro ugh riJt;ht t:~o ck lc. A d r op kick f •r goal fail" a ud Oshkrosh get ;~ tlu.: bn\1 ou the ir ten-yard li ne. l.:lll'fCII L't! adn1ncc.s the l .awreuct::'~ te n -ya r d line. Jlc r u Sch o lie ld, with ex· r-t:llcut interference, car r ie.! t ho bR.ll :lcross th e liuc fnr a toul' hduwn n nd ki cks go:~ I. Again t he h:11l iii llll: hL'(I across tht.\ Jiu o fo r :wulhcr to uc htluwn lry Schotie ld. Goal is k ic ked . re nee now makes a determined SL'\nd un,l Ly s mas hes o n tackle s uccect-IB in m ilking n. touc hdown . The haU e nd s with t lze U:11l in l)(Ji:!Sessiou of l.:l ll'· T he seco nd half brgau wit h faster p lay i;1g o n bnll 30 ynnl8 befo re he is tackiL'Il hy l'ollcy. O:.h· kosh is held fo r downs nnd the half end;~ with the ~untl gains. ba.ll in possession of Stc1·cns Point in th e mi•l•ltc of th o lield. liue und n m s Gil yards for a to uc h down . I n thc &."tlond hnlf Scholield kicks o tT t.o l .awrcuc~. who is dow n ed iu his ll~\cks by Hr:uly. T his half was by the fum Ulin~ t~f Steve ns Puint a ru l t hefn.c ili Ly wi th which tlu.:O shkosh men took ti 111e hoth si•lcs. T ae kl e.shack n nd tande m pln.y.~ make Another wuch1lown is in s igh t , lmt :1 fum blci.~ m:ttle. I' L>c k c atc hes th e Lu ll OOhi rnl our l>nl'ing the remainder o f th o half the ball C.\"· drauf.:ed h:~omb frC(J\IC il tly , but u cither s id e s ue· CL'i!< IC<l in scorin g. T he ha lf ended w it h Jhe ball iu 1 ~•-..Sci:!iliou of Lawrence. ~ TI-l E NO R~IA I. POINTER. r....,y tu"ilu fu ll " 9 yt·:t r. sayiu " J,..·,] IH· ... u n· tu olie . - W t•ll. lw d id --o•ij.!hty· n in u Y•':tt· ul". I tol.l you ; :111 ' SHill<' II. "JIST A LITTLE ARGYMENT'' A grc:~.t \'olutiug \'vlmull nf nkvti:L u sruuko·. This frmu tbc o ld man's p ipe . A comp laeen tsruilcof t he o ld nt:J.O himself. ;~flliol l'Utlt l'nt. "J"h is fr<om A !lbrug of imp:llil'll<"4'. w itl1 :\ l1alf auo li loll• ··tt m y : If hll o nly woulol stop it :·· Thi ~ fro uu hi.~ .l:m:::luo·r. th"."'''to'lli]IC I":IIlt"t•ft•]J.,ws Wt."l"t' olariu' IHtltl t•nung:h tu l:t.•· it :all tu tht· wh i:<kt·y. · Y,•s." t lwysaiol. ·don't yuu ,.,.,. ~ ili.ln"t Wtl tdl yuu ~ T his whi>'kt•J "":ol"uw. I dun "t t:tkc uu sto1·k i n lizzio•l••jJ pn•:~o·h iu . """ Tuo· las t 1\":L.; u tt••n·d w ith ."!lllliC thi~ tomfullltlt )" litt le Vij!Of. Btl! puritankally p rcdil(!. ]•:·• ·11•1 1.\· ]Jri m. ··The c\·il d f1..-cts o f >'tiluubnt~ and uar,.. •tk< ll!Wt•sa iol. l11c ••ld ma n. ]JoC:tt•cfniiJ !!-mi li nJ.('. r••lap"t"l iut" hi.; tt• ual paticth:c. while Dina h. t rue to pritll'ip l••. r<' ltii"IIC<]to her h:ahitU:I] ]IC~iMCIU"C. Wnultln' tltee\"tlf' learn thc tll ' Oh. if lu· wu11l•l "111,\· sec t hat ph:\"s ic.loj!y t·ha rt a t ,.d1.,.,]· 11 ,.],.. ,,.,. it :111 ph.v.~i"l"l!.\" l'fl )Jl:lin. llco]O('sn "t !!\'CIII I"IIIind whal [ n :u .him ··\\",•11. y.. u jus t uu ~:ht ' " d1art :·· ll ut tw diolu"t ).('o. J.('( l toachno l :tnoi!M!e th:al lltJ relit l1i ~ pi]>tl in:<t eaol. in wo nb. '' Anti t he f:tct o f til(' mano•r i• Ill' d id n 't m irul ~" 1·ery. \'Cry nllwh. 111~ wa.~ "'"nwthi n,.: !i ko· ]"'"r .,],] ]{ip : a nti. to be C(JUtidt•n ti a l 1\"ith ,\"1111. ~1,.. ho:r:>o·lf had som e ,.imilarity t" t hr> llal! H" \ "au \\" iukl•· At wa~ l"''·,,i~h~nt. aud leas t h e Wall ofte n ti mes patio•nt while s he ~ilt:nt ~ht- ~ pokr• while Unt ,,,Jay he had ;u•mcthin;c '" •:t.\'. ··W ell now. IJin:d1. ,\'"tl jist d un "t· w:uot tf'r ,]rink i n nil t hnstl bouki' be :1. tclli o " y uu knuw t h is tcrba k kcr">~ f" rint~t:t.ncc. c •·er ('r n•al :d~ n n . bh·.·~i u " ~ .. ,,. ji ~t g-row !inc witnt·r-~. who·n I :<1uo>k•• on their lcan!S. "lh•t.'< l t lu:y d uz tha t. ··An' s ay. you t!o u"t be a 1\":Ultiu" tt'r l"· a rut.loiu" me o f this c r ple:-~hu rc A. Allo·u - tir:tmmar olc pt.. Wo uo•wut·. II. 1\akcr--llij.('h >~o·lm.. l :ll'-~· 1 . Mt•rrill. Fn ··l !". 1\arrn ii"S- I'r inl"ip:ll. ll ill.o~buru. li•·rtrud... lloHI).(' hto n - lntc rmcolia tc do·pt .• Mar:<h· lit•I•L Hull :tuol llani~<lll l'rindp:tl. Kc uolall. I ji~t "r u nml this l'Orncr o'the kit.-lu: u ·· ~ a 1\·: \\'••11. tlw t~ri.Jakkcr <i<.lt':-1 t hat. An" tht'll t l1e~! pl:tuts ,.·_\"onrn - why. they l.tll"ill~ ,Ju~qol1 ] liol_l"ull. :wy lmll"'· o·r lit·o•. r·ri us-•kks S(.'C T lw who•n•ahnltt ~ .,f ""r bst )'t•:tr">~ St·niur>~; ,\ \·:tol:l.S. ,\ llo·n - S ixth j.!r:ulo:. Atll ij.!<t. of my ul" ola_v ~ ' W lty. J",J want Ertwst )). :\li ne r - ~ut to•:whin;c. ;\I n•. :'ll:try S . M"t'rkt•- Nut tr•adt iug. St:lr l.a ke. ~l :t lio• ~ . l'a!dt - ll ij.('h so·h ool a.~.•·t. ti f'L..' IIII"und. ~la1·ti u Xcl~•m - l'rilu·ip:l l. IIdia E. l'alifk:a- ll<JiiiJ.(' ]~'"'' j!r:uhmt•• wu rk. llninn I ira•lc ll"<or k. ll ill,.h• ,/••~•·]>lt ino• l':arl•·.'" A. B•ot·kwt•II- War•l pritwip:d . lll:aritwttl•. tcr die r ight otf. · r I ('uU loln"t have tltal "cr o l' p ipe o' rnine i n my mouth Utn~th, it's ]JUrty SO illl'tinw.~ . h:~rtl IJun"t ,l"ou k now. ter te:w h :an o' me. any of your tww trid•~· 11! " d ..).('. tht· liko•>~ I olu n "t think .1··•n uug ht tcr e'"en try to. '"T eri.Jakker be a hurt tn m('" Why. :~.i n "t l ulw•.,n· mon st o ut and st ro n g for :1 IH:in ' JJ:tst .• ,.,.,•.,;y·· u·_~.... ~t.'C m e ,Jig up the garden t!J i" lllllf'll i u· • :'lly ).('r:tnol · fathe r - y es, your grcal·gr:lmll:u her-ji.•t :t.~k y our ma "bout HUt. He ditl<.lnigh e igluy· uint· _l"•·ar olol. a n ' drank h~troler wbi~key than I ol:1r" •I rink. :1~ luu).(' a;~ he Jh ·cd in old Ke u uwk. au" that wa• lll"r···u Eolu:a E. Sa xlo•lt- 'l't.":Whillj.!, (;u ml~erlallo l . Eili•· A. S pl":tj.('Ut' - l ir:lm mar olc )lt.. llm·lo•y. 1\.c rtram s '\\"il7.•'r- llij!h so·houl as•" t. \' i..ta. ~l\·•tio· Swit:t.e r - Se•·••tul J.(r:11h~. \ 'i r'"lll:t. \ "];arlo·~ F. Wo•nu:r- \ \'ard prindpal. l-::111 t:lait·•· ,Jo·ronllf'Wht:l•"·k - fi r:t llllll:trolt• t>l .. \\'c.~t lidol . :'lbwh' E. W ilhur - ln t• r .uc•li:U•· dt•p t.. T w1o ]{i•···r .... Tlw n• t tr•·~··nt:l ti"n "' s . 1'. ~ - at t ltl:l L.:u i\·,-.r~it y i,. m·th in;.! ,,f whi•·h w•· an· tornu• l. ,\m•~IIK •mr ,\l uumi : t..·n• an· :O.Ii ~~,·~ f ].,ro·twe l'r:ay. ~4·11ic L:uu- ,.,, 1 s ixty years. An' those s trait jao·k··t fcJI.,w~ k'"f•l :1 prellt'hin' to'im n ight :~.n · tiB)'.Jireolkt iu " h···,] .]j,. •"" n 11r11tt"l:. :\lyra ~l:t11t l(' Jl c·•·w •l•·r. :a11•l if he didn' t .stop qu ic k. The_l' Jl1"e:tdtc•l a u· Jlf'l·:who:ol fun! :111tl ( ".,n).('d"" · lio· tw\"il•vo• :'lldtill :u11l ~~ ... ~-·r~. ](.,mttl ~. l'r:ty. lt m• l· 1l au ~.lik . THE NORMAL POINTER. 120 The "Sphinx" comes to ~~~ from the U. W . lt is as interesting :Ui usual. From [)P.Je\·nn, Wi!l., comes the "Wisconsi n Timu. '' We compliment tho l.'\litor U JKHI hi:~ choice o f matcri!LI. Iutcreating:-Beforo the :Lrriv:ll of the Amcric:IUS In Maniln thoro were throo s:t.loons in the l'il)': now there are one hundred sen:nty. "'l'he Cogswell I'ctit Courier'' is the nnmc of :t. neat. liltlc pnpcr th:Lt we h:wc recch·cd fr11m San Francisco, Cal. \ \ c arc plca.'«ltl tn rccci,·c thc..<>C papers from Jis tant lields nf cdncatinnal work. In tho Septcml>cr number of "Current Lit~rntu rc" Is o. \'cry interesting urtit•lo un ti ~lctl " \\'hnt Tramps Head." Those who arc iutcr'CliiCtl in our "tramp problem" willlilul n. novel sitlo o f his chnrnctcr tlis· cnS!IC<l in thill tlrtic lc. 1~ is ''Our T imes" is n vnl uab!o Jiulc magnzinc. publishod mo nthly a nd contains much informatinn. Late scientilic d\i!(..'O\'eri~s arc lli scu;;s~l atul pulitical situations arc rc\·iowt.od. It. is a m:!.ga;o;ine th:lt is adapted for home nml school reading. What a ~boo\ paper should ('(lnlaiu is a question upon whkh ~litorinlllt:lfb seem to diller. We no· ti<.:o one paper ll!king o f its contributoN original stories and poems, a nother consists principally or "funny thiugg," and another ~con t:li ns almost noth· ing about the school in which it Is published. What test shall wo apply_' _ __ _ If we live entirely within our own school we nrc liable to become narrow·rolndcd and scllish. Tho school publications, that nrc referred to fMm time to time in this cohlfDU, mny ·bo fouQ.d in tho Normal Reading Uoom.. Ucnd them a nd lenrn what other schools are doing; learn that other tchools publish papers, have athletics, litcrnry societies, debaters ttod orators; learu that the Jllcasurcs :lnd sorrows we experience a nd the 1llllicultic9 that we meet with and overcome nrc the common fate of niL Normal Gmllu:uos-"1 tu n a poor lonesome school teacher In north-eentral Wiscousi u. I rceeh·e ~ JK:r month with a promi5:0 of 140 next . year. My prctlcees!lor w:~.s :1. Nt>rm:LI graduate, therefore [ haYc a hard school to man:~.gc. T hauk goodness he ditlu't st:~.y but t hree months. There mny he some good u~:~.chers who are Normal gmduntcs but I ha\"On't seen any ns yet." This wail o f tho "poor lone school tc:~.cher" hns a familiar sound. We nil ha\·e hc:ml it in subst:..nce before. from somosehool bonr.l oflicinl m:ty be. Certainly somo Normal gr.uluatus m:\ke a complete failure of tea ching nnd so do some girls make LL f:l.i lurc of d ish washing. Tho teacher is a poor tc:teher not bt.><:anse of his Normal school training but in s pite of it. T he snw mill cannot make a sound timber .fro m n. r otten log. We regret \'Cry much that we are unable to make the excha nge column, in t his issue, as interesting ns usual. The publication of school papers Is nccessar· ily l!IUSJ)QDdcJ during tho summer m onths our is.rmC!I beginning and e nding with tho school year. Owing 10 this fact there is a dearth of materinl for the ex· change column iu t his Issue. The School Journal t hus gin~s the qualilications or a school l:IU perintentln.nt: "Alert aod watchful. independent and fair, broad and liberal, thoroughly in touch with the most advanced thought iu tho cd· uc:nimml world . Yet endowt.>d with n. pronount;c(i and s:u ·ing lea\'CIJ or sound common sense." J>o they ask too much ? - -Advice: to Votas. For wnr, Teddy, taxntion and trustA,voto for Wm. McKinley. For the coflstitutinn, peace, panic and popu lbun. \'Ole for W. J. Blj·•_"_· _ __ J amcs:- My aunt hn.s j ust d ied. Is tho undertaker in ! As9istaut:- Wo.nt t.o !ICf him on businOS!If' J amcs:-No! plcrumro.-Lifc. Jle:-Don't you tru9t me any moro? She:-No, I belong to au o.nti·trust o.s.soclntion. Most men nrc like eggs. too full or tlieruselvos to. t'Ontain at"tythiug else.- Josh Billiug!f, T H E NO R~I :\ 1. POI NTER. ••tllo·r~ u•a l..i n~: 1:1tns. a ,1,,,., •. \H•U••' a n•I llt:l ll}" a n• TJ.{·.r an· q·r.•· m u,·h imr rc~!o·ol in t h i.~ wo rk. and T he lli r•l!i. Bnsy 13c•·s aud \\" •u·ker• a r .. :t~-::dn at work u ntlc r the J i r ect i"n <Jf :II i ~.~ F:td•li• It i~ iu· ,J,.,.,\ :\ hom elike ruo m iu wl1idt. t lwy hu•y th<'lll· tu llw m fnnn ll u.; ' " l l :,;,j. the pll':1•a n tl•,.t part uf ~•·ln•s. ,.f work. wi t h i!.i flo wers. b r:uwhc•. p k11tr...•s. loin!,;. UI'Sii. :\11<1 t hei r olt! frit·ntl ··li vl• lie ·· A ~···l l< ow pum p ki n h:~ i ts pbl'~ :d~o :~ a pr..sent u<eol The ·· Bi n ls' ·· wo r k th'-'_\" a n ' it•<"lf i~ mak in ~ in th•· room. :m•l model by t ho.: i~ ·· \\" ,rk o ·r~ e <pO't·ially i.~ a• "'"I" :tn•l fu n li.-hi nj:a hou••· T lw hon•t" t wo ;;tnr ics i n lwi ~:ht. and i· m:t•\(· of !"'"•"•. Ito' iUOII "l'o.: :t h onH' wh i.-!1 i~ Fitz~t·nlol h at·e :tg::t in F~ourth Jtr:tdo• foonm·.l. :l pprut·col 0111 1. On Friolay. the ti me f111" tlu·u•ua l u p tiun:t l wudi. <>!II' of the th·,. ~:irl• :L•I.•·•I po· nn i<,.iun of tho• · o·hool tn g i\"tl :1 · 11"1"\ l'lltl• r tai nml'l11. T hl' pu pi l:~ 11"1'1~ "n ly tuo ~:l:ld :1\ T ho• 1>1"<•!!1":1111 Wa• ellj<>)"l'< l loy t h•· wh<olo· •o•ht>ul ..~u ~lllll'l"l" i.•i on h~.~o·u ~:i 1·cn IIJJ of ;\l i• ,. tu o u r p ra.-tio-c tho· ~irl • :u··· 1\"ut·kin!t now foound :1 •loun ••n•· in :111 ••1.1 "11 a pl:Ly T ho•.r h:t n } :111•1 a r e · ·~t. ~ id1•>l:L'-'.·· pl:tnn iu;! to h a1·e t<'ll " r t·lct"t' ll :.:ir l• iu it a\~" \u1pt· tu di:tr")!•' :u!mi"'"'iun a ( "hri• li ii:L"' p r•·••·nt loot" T ho.: w a:~ awl n«>lll~. .,f th<' First ~radc T he ~co·mul. T h ird a nd Fnurt h g:ra.h•• in tlw T hi r.! ward pu bli•· St"\ii)Q\ il llllcr t ht• ·n ll'ir t• lan l'n tiro•ly tht• work wc:tt•in g: tl1e •·arpets. p:t]Wrin j.! tlw will <'lll t·t·t a i11111l'U1 tu J.!rant thi•. <utll•• p n ..oJ::: I":tlll """ " g-in.!u . cun:oist inj: uf a •11111-: l•.r "'"" .,f tlw J,!i r l•. a n •o·itatiun loy cao·h o f th•· ro•n.:d n in:: l•nu·. :tnol a •ong loy :ll r~. l..'lo•mc n t . wltilo• t lw furnish illj.:S. t a ble.~. •·h:lir· . IJed• a mi t.un·aus a re tu:td l\ o f pa s to·b.,a rd T ho.: •·hiioh·o•n an• a l ~·• T lu· ::irls. uf,·nnr••·. an• taki ll;! 111' :1 ol itft• t"o•n t li nc .\ :.:run p of til·,. wa~ fu nul•ol whl·n t ho o p- tional wurk tir •t hq..::w. :uul t lwy tlcd d t•d tu J:::i \"~ :111 of. a nd withum 111'1 1' W:l< o•a rrio•1l ·· i n tc ro· ·ti n~o: tlw• b ,r T ht•y :H I• I t'ai~l\ Hl" l lt'}' ~< <Ill<" "II <' to wh" ,;c 11a1Uc is now :1\.llllyin)! :d.11 •11t l "hiua thO' <· try . JJ(•o p le. •·har:wtcl'l' a w l ou···upa ti,.n •. a 1"l h:ll"c been l"l\1"). tmwh i ntc rc.~tl\d in ma king t "l1i T lw :O:t\th t i r~t• l t• l ll· t• • r~· 1. ,\ T ill" l ntcrmetli:tt e d c p:trtlllcnt ha.• :ttl c nrooll nwn t "f fo rty- fo ur p u pils-fu urtcen J:irls a nd th irty l~•ys . This i!i an Ull!ISII:l.ll y largt.: m :tjurity of h..y~. :tnolthe ,.J:t""' i~ nmt· ah•mt t"\ jll" t"l'r•. and til•• fu\lowin;! ii :t l.a ...:1\te W:l."' l~oru <,\ ~t uolyi np: ~t or.l" of 1. 1. ~: in F r:llll'C. lie h:td a g nod •·•h wat ion a nd ll"!l~ t·cr~· h11111"<\. Urw day ho• :Liked per mission to ,.,.n w .,,.,.r to ,\ un.-ril·a :uu l ,]i,.,.o\·cr ri t·cr.~ and l"olllllrics. practif·e tC:U"her:o rea lize it wh .. n t lwy lw •·•· a cl:L., 1\l'·lcnr "' l tl·euty·onc hoys a n d on l ~· four :.:irl.~ A new p la n o r w o r k i:~ n J.: t r il.-.1 in tl!i-< oh· p:lrt· pl•l"lui--iuu tug:u. a nd litto·d <oU t a <"l"o'W o f fuu rtcc u men :uul a good ship. T l...y l:uull'd :1t :lluut rcal. mct1t a t t ht' sugg1~st ion u f IJ•· ~o·qt t. On w ,.,Ju•·• · d ay. T hursday and Frid ay ••f e:wh WI.Tk a h:.lf :m hour is g:ive n up to optional wo r k. T he ("hi l~l ro·n tdll'ft": t h<"_\" !l~tdc<l with t lw T ln-nthcy,;:a il•••l t llrtJU)!h T \w l nd ia u~ k ing ;!:I I'll him a nd bu ilt :t furl. thr·~o:rcat l:tkes an< ll:tml~d :tt tho: mouth .,f t he ~ i:t;.:a ra r il"c r. am i built :1 warc - t>enui ttetl to do any t hi ng tlwy w i~h . Jll'(> t"ioll·ol h•JU•l\ au•I left :t f~.~w 111•·u tH g uanl it . th:u it is fo r sclf·i mpro •'em c uL o r t he impr• ol"l\mc ut •tar ted up t h~• l:1k•~• ag:a iu :utd lawl,.d at t ile uw u t h vf th•· St. ,/ u~ rin·r . :tud •a ilc<l 1111 a way s. carrie<! nf oti.Jc rs. They :1re obli ~rc<i to lind un t fur thO' tn· -<e l\"l\S som e thi11g to d o . re por t t his to ,\l i~;~ (lnilln. thc· ~u per\"i;~or of t he d t.: p:trtl ne u t. a111l if t ill")" 1·:u1 l!i'> e a good r eason for d o illj.! tlw work they arc ].ot·r· mitted to carry o u t t h ei r p la n!J. A.• r,.,.. SUf.!"J.!CSti"lh as vo:osilole a re gh•eo loy :'<l i!J~ Quiun o r IJr. :-;<"uti. ·v thl'y rely eutirely ou them ~el l"e~ T he IJO_ys a t ti rs t wa n ted lO pl:ly f•JOthall. hm tlmt pl:w w as put o ff for :1 time. :~nd t hey :~ rc now hn·.\· in di!Tenwt w::t.ys. T wo o f t ho.\ lx•r· ::~ rc •uakinl-(" :1 ba njo. a nd ha l·e se n t :1W:1y f(•r st r ing• f•.or it . two o the r:> a r e maki n g a n e a t little bird huu•c . T hen t!JCy tl 1t·i r ~·a no<" :ll"l"""'"' a p rairi•· and str uek :~ iltua ll ~tn·am T lw.l" -:lill-..1 .tuwn :m d it ;.:ot b r~oecr :11111 l:tq.::c r :urd tiu:tlly ,aih.~ l into tim :llis;;i,-;i ppi ::11111 J<J II ~ :ll unTr-r. llown to t/w muuth T hc t; r:ll lll nar•lt•partmen t. u w kr tlu· • ll pcn·isiun of ~ i-• t i ray. h:l"' tlli• yo ·:t ~ a u o·n ru lhuc lll o f fifty· t•\"o·pupil•. two·ntyof wh..m art· fro~ m ward 1.1r par· ,,.·hi:tl ,,.J..,.,I•. :mol hat·•· o •u t o·r~.~d tlw ~urmal fu r t hu tir"t time T lu· t i r:tlllt<l:tr f' " ' m i · lll:ttl•· l"l·ry jJle:l..i· a nt:W• I di'-'' 'rfu! l<ytheuuwl ... r.,fhuU•<' J.o\auL.; which in t!w wiwl'"'"' :ur•l "ntlw ta l.olc~ ; 1 rc f .,IIIHI